Public Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes
G4DensityEffectCalculator Class Reference

#include <G4DensityEffectCalculator.hh>

Public Member Functions

G4double ComputeDensityCorrection (G4double x)
 G4DensityEffectCalculator (const G4Material *, G4int)
 ~G4DensityEffectCalculator ()

Private Member Functions

G4double DEll (G4double)
G4double DeltaOnceSolved (G4double)
G4double DFRho (G4double)
G4double Ell (G4double)
G4double FermiDeltaCalculation (G4double x)
G4double FRho (G4double)
G4double Newton (G4double x0, G4bool first)

Private Attributes

G4double fConductivity
const G4MaterialfMaterial
G4int fVerbose
G4int fWarnings
G4double meanexcite
const G4int nlev
G4double plasmaE
G4double sternx

Detailed Description

Definition at line 53 of file G4DensityEffectCalculator.hh.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ G4DensityEffectCalculator()

G4DensityEffectCalculator::G4DensityEffectCalculator ( const G4Material mat,
G4int  n 

Definition at line 56 of file

57 : fMaterial(mat), fVerbose(0), fWarnings(0), nlev(n)
61 sternf = new G4double [nlev];
62 levE = new G4double [nlev];
63 sternl = new G4double [nlev];
64 sternEbar = new G4double [nlev];
65 for(G4int i=0; i<nlev; ++i) {
66 sternf[i] = 0.0;
67 levE[i] = 0.0;
68 sternl[i] = 0.0;
69 sternEbar[i] = 0.0;
70 }
72 fConductivity = sternx = 0.0;
73 G4bool conductor = (fMaterial->GetFreeElectronDensity() > 0.0);
75 G4int sh = 0;
76 G4double sum = 0.;
78 for(size_t j = 0; j < fMaterial->GetNumberOfElements(); ++j) {
79 // The last subshell is considered to contain the conduction
80 // electrons. Sternheimer 1984 says "the lowest chemical valance of
81 // the element" is used to set the number of conduction electrons.
82 // I'm not sure if that means the highest subshell or the whole
83 // shell, but in any case, he also says that the choice is arbitrary
84 // and offers a possible alternative. This is one of the sources of
85 // uncertainty in the model.
86 const G4double frac = fMaterial->GetVecNbOfAtomsPerVolume()[j]/tot;
87 const G4int Z = fMaterial->GetElement(j)->GetZasInt();
89 for(G4int i = 0; i < nshell; ++i) {
90 // For conductors, put *all* top shell electrons into the conduction
91 // band, regardless of element.
93 if(i < nshell-1 || !conductor) {
94 sternf[sh] += xx;
95 } else {
96 fConductivity += xx;
97 }
99 ++sh;
100 }
101 }
102 for(G4int i=0; i<nlev; ++i) {
103 sum += sternf[i];
104 }
105 sum += fConductivity;
107 const G4double invsum = (sum > 0.0) ? 1./sum : 0.0;
108 for(G4int i=0; i<nlev; ++i) {
109 sternf[i] *= invsum;
110 }
111 fConductivity *= invsum;
double G4double
Definition: G4Types.hh:83
bool G4bool
Definition: G4Types.hh:86
int G4int
Definition: G4Types.hh:85
const G4int Z[17]
static G4int GetNumberOfElectrons(G4int Z, G4int SubshellNb)
static G4double GetBindingEnergy(G4int Z, G4int SubshellNb)
static G4int GetNumberOfShells(G4int Z)
G4int GetZasInt() const
Definition: G4Element.hh:132
G4double GetMeanExcitationEnergy() const
G4double GetPlasmaEnergy() const
G4double GetTotNbOfAtomsPerVolume() const
Definition: G4Material.hh:205
const G4Element * GetElement(G4int iel) const
Definition: G4Material.hh:198
G4IonisParamMat * GetIonisation() const
Definition: G4Material.hh:222
G4double GetFreeElectronDensity() const
Definition: G4Material.hh:175
size_t GetNumberOfElements() const
Definition: G4Material.hh:182
const G4double * GetVecNbOfAtomsPerVolume() const
Definition: G4Material.hh:202
static G4NistManager * Instance()
static constexpr double eV
T max(const T t1, const T t2)
brief Return the largest of the two arguments

References CLHEP::eV, fConductivity, fMaterial, fVerbose, G4AtomicShells::GetBindingEnergy(), G4Material::GetElement(), G4Material::GetFreeElectronDensity(), G4Material::GetIonisation(), G4IonisParamMat::GetMeanExcitationEnergy(), G4AtomicShells::GetNumberOfElectrons(), G4Material::GetNumberOfElements(), G4AtomicShells::GetNumberOfShells(), G4IonisParamMat::GetPlasmaEnergy(), G4Material::GetTotNbOfAtomsPerVolume(), G4Material::GetVecNbOfAtomsPerVolume(), G4Element::GetZasInt(), G4NistManager::Instance(), levE, G4INCL::Math::max(), meanexcite, nlev, plasmaE, sternEbar, sternf, sternl, sternx, and Z.

◆ ~G4DensityEffectCalculator()

G4DensityEffectCalculator::~G4DensityEffectCalculator ( )

Definition at line 116 of file

118 delete [] sternf;
119 delete [] levE;
120 delete [] sternl;
121 delete [] sternEbar;

References levE, sternEbar, sternf, and sternl.

Member Function Documentation

◆ ComputeDensityCorrection()

G4double G4DensityEffectCalculator::ComputeDensityCorrection ( G4double  x)

Definition at line 124 of file

126 if(fVerbose > 1) {
127 G4cout << "G4DensityEffectCalculator::ComputeDensityCorrection for "
128 << fMaterial->GetName() << ", x= " << x << G4endl;
129 }
131 const G4double exact = FermiDeltaCalculation(x);
133 if(fVerbose > 1) {
134 G4cout << " Delta: computed= " << exact
135 << ", parametrized= " << approx << G4endl;
136 }
137 if(approx >= 0. && exact < 0.) {
138 if(fVerbose > 0) {
139 ++fWarnings;
140 if(fWarnings < maxWarnings) {
142 ed << "Sternheimer fit failed for " << fMaterial->GetName()
143 << ", x = " << x << ": Delta exact= "
144 << exact << ", approx= " << approx;
145 G4Exception("G4DensityEffectCalculator::DensityCorrection", "mat008",
146 JustWarning, ed);
147 }
148 }
149 return approx;
150 }
151 // Fall back to approx if exact and approx are very different, under the
152 // assumption that this means the exact calculation has gone haywire
153 // somehow, with the exception of the case where approx is negative. I
154 // have seen this clearly-wrong result occur for substances with extremely
155 // low density (1e-25 g/cc).
156 if(approx >= 0. && std::abs(exact - approx) > 1.) {
157 if(fVerbose > 0) {
158 ++fWarnings;
159 if(fWarnings < maxWarnings) {
161 ed << "Sternheimer exact= " << exact << " and approx= "
162 << approx << " are too different for "
163 << fMaterial->GetName() << ", x = " << x;
164 G4Exception("G4DensityEffectCalculator::DensityCorrection", "mat008",
165 JustWarning, ed);
166 }
167 }
168 return approx;
169 }
170 return exact;
const G4int maxWarnings
@ JustWarning
void G4Exception(const char *originOfException, const char *exceptionCode, G4ExceptionSeverity severity, const char *description)
std::ostringstream G4ExceptionDescription
Definition: G4Exception.hh:40
#define G4endl
Definition: G4ios.hh:57
G4GLOB_DLL std::ostream G4cout
G4double FermiDeltaCalculation(G4double x)
G4double GetDensityCorrection(G4double x)
const G4String & GetName() const
Definition: G4Material.hh:173

References FermiDeltaCalculation(), fMaterial, fVerbose, fWarnings, G4cout, G4endl, G4Exception(), G4IonisParamMat::GetDensityCorrection(), G4Material::GetIonisation(), G4Material::GetName(), JustWarning, and maxWarnings.

Referenced by G4IonisParamMat::DensityCorrection().

◆ DEll()

G4double G4DensityEffectCalculator::DEll ( G4double  L)

Definition at line 329 of file

331 G4double ans = 0.;
332 for(G4int i=0; i<nlev; ++i) {
333 if(sternf[i] > 0 && (sternEbar[i] > 0. || L != 0.)) {
334 const G4double y = gpow->powN(sternEbar[i], 2);
335 ans += sternf[i]/gpow->powN(y + L*L, 2);
336 }
337 }
338 ans += fConductivity/gpow->powN(L*L, 2);
339 ans *= (-2*L); // pulled out of the loop for efficiency
340 return ans;
static G4Pow * gpow
static constexpr double L
Definition: G4SIunits.hh:104
G4double powN(G4double x, G4int n) const

References fConductivity, gpow, L, nlev, G4Pow::powN(), sternEbar, and sternf.

Referenced by Newton().

◆ DeltaOnceSolved()

G4double G4DensityEffectCalculator::DeltaOnceSolved ( G4double  sternL)

Given the Sternheimer parameter l (called 'sternL' here), and that the l_i and adjusted energies have been found with SetupFermiDeltaCalc(), return the value of delta. Helper function for DoFermiDeltaCalc().

Definition at line 365 of file

367 G4double ans = 0.;
368 for(G4int i=0; i<nlev; ++i) {
369 if(sternf[i] > 0.) {
370 ans += sternf[i] * G4Log((gpow->powN(sternl[i], 2)
371 + gpow->powN(sternL, 2))/gpow->powN(sternl[i], 2));
372 }
373 }
374 // sternl for the conduction electrons is sqrt(fConductivity), with
375 // no factor of 2./3 as with the other levels.
376 if(fConductivity > 0) {
378 + gpow->powN(sternL, 2))/fConductivity);
379 }
380 ans -= gpow->powN(sternL, 2)/(1 + gpow->powZ(10, 2 * sternx));
381 return ans;
G4double G4Log(G4double x)
Definition: G4Log.hh:226
G4double powZ(G4int Z, G4double y) const
Definition: G4Pow.hh:225

References fConductivity, G4Log(), gpow, nlev, G4Pow::powN(), G4Pow::powZ(), sternf, sternl, and sternx.

Referenced by FermiDeltaCalculation().

◆ DFRho()

G4double G4DensityEffectCalculator::DFRho ( G4double  rho)

Definition at line 294 of file

296 G4double ans = 0.0;
297 for(G4int i = 0; i < nlev; ++i) {
298 if(sternf[i] > 0.) {
299 ans += sternf[i] * gpow->powN(levE[i], 2) * rho /
300 (gpow->powN(levE[i] * rho, 2)
301 + 2./3. * sternf[i] * gpow->powN(plasmaE, 2));
302 }
303 }
304 return ans;

References gpow, levE, nlev, plasmaE, G4Pow::powN(), and sternf.

Referenced by Newton().

◆ Ell()

G4double G4DensityEffectCalculator::Ell ( G4double  L)

Definition at line 345 of file

347 G4double ans = 0.;
348 for(G4int i=0; i<nlev; ++i) {
349 if(sternf[i] > 0. && (sternEbar[i] > 0. || L != 0.)) {
350 ans += sternf[i]/(gpow->powN(sternEbar[i], 2) + L*L);
351 }
352 }
353 if(fConductivity > 0. && L != 0.) {
354 ans += fConductivity/(L*L);
355 }
356 ans -= gpow->powZ(10, -2 * sternx);
357 return ans;

References fConductivity, gpow, L, nlev, G4Pow::powN(), G4Pow::powZ(), sternEbar, sternf, and sternx.

Referenced by FermiDeltaCalculation(), and Newton().

◆ FermiDeltaCalculation()

G4double G4DensityEffectCalculator::FermiDeltaCalculation ( G4double  x)

Definition at line 173 of file

175 // Above beta*gamma of 10^10, the exact treatment is within machine
176 // precision of the limiting case, for ordinary solids, at least. The
177 // convergence goes up as the density goes down, but even in a pretty
178 // hard vacuum it converges by 10^20. Also, it's hard to imagine how
179 // this energy is relevant (x = 20 -> 10^19 GeV for muons). So this
180 // is mostly not here for physical reasons, but rather to avoid ugly
181 // discontinuities in the return value.
182 if(x > 20.) { return -1.; }
184 sternx = x;
185 G4double sternrho = Newton(1.5, true);
187 // Negative values, and values much larger than unity are non-physical.
188 // Values between zero and one are also suspect, but not as clearly wrong.
189 if(sternrho <= 0. || sternrho > 100.) {
190 if(fVerbose > 0) {
191 ++fWarnings;
192 if(fWarnings < maxWarnings) {
194 ed << "Sternheimer computation failed for " << fMaterial->GetName()
195 << ", x = " << x << ":\n"
196 << "Could not solve for Sternheimer rho. Probably you have a \n"
197 << "mean ionization energy which is incompatible with your\n"
198 << "distribution of energy levels, or an unusually dense material.\n"
199 << "Number of levels: " << nlev
200 << " Mean ionization energy(eV): " << meanexcite
201 << " Plasma energy(eV): " << plasmaE << "\n";
202 for(G4int i = 0; i < nlev; ++i) {
203 ed << "Level " << i << ": strength " << sternf[i]
204 << ": energy(eV)= " << levE[i] << "\n";
205 }
206 G4Exception("G4DensityEffectCalculator::SetupFermiDeltaCalc", "mat008",
207 JustWarning, ed);
208 }
209 }
210 return -1.;
211 }
213 // Calculate the Sternheimer adjusted energy levels and parameters l_i given
214 // the Sternheimer parameter rho.
215 for(G4int i=0; i<nlev; ++i) {
216 sternEbar[i] = levE[i] * (sternrho/plasmaE);
217 sternl[i] = std::sqrt(gpow->powN(sternEbar[i], 2) + (2./3.)*sternf[i]);
218 }
219 // The derivative of the function we are solving for is strictly
220 // negative for positive (physical) values, so if the value at
221 // zero is less than zero, it has no solution, and there is no
222 // density effect in the Sternheimer "exact" treatment (which is
223 // still an approximation).
224 //
225 // For conductors, this test is not needed, because Ell(L) contains
226 // the term fConductivity/(L*L), so the value at L=0 is always
227 // positive infinity. In the code we don't return inf, though, but
228 // rather set that term to zero, which means that if this test were
229 // used, it would give the wrong result for some materials.
230 if(fConductivity == 0 && Ell(0) <= 0) return 0;
232 // Attempt to find the root from 40 starting points evenly distributed
233 // in log space. Trying a single starting point is not sufficient for
234 // convergence in most cases.
235 for(G4int startLi = -10; startLi < 30; ++startLi){
236 const G4double sternL = Newton(gpow->powN(2, startLi), false);
237 if(sternL != -1.) {
238 return DeltaOnceSolved(sternL);
239 }
240 }
241 return -1.; // Signal the caller to use the Sternheimer approximation,
242 // because we have been unable to solve the exact form.
G4double Newton(G4double x0, G4bool first)

References DeltaOnceSolved(), Ell(), fConductivity, fMaterial, fVerbose, fWarnings, G4Exception(), G4Material::GetName(), gpow, JustWarning, levE, maxWarnings, meanexcite, Newton(), nlev, plasmaE, G4Pow::powN(), sternEbar, sternf, sternl, and sternx.

Referenced by ComputeDensityCorrection().

◆ FRho()

G4double G4DensityEffectCalculator::FRho ( G4double  rho)

Definition at line 309 of file

311 G4double ans = 0.0;
312 for(G4int i = 0; i<nlev; ++i) {
313 if(sternf[i] > 0.) {
314 ans += sternf[i] * G4Log(gpow->powN(levE[i]*rho, 2) +
315 2./3. * sternf[i]*gpow->powN(plasmaE, 2));
316 }
317 }
318 ans *= 0.5; // pulled out of loop for efficiency
320 if(fConductivity > 0.) {
321 ans += fConductivity * G4Log(plasmaE * std::sqrt(fConductivity));
322 }
323 ans -= G4Log(meanexcite);
324 return ans;

References fConductivity, G4Log(), gpow, levE, meanexcite, nlev, plasmaE, G4Pow::powN(), and sternf.

Referenced by Newton().

◆ Newton()

G4double G4DensityEffectCalculator::Newton ( G4double  x0,
G4bool  first 

Definition at line 248 of file

250 const G4int maxIter = 100;
251 G4int nbad = 0, ngood = 0;
253 G4double lambda(start), value(0.), dvalue(0.);
255 if(fVerbose > 2) {
256 G4cout << "G4DensityEffectCalculator::Newton: strat= " << start
257 << " type: " << first << G4endl;
258 }
259 while(true) {
260 if(first) {
261 value = FRho(lambda);
262 dvalue = DFRho(lambda);
263 } else {
264 value = Ell(lambda);
265 dvalue = DEll(lambda);
266 }
267 if(dvalue == 0.0) { break; }
268 const G4double del = value/dvalue;
269 lambda -= del;
271 const G4double eps = std::abs(del/lambda);
272 if(eps <= 1.e-12) {
273 ++ngood;
274 if(ngood == 2) {
275 if(fVerbose > 2) {
276 G4cout << " Converged with result= " << lambda << G4endl;
277 }
278 return lambda;
279 }
280 } else {
281 ++nbad;
282 }
283 if(nbad > maxIter || std::isnan(value) || std::isinf(value)) { break; }
284 }
285 if(fVerbose > 2) {
286 G4cout << " Failed to converge last value= " << value
287 << " dvalue= " << dvalue << " lambda= " << lambda << G4endl;
288 }
289 return -1.;
static const G4double eps

References DEll(), DFRho(), Ell(), eps, FRho(), fVerbose, G4cout, G4endl, and G4InuclParticleNames::lambda.

Referenced by FermiDeltaCalculation().

Field Documentation

◆ fConductivity

G4double G4DensityEffectCalculator::fConductivity

◆ fMaterial

const G4Material* G4DensityEffectCalculator::fMaterial

◆ fVerbose

G4int G4DensityEffectCalculator::fVerbose

◆ fWarnings

G4int G4DensityEffectCalculator::fWarnings

Definition at line 90 of file G4DensityEffectCalculator.hh.

Referenced by ComputeDensityCorrection(), and FermiDeltaCalculation().

◆ levE

G4double* G4DensityEffectCalculator::levE

◆ meanexcite

G4double G4DensityEffectCalculator::meanexcite

◆ nlev

const G4int G4DensityEffectCalculator::nlev

◆ plasmaE

G4double G4DensityEffectCalculator::plasmaE

◆ sternEbar

G4double* G4DensityEffectCalculator::sternEbar

◆ sternf

G4double* G4DensityEffectCalculator::sternf

◆ sternl

G4double* G4DensityEffectCalculator::sternl

◆ sternx

G4double G4DensityEffectCalculator::sternx

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: