
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //
00002 // ********************************************************************
00003 // * License and Disclaimer                                           *
00004 // *                                                                  *
00005 // * The  Geant4 software  is  copyright of the Copyright Holders  of *
00006 // * the Geant4 Collaboration.  It is provided  under  the terms  and *
00007 // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License,  included in the file *
00008 // * LICENSE and available at  http://cern.ch/geant4/license .  These *
00009 // * include a list of copyright holders.                             *
00010 // *                                                                  *
00011 // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing *
00012 // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this *
00013 // * work  make  any representation or  warranty, express or implied, *
00014 // * regarding  this  software system or assume any liability for its *
00015 // * use.  Please see the license in the file  LICENSE  and URL above *
00016 // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability.         *
00017 // *                                                                  *
00018 // * This  code  implementation is the result of  the  scientific and *
00019 // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration.                      *
00020 // * By using,  copying,  modifying or  distributing the software (or *
00021 // * any work based  on the software)  you  agree  to acknowledge its *
00022 // * use  in  resulting  scientific  publications,  and indicate your *
00023 // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license.          *
00024 // ********************************************************************
00025 //
00026 // $Id$
00027 //
00028 // -------------------------------------------------------------------
00029 //
00030 // GEANT4 Class file
00031 //
00032 //
00033 // File name:     G4VEmProcess
00034 //
00035 // Author:        Vladimir Ivanchenko on base of Laszlo Urban code
00036 //
00037 // Creation date: 01.10.2003
00038 //
00039 // Modifications:
00040 // 30-06-04 make it to be pure discrete process (V.Ivanchenko)
00041 // 30-09-08 optimise integral option (V.Ivanchenko)
00042 // 08-11-04 Migration to new interface of Store/Retrieve tables (V.Ivanchenko)
00043 // 11-03-05 Shift verbose level by 1, add applyCuts and killPrimary flags (VI)
00044 // 14-03-05 Update logic PostStepDoIt (V.Ivanchenko)
00045 // 08-04-05 Major optimisation of internal interfaces (V.Ivanchenko)
00046 // 18-04-05 Use G4ParticleChangeForGamma (V.Ivanchenko)
00047 // 25-07-05 Add protection: integral mode only for charged particles (VI)
00048 // 04-09-05 default lambdaFactor 0.8 (V.Ivanchenko)
00049 // 11-01-06 add A to parameters of ComputeCrossSectionPerAtom (VI)
00050 // 12-09-06 add SetModel() (mma)
00051 // 12-04-07 remove double call to Clear model manager (V.Ivanchenko)
00052 // 27-10-07 Virtual functions moved to source (V.Ivanchenko)
00053 // 24-06-09 Removed hidden bin in G4PhysicsVector (V.Ivanchenko)
00054 // 17-02-10 Added pointer currentParticle (VI)
00055 // 30-05-12 allow Russian roulette, brem splitting (D. Sawkey)
00056 //
00057 // Class Description:
00058 //
00060 // -------------------------------------------------------------------
00061 //
00062 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
00063 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
00065 #include "G4VEmProcess.hh"
00066 #include "G4PhysicalConstants.hh"
00067 #include "G4SystemOfUnits.hh"
00068 #include "G4ProcessManager.hh"
00069 #include "G4LossTableManager.hh"
00070 #include "G4LossTableBuilder.hh"
00071 #include "G4Step.hh"
00072 #include "G4ParticleDefinition.hh"
00073 #include "G4VEmModel.hh"
00074 #include "G4DataVector.hh"
00075 #include "G4PhysicsTable.hh"
00076 #include "G4PhysicsLogVector.hh"
00077 #include "G4VParticleChange.hh"
00078 #include "G4ProductionCutsTable.hh"
00079 #include "G4Region.hh"
00080 #include "G4Gamma.hh"
00081 #include "G4Electron.hh"
00082 #include "G4Positron.hh"
00083 #include "G4PhysicsTableHelper.hh"
00084 #include "G4EmBiasingManager.hh"
00085 #include "G4GenericIon.hh"
00087 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
00089 G4VEmProcess::G4VEmProcess(const G4String& name, G4ProcessType type):
00090   G4VDiscreteProcess(name, type),
00091   secondaryParticle(0),
00092   buildLambdaTable(true),
00093   numberOfModels(0),
00094   theLambdaTable(0),
00095   theLambdaTablePrim(0),
00096   theDensityFactor(0),
00097   theDensityIdx(0),
00098   integral(false),
00099   applyCuts(false),
00100   startFromNull(false),
00101   splineFlag(true),
00102   currentModel(0),
00103   particle(0),
00104   currentParticle(0),
00105   currentCouple(0)
00106 {
00107   SetVerboseLevel(1);
00109   // Size of tables assuming spline
00110   minKinEnergy = 0.1*keV;
00111   maxKinEnergy = 10.0*TeV;
00112   nLambdaBins  = 77;
00113   minKinEnergyPrim = DBL_MAX;
00115   // default lambda factor
00116   lambdaFactor  = 0.8;
00118   // default limit on polar angle
00119   polarAngleLimit = 0.0;
00120   biasFactor = 1.0;
00122   // particle types
00123   theGamma     = G4Gamma::Gamma();
00124   theElectron  = G4Electron::Electron();
00125   thePositron  = G4Positron::Positron();
00127   pParticleChange = &fParticleChange;
00128   secParticles.reserve(5);
00130   preStepLambda = 0.0;
00131   mfpKinEnergy  = DBL_MAX;
00133   modelManager = new G4EmModelManager();
00134   biasManager  = 0;
00135   biasFlag     = false; 
00136   weightFlag   = false;
00137   (G4LossTableManager::Instance())->Register(this);
00138   warn = 0;
00139 }
00141 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
00143 G4VEmProcess::~G4VEmProcess()
00144 {
00145   if(1 < verboseLevel) {
00146     G4cout << "G4VEmProcess destruct " << GetProcessName() 
00147            << "  " << this << "  " <<  theLambdaTable <<G4endl;
00148   }
00149   Clear();
00150   if(theLambdaTable) {
00151     theLambdaTable->clearAndDestroy();
00152     delete theLambdaTable;
00153   }
00154   if(theLambdaTablePrim) {
00155     theLambdaTablePrim->clearAndDestroy();
00156     delete theLambdaTablePrim;
00157   }
00158   delete modelManager;
00159   delete biasManager;
00160   (G4LossTableManager::Instance())->DeRegister(this);
00161 }
00163 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
00165 void G4VEmProcess::Clear()
00166 {
00167   currentCouple = 0;
00168   preStepLambda = 0.0;
00169   mfpKinEnergy  = DBL_MAX;
00170 }
00172 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
00174 G4double G4VEmProcess::MinPrimaryEnergy(const G4ParticleDefinition*,
00175                                         const G4Material*)
00176 {
00177   return 0.0;
00178 }
00180 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
00182 void G4VEmProcess::AddEmModel(G4int order, G4VEmModel* p, 
00183                               const G4Region* region)
00184 {
00185   G4VEmFluctuationModel* fm = 0;
00186   modelManager->AddEmModel(order, p, fm, region);
00187   if(p) { p->SetParticleChange(pParticleChange); }
00188 }
00190 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
00192 void G4VEmProcess::SetModel(G4VEmModel* p, G4int index)
00193 {
00194   ++warn;
00195   if(warn < 10) { 
00196     G4cout << "### G4VEmProcess::SetModel is obsolete method and will be "
00197            << "removed for the next release." << G4endl;
00198     G4cout << "    Please, use SetEmModel" << G4endl;
00199   } 
00200   G4int n = emModels.size();
00201   if(index >= n) { for(G4int i=n; i<=index; ++i) {emModels.push_back(0);} }
00202   emModels[index] = p;
00203 }
00205 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
00207 G4VEmModel* G4VEmProcess::Model(G4int index)
00208 {
00209   if(warn < 10) { 
00210     G4cout << "### G4VEmProcess::Model is obsolete method and will be "
00211            << "removed for the next release." << G4endl;
00212     G4cout << "    Please, use EmModel" << G4endl;
00213   } 
00214   G4VEmModel* p = 0;
00215   if(index >= 0 && index <  G4int(emModels.size())) { p = emModels[index]; }
00216   return p;
00217 }
00219 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
00221 void G4VEmProcess::SetEmModel(G4VEmModel* p, G4int index)
00222 {
00223   G4int n = emModels.size();
00224   if(index >= n) { for(G4int i=n; i<=index; ++i) {emModels.push_back(0);} }
00225   emModels[index] = p;
00226 }
00228 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
00230 G4VEmModel* G4VEmProcess::EmModel(G4int index)
00231 {
00232   G4VEmModel* p = 0;
00233   if(index >= 0 && index <  G4int(emModels.size())) { p = emModels[index]; }
00234   return p;
00235 }
00237 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
00239 void G4VEmProcess::UpdateEmModel(const G4String& nam, 
00240                                  G4double emin, G4double emax)
00241 {
00242   modelManager->UpdateEmModel(nam, emin, emax);
00243 }
00245 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
00247 G4VEmModel* G4VEmProcess::GetModelByIndex(G4int idx, G4bool ver)
00248 {
00249   return modelManager->GetModel(idx, ver);
00250 }
00252 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
00254 void G4VEmProcess::PreparePhysicsTable(const G4ParticleDefinition& part)
00255 {
00256   if(!particle) { SetParticle(&part); }
00258   if(part.GetParticleType() == "nucleus" && 
00259      part.GetParticleSubType() == "generic") {
00261     G4String pname = part.GetParticleName();
00262     if(pname != "deuteron" && pname != "triton" &&
00263        pname != "alpha" && pname != "He3" &&
00264        pname != "alpha+"   && pname != "helium" &&
00265        pname != "hydrogen") {
00267       particle = G4GenericIon::GenericIon();
00268     }
00269   }
00271   if(1 < verboseLevel) {
00272     G4cout << "G4VEmProcess::PreparePhysicsTable() for "
00273            << GetProcessName()
00274            << " and particle " << part.GetParticleName()
00275            << " local particle " << particle->GetParticleName() 
00276            << G4endl;
00277   }
00279   G4LossTableManager* man = G4LossTableManager::Instance();
00280   G4LossTableBuilder* bld = man->GetTableBuilder();
00282   man->PreparePhysicsTable(&part, this);
00284   if(particle == &part) {
00285     Clear();
00286     InitialiseProcess(particle);
00288     const G4ProductionCutsTable* theCoupleTable=
00289       G4ProductionCutsTable::GetProductionCutsTable();
00290     size_t n = theCoupleTable->GetTableSize();
00292     theEnergyOfCrossSectionMax.resize(n, 0.0);
00293     theCrossSectionMax.resize(n, DBL_MAX);
00295     // initialisation of models
00296     numberOfModels = modelManager->NumberOfModels();
00297     for(G4int i=0; i<numberOfModels; ++i) {
00298       G4VEmModel* mod = modelManager->GetModel(i);
00299       if(0 == i) { currentModel = mod; }
00300       mod->SetPolarAngleLimit(polarAngleLimit);
00301       if(mod->HighEnergyLimit() > maxKinEnergy) {
00302         mod->SetHighEnergyLimit(maxKinEnergy);
00303       }
00304     }
00306     if(man->AtomDeexcitation()) { modelManager->SetFluoFlag(true); }
00307     theCuts = modelManager->Initialise(particle,secondaryParticle,
00308                                        2.,verboseLevel);
00309     theCutsGamma    = theCoupleTable->GetEnergyCutsVector(idxG4GammaCut);
00310     theCutsElectron = theCoupleTable->GetEnergyCutsVector(idxG4ElectronCut);
00311     theCutsPositron = theCoupleTable->GetEnergyCutsVector(idxG4PositronCut);
00313     // prepare tables
00314     if(buildLambdaTable){
00315       theLambdaTable = G4PhysicsTableHelper::PreparePhysicsTable(theLambdaTable);
00316       bld->InitialiseBaseMaterials(theLambdaTable);
00317     }
00318     // high energy table
00319     if(minKinEnergyPrim < maxKinEnergy){
00320       theLambdaTablePrim = 
00321         G4PhysicsTableHelper::PreparePhysicsTable(theLambdaTablePrim);
00322       bld->InitialiseBaseMaterials(theLambdaTablePrim);
00323     }
00324     // forced biasing
00325     if(biasManager) { 
00326       biasManager->Initialise(part,GetProcessName(),verboseLevel); 
00327       biasFlag = false; 
00328     }
00329   }
00330   theDensityFactor = bld->GetDensityFactors();
00331   theDensityIdx = bld->GetCoupleIndexes();
00332 }
00334 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
00336 void G4VEmProcess::BuildPhysicsTable(const G4ParticleDefinition& part)
00337 {
00338   G4String num = part.GetParticleName();
00339   if(1 < verboseLevel) {
00340     G4cout << "G4VEmProcess::BuildPhysicsTable() for "
00341            << GetProcessName()
00342            << " and particle " << num
00343            << " buildLambdaTable= " << buildLambdaTable
00344            << G4endl;
00345   }
00347   (G4LossTableManager::Instance())->BuildPhysicsTable(particle);
00349   if(buildLambdaTable || minKinEnergyPrim < maxKinEnergy) {
00350     BuildLambdaTable();
00351   }
00353   // explicitly defined printout by particle name
00354   if(1 < verboseLevel || 
00355      (0 < verboseLevel && (num == "gamma" || num == "e-" || 
00356                            num == "e+"    || num == "mu+" || 
00357                            num == "mu-"   || num == "proton"|| 
00358                            num == "pi+"   || num == "pi-" || 
00359                            num == "kaon+" || num == "kaon-" || 
00360                            num == "alpha" || num == "anti_proton" || 
00361                            num == "GenericIon")))
00362     { 
00363       particle = &part;
00364       PrintInfoDefinition(); 
00365     }
00367   if(1 < verboseLevel) {
00368     G4cout << "G4VEmProcess::BuildPhysicsTable() done for "
00369            << GetProcessName()
00370            << " and particle " << num
00371            << G4endl;
00372   }
00373 }
00375 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
00377 void G4VEmProcess::BuildLambdaTable()
00378 {
00379   if(1 < verboseLevel) {
00380     G4cout << "G4EmProcess::BuildLambdaTable() for process "
00381            << GetProcessName() << " and particle "
00382            << particle->GetParticleName() << "  " << this
00383            << G4endl;
00384   }
00386   // Access to materials
00387   const G4ProductionCutsTable* theCoupleTable=
00388         G4ProductionCutsTable::GetProductionCutsTable();
00389   size_t numOfCouples = theCoupleTable->GetTableSize();
00391   G4LossTableBuilder* bld = (G4LossTableManager::Instance())->GetTableBuilder();
00393   G4PhysicsLogVector* aVector = 0;
00394   G4PhysicsLogVector* bVector = 0;
00395   G4PhysicsLogVector* aVectorPrim = 0;
00396   G4PhysicsLogVector* bVectorPrim = 0;
00398   G4double scale = 1.0;
00399   G4double emax1 = maxKinEnergy;
00400   if(startFromNull || minKinEnergyPrim < maxKinEnergy ) { 
00401     scale = std::log(maxKinEnergy/minKinEnergy); 
00402     if(minKinEnergyPrim < maxKinEnergy) { emax1 = minKinEnergyPrim; }
00403   }
00405   for(size_t i=0; i<numOfCouples; ++i) {
00407     if (bld->GetFlag(i)) {
00409       // create physics vector and fill it
00410       const G4MaterialCutsCouple* couple = 
00411         theCoupleTable->GetMaterialCutsCouple(i);
00413       // build main table
00414       if(buildLambdaTable) {
00415         delete (*theLambdaTable)[i];
00417         G4bool startNull = startFromNull;
00418         // if start from zero then change the scale
00419         if(startFromNull || minKinEnergyPrim < maxKinEnergy) {
00420           G4double emin = MinPrimaryEnergy(particle,couple->GetMaterial());
00421           if(emin < minKinEnergy) {
00422             emin = minKinEnergy;
00423             startNull = false;
00424           }
00425           G4double emax = emax1;
00426           if(emax <= emin) { emax = 2*emin; }
00427           G4int bin = 
00428             G4lrint(nLambdaBins*std::log(emax/emin)/scale);
00429           if(bin < 3) { bin = 3; }
00430           aVector = new G4PhysicsLogVector(emin, emax, bin);
00432           // start not from zero
00433         } else if(!bVector) {
00434           aVector = 
00435             new G4PhysicsLogVector(minKinEnergy, maxKinEnergy, nLambdaBins);
00436           bVector = aVector;
00437         } else {
00438           aVector = new G4PhysicsLogVector(*bVector);
00439         }
00440         aVector->SetSpline(splineFlag);
00441         modelManager->FillLambdaVector(aVector, couple, startNull);
00442         if(splineFlag) { aVector->FillSecondDerivatives(); }
00443         G4PhysicsTableHelper::SetPhysicsVector(theLambdaTable, i, aVector);
00444       }
00445       // build high energy table 
00446       if(minKinEnergyPrim < maxKinEnergy) { 
00447         delete (*theLambdaTablePrim)[i];
00449         // start not from zero
00450         if(!bVectorPrim) {
00451           G4int bin = 
00452             G4lrint(nLambdaBins*std::log(maxKinEnergy/minKinEnergyPrim)/scale);
00453           if(bin < 3) { bin = 3; }
00454           aVectorPrim = 
00455             new G4PhysicsLogVector(minKinEnergyPrim, maxKinEnergy, bin);
00456           bVectorPrim = aVectorPrim;
00457         } else {
00458           aVectorPrim = new G4PhysicsLogVector(*bVectorPrim);
00459         }
00460         // always use spline
00461         aVectorPrim->SetSpline(true);
00462         modelManager->FillLambdaVector(aVectorPrim, couple, false, 
00463                                        fIsCrossSectionPrim);
00464         aVectorPrim->FillSecondDerivatives();
00465         G4PhysicsTableHelper::SetPhysicsVector(theLambdaTablePrim, i, aVectorPrim);
00466       }
00467     }
00468   }
00470   if(buildLambdaTable) { FindLambdaMax(); }
00472   if(1 < verboseLevel) {
00473     G4cout << "Lambda table is built for "
00474            << particle->GetParticleName()
00475            << G4endl;
00476   }
00477 }
00479 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
00481 void G4VEmProcess::PrintInfoDefinition()
00482 {
00483   if(verboseLevel > 0) {
00484     G4cout << G4endl << GetProcessName() << ":   for  "
00485            << particle->GetParticleName();
00486     if(integral)  { G4cout << ", integral: 1 "; }
00487     if(applyCuts) { G4cout << ", applyCuts: 1 "; }
00488     G4cout << "    SubType= " << GetProcessSubType();;
00489     if(biasFactor != 1.0) { G4cout << "   BiasingFactor= " << biasFactor; }
00490     G4cout << G4endl;
00491     if(buildLambdaTable) {
00492       size_t length = theLambdaTable->length();
00493       for(size_t i=0; i<length; ++i) {
00494         G4PhysicsVector* v = (*theLambdaTable)[i];
00495         if(v) { 
00496           G4cout << "      Lambda table from "
00497                  << G4BestUnit(minKinEnergy,"Energy") 
00498                  << " to "
00499                  << G4BestUnit(v->GetMaxEnergy(),"Energy")
00500                  << " in " << v->GetVectorLength()-1
00501                  << " bins, spline: " 
00502                  << splineFlag
00503                  << G4endl;
00504           break;
00505         }
00506       }
00507     }
00508     if(minKinEnergyPrim < maxKinEnergy) {
00509       size_t length = theLambdaTablePrim->length();
00510       for(size_t i=0; i<length; ++i) {
00511         G4PhysicsVector* v = (*theLambdaTablePrim)[i];
00512         if(v) { 
00513           G4cout << "      LambdaPrime table from "
00514                  << G4BestUnit(minKinEnergyPrim,"Energy") 
00515                  << " to "
00516                  << G4BestUnit(maxKinEnergy,"Energy")
00517                  << " in " << v->GetVectorLength()-1
00518                  << " bins " 
00519                  << G4endl;
00520           break;
00521         }
00522       }
00523     }
00524     PrintInfo();
00525     modelManager->DumpModelList(verboseLevel);
00526   }
00528   if(verboseLevel > 2 && buildLambdaTable) {
00529     G4cout << "      LambdaTable address= " << theLambdaTable << G4endl;
00530     if(theLambdaTable) { G4cout << (*theLambdaTable) << G4endl; }
00531   }
00532 }
00534 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
00536 void G4VEmProcess::StartTracking(G4Track* track)
00537 {
00538   // reset parameters for the new track
00539   currentParticle = track->GetParticleDefinition();
00540   theNumberOfInteractionLengthLeft = -1.0;
00541   //currentInteractionLength = -1.0;
00542   //  theInitialNumberOfInteractionLength=-1.0;
00543   mfpKinEnergy = DBL_MAX; 
00545   // forced biasing only for primary particles
00546   if(biasManager) {
00547     if(0 == track->GetParentID()) {
00548       // primary particle
00549       biasFlag = true; 
00550       biasManager->ResetForcedInteraction(); 
00551     }
00552   }
00553 }
00555 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
00557 G4double G4VEmProcess::PostStepGetPhysicalInteractionLength(
00558                              const G4Track& track,
00559                              G4double   previousStepSize,
00560                              G4ForceCondition* condition)
00561 {
00562   *condition = NotForced;
00563   G4double x = DBL_MAX;
00565   preStepKinEnergy = track.GetKineticEnergy();
00566   DefineMaterial(track.GetMaterialCutsCouple());
00567   SelectModel(preStepKinEnergy, currentCoupleIndex);
00569   if(!currentModel->IsActive(preStepKinEnergy)) { return x; }
00571   // forced biasing only for primary particles
00572   if(biasManager) {
00573     if(0 == track.GetParentID()) {
00574       if(biasFlag && biasManager->ForcedInteractionRegion(currentCoupleIndex)) {
00575         return biasManager->GetStepLimit(currentCoupleIndex, previousStepSize);
00576       }
00577     }
00578   }
00580   // compute mean free path
00581   if(preStepKinEnergy < mfpKinEnergy) {
00582     if (integral) { ComputeIntegralLambda(preStepKinEnergy); }
00583     else { preStepLambda = GetCurrentLambda(preStepKinEnergy); }
00585     // zero cross section
00586     if(preStepLambda <= 0.0) { 
00587       theNumberOfInteractionLengthLeft = -1.0;
00588       currentInteractionLength = DBL_MAX;
00589     }
00590   }
00592   // non-zero cross section
00593   if(preStepLambda > 0.0) { 
00595     if (theNumberOfInteractionLengthLeft < 0.0) {
00597       // beggining of tracking (or just after DoIt of this process)
00598       ResetNumberOfInteractionLengthLeft();
00600     } else if(currentInteractionLength < DBL_MAX) {
00602       // subtract NumberOfInteractionLengthLeft using previous step
00603       theNumberOfInteractionLengthLeft -= previousStepSize/currentInteractionLength;
00604       //SubtractNumberOfInteractionLengthLeft(previousStepSize);
00605       if(theNumberOfInteractionLengthLeft < 0.) {
00606         theNumberOfInteractionLengthLeft = 0.0;
00607         //theNumberOfInteractionLengthLeft = perMillion;
00608       }
00609     }
00611     // new mean free path and step limit for the next step
00612     currentInteractionLength = 1.0/preStepLambda;
00613     x = theNumberOfInteractionLengthLeft * currentInteractionLength;
00614 #ifdef G4VERBOSE
00615     if (verboseLevel>2){
00616       G4cout << "G4VEmProcess::PostStepGetPhysicalInteractionLength ";
00617       G4cout << "[ " << GetProcessName() << "]" << G4endl; 
00618       G4cout << " for " << currentParticle->GetParticleName() 
00619              << " in Material  " <<  currentMaterial->GetName()
00620              << " Ekin(MeV)= " << preStepKinEnergy/MeV 
00621              <<G4endl;
00622       G4cout << " MeanFreePath = " << currentInteractionLength/cm << "[cm]" 
00623              << " InteractionLength= " << x/cm <<"[cm] " <<G4endl;
00624     }
00625 #endif
00626   }
00627   return x;
00628 }
00630 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
00632 G4VParticleChange* G4VEmProcess::PostStepDoIt(const G4Track& track,
00633                                               const G4Step& step)
00634 {
00635   // In all cases clear number of interaction lengths
00636   theNumberOfInteractionLengthLeft = -1.0;
00637   mfpKinEnergy = DBL_MAX; 
00639   fParticleChange.InitializeForPostStep(track);
00641   // Do not make anything if particle is stopped, the annihilation then
00642   // should be performed by the AtRestDoIt!
00643   if (track.GetTrackStatus() == fStopButAlive) { return &fParticleChange; }
00645   G4double finalT = track.GetKineticEnergy();
00647   // forced process - should happen only once per track
00648   if(biasFlag) {
00649     if(biasManager->ForcedInteractionRegion(currentCoupleIndex)) {
00650       biasFlag = false;
00651     }
00652   }
00654   // Integral approach
00655   if (integral) {
00656     G4double lx = GetLambda(finalT, currentCouple);
00657     if(preStepLambda<lx && 1 < verboseLevel) {
00658       G4cout << "WARNING: for " << currentParticle->GetParticleName() 
00659              << " and " << GetProcessName()
00660              << " E(MeV)= " << finalT/MeV
00661              << " preLambda= " << preStepLambda << " < " 
00662              << lx << " (postLambda) "
00663              << G4endl;  
00664     }
00666     if(preStepLambda*G4UniformRand() > lx) {
00667       ClearNumberOfInteractionLengthLeft();
00668       return &fParticleChange;
00669     }
00670   }
00672   SelectModel(finalT, currentCoupleIndex);
00673   if(!currentModel->IsActive(finalT)) { return &fParticleChange; }
00675   // define new weight for primary and secondaries
00676   G4double weight = fParticleChange.GetParentWeight();
00677   if(weightFlag) { 
00678     weight /= biasFactor; 
00679     fParticleChange.ProposeWeight(weight);
00680   }
00682   /*  
00683   if(0 < verboseLevel) {
00684     G4cout << "G4VEmProcess::PostStepDoIt: Sample secondary; E= "
00685            << finalT/MeV
00686            << " MeV; model= (" << currentModel->LowEnergyLimit()
00687            << ", " <<  currentModel->HighEnergyLimit() << ")"
00688            << G4endl;
00689   }
00690   */
00692   // sample secondaries
00693   secParticles.clear();
00694   currentModel->SampleSecondaries(&secParticles, 
00695                                   currentCouple, 
00696                                   track.GetDynamicParticle(),
00697                                   (*theCuts)[currentCoupleIndex]);
00699   // bremsstrahlung splitting or Russian roulette
00700   if(biasManager) {
00701     if(biasManager->SecondaryBiasingRegion(currentCoupleIndex)) {
00702       G4double eloss = 0.0;
00703       weight *= biasManager->ApplySecondaryBiasing(secParticles,
00704                                                    track, currentModel,
00705                                                    &fParticleChange,
00706                                                    eloss, currentCoupleIndex, 
00707                                                    (*theCuts)[currentCoupleIndex],
00708                                                    step.GetPostStepPoint()->GetSafety());
00709       if(eloss > 0.0) {
00710         eloss += fParticleChange.GetLocalEnergyDeposit();
00711         fParticleChange.ProposeLocalEnergyDeposit(eloss);
00712       }
00713     }
00714   }
00716   // save secondaries
00717   G4int num = secParticles.size();
00718   if(num > 0) {
00720     fParticleChange.SetNumberOfSecondaries(num);
00721     G4double edep = fParticleChange.GetLocalEnergyDeposit();
00723     for (G4int i=0; i<num; ++i) {
00724       if (secParticles[i]) {
00725         G4DynamicParticle* dp = secParticles[i];
00726         const G4ParticleDefinition* p = dp->GetParticleDefinition();
00727         G4double e = dp->GetKineticEnergy();
00728         G4bool good = true;
00729         if(applyCuts) {
00730           if (p == theGamma) {
00731             if (e < (*theCutsGamma)[currentCoupleIndex]) { good = false; }
00733           } else if (p == theElectron) {
00734             if (e < (*theCutsElectron)[currentCoupleIndex]) { good = false; }
00736           } else if (p == thePositron) {
00737             if (electron_mass_c2 < (*theCutsGamma)[currentCoupleIndex] &&
00738                 e < (*theCutsPositron)[currentCoupleIndex]) {
00739               good = false;
00740               e += 2.0*electron_mass_c2;
00741             }
00742           }
00743           // added secondary if it is good
00744         }
00745         if (good) { 
00746           G4Track* t = new G4Track(dp, track.GetGlobalTime(), track.GetPosition());
00747           t->SetTouchableHandle(track.GetTouchableHandle());
00748           t->SetWeight(weight);
00749           pParticleChange->AddSecondary(t); 
00750           //G4cout << "Secondary(post step) has weight " << t->GetWeight() 
00751           //      << ", Ekin= " << t->GetKineticEnergy()/MeV << " MeV" <<G4endl;
00752         } else {
00753           delete dp;
00754           edep += e;
00755         }
00756       } 
00757     }
00758     fParticleChange.ProposeLocalEnergyDeposit(edep);
00759   }
00761   if(0.0 == fParticleChange.GetProposedKineticEnergy() &&
00762      fAlive == fParticleChange.GetTrackStatus()) {
00763     if(particle->GetProcessManager()->GetAtRestProcessVector()->size() > 0)
00764          { fParticleChange.ProposeTrackStatus(fStopButAlive); }
00765     else { fParticleChange.ProposeTrackStatus(fStopAndKill); }
00766   }
00768   //  ClearNumberOfInteractionLengthLeft();
00769   return &fParticleChange;
00770 }
00772 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
00774 G4bool G4VEmProcess::StorePhysicsTable(const G4ParticleDefinition* part,
00775                                        const G4String& directory,
00776                                              G4bool ascii)
00777 {
00778   G4bool yes = true;
00780   if ( theLambdaTable && part == particle) {
00781     const G4String name = 
00782       GetPhysicsTableFileName(part,directory,"Lambda",ascii);
00783     yes = theLambdaTable->StorePhysicsTable(name,ascii);
00785     if ( yes ) {
00786       G4cout << "Physics table is stored for " << particle->GetParticleName()
00787              << " and process " << GetProcessName()
00788              << " in the directory <" << directory
00789              << "> " << G4endl;
00790     } else {
00791       G4cout << "Fail to store Physics Table for " 
00792              << particle->GetParticleName()
00793              << " and process " << GetProcessName()
00794              << " in the directory <" << directory
00795              << "> " << G4endl;
00796     }
00797   }
00798   if ( theLambdaTablePrim && part == particle) {
00799     const G4String name = 
00800       GetPhysicsTableFileName(part,directory,"LambdaPrim",ascii);
00801     yes = theLambdaTablePrim->StorePhysicsTable(name,ascii);
00803     if ( yes ) {
00804       G4cout << "Physics table prim is stored for " << particle->GetParticleName()
00805              << " and process " << GetProcessName()
00806              << " in the directory <" << directory
00807              << "> " << G4endl;
00808     } else {
00809       G4cout << "Fail to store Physics Table Prim for " 
00810              << particle->GetParticleName()
00811              << " and process " << GetProcessName()
00812              << " in the directory <" << directory
00813              << "> " << G4endl;
00814     }
00815   }
00816   return yes;
00817 }
00819 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo.....
00821 G4bool G4VEmProcess::RetrievePhysicsTable(const G4ParticleDefinition* part,
00822                                           const G4String& directory,
00823                                           G4bool ascii)
00824 {
00825   if(1 < verboseLevel) {
00826     G4cout << "G4VEmProcess::RetrievePhysicsTable() for "
00827            << part->GetParticleName() << " and process "
00828            << GetProcessName() << G4endl;
00829   }
00830   G4bool yes = true;
00832   if((!buildLambdaTable && minKinEnergyPrim > maxKinEnergy) 
00833      || particle != part) { return yes; }
00835   const G4String particleName = part->GetParticleName();
00836   G4String filename;
00838   if(buildLambdaTable) {
00839     filename = GetPhysicsTableFileName(part,directory,"Lambda",ascii);
00840     yes = G4PhysicsTableHelper::RetrievePhysicsTable(theLambdaTable,
00841                                                      filename,ascii);
00842     if ( yes ) {
00843       if (0 < verboseLevel) {
00844         G4cout << "Lambda table for " << particleName 
00845                << " is Retrieved from <"
00846                << filename << ">"
00847                << G4endl;
00848       }
00849       if((G4LossTableManager::Instance())->SplineFlag()) {
00850         size_t n = theLambdaTable->length();
00851         for(size_t i=0; i<n; ++i) {
00852           if((* theLambdaTable)[i]) {
00853             (* theLambdaTable)[i]->SetSpline(true);
00854           }
00855         }
00856       }
00857     } else {
00858       if (1 < verboseLevel) {
00859         G4cout << "Lambda table for " << particleName << " in file <"
00860                << filename << "> is not exist"
00861                << G4endl;
00862       }
00863     }
00864   }
00865   if(minKinEnergyPrim < maxKinEnergy) {
00866     filename = GetPhysicsTableFileName(part,directory,"LambdaPrim",ascii);
00867     yes = G4PhysicsTableHelper::RetrievePhysicsTable(theLambdaTablePrim,
00868                                                      filename,ascii);
00869     if ( yes ) {
00870       if (0 < verboseLevel) {
00871         G4cout << "Lambda table prim for " << particleName 
00872                << " is Retrieved from <"
00873                << filename << ">"
00874                << G4endl;
00875       }
00876       if((G4LossTableManager::Instance())->SplineFlag()) {
00877         size_t n = theLambdaTablePrim->length();
00878         for(size_t i=0; i<n; ++i) {
00879           if((* theLambdaTablePrim)[i]) {
00880             (* theLambdaTablePrim)[i]->SetSpline(true);
00881           }
00882         }
00883       }
00884     } else {
00885       if (1 < verboseLevel) {
00886         G4cout << "Lambda table prim for " << particleName << " in file <"
00887                << filename << "> is not exist"
00888                << G4endl;
00889       }
00890     }
00891   }
00893   return yes;
00894 }
00896 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
00898 G4double 
00899 G4VEmProcess::CrossSectionPerVolume(G4double kineticEnergy,
00900                                     const G4MaterialCutsCouple* couple)
00901 {
00902   // Cross section per atom is calculated
00903   DefineMaterial(couple);
00904   G4double cross = 0.0;
00905   if(theLambdaTable) {
00906     cross = (*theDensityFactor)[currentCoupleIndex]*
00907       (((*theLambdaTable)[basedCoupleIndex])->Value(kineticEnergy));
00908   } else {
00909     SelectModel(kineticEnergy, currentCoupleIndex);
00910     cross = currentModel->CrossSectionPerVolume(currentMaterial,
00911                                                 currentParticle,kineticEnergy);
00912   }
00914   if(cross < 0.0) { cross = 0.0; }
00915   return cross;
00916 }
00918 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
00920 G4double G4VEmProcess::GetMeanFreePath(const G4Track& track,
00921                                        G4double,
00922                                        G4ForceCondition* condition)
00923 {
00924   *condition = NotForced;
00925   return G4VEmProcess::MeanFreePath(track);
00926 }
00928 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
00930 G4double G4VEmProcess::MeanFreePath(const G4Track& track)
00931 {
00932   DefineMaterial(track.GetMaterialCutsCouple());
00933   preStepLambda = GetCurrentLambda(track.GetKineticEnergy());
00934   G4double x = DBL_MAX;
00935   if(0.0 < preStepLambda) { x = 1.0/preStepLambda; }
00936   return x;
00937 }
00939 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
00941 G4double 
00942 G4VEmProcess::ComputeCrossSectionPerAtom(G4double kineticEnergy, 
00943                                          G4double Z, G4double A, G4double cut)
00944 {
00945   SelectModel(kineticEnergy, currentCoupleIndex);
00946   G4double x = 0.0;
00947   if(currentModel) {
00948     x = currentModel->ComputeCrossSectionPerAtom(currentParticle,kineticEnergy,
00949                                                  Z,A,cut);
00950   }
00951   return x;
00952 }
00954 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
00956 void G4VEmProcess::FindLambdaMax()
00957 {
00958   if(1 < verboseLevel) {
00959     G4cout << "### G4VEmProcess::FindLambdaMax: " 
00960            << particle->GetParticleName() 
00961            << " and process " << GetProcessName() << G4endl; 
00962   }
00963   size_t n = theLambdaTable->length();
00964   G4PhysicsVector* pv;
00965   G4double e, ss, emax, smax;
00967   size_t i;
00969   // first loop on existing vectors
00970   for (i=0; i<n; ++i) {
00971     pv = (*theLambdaTable)[i];
00972     if(pv) {
00973       size_t nb = pv->GetVectorLength();
00974       emax = DBL_MAX;
00975       smax = 0.0;
00976       if(nb > 0) {
00977         for (size_t j=0; j<nb; ++j) {
00978           e = pv->Energy(j);
00979           ss = (*pv)(j);
00980           if(ss > smax) {
00981             smax = ss;
00982             emax = e;
00983           }
00984         }
00985       }
00986       theEnergyOfCrossSectionMax[i] = emax;
00987       theCrossSectionMax[i] = smax;
00988       if(1 < verboseLevel) {
00989         G4cout << "For " << particle->GetParticleName() 
00990                << " Max CS at i= " << i << " emax(MeV)= " << emax/MeV
00991                << " lambda= " << smax << G4endl;
00992       }
00993     }
00994   }
00995   // second loop using base materials
00996   for (i=0; i<n; ++i) {
00997     pv = (*theLambdaTable)[i];
00998     if(!pv){
00999       G4int j = (*theDensityIdx)[i];
01000       theEnergyOfCrossSectionMax[i] = theEnergyOfCrossSectionMax[j];
01001       theCrossSectionMax[i] = (*theDensityFactor)[i]*theCrossSectionMax[j];
01002     }
01003   }
01004 }
01006 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
01008 G4PhysicsVector* 
01009 G4VEmProcess::LambdaPhysicsVector(const G4MaterialCutsCouple*)
01010 {
01011   G4PhysicsVector* v = 
01012     new G4PhysicsLogVector(minKinEnergy, maxKinEnergy, nLambdaBins);
01013   v->SetSpline((G4LossTableManager::Instance())->SplineFlag());
01014   return v;
01015 }
01017 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
01019 const G4Element* G4VEmProcess::GetCurrentElement() const
01020 {
01021   const G4Element* elm = 0;
01022   if(currentModel) {elm = currentModel->GetCurrentElement(); }
01023   return elm;
01024 }
01026 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
01028 void G4VEmProcess::SetCrossSectionBiasingFactor(G4double f, G4bool flag)
01029 {
01030   if(f > 0.0) { 
01031     biasFactor = f; 
01032     weightFlag = flag;
01033     if(1 < verboseLevel) {
01034       G4cout << "### SetCrossSectionBiasingFactor: for " 
01035              << particle->GetParticleName() 
01036              << " and process " << GetProcessName()
01037              << " biasFactor= " << f << " weightFlag= " << flag 
01038              << G4endl; 
01039     }
01040   }
01041 }
01043 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
01045 void 
01046 G4VEmProcess::ActivateForcedInteraction(G4double length, const G4String& r,
01047                                         G4bool flag)
01048 {
01049   if(!biasManager) { biasManager = new G4EmBiasingManager(); }
01050   if(1 < verboseLevel) {
01051     G4cout << "### ActivateForcedInteraction: for " 
01052            << particle->GetParticleName() 
01053            << " and process " << GetProcessName()
01054            << " length(mm)= " << length/mm
01055            << " in G4Region <" << r 
01056            << "> weightFlag= " << flag 
01057            << G4endl; 
01058   }
01059   weightFlag = flag;
01060   biasManager->ActivateForcedInteraction(length, r);
01061 }
01063 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
01065 void
01066 G4VEmProcess::ActivateSecondaryBiasing(const G4String& region,
01067                  G4double factor,
01068                  G4double energyLimit)
01069 {
01070   if (0.0 <= factor) {
01072     // Range cut can be applied only for e-
01073     if(0.0 == factor && secondaryParticle != G4Electron::Electron())
01074       { return; }
01076     if(!biasManager) { biasManager = new G4EmBiasingManager(); }
01077     biasManager->ActivateSecondaryBiasing(region, factor, energyLimit);
01078     if(1 < verboseLevel) {
01079       G4cout << "### ActivateSecondaryBiasing: for "
01080        << " process " << GetProcessName()
01081        << " factor= " << factor
01082        << " in G4Region <" << region
01083        << "> energyLimit(MeV)= " << energyLimit/MeV
01084        << G4endl;
01085     }
01086   }
01087 }
01089 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
01091 void G4VEmProcess::SetMinKinEnergy(G4double e)
01092 {
01093   nLambdaBins = G4lrint(nLambdaBins*std::log(maxKinEnergy/e)
01094                         /std::log(maxKinEnergy/minKinEnergy));
01095   minKinEnergy = e;
01096 }
01098 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
01100 void G4VEmProcess::SetMaxKinEnergy(G4double e)
01101 {
01102   nLambdaBins = G4lrint(nLambdaBins*std::log(e/minKinEnergy)
01103                         /std::log(maxKinEnergy/minKinEnergy));
01104   maxKinEnergy = e;
01105 }
01107 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....

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