
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //
00002 // ********************************************************************
00003 // * License and Disclaimer                                           *
00004 // *                                                                  *
00005 // * The  Geant4 software  is  copyright of the Copyright Holders  of *
00006 // * the Geant4 Collaboration.  It is provided  under  the terms  and *
00007 // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License,  included in the file *
00008 // * LICENSE and available at  http://cern.ch/geant4/license .  These *
00009 // * include a list of copyright holders.                             *
00010 // *                                                                  *
00011 // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing *
00012 // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this *
00013 // * work  make  any representation or  warranty, express or implied, *
00014 // * regarding  this  software system or assume any liability for its *
00015 // * use.  Please see the license in the file  LICENSE  and URL above *
00016 // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability.         *
00017 // *                                                                  *
00018 // * This  code  implementation is the result of  the  scientific and *
00019 // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration.                      *
00020 // * By using,  copying,  modifying or  distributing the software (or *
00021 // * any work based  on the software)  you  agree  to acknowledge its *
00022 // * use  in  resulting  scientific  publications,  and indicate your *
00023 // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license.          *
00024 // ********************************************************************
00025 //
00026 //
00027 // $Id$
00028 //
00029 //
00030 //
00032 #include <stdlib.h>
00033 #include <string.h>
00034 #include <cmath>
00036 #include "G4RTJpeg.hh"
00037 #include "G4RTOutBitStream.hh"
00038 #include "G4RTJpegMaker.hh"
00039 #include "G4RTJpegCoder.hh"
00040 #include "G4RTJpegCoderTables.hh"
00043 G4JpegCoder::G4JpegCoder(u_char* colorR,u_char* colorG,u_char* colorB)
00044 {
00045   mRgb[0] = colorR;
00046   mRgb[1] = colorG;
00047   mRgb[2] = colorB;
00049   mPreDC[0] = mPreDC[1] = mPreDC[2] = 0;
00050   mOBSP = 0;
00052   for(int n=0; n<8; n++)
00053                 for(int im=0; im<8; im++)
00054                                 mCosT[n][im] = std::cos((2 * im + 1) * n * PaiDiv16);
00055 }
00057 G4JpegCoder::~G4JpegCoder(void)
00058 {}
00060 void
00061 G4JpegCoder::GetJpegData(char** aJpegData, int& size)
00062 {
00063   if (mOBSP != 0){
00064     *aJpegData = (char*)mOBSP->GetStreamAddress();
00065         size = mOBSP->GetStreamSize();
00066         }
00067         else{
00068           *aJpegData = 0;
00069           size = 0;
00070         }
00072 }
00074 int
00075 G4JpegCoder::DoCoding(void)
00076 {
00077   mNumVUnits = (mProperty.nRow / 16) + ((mProperty.nRow % 16) ? 1 : 0);
00078   mNumHUnits = (mProperty.nColumn / 16) + ((mProperty.nColumn % 16) ? 1 : 0);
00080   int size = mProperty.nColumn * mProperty.nRow * 3;
00081   if(size < 10240)
00082     size = 10240;
00084   try{
00085        mOBSP = new G4OutBitStream(size);
00086            WriteHeader();
00087            for(int yu=0; yu<mNumVUnits; yu++){
00088                    for(int xu=0; xu<mNumHUnits; xu++){
00089                            makeYCC(xu, yu);
00091   //mRgb->YCrCb
00092   #ifdef GRAY
00093   for(int i=0; i<64; i++)
00094         mCbBlock[i] = mCrBlock[i] = 0;
00095   #endif
00096          CodeMCU();
00097          }
00098        }
00099        WriteEOI();
00100            return M_NoError;
00101      }
00103   catch(G4MemoryError &me){
00104                 return M_RuntimeError;
00105   }
00106   catch(G4BufferError &be){
00107                 return M_RuntimeError;
00108   }
00109   catch(G4IndexError &ie){
00110                 return M_RuntimeError;
00111   }
00112 }
00114 //MCU
00115 void
00116 G4JpegCoder::CodeMCU(void)
00117 {
00118   for(int n=0; n<4; n++){
00119                 ForwardDCT(mYBlock[n]);
00120                 Quantization(0);
00121                 CodeHuffman(0);
00122   }
00123   ForwardDCT(mCbBlock);
00124   Quantization(1);
00125   CodeHuffman(1);
00127   ForwardDCT(mCrBlock);
00128   Quantization(2);
00129   CodeHuffman(2);
00130 }
00132 void
00133 G4JpegCoder::makeYCC(int ux, int uy)
00134 {
00135   u_char  rv, gv, bv;
00136   int tCrBlock[4][64];
00137   int tCbBlock[4][64];
00139   for(int u=0; u<4; u++){
00140         int *yp = mYBlock[u];
00141         int *cbp = tCbBlock[u];
00142         int *crp = tCrBlock[u];
00144         int sx = ux * 16 + ((u&1) ? 8 : 0);
00145         int ex = sx + 8;
00146         int sy = uy * 16 + ((u>1) ? 8 : 0);
00147         int ey = sy + 8;
00149      for(int iv=sy; iv<ey; iv++){
00150           int ii = iv < mProperty.nRow ? iv : mProperty.nRow - 1;
00151           for(int ih=sx; ih<ex; ih++){
00152             int jj = ih < mProperty.nColumn ? ih : mProperty.nColumn - 1;
00153                 int index = ii * mProperty.nColumn + jj;
00154                 rv = mRgb[0][index];
00155                 gv = mRgb[1][index];
00156                 bv = mRgb[2][index];
00158                 *yp++ = int((0.2990 * rv) + (0.5870 * gv) + (0.1140 * bv) - 128)
00159 ;
00160                 *cbp++ = int(-(0.1687 * rv) - (0.3313 * gv) + (0.5000 * bv));
00161                 *crp++ = int((0.5000 * rv) - (0.4187 * gv) - (0.0813 * bv));
00162                                 }       // ih
00163                            }    //iv
00164   }     //u
00166  int   n = 0;
00167   for(int b=0; b<4; b++){
00168         switch(b){
00169                 case 0:         n=0;    break;
00170                 case 1:         n=4;    break;
00171                 case 2:         n=32;   break;
00172                 case 3:         n=36;
00173         }
00174         for(int y=0; y<8; y+=2){
00175                 for(int x=0; x<8; x+=2){
00176                         int idx = y * 8 + x;
00177                         mCrBlock[n] = tCrBlock[b][idx];
00178                         mCbBlock[n] = tCbBlock[b][idx];
00179                         n++;
00180                 }
00181                 n += 4;
00182         }
00183   }
00184 }
00186 void
00187 G4JpegCoder::CodeHuffman(int cs)
00188 {
00189   const G4HuffmanCodeTable& dcT = cs ? CDcHuffmanT : YDcHuffmanT;
00190   const G4HuffmanCodeTable& acT = cs ? CAcHuffmanT : YAcHuffmanT;
00191   const int eobIdx = cs ? CEOBidx : YEOBidx;
00192   const int zrlIdx = cs ? CZRLidx : YZRLidx;
00194   int diff = mDCTData[0] - mPreDC[cs];
00195   mPreDC[cs] = mDCTData[0];
00196   int absDiff = std::abs(diff);
00197   int dIdx = 0;
00199   while(absDiff > 0){
00200         absDiff >>= 1;
00201         dIdx++;
00202   }
00203   if(dIdx > dcT.numOfElement)
00204         throw(G4IndexError(dcT.numOfElement, dIdx, "CodeHuffman:DC"));
00205   mOBSP->SetBits((dcT.CodeT)[dIdx], (dcT.SizeT)[dIdx]);
00207   if(dIdx){
00208         if(diff < 0)
00209                 diff--;
00210         mOBSP->SetBits(diff, dIdx);
00211   }
00213   int run = 0;
00214   for(int n=1; n<64; n++){
00215         int absCoefficient = std::abs( mDCTData[ Zigzag[n] ] );
00216         if( absCoefficient ){
00217                 while( run > 15 ){
00218                 mOBSP->SetBits((acT.CodeT)[zrlIdx], (acT.SizeT)[zrlIdx]);
00219                 run -= 16;
00220                 }
00221                 int is = 0;
00222                 while( absCoefficient > 0 ){
00223                         absCoefficient >>= 1;
00224                         is++;
00225                 }
00226                 int     aIdx = run * 10 + is + (run == 15);
00227                 if( aIdx >= acT.numOfElement ) 
00228                   throw( G4IndexError( acT.numOfElement, aIdx, "CodeHuffman:AC" )
00229  );
00230   mOBSP->SetBits( (acT.CodeT)[aIdx], (acT.SizeT)[aIdx] );
00231                 int     v = mDCTData[ Zigzag[n] ];
00232                 if( v < 0 )
00233                   v--;
00234                 mOBSP->SetBits( v, is );
00235                 run = 0;
00236                 }
00237                 else{
00238                   if(n == 63)
00239                   mOBSP->SetBits( (acT.CodeT)[eobIdx], (acT.SizeT)[eobIdx] );
00240                 else
00241                 run++;
00242                 }
00243         }
00244 }
00247 void
00248 G4JpegCoder::Quantization(int cs)
00249 {
00250   int* qt = (int*)(cs ? CQuantumT : YQuantumT);
00251   for( int i=0; i<64; i++ ){
00252     mDCTData[i] /= qt[i];
00253   }
00254 }
00257 void
00258 G4JpegCoder::ForwardDCT(int* picData)
00259 {
00260   for( int v=0; v<8; v++ ){
00261     double cv = v ? 1.0 : DisSqrt2;
00262     for( int u=0; u<8; u++ ){
00263       double cu = u ? 1.0 : DisSqrt2;
00264       double sum = 0;
00266       for( int y=0; y<8; y++ )
00267         for( int x=0; x<8; x++ )
00268           sum += picData[ y * 8 + x ] * mCosT[u][x] * mCosT[v][y];
00269           mDCTData[ v * 8 + u ] = int( sum * cu * cv / 4 );
00270         }
00271     }
00272 }
00275 void
00276 G4JpegCoder::WriteHeader( void )
00277 {
00278   int i = 0;    //counter
00279   //SOI
00280   mOBSP->SetByte( M_Marker );   //FF
00281   mOBSP->SetByte( M_SOI );      //SOI
00283   //APP0(JFIF Header)
00284   mOBSP->SetByte( M_Marker );   //FF
00285   mOBSP->SetByte( M_APP0 );     //APP0
00286   mOBSP->SetWord( JFIFLength );        //parameter
00287   mOBSP->CopyByte( (char*)JFIF, 5 );   //"JFIF\0"
00288   mOBSP->SetWord( JFIFVersion );       //Version
00289   mOBSP->SetByte( mProperty.Units );
00290   mOBSP->SetWord( mProperty.HDensity );
00291   mOBSP->SetWord( mProperty.VDensity );
00292   mOBSP->SetByte( 0 );
00293   mOBSP->SetByte( 0 );
00295  //comment
00296   if( mProperty.Comment != 0 ){
00297     mOBSP->SetByte( M_Marker ); //FF
00298     mOBSP->SetByte( M_COM );    //comment
00299     int length = strlen( mProperty.Comment ) + 1;
00300     mOBSP->SetWord( length + 2 );
00301     mOBSP->CopyByte( mProperty.Comment, length );
00302   }
00304   //DQT
00305   mOBSP->SetByte( M_Marker );
00306   mOBSP->SetByte( M_DQT );
00307   mOBSP->SetWord( 67 );
00308   mOBSP->SetByte( 0 );
00309   for( i=0; i<64; i++ )
00310         mOBSP->SetByte( u_char( YQuantumT[Zigzag[i]] ) );
00311   mOBSP->SetByte( M_Marker );
00312   mOBSP->SetByte( M_DQT );
00313   mOBSP->SetWord( 67 );
00314   mOBSP->SetByte( 1 );
00315   for( i=0; i<64; i++ )
00316         mOBSP->SetByte( u_char( CQuantumT[Zigzag[i]] ) );
00317    // DHT
00318   mOBSP->CopyByte( (char*)YDcDht, DcDhtLength );
00319   mOBSP->CopyByte( (char*)CDcDht, DcDhtLength );
00320   mOBSP->CopyByte( (char*)YAcDht, AcDhtLength );
00321   mOBSP->CopyByte( (char*)CAcDht, AcDhtLength );
00323   // Frame Header
00324   mOBSP->SetByte( M_Marker );   // FF
00325   mOBSP->SetByte( M_SOF0 );
00326   mOBSP->SetWord( 3 * mProperty.Dimension + 8 );
00327   mOBSP->SetByte( mProperty.SamplePrecision );
00328   mOBSP->SetWord( mProperty.nRow );
00329   mOBSP->SetWord( mProperty.nColumn );
00330   mOBSP->SetByte( mProperty.Dimension );
00332   mOBSP->SetByte( 0 );
00333   mOBSP->SetByte( YSampleF );
00334   mOBSP->SetByte( 0 );
00336   mOBSP->SetByte( 1 );
00337   mOBSP->SetByte( CSampleF );
00339   mOBSP->SetByte( 1 );
00340   mOBSP->SetByte( 2 );
00341   mOBSP->SetByte( CSampleF );
00342   mOBSP->SetByte( 1 );
00344   //Scan Header
00345   mOBSP->SetByte( M_Marker );
00346   mOBSP->SetByte( M_SOS );
00347   mOBSP->SetWord( 2 * mProperty.Dimension + 6 );
00348   mOBSP->SetByte( mProperty.Dimension );
00349   for( i=0; i<mProperty.Dimension; i++ ){
00350         mOBSP->SetByte( i );
00351         mOBSP->SetByte( i==0 ? 0 : 0x11 );
00352   }
00353   mOBSP->SetByte( 0 );  //Ss
00354   mOBSP->SetByte( 63 ); //Se
00355   mOBSP->SetByte( 0 );  //Ah,Al
00356 }
00358 //EOI
00359 void
00360 G4JpegCoder::WriteEOI( void )
00361 {
00362   mOBSP->SetByte( M_Marker );
00363   mOBSP->SetByte( M_EOI );
00364 }
00366 //SetJpegProperty
00367 void
00368 G4JpegCoder::SetJpegProperty(const G4JpegProperty& aProperty )
00369 {
00370   mProperty = aProperty;
00371   mProperty.Dimension = 3;
00372   mProperty.SamplePrecision = 8;
00373   mProperty.Format = 1;
00374   mProperty.MajorRevisions = 1;
00375   mProperty.MinorRevisions = 2;
00376   mProperty.HThumbnail = 0;
00377   mProperty.VThumbnail = 0;
00378 }

Generated on Mon May 27 17:49:46 2013 for Geant4 by  doxygen 1.4.7