
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //
00002 // ********************************************************************
00003 // * License and Disclaimer                                           *
00004 // *                                                                  *
00005 // * The  Geant4 software  is  copyright of the Copyright Holders  of *
00006 // * the Geant4 Collaboration.  It is provided  under  the terms  and *
00007 // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License,  included in the file *
00008 // * LICENSE and available at  http://cern.ch/geant4/license .  These *
00009 // * include a list of copyright holders.                             *
00010 // *                                                                  *
00011 // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing *
00012 // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this *
00013 // * work  make  any representation or  warranty, express or implied, *
00014 // * regarding  this  software system or assume any liability for its *
00015 // * use.  Please see the license in the file  LICENSE  and URL above *
00016 // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability.         *
00017 // *                                                                  *
00018 // * This  code  implementation is the result of  the  scientific and *
00019 // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration.                      *
00020 // * By using,  copying,  modifying or  distributing the software (or *
00021 // * any work based  on the software)  you  agree  to acknowledge its *
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00023 // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license.          *
00024 // ********************************************************************
00025 //
00026 // $Id$
00027 //
00028 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
00029 //
00030 // ClassName:  G4PhysListFactory
00031 //
00032 // Author: 21 April 2008 V. Ivanchenko
00033 //
00034 // Modified:
00035 //
00036 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00037 //
00039 #include "G4PhysListFactory.hh"
00040 #include "CHIPS.hh"
00041 #include "FTFP_BERT.hh"
00042 #include "FTFP_BERT_TRV.hh"
00043 #include "FTFP_BERT_HP.hh"
00044 //#include "FTFP_BERT_DE.hh"
00045 #include "FTF_BIC.hh"
00046 #include "LBE.hh"
00047 #include "LHEP.hh"
00048 #include "QBBC.hh"
00049 #include "QGSC_BERT.hh"
00050 #include "QGSP_BERT.hh"
00051 #include "QGSP_BERT_CHIPS.hh"
00052 #include "QGSP_BERT_HP.hh"
00053 #include "QGSP_BIC.hh"
00054 #include "QGSP_BIC_HP.hh"
00055 #include "QGSP_FTFP_BERT.hh"
00056 #include "QGS_BIC.hh"
00057 #include "QGSP_INCLXX.hh"
00058 //#include "QGSP_INCL_ABLA.hh"
00059 #include "Shielding.hh"
00061 #include "G4EmStandardPhysics.hh"
00062 #include "G4EmStandardPhysics_option1.hh"
00063 #include "G4EmStandardPhysics_option2.hh"
00064 #include "G4EmStandardPhysics_option3.hh"
00065 #include "G4EmStandardPhysics_option4.hh"
00066 #include "G4EmLivermorePhysics.hh"
00067 #include "G4EmPenelopePhysics.hh"
00069 G4PhysListFactory::G4PhysListFactory() 
00070   : defName("FTFP_BERT"),verbose(1)
00071 {
00072   nlists_hadr = 19;
00073   G4String ss[19] = {
00074     "CHIPS",
00076     "LBE","LHEP","QBBC",
00078     "QGSP_BIC","QGSP_BIC_HP",
00080     "Shielding"};
00081   for(size_t i=0; i<nlists_hadr; ++i) {
00082     listnames_hadr.push_back(ss[i]);
00083   }
00085   nlists_em = 7;
00086   G4String s1[7] = {"","_EMV","_EMX","_EMY","_EMZ","_LIV","_PEN"};
00087   for(size_t i=0; i<nlists_em; ++i) {
00088     listnames_em.push_back(s1[i]);
00089   }
00090 }
00092 G4PhysListFactory::~G4PhysListFactory()
00093 {}
00095 G4VModularPhysicsList* 
00096 G4PhysListFactory::ReferencePhysList()
00097 {
00098   // instantiate PhysList by environment variable "PHYSLIST"
00099   G4String name = "";
00100   char* path = getenv("PHYSLIST");
00101   if (path) {
00102     name = G4String(path);
00103   } else {
00104     name = defName;
00105     G4cout << "### G4PhysListFactory WARNING: "
00106            << " environment variable PHYSLIST is not defined"
00107            << G4endl
00108            << "    Default Physics Lists " << name 
00109            << " is instantiated" 
00110            << G4endl;
00111   }
00112   return GetReferencePhysList(name);
00113 }
00115 G4VModularPhysicsList* 
00116 G4PhysListFactory::GetReferencePhysList(const G4String& name)
00117 {
00118   // analysis on the string 
00119   size_t n = name.size();
00121   // last characters in the string
00122   size_t em_opt = 0;
00123   G4String em_name = "";
00125   // check EM options
00126   if(n > 4) {
00127     em_name = name.substr(n - 4, 4);
00128     for(size_t i=1; i<nlists_em; ++i) { 
00129       if(listnames_em[i] == em_name) { 
00130         em_opt = i;
00131         n -= 4;
00132         break; 
00133       }
00134     }
00135     if(0 == em_opt) { em_name = ""; }
00136   }
00138   // hadronic pHysics List
00139   G4String had_name = name.substr(0, n);
00141   if(0 < verbose) {
00142     G4cout << "G4PhysListFactory::GetReferencePhysList <" << had_name
00143            << em_name << ">  EMoption= " << em_opt << G4endl;
00144   }
00145   G4VModularPhysicsList* p = 0;
00146   if(had_name == "CHIPS")               {p = new CHIPS(verbose);}
00147   else if(had_name == "FTFP_BERT")      {p = new FTFP_BERT(verbose);}
00148   else if(had_name == "FTFP_BERT_TRV")  {p = new FTFP_BERT_TRV(verbose);}
00149   else if(had_name == "FTFP_BERT_HP")   {p = new FTFP_BERT_HP(verbose);}
00150   //  else if(had_name == "FTFP_BERT_DE")   {p = new FTFP_BERT_DE(verbose);}
00151   else if(had_name == "FTF_BIC")        {p = new FTF_BIC(verbose);}
00152   else if(had_name == "LBE")            {p = new LBE();}
00153   else if(had_name == "LHEP")           {p = new LHEP(verbose);}
00154   else if(had_name == "QBBC")           {p = new QBBC(verbose);}
00155   else if(had_name == "QGSC_BERT")      {p = new QGSC_BERT(verbose);}
00156   else if(had_name == "QGSP_BERT")      {p = new QGSP_BERT(verbose);}
00157   else if(had_name == "QGSP_BERT_CHIPS"){p = new QGSP_BERT_CHIPS(verbose);}
00158   else if(had_name == "QGSP_BERT_HP")   {p = new QGSP_BERT_HP(verbose);}
00159   else if(had_name == "QGSP_BIC")       {p = new QGSP_BIC(verbose);}
00160   else if(had_name == "QGSP_BIC_HP")    {p = new QGSP_BIC_HP(verbose);}
00161   else if(had_name == "QGSP_FTFP_BERT") {p = new QGSP_FTFP_BERT(verbose);}
00162   else if(had_name == "QGS_BIC")        {p = new QGS_BIC(verbose);}
00163   else if(had_name == "QGSP_INCLXX")    {p = new QGSP_INCLXX(verbose);}
00164   else if(had_name == "Shielding")      {p = new Shielding(verbose);}
00165   else if(had_name == "ShieldingLEND")  {p = new Shielding(verbose,"LEND");}
00166   else {
00167     G4cout << "### G4PhysListFactory WARNING: "
00168            << "PhysicsList " << had_name << " is not known"
00169            << G4endl;
00170   }
00171   if(p) {
00172     G4cout << "<<< Reference Physics List " << had_name
00173            << em_name << " is built" << G4endl;
00174     G4int ver = p->GetVerboseLevel();
00175     p->SetVerboseLevel(0);
00176     if(0 < em_opt) {
00177       if(1 == em_opt) { 
00178         p->ReplacePhysics(new G4EmStandardPhysics_option1(verbose)); 
00179       } else if(2 == em_opt) {
00180         p->ReplacePhysics(new G4EmStandardPhysics_option2(verbose)); 
00181       } else if(3 == em_opt) {
00182         p->ReplacePhysics(new G4EmStandardPhysics_option3(verbose)); 
00183       } else if(4 == em_opt) {
00184         p->ReplacePhysics(new G4EmStandardPhysics_option4(verbose)); 
00185       } else if(5 == em_opt) {
00186         p->ReplacePhysics(new G4EmLivermorePhysics(verbose)); 
00187       } else if(6 == em_opt) {
00188         p->ReplacePhysics(new G4EmPenelopePhysics(verbose)); 
00189       }
00190     }
00191     p->SetVerboseLevel(ver);
00192   }
00193   G4cout << G4endl;
00194   return p;
00195 }
00197 G4bool G4PhysListFactory::IsReferencePhysList(const G4String& name)
00198 {
00199   G4bool res = false;
00200   size_t n = name.size();
00201   if(n > 4) {
00202     G4String em_name = name.substr(n - 4, 4);
00203     for(size_t i=1; i<nlists_em; ++i) { 
00204       if(listnames_em[i] == em_name) { 
00205         n -= 4;
00206         break; 
00207       }
00208     }
00209   }
00210   G4String had_name = name.substr(0, n);
00211   for(size_t i=0; i<nlists_hadr; ++i) {
00212     if(had_name == listnames_hadr[i]) {
00213       res = true;
00214       break;
00215     }
00216   }
00217   return res;
00218 }
00220 const std::vector<G4String>& 
00221 G4PhysListFactory::AvailablePhysLists() const
00222 {
00223   return listnames_hadr;
00224 }
00226 const std::vector<G4String>& 
00227 G4PhysListFactory::AvailablePhysListsEM() const
00228 {
00229   return listnames_em;
00230 }

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