Quest for primordial gravitational waves: advanced map-making for the next generation of CMB B-mode polarization data sets.

Many popular theories of the early Universe predict that gravitational waves were generated in the very first moments of its life. These theories generally invoke new physics from beyond the standard model of the particle physics and the primordial gravitational waves are believed to carry clues about the nature of those new physics laws. Detecting the primordial gravitational waves would thus have revolutionary impact on our understanding of cosmology and fundamental physics. Currently the most promising, if not the only, way to achieving this is through observations of Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) polarization. The taletelling bits of information are contained in a pattern of minuscule CMB polarization anisotropies, which have to be recovered from huge volumes of data collected by current and forthcoming CMB experiments and characterized with unprecedented precision and robustness. These have to be recovered from vast data sets in a process referred to as map-making. The aim of the M2 internship will be to revisit some of the map-making procedure in the view of their performance and fidelity in particular in the context of their suitability for the sampling techniques.

This internship is expected to be followed by the PhD thesis. (See more details about the context and involved work on the proposed PhD topics page.)


R.Stompor (
J.Errard   (



R. Stompor, J. Errard






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