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00001 //
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00018 // * This  code  implementation is the result of  the  scientific and *
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00024 // ********************************************************************
00025 //
00026 #include "globals.hh"
00027 #include "G4ios.hh"
00028 #include "G4SystemOfUnits.hh"
00029 #include "G4XNNElasticLowE.hh"
00030 #include "G4KineticTrack.hh"
00031 #include "G4ParticleDefinition.hh"
00032 #include "G4PhysicsVector.hh"
00033 #include "G4PhysicsLnVector.hh"
00034 #include "G4ParticleDefinition.hh"
00035 #include "G4Proton.hh"
00036 #include "G4Neutron.hh"
00038 const G4double G4XNNElasticLowE::_lowLimit = 0.;
00039 const G4double G4XNNElasticLowE::_highLimit = 3.*GeV;
00041 // Low energy limit of the cross-section table (in GeV)
00042 // Units are assigned while filling the PhysicsVector
00043 const G4double G4XNNElasticLowE::_eMinTable = 1.8964808;
00044 const G4double G4XNNElasticLowE::_eStepLog = 0.01;
00046 // Cross-sections in mb
00047 // Units are assigned while filling the PhysicsVector
00049 const G4int G4XNNElasticLowE::tableSize = 101;
00051 const G4double G4XNNElasticLowE::ppTable[101] = 
00052 { 
00053   60.00, //was 0.
00054   33.48, 26.76, 25.26, 24.55, 23.94, 23.77, 23.72, 23.98,
00055   25.48, 27.52, 27.72, 27.21, 25.80, 26.00, 24.32, 23.81,
00056   24.37, 24.36, 23.13, 22.43, 21.71, 21.01, 20.83, 20.74,
00057   20.25, 20.10, 20.59, 20.04, 20.83, 20.84, 21.07, 20.83,
00058   20.79, 21.88, 21.15, 20.92, 19.00, 18.60, 17.30, 17.00,
00059   16.70, 16.50, 16.20, 15.80, 15.57, 15.20, 15.00, 14.60,
00060   14.20, 14.00, 13.80, 13.60, 13.40, 13.20, 13.00, 12.85,
00061   12.70, 12.60, 12.50, 12.40, 12.30, 12.20, 12.10, 12.00,
00062   11.90, 11.80, 11.75, 11.70, 11.64, 11.53, 11.41, 11.31,
00063   11.22, 11.13, 11.05, 10.97, 10.89, 10.82, 10.75, 10.68,
00064   10.61, 10.54, 10.48, 10.41, 10.35, 10.28, 10.22, 10.16,
00065   10.13, 10.10, 10.08, 10.05, 10.02,  9.99,  9.96,  9.93,
00066   9.90,  9.87,  9.84,  9.80       
00067 };
00069 const G4double G4XNNElasticLowE::npTable[101] = 
00070 { 
00071   1500.00, // was 0.
00072   248.20, 93.38, 55.26, 44.50, 41.33, 38.48, 37.20, 35.98,
00073   35.02, 34.47, 32.48, 30.76, 29.46, 28.53, 27.84, 27.20,
00074   26.53, 25.95, 25.59, 25.46, 25.00, 24.49, 24.08, 23.86,
00075   23.17, 22.70, 21.88, 21.48, 20.22, 19.75, 18.97, 18.39,
00076   17.98, 17.63, 17.21, 16.72, 16.68, 16.58, 16.42, 16.22,
00077   15.98, 15.71, 15.42, 15.14, 14.87, 14.65, 14.44, 14.26,
00078   14.10, 13.95, 13.80, 13.64, 13.47, 13.29, 13.09, 12.89,
00079   12.68, 12.47, 12.27, 12.06, 11.84, 11.76, 11.69, 11.60,
00080   11.50, 11.41, 11.29, 11.17, 11.06, 10.93, 10.81, 10.68,
00081   10.56, 10.44, 10.33, 10.21, 10.12, 10.03,  9.96,  9.89,
00082   9.83,  9.80,  9.77,  9.75,  9.74,  9.74,  9.74,  9.76,
00083   9.73,  9.70,  9.68,  9.65,  9.63,  9.60,  9.57,  9.55,
00084   9.52,  9.49,  9.46,  9.43
00085 };
00088 G4XNNElasticLowE::G4XNNElasticLowE() 
00089 { 
00090   // Cross-sections are available in the range (_eMin,_eMax)
00092   _eMin = _eMinTable * GeV;
00093   _eMax = std::exp(std::log(_eMinTable) + tableSize * _eStepLog) * GeV;
00094   if (_eMin < _lowLimit)
00095     throw G4HadronicException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "G4XNNElasticLowE::G4XNNElasticLowE - Low energy limit not valid");    
00096   if (_highLimit > _eMax)
00097     throw G4HadronicException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "G4XNNElasticLowE::G4XNNElasticLowE - High energy limit not valid");    
00098   G4PhysicsVector* pp = new G4PhysicsLnVector(_eMin,_eMax,tableSize);
00100   _eMin = std::exp(std::log(_eMinTable)-_eStepLog)*GeV;
00101   if (_eMin < _lowLimit)
00102     throw G4HadronicException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "G4XNNElasticLowE::G4XNNElasticLowE - Low energy limit not valid");
00103   G4PhysicsVector* np = new G4PhysicsLnVector(_eMin,_eMax,tableSize);
00105   G4int i;
00106   for (i=0; i<tableSize; i++)
00107     {
00108       G4double value = ppTable[i] * millibarn;
00109       pp->PutValue(i,value);
00110       value = npTable[i] * millibarn;
00111       np->PutValue(i,value);
00112     }
00113   xMap[G4Proton::ProtonDefinition()] = pp;
00114   xMap[G4Neutron::NeutronDefinition()] = np;
00115 }
00118 G4XNNElasticLowE::~G4XNNElasticLowE()
00119 {
00120   delete xMap[G4Proton::ProtonDefinition()];
00121   delete xMap[G4Neutron::NeutronDefinition()];
00122 }
00125 G4bool G4XNNElasticLowE::operator==(const G4XNNElasticLowE &right) const
00126 {
00127   return (this == (G4XNNElasticLowE *) &right);
00128 }
00131 G4bool G4XNNElasticLowE::operator!=(const G4XNNElasticLowE &right) const
00132 {
00134   return (this != (G4XNNElasticLowE *) &right);
00135 }
00138 G4double G4XNNElasticLowE::CrossSection(const G4KineticTrack& trk1, const G4KineticTrack& trk2) const  
00139 {
00140   G4double sigma = 0.;
00141   G4double sqrtS = (trk1.Get4Momentum() + trk2.Get4Momentum()).mag();
00142   G4bool dummy = false;
00144   G4ParticleDefinition * key = FindKeyParticle(trk1,trk2);
00146   typedef std::map <G4ParticleDefinition *, G4PhysicsVector*, std::less<G4ParticleDefinition *> > StringPhysMap;
00148   if (xMap.find(key)!= xMap.end())
00149     {
00151       StringPhysMap::const_iterator iter;
00152       for (iter = xMap.begin(); iter != xMap.end(); ++iter)
00153         {
00154           G4ParticleDefinition * str = (*iter).first;
00155           if (str == key)
00156             {
00157               G4PhysicsVector* physVector = (*iter).second; 
00158               //     G4PhysicsVector* physVector = xMap[key];
00159               if (sqrtS >= _eMin && sqrtS <= _eMax)
00160                 {
00161                   sigma = physVector->GetValue(sqrtS,dummy);
00162                 } else if ( sqrtS < _eMin )
00163                 {
00164                   sigma = physVector->GetValue(_eMin,dummy);
00165                 }
00166                 //G4cout << " sqrtS / sigma " << sqrtS/GeV << " / " <<
00167                 //          sigma/millibarn << G4endl;
00168             }
00169         }
00170     }
00171   return sigma;
00172 }
00175 void G4XNNElasticLowE::Print() const
00176 {
00177   // Dump the pp cross-section table
00179   G4cout << Name() << ", pp cross-section: " << G4endl;
00181   G4bool dummy = false;
00182   G4int i;
00183   G4ParticleDefinition * key = G4Proton::ProtonDefinition();
00184   G4PhysicsVector* pp = 0;
00186   typedef std::map <G4ParticleDefinition *, G4PhysicsVector*, std::less<G4ParticleDefinition *> > StringPhysMap;
00187   StringPhysMap::const_iterator iter;
00189   for (iter = xMap.begin(); iter != xMap.end(); ++iter)
00190     {
00191       G4ParticleDefinition * str = (*iter).first;
00192       if (str == key)
00193         {
00194           pp = (*iter).second; 
00195         }
00196     }
00198   if (pp != 0)
00199     {   
00200       for (i=0; i<tableSize; i++)
00201         {
00202           G4double e = pp->GetLowEdgeEnergy(i);
00203           G4double sigma = pp->GetValue(e,dummy) / millibarn;
00204           G4cout << i << ") e = " << e / GeV << " GeV ---- Cross section = " << sigma << " mb " << G4endl;
00205         }
00206     }
00208   // Dump the np cross-section table
00210   G4cout << Name() << ", np cross-section: " << G4endl;
00212   key = G4Neutron::NeutronDefinition();
00213   G4PhysicsVector* np = 0;
00214   for (iter = xMap.begin(); iter != xMap.end(); ++iter)
00215     {
00216       G4ParticleDefinition * str = (*iter).first;
00217       if (str == key)
00218         {
00219           np = (*iter).second; 
00220         }
00221     }
00223   //  G4PhysicsVector* np = xMap[G4Neutron::NeutronDefinition()->GetParticleName()];
00225   if (np != 0)
00226     {   
00227       for (i=0; i<tableSize; i++)
00228         {
00229           G4double e = np->GetLowEdgeEnergy(i);
00230           G4double sigma = np->GetValue(e,dummy) / millibarn;
00231           G4cout << i << ") e = " << e / GeV << " GeV ---- Cross section = " << sigma << " mb " << G4endl;
00232         }
00233     }
00234   G4VCrossSectionSource::Print();
00235 }
00238 G4String G4XNNElasticLowE::Name() const
00239 {
00240   G4String name("NNElasticLowE");
00241   return name;
00242 }
00246 G4bool G4XNNElasticLowE::IsValid(G4double e) const
00247 {
00248   G4bool answer = InLimits(e,_lowLimit,_highLimit);
00250   return answer;
00251 }

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