
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //
00002 // ********************************************************************
00003 // * License and Disclaimer                                           *
00004 // *                                                                  *
00005 // * The  Geant4 software  is  copyright of the Copyright Holders  of *
00006 // * the Geant4 Collaboration.  It is provided  under  the terms  and *
00007 // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License,  included in the file *
00008 // * LICENSE and available at  http://cern.ch/geant4/license .  These *
00009 // * include a list of copyright holders.                             *
00010 // *                                                                  *
00011 // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing *
00012 // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this *
00013 // * work  make  any representation or  warranty, express or implied, *
00014 // * regarding  this  software system or assume any liability for its *
00015 // * use.  Please see the license in the file  LICENSE  and URL above *
00016 // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability.         *
00017 // *                                                                  *
00018 // * This  code  implementation is the result of  the  scientific and *
00019 // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration.                      *
00020 // * By using,  copying,  modifying or  distributing the software (or *
00021 // * any work based  on the software)  you  agree  to acknowledge its *
00022 // * use  in  resulting  scientific  publications,  and indicate your *
00023 // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license.          *
00024 // ********************************************************************
00025 //
00026 //
00027 // $Id$
00028 //
00029 // 
00030 // John Allison  19th July 1996
00031 // Abstract interface class for graphics scenes.
00033 #include "G4VSceneHandler.hh"
00035 #include "G4ios.hh"
00036 #include <sstream>
00038 #include "G4VisManager.hh"
00039 #include "G4VGraphicsSystem.hh"
00040 #include "G4VViewer.hh"
00041 #include "G4VSolid.hh"
00042 #include "G4RotationMatrix.hh"
00043 #include "G4ThreeVector.hh"
00044 #include "G4VPhysicalVolume.hh"
00045 #include "G4Material.hh"
00046 #include "G4Polyline.hh"
00047 #include "G4Scale.hh"
00048 #include "G4Text.hh"
00049 #include "G4Circle.hh"
00050 #include "G4Square.hh"
00051 #include "G4Polymarker.hh"
00052 #include "G4Polyhedron.hh"
00053 #include "G4NURBS.hh"
00054 #include "G4Visible.hh"
00055 #include "G4VisAttributes.hh"
00056 #include "G4VModel.hh"
00057 #include "G4TrajectoriesModel.hh"
00058 #include "G4Box.hh"
00059 #include "G4Cons.hh"
00060 #include "G4Tubs.hh"
00061 #include "G4Trd.hh"
00062 #include "G4Trap.hh"
00063 #include "G4Sphere.hh"
00064 #include "G4Para.hh"
00065 #include "G4Torus.hh"
00066 #include "G4Polycone.hh"
00067 #include "G4Polyhedra.hh"
00068 #include "G4DisplacedSolid.hh"
00069 #include "G4LogicalVolume.hh"
00070 #include "G4PhysicalVolumeModel.hh"
00071 #include "G4ModelingParameters.hh"
00072 #include "G4VTrajectory.hh"
00073 #include "G4VTrajectoryPoint.hh"
00074 #include "G4HitsModel.hh"
00075 #include "G4VHit.hh"
00076 #include "G4VDigi.hh"
00077 #include "G4ScoringManager.hh"
00078 #include "G4DefaultLinearColorMap.hh"
00079 #include "Randomize.hh"
00080 #include "G4StateManager.hh"
00081 #include "G4RunManager.hh"
00082 #include "G4Run.hh"
00083 #include "G4Transform3D.hh"
00084 #include "G4AttHolder.hh"
00085 #include "G4AttDef.hh"
00086 #include "G4PhysicalConstants.hh"
00088 G4VSceneHandler::G4VSceneHandler (G4VGraphicsSystem& system, G4int id, const G4String& name):
00089   fSystem                (system),
00090   fSceneHandlerId        (id),
00091   fViewCount             (0),
00092   fpViewer               (0),
00093   fpScene                (0),
00094   fMarkForClearingTransientStore (true),  // Ready for first
00095                                           // ClearTransientStoreIfMarked(),
00096                                           // e.g., at end of run (see
00097                                           // G4VisManager.cc).
00098   fReadyForTransients    (true),  // Only false while processing scene.
00099   fProcessingSolid       (false),
00100   fProcessing2D          (false),
00101   fpModel                (0),
00102   fNestingDepth          (0),
00103   fpVisAttribs           (0)
00104 {
00105   G4VisManager* pVMan = G4VisManager::GetInstance ();
00106   fpScene = pVMan -> GetCurrentScene ();
00107   if (name == "") {
00108     std::ostringstream ost;
00109     ost << fSystem.GetName () << '-' << fSceneHandlerId;
00110     fName = ost.str();
00111   }
00112   else {
00113     fName = name;
00114   }
00115   fTransientsDrawnThisEvent = pVMan->GetTransientsDrawnThisEvent();
00116   fTransientsDrawnThisRun = pVMan->GetTransientsDrawnThisRun();
00117 }
00119 G4VSceneHandler::~G4VSceneHandler () {
00120   G4VViewer* last;
00121   while( ! fViewerList.empty() ) {
00122     last = fViewerList.back();
00123     fViewerList.pop_back();
00124     delete last;
00125   }
00126 }
00128 void G4VSceneHandler::PreAddSolid (const G4Transform3D& objectTransformation,
00129                                    const G4VisAttributes& visAttribs) {
00130   fObjectTransformation = objectTransformation;
00131   fpVisAttribs = &visAttribs;
00132   fProcessingSolid = true;
00133 }
00135 void G4VSceneHandler::PostAddSolid () {
00136   fpVisAttribs = 0;
00137   fProcessingSolid = false;
00138   if (fReadyForTransients) {
00139     fTransientsDrawnThisEvent = true;
00140     fTransientsDrawnThisRun = true;
00141   }
00142 }
00144 void G4VSceneHandler::BeginPrimitives
00145 (const G4Transform3D& objectTransformation) {
00146   //static G4int count = 0;
00147   //G4cout << "G4VSceneHandler::BeginPrimitives: " << count++ << G4endl;
00148   fNestingDepth++;
00149   if (fNestingDepth > 1)
00150     G4Exception
00151       ("G4VSceneHandler::BeginPrimitives",
00152        "visman0101", FatalException,
00153        "Nesting detected. It is illegal to nest Begin/EndPrimitives.");
00154   fObjectTransformation = objectTransformation;
00155 }
00157 void G4VSceneHandler::EndPrimitives () {
00158   if (fNestingDepth <= 0)
00159     G4Exception("G4VSceneHandler::EndPrimitives",
00160                 "visman0102", FatalException, "Nesting error.");
00161   fNestingDepth--;
00162   if (fReadyForTransients) {
00163     fTransientsDrawnThisEvent = true;
00164     fTransientsDrawnThisRun = true;
00165   }
00166 }
00168 void G4VSceneHandler::BeginPrimitives2D
00169 (const G4Transform3D& objectTransformation) {
00170   fNestingDepth++;
00171   if (fNestingDepth > 1)
00172     G4Exception
00173       ("G4VSceneHandler::BeginPrimitives2D",
00174        "visman0103", FatalException,
00175        "Nesting detected. It is illegal to nest Begin/EndPrimitives.");
00176   fObjectTransformation = objectTransformation;
00177   fProcessing2D = true;
00178 }
00180 void G4VSceneHandler::EndPrimitives2D () {
00181   if (fNestingDepth <= 0)
00182     G4Exception("G4VSceneHandler::EndPrimitives2D",
00183                 "visman0104", FatalException, "Nesting error.");
00184   fNestingDepth--;
00185   if (fReadyForTransients) {
00186     fTransientsDrawnThisEvent = true;
00187     fTransientsDrawnThisRun = true;
00188   }
00189   fProcessing2D = false;
00190 }
00192 void G4VSceneHandler::BeginModeling () {
00193 }
00195 void G4VSceneHandler::EndModeling ()
00196 {
00197   fpModel = 0;
00198 }
00200 void G4VSceneHandler::ClearStore () {}
00202 void G4VSceneHandler::ClearTransientStore () {}
00204 void G4VSceneHandler::AddSolid (const G4Box& box) {
00205   RequestPrimitives (box);
00206 // If your graphics system is sophisticated enough to handle a
00207 //  particular solid shape as a primitive, in your derived class write a
00208 //  function to override this.  (Note: some compilers warn that your
00209 //  function "hides" this one.  That's OK.)
00210 // Your function might look like this...
00211 // void G4MyScene::AddSolid (const G4Box& box) {
00212 // Get parameters of appropriate object, e.g.:
00213 //   G4double dx = box.GetXHalfLength ();
00214 //   G4double dy = box.GetYHalfLength ();
00215 //   G4double dz = box.GetZHalfLength ();
00216 // and Draw or Store in your display List.
00217 }
00219 void G4VSceneHandler::AddSolid (const G4Tubs& tubs) {
00220   RequestPrimitives (tubs);
00221 }
00223 void G4VSceneHandler::AddSolid (const G4Cons& cons) {
00224   RequestPrimitives (cons);
00225 }
00227 void G4VSceneHandler::AddSolid (const G4Trd& trd) {
00228   RequestPrimitives (trd);
00229 }
00231 void G4VSceneHandler::AddSolid (const G4Trap& trap) {
00232   RequestPrimitives (trap);
00233 }
00235 void G4VSceneHandler::AddSolid (const G4Sphere& sphere) {
00236   RequestPrimitives (sphere );
00237 }
00239 void G4VSceneHandler::AddSolid (const G4Para& para) {
00240   RequestPrimitives (para);
00241 }
00243 void G4VSceneHandler::AddSolid (const G4Torus& torus) {
00244   RequestPrimitives (torus);
00245 }
00247 void G4VSceneHandler::AddSolid (const G4Polycone& polycone) {
00248   RequestPrimitives (polycone);
00249 }
00251 void G4VSceneHandler::AddSolid (const G4Polyhedra& polyhedra) {
00252   RequestPrimitives (polyhedra);
00253 }
00255 void G4VSceneHandler::AddSolid (const G4VSolid& solid) {
00256   RequestPrimitives (solid);
00257 }
00259 void G4VSceneHandler::AddCompound (const G4VTrajectory& traj) {
00260   G4TrajectoriesModel* trajectoriesModel =
00261     dynamic_cast<G4TrajectoriesModel*>(fpModel);
00262   if (!trajectoriesModel) G4Exception
00263     ("G4VSceneHandler::AddCompound(const G4VTrajectory&)",
00264      "visman0105", FatalException, "Not a G4TrajectoriesModel.");
00265   else {
00266     if (trajectoriesModel->IsDrawingModeSet()) {
00267       traj.DrawTrajectory(trajectoriesModel->GetDrawingMode());
00268     } else {
00269       traj.DrawTrajectory();
00270     }
00271   }
00272 }
00274 void G4VSceneHandler::AddCompound (const G4VHit& hit) {
00275   // Cast away const because Draw is non-const!!!!
00276   const_cast<G4VHit&>(hit).Draw();
00277 }
00279 void G4VSceneHandler::AddCompound (const G4VDigi& digi) {
00280   // Cast away const because Draw is non-const!!!!
00281   const_cast<G4VDigi&>(digi).Draw();
00282 }
00284 void G4VSceneHandler::AddCompound (const G4THitsMap<G4double>& hits) {
00285   //G4cout << "AddCompound: hits: " << &hits << G4endl;
00286   G4bool scoreMapHits = false;
00287   G4ScoringManager* scoringManager = G4ScoringManager::GetScoringManagerIfExist();
00288   if (scoringManager) {
00289     size_t nMeshes = scoringManager->GetNumberOfMesh();
00290     for (size_t iMesh = 0; iMesh < nMeshes; ++iMesh) {
00291       G4VScoringMesh* mesh = scoringManager->GetMesh(iMesh);
00292       if (mesh && mesh->IsActive()) {
00293         MeshScoreMap scoreMap = mesh->GetScoreMap();
00294         for(MeshScoreMap::const_iterator i = scoreMap.begin();
00295             i != scoreMap.end(); ++i) {
00296           const G4String& scoreMapName = i->first;
00297           const G4THitsMap<G4double>* foundHits = i->second;
00298           if (foundHits == &hits) {
00299             G4DefaultLinearColorMap colorMap("G4VSceneHandlerColorMap");
00300             scoreMapHits = true;
00301             mesh->DrawMesh(scoreMapName, &colorMap);
00302           }
00303         }
00304       }
00305     }
00306   }
00307   if (scoreMapHits) {
00308     static G4bool first = true;
00309     if (first) {
00310       first = false;
00311       G4cout <<
00312         "Scoring map drawn with default parameters."
00313         "\n  To get gMocren file for gMocren browser:"
00314         "\n    /vis/open gMocrenFile"
00315         "\n    /vis/viewer/flush"
00316         "\n  Many other options available with /score/draw... commands."
00317         "\n  You might want to \"/vis/viewer/set/autoRefresh false\"."
00318              << G4endl;
00319     }
00320   } else {  // Not score map hits.  Just call DrawAllHits.
00321     // Cast away const because DrawAllHits is non-const!!!!
00322     const_cast<G4THitsMap<G4double>&>(hits).DrawAllHits();
00323   }
00324 }
00326 void G4VSceneHandler::AddViewerToList (G4VViewer* pViewer) {
00327   fViewerList.push_back (pViewer);
00328 }
00330 void G4VSceneHandler::AddPrimitive (const G4Scale& scale) {
00332   const G4double margin(0.01);
00333   // Fractional margin - ensures scale is comfortably inside viewing
00334   // volume.
00335   const G4double oneMinusMargin (1. - margin);
00337   const G4VisExtent& sceneExtent = fpScene->GetExtent();
00339   // Useful constants...
00340   const G4double length(scale.GetLength());
00341   const G4double halfLength(length / 2.);
00342   const G4double tickLength(length / 20.);
00343   const G4double piBy2(halfpi);
00345   // Get size of scene...
00346   const G4double xmin = sceneExtent.GetXmin();
00347   const G4double xmax = sceneExtent.GetXmax();
00348   const G4double ymin = sceneExtent.GetYmin();
00349   const G4double ymax = sceneExtent.GetYmax();
00350   const G4double zmin = sceneExtent.GetZmin();
00351   const G4double zmax = sceneExtent.GetZmax();
00353   // Create (empty) polylines having the same vis attributes...
00354   G4Polyline scaleLine, tick11, tick12, tick21, tick22;
00355   G4VisAttributes visAtts(*scale.GetVisAttributes());  // Long enough life.
00356   scaleLine.SetVisAttributes(&visAtts);
00357   tick11.SetVisAttributes(&visAtts);
00358   tick12.SetVisAttributes(&visAtts);
00359   tick21.SetVisAttributes(&visAtts);
00360   tick22.SetVisAttributes(&visAtts);
00362   // Add points to the polylines to represent an scale parallel to the
00363   // x-axis centred on the origin...
00364   G4Point3D r1(G4Point3D(-halfLength, 0., 0.));
00365   G4Point3D r2(G4Point3D( halfLength, 0., 0.));
00366   scaleLine.push_back(r1);
00367   scaleLine.push_back(r2);
00368   G4Point3D ticky(0., tickLength, 0.);
00369   G4Point3D tickz(0., 0., tickLength);
00370   tick11.push_back(r1 + ticky);
00371   tick11.push_back(r1 - ticky);
00372   tick12.push_back(r1 + tickz);
00373   tick12.push_back(r1 - tickz);
00374   tick21.push_back(r2 + ticky);
00375   tick21.push_back(r2 - ticky);
00376   tick22.push_back(r2 + tickz);
00377   tick22.push_back(r2 - tickz);
00378   G4Point3D textPosition(0., tickLength, 0.);
00380   // Transform appropriately...
00382   G4Transform3D transformation;
00383   if (scale.GetAutoPlacing()) {
00384     G4Transform3D rotation;
00385     switch (scale.GetDirection()) {
00386     case G4Scale::x:
00387       break;
00388     case G4Scale::y:
00389       rotation = G4RotateZ3D(piBy2);
00390       break;
00391     case G4Scale::z:
00392       rotation = G4RotateY3D(piBy2);
00393       break;
00394     }
00395     G4double sxmid(scale.GetXmid());
00396     G4double symid(scale.GetYmid());
00397     G4double szmid(scale.GetZmid());
00398     sxmid = xmin + oneMinusMargin * (xmax - xmin);
00399     symid = ymin + margin * (ymax - ymin);
00400     szmid = zmin + oneMinusMargin * (zmax - zmin);
00401     switch (scale.GetDirection()) {
00402     case G4Scale::x:
00403       sxmid -= halfLength;
00404       break;
00405     case G4Scale::y:
00406       symid += halfLength;
00407       break;
00408     case G4Scale::z:
00409       szmid -= halfLength;
00410       break;
00411     }
00412     G4Translate3D translation(sxmid, symid, szmid);
00413     transformation = translation * rotation;
00414   } else {
00415     if (fpModel) transformation = fpModel->GetTransformation();
00416   }
00418   // Draw...
00419   // We would like to call BeginPrimitives(transformation) here but
00420   // calling BeginPrimitives from within an AddPrimitive is not
00421   // allowed!  So we have to do our own transformation...
00422   AddPrimitive(scaleLine.transform(transformation));
00423   AddPrimitive(tick11.transform(transformation));
00424   AddPrimitive(tick12.transform(transformation));
00425   AddPrimitive(tick21.transform(transformation));
00426   AddPrimitive(tick22.transform(transformation));
00427   G4Text text(scale.GetAnnotation(),textPosition.transform(transformation));
00428   text.SetScreenSize(12.);
00429   AddPrimitive(text);
00430 }
00432 void G4VSceneHandler::AddPrimitive (const G4Polymarker& polymarker) {
00433   switch (polymarker.GetMarkerType()) {
00434   default:
00435   case G4Polymarker::dots:
00436     {
00437       for (size_t iPoint = 0; iPoint < polymarker.size (); iPoint++) {
00438         G4Circle dot (polymarker);
00439         dot.SetPosition (polymarker[iPoint]);
00440         dot.SetWorldSize  (0.);
00441         dot.SetScreenSize (0.1);  // Very small circle.
00442         AddPrimitive (dot);
00443       }
00444     }
00445     break;
00446   case G4Polymarker::circles:
00447     {
00448       for (size_t iPoint = 0; iPoint < polymarker.size (); iPoint++) {
00449         G4Circle circle (polymarker);
00450         circle.SetPosition (polymarker[iPoint]);
00451         AddPrimitive (circle);
00452       }
00453     }
00454     break;
00455   case G4Polymarker::squares:
00456     {
00457       for (size_t iPoint = 0; iPoint < polymarker.size (); iPoint++) {
00458         G4Square square (polymarker);
00459         square.SetPosition (polymarker[iPoint]);
00460         AddPrimitive (square);
00461       }
00462     }
00463     break;
00464   }
00465 }
00467 void G4VSceneHandler::RemoveViewerFromList (G4VViewer* pViewer) {
00468   fViewerList.remove(pViewer);
00469 }
00471 void G4VSceneHandler::SetScene (G4Scene* pScene) {
00472   fpScene = pScene;
00473   // Notify all viewers that a kernel visit is required.
00474   G4ViewerListIterator i;
00475   for (i = fViewerList.begin(); i != fViewerList.end(); i++) {
00476     (*i) -> SetNeedKernelVisit (true);
00477   }
00478 }
00480 void G4VSceneHandler::RequestPrimitives (const G4VSolid& solid) {
00481   BeginPrimitives (fObjectTransformation);
00482   G4NURBS* pNURBS = 0;
00483   G4Polyhedron* pPolyhedron = 0;
00484   switch (fpViewer -> GetViewParameters () . GetRepStyle ()) {
00485   case G4ViewParameters::nurbs:
00486     pNURBS = solid.CreateNURBS ();
00487     if (pNURBS) {
00488       static G4bool warned = false;
00489       if (!warned) {
00490         warned = true;
00491         G4cout <<
00492   "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
00493   "!!!!! NURBS are deprecated and will be removed in the next major release."
00494   "\n!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
00495         << G4endl;
00496       }
00497       pNURBS -> SetVisAttributes (fpVisAttribs);
00498       AddPrimitive (*pNURBS);
00499       delete pNURBS;
00500       break;
00501     }
00502     else {
00503       G4VisManager::Verbosity verbosity = G4VisManager::GetVerbosity();
00504       if (verbosity >= G4VisManager::errors) {
00505         G4cout <<
00506           "ERROR: G4VSceneHandler::RequestPrimitives"
00507           "\n  NURBS not available for "
00508                << solid.GetName () << G4endl;
00509         G4cout << "Trying polyhedron." << G4endl;
00510       }
00511     }
00512     // Dropping through to polyhedron...
00513   case G4ViewParameters::polyhedron:
00514   default:
00515     G4Polyhedron::SetNumberOfRotationSteps (GetNoOfSides (fpVisAttribs));
00516     pPolyhedron = solid.GetPolyhedron ();
00517     G4Polyhedron::ResetNumberOfRotationSteps ();
00518     if (pPolyhedron) {
00519       pPolyhedron -> SetVisAttributes (fpVisAttribs);
00520       AddPrimitive (*pPolyhedron);
00521     }
00522     else {
00523       G4VisManager::Verbosity verbosity = G4VisManager::GetVerbosity();
00524       if (verbosity >= G4VisManager::errors) {
00525         G4cout <<
00526           "ERROR: G4VSceneHandler::RequestPrimitives"
00527           "\n  Polyhedron not available for " << solid.GetName () <<
00528           ".\n  This means it cannot be visualized on most systems."
00529           "\n  Contact the Visualization Coordinator." << G4endl;
00530       }
00531     }
00532     break;
00533   }
00534   EndPrimitives ();
00535 }
00537 void G4VSceneHandler::ProcessScene () {
00539   // Assumes graphics database store has already been cleared if
00540   // relevant for the particular scene handler.
00542   if (!fpScene) return;
00544   G4VisManager* visManager = G4VisManager::GetInstance();
00546   if (!visManager->GetConcreteInstance()) return;
00548   G4VisManager::Verbosity verbosity = visManager->GetVerbosity();
00550   fReadyForTransients = false;
00552   // Reset fMarkForClearingTransientStore. (Leaving
00553   // fMarkForClearingTransientStore true causes problems with
00554   // recomputing transients below.)  Restore it again at end...
00555   G4bool tmpMarkForClearingTransientStore = fMarkForClearingTransientStore;
00556   fMarkForClearingTransientStore = false;
00558   // Traverse geometry tree and send drawing primitives to window(s).
00560   const std::vector<G4Scene::Model>& runDurationModelList =
00561     fpScene -> GetRunDurationModelList ();
00563   if (runDurationModelList.size ()) {
00564     if (verbosity >= G4VisManager::confirmations) {
00565       G4cout << "Traversing scene data..." << G4endl;
00566     }
00568     BeginModeling ();
00570     // Create modeling parameters from view parameters...
00571     G4ModelingParameters* pMP = CreateModelingParameters ();
00573     for (size_t i = 0; i < runDurationModelList.size (); i++) {
00574       if (runDurationModelList[i].fActive) {
00575         G4VModel* pModel = runDurationModelList[i].fpModel;
00576         // Note: this is not the place to take action on
00577         // pModel->GetTransformation().  The model must take care of
00578         // this in pModel->DescribeYourselfTo(*this).  See, for example,
00579         // G4PhysicalVolumeModel and /vis/scene/add/logo.
00580         pModel -> SetModelingParameters (pMP);
00581         SetModel (pModel);  // Store for use by derived class.
00582         pModel -> DescribeYourselfTo (*this);
00583         pModel -> SetModelingParameters (0);
00584       }
00585     }
00587     delete pMP;
00588     EndModeling ();
00589   }
00591   fReadyForTransients = true;
00593   // Refresh event from end-of-event model list.
00594   // Allow only in Idle or GeomClosed state...
00595   G4StateManager* stateManager = G4StateManager::GetStateManager();
00596   G4ApplicationState state = stateManager->GetCurrentState();
00597   if (state == G4State_Idle || state == G4State_GeomClosed) {
00599     visManager->SetEventRefreshing(true);
00601     if (visManager->GetRequestedEvent()) {
00602       DrawEvent(visManager->GetRequestedEvent());
00604     } else {
00606       G4RunManager* runManager = G4RunManager::GetRunManager();
00607       if (runManager) {
00608         const G4Run* run = runManager->GetCurrentRun();
00609         const std::vector<const G4Event*>* events =
00610           run? run->GetEventVector(): 0;
00611         size_t nKeptEvents = 0;
00612         if (events) nKeptEvents = events->size();
00613         if (nKeptEvents) {
00615           if (fpScene->GetRefreshAtEndOfEvent()) {
00617             if (verbosity >= G4VisManager::confirmations) {
00618               G4cout << "Refreshing event..." << G4endl;
00619             }
00620             const G4Event* event = 0;
00621             if (events && events->size()) event = events->back();
00622             if (event) DrawEvent(event);
00624           } else {  // Accumulating events.
00626             if (verbosity >= G4VisManager::confirmations) {
00627               G4cout << "Refreshing events in run..." << G4endl;
00628             }
00629             for (size_t i = 0; i < nKeptEvents; ++i) {
00630               const G4Event* event = (*events)[i];
00631               if (event) DrawEvent(event);
00632             }
00634             if (!fpScene->GetRefreshAtEndOfRun()) {
00635               if (verbosity >= G4VisManager::warnings) {
00636                 G4cout <<
00637                   "WARNING: Cannot refresh events accumulated over more"
00638                   "\n  than one runs.  Refreshed just the last run."
00639                        << G4endl;
00640               }
00641             }
00642           }
00643         }
00644       }
00645     }
00646     visManager->SetEventRefreshing(false);
00647   }
00649   // Refresh end-of-run model list.
00650   // Allow only in Idle or GeomClosed state...
00651   if (state == G4State_Idle || state == G4State_GeomClosed) {
00652     DrawEndOfRunModels();
00653   }
00655   fMarkForClearingTransientStore = tmpMarkForClearingTransientStore;
00656 }
00658 void G4VSceneHandler::DrawEvent(const G4Event* event)
00659 {
00660   const std::vector<G4Scene::Model>& EOEModelList =
00661     fpScene -> GetEndOfEventModelList ();
00662   size_t nModels = EOEModelList.size();
00663   if (nModels) {
00664     G4ModelingParameters* pMP = CreateModelingParameters();
00665     pMP->SetEvent(event);
00666     for (size_t i = 0; i < nModels; i++) {
00667       if (EOEModelList[i].fActive) {
00668         G4VModel* pModel = EOEModelList[i].fpModel;
00669         pModel -> SetModelingParameters(pMP);
00670         SetModel (pModel);
00671         pModel -> DescribeYourselfTo (*this);
00672         pModel -> SetModelingParameters(0);
00673       }
00674     }
00675     delete pMP;
00676     SetModel (0);
00677   }
00678 }
00680 void G4VSceneHandler::DrawEndOfRunModels()
00681 {
00682   const std::vector<G4Scene::Model>& EORModelList =
00683     fpScene -> GetEndOfRunModelList ();
00684   size_t nModels = EORModelList.size();
00685   if (nModels) {
00686     G4ModelingParameters* pMP = CreateModelingParameters();
00687     pMP->SetEvent(0);
00688     for (size_t i = 0; i < nModels; i++) {
00689       if (EORModelList[i].fActive) {
00690         G4VModel* pModel = EORModelList[i].fpModel;
00691         pModel -> SetModelingParameters(pMP);
00692         SetModel (pModel);
00693         pModel -> DescribeYourselfTo (*this);
00694         pModel -> SetModelingParameters(0);
00695       }
00696     }
00697     delete pMP;
00698     SetModel (0);
00699   }
00700 }
00702 G4ModelingParameters* G4VSceneHandler::CreateModelingParameters ()
00703 {
00704   // Create modeling parameters from View Parameters...
00705   const G4ViewParameters& vp = fpViewer -> GetViewParameters ();
00707   // Convert drawing styles...
00708   G4ModelingParameters::DrawingStyle modelDrawingStyle =
00709     G4ModelingParameters::wf;
00710   switch (vp.GetDrawingStyle ()) {
00711   default:
00712   case G4ViewParameters::wireframe:
00713     modelDrawingStyle = G4ModelingParameters::wf;
00714     break;
00715   case G4ViewParameters::hlr:
00716     modelDrawingStyle = G4ModelingParameters::hlr;
00717     break;
00718   case G4ViewParameters::hsr:
00719     modelDrawingStyle = G4ModelingParameters::hsr;
00720     break;
00721   case G4ViewParameters::hlhsr:
00722     modelDrawingStyle = G4ModelingParameters::hlhsr;
00723     break;
00724   }
00726   // Decide if covered daughters are really to be culled...
00727   G4bool reallyCullCovered =
00728     vp.IsCullingCovered()   // Culling daughters depends also on...
00729     && !vp.IsSection ()     // Sections (DCUT) not requested.
00730     && !vp.IsCutaway ()     // Cutaways not requested.
00731     ;
00733   G4ModelingParameters* pModelingParams = new G4ModelingParameters
00734     (vp.GetDefaultVisAttributes (),
00735      modelDrawingStyle,
00736      vp.IsCulling (),
00737      vp.IsCullingInvisible (),
00738      vp.IsDensityCulling (),
00739      vp.GetVisibleDensity (),
00740      reallyCullCovered,
00741      vp.GetNoOfSides ()
00742      );
00744   pModelingParams->SetWarning
00745     (G4VisManager::GetVerbosity() >= G4VisManager::warnings);
00747   pModelingParams->SetExplodeFactor(vp.GetExplodeFactor());
00748   pModelingParams->SetExplodeCentre(vp.GetExplodeCentre());
00750   pModelingParams->SetSectionSolid(CreateSectionSolid());
00751   pModelingParams->SetCutawaySolid(CreateCutawaySolid());
00752   // The polyhedron objects are deleted in the modeling parameters destructor.
00754   pModelingParams->SetVisAttributesModifiers(vp.GetVisAttributesModifiers());
00756   return pModelingParams;
00757 }
00759 G4VSolid* G4VSceneHandler::CreateSectionSolid()
00760 {
00761   G4VSolid* sectioner = 0;
00762   const G4ViewParameters& vp = fpViewer->GetViewParameters();
00763   if (vp.IsSection () ) {
00764     G4double radius = fpScene->GetExtent().GetExtentRadius();
00765     G4double safe = radius + fpScene->GetExtent().GetExtentCentre().mag();
00766     G4VSolid* sectionBox =
00767       new G4Box("_sectioner", safe, safe, 1.e-5 * radius);  // Thin in z-plane.
00768     const G4Plane3D& sp = vp.GetSectionPlane ();
00769     G4double a = sp.a();
00770     G4double b = sp.b();
00771     G4double c = sp.c();
00772     G4double d = sp.d();
00773     G4Transform3D transform = G4TranslateZ3D(-d);
00774     const G4Normal3D normal(a,b,c);
00775     if (normal != G4Normal3D(0,0,1)) {
00776       const G4double angle = std::acos(normal.dot(G4Normal3D(0,0,1)));
00777       const G4Vector3D axis = G4Normal3D(0,0,1).cross(normal);
00778       transform = G4Rotate3D(angle, axis) * transform;
00779     }
00780     sectioner = new G4DisplacedSolid
00781       ("_displaced_sectioning_box", sectionBox, transform);
00782   }
00783   return sectioner;
00784 }
00786 G4VSolid* G4VSceneHandler::CreateCutawaySolid()
00787 {
00788   return 0;
00789 }
00791 void G4VSceneHandler::LoadAtts(const G4Visible& visible, G4AttHolder* holder)
00792 {
00793   // Load G4Atts from G4VisAttributes, if any...
00794   const G4VisAttributes* va = visible.GetVisAttributes();
00795   if (va) {
00796     const std::map<G4String,G4AttDef>* vaDefs =
00797       va->GetAttDefs();
00798     if (vaDefs) {
00799       holder->AddAtts(visible.GetVisAttributes()->CreateAttValues(), vaDefs);
00800     }
00801   }
00803   G4PhysicalVolumeModel* pPVModel =
00804     dynamic_cast<G4PhysicalVolumeModel*>(fpModel);
00805   if (pPVModel) {
00806     // Load G4Atts from G4PhysicalVolumeModel...
00807     const std::map<G4String,G4AttDef>* pvDefs = pPVModel->GetAttDefs();
00808     if (pvDefs) {
00809       holder->AddAtts(pPVModel->CreateCurrentAttValues(), pvDefs);
00810     }
00811   }
00813   G4TrajectoriesModel* trajModel = dynamic_cast<G4TrajectoriesModel*>(fpModel);
00814   if (trajModel) {
00815     // Load G4Atts from trajectory model...
00816     const std::map<G4String,G4AttDef>* trajModelDefs = trajModel->GetAttDefs();
00817     if (trajModelDefs) {
00818       holder->AddAtts(trajModel->CreateCurrentAttValues(), trajModelDefs);
00819     }
00820     // Load G4Atts from trajectory...
00821     const G4VTrajectory* traj = trajModel->GetCurrentTrajectory();
00822     const std::map<G4String,G4AttDef>* trajDefs = traj->GetAttDefs();
00823     if (trajDefs) {
00824       holder->AddAtts(traj->CreateAttValues(), trajDefs);
00825     }
00826     G4int nPoints = traj->GetPointEntries();
00827     for (G4int i = 0; i < nPoints; ++i) {
00828       G4VTrajectoryPoint* trajPoint = traj->GetPoint(i);
00829       const std::map<G4String,G4AttDef>* pointDefs = trajPoint->GetAttDefs();
00830       if (pointDefs) {
00831         holder->AddAtts(trajPoint->CreateAttValues(), pointDefs);
00832       }
00833     }
00834   }
00836   G4HitsModel* hitsModel = dynamic_cast<G4HitsModel*>(fpModel);
00837   if (hitsModel) {
00838     // Load G4Atts from hit...
00839     const G4VHit* hit = hitsModel->GetCurrentHit();
00840     const std::map<G4String,G4AttDef>* hitsDefs = hit->GetAttDefs();
00841     if (hitsDefs) {
00842       holder->AddAtts(hit->CreateAttValues(), hitsDefs);
00843     }
00844   }
00845 }
00847 const G4Colour& G4VSceneHandler::GetColour (const G4Visible& visible) {
00848   // Colour is determined by the applicable vis attributes.
00849   const G4Colour& colour = fpViewer ->
00850     GetApplicableVisAttributes (visible.GetVisAttributes ()) -> GetColour ();
00851   return colour;
00852 }
00854 const G4Colour& G4VSceneHandler::GetTextColour (const G4Text& text) {
00855   const G4VisAttributes* pVA = text.GetVisAttributes ();
00856   if (!pVA) {
00857     pVA = fpViewer -> GetViewParameters (). GetDefaultTextVisAttributes ();
00858   }
00859   const G4Colour& colour = pVA -> GetColour ();
00860   return colour;
00861 }
00863 G4double G4VSceneHandler::GetLineWidth(const G4VisAttributes* pVisAttribs)
00864 {
00865   G4double lineWidth = pVisAttribs->GetLineWidth();
00866   if (lineWidth < 1.) lineWidth = 1.;
00867   lineWidth *= fpViewer -> GetViewParameters().GetGlobalLineWidthScale();
00868   if (lineWidth < 1.) lineWidth = 1.;
00869   return lineWidth;
00870 }
00872 G4ViewParameters::DrawingStyle G4VSceneHandler::GetDrawingStyle
00873 (const G4VisAttributes* pVisAttribs) {
00874   // Drawing style is normally determined by the view parameters, but
00875   // it can be overriddden by the ForceDrawingStyle flag in the vis
00876   // attributes.
00877   G4ViewParameters::DrawingStyle style = 
00878     fpViewer->GetViewParameters().GetDrawingStyle();
00879   if (pVisAttribs -> IsForceDrawingStyle ()) {
00880     G4VisAttributes::ForcedDrawingStyle forcedStyle =
00881       pVisAttribs -> GetForcedDrawingStyle ();
00882     // This is complicated because if hidden line and surface removal
00883     // has been requested we wish to preserve this sometimes.
00884     switch (forcedStyle) {
00885     case (G4VisAttributes::solid):
00886       switch (style) {
00887       case (G4ViewParameters::hlr):
00888         style = G4ViewParameters::hlhsr;
00889         break;
00890       case (G4ViewParameters::wireframe):
00891         style = G4ViewParameters::hsr;
00892         break;
00893       case (G4ViewParameters::hlhsr):
00894       case (G4ViewParameters::hsr):
00895       default:
00896         break;
00897       } 
00898       break;
00899     case (G4VisAttributes::wireframe):
00900     default:
00901       // But if forced style is wireframe, do it, because one of its
00902       // main uses is in displaying the consituent solids of a Boolean
00903       // solid and their surfaces overlap with the resulting Booean
00904       // solid, making a mess if hlr is specified.
00905       style = G4ViewParameters::wireframe;
00906       break;
00907     }
00908   }
00909   return style;
00910 }
00912 G4bool G4VSceneHandler::GetAuxEdgeVisible (const G4VisAttributes* pVisAttribs) {
00913   G4bool isAuxEdgeVisible = fpViewer->GetViewParameters().IsAuxEdgeVisible ();
00914   if (pVisAttribs -> IsForceAuxEdgeVisible()) isAuxEdgeVisible = true;
00915   return isAuxEdgeVisible;
00916 }
00918 G4double G4VSceneHandler::GetMarkerSize
00919 (const G4VMarker& marker, 
00920  G4VSceneHandler::MarkerSizeType& markerSizeType)
00921 {
00922   G4bool userSpecified = marker.GetWorldSize() || marker.GetScreenSize();
00923   const G4VMarker& defaultMarker =
00924     fpViewer -> GetViewParameters().GetDefaultMarker();
00925   G4double size = userSpecified ?
00926     marker.GetWorldSize() : defaultMarker.GetWorldSize();
00927   if (size) {
00928     // Draw in world coordinates.
00929     markerSizeType = world;
00930   }
00931   else {
00932     size = userSpecified ?
00933       marker.GetScreenSize() : defaultMarker.GetScreenSize();
00934     // Draw in screen coordinates.
00935     markerSizeType = screen;
00936   }
00937   size *= fpViewer -> GetViewParameters().GetGlobalMarkerScale();
00938   if (markerSizeType == screen && size < 1.) size = 1.;
00939   return size;
00940 }
00942 G4int G4VSceneHandler::GetNoOfSides(const G4VisAttributes* pVisAttribs)
00943 {
00944   // No. of sides (lines segments per circle) is normally determined
00945   // by the view parameters, but it can be overriddden by the
00946   // ForceLineSegmentsPerCircle in the vis attributes.
00947   G4int lineSegmentsPerCircle = fpViewer->GetViewParameters().GetNoOfSides();
00948   if (pVisAttribs) {
00949     if (pVisAttribs->IsForceLineSegmentsPerCircle())
00950       lineSegmentsPerCircle = pVisAttribs->GetForcedLineSegmentsPerCircle();
00951     const G4int nSegmentsMin = 12;
00952     if (lineSegmentsPerCircle < nSegmentsMin) {
00953       lineSegmentsPerCircle = nSegmentsMin;
00954       G4cout <<
00955         "G4VSceneHandler::GetNoOfSides: attempt to set the"
00956         "\nnumber of line segements per circle < " << nSegmentsMin
00957              << "; forced to " << lineSegmentsPerCircle << G4endl;
00958     }
00959   }
00960   return lineSegmentsPerCircle;
00961 }
00963 std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const G4VSceneHandler& sh) {
00965   os << "Scene handler " << sh.fName << " has "
00966      << sh.fViewerList.size () << " viewer(s):";
00967   for (size_t i = 0; i < sh.fViewerList.size (); i++) {
00968     os << "\n  " << *(sh.fViewerList [i]);
00969   }
00971   if (sh.fpScene) {
00972     os << "\n  " << *sh.fpScene;
00973   }
00974   else {
00975     os << "\n  This scene handler currently has no scene.";
00976   }
00978   return os;
00979 }

Generated on Mon May 27 17:50:22 2013 for Geant4 by  doxygen 1.4.7