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00001 //
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00011 // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing *
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00018 // * This  code  implementation is the result of  the  scientific and *
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00025 //
00026 //
00027 // $Id$
00028 //
00029 // Hadronic Process: Nuclear De-excitations
00030 // by V. Lara
00031 //
00032 // Modified:
00033 // 25.07.08 I.Pshenichnov (in collaboration with Alexander Botvina and Igor 
00034 //          Mishustin (FIAS, Frankfurt, INR, Moscow and Kurchatov Institute, 
00035 //          Moscow, pshenich@fias.uni-frankfurt.de) fixed semi-infinite loop 
00037 #include <numeric>
00039 #include "G4StatMFChannel.hh"
00040 #include "G4PhysicalConstants.hh"
00041 #include "G4HadronicException.hh"
00042 #include "G4Pow.hh"
00044 class SumCoulombEnergy : public std::binary_function<G4double,G4double,G4double>
00045 {
00046 public:
00047   SumCoulombEnergy() : total(0.0) {}
00048   G4double operator() (G4double& , G4StatMFFragment*& frag)
00049   { 
00050       total += frag->GetCoulombEnergy();
00051       return total;
00052   }
00054   G4double GetTotal() { return total; }
00055 public:
00056   G4double total;  
00057 };
00059 G4StatMFChannel::G4StatMFChannel() : 
00060   _NumOfNeutralFragments(0), 
00061   _NumOfChargedFragments(0)
00062 {}
00064 G4StatMFChannel::~G4StatMFChannel() 
00065 { 
00066   if (!_theFragments.empty()) {
00067     std::for_each(_theFragments.begin(),_theFragments.end(),
00068                   DeleteFragment());
00069   }
00070 }
00072 G4bool G4StatMFChannel::CheckFragments(void)
00073 {
00074     std::deque<G4StatMFFragment*>::iterator i;
00075     for (i = _theFragments.begin(); 
00076          i != _theFragments.end(); ++i) 
00077       {
00078         G4int A = (*i)->GetA();
00079         G4int Z = (*i)->GetZ();
00080         if ( (A > 1 && (Z > A || Z <= 0)) || (A==1 && Z > A) || A <= 0 ) return false;
00081     }
00082     return true;
00083 }
00085 void G4StatMFChannel::CreateFragment(G4int A, G4int Z)
00086     // Create a new fragment.
00087     // Fragments are automatically sorted: first charged fragments, 
00088     // then neutral ones.
00089 {
00090     if (Z <= 0.5) {
00091         _theFragments.push_back(new G4StatMFFragment(A,Z));
00092         _NumOfNeutralFragments++;
00093     } else {
00094         _theFragments.push_front(new G4StatMFFragment(A,Z));
00095         _NumOfChargedFragments++;
00096     }
00098     return;
00099 }
00101 G4double G4StatMFChannel::GetFragmentsCoulombEnergy(void)
00102 {
00103     G4double Coulomb = std::accumulate(_theFragments.begin(),_theFragments.end(),
00104                                          0.0,SumCoulombEnergy());
00105 //      G4double Coulomb = 0.0;
00106 //      for (unsigned int i = 0;i < _theFragments.size(); i++)
00107 //      Coulomb += _theFragments[i]->GetCoulombEnergy();
00108     return Coulomb;
00109 }
00113 G4double G4StatMFChannel::GetFragmentsEnergy(G4double T) const
00114 {
00115     G4double Energy = 0.0;
00117     G4double TranslationalEnergy = (3./2.)*T*static_cast<G4double>(_theFragments.size());
00119     std::deque<G4StatMFFragment*>::const_iterator i;
00120     for (i = _theFragments.begin(); i != _theFragments.end(); ++i)
00121       {
00122         Energy += (*i)->GetEnergy(T);
00123       }
00124     return Energy + TranslationalEnergy;        
00125 }
00127 G4FragmentVector * G4StatMFChannel::GetFragments(G4int anA, 
00128                                                  G4int anZ,
00129                                                  G4double T)
00130     //
00131 {
00132     // calculate momenta of charged fragments  
00133     CoulombImpulse(anA,anZ,T);
00135     // calculate momenta of neutral fragments
00136     FragmentsMomenta(_NumOfNeutralFragments, _NumOfChargedFragments, T);
00138     G4FragmentVector * theResult = new G4FragmentVector;
00139     std::deque<G4StatMFFragment*>::iterator i;
00140     for (i = _theFragments.begin(); i != _theFragments.end(); ++i)
00141         theResult->push_back((*i)->GetFragment(T));
00143     return theResult;
00144 }
00146 void G4StatMFChannel::CoulombImpulse(G4int anA, G4int anZ, G4double T)
00147     // Aafter breakup, fragments fly away under Coulomb field.
00148     // This method calculates asymptotic fragments momenta.
00149 {
00150     // First, we have to place the fragments inside of the original nucleus volume
00151     PlaceFragments(anA);
00153         // Second, we sample initial charged fragments momenta. There are
00154         // _NumOfChargedFragments charged fragments and they start at the begining
00155         // of the vector _theFragments (i.e. 0) 
00156     FragmentsMomenta(_NumOfChargedFragments, 0, T);
00158     // Third, we have to figure out the asymptotic momenta of charged fragments 
00159     // For taht we have to solve equations of motion for fragments
00160     SolveEqOfMotion(anA,anZ,T);
00162     return;
00163 }
00165 void G4StatMFChannel::PlaceFragments(G4int anA)
00166     // This gives the position of fragments at the breakup instant. 
00167     // Fragments positions are sampled inside prolongated ellipsoid.
00168 {
00169     G4Pow* g4pow = G4Pow::GetInstance();
00170     const G4double R0 = G4StatMFParameters::Getr0();
00171     const G4double Rsys = 2.0*R0*g4pow->Z13(anA);
00173     G4bool TooMuchIterations;
00174     do 
00175       {
00176         TooMuchIterations = false;
00178         // Sample the position of the first fragment
00179         G4double R = (Rsys - R0*g4pow->Z13(_theFragments[0]->GetA()))*
00180           std::pow(G4UniformRand(),1./3.);
00181         _theFragments[0]->SetPosition(IsotropicVector(R));
00184         // Sample the position of the remaining fragments
00185         G4bool ThereAreOverlaps = false;
00186         std::deque<G4StatMFFragment*>::iterator i;
00187         for (i = _theFragments.begin()+1; i != _theFragments.end(); ++i) 
00188           {
00189             G4int counter = 0;
00190             do 
00191               {
00192                 R = (Rsys - R0*g4pow->Z13((*i)->GetA()))*std::pow(G4UniformRand(),1./3.);
00193                 (*i)->SetPosition(IsotropicVector(R));
00195                 // Check that there are not overlapping fragments
00196                 std::deque<G4StatMFFragment*>::iterator j;
00197                 for (j = _theFragments.begin(); j != i; ++j) 
00198                   {
00199                     G4ThreeVector FragToFragVector = (*i)->GetPosition() - (*j)->GetPosition();
00200                     G4double Rmin = R0*(g4pow->Z13((*i)->GetA()) +
00201                                         g4pow->Z13((*j)->GetA()));
00202                     if ( (ThereAreOverlaps = (FragToFragVector.mag2() < Rmin*Rmin)) ) break;
00203                   }
00204                 counter++;
00205               } while (ThereAreOverlaps && counter < 1000);
00207             if (counter >= 1000) 
00208               {
00209                 TooMuchIterations = true;
00210                 break;
00211               } 
00212           }
00213     } while (TooMuchIterations);
00215     return;
00216 }
00218 void G4StatMFChannel::FragmentsMomenta(G4int NF, G4int idx,
00219                                        G4double T)
00220     // Calculate fragments momenta at the breakup instant
00221     // Fragment kinetic energies are calculated according to the 
00222     // Boltzmann distribution at given temperature.
00223     // NF is number of fragments
00224     // idx is index of first fragment
00225 {
00226     G4double KinE = (3./2.)*T*static_cast<G4double>(NF);
00228     G4ThreeVector p;
00230     if (NF <= 0) return;
00231     else if (NF == 1) 
00232       {
00233         // We have only one fragment to deal with
00234         p = IsotropicVector(std::sqrt(2.0*_theFragments[idx]->GetNuclearMass()*KinE));
00235         _theFragments[idx]->SetMomentum(p);
00236       } 
00237     else if (NF == 2) 
00238       {
00239         // We have only two fragment to deal with
00240         G4double M1 = _theFragments[idx]->GetNuclearMass();
00241         G4double M2 = _theFragments[idx+1]->GetNuclearMass();
00242         p = IsotropicVector(std::sqrt(2.0*KinE*(M1*M2)/(M1+M2)));               
00243         _theFragments[idx]->SetMomentum(p);
00244         _theFragments[idx+1]->SetMomentum(-p);
00245       } 
00246     else 
00247       {
00248         // We have more than two fragments
00249         G4double AvailableE;
00250         G4int i1,i2;
00251         G4double SummedE;
00252         G4ThreeVector SummedP;
00253         do 
00254           {
00255             // Fisrt sample momenta of NF-2 fragments 
00256             // according to Boltzmann distribution
00257             AvailableE = 0.0;
00258             SummedE = 0.0;
00259             SummedP.setX(0.0);SummedP.setY(0.0);SummedP.setZ(0.0);
00260             for (G4int i = idx; i < idx+NF-2; i++) 
00261               {
00262                 G4double E;
00263                 G4double RandE;
00264                 G4double Boltzmann;
00265                 do 
00266                   {
00267                     E = 9.0*T*G4UniformRand();
00268                     Boltzmann = std::sqrt(E)*std::exp(-E/T);
00269                     RandE = std::sqrt(T/2.)*std::exp(-0.5)*G4UniformRand();
00270                   } 
00271                 while (RandE > Boltzmann);
00272                 p = IsotropicVector(std::sqrt(2.0*E*_theFragments[i]->GetNuclearMass()));
00273                 _theFragments[i]->SetMomentum(p);
00274                 SummedE += E;
00275                 SummedP += p;
00276               } 
00277             // Calculate momenta of last two fragments in such a way
00278             // that constraints are satisfied
00279             i1 = idx+NF-2;  // before last fragment index
00280             i2 = idx+NF-1;  // last fragment index
00281             p = -SummedP;
00282             AvailableE = KinE - SummedE;
00283             // Available Kinetic Energy should be shared between two last fragments
00284           } 
00285         while (AvailableE <= p.mag2()/(2.0*(_theFragments[i1]->GetNuclearMass()+
00286                                             _theFragments[i2]->GetNuclearMass())));             
00288         G4double H = 1.0 + _theFragments[i2]->GetNuclearMass()/_theFragments[i1]->GetNuclearMass();
00289         G4double CTM12 = H*(1.0 - 2.0*_theFragments[i2]->GetNuclearMass()*AvailableE/p.mag2());
00290         G4double CosTheta1;
00291         G4double Sign;
00293         if (CTM12 > 0.9999) {CosTheta1 = 1.;} 
00294         else {
00295          do 
00296            {
00297              do 
00298                {
00299                  CosTheta1 = 1.0 - 2.0*G4UniformRand();
00300                } 
00301              while (CosTheta1*CosTheta1 < CTM12);
00302            }
00303           while (CTM12 >= 0.0 && CosTheta1 < 0.0);
00304         }
00306         if (CTM12 < 0.0) Sign = 1.0;
00307         else if (G4UniformRand() <= 0.5) Sign = -1.0;
00308         else Sign = 1.0;
00311         G4double P1 = (p.mag()*CosTheta1+Sign*std::sqrt(p.mag2()*(CosTheta1*CosTheta1-CTM12)))/H;
00312         G4double P2 = std::sqrt(P1*P1+p.mag2() - 2.0*P1*p.mag()*CosTheta1);
00313         G4double Phi = twopi*G4UniformRand();
00314         G4double SinTheta1 = std::sqrt(1.0 - CosTheta1*CosTheta1);
00315         G4double CosPhi1 = std::cos(Phi);
00316         G4double SinPhi1 = std::sin(Phi);
00317         G4double CosPhi2 = -CosPhi1;
00318         G4double SinPhi2 = -SinPhi1;
00319         G4double CosTheta2 = (p.mag2() + P2*P2 - P1*P1)/(2.0*p.mag()*P2);
00320         G4double SinTheta2 = 0.0;
00321         if (CosTheta2 > -1.0 && CosTheta2 < 1.0) SinTheta2 = std::sqrt(1.0 - CosTheta2*CosTheta2);
00323         G4ThreeVector p1(P1*SinTheta1*CosPhi1,P1*SinTheta1*SinPhi1,P1*CosTheta1);
00324         G4ThreeVector p2(P2*SinTheta2*CosPhi2,P2*SinTheta2*SinPhi2,P2*CosTheta2);
00325         G4ThreeVector b(1.0,0.0,0.0);
00327         p1 = RotateMomentum(p,b,p1);
00328         p2 = RotateMomentum(p,b,p2);
00330         SummedP += p1 + p2;
00331         SummedE += p1.mag2()/(2.0*_theFragments[i1]->GetNuclearMass()) + 
00332             p2.mag2()/(2.0*_theFragments[i2]->GetNuclearMass());                
00334         _theFragments[i1]->SetMomentum(p1);
00335         _theFragments[i2]->SetMomentum(p2);
00337       }
00339     return;
00340 }
00343 void G4StatMFChannel::SolveEqOfMotion(G4int anA, G4int anZ, G4double T)
00344     // This method will find a solution of Newton's equation of motion
00345     // for fragments in the self-consistent time-dependent Coulomb field
00346 {
00347   G4double CoulombEnergy = (3./5.)*(elm_coupling*anZ*anZ)*
00348     std::pow(1.0+G4StatMFParameters::GetKappaCoulomb(),1./3.)/
00349     (G4StatMFParameters::Getr0()*G4Pow::GetInstance()->Z13(anA))
00350     - GetFragmentsCoulombEnergy();
00351   if (CoulombEnergy <= 0.0) return;
00353   G4int Iterations = 0;
00354   G4double TimeN = 0.0;
00355   G4double TimeS = 0.0;
00356   G4double DeltaTime = 10.0;
00358   G4ThreeVector * Pos = new G4ThreeVector[_NumOfChargedFragments];
00359   G4ThreeVector * Vel = new G4ThreeVector[_NumOfChargedFragments];
00360   G4ThreeVector * Accel = new G4ThreeVector[_NumOfChargedFragments];
00362   G4int i;
00363   for (i = 0; i < _NumOfChargedFragments; i++) 
00364     {
00365       Vel[i] = (1.0/(_theFragments[i]->GetNuclearMass()))*
00366         _theFragments[i]->GetMomentum();
00367       Pos[i] = _theFragments[i]->GetPosition();
00368     }
00370   do 
00371     {
00373       G4ThreeVector distance;
00374       G4ThreeVector force;
00376       for (i = 0; i < _NumOfChargedFragments; i++) 
00377         {
00378           force.setX(0.0); force.setY(0.0); force.setZ(0.0);
00379           for (G4int j = 0; j < _NumOfChargedFragments; j++) 
00380             {
00381               if (i != j) 
00382                 {
00383                   distance = Pos[i] - Pos[j];
00384                   force += (elm_coupling*_theFragments[i]->GetZ()
00385                                           *_theFragments[j]->GetZ()/
00386                             (distance.mag2()*distance.mag()))*distance;
00387                 }
00388             }
00389           Accel[i] = (1./(_theFragments[i]->GetNuclearMass()))*force;
00390         }
00392       TimeN = TimeS + DeltaTime;
00394       G4ThreeVector SavedVel;
00395       for ( i = 0; i < _NumOfChargedFragments; i++) 
00396         {
00397           SavedVel = Vel[i];
00398           Vel[i] += Accel[i]*(TimeN-TimeS);
00399           Pos[i] += (SavedVel+Vel[i])*(TimeN-TimeS)*0.5;
00400         }
00402       //                if (Iterations >= 50 && Iterations < 75) DeltaTime = 4.;
00403       //                else if (Iterations >= 75) DeltaTime = 10.;
00405       TimeS = TimeN;
00407     } 
00408   while (Iterations++ < 100);
00410   // Summed fragment kinetic energy
00411   G4double TotalKineticEnergy = 0.0;
00412   for (i = 0; i < _NumOfChargedFragments; i++) 
00413     {
00414       TotalKineticEnergy += _theFragments[i]->GetNuclearMass()*
00415         0.5*Vel[i].mag2();
00416     }
00417   // Scaling of fragment velocities
00418   G4double KineticEnergy = (3./2.)*_theFragments.size()*T;
00419   G4double Eta = ( CoulombEnergy + KineticEnergy ) / TotalKineticEnergy;
00420   for (i = 0; i < _NumOfChargedFragments; i++) 
00421     {
00422       Vel[i] *= Eta;
00423     }
00425   // Finally calculate fragments momenta
00426   for (i = 0; i < _NumOfChargedFragments; i++) 
00427     {
00428       _theFragments[i]->SetMomentum(_theFragments[i]->GetNuclearMass()*Vel[i]);
00429     }
00431   // garbage collection
00432   delete [] Pos;
00433   delete [] Vel;
00434   delete [] Accel;
00436   return;
00437 }
00441 G4ThreeVector G4StatMFChannel::RotateMomentum(G4ThreeVector Pa,
00442                                               G4ThreeVector V, G4ThreeVector P)
00443     // Rotates a 3-vector P to close momentum triangle Pa + V + P = 0
00444 {
00445   G4ThreeVector U = Pa.unit();
00447   G4double Alpha1 = U * V;
00449   G4double Alpha2 = std::sqrt(V.mag2() - Alpha1*Alpha1);
00451   G4ThreeVector N = (1./Alpha2)*U.cross(V);
00453   G4ThreeVector RotatedMomentum(
00454                                 ( (V.x() - Alpha1*U.x())/Alpha2 ) * P.x() + N.x() * P.y() + U.x() * P.z(),
00455                                 ( (V.y() - Alpha1*U.y())/Alpha2 ) * P.x() + N.y() * P.y() + U.y() * P.z(),
00456                                 ( (V.z() - Alpha1*U.z())/Alpha2 ) * P.x() + N.z() * P.y() + U.z() * P.z()
00457                                 );
00458   return RotatedMomentum;
00459 }
00465 G4ThreeVector G4StatMFChannel::IsotropicVector(const G4double Magnitude)
00466     // Samples a isotropic random vector with a magnitud given by Magnitude.
00467     // By default Magnitude = 1
00468 {
00469     G4double CosTheta = 1.0 - 2.0*G4UniformRand();
00470     G4double SinTheta = std::sqrt(1.0 - CosTheta*CosTheta);
00471     G4double Phi = twopi*G4UniformRand();
00472     G4ThreeVector Vector(Magnitude*std::cos(Phi)*SinTheta,
00473                          Magnitude*std::cos(Phi)*CosTheta,
00474                          Magnitude*std::sin(Phi));
00475     return Vector;
00476 }

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