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00001 //
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00004 // *                                                                  *
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00006 // * the Geant4 Collaboration.  It is provided  under  the terms  and *
00007 // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License,  included in the file *
00008 // * LICENSE and available at  http://cern.ch/geant4/license .  These *
00009 // * include a list of copyright holders.                             *
00010 // *                                                                  *
00011 // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing *
00012 // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this *
00013 // * work  make  any representation or  warranty, express or implied, *
00014 // * regarding  this  software system or assume any liability for its *
00015 // * use.  Please see the license in the file  LICENSE  and URL above *
00016 // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability.         *
00017 // *                                                                  *
00018 // * This  code  implementation is the result of  the  scientific and *
00019 // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration.                      *
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00024 // ********************************************************************
00025 //
00026 // INCL++ intra-nuclear cascade model
00027 // Pekka Kaitaniemi, CEA and Helsinki Institute of Physics
00028 // Davide Mancusi, CEA
00029 // Alain Boudard, CEA
00030 // Sylvie Leray, CEA
00031 // Joseph Cugnon, University of Liege
00032 //
00033 #define INCLXX_IN_GEANT4_MODE 1
00035 #include "globals.hh"
00037 #include "G4INCLStore.hh"
00038 #include <fstream>
00039 #include "G4INCLLogger.hh"
00040 #include "G4INCLCluster.hh"
00042 namespace G4INCL {
00044   Store::Store(Config const * const config) :
00045     theBook(new Book),
00046     loadedA(0),
00047     loadedZ(0),
00048     loadedStoppingTime(0.),
00049     theConfig(config)
00050   {
00051   }
00053   Store::~Store() {
00054     theBook->reset();
00055     delete theBook;
00056     theBook = 0;
00057     clear();
00058   }
00060   void Store::add(Particle *p) {
00061     const long ID = p->getID();
00062     particles[ID]=p;
00063     inside.push_back(p);
00065     if(particleAvatarConnections.find(ID)==particleAvatarConnections.end()) {
00066       std::vector<long> *aIDs = new std::vector<long>;
00067       particleAvatarConnections[ID] = aIDs;
00068     }
00069   }
00071   void Store::addParticleEntryAvatar(IAvatar *a) {
00072     // Add the avatar to the avatar map
00073     avatars[a->getID()]=a;
00074     avatarList.push_back(a);
00076     ParticleList pList = a->getParticles();
00077     for(ParticleIter i = pList.begin(); i != pList.end(); ++i) {
00078       addIncomingParticle((*i));
00079       // Connect each particle to the avatar
00080       connectParticleAndAvatar((*i)->getID(), a->getID());
00081     }
00082   }
00084   void Store::addParticleEntryAvatars(IAvatarList const &al) {
00085     for(IAvatarIter a=al.begin(); a!=al.end(); ++a)
00086       addParticleEntryAvatar(*a);
00087   }
00089   void Store::add(IAvatar *a) {
00090     // Add the avatar to the avatar map
00091     avatars[a->getID()]=a;
00092     avatarList.push_back(a);
00094     ParticleList pList = a->getParticles();
00095     for(ParticleIter i = pList.begin(); i != pList.end(); ++i) {
00096       // If one of the particles participating in this avatar haven't
00097       // been registered with the store we can do it now. On the other
00098       // hand, if this happens, it's probably a symptom of a bug
00099       // somewhere...
00100       if(particles.find((*i)->getID()) == particles.end()) {
00101        ERROR("Avatar was added before related particles. This is probably a bug." << std::endl);
00102         add((*i));
00103       }
00104       // Connect each particle to the avatar
00105       connectParticleAndAvatar((*i)->getID(), a->getID());
00106     }
00108   }
00110   void Store::addIncomingParticle(Particle * const p) {
00111     incoming.push_back(p);
00112   }
00114   void Store::connectParticleAndAvatar(long particleID, long avatarID) {
00115     std::map<long, std::vector<long>* >::const_iterator iter = particleAvatarConnections.find(particleID);
00116     // If the particle is already connected to other avatars
00117     if(iter!=particleAvatarConnections.end()) { // Add to the existing map entry
00118       std::vector<long> *p = iter->second;
00119       p->push_back(avatarID);
00120     } else { // Create a new map entry
00121       std::vector<long> *p = new std::vector<long>;
00122       p->push_back(avatarID);
00123       particleAvatarConnections[particleID]=p;
00124     }
00125   }
00127   void Store::removeAvatarFromParticle(long particleID, long avatarID) {
00128     std::vector<long>* theseAvatars = particleAvatarConnections.find(particleID)->second;
00129     std::vector<long>* newAvatars = new std::vector<long>();
00130     for(std::vector<long>::const_iterator iter = theseAvatars->begin();
00131         iter != theseAvatars->end(); ++iter) {
00132       if((*iter) != avatarID) {
00133         newAvatars->push_back((*iter));
00134       }
00135     }
00136     delete theseAvatars;
00137     particleAvatarConnections[particleID] = newAvatars;
00138   }
00140   void Store::removeAvatarByID(long ID) {
00141     // Disconnect the avatar from particles
00142     IAvatar *avatar = avatars.find(ID)->second;
00143     ParticleList particlesRelatedToAvatar = avatar->getParticles();
00144     for(ParticleIter particleIDiter
00145           = particlesRelatedToAvatar.begin();
00146         particleIDiter != particlesRelatedToAvatar.end(); ++particleIDiter) {
00147       removeAvatarFromParticle((*particleIDiter)->getID(), ID);
00148     }
00151     // Remove the avatar iterator from the avatarIterList, if it is present.
00152     std::list<IAvatarIter>::iterator it=binaryIterSearch(avatars.find(ID)->second);
00153     if(it != avatarIterList.end())
00154       avatarIterList.erase(it);
00155 #endif
00157     // Remove the avatar itself
00158     avatarList.remove(avatar);
00159     avatars.erase(ID);
00160   }
00162   void Store::particleHasBeenUpdated(long particleID) {
00163     std::vector<long> temp_aIDs;
00164     std::vector<long> *aIDs = particleAvatarConnections.find(particleID)->second;
00165     for(std::vector<long>::iterator i = aIDs->begin();
00166         i != aIDs->end(); ++i) {
00167       temp_aIDs.push_back((*i));
00168     }
00170     for(std::vector<long>::iterator i = temp_aIDs.begin();
00171         i != temp_aIDs.end(); ++i) {
00172       IAvatar *tmpAvatar = avatars.find(*i)->second;
00173       removeAvatarByID((*i));
00174       delete tmpAvatar;
00175     }
00176   }
00179   std::list<IAvatarIter>::iterator Store::binaryIterSearch(IAvatar const * const avatar) {
00180     std::list<IAvatarIter>::iterator it;
00181     std::iterator_traits<std::list<IAvatarIter>::iterator>::difference_type count, step;
00182     std::list<IAvatarIter>::iterator first = avatarIterList.begin();
00183     std::list<IAvatarIter>::iterator last = avatarIterList.end();
00184     const G4double avatarTime = avatar->getTime();
00185     count = distance(first,last);
00186     while (count>0)
00187     {
00188       it = first; step=count/2; advance(it,step);
00189       if ((**it)->getTime()>avatarTime)
00190       { first=++it; count-=step+1;  }
00191       else count=step;
00192     }
00193     if(first!=last && (**first)->getID()==avatar->getID())
00194       return first;
00195     else
00196       return last;
00197   }
00198 #endif
00200   void Store::removeAvatarsFromParticle(long ID) {
00201     std::vector<long> *relatedAvatars = particleAvatarConnections.find(ID)->second;
00202     for(std::vector<long>::const_iterator i = relatedAvatars->begin();
00203         i != relatedAvatars->end(); ++i) {
00204       removeAvatarByID((*i));
00205     }
00206     delete relatedAvatars;
00207     particleAvatarConnections.erase(ID);
00208   }
00210   IAvatar* Store::findSmallestTime() {
00211     if(avatarList.empty()) return NULL;
00213 #ifdef INCL_AVATAR_SEARCH_FullSort
00215     /* Full sort algorithm.
00216      *
00217      * Simple, but guaranteed to work.
00218      */
00219     avatarList.sort(Store::avatarComparisonPredicate);
00220     IAvatar *avatar = avatarList.front();
00222 #elif defined(INCL_AVATAR_SEARCH_INCLSort)
00224     /* Partial sort algorithm used by INCL4.6.
00225      *
00226      * It nevers sorts the whole avatar list, but rather starts from the last
00227      * best avatar. It requires the avatarList to be updated by appending new
00228      * avatars at the end.
00229      */
00231     IAvatarIter best;
00232     if(avatarIterList.empty())
00233       best = avatarList.begin();
00234     else
00235       best = avatarIterList.back();
00236     G4double bestTime = (*best)->getTime();
00237     IAvatarIter a = best;
00239     for(++a; a!=avatarList.end(); ++a)
00240       if((*a)->getTime() < bestTime) {
00241         best = a;
00242         bestTime = (*best)->getTime();
00243         avatarIterList.push_back(best);
00244       }
00245     IAvatar *avatar = *best;
00247 #elif defined(INCL_AVATAR_SEARCH_MinElement)
00249     /* Algorithm provided by the C++ stdlib. */
00250     IAvatar *avatar = *(std::min_element(avatarList.begin(), avatarList.end(),
00251           Store::avatarComparisonPredicate));
00253 #else
00254 #error Unrecognized INCL_AVATAR_SEARCH. Allowed values are: FullSort, INCLSort, MinElement.
00255 #endif
00257     removeAvatarByID(avatar->getID());
00258     return avatar;
00259   }
00261   void Store::timeStep(G4double step) {
00262     for(std::map<long, Particle*>::iterator particleIter
00263           = particles.begin();
00264         particleIter != particles.end(); ++particleIter) {
00265       (*particleIter).second->propagate(step);
00266     }
00267   }
00269   void Store::particleHasBeenEjected(long ID) {
00270     particleHasBeenUpdated(ID);
00271     // The particle will be destroyed when destroying the Store
00272     inside.remove(particles.find(ID)->second);
00273     particles.erase(ID);
00274     delete particleAvatarConnections.find(ID)->second;
00275     particleAvatarConnections.erase(ID);
00276   }
00278   void Store::particleHasBeenDestroyed(long ID) {
00279     particleHasBeenUpdated(ID);
00280     // Have to destroy the particle here, the Store will forget about it
00281     Particle * const toDelete = particles.find(ID)->second;
00282     inside.remove(toDelete);
00283     delete toDelete;
00284     particles.erase(ID);
00285   }
00287   void Store::particleHasEntered(Particle * const particle) {
00288     removeFromIncoming(particle);
00289     add(particle);
00290   }
00292   ParticleList Store::getParticipants() {
00293     WARN("Store::getParticipants is probably slow..." << std::endl);
00294     ParticleList result;
00295     for(std::map<long, Particle*>::iterator iter = particles.begin();
00296         iter != particles.end(); ++iter) {
00297       if((*iter).second->isParticipant()) {
00298         result.push_back((*iter).second);
00299       }
00300     }
00301     return result;
00302   }
00304   ParticleList Store::getSpectators() {
00305     WARN("Store::getSpectators is probably slow..." << std::endl);
00306     ParticleList result;
00307     for(std::map<long, Particle*>::iterator iter = particles.begin();
00308         iter != particles.end(); ++iter) {
00309       if(!(*iter).second->isParticipant()) {
00310         result.push_back((*iter).second);
00311       }
00312     }
00313     return result;
00314   }
00316   void Store::clearAvatars() {
00317     for(std::map<long, IAvatar*>::iterator iter = avatars.begin();
00318         iter != avatars.end(); ++iter) {
00319       delete (*iter).second;
00320     }
00322     for(std::map<long, std::vector<long>*>::iterator iter = particleAvatarConnections.begin();
00323         iter != particleAvatarConnections.end(); ++iter) {
00324       delete (*iter).second;
00325     }
00327     particleAvatarConnections.clear();
00328     avatars.clear();
00329     avatarList.clear();
00331   }
00333   void Store::initialiseParticleAvatarConnections() {
00334     for(ParticleIter ip=inside.begin(); ip!=inside.end(); ++ip) {
00335       std::vector<long> *aIDs = new std::vector<long>;
00336       particleAvatarConnections[(*ip)->getID()] = aIDs;
00337     }
00338   }
00340   void Store::clear() {
00341     clearAvatars();
00342     inside.clear();
00344     for(std::map<long, Particle*>::iterator iter = particles.begin();
00345         iter != particles.end(); ++iter) {
00346       delete (*iter).second;
00347     }
00348     particles.clear();
00350     clearOutgoing();
00352     if( incoming.size() != 0 ) {
00353       WARN("Incoming list is not empty when Store::clear() is called" << std::endl);
00354     }
00355     incoming.clear();
00358     avatarIterList.clear();
00359 #endif
00361   }
00363   void Store::clearOutgoing() {
00364     for(ParticleIter iter = outgoing.begin();   iter != outgoing.end(); ++iter) {
00365       if((*iter)->isCluster()) {
00366         Cluster *c = dynamic_cast<Cluster *>(*iter);
00367 // assert(c);
00368 #ifdef INCLXX_IN_GEANT4_MODE
00369         if(!c)
00370           continue;
00371 #endif
00372         c->deleteParticles();
00373       }
00374       delete (*iter);
00375     }
00376     outgoing.clear();
00377   }
00379   void Store::loadParticles(std::string filename) {
00380     clear();
00381     G4int projectileA, projectileZ, A, Z;
00382     G4double stoppingTime, cutNN;
00383     G4int ID, type, isParticipant;
00384     G4double x, y, z;
00385     G4double px, py, pz, E, v;
00387     std::ifstream in(filename.c_str());
00388     in >> projectileA >> projectileZ >> A >> Z >> stoppingTime >> cutNN;
00389     loadedA = A;
00390     loadedZ = Z;
00391     loadedStoppingTime = stoppingTime;
00393     G4int readA = 0;
00394     G4int readZ = 0;
00395     while(1) {
00396       in >> ID >> type >> isParticipant >> x >> y >> z >> px >> py >> pz >> E >> v;
00397       if(!in.good()) break;
00398       ParticleType t;
00399       if(type == 1) {
00400         t = Proton;
00401         readZ++;
00402         readA++;
00403       }
00404       else if(type == -1) {
00405         t = Neutron;
00406         readA++;
00407       }
00408       else {
00409         FATAL("Unrecognized particle type while loading particles; type=" << type << std::endl);
00410         t = UnknownParticle;
00411       }
00413       Particle *p = new Particle(t, E, ThreeVector(px, py, pz),
00414                                  ThreeVector(x, y, z));
00415       p->setPotentialEnergy(v);
00416       if(isParticipant == 1) {
00417         p->makeParticipant();
00418         theBook->incrementCascading();
00419       }
00420       add(p);
00421     }
00423     in.close();
00424   }
00426   std::string Store::printParticleConfiguration() {
00427     std::stringstream ss;
00428     G4int A = 0, Z = 0;
00429     for(ParticleIter i = inside.begin(); i != inside.end(); ++i) {
00430       if((*i)->getType() == Proton) {
00431         A++;
00432         Z++;
00433       }
00434       if((*i)->getType() == Neutron) {
00435         A++;
00436       }
00437     }
00438     // Note: Projectile A and Z are set to 0 (we don't really know
00439     // anything about them at this point).
00440     ss << "0 0 " << A << " " << Z << " "
00441               << "100.0" << " "
00442               << "0.0" << std::endl;
00444     for(ParticleIter i = inside.begin(); i != inside.end(); ++i) {
00445       G4int ID = (*i)->getID();
00446       G4int type = 0;
00447       if((*i)->getType() == Proton) {
00448         type = 1;
00449       }
00450       if((*i)->getType() == Neutron) {
00451         type = -1;
00452       }
00454       G4int isParticipant = 0;
00455       if((*i)->isParticipant()) {
00456         isParticipant = 1;
00457       }
00459       G4double x = (*i)->getPosition().getX();
00460       G4double y = (*i)->getPosition().getY();
00461       G4double z = (*i)->getPosition().getZ();
00462       G4double E = (*i)->getEnergy();
00463       G4double px = (*i)->getMomentum().getX();
00464       G4double py = (*i)->getMomentum().getY();
00465       G4double pz = (*i)->getMomentum().getZ();
00466       G4double V = (*i)->getPotentialEnergy();
00468       ss << ID << " " << type << " " << isParticipant << " "
00469                 << x << " " << y << " " << z << " "
00470                 << px << " " << py << " " << pz << " "
00471          << E << " " << V << std::endl;
00472     }
00474     return ss.str();
00475   }
00477   void Store::writeParticles(std::string filename) {
00478     std::ofstream out(filename.c_str());
00479     out << printParticleConfiguration();
00480     out.close();
00481   }
00483   std::string Store::printAvatars() {
00484     std::stringstream ss;
00485     IAvatarIter i;
00486     for(i = avatarList.begin(); i != avatarList.end(); ++i) {
00487       ss << (*i)->toString() << std::endl;
00488     }
00489     return ss.str();
00490   }
00492   G4bool Store::containsCollisions() const {
00493     IAvatarIter i;
00494     for(i = avatarList.begin(); i != avatarList.end(); ++i)
00495       if((*i)->getType()==CollisionAvatarType) return true;
00496     return false;
00497   }
00499 }

Generated on Mon May 27 17:48:37 2013 for Geant4 by  doxygen 1.4.7