
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //
00002 // ********************************************************************
00003 // * License and Disclaimer                                           *
00004 // *                                                                  *
00005 // * The  Geant4 software  is  copyright of the Copyright Holders  of *
00006 // * the Geant4 Collaboration.  It is provided  under  the terms  and *
00007 // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License,  included in the file *
00008 // * LICENSE and available at  http://cern.ch/geant4/license .  These *
00009 // * include a list of copyright holders.                             *
00010 // *                                                                  *
00011 // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing *
00012 // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this *
00013 // * work  make  any representation or  warranty, express or implied, *
00014 // * regarding  this  software system or assume any liability for its *
00015 // * use.  Please see the license in the file  LICENSE  and URL above *
00016 // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability.         *
00017 // *                                                                  *
00018 // * This  code  implementation is the result of  the  scientific and *
00019 // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration.                      *
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00024 // ********************************************************************
00025 //
00026 #include "G4NeutronIsoIsoCrossSections.hh"
00027 #include "G4SystemOfUnits.hh"
00028 #include "G4NeutronHPDataUsed.hh"
00029 #include "G4NeutronInelasticCrossSection.hh"
00031 G4NeutronIsoIsoCrossSections::
00032 G4NeutronIsoIsoCrossSections()
00033 : theCrossSection(), theNames()
00034 {
00035   theProductionData = NULL;
00036   hasData = false;
00037   theNumberOfProducts = 0;
00038   theZ = 0;
00039   theA = 0;
00040   G4cout << "WARNING: G4NeutronIsoIsoCrossSections is deprecated and will be removed with Geant4 version 10"
00041          << G4endl;
00042 }
00044 G4NeutronIsoIsoCrossSections::
00045 ~G4NeutronIsoIsoCrossSections()
00046 {
00047   for(G4int i=0; i<theNumberOfProducts; i++)
00048   {
00049     delete theProductionData[i];
00050   }
00051   delete [] theProductionData;
00052 }
00054 void G4NeutronIsoIsoCrossSections::
00055 Init(G4int A, G4int Z, G4double frac)
00056 {
00057   frac = frac/100.;
00058   // First transmution scattering cross-section
00059   // in our definition inelastic and fission.
00061   theZ = Z;
00062   theA = A;
00063   theNames.SetMaxOffSet(5);
00064   G4NeutronHPDataUsed dataUsed;
00065   G4String rest = "/CrossSection/";
00066   G4String base = getenv("G4NEUTRONHPDATA");
00067   G4String base1 = base + "/Inelastic/";
00068   G4bool hasInelasticData = false;
00069   dataUsed = theNames.GetName(A, Z, base1, rest, hasInelasticData);
00070   G4String aName = dataUsed.GetName();
00071   G4NeutronHPVector inelasticData;
00072   G4double dummy;
00073   G4int total;
00074   if(hasInelasticData)
00075   {
00076     std::ifstream aDataSet(aName, std::ios::in);
00077     aDataSet >> dummy >> dummy >> total;
00078     inelasticData.Init(aDataSet, total, eV);
00079   }
00080   base1 = base + "/Capture/";
00081   G4bool hasCaptureData = false;
00082   dataUsed = theNames.GetName(A, Z, base1, rest, hasCaptureData);
00083   aName = dataUsed.GetName();
00084   G4NeutronHPVector captureData;
00085   if(hasCaptureData)
00086   {
00087     std::ifstream aDataSet(aName, std::ios::in);
00088     aDataSet >> dummy >> dummy >> total;
00089     captureData.Init(aDataSet, total, eV);
00090   }
00091   base1 = base + "/Elastic/";
00092   G4bool hasElasticData = false;
00093   dataUsed = theNames.GetName(A, Z, base1, rest, hasElasticData);
00094   aName = dataUsed.GetName();
00095   G4NeutronHPVector elasticData;
00096   if(hasElasticData)
00097   {
00098     std::ifstream aDataSet(aName, std::ios::in);
00099     aDataSet >> dummy >> dummy >> total;
00100     elasticData.Init(aDataSet, total, eV);
00101   }
00102   base1 = base + "/Fission/";
00103   G4bool hasFissionData = false;
00104   if(Z>=91)
00105   {
00106     dataUsed = theNames.GetName(A, Z, base1, rest, hasFissionData);
00107     aName = dataUsed.GetName();
00108   }
00109   G4NeutronHPVector fissionData;
00110   if(hasFissionData)
00111   {
00112     std::ifstream aDataSet(aName, std::ios::in);
00113     aDataSet >> dummy >> dummy >> total;
00114     fissionData.Init(aDataSet, total, eV);
00115   }
00116   hasData = hasFissionData||hasInelasticData||hasElasticData||hasCaptureData;
00117   G4NeutronHPVector merged, merged1;
00118   if(hasData)
00119   {
00120     if(hasFissionData&&hasInelasticData) 
00121     {
00122       merged = fissionData + inelasticData;
00123     }
00124     else if(hasFissionData)
00125     {
00126       merged = fissionData;
00127     }
00128     else if(hasInelasticData)
00129     {
00130       merged = inelasticData;
00131     }
00133     if(hasElasticData&&hasCaptureData)
00134     {
00135       merged1=elasticData + captureData;
00136     }
00137     else if(hasCaptureData)
00138     {
00139       merged1 = captureData;
00140     }
00141     else if(hasElasticData)
00142     {
00143       merged1 = elasticData;
00144     }
00146     if((hasElasticData||hasCaptureData)&&(hasFissionData||hasInelasticData))
00147     {
00148       theCrossSection = merged + merged1;
00149     }
00150     else if(hasElasticData||hasCaptureData)
00151     {
00152       theCrossSection = merged1;
00153     }
00154     else if(hasFissionData||hasInelasticData)
00155     {
00156       theCrossSection = merged;
00157     }
00158     theCrossSection.Times(frac);
00159   }
00161   // now isotope-production cross-sections
00162   theNames.SetMaxOffSet(1);
00163   rest = "/CrossSection/";
00164   base1 = base + "/IsotopeProduction/";
00165   G4bool hasIsotopeProductionData;
00166   dataUsed = theNames.GetName(A, Z, base1, rest, hasIsotopeProductionData);
00167   aName = dataUsed.GetName();
00168   if(hasIsotopeProductionData)
00169   {
00170     std::ifstream aDataSet(aName, std::ios::in);
00171     aDataSet>>theNumberOfProducts;
00172     theProductionData = new G4IsoProdCrossSections * [theNumberOfProducts];
00173     for(G4int i=0; i<theNumberOfProducts; i++)
00174     {
00175       G4String dName;
00176       aDataSet >> dName;
00177       aDataSet >> dummy >> dummy;
00178       theProductionData[i] = new G4IsoProdCrossSections(dName);
00179       theProductionData[i]->Init(aDataSet);
00180     }
00181   }
00182   else
00183   {
00184     hasData = false;
00185   }
00186   G4NeutronInelasticCrossSection theParametrization;
00187   G4double lastEnergy = theCrossSection.GetX(theCrossSection.GetVectorLength()-1);
00188   G4double lastValue = theCrossSection.GetY(theCrossSection.GetVectorLength()-1);
00189   G4double norm = theParametrization.GetCrossSection(lastEnergy, Z, A);
00190   G4double increment = 1*MeV;
00191   while(lastEnergy+increment<101*MeV) 
00192   {
00193     G4double currentEnergy = lastEnergy+increment;
00194     G4double value = theParametrization.GetCrossSection(currentEnergy, Z, A)*(lastValue/norm);
00195     G4int position = theCrossSection.GetVectorLength();
00196     theCrossSection.SetData(position, currentEnergy, value);
00197     increment+=1*MeV;
00198   }
00199 }
00201 G4double G4NeutronIsoIsoCrossSections::
00202 GetCrossSection(G4double anEnergy)
00203 {
00204   G4double result;
00205   result = theCrossSection.GetY(anEnergy);
00206   return result;
00207 }
00209 G4String G4NeutronIsoIsoCrossSections::
00210 GetProductIsotope(G4double anEnergy)
00211 {
00212   G4String result = "UNCHANGED";
00214   G4double totalXSec = theCrossSection.GetY(anEnergy);
00215   if(totalXSec==0) return result;
00217   // now do the isotope changing reactions
00218   G4double * xSec = new G4double[theNumberOfProducts];
00219   G4double sum = 0;
00220   {
00221   for(G4int i=0; i<theNumberOfProducts; i++)
00222   {
00223     xSec[i] = theProductionData[i]->GetProductionCrossSection(anEnergy);
00224     sum += xSec[i];
00225   }
00226   }
00227   G4double isoChangeXsec = sum;
00228   G4double rand = G4UniformRand();
00229   if(rand > isoChangeXsec/totalXSec) 
00230   {
00231     delete [] xSec;
00232     return result;
00233   }
00234   G4double random = G4UniformRand();
00235   G4double running = 0;
00236   G4int index(0);
00237   {
00238   for(G4int i=0; i<theNumberOfProducts; i++)
00239   {
00240     running += xSec[i];
00241     index = i;
00242     if(random<=running/sum) break;
00243   }
00244   }
00245   delete [] xSec;
00246   result = theProductionData[index]->GetProductIsotope();
00248   return result;
00249 }

Generated on Mon May 27 17:49:05 2013 for Geant4 by  doxygen 1.4.7