G4ComponentAntiNuclNuclearXS Class Reference

#include <G4ComponentAntiNuclNuclearXS.hh>

Inheritance diagram for G4ComponentAntiNuclNuclearXS:


Public Member Functions

 G4ComponentAntiNuclNuclearXS ()
virtual ~G4ComponentAntiNuclNuclearXS ()
virtual G4double GetTotalIsotopeCrossSection (const G4ParticleDefinition *aParticle, G4double kinEnergy, G4int Z, G4int A)
virtual G4double GetTotalElementCrossSection (const G4ParticleDefinition *aParticle, G4double kinEnergy, G4int Z, G4double A)
virtual G4double GetInelasticIsotopeCrossSection (const G4ParticleDefinition *aParticle, G4double kinEnergy, G4int Z, G4int A)
virtual G4double GetInelasticElementCrossSection (const G4ParticleDefinition *aParticle, G4double kinEnergy, G4int Z, G4double A)
virtual G4double GetElasticElementCrossSection (const G4ParticleDefinition *aParticle, G4double kinEnergy, G4int Z, G4double A)
virtual G4double GetElasticIsotopeCrossSection (const G4ParticleDefinition *aParticle, G4double kinEnergy, G4int Z, G4int A)
virtual void BuildPhysicsTable (const G4ParticleDefinition &)
virtual void DumpPhysicsTable (const G4ParticleDefinition &)
virtual void CrossSectionDescription (std::ostream &) const
G4double GetAntiHadronNucleonTotCrSc (const G4ParticleDefinition *aParticle, G4double kinEnergy)
G4double GetAntiHadronNucleonElCrSc (const G4ParticleDefinition *aParticle, G4double kinEnergy)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 57 of file G4ComponentAntiNuclNuclearXS.hh.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

G4ComponentAntiNuclNuclearXS::G4ComponentAntiNuclNuclearXS (  ) 

Definition at line 47 of file G4ComponentAntiNuclNuclearXS.cc.

References G4AntiAlpha::AntiAlpha(), G4AntiDeuteron::AntiDeuteron(), G4AntiHe3::AntiHe3(), G4AntiNeutron::AntiNeutron(), G4AntiProton::AntiProton(), and G4AntiTriton::AntiTriton().

00048 : G4VComponentCrossSection("AntiAGlauber"), fUpperLimit(10000*GeV),
00049   fLowerLimit(10*MeV), fRadiusEff(0.0), fRadiusNN2(0.0),
00050   fTotalXsc(0.0), fElasticXsc(0.0), fInelasticXsc(0.0),
00051   fAntiHadronNucleonTotXsc(0.0), fAntiHadronNucleonElXsc(0.0),
00052   Elab(0.0), S(0.0), SqrtS(0) 
00053 {
00054   theAProton       = G4AntiProton::AntiProton();
00055   theANeutron      = G4AntiNeutron::AntiNeutron();
00056   theADeuteron     = G4AntiDeuteron::AntiDeuteron();
00057   theATriton       = G4AntiTriton::AntiTriton();
00058   theAAlpha        = G4AntiAlpha::AntiAlpha();
00059   theAHe3          = G4AntiHe3::AntiHe3();
00061  Mn       = 0.93827231;           // GeV
00062  b0       = 11.92;                // GeV^(-2)
00063  b2       = 0.3036;               // GeV^(-2)
00064  SqrtS0   = 20.74;                // GeV
00065  S0       = 33.0625;              // GeV^2
00067 }

G4ComponentAntiNuclNuclearXS::~G4ComponentAntiNuclNuclearXS (  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 73 of file G4ComponentAntiNuclNuclearXS.cc.

00074 {
00075 }

Member Function Documentation

virtual void G4ComponentAntiNuclNuclearXS::BuildPhysicsTable ( const G4ParticleDefinition  )  [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented from G4VComponentCrossSection.

Definition at line 95 of file G4ComponentAntiNuclNuclearXS.hh.

00096  {}

void G4ComponentAntiNuclNuclearXS::CrossSectionDescription ( std::ostream &   )  const [virtual]

Definition at line 354 of file G4ComponentAntiNuclNuclearXS.cc.

00355 {
00356   outFile << "The G4ComponentAntiNuclNuclearXS calculates total,\n"
00357           << "inelastic, elastic cross sections  of anti-nucleons and light \n"
00358           << "anti-nucleus interactions with nuclei using Glauber's approach.\n"  
00359           << "It uses parametrizations of antiproton-proton total and elastic \n"
00360           << "cross sections and Wood-Saxon distribution of nuclear density.\n"   
00361           << "The lower limit is 10 MeV, the upper limit is 10 TeV.   \n"
00362           << "See details in Phys.Lett. B705 (2011) 235. \n";
00363 }

virtual void G4ComponentAntiNuclNuclearXS::DumpPhysicsTable ( const G4ParticleDefinition  )  [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented from G4VComponentCrossSection.

Definition at line 99 of file G4ComponentAntiNuclNuclearXS.hh.

00100  {}

G4double G4ComponentAntiNuclNuclearXS::GetAntiHadronNucleonElCrSc ( const G4ParticleDefinition aParticle,
G4double  kinEnergy 

Definition at line 329 of file G4ComponentAntiNuclNuclearXS.cc.

References GetAntiHadronNucleonTotCrSc().

00330 {
00331  G4double xsection;
00333  G4double   SigAss;
00334  G4double   C, d1, d2, d3  ;
00336  GetAntiHadronNucleonTotCrSc(aParticle,kinEnergy);
00338  SigAss   = 4.5 + 0.101*std::log(S/S0)*std::log(S/S0);            //mb
00340  C        = 59.27;
00341  d1       = -6.95;
00342  d2       = 23.54;
00343  d3       = -25.34;
00345  xsection = SigAss* (1 + 1. / (std::sqrt(S-4.*Mn*Mn)) / (std::pow(R0, 3.))
00346   *C* ( 1+d1/SqrtS+d2/(std::pow(SqrtS,2.))+d3/(std::pow(SqrtS,3.)) ));  
00348 //  xsection *= millibarn;
00350   fAntiHadronNucleonElXsc = xsection;
00351   return fAntiHadronNucleonElXsc;
00352 }

G4double G4ComponentAntiNuclNuclearXS::GetAntiHadronNucleonTotCrSc ( const G4ParticleDefinition aParticle,
G4double  kinEnergy 

Definition at line 290 of file G4ComponentAntiNuclNuclearXS.cc.

References G4ParticleDefinition::GetBaryonNumber(), and G4ParticleDefinition::GetPDGMass().

Referenced by GetAntiHadronNucleonElCrSc(), and G4AntiNuclElastic::SampleInvariantT().

00291 {
00292   G4double xsection, Pmass, Energy, momentum;
00293   const G4ParticleDefinition* theParticle = aParticle;
00294   Pmass=theParticle->GetPDGMass();
00295   Energy=Pmass+kinEnergy;
00296   momentum=std::sqrt(Energy*Energy-Pmass*Pmass)/std::abs(theParticle->GetBaryonNumber());
00297   G4double Plab = momentum / GeV;
00299  G4double   B, SigAss;
00300  G4double   C, d1, d2, d3  ;
00302  Elab     = std::sqrt(Mn*Mn + Plab*Plab);   // GeV
00303  S        = 2.*Mn*Mn + 2. *Mn*Elab;         // GeV^2
00304  SqrtS    = std::sqrt(S);                   // GeV 
00306  B        = b0+b2*std::log(SqrtS/SqrtS0)*std::log(SqrtS/SqrtS0); //GeV^(-2)
00307  SigAss   = 36.04 +0.304*std::log(S/S0)*std::log(S/S0);          //mb 
00308  R0       = std::sqrt(0.40874044*SigAss - B);                   //GeV^(-2)
00310  C        = 13.55;
00311  d1       = -4.47;
00312  d2       = 12.38;
00313  d3       = -12.43;
00314  xsection = SigAss*(1 + 1./(std::sqrt(S-4.*Mn*Mn)) / (std::pow(R0, 3.))
00315   *C* (1+d1/SqrtS+d2/(std::pow(SqrtS,2.))+d3/(std::pow(SqrtS,3.)) ));  
00317 //  xsection *= millibarn;
00319   fAntiHadronNucleonTotXsc = xsection;
00320   return fAntiHadronNucleonTotXsc;
00321 }

G4double G4ComponentAntiNuclNuclearXS::GetElasticElementCrossSection ( const G4ParticleDefinition aParticle,
G4double  kinEnergy,
G4int  Z,
G4double  A 
) [virtual]

Implements G4VComponentCrossSection.

Definition at line 267 of file G4ComponentAntiNuclNuclearXS.cc.

Referenced by G4AntiNuclElastic::SampleInvariantT().

00268 {
00269  fElasticXsc = GetTotalElementCrossSection(aParticle, kinEnergy, Z, A)-
00270    GetInelasticElementCrossSection(aParticle, kinEnergy, Z, A);
00272  if (fElasticXsc < 0.) fElasticXsc = 0.;
00274  return fElasticXsc;
00275 }

G4double G4ComponentAntiNuclNuclearXS::GetElasticIsotopeCrossSection ( const G4ParticleDefinition aParticle,
G4double  kinEnergy,
G4int  Z,
G4int  A 
) [virtual]

Implements G4VComponentCrossSection.

Definition at line 282 of file G4ComponentAntiNuclNuclearXS.cc.

00283 { return GetElasticElementCrossSection(aParticle, kinEnergy, Z, (G4double) A); }

G4double G4ComponentAntiNuclNuclearXS::GetInelasticElementCrossSection ( const G4ParticleDefinition aParticle,
G4double  kinEnergy,
G4int  Z,
G4double  A 
) [virtual]

Implements G4VComponentCrossSection.

Definition at line 175 of file G4ComponentAntiNuclNuclearXS.cc.

References G4ParticleDefinition::GetBaryonNumber(), and G4INCL::Math::pi.

00176 {
00177   G4double  inelxsection,  sigmaTotal, sigmaElastic;
00179   const G4ParticleDefinition* theParticle = aParticle;
00181     sigmaTotal        = GetAntiHadronNucleonTotCrSc(theParticle,kinEnergy);
00182     sigmaElastic      = GetAntiHadronNucleonElCrSc(theParticle,kinEnergy);
00184 // calculation of sqr of radius NN-collision
00185    fRadiusNN2=sigmaTotal*sigmaTotal*0.1/(8.*sigmaElastic*pi);   // fm^2   
00188 // calculation of effective nuclear radius for Pbar and Nbar interaction (can be changed)
00190   //A.R. 29-Jan-2013 : use antiprotons/antineutrons as the default case,
00191   //                   to be used for instance, as first approximation
00192   //                   without validation, for anti-hyperons. 
00193   //if ( (theParticle == theAProton) || (theParticle == theANeutron) ) {   
00194   if (A==1)
00195       { fInelasticXsc = (sigmaTotal - sigmaElastic) * millibarn;
00196         return fInelasticXsc;  
00197       } 
00198  fRadiusEff = 1.31*std::pow(A, 0.22)+0.9/std::pow(A, 1./3.);  //fm
00200     if( (Z==1) && (A==2) ) fRadiusEff = 3.582;               //fm
00201     if( (Z==1) && (A==3) ) fRadiusEff = 3.105;               
00202     if( (Z==2) && (A==3) ) fRadiusEff = 3.105;
00203     if( (Z==2) && (A==4) ) fRadiusEff = 2.209;
00204  //}
00206 //calculation of effective nuclear radius for AntiDeuteron interaction (can be changed)
00208   if (theParticle ==theADeuteron) 
00209 { 
00210  fRadiusEff = 1.38*std::pow(A, 0.21)+1.55/std::pow(A, 1./3.);
00212     if( (Z==1) && (A==2) ) fRadiusEff = 3.169;            //fm
00213     if( (Z==1) && (A==3) ) fRadiusEff = 3.066;
00214     if( (Z==2) && (A==3) ) fRadiusEff = 3.066;
00215     if( (Z==2) && (A==4) ) fRadiusEff = 2.498;
00216  }
00218 //calculation of effective nuclear radius for AntiHe3 interaction (can be changed)
00220   if( (theParticle ==theAHe3) || (theParticle ==theATriton) )
00221  {
00222   fRadiusEff = 1.34 * std::pow(A, 0.21)+1.51/std::pow(A, 1./3.);
00224     if( (Z==1) && (A==2) ) fRadiusEff = 3.066;           //fm
00225     if( (Z==1) && (A==3) ) fRadiusEff = 2.973;
00226     if( (Z==2) && (A==3) ) fRadiusEff = 2.973;
00227     if( (Z==2) && (A==4) ) fRadiusEff = 2.508;
00229  }
00231 //calculation of effective nuclear radius for AntiAlpha interaction (can be changed)
00233   if (theParticle == theAAlpha) 
00234  {
00235   fRadiusEff = 1.3*std::pow(A, 0.21)+1.05/std::pow(A, 1./3.);
00237     if( (Z==1) && (A==2) ) fRadiusEff = 2.498;            //fm
00238     if( (Z==1) && (A==3) ) fRadiusEff = 2.508;
00239     if( (Z==2) && (A==3) ) fRadiusEff = 2.508;
00240     if( (Z==2) && (A==4) ) fRadiusEff = 2.158;
00241  }
00242   G4double R2 = fRadiusEff*fRadiusEff;
00243   G4double REf2  = R2+fRadiusNN2;
00244   G4double  ApAt= std::abs(theParticle->GetBaryonNumber())  *  A;
00246  inelxsection  = pi*REf2 *10* std::log(1+(ApAt*sigmaTotal/(pi*REf2*10.))); //mb
00247  inelxsection  = inelxsection * millibarn;  
00248    fInelasticXsc =  inelxsection; 
00249    return fInelasticXsc;
00250 }

G4double G4ComponentAntiNuclNuclearXS::GetInelasticIsotopeCrossSection ( const G4ParticleDefinition aParticle,
G4double  kinEnergy,
G4int  Z,
G4int  A 
) [virtual]

Implements G4VComponentCrossSection.

Definition at line 257 of file G4ComponentAntiNuclNuclearXS.cc.

00258 {return GetInelasticElementCrossSection(aParticle, kinEnergy, Z, (G4double) A); }

G4double G4ComponentAntiNuclNuclearXS::GetTotalElementCrossSection ( const G4ParticleDefinition aParticle,
G4double  kinEnergy,
G4int  Z,
G4double  A 
) [virtual]

Implements G4VComponentCrossSection.

Definition at line 87 of file G4ComponentAntiNuclNuclearXS.cc.

References G4ParticleDefinition::GetBaryonNumber(), and G4INCL::Math::pi.

Referenced by G4AntiNuclElastic::SampleInvariantT().

00088 {
00089   G4double xsection,   sigmaTotal, sigmaElastic;
00091  const G4ParticleDefinition* theParticle = aParticle;
00093     sigmaTotal        = GetAntiHadronNucleonTotCrSc(theParticle,kinEnergy);
00094     sigmaElastic      = GetAntiHadronNucleonElCrSc(theParticle,kinEnergy);
00096 // calculation of squared radius of  NN-collision
00097    fRadiusNN2=sigmaTotal*sigmaTotal*0.1/(8.*sigmaElastic*pi) ;  //fm^2   
00099 // calculation of effective nuclear radius for Pbar and Nbar interactions (can be changed)
00101   //A.R. 29-Jan-2013 : use antiprotons/antineutrons as the default case,
00102   //                   to be used for instance, as first approximation
00103   //                   without validation, for anti-hyperons. 
00104   //if ( (theParticle == theAProton) || (theParticle == theANeutron) ) {   
00105      if(A==1)
00106      { fTotalXsc = sigmaTotal * millibarn;
00107         return fTotalXsc;  }
00109    fRadiusEff = 1.34*std::pow(A,0.23)+1.35/std::pow(A,1./3.);   //fm
00111    if( (Z==1) && (A==2) ) fRadiusEff = 3.800;     //fm
00112    if( (Z==1) && (A==3) ) fRadiusEff = 3.300;  
00113    if( (Z==2) && (A==3) ) fRadiusEff = 3.300;  
00114    if( (Z==2) && (A==4) ) fRadiusEff = 2.376;     
00115  //}
00117 //calculation of effective nuclear radius for AntiDeuteron interaction (can be changed)
00118   if (theParticle == theADeuteron) 
00119  { fRadiusEff = 1.46 * std::pow(A,0.21) + 1.45 / std::pow(A,1./3.);
00121     if( (Z==1) && (A==2) ) fRadiusEff = 3.238;     //fm
00122     if( (Z==1) && (A==3) ) fRadiusEff = 3.144;     
00123     if( (Z==2) && (A==3) ) fRadiusEff = 3.144;      
00124     if( (Z==2) && (A==4) ) fRadiusEff = 2.544;     
00125  }
00126 // calculation of effective nuclear radius for AntiHe3 interaction (can be changed)
00128   if( (theParticle ==theAHe3) || (theParticle ==theATriton) )
00129  { fRadiusEff = 1.40* std::pow(A,0.21)+1.63/std::pow(A,1./3.);
00131     if( (Z==1) && (A==2) ) fRadiusEff = 3.144;     //fm
00132     if( (Z==1) && (A==3) ) fRadiusEff = 3.075;  
00133     if( (Z==2) && (A==3) ) fRadiusEff = 3.075;  
00134     if( (Z==2) && (A==4) ) fRadiusEff = 2.589;  
00135   }
00137 //calculation of effective nuclear radius for AntiAlpha interaction (can be changed)
00139   if (theParticle == theAAlpha) 
00140  {
00141   fRadiusEff = 1.35* std::pow(A,0.21)+1.1/std::pow(A,1./3.);
00143     if( (Z==1) && (A==2) ) fRadiusEff = 2.544;     //fm
00144     if( (Z==1) && (A==3) ) fRadiusEff = 2.589;   
00145     if( (Z==2) && (A==3) ) fRadiusEff = 2.589;   
00146     if( (Z==2) && (A==4) ) fRadiusEff = 2.241;    
00148  }
00150    G4double R2 = fRadiusEff*fRadiusEff;
00151    G4double REf2  = R2+fRadiusNN2;
00152    G4double ApAt = std::abs(theParticle->GetBaryonNumber())  *  A;
00154  xsection = 2*pi*REf2*10.*std::log(1+(ApAt*sigmaTotal/(2*pi*REf2*10.)));  //mb
00155  xsection =xsection *millibarn; 
00156  fTotalXsc   = xsection;
00158   return fTotalXsc; 
00159 }

G4double G4ComponentAntiNuclNuclearXS::GetTotalIsotopeCrossSection ( const G4ParticleDefinition aParticle,
G4double  kinEnergy,
G4int  Z,
G4int  A 
) [virtual]

Implements G4VComponentCrossSection.

Definition at line 167 of file G4ComponentAntiNuclNuclearXS.cc.

00168 { return GetTotalElementCrossSection(aParticle, kinEnergy, Z, (G4double) A);  }

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