
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //
00002 // ********************************************************************
00003 // * License and Disclaimer                                           *
00004 // *                                                                  *
00005 // * The  Geant4 software  is  copyright of the Copyright Holders  of *
00006 // * the Geant4 Collaboration.  It is provided  under  the terms  and *
00007 // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License,  included in the file *
00008 // * LICENSE and available at  http://cern.ch/geant4/license .  These *
00009 // * include a list of copyright holders.                             *
00010 // *                                                                  *
00011 // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing *
00012 // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this *
00013 // * work  make  any representation or  warranty, express or implied, *
00014 // * regarding  this  software system or assume any liability for its *
00015 // * use.  Please see the license in the file  LICENSE  and URL above *
00016 // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability.         *
00017 // *                                                                  *
00018 // * This  code  implementation is the result of  the  scientific and *
00019 // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration.                      *
00020 // * By using,  copying,  modifying or  distributing the software (or *
00021 // * any work based  on the software)  you  agree  to acknowledge its *
00022 // * use  in  resulting  scientific  publications,  and indicate your *
00023 // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license.          *
00024 // ********************************************************************
00025 //
00026 //
00027 // $Id$
00028 //
00029 // 
00030 // ------------------------------------------------------------
00031 //      GEANT 4 class header file 
00032 //
00033 //      History: first implementation, based on object model of
00034 //      2nd December 1995, G.Cosmo
00035 //   ----------------  G4ProcessManager  -----------------
00036 // Class Description 
00037 //  It collects all physics a particle can undertake as seven vectors.
00038 //  These vectors are 
00039 //   one vector for all processes (called as "process List")
00040 //   two vectors for processes with AtRestGetPhysicalInteractionLength
00041 //                                    and AtRestDoIt
00042 //   two vectors for processes with AlongStepGetPhysicalInteractionLength
00043 //                                    and AlongStepDoIt
00044 //   two vectors for processes with PostStepGetPhysicalInteractionLength
00045 //                                    and PostStepDoIt
00046 //  The tracking will message three types of GetPhysicalInteractionLength
00047 //  in order to limit the Step and select the occurence of processes. 
00048 //  It will message the corresponding DoIt() to apply the selected 
00049 //  processes. In addition, the Tracking will limit the Step
00050 //  and select the occurence of the processes according to
00051 //  the shortest physical interaction length computed (except for
00052 //  processes at rest, for which the Tracking will select the
00053 //  occurence of the process which returns the shortest mean
00054 //  life-time from the GetPhysicalInteractionLength()).
00055 //
00056 // History:
00057 // revised by G.Cosmo, 06 May 1996
00058 //    Added vector of processes at rest, 06 May 1996
00059 // ------------------------------------------------------------
00060 //   New Physics scheme           8 Jan. 1997  H.Kurahige
00061 //   Add SetProcessOrdering methods     27 Mar 1998  H.Kurahige
00062 //   Add copy constructor (deep copy)   28 June 1998 H.Kurashige
00063 //   Add GetProcessActivation     3 May. 1999 H.Kurashige
00064 //   Use STL vector instead of RW vector    1. Mar 00 H.Kurashige
00065 //   Modify G4ProcessVectorOrdering to fix FindInsedrtPosition 15 Feb. 2005
00066 //   Add  
00067 // ------------------------------------------------------------
00069 #ifndef G4ProcessManager_h
00070 #define G4ProcessManager_h 1
00072 #include "globals.hh"
00073 #include "G4ios.hh"
00074 #include <vector>
00076 #include "G4VProcess.hh"
00077 #include "G4ProcessVector.hh"
00078 #include "G4ParticleDefinition.hh"
00080 class G4ProcessManagerMessenger;
00081 class G4ProcessAttribute;
00083 //  Indexes for ProcessVector
00084 enum G4ProcessVectorTypeIndex
00085 { 
00086         typeGPIL = 0,   // for GetPhysicalInteractionLength 
00087         typeDoIt =1             // for DoIt
00088 };
00089 enum G4ProcessVectorDoItIndex
00090 {
00091         idxAll = -1,            // for all DoIt/GPIL 
00092         idxAtRest = 0,          // for AtRestDoIt/GPIL
00093         idxAlongStep = 1,       // for AlongStepDoIt/GPIL
00094         idxPostStep =2,         // for AlongSTepDoIt/GPIL
00095         NDoit =3
00096 };
00098 //  enumeration for Ordering Parameter      
00099 enum G4ProcessVectorOrdering
00100 { 
00101         ordInActive = -1,       // ordering parameter to indicate InActive DoIt
00102         ordDefault = 1000,      // default ordering parameter
00103         ordLast    = 9999       // ordering parameter to indicate the last DoIt
00104 };
00106 class G4ProcessManager 
00107 {
00109   public: 
00110       // copy constructor
00111       G4ProcessManager(G4ProcessManager &right);
00113   private:
00114       // hide default constructor and assignment operator
00115       G4ProcessManager & operator=(const G4ProcessManager &right);
00116       G4ProcessManager();
00118   public:
00120       G4ProcessManager(const G4ParticleDefinition* aParticleType);
00121       //  Constructor
00123       ~G4ProcessManager();
00124       //  Destructor
00126       G4int operator==(const G4ProcessManager &right) const;
00127       G4int operator!=(const G4ProcessManager &right) const;
00129  public: //  with description
00130       G4ProcessVector* GetProcessList() const;
00131       //  Returns the address of the vector of all processes 
00133       G4int  GetProcessListLength() const;
00134       //  Returns the number of process in the ProcessVector 
00136       G4int GetProcessIndex(G4VProcess *) const;
00137       //  Returns the index of the process in the process List
00139       // --------------------------------------
00141       G4ProcessVector* GetProcessVector( 
00142                                G4ProcessVectorDoItIndex idx,
00143                                G4ProcessVectorTypeIndex typ = typeGPIL
00144                               ) const;
00145       //  Returns the address of the vector of processes 
00147       G4ProcessVector* GetAtRestProcessVector(
00148                                G4ProcessVectorTypeIndex typ = typeGPIL
00149                               ) const; 
00150       //  Returns the address of the vector of processes for
00151       //    AtRestGetPhysicalInteractionLength      idx =0
00152       //    AtRestGetPhysicalDoIt                   idx =1
00153       G4ProcessVector* GetAlongStepProcessVector(
00154                                G4ProcessVectorTypeIndex typ = typeGPIL
00155                               ) const;
00156       //  Returns the address of the vector of processes for
00157       //    AlongStepGetPhysicalInteractionLength      idx =0
00158       //    AlongStepGetPhysicalDoIt                   idx =1
00160       G4ProcessVector* GetPostStepProcessVector(
00161                                G4ProcessVectorTypeIndex typ = typeGPIL
00162                               ) const;
00163       //  Returns the address of the vector of processes for
00164       //    PostStepGetPhysicalInteractionLength      idx =0
00165       //    PostStepGetPhysicalDoIt                   idx =1
00167       G4int GetProcessVectorIndex(
00168                            G4VProcess* aProcess,
00169                            G4ProcessVectorDoItIndex idx,
00170                            G4ProcessVectorTypeIndex typ  = typeGPIL
00171                            ) const;
00172       G4int GetAtRestIndex(
00173                            G4VProcess* aProcess,
00174                            G4ProcessVectorTypeIndex typ  = typeGPIL
00175                            ) const;
00176       G4int GetAlongStepIndex(
00177                            G4VProcess* aProcess,
00178                            G4ProcessVectorTypeIndex typ  = typeGPIL
00179                            ) const;
00180       G4int GetPostStepIndex(
00181                            G4VProcess* aProcess,
00182                            G4ProcessVectorTypeIndex typ = typeGPIL
00183                            ) const;
00184       //  Returns the index for GPIL/DoIt process vector of the process  
00186       G4int AddProcess(
00187              G4VProcess *aProcess,
00188              G4int      ordAtRestDoIt = ordInActive,
00189              G4int      ordAlongSteptDoIt = ordInActive,
00190              G4int      ordPostStepDoIt = ordInActive
00191             );
00192       //  Add a process to the process List
00193       //  return values are index to the List. Negative return value 
00194       //  indicates that the process has not be added due to some errors
00195       //  The first argument is a pointer to process.
00196       //  Following arguments are ordering parameters of the process in 
00197       //  process vectors. If value is negative, the process is
00198       //  not added to the corresponding process vector. 
00200       //  following methods are provided for simple processes  
00201       //   AtRestProcess has only AtRestDoIt
00202       //   ContinuousProcess has only AlongStepDoIt
00203       //   DiscreteProcess has only PostStepDoIt
00204       //  If the ording parameter is not specified, the process is
00205       //  added at the end of List of process vectors 
00206       //  If a process with same ordering parameter exists, 
00207       //   this new process will be added just after processes 
00208       //   with same ordering parameter  
00209       //  (except for processes assigned to LAST explicitly )
00210       //  for both DoIt and GetPhysicalInteractionLength
00211       //  
00213       G4int AddRestProcess(G4VProcess *aProcess, G4int ord = ordDefault);
00214       G4int AddDiscreteProcess(G4VProcess *aProcess, G4int ord = ordDefault);
00215       G4int AddContinuousProcess(G4VProcess *aProcess, G4int ord = ordDefault);
00219       // Methods for setting ordering parameters
00220       // Altanative methods for setting ordering parameters 
00221       //   Note: AddProcess method should precede these methods
00223       G4int GetProcessOrdering(
00224                                G4VProcess *aProcess,
00225                                G4ProcessVectorDoItIndex idDoIt
00226                                );
00228       void SetProcessOrdering(
00229                                G4VProcess *aProcess,
00230                                G4ProcessVectorDoItIndex idDoIt,
00231                                G4int      ordDoIt = ordDefault
00232                                );
00233       // Set ordering parameter for DoIt specified by typeDoIt.
00234       // If a process with same ordering parameter exists, 
00235       // this new process will be added just after processes 
00236       // with same ordering parameter  
00237       // Note: Ordering parameter will bet set to non-zero 
00238       //       even if you set  ordDoIt = 0
00240      void SetProcessOrderingToFirst(
00241                                G4VProcess *aProcess,
00242                                G4ProcessVectorDoItIndex idDoIt
00243                                );
00244       // Set ordering parameter to the first of all processes 
00245       // for DoIt specified by idDoIt.
00246       //  Note: If you use this method for two processes,
00247       //        a process called later will be first.
00249       void SetProcessOrderingToSecond(
00250                                G4VProcess *aProcess,
00251                                G4ProcessVectorDoItIndex idDoIt
00252                                );
00253       // Set ordering parameter to 1 for DoIt specified by idDoIt
00254       // and the rpocess will be added just after 
00255       // the processes with ordering parameter equal to zero
00256       //  Note: If you use this method for two processes,
00257       //        a process called later will be .
00259         void SetProcessOrderingToLast(
00260                                G4VProcess *aProcess,
00261                                G4ProcessVectorDoItIndex idDoIt
00262                                );
00263       // Set ordering parameter to the last of all processes 
00264       // for DoIt specified by idDoIt.
00265       //  Note: If you use this method for two processes,
00266       //        a process called later will precede.
00268       G4VProcess*  RemoveProcess(G4VProcess *aProcess);
00269       G4VProcess*  RemoveProcess(G4int      index);
00270       //  Removes a process from the process List.
00271       //  return value is pointer to the removed process.
00272       //  (0 value will be returned in case of errors)
00274       G4VProcess* SetProcessActivation(G4VProcess *aProcess, G4bool fActive);
00275       G4VProcess* SetProcessActivation(G4int      index, G4bool fActive);
00276       //  Set activation flag. 
00277       //  return value is pointer to the applied process.
00278       //  (0 value will be returned in case of errors)
00280       G4bool GetProcessActivation(G4VProcess *aProcess) const;
00281       G4bool GetProcessActivation(G4int      index) const;
00282       //  Get activation flag. 
00284       G4ParticleDefinition*  GetParticleType() const;
00285       // get the particle type 
00286       void SetParticleType(const G4ParticleDefinition*);
00287       // set the particle type 
00289       void StartTracking(G4Track* aTrack=0);
00290       void EndTracking();
00291       // these two methods are used by G4TrackingManager 
00292       // in order to inform Start/End of tracking for each track
00293       // to the process manager and all physics processes 
00296   public:
00297       enum {SizeOfProcVectorArray = 6};
00298   private:
00299       G4ProcessVector* theProcVector[SizeOfProcVectorArray];
00300       // vector for processes with GetPhysicalInteractionLength/DoIt
00302       typedef std::vector<G4ProcessAttribute*> G4ProcessAttrVector; 
00303       G4ProcessAttrVector*  theAttrVector;
00304       // vector for process attribute  
00306   protected: // with description
00307       G4int InsertAt(G4int position, G4VProcess* process, G4int ivec);
00308       // insert process at position in theProcVector[ivec]
00310       G4int RemoveAt(G4int position, G4VProcess* process, G4int ivec);
00311       // remove process at position in theProcVector[ivec]
00313       G4int FindInsertPosition(G4int ord, G4int ivec);
00314       // find insert position according to ordering parameter 
00315       // in theProcVector[ivec]
00317       G4int GetProcessVectorId(G4ProcessVectorDoItIndex idx,
00318                                G4ProcessVectorTypeIndex typ  = typeGPIL) const;
00320   void CheckOrderingParameters(G4VProcess*) const;
00321        // check consistencies between ordering parameters and 
00322        // validity of DoIt of the Process 
00324   private:     
00325       G4ProcessAttribute* GetAttribute(G4int      index) const;
00326       G4ProcessAttribute* GetAttribute(G4VProcess *aProcess) const;
00327       // get Pointer to ProcessAttribute
00329       G4VProcess* ActivateProcess(G4int   index);
00330       G4VProcess* InActivateProcess(G4int  index);
00331       // Activate/InActivateProcess   Process
00333   private:     
00334       const G4ParticleDefinition*   theParticleType;
00335       //  particle which has this process manager object     
00337       G4int             numberOfProcesses;
00338       G4ProcessVector*  theProcessList;
00339       // vector for all processes (called as "process List")
00341  private:
00342       G4bool  duringTracking;
00343       void    CreateGPILvectors();
00344       void    SetIndexToProcessVector(G4int ivec);
00346       G4bool  isSetOrderingFirstInvoked[NDoit];
00347       G4bool  isSetOrderingLastInvoked[NDoit];
00349  public: // with description
00350    void  DumpInfo();
00352    void  SetVerboseLevel(G4int value);
00353    G4int GetVerboseLevel() const;
00354    // controle flag for output message
00355    //  0: Silent
00356    //  1: Warning message
00357    //  2: More
00359  protected:
00360    G4int verboseLevel;
00362  private:
00363    static G4ProcessManagerMessenger* fProcessManagerMessenger;
00364    static G4int                      counterOfObjects;
00365 };
00366 #include "G4ProcessManager.icc"
00368 #endif

Generated on Mon May 27 17:49:25 2013 for Geant4 by  doxygen 1.4.7