
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //
00002 // ********************************************************************
00003 // * License and Disclaimer                                           *
00004 // *                                                                  *
00005 // * The  Geant4 software  is  copyright of the Copyright Holders  of *
00006 // * the Geant4 Collaboration.  It is provided  under  the terms  and *
00007 // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License,  included in the file *
00008 // * LICENSE and available at  http://cern.ch/geant4/license .  These *
00009 // * include a list of copyright holders.                             *
00010 // *                                                                  *
00011 // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing *
00012 // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this *
00013 // * work  make  any representation or  warranty, express or implied, *
00014 // * regarding  this  software system or assume any liability for its *
00015 // * use.  Please see the license in the file  LICENSE  and URL above *
00016 // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability.         *
00017 // *                                                                  *
00018 // * This  code  implementation is the result of  the  scientific and *
00019 // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration.                      *
00020 // * By using,  copying,  modifying or  distributing the software (or *
00021 // * any work based  on the software)  you  agree  to acknowledge its *
00022 // * use  in  resulting  scientific  publications,  and indicate your *
00023 // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license.          *
00024 // ********************************************************************
00025 //
00026 // $Id: G4TriangularFacet.cc 67011 2013-01-29 16:17:41Z gcosmo $
00027 //
00028 // %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
00029 //
00031 // --------------
00032 //
00033 // 31 October 2004, P R Truscott, QinetiQ Ltd, UK - Created.
00034 //
00035 // 01 August 2007   P R Truscott, QinetiQ Ltd, UK
00036 //                  Significant modification to correct for errors and enhance
00037 //                  based on patches/observations kindly provided by Rickard
00038 //                  Holmberg.
00039 //
00040 // 26 September 2007
00041 //                  P R Truscott, QinetiQ Ltd, UK
00042 //                  Further chamges implemented to the Intersect member
00043 //                  function to correctly treat rays nearly parallel to the
00044 //                  plane of the triangle.
00045 //
00046 // 12 April 2010    P R Truscott, QinetiQ, bug fixes to treat optical
00047 //                  photon transport, in particular internal reflection
00048 //                  at surface.
00049 //
00050 // 22 August 2011   I Hrivnacova, Orsay, fix in Intersect() to take into
00051 //                  account geometrical tolerance and cases of zero distance
00052 //                  from surface.
00053 //
00054 // 12 October 2012  M Gayer, CERN
00055 //                  New implementation reducing memory requirements by 50%,
00056 //                  and considerable CPU speedup together with the new
00057 //                  implementation of G4TessellatedSolid.
00058 //
00059 // %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
00061 #include "G4TriangularFacet.hh"
00063 #include "Randomize.hh"
00064 #include "G4TessellatedGeometryAlgorithms.hh"
00066 using namespace std;
00069 //
00070 // Definition of triangular facet using absolute vectors to fVertices.
00071 // From this for first vector is retained to define the facet location and
00072 // two relative vectors (E0 and E1) define the sides and orientation of 
00073 // the outward surface normal.
00074 //
00075 G4TriangularFacet::G4TriangularFacet (const G4ThreeVector &vt0,
00076                                       const G4ThreeVector &vt1,
00077                                       const G4ThreeVector &vt2,
00078                                             G4FacetVertexType vertexType)
00079   : fSqrDist(0.)
00080 {
00081   fVertices = new vector<G4ThreeVector>(3);
00083   SetVertex(0, vt0);
00084   if (vertexType == ABSOLUTE)
00085   {
00086     SetVertex(1, vt1);
00087     SetVertex(2, vt2);
00088     fE1 = vt1 - vt0;
00089     fE2 = vt2 - vt0;
00090   }
00091   else
00092   {
00093     SetVertex(1, vt0 + vt1);
00094     SetVertex(2, vt0 + vt2);
00095     fE1 = vt1;
00096     fE2 = vt2;
00097   }
00099   for (G4int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) fIndices[i] = -1;
00101   G4double eMag1 = fE1.mag();
00102   G4double eMag2 = fE2.mag();
00103   G4double eMag3 = (fE2-fE1).mag();
00105   if (eMag1 <= kCarTolerance || eMag2 <= kCarTolerance
00106                              || eMag3 <= kCarTolerance)
00107   {
00108     ostringstream message;
00109     message << "Length of sides of facet are too small." << G4endl
00110       << "fVertices[0] = " << GetVertex(0) << G4endl
00111       << "fVertices[1] = " << GetVertex(1) << G4endl
00112       << "fVertices[2] = " << GetVertex(2) << G4endl
00113       << "Side lengths = fVertices[0]->fVertices[1]" << eMag1 << G4endl
00114       << "Side lengths = fVertices[0]->fVertices[2]" << eMag2 << G4endl
00115       << "Side lengths = fVertices[1]->fVertices[2]" << eMag3;
00116     G4Exception("G4TriangularFacet::G4TriangularFacet()",
00117                 "GeomSolids1001", JustWarning, message);
00118     fIsDefined     = false;
00119     fSurfaceNormal.set(0,0,0);
00120     fA = fB = fC = 0.0;
00121     fDet = 0.0;
00122     fArea = fRadius = 0.0;
00123   }
00124   else
00125   { 
00126     fIsDefined     = true;
00127     fSurfaceNormal = fE1.cross(fE2).unit();
00128     fA   = fE1.mag2();
00129     fB   = fE1.dot(fE2);
00130     fC   = fE2.mag2();
00131     fDet = fabs(fA*fC - fB*fB);
00133     //    sMin = -0.5*kCarTolerance/sqrt(fA);
00134     //    sMax = 1.0 - sMin;
00135     //    tMin = -0.5*kCarTolerance/sqrt(fC);
00136     //    G4ThreeVector vtmp = 0.25 * (fE1 + fE2);
00138     fArea = 0.5 * (fE1.cross(fE2)).mag();
00139     G4double lambda0 = (fA-fB) * fC / (8.0*fArea*fArea);
00140     G4double lambda1 = (fC-fB) * fA / (8.0*fArea*fArea);
00141     G4ThreeVector p0 = GetVertex(0);
00142     fCircumcentre = p0 + lambda0*fE1 + lambda1*fE2;
00143     G4double radiusSqr = (fCircumcentre-p0).mag2();
00144     fRadius = sqrt(radiusSqr);
00145   }
00146 }
00149 //
00150 G4TriangularFacet::G4TriangularFacet ()
00151   : fSqrDist(0.)
00152 {
00153   fVertices = new vector<G4ThreeVector>(3);
00154   G4ThreeVector zero(0,0,0);
00155   SetVertex(0, zero);
00156   SetVertex(1, zero);
00157   SetVertex(2, zero);
00158   for (G4int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) fIndices[i] = -1;
00159   fIsDefined = false;
00160   fSurfaceNormal.set(0,0,0);
00161   fA = fB = fC = 0;
00162   fE1 = zero;
00163   fE2 = zero;
00164   fDet = 0.0;
00165   fArea = fRadius = 0.0;
00166 }
00169 //
00170 G4TriangularFacet::~G4TriangularFacet ()
00171 {
00172   SetVertices(0);
00173 }
00176 //
00177 void G4TriangularFacet::CopyFrom (const G4TriangularFacet &rhs)
00178 {
00179   char *p = (char *) &rhs;
00180   copy(p, p + sizeof(*this), (char *)this);
00182   if (fIndices[0] < 0 && fVertices)
00183   {
00184     fVertices = new vector<G4ThreeVector>(3);
00185     for (G4int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) (*fVertices)[i] = (*rhs.fVertices)[i];
00186   }
00187 }
00190 //
00191 G4TriangularFacet::G4TriangularFacet (const G4TriangularFacet &rhs)
00192   : G4VFacet(rhs)
00193 {
00194   CopyFrom(rhs);
00195 }
00198 //
00199 G4TriangularFacet &
00200 G4TriangularFacet::operator=(const G4TriangularFacet &rhs)
00201 {
00202   SetVertices(0);
00204   if (this != &rhs)
00205     CopyFrom(rhs);
00207   return *this;
00208 }
00211 //
00212 // GetClone
00213 //
00214 // Simple member function to generate fA duplicate of the triangular facet.
00215 //
00216 G4VFacet *G4TriangularFacet::GetClone ()
00217 {
00218   G4TriangularFacet *fc =
00219     new G4TriangularFacet (GetVertex(0), GetVertex(1), GetVertex(2), ABSOLUTE);
00220   return fc;
00221 }
00224 //
00225 // GetFlippedFacet
00226 //
00227 // Member function to generate an identical facet, but with the normal vector
00228 // pointing at 180 degrees.
00229 //
00230 G4TriangularFacet *G4TriangularFacet::GetFlippedFacet ()
00231 {
00232   G4TriangularFacet *flipped =
00233     new G4TriangularFacet (GetVertex(0), GetVertex(1), GetVertex(2), ABSOLUTE);
00234   return flipped;
00235 }
00238 //
00239 // Distance (G4ThreeVector)
00240 //
00241 // Determines the vector between p and the closest point on the facet to p.
00242 // This is based on the algorithm published in "Geometric Tools for Computer
00243 // Graphics," Philip J Scheider and David H Eberly, Elsevier Science (USA),
00244 // 2003.  at the time of writing, the algorithm is also available in fA
00245 // technical note "Distance between point and triangle in 3D," by David Eberly
00246 // at http://www.geometrictools.com/Documentation/DistancePoint3Triangle3.pdf
00247 //
00248 // The by-product is the square-distance fSqrDist, which is retained
00249 // in case needed by the other "Distance" member functions.
00250 //
00251 G4ThreeVector G4TriangularFacet::Distance (const G4ThreeVector &p)
00252 {
00253   G4ThreeVector D  = GetVertex(0) - p;
00254   G4double d = fE1.dot(D);
00255   G4double e = fE2.dot(D);
00256   G4double f = D.mag2();
00257   G4double q = fB*e - fC*d;
00258   G4double t = fB*d - fA*e;
00259   fSqrDist = 0.;
00261   if (q+t <= fDet)
00262   {
00263     if (q < 0.0)
00264     {
00265       if (t < 0.0)
00266       {
00267         //
00268         // We are in region 4.
00269         //
00270         if (d < 0.0)
00271         {
00272           t = 0.0;
00273           if (-d >= fA) {q = 1.0; fSqrDist = fA + 2.0*d + f;}
00274           else         {q = -d/fA; fSqrDist = d*q + f;}
00275         }
00276         else
00277         {
00278           q = 0.0;
00279           if       (e >= 0.0) {t = 0.0; fSqrDist = f;}
00280           else if (-e >= fC)   {t = 1.0; fSqrDist = fC + 2.0*e + f;}
00281           else                {t = -e/fC; fSqrDist = e*t + f;}
00282         }
00283       }
00284       else
00285       {
00286         //
00287         // We are in region 3.
00288         //
00289         q = 0.0;
00290         if      (e >= 0.0) {t = 0.0; fSqrDist = f;}
00291         else if (-e >= fC)  {t = 1.0; fSqrDist = fC + 2.0*e + f;}
00292         else               {t = -e/fC; fSqrDist = e*t + f;}
00293       }
00294     }
00295     else if (t < 0.0)
00296     {
00297       //
00298       // We are in region 5.
00299       //
00300       t = 0.0;
00301       if      (d >= 0.0) {q = 0.0; fSqrDist = f;}
00302       else if (-d >= fA)  {q = 1.0; fSqrDist = fA + 2.0*d + f;}
00303       else               {q = -d/fA; fSqrDist = d*q + f;}
00304     }
00305     else
00306     {
00307       //
00308       // We are in region 0.
00309       //
00310       q       = q / fDet;
00311       t       = t / fDet;
00312       fSqrDist = q*(fA*q + fB*t + 2.0*d) + t*(fB*q + fC*t + 2.0*e) + f;
00313     }
00314   }
00315   else
00316   {
00317     if (q < 0.0)
00318     {
00319       //
00320       // We are in region 2.
00321       //
00322       G4double tmp0 = fB + d;
00323       G4double tmp1 = fC + e;
00324       if (tmp1 > tmp0)
00325       {
00326         G4double numer = tmp1 - tmp0;
00327         G4double denom = fA - 2.0*fB + fC;
00328         if (numer >= denom) {q = 1.0; t = 0.0; fSqrDist = fA + 2.0*d + f;}
00329         else
00330         {
00331           q       = numer/denom;
00332           t       = 1.0 - q;
00333           fSqrDist = q*(fA*q + fB*t +2.0*d) + t*(fB*q + fC*t + 2.0*e) + f;
00334         }
00335       }
00336       else
00337       {
00338         q = 0.0;
00339         if      (tmp1 <= 0.0) {t = 1.0; fSqrDist = fC + 2.0*e + f;}
00340         else if (e >= 0.0)    {t = 0.0; fSqrDist = f;}
00341         else                  {t = -e/fC; fSqrDist = e*t + f;}
00342       }
00343     }
00344     else if (t < 0.0)
00345     {
00346       //
00347       // We are in region 6.
00348       //
00349       G4double tmp0 = fB + e;
00350       G4double tmp1 = fA + d;
00351       if (tmp1 > tmp0)
00352       {
00353         G4double numer = tmp1 - tmp0;
00354         G4double denom = fA - 2.0*fB + fC;
00355         if (numer >= denom) {t = 1.0; q = 0.0; fSqrDist = fC + 2.0*e + f;}
00356         else
00357         {
00358           t       = numer/denom;
00359           q       = 1.0 - t;
00360           fSqrDist = q*(fA*q + fB*t +2.0*d) + t*(fB*q + fC*t + 2.0*e) + f;
00361         }
00362       }
00363       else
00364       {
00365         t = 0.0;
00366         if      (tmp1 <= 0.0) {q = 1.0; fSqrDist = fA + 2.0*d + f;}
00367         else if (d >= 0.0)    {q = 0.0; fSqrDist = f;}
00368         else                  {q = -d/fA; fSqrDist = d*q + f;}
00369       }
00370     }
00371     else
00372       //
00373       // We are in region 1.
00374       //
00375     {
00376       G4double numer = fC + e - fB - d;
00377       if (numer <= 0.0)
00378       {
00379         q       = 0.0;
00380         t       = 1.0;
00381         fSqrDist = fC + 2.0*e + f;
00382       }
00383       else
00384       {
00385         G4double denom = fA - 2.0*fB + fC;
00386         if (numer >= denom) {q = 1.0; t = 0.0; fSqrDist = fA + 2.0*d + f;}
00387         else
00388         {
00389           q       = numer/denom;
00390           t       = 1.0 - q;
00391           fSqrDist = q*(fA*q + fB*t + 2.0*d) + t*(fB*q + fC*t + 2.0*e) + f;
00392         }
00393       }
00394     }
00395   } 
00396   //
00397   //
00398   // Do fA check for rounding errors in the distance-squared.  It appears that
00399   // the conventional methods for calculating fSqrDist breaks down when very
00400   // near to or at the surface (as required by transport).
00401   // We'll therefore also use the magnitude-squared of the vector displacement.
00402   // (Note that I've also tried to get around this problem by using the
00403   // existing equations for
00404   //
00405   //    fSqrDist = function(fA,fB,fC,d,q,t)
00406   //
00407   // and use fA more accurate addition process which minimises errors and
00408   // breakdown of cummutitivity [where (A+B)+C != A+(B+C)] but this still
00409   // doesn't work.
00410   // Calculation from u = D + q*fE1 + t*fE2 is less efficient, but appears
00411   // more robust.
00412   //
00413   if (fSqrDist < 0.0) fSqrDist = 0.;
00414   G4ThreeVector u = D + q*fE1 + t*fE2;
00415   G4double u2 = u.mag2();
00416   //
00417   // The following (part of the roundoff error check) is from Oliver Merle'q
00418   // updates.
00419   //
00420   if (fSqrDist > u2) fSqrDist = u2;
00422   return u;
00423 }
00426 //
00427 // Distance (G4ThreeVector, G4double)
00428 //
00429 // Determines the closest distance between point p and the facet.  This makes
00430 // use of G4ThreeVector G4TriangularFacet::Distance, which stores the
00431 // square of the distance in variable fSqrDist.  If approximate methods show 
00432 // the distance is to be greater than minDist, then forget about further
00433 // computation and return fA very large number.
00434 //
00435 G4double G4TriangularFacet::Distance (const G4ThreeVector &p,
00436                                             G4double minDist)
00437 {
00438   //
00439   // Start with quicky test to determine if the surface of the sphere enclosing
00440   // the triangle is any closer to p than minDist.  If not, then don't bother
00441   // about more accurate test.
00442   //
00443   G4double dist = kInfinity;
00444   if ((p-fCircumcentre).mag()-fRadius < minDist)
00445   {
00446     //
00447     // It's possible that the triangle is closer than minDist,
00448     // so do more accurate assessment.
00449     //
00450     dist = Distance(p).mag();
00451   }
00452   return dist;
00453 }
00456 //
00457 // Distance (G4ThreeVector, G4double, G4bool)
00458 //
00459 // Determine the distance to point p.  kInfinity is returned if either:
00460 // (1) outgoing is TRUE and the dot product of the normal vector to the facet
00461 //     and the displacement vector from p to the triangle is negative.
00462 // (2) outgoing is FALSE and the dot product of the normal vector to the facet
00463 //     and the displacement vector from p to the triangle is positive.
00464 // If approximate methods show the distance is to be greater than minDist, then
00465 // forget about further computation and return fA very large number.
00466 //
00467 // This method has been heavily modified thanks to the valuable comments and 
00468 // corrections of Rickard Holmberg.
00469 //
00470 G4double G4TriangularFacet::Distance (const G4ThreeVector &p,
00471                                             G4double minDist,
00472                                       const G4bool outgoing)
00473 {
00474   //
00475   // Start with quicky test to determine if the surface of the sphere enclosing
00476   // the triangle is any closer to p than minDist.  If not, then don't bother
00477   // about more accurate test.
00478   //
00479   G4double dist = kInfinity;
00480   if ((p-fCircumcentre).mag()-fRadius < minDist)
00481   {
00482     //
00483     // It's possible that the triangle is closer than minDist,
00484     // so do more accurate assessment.
00485     //
00486     G4ThreeVector v  = Distance(p);
00487     G4double dist1 = sqrt(fSqrDist);
00488     G4double dir = v.dot(fSurfaceNormal);
00489     G4bool wrongSide = (dir > 0.0 && !outgoing) || (dir < 0.0 && outgoing);
00490     if (dist1 <= kCarTolerance)
00491     {
00492       //
00493       // Point p is very close to triangle.  Check if it's on the wrong side,
00494       // in which case return distance of 0.0 otherwise .
00495       //
00496       if (wrongSide) dist = 0.0;
00497       else dist = dist1;
00498     }
00499     else if (!wrongSide) dist = dist1;
00500   }
00501   return dist;
00502 }
00505 //
00506 // Extent
00507 //
00508 // Calculates the furthest the triangle extends in fA particular direction
00509 // defined by the vector axis.
00510 //
00511 G4double G4TriangularFacet::Extent (const G4ThreeVector axis)
00512 {
00513   G4double ss = GetVertex(0).dot(axis);
00514   G4double sp = GetVertex(1).dot(axis);
00515   if (sp > ss) ss = sp;
00516   sp = GetVertex(2).dot(axis);
00517   if (sp > ss) ss = sp;
00518   return ss;
00519 }
00522 //
00523 // Intersect
00524 //
00525 // Member function to find the next intersection when going from p in the
00526 // direction of v.  If:
00527 // (1) "outgoing" is TRUE, only consider the face if we are going out through
00528 //     the face.
00529 // (2) "outgoing" is FALSE, only consider the face if we are going in through
00530 //     the face.
00531 // Member functions returns TRUE if there is an intersection, FALSE otherwise.
00532 // Sets the distance (distance along w), distFromSurface (orthogonal distance)
00533 // and normal.
00534 //
00535 // Also considers intersections that happen with negative distance for small
00536 // distances of distFromSurface = 0.5*kCarTolerance in the wrong direction.
00537 // This is to detect kSurface without doing fA full Inside(p) in
00538 // G4TessellatedSolid::Distance(p,v) calculation.
00539 //
00540 // This member function is thanks the valuable work of Rickard Holmberg.  PT.
00541 // However, "gotos" are the Work of the Devil have been exorcised with
00542 // extreme prejudice!!
00543 //
00544 // IMPORTANT NOTE:  These calculations are predicated on v being fA unit
00545 // vector.  If G4TessellatedSolid or other classes call this member function
00546 // with |v| != 1 then there will be errors.
00547 //
00548 G4bool G4TriangularFacet::Intersect (const G4ThreeVector &p,
00549                                      const G4ThreeVector &v,
00550                                            G4bool outgoing,
00551                                            G4double &distance,
00552                                            G4double &distFromSurface,
00553                                            G4ThreeVector &normal)
00554 {
00555   //
00556   // Check whether the direction of the facet is consistent with the vector v
00557   // and the need to be outgoing or ingoing.  If inconsistent, disregard and
00558   // return false.
00559   //
00560   G4double w = v.dot(fSurfaceNormal);
00561   if ((outgoing && w < -dirTolerance) || (!outgoing && w > dirTolerance))
00562   {
00563     distance = kInfinity;
00564     distFromSurface = kInfinity;
00565     normal.set(0,0,0);
00566     return false;
00567   } 
00568   //
00569   // Calculate the orthogonal distance from p to the surface containing the
00570   // triangle.  Then determine if we're on the right or wrong side of the
00571   // surface (at fA distance greater than kCarTolerance to be consistent with
00572   // "outgoing".
00573   //
00574   const G4ThreeVector &p0 = GetVertex(0);
00575   G4ThreeVector D  = p0 - p;
00576   distFromSurface  = D.dot(fSurfaceNormal);
00577   G4bool wrongSide = (outgoing && distFromSurface < -0.5*kCarTolerance) ||
00578     (!outgoing && distFromSurface >  0.5*kCarTolerance);
00579   if (wrongSide)
00580   {
00581     distance = kInfinity;
00582     distFromSurface = kInfinity;
00583     normal.set(0,0,0);
00584     return false;
00585   }
00587   wrongSide = (outgoing && distFromSurface < 0.0)
00588            || (!outgoing && distFromSurface > 0.0);
00589   if (wrongSide)
00590   {
00591     //
00592     // We're slightly on the wrong side of the surface.  Check if we're close
00593     // enough using fA precise distance calculation.
00594     //
00595     G4ThreeVector u = Distance(p);
00596     if (fSqrDist <= kCarTolerance*kCarTolerance)
00597     {
00598       //
00599       // We're very close.  Therefore return fA small negative number
00600       // to pretend we intersect.
00601       //
00602       // distance = -0.5*kCarTolerance
00603       distance = 0.0;
00604       normal = fSurfaceNormal;
00605       return true;
00606     }
00607     else
00608     {
00609       //
00610       // We're close to the surface containing the triangle, but sufficiently
00611       // far from the triangle, and on the wrong side compared to the directions
00612       // of the surface normal and v.  There is no intersection.
00613       //
00614       distance = kInfinity;
00615       distFromSurface = kInfinity;
00616       normal.set(0,0,0);
00617       return false;
00618     }
00619   }
00620   if (w < dirTolerance && w > -dirTolerance)
00621   {
00622     //
00623     // The ray is within the plane of the triangle. Project the problem into 2D
00624     // in the plane of the triangle. First try to create orthogonal unit vectors
00625     // mu and nu, where mu is fE1/|fE1|.  This is kinda like
00626     // the original algorithm due to Rickard Holmberg, but with better
00627     // mathematical justification than the original method ... however,
00628     // beware Rickard's was less time-consuming.
00629     //
00630     // Note that vprime is not fA unit vector.  We need to keep it unnormalised
00631     // since the values of distance along vprime (s0 and s1) for intersection
00632     // with the triangle will be used to determine if we cut the plane at the
00633     // same time.
00634     //
00635     G4ThreeVector mu = fE1.unit();
00636     G4ThreeVector nu = fSurfaceNormal.cross(mu);
00637     G4TwoVector pprime(p.dot(mu), p.dot(nu));
00638     G4TwoVector vprime(v.dot(mu), v.dot(nu));
00639     G4TwoVector P0prime(p0.dot(mu), p0.dot(nu));
00640     G4TwoVector E0prime(fE1.mag(), 0.0);
00641     G4TwoVector E1prime(fE2.dot(mu), fE2.dot(nu));
00642     G4TwoVector loc[2];
00643     if (G4TessellatedGeometryAlgorithms::IntersectLineAndTriangle2D(pprime,
00644                                     vprime, P0prime, E0prime, E1prime, loc))
00645     {
00646       //
00647       // There is an intersection between the line and triangle in 2D.
00648       // Now check which part of the line intersects with the plane
00649       // containing the triangle in 3D.
00650       //
00651       G4double vprimemag = vprime.mag();
00652       G4double s0        = (loc[0] - pprime).mag()/vprimemag;
00653       G4double s1        = (loc[1] - pprime).mag()/vprimemag;
00654       G4double normDist0 = fSurfaceNormal.dot(s0*v) - distFromSurface;
00655       G4double normDist1 = fSurfaceNormal.dot(s1*v) - distFromSurface;
00657       if ((normDist0 < 0.0 && normDist1 < 0.0)
00658        || (normDist0 > 0.0 && normDist1 > 0.0)
00659        || (normDist0 == 0.0 && normDist1 == 0.0) ) 
00660       {
00661         distance        = kInfinity;
00662         distFromSurface = kInfinity;
00663         normal.set(0,0,0);
00664         return false;
00665       }
00666       else
00667       {
00668         G4double dnormDist = normDist1 - normDist0;
00669         if (fabs(dnormDist) < DBL_EPSILON)
00670         {
00671           distance = s0;
00672           normal   = fSurfaceNormal;
00673           if (!outgoing) distFromSurface = -distFromSurface;
00674           return true;
00675         }
00676         else
00677         {
00678           distance = s0 - normDist0*(s1-s0)/dnormDist;
00679           normal   = fSurfaceNormal;
00680           if (!outgoing) distFromSurface = -distFromSurface;
00681           return true;
00682         }
00683       }
00684     }
00685     else
00686     {
00687       distance = kInfinity;
00688       distFromSurface = kInfinity;
00689       normal.set(0,0,0);
00690       return false;
00691     }
00692   }
00693   //
00694   //
00695   // Use conventional algorithm to determine the whether there is an
00696   // intersection.  This involves determining the point of intersection of the
00697   // line with the plane containing the triangle, and then calculating if the
00698   // point is within the triangle.
00699   //
00700   distance = distFromSurface / w;
00701   G4ThreeVector pp = p + v*distance;
00702   G4ThreeVector DD = p0 - pp;
00703   G4double d = fE1.dot(DD);
00704   G4double e = fE2.dot(DD);
00705   G4double ss = fB*e - fC*d;
00706   G4double t = fB*d - fA*e;
00708   G4double sTolerance = (fabs(fB)+ fabs(fC) + fabs(d) + fabs(e))*kCarTolerance;
00709   G4double tTolerance = (fabs(fA)+ fabs(fB) + fabs(d) + fabs(e))*kCarTolerance;
00710   G4double detTolerance = (fabs(fA)+ fabs(fC) + 2*fabs(fB) )*kCarTolerance;
00712   //if (ss < 0.0 || t < 0.0 || ss+t > fDet)
00713   if (ss < -sTolerance || t < -tTolerance || ( ss+t - fDet ) > detTolerance)
00714   {
00715     //
00716     // The intersection is outside of the triangle.
00717     //
00718     distance = distFromSurface = kInfinity;
00719     normal.set(0,0,0);
00720     return false;
00721   }
00722   else
00723   {
00724     //
00725     // There is an intersection.  Now we only need to set the surface normal.
00726     //
00727     normal = fSurfaceNormal;
00728     if (!outgoing) distFromSurface = -distFromSurface;
00729     return true;
00730   }
00731 }
00734 //
00735 // GetPointOnFace
00736 //
00737 // Auxiliary method for get fA random point on surface
00738 //
00739 G4ThreeVector G4TriangularFacet::GetPointOnFace() const
00740 {
00741   G4double alpha = G4RandFlat::shoot(0., 1.);
00742   G4double beta = G4RandFlat::shoot(0., 1.);
00743   G4double lambda1 = alpha*beta;
00744   G4double lambda0 = alpha-lambda1;
00746   return GetVertex(0) + lambda0*fE1 + lambda1*fE2;
00747 }
00750 //
00751 // GetArea
00752 //
00753 // Auxiliary method for returning the surface fArea
00754 //
00755 G4double G4TriangularFacet::GetArea()
00756 {
00757   return fArea;
00758 }
00761 //
00762 G4GeometryType G4TriangularFacet::GetEntityType () const
00763 {
00764   return "G4TriangularFacet";
00765 }
00768 //
00769 G4ThreeVector G4TriangularFacet::GetSurfaceNormal () const
00770 {
00771   return fSurfaceNormal;
00772 }
00775 //
00776 void G4TriangularFacet::SetSurfaceNormal (G4ThreeVector normal)
00777 {
00778   fSurfaceNormal = normal;
00779 }

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