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00001 //
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00025 //
00026 // $Id$
00027 //
00028 // -------------------------------------------------------------------
00029 //
00030 // GEANT4 Class file
00031 //
00032 //
00033 // File name:     G4PreCompoundDeuteron
00034 //
00035 // Author:         V.Lara
00036 //
00037 // Modified:  
00038 // 21.08.2008 J. M. Quesada add choice of options  
00039 // 20.08.2010 V.Ivanchenko added G4Pow and G4PreCompoundParameters pointers
00040 //                         use int Z and A and cleanup
00041 //
00043 #include "G4PreCompoundDeuteron.hh"
00044 #include "G4SystemOfUnits.hh"
00045 #include "G4Deuteron.hh"
00047 G4PreCompoundDeuteron::G4PreCompoundDeuteron()
00048   : G4PreCompoundIon(G4Deuteron::Deuteron(), &theDeuteronCoulombBarrier)
00049 {
00050   theA = GetA();
00051   theZ = GetZ();
00052   ResidualA = ResidualZ = 0; 
00053   ResidualAthrd = FragmentAthrd = 0.0;
00054   FragmentA = theA;
00055 }
00057 G4PreCompoundDeuteron::~G4PreCompoundDeuteron()
00058 {}
00060 G4double G4PreCompoundDeuteron::FactorialFactor(G4int N, G4int P)
00061 {
00062   return G4double((N-1)*(N-2)*(P-1)*P)/2.0;
00063 }
00065 G4double G4PreCompoundDeuteron::CoalescenceFactor(G4int A)
00066 {
00067   return 16.0/G4double(A);
00068 }    
00070 G4double G4PreCompoundDeuteron::GetRj(G4int nParticles, G4int nCharged)
00071 {
00072   G4double rj = 0.0;
00073   if(nCharged >=1 && (nParticles-nCharged) >=1) {
00074     G4double denominator = G4double(nParticles*(nParticles-1));
00075     rj = 2*nCharged*(nParticles-nCharged)/denominator; 
00076   }
00077   return rj;
00078 }
00081 //J. M. Quesada (Dec 2007-June 2008): New inverse reaction cross sections 
00082 //OPT=0 Dostrovski's parameterization
00083 //OPT=1,2 Chatterjee's paramaterization 
00084 //OPT=3,4 Kalbach's parameterization 
00085 // 
00086 G4double G4PreCompoundDeuteron::CrossSection(G4double K)
00087 {
00088   ResidualA = GetRestA();
00089   ResidualZ = GetRestZ(); 
00090   theA = GetA();
00091   theZ = GetZ();
00092   ResidualAthrd = ResidualA13();
00093   FragmentA = theA + ResidualA;
00094   FragmentAthrd = g4pow->Z13(FragmentA);
00096   if (OPTxs==0) { return GetOpt0( K); }
00097   else if( OPTxs==1 || OPTxs==2) { return GetOpt12( K); }
00098   else if (OPTxs==3 || OPTxs==4) { return GetOpt34( K); }
00099   else{
00100     std::ostringstream errOs;
00101     errOs << "BAD DEUTERON CROSS SECTION OPTION !!"  <<G4endl;
00102     throw G4HadronicException(__FILE__, __LINE__, errOs.str());
00103     return 0.;
00104   }
00105 }
00107 G4double G4PreCompoundDeuteron::GetAlpha()
00108 {
00109   G4double C = 0.0;
00110   G4int aZ = theZ + ResidualZ;
00111   if (aZ >= 70) 
00112     {
00113       C = 0.10;
00114     } 
00115   else 
00116     {
00117       C = ((((0.15417e-06*aZ) - 0.29875e-04)*aZ + 0.21071e-02)*aZ - 0.66612e-01)*aZ + 0.98375; 
00118     }
00119   return 1.0 + C/2.0;
00120 }
00121 //
00122 //********************* OPT=1,2 : Chatterjee's cross section ********************
00123 //(fitting to cross section from Bechetti & Greenles OM potential)
00125 G4double G4PreCompoundDeuteron::GetOpt12(G4double K)
00126 {
00127   G4double Kc = K;
00129   // JMQ xsec is set constat above limit of validity
00130   if (K > 50*MeV) { Kc = 50*MeV; }
00132   G4double landa ,mu ,nu ,p , Ec,q,r,ji,xs;
00134   G4double    p0 = -38.21;
00135   G4double    p1 = 922.6;
00136   G4double    p2 = -2804.;
00137   G4double    landa0 = -0.0323;
00138   G4double    landa1 = -5.48;
00139   G4double    mm0 = 336.1;
00140   G4double    mu1 = 0.48;
00141   G4double    nu0 = 524.3;
00142   G4double    nu1 = -371.8;
00143   G4double    nu2 = -5.924;  
00144   G4double    delta=1.2;            
00146   Ec = 1.44*theZ*ResidualZ/(1.5*ResidualAthrd+delta);
00147   p = p0 + p1/Ec + p2/(Ec*Ec);
00148   landa = landa0*ResidualA + landa1;
00149   G4double resmu1 = g4pow->powZ(ResidualA,mu1); 
00150   mu = mm0*resmu1;
00151   nu = resmu1*(nu0 + nu1*Ec + nu2*(Ec*Ec));
00152   q = landa - nu/(Ec*Ec) - 2*p*Ec;
00153   r = mu + 2*nu/Ec + p*(Ec*Ec);
00155   ji=std::max(Kc,Ec);
00156   if(Kc < Ec) { xs = p*Kc*Kc + q*Kc + r;}
00157   else {xs = p*(Kc - ji)*(Kc - ji) + landa*Kc + mu + nu*(2 - Kc/ji)/ji ;}
00159   if (xs <0.0) {xs=0.0;}
00161   return xs;
00162 }
00164 // *********** OPT=3,4 : Kalbach's cross sections (from PRECO code)*************
00165 G4double G4PreCompoundDeuteron::GetOpt34(G4double K)
00166 //     ** d from o.m. of perey and perey
00167 {
00169   G4double landa, mu, nu, p ,signor(1.),sig;
00170   G4double ec,ecsq,xnulam,etest(0.),a; 
00171   G4double b,ecut,cut,ecut2,geom,elab;
00173   G4double     flow = 1.e-18;
00174   G4double     spill= 1.e+18;
00176   G4double     p0 = 0.798;
00177   G4double     p1 = 420.3;
00178   G4double     p2 = -1651.;
00179   G4double     landa0 = 0.00619;
00180   G4double     landa1 = -7.54;
00181   G4double     mm0 = 583.5;
00182   G4double     mu1 = 0.337;
00183   G4double     nu0 = 421.8;
00184   G4double     nu1 = -474.5;
00185   G4double     nu2 = -3.592;      
00187   G4double     ra=0.80;
00189   //JMQ 13/02/09 increase of reduced radius to lower the barrier
00190   // ec = 1.44 * theZ * ResidualZ / (1.5*ResidualAthrd+ra);
00191   ec = 1.44 * theZ * ResidualZ / (1.7*ResidualAthrd+ra);
00192   ecsq = ec * ec;
00193   p = p0 + p1/ec + p2/ecsq;
00194   landa = landa0*ResidualA + landa1;
00195   a = g4pow->powZ(ResidualA,mu1);
00196   mu = mm0 * a;
00197   nu = a* (nu0+nu1*ec+nu2*ecsq);  
00198   xnulam = nu / landa;
00199   if (xnulam > spill) { xnulam=0.; }
00200   if (xnulam >= flow) { etest = 1.2 *std::sqrt(xnulam); }
00202   a = -2.*p*ec + landa - nu/ecsq;
00203   b = p*ecsq + mu + 2.*nu/ec;
00204   ecut = 0.;
00205   cut = a*a - 4.*p*b;
00206   if (cut > 0.) { ecut = std::sqrt(cut); }
00207   ecut = (ecut-a) / (p+p);
00208   ecut2 = ecut;
00209   //JMQ 290310 for avoiding unphysical increase below minimum (at ecut)
00210   //ecut<0 means that there is no cut with energy axis, i.e. xs is set 
00211   //to 0 bellow minimum
00212   //  if (cut < 0.) ecut2 = ecut - 2.;
00213   if (cut < 0.) { ecut2 = ecut; }
00214   elab = K * FragmentA / G4double(ResidualA);
00215   sig = 0.;
00217   if (elab <= ec) { //start for E<Ec
00218     if (elab > ecut2) { sig = (p*elab*elab+a*elab+b) * signor; }
00219   }           //end for E<Ec
00220   else {           //start for E>Ec
00221     sig = (landa*elab+mu+nu/elab) * signor;
00222     geom = 0.;
00223     if (xnulam < flow || elab < etest) { return sig; }
00224     geom = std::sqrt(theA*K);
00225     geom = 1.23*ResidualAthrd + ra + 4.573/geom;
00226     geom = 31.416 * geom * geom;
00227     sig = std::max(geom,sig);
00228   }           //end for E>Ec
00229   return sig;
00230 }

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