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00011 // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing *
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00018 // * This  code  implementation is the result of  the  scientific and *
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00025 //
00027 #include "globals.hh"
00028 #include "G4ios.hh"
00029 #include "G4SystemOfUnits.hh"
00030 #include "G4XNNTotalLowE.hh"
00031 #include "G4KineticTrack.hh"
00032 #include "G4ParticleDefinition.hh"
00033 #include "G4ParticleDefinition.hh"
00034 #include "G4Proton.hh"
00035 #include "G4Neutron.hh"
00037 const G4int G4XNNTotalLowE::tableSize = 29;
00039 const G4double G4XNNTotalLowE::ss[29]=
00040 {
00041  1877.05, 1879.58, 1882.69, 1884.8, 1886.95, 1891.89, 1895.27, 1899.9, 1904.67, 1913.36, 1921.18, 1933.56, 1949.82, 1990.11, 2025.14, 2059.03, 2101.89, 2166.47, 2201.01, 2236.36, 2289.27, 2377.17, 2426.86, 2500.18, 2602.91, 2733.62, 2925.49, 3002.71 
00042 };
00044 const G4double G4XNNTotalLowE::ppTot[29] = 
00045 { 
00046   2000, 600, 250, 180, 138, 92, 75, 57, 46, 35, 29.5, 25.5, 25, 24, 23.7, 25, 29, 39, 44, 47, 48, 48, 47.5, 47, 45.6, 45, 43.3, 42.9, 42.9
00047 };
00049 const G4double G4XNNTotalLowE::npTot[29] = 
00050 {
00051 4250, 1380, 770, 585, 465, 300, 232, 175, 140, 100, 80, 63, 50, 40, 35, 34, 34, 36.5, 37., 37.7, 38, 39, 39.8, 40.5, 40.7, 41, 41.2, 41.5, 41.5
00052 };
00054 G4XNNTotalLowE::G4XNNTotalLowE() 
00055 { 
00057   G4LowEXsection* pp = new G4LowEXsection();
00058   G4LowEXsection* np = new G4LowEXsection();
00060   G4int i;
00061   for (i=0; i<tableSize; i++)
00062     {
00063       std::pair<double,double> it;
00064       it.first=ss[i];
00065       it.second=ppTot[i]; pp->push_back(it);
00066       it.second=npTot[i]; np->push_back(it);
00067     }
00068   theCrossSections[G4Proton::ProtonDefinition()] = pp;
00069   theCrossSections[G4Neutron::NeutronDefinition()] = np;
00070 }
00073 G4XNNTotalLowE::~G4XNNTotalLowE()
00074 {
00076   delete theCrossSections[G4Proton::ProtonDefinition()];
00077   delete theCrossSections[G4Neutron::NeutronDefinition()];
00078 }
00080 G4double G4XNNTotalLowE::CrossSection(const G4KineticTrack& trk1, const G4KineticTrack& trk2) const
00081 {
00082   G4double result = 0.;
00083   G4double sqrtS = (trk1.Get4Momentum() + trk2.Get4Momentum()).mag();
00084   G4ParticleDefinition * key = FindKeyParticle(trk1,trk2);
00086   if (theCrossSections.find(key)!= theCrossSections.end())
00087   {
00088     LowEMap::const_iterator iter;
00089     for (iter = theCrossSections.begin(); iter != theCrossSections.end(); ++iter)
00090     {
00091       if ((*iter).first == key)
00092       {
00093         result = (*iter).second->CrossSection(sqrtS);
00094       }
00095     }
00096   }
00097   else
00098   {
00099     throw G4HadronicException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "G4XNNTotalLowE: particle key out of range");
00100   }
00102   return result;
00103 }
00105 G4String G4XNNTotalLowE::Name() const
00106 {
00107   G4String name("NNTotalLowE");
00108   return name;
00109 }
00112 G4bool G4XNNTotalLowE::IsValid(G4double e) const
00113 {
00114   G4bool result = e>0&&e<3*GeV;
00115   return result;
00116 }

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