
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //
00002 // ********************************************************************
00003 // * License and Disclaimer                                           *
00004 // *                                                                  *
00005 // * The  Geant4 software  is  copyright of the Copyright Holders  of *
00006 // * the Geant4 Collaboration.  It is provided  under  the terms  and *
00007 // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License,  included in the file *
00008 // * LICENSE and available at  http://cern.ch/geant4/license .  These *
00009 // * include a list of copyright holders.                             *
00010 // *                                                                  *
00011 // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing *
00012 // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this *
00013 // * work  make  any representation or  warranty, express or implied, *
00014 // * regarding  this  software system or assume any liability for its *
00015 // * use.  Please see the license in the file  LICENSE  and URL above *
00016 // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability.         *
00017 // *                                                                  *
00018 // * This  code  implementation is the result of  the  scientific and *
00019 // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration.                      *
00020 // * By using,  copying,  modifying or  distributing the software (or *
00021 // * any work based  on the software)  you  agree  to acknowledge its *
00022 // * use  in  resulting  scientific  publications,  and indicate your *
00023 // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license.          *
00024 // ********************************************************************
00025 //
00026 //
00027 // $Id$
00028 //
00029 // 
00030 // --------------------------------------------------------------
00031 //      GEANT 4 class implementation file 
00032 //
00033 //
00034 // ------------------------------------------------------------
00035 //   Implemented for the new scheme                 23 Mar. 1998  H.Kurahige
00036 // --------------------------------------------------------------
00038 #include "G4VParticleChange.hh"
00039 #include "G4SystemOfUnits.hh"
00040 #include "G4Track.hh"
00041 #include "G4Step.hh"
00042 #include "G4TrackFastVector.hh"
00043 #include "G4ExceptionSeverity.hh"
00045 const G4double G4VParticleChange::accuracyForWarning = 1.0e-9;
00046 const G4double G4VParticleChange::accuracyForException = 0.001;
00048 G4VParticleChange::G4VParticleChange()
00049   :theListOfSecondaries(0),
00050    theNumberOfSecondaries(0),
00051    theSizeOftheListOfSecondaries(G4TrackFastVectorSize),
00052    theStatusChange(fAlive),
00053    theSteppingControlFlag(NormalCondition),     
00054    theLocalEnergyDeposit(0.0),
00055    theNonIonizingEnergyDeposit(0.0),
00056    theTrueStepLength(0.0),
00057    theFirstStepInVolume(false),
00058    theLastStepInVolume(false),
00059    theParentWeight(1.0),
00060    isParentWeightProposed(false),
00061    fSetSecondaryWeightByProcess(false),
00062    theParentGlobalTime(0.0),
00063    verboseLevel(1), 
00064    debugFlag(false)
00065 {
00066 #ifdef G4VERBOSE
00067   // activate CHeckIt if in VERBOSE mode
00068   debugFlag = true;
00069 #endif
00070   theListOfSecondaries = new G4TrackFastVector();
00071 }
00073 G4VParticleChange::~G4VParticleChange() {
00074   // check if tracks still exist in theListOfSecondaries
00075   if (theNumberOfSecondaries>0) {
00076 #ifdef G4VERBOSE
00077     if (verboseLevel>0) {
00078       G4cout << "G4VParticleChange::~G4VParticleChange() Warning  ";
00079       G4cout << "theListOfSecondaries is not empty ";
00080     }
00081 #endif
00082     for (G4int index= 0; index<theNumberOfSecondaries; index++){
00083       delete (*theListOfSecondaries)[index] ;
00084     }
00085   }
00086   delete theListOfSecondaries; 
00087 }
00089 G4VParticleChange::G4VParticleChange(const G4VParticleChange &right)
00090   :theListOfSecondaries(0),
00091    theNumberOfSecondaries(0),
00092    theSizeOftheListOfSecondaries(G4TrackFastVectorSize),
00093    theStatusChange( right.theStatusChange),
00094    theSteppingControlFlag(right.theSteppingControlFlag),
00095    theLocalEnergyDeposit(right.theLocalEnergyDeposit),
00096    theNonIonizingEnergyDeposit(right.theNonIonizingEnergyDeposit),
00097    theTrueStepLength(right.theTrueStepLength),
00098    theFirstStepInVolume( right.theFirstStepInVolume),
00099    theLastStepInVolume(right.theLastStepInVolume),
00100    theParentWeight(right.theParentWeight),
00101    isParentWeightProposed(false),
00102    fSetSecondaryWeightByProcess(right.fSetSecondaryWeightByProcess),
00103    theParentGlobalTime(0.0),
00104    verboseLevel(right.verboseLevel),
00105    debugFlag(right.debugFlag)
00106 {
00107   theListOfSecondaries =  new G4TrackFastVector();
00108   theNumberOfSecondaries = right.theNumberOfSecondaries;
00109   for (G4int index = 0; index<theNumberOfSecondaries; index++){
00110     G4Track* newTrack =  new G4Track(*((*right.theListOfSecondaries)[index] ));
00111     theListOfSecondaries->SetElement(index, newTrack);                      
00112   }
00113 }
00116 G4VParticleChange & G4VParticleChange::operator=(const G4VParticleChange &right)
00117 {
00118   if (this != &right){
00119     if (theNumberOfSecondaries>0) {
00120 #ifdef G4VERBOSE
00121       if (verboseLevel>0) {
00122         G4cout << "G4VParticleChange: assignment operator Warning  ";
00123         G4cout << "theListOfSecondaries is not empty ";
00124       }
00125 #endif
00126       for (G4int index = 0; index<theNumberOfSecondaries; index++){
00127         if ( (*theListOfSecondaries)[index] ) delete ((*theListOfSecondaries)[index]) ;
00128       }
00129     }
00130     delete theListOfSecondaries; 
00132     theListOfSecondaries =  new G4TrackFastVector();
00133     theNumberOfSecondaries = right.theNumberOfSecondaries;
00134    for (G4int index = 0; index<theNumberOfSecondaries; index++){
00135     G4Track* newTrack =  new G4Track(*((*right.theListOfSecondaries)[index] ));
00136     theListOfSecondaries->SetElement(index, newTrack);                      
00137   }
00138     theStatusChange = right.theStatusChange;
00139     theSteppingControlFlag = right.theSteppingControlFlag;
00140     theLocalEnergyDeposit = right.theLocalEnergyDeposit;
00141     theNonIonizingEnergyDeposit = right.theNonIonizingEnergyDeposit;
00142     theTrueStepLength = right.theTrueStepLength;
00144     theFirstStepInVolume = right.theFirstStepInVolume;
00145     theLastStepInVolume =  right.theLastStepInVolume;
00147     theParentWeight = right.theParentWeight;
00148     isParentWeightProposed = right.isParentWeightProposed;
00149     fSetSecondaryWeightByProcess = right.fSetSecondaryWeightByProcess;
00151     theParentGlobalTime = right.theParentGlobalTime;
00153     verboseLevel = right.verboseLevel;
00154     debugFlag = right.debugFlag;
00156   }
00157   return *this;
00158 }
00160 G4bool G4VParticleChange::operator==(const G4VParticleChange &right) const
00161 {
00162    return (this == (G4VParticleChange *) &right);
00163 }
00166 G4bool G4VParticleChange::operator!=(const G4VParticleChange &right) const
00167 {
00168    return (this != (G4VParticleChange *) &right);
00169 }
00171 void G4VParticleChange::AddSecondary(G4Track *aTrack)
00172 {
00173   if (debugFlag) CheckSecondary(*aTrack);
00175   // add a secondary after size check
00176   if (theSizeOftheListOfSecondaries > theNumberOfSecondaries) {
00177     // Set weight of secondary tracks
00178     if (!fSetSecondaryWeightByProcess) aTrack->SetWeight(theParentWeight);
00179     theListOfSecondaries->SetElement(theNumberOfSecondaries, aTrack);
00180     theNumberOfSecondaries++;
00181   } else {
00182     delete aTrack;
00184 #ifdef G4VERBOSE
00185     if (verboseLevel>0) {
00186       G4cout << "G4VParticleChange::AddSecondary() Warning  ";
00187       G4cout << "theListOfSecondaries is full !! " << G4endl;
00188       G4cout << " The track is deleted " << G4endl;
00189     }
00190 #endif
00191     G4Exception("G4VParticleChange::AddSecondary",
00192                 "TRACK101", JustWarning,
00193                 "Secondary Bug is full. The track is deleted"); 
00194   }
00195 }
00199 // Virtual methods for updating G4Step 
00200 //
00202 G4Step* G4VParticleChange::UpdateStepInfo(G4Step* pStep)
00203 {
00204   // Update the G4Step specific attributes
00205   pStep->SetStepLength( theTrueStepLength );
00206   pStep->AddTotalEnergyDeposit( theLocalEnergyDeposit );
00207   pStep->AddNonIonizingEnergyDeposit( theNonIonizingEnergyDeposit );
00208   pStep->SetControlFlag( theSteppingControlFlag );
00210   if (theFirstStepInVolume) {pStep->SetFirstStepFlag();}
00211   else                      {pStep->ClearFirstStepFlag();} 
00212   if (theLastStepInVolume)  {pStep->SetLastStepFlag();}
00213   else                      {pStep->ClearLastStepFlag();} 
00215   return pStep;
00216 }
00219 G4Step* G4VParticleChange::UpdateStepForAtRest(G4Step* Step)
00220 { 
00221   if (isParentWeightProposed ){
00222     Step->GetPostStepPoint()->SetWeight( theParentWeight );
00223   }
00224   return UpdateStepInfo(Step);
00225 }
00228 G4Step* G4VParticleChange::UpdateStepForAlongStep(G4Step* Step)
00229 {
00230   if (isParentWeightProposed ){ 
00231     G4double initialWeight = Step->GetPreStepPoint()->GetWeight();
00232     G4double currentWeight = Step->GetPostStepPoint()->GetWeight();
00233     G4double finalWeight   = (theParentWeight/initialWeight)*currentWeight;
00234     Step->GetPostStepPoint()->SetWeight( finalWeight );
00235   }   
00236   return UpdateStepInfo(Step);
00237 }
00239 G4Step* G4VParticleChange::UpdateStepForPostStep(G4Step* Step)
00240 {
00241   if (isParentWeightProposed ){ 
00242     Step->GetPostStepPoint()->SetWeight( theParentWeight );
00243   }
00244   return UpdateStepInfo(Step);
00245 }
00248 //----------------------------------------------------------------
00249 // methods for printing messages  
00250 //
00252 void G4VParticleChange::DumpInfo() const
00253 {
00255 // Show header
00256   G4int olprc = G4cout.precision(3);
00257   G4cout << "      -----------------------------------------------" 
00258        << G4endl;
00259   G4cout << "        G4ParticleChange Information  " << std::setw(20) << G4endl;
00260   G4cout << "      -----------------------------------------------" 
00261        << G4endl;
00263   G4cout << "        # of 2ndaries       : " 
00264        << std::setw(20) << theNumberOfSecondaries
00265        << G4endl;
00267   if (theNumberOfSecondaries >0) {
00268     G4cout << "        Pointer to 2ndaries : " 
00269          << std::setw(20) << GetSecondary(0)
00270          << G4endl;
00271     G4cout << "        (Showed only 1st one)"
00272          << G4endl;
00273   }
00274   G4cout << "      -----------------------------------------------" 
00275        << G4endl;
00277   G4cout << "        Energy Deposit (MeV): " 
00278        << std::setw(20) << theLocalEnergyDeposit/MeV
00279        << G4endl;
00281   G4cout << "        Non-ionizing Energy Deposit (MeV): " 
00282        << std::setw(20) << theNonIonizingEnergyDeposit/MeV
00283        << G4endl;
00285   G4cout << "        Track Status        : " 
00286        << std::setw(20);
00287        if( theStatusChange == fAlive ){
00288          G4cout << " Alive";
00289        } else if( theStatusChange == fStopButAlive ){
00290            G4cout << " StopButAlive";
00291        } else if( theStatusChange == fStopAndKill ){
00292            G4cout << " StopAndKill";
00293        } else if( theStatusChange  == fKillTrackAndSecondaries ){
00294            G4cout << " KillTrackAndSecondaries";
00295        } else if( theStatusChange  == fSuspend ){
00296            G4cout << " Suspend";
00297        } else if( theStatusChange == fPostponeToNextEvent ){
00298            G4cout << " PostponeToNextEvent";
00299        }
00300        G4cout << G4endl;
00301   G4cout << "        True Path Length (mm) : " 
00302        << std::setw(20) << theTrueStepLength/mm
00303        << G4endl;
00304   G4cout << "        Stepping Control      : " 
00305        << std::setw(20) << theSteppingControlFlag
00306        << G4endl;   
00307   if (theFirstStepInVolume) {
00308     G4cout << "    First Step In the voulme  : "  << G4endl;
00309   }
00310   if (theLastStepInVolume) {
00311     G4cout << "    Last Step In the voulme  : "  << G4endl;
00312   }
00313   G4cout.precision(olprc);
00314 }
00316 G4bool G4VParticleChange::CheckIt(const G4Track&
00317 #ifdef G4VERBOSE
00318                                          aTrack
00319 #endif
00320 )
00321 {
00323   G4bool    exitWithError = false;
00324   G4double  accuracy;
00325   static G4int nError = 0;
00326 #ifdef G4VERBOSE
00327   const  G4int maxError = 30;
00328 #endif
00330   // Energy deposit should not be negative
00331   G4bool itsOKforEnergy = true;
00332   accuracy = -1.0*theLocalEnergyDeposit/MeV;
00333   if (accuracy > accuracyForWarning) {
00334     itsOKforEnergy = false;
00335     nError += 1;
00336     exitWithError =  (accuracy > accuracyForException);
00337 #ifdef G4VERBOSE
00338     if (nError < maxError) {
00339       G4cout << "  G4VParticleChange::CheckIt    : ";
00340       G4cout << "the energy deposit  is negative  !!" 
00341              << "  Difference:  " << accuracy  << "[MeV] " <<G4endl;
00342       G4cout << aTrack.GetDefinition()->GetParticleName()
00343              << " E=" << aTrack.GetKineticEnergy()/MeV
00344              << " pos=" << aTrack.GetPosition().x()/m
00345              << ", " << aTrack.GetPosition().y()/m
00346              << ", " << aTrack.GetPosition().z()/m
00347              <<G4endl;
00348     }
00349 #endif
00350   }
00352   // true path length should not be negative
00353   G4bool itsOKforStepLength = true;
00354   accuracy = -1.0*theTrueStepLength/mm;
00355   if (accuracy > accuracyForWarning) {
00356     itsOKforStepLength = false;
00357     nError += 1;
00358     exitWithError =  (accuracy > accuracyForException);
00359 #ifdef G4VERBOSE
00360     if (nError < maxError) {
00361       G4cout << "  G4VParticleChange::CheckIt    : ";
00362       G4cout << "the true step length is negative  !!"
00363              << "  Difference:  " << accuracy  << "[MeV] " <<G4endl;
00364       G4cout << aTrack.GetDefinition()->GetParticleName()
00365              << " E=" << aTrack.GetKineticEnergy()/MeV
00366              << " pos=" << aTrack.GetPosition().x()/m
00367              << ", " << aTrack.GetPosition().y()/m
00368              << ", " << aTrack.GetPosition().z()/m
00369              <<G4endl;
00370     }
00371 #endif
00373   }
00374 #ifdef G4VERBOSE
00375   if (!itsOKforStepLength || !itsOKforEnergy ){
00376   // dump out information of this particle change
00377     DumpInfo();
00378   }
00379 #endif
00381   // Exit with error
00382   if (exitWithError) {
00383     G4Exception("G4VParticleChange::CheckIt",
00384                 "TRACK001", EventMustBeAborted,
00385                 "Step length and/or energy deposit was illegal");
00386   }
00388   // correction 
00389   if ( !itsOKforStepLength ) {
00390     theTrueStepLength =  (1.e-12)*mm;
00391   } 
00392   if ( !itsOKforEnergy ) {
00393     theLocalEnergyDeposit = 0.0;
00394   }
00395   return (itsOKforStepLength && itsOKforEnergy );
00396 }
00398 G4bool G4VParticleChange::CheckSecondary(G4Track& aTrack)
00399 {
00400   G4bool    exitWithError = false;
00401   G4double  accuracy;
00402   static G4int nError = 0;
00403 #ifdef G4VERBOSE
00404   const  G4int maxError = 30;
00405 #endif
00407   // MomentumDirection should be unit vector
00408   G4bool itsOKforMomentum = true;  
00409   if (aTrack.GetKineticEnergy()>0.){
00410     accuracy = std::fabs((aTrack.GetMomentumDirection()).mag2()-1.0);
00411     if (accuracy > accuracyForWarning) {
00412       itsOKforMomentum = false;
00413       nError += 1;
00414       exitWithError = exitWithError || (accuracy > accuracyForException);
00415 #ifdef G4VERBOSE
00416       if (nError < maxError) {
00417         G4cout << " G4VParticleChange::CheckSecondary  :   ";
00418         G4cout << "the Momentum direction is not unit vector !! " 
00419                << "  Difference:  " << accuracy << G4endl;
00420         G4cout << aTrack.GetDefinition()->GetParticleName()
00421                << " E=" << aTrack.GetKineticEnergy()/MeV
00422                << " pos=" << aTrack.GetPosition().x()/m
00423                << ", " << aTrack.GetPosition().y()/m
00424                << ", " << aTrack.GetPosition().z()/m
00425                <<G4endl;
00426       }
00427 #endif
00428     }
00429   }
00431   // Kinetic Energy should not be negative
00432   G4bool itsOKforEnergy = true;
00433   accuracy = -1.0*(aTrack.GetKineticEnergy())/MeV;
00434   if (accuracy > accuracyForWarning) {
00435     itsOKforEnergy = false;
00436     nError += 1;
00437     exitWithError = exitWithError ||  (accuracy > accuracyForException);
00438 #ifdef G4VERBOSE
00439     if (nError < maxError) {
00440       G4cout << " G4VParticleChange::CheckSecondary  :   ";
00441       G4cout << "the kinetic energy is negative  !!" 
00442              << "  Difference:  " << accuracy  << "[MeV] " <<G4endl;
00443       G4cout << " G4VParticleChange::CheckSecondary  :   ";
00444       G4cout << "the global time of secondary is earlier than the parent  !!" 
00445              << "  Difference:  " << accuracy  << "[ns] " <<G4endl;
00446       G4cout << aTrack.GetDefinition()->GetParticleName()
00447              << " E=" << aTrack.GetKineticEnergy()/MeV
00448              << " pos=" << aTrack.GetPosition().x()/m
00449              << ", " << aTrack.GetPosition().y()/m
00450              << ", " << aTrack.GetPosition().z()/m
00451            <<G4endl;
00452     }
00453 #endif
00454   }
00455   // Check timing of secondaries
00456   G4bool itsOKforTiming = true;
00458   accuracy = (theParentGlobalTime - aTrack.GetGlobalTime())/ns;
00459   if (accuracy > accuracyForWarning){
00460     itsOKforTiming = false;
00461     nError += 1;
00462     exitWithError = (accuracy > accuracyForException);
00463 #ifdef G4VERBOSE
00464     if (nError < maxError) {
00465       G4cout << " G4VParticleChange::CheckSecondary  :   ";
00466       G4cout << "the global time of secondary goes back comapared to the parent  !!" 
00467              << "  Difference:  " << accuracy  << "[ns] " <<G4endl;
00468       G4cout << aTrack.GetDefinition()->GetParticleName()
00469              << " E=" << aTrack.GetKineticEnergy()/MeV
00470              << " pos=" << aTrack.GetPosition().x()/m
00471              << ", " << aTrack.GetPosition().y()/m
00472                << ", " << aTrack.GetPosition().z()/m
00473              << " time=" << aTrack.GetGlobalTime()/ns
00474              << " parent time=" << theParentGlobalTime/ns
00475              <<G4endl;
00476     }
00477 #endif
00478   }
00480   // Exit with error
00481   if (exitWithError) {
00482     G4Exception("G4VParticleChange::CheckSecondary",
00483                 "TRACK001", EventMustBeAborted,
00484                 "Secondary with illegal energy/momentum ");
00485   }
00487   G4bool itsOK = itsOKforMomentum && itsOKforEnergy && itsOKforTiming;
00489   //correction
00490   if (!itsOKforMomentum) {
00491     G4double vmag = (aTrack.GetMomentumDirection()).mag();
00492     aTrack.SetMomentumDirection((1./vmag)*aTrack.GetMomentumDirection());
00493   }
00494   if (!itsOKforEnergy) {
00495     aTrack.SetKineticEnergy(0.0);
00496   }
00498   return itsOK;
00499 }
00502 G4double G4VParticleChange::GetAccuracyForWarning() const
00503 {
00504   return accuracyForWarning;
00505 }
00507 G4double G4VParticleChange::GetAccuracyForException() const
00508 {
00509   return accuracyForException;
00510 }
00514 //Obsolete methods for parent weight
00516 void  G4VParticleChange::SetParentWeightByProcess(G4bool )
00517 {
00518 }
00521 G4bool   G4VParticleChange::IsParentWeightSetByProcess() const
00522 {
00523   return  true;
00524 }

Generated on Mon May 27 17:50:18 2013 for Geant4 by  doxygen 1.4.7