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26// G4SingleParticleSource
28// Class description:
30// The Single Particle Source is designed to extend the functionality of the
31// G4ParticleGun class. It is designed to allow specification of input
32// particles in terms of position, direction (or angular) and energy
33// distributions. It is used by the General Particle source class
34// and it is derived from G4VPrimaryGenerator.
36// Note on thread safety:
37// G4SingleParticleSource instances can be shared among threads.
38// GeneratePrimaryVertex is protected via a mutex because underlying
39// generators are not assumed to be thread-safe.
40// Note that internal status of this class is assumed to be changed by
41// master thread (typically via UI commands)
42// Only one thread should use the set-methods here.
43// If you use the set methods to set defaults in your
44// application take care that only one thread is executing them.
45// In addition take care of calling these methods before the run is started
46// Do not use these setters during the event loop
48// Author: Fan Lei, QinetiQ ltd.
49// Customer: ESA/ESTEC
50// History:
51// - 05/02/2004, Fan Lei - Created.
52// Based on the G4GeneralParticleSource class
53// - 06/06/2014, Andrea Dotti
54// Added a mutex to protect access to shared resources (data members)
55// --------------------------------------------------------------------
56#ifndef G4SingleParticleSource_hh
57#define G4SingleParticleSource_hh 1
60#include "G4ParticleMomentum.hh"
67#include "G4Threading.hh"
68#include "G4Cache.hh"
72 public:
75 // Constructor: initializes variables and instantiates the
76 // messenger and navigator classes
79 // Destructor: deletes messenger and prints out run information
82 // Generate the particles initial parameters
84 inline G4SPSPosDistribution* GetPosDist() const { return posGenerator; }
85 // Return a pointer to the position distribution generator
87 inline G4SPSAngDistribution* GetAngDist() const { return angGenerator; }
88 // Return a pointer to the angular distribution generator
90 inline G4SPSEneDistribution* GetEneDist() const { return eneGenerator; }
91 // Return a pointer to the energy distribution generator
93 inline G4SPSRandomGenerator* GetBiasRndm() const { return biasRndm; }
94 // Return a pointer to the biased random number generator
96 void SetVerbosity(G4int);
97 // Set the verbosity level
99 void SetParticleDefinition(G4ParticleDefinition* aParticleDefinition);
101 { return definition; }
102 // Get/Set the particle definition of the primary track
104 inline void SetParticleCharge(G4double aCharge) { charge = aCharge; }
105 // Set the charge state of the primary track
107 inline void SetParticlePolarization(const G4ThreeVector& aVal)
108 { polarization = aVal; }
110 { return polarization; }
111 // Set/Get the polarization state of the primary track
113 inline void SetParticleTime(G4double aTime) { time = aTime; }
114 inline G4double GetParticleTime() const { return time; }
115 // Set/Get the Time
121 // Set/get the number of particles to be generated in the primary track
124 { return ParticleProperties.Get().position; }
126 { return ParticleProperties.Get().momentum_direction; }
128 { return ParticleProperties.Get().energy; }
129 // Get the position, direction, and energy of the current particle
131 private:
138 // Other particle properties
139 // These need to be thread-local because a getter for them exits
140 //
142 {
146 part_prop_t();
147 };
157 // Verbosity
160 // This can be a shared resource.
161 // This mutex is uses in GeneratePrimaryVertex
std::mutex G4Mutex
Definition: G4Threading.hh:81
double G4double
Definition: G4Types.hh:83
int G4int
Definition: G4Types.hh:85
G4SPSPosDistribution * posGenerator
G4ThreeVector GetParticlePosition() const
void SetParticleTime(G4double aTime)
void SetParticleDefinition(G4ParticleDefinition *aParticleDefinition)
G4Cache< part_prop_t > ParticleProperties
G4SPSAngDistribution * GetAngDist() const
void GeneratePrimaryVertex(G4Event *evt)
const G4ThreeVector & GetParticlePolarization() const
G4SPSRandomGenerator * GetBiasRndm() const
G4SPSEneDistribution * GetEneDist() const
G4ParticleDefinition * definition
G4ThreeVector GetParticleMomentumDirection() const
G4SPSAngDistribution * angGenerator
void SetParticlePolarization(const G4ThreeVector &aVal)
G4SPSEneDistribution * eneGenerator
void SetParticleCharge(G4double aCharge)
G4ParticleDefinition * GetParticleDefinition() const
G4SPSRandomGenerator * biasRndm
G4SPSPosDistribution * GetPosDist() const