5th meeting of the international research project Hamburg-Paris-Oxford "Astroparticle Physics with Multiple Messengers"
APC, Paris - March 6-7, 2014

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Hotel list:
Most of hotels near APC are more expensive. Here is the list with prices and distance to APC. There are options of hotels in the center of Paris in Quartier Latin, some of which have reasonable price. Here is the list. One can reach APC building from Quartier Latin by RER C or metro. From RER C station 'Saint-Michel Notre-Dame' 2 stops to 'Bibliotheque Francois Mitterrand' takes 5-10 minutes. Take the 'south' exit ('Grands Moulins') and walk another 5 minutes. APC building is on the picture below. Some less expansive options are here. Also some resonable hotels you can find on the Istitute of Astrophysics list here.