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00001 //
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00011 // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing *
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00025 //
00026 //
00027 // $Id$
00028 //
00029 // 
00030 // John Allison  10th August 1998.
00031 // An artificial scene to find physical volumes.
00033 #include "G4PhysicalVolumeMassScene.hh"
00035 #include "G4VSolid.hh"
00036 #include "G4Vector3D.hh"
00037 #include "G4PhysicalVolumeModel.hh"
00038 #include "G4LogicalVolume.hh"
00039 #include "G4Polyhedron.hh"
00040 #include "G4Material.hh"
00041 #include "G4VPVParameterisation.hh"
00042 #include "G4UnitsTable.hh"
00044 G4PhysicalVolumeMassScene::G4PhysicalVolumeMassScene
00045 (G4PhysicalVolumeModel* pPVModel):
00046   fpPVModel (pPVModel),
00047   fVolume (0.),
00048   fMass (0.),
00049   fpLastPV (0),
00050   fPVPCount (0),
00051   fLastDepth (0),
00052   fLastDensity (0.)
00053 {}
00055 G4PhysicalVolumeMassScene::~G4PhysicalVolumeMassScene () {}
00057 void G4PhysicalVolumeMassScene::Reset ()
00058 {
00059   fVolume = 0.;
00060   fMass = 0.;
00061   fpLastPV = 0;
00062   fPVPCount = 0;
00063   fLastDepth = 0;
00064   fLastDensity = 0.;
00065   fDensityStack.clear();
00066 }
00068 void G4PhysicalVolumeMassScene::AccrueMass (const G4VSolid& solid)
00069 {
00070   G4int currentDepth = fpPVModel->GetCurrentDepth();
00071   G4VPhysicalVolume* pCurrentPV = fpPVModel->GetCurrentPV();
00072   //G4LogicalVolume* pCurrentLV = fpPVModel->GetCurrentLV();
00073   G4Material* pCurrentMaterial = fpPVModel->GetCurrentMaterial();
00075   if (pCurrentPV != fpLastPV) {
00076     fpLastPV = pCurrentPV;
00077     fPVPCount = 0;
00078   }
00080   G4double currentVolume = ((G4VSolid&)solid).GetCubicVolume();
00081   G4double currentDensity = pCurrentMaterial->GetDensity();
00082   /* Using G4Polyhedron... (gives slightly different answers on Tubs, e.g.).
00083   G4Polyhedron* pPolyhedron = solid.GetPolyhedron();
00084   if (!pPolyhedron) {
00085     G4cout << 
00086       "G4PhysicalVolumeMassScene::AccrueMass: WARNING:"
00087       "\n  No G4Polyhedron for" << solid.GetEntityType() <<
00088       ".  \"" << solid.GetName() << "\" will not be accounted."
00089       "\n  It will be as though not there, i.e., the density as its mother."
00090       "\n  Its daughters will still be found and accounted."
00091            << G4endl;
00092     currentVolume = 0.;
00093     currentDensity = 0.;
00094   }
00095   */
00097   if (currentDepth == 0) fVolume = currentVolume;
00099   if (currentDepth > fLastDepth) {
00100     fDensityStack.push_back (fLastDensity);
00101   } else if (currentDepth < fLastDepth) {
00102     fDensityStack.pop_back();
00103   }
00104   fLastDepth = currentDepth;
00105   fLastDensity = currentDensity;
00106   G4double motherDensity = 0.;
00107   if (currentDepth > 0) motherDensity = fDensityStack.back();
00109   G4double subtractedMass = currentVolume * motherDensity;
00110   G4double addedMass = currentVolume * currentDensity;
00111   fMass -= subtractedMass;
00112   fMass += addedMass;
00113   /* Debug
00114   G4cout << "current vol = "
00115          << G4BestUnit (currentVolume,"Volume")
00116          << ", current density = "
00117          << G4BestUnit (currentDensity, "Volumic Mass")
00118          << ", mother density = "
00119          << G4BestUnit (motherDensity, "Volumic Mass")
00120          << G4endl;
00121   G4cout << "Subtracted mass = " << G4BestUnit (subtractedMass, "Mass")
00122          << ", added mass = " << G4BestUnit (addedMass, "Mass")
00123          << ", new mass = " << G4BestUnit (fMass, "Mass")
00124          << G4endl;
00125   */
00126   if (fMass < 0.) {
00127     G4cout <<
00128       "G4PhysicalVolumeMassScene::AccrueMass: WARNING:"
00129       "\n  Mass going negative for \""
00130            << pCurrentPV->GetName() <<
00131       "\", copy "
00132            << pCurrentPV->GetCopyNo() <<
00133       ".  Larger than mother?"
00134            << G4endl;
00135   }
00136 }

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