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00001 //
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00025 //
00026 // INCL++ intra-nuclear cascade model
00027 // Pekka Kaitaniemi, CEA and Helsinki Institute of Physics
00028 // Davide Mancusi, CEA
00029 // Alain Boudard, CEA
00030 // Sylvie Leray, CEA
00031 // Joseph Cugnon, University of Liege
00032 //
00033 #define INCLXX_IN_GEANT4_MODE 1
00035 #include "globals.hh"
00037 /*
00038  * StandardPropagationModel.cpp
00039  *
00040  *  \date 4 juin 2009
00041  * \author Pekka Kaitaniemi
00042  */
00044 #include "G4INCLStandardPropagationModel.hh"
00045 #include "G4INCLSurfaceAvatar.hh"
00046 #include "G4INCLBinaryCollisionAvatar.hh"
00047 #include "G4INCLDecayAvatar.hh"
00048 #include "G4INCLCrossSections.hh"
00049 #include "G4INCLRandom.hh"
00050 #include <iostream>
00051 #include <algorithm>
00052 #include "G4INCLLogger.hh"
00053 #include "G4INCLGlobals.hh"
00054 #include "G4INCLKinematicsUtils.hh"
00055 #include "G4INCLCoulombDistortion.hh"
00056 #include "G4INCLDeltaDecayChannel.hh"
00057 #include "G4INCLParticleEntryAvatar.hh"
00058 #include "G4INCLIntersection.hh"
00060 namespace G4INCL {
00062     StandardPropagationModel::StandardPropagationModel(LocalEnergyType localEnergyType, LocalEnergyType localEnergyDeltaType)
00063       :theNucleus(0), maximumTime(70.0), currentTime(0.0), firstAvatar(true),
00064       theLocalEnergyType(localEnergyType),
00065       theLocalEnergyDeltaType(localEnergyDeltaType)
00066     {
00067     }
00069     StandardPropagationModel::~StandardPropagationModel()
00070     {
00071       delete theNucleus;
00072     }
00074     G4INCL::Nucleus* StandardPropagationModel::getNucleus()
00075     {
00076       return theNucleus;
00077     }
00079     G4double StandardPropagationModel::shoot(ParticleSpecies const projectileSpecies, const G4double kineticEnergy, const G4double impactParameter, const G4double phi) {
00080       if(projectileSpecies.theType==Composite)
00081         return shootComposite(projectileSpecies, kineticEnergy, impactParameter, phi);
00082       else
00083         return shootParticle(projectileSpecies.theType, kineticEnergy, impactParameter, phi);
00084     }
00086     G4double StandardPropagationModel::shootParticle(ParticleType const type, const G4double kineticEnergy, const G4double impactParameter, const G4double phi) {
00087       theNucleus->setParticleNucleusCollision();
00088       currentTime = 0.0;
00090       // Create the projectile particle
00091       const G4double projectileMass = ParticleTable::getTableParticleMass(type);
00092       G4double energy = kineticEnergy + projectileMass;
00093       G4double momentumZ = std::sqrt(energy*energy - projectileMass*projectileMass);
00094       ThreeVector momentum(0.0, 0.0, momentumZ);
00095       Particle *p= new G4INCL::Particle(type, energy, momentum, ThreeVector());
00097       G4double temfin = 0.0;
00098       if( p->isNucleon() )
00099         temfin = 29.8 * std::pow(theNucleus->getA(), 0.16);
00100       else {
00101         const G4double tlab = p->getEnergy() - p->getMass();
00102         temfin = 30.18 * std::pow(theNucleus->getA(), 0.17*(1.0 - 5.7E-5*tlab));
00103       }
00105       maximumTime = temfin;
00107       // If the incoming particle is slow, use a larger stopping time
00108       const G4double rMax = theNucleus->getUniverseRadius();
00109       const G4double distance = 2.*rMax;
00110       const G4double projectileVelocity = p->boostVector().mag();
00111       const G4double traversalTime = distance / projectileVelocity;
00112       if(maximumTime < traversalTime)
00113         maximumTime = traversalTime;
00114       DEBUG("Cascade stopping time is " << maximumTime << std::endl);
00116       // If Coulomb is activated, do not process events with impact
00117       // parameter larger than the maximum impact parameter, taking into
00118       // account Coulomb distortion.
00119       if(impactParameter>CoulombDistortion::maxImpactParameter(p->getSpecies(), kineticEnergy, theNucleus)) {
00120         DEBUG("impactParameter>CoulombDistortion::maxImpactParameter" << std::endl);
00121         delete p;
00122         return -1.;
00123       }
00125       ThreeVector position(impactParameter * std::cos(phi),
00126           impactParameter * std::sin(phi),
00127           0.);
00128       p->setPosition(position);
00130       // Fill in the relevant kinematic variables
00131       theNucleus->setIncomingAngularMomentum(p->getAngularMomentum());
00132       theNucleus->setIncomingMomentum(p->getMomentum());
00133       theNucleus->setInitialEnergy(p->getEnergy()
00134           + ParticleTable::getTableMass(theNucleus->getA(),theNucleus->getZ()));
00136       // Reset the particle kinematics to the INCL values
00137       p->setINCLMass();
00138       p->setEnergy(p->getMass() + kineticEnergy);
00139       p->adjustMomentumFromEnergy();
00141       p->makeProjectileSpectator();
00142       generateAllAvatars();
00143       firstAvatar = false;
00145       // Get the entry avatars from Coulomb and put them in the Store
00146       ParticleEntryAvatar *theEntryAvatar = CoulombDistortion::bringToSurface(p, theNucleus);
00147       if(theEntryAvatar) {
00148         theNucleus->getStore()->addParticleEntryAvatar(theEntryAvatar);
00150         theNucleus->setProjectileChargeNumber(p->getZ());
00151         theNucleus->setProjectileMassNumber(p->getA());
00153         return p->getTransversePosition().mag();
00154       } else {
00155         delete p;
00156         return -1.;
00157       }
00158     }
00160     G4double StandardPropagationModel::shootComposite(ParticleSpecies const species, const G4double kineticEnergy, const G4double impactParameter, const G4double phi) {
00161       theNucleus->setNucleusNucleusCollision();
00162       currentTime = 0.0;
00164       // Create the ProjectileRemnant object
00165       ProjectileRemnant *pr = new ProjectileRemnant(species, kineticEnergy);
00167       // Same stopping time as for nucleon-nucleus
00168       maximumTime = 29.8 * std::pow(theNucleus->getA(), 0.16);
00170       // If the incoming cluster is slow, use a larger stopping time
00171       const G4double rms = ParticleTable::getNuclearRadius(pr->getA(), pr->getZ());
00172       const G4double rMax = theNucleus->getUniverseRadius();
00173       const G4double distance = 2.*rMax + 2.725*rms;
00174       const G4double projectileVelocity = pr->boostVector().mag();
00175       const G4double traversalTime = distance / projectileVelocity;
00176       if(maximumTime < traversalTime)
00177         maximumTime = traversalTime;
00178       DEBUG("Cascade stopping time is " << maximumTime << std::endl);
00180       // If Coulomb is activated, do not process events with impact
00181       // parameter larger than the maximum impact parameter, taking into
00182       // account Coulomb distortion.
00183       if(impactParameter>CoulombDistortion::maxImpactParameter(pr,theNucleus)) {
00184         pr->deleteParticles();
00185         DEBUG("impactParameter>CoulombDistortion::maxImpactParameter" << std::endl);
00186         delete pr;
00187         return -1.;
00188       }
00190       // Position the cluster at the right impact parameter
00191       ThreeVector position(impactParameter * std::cos(phi),
00192           impactParameter * std::sin(phi),
00193           0.);
00194       pr->setPosition(position);
00196       /* Store the internal kinematics of the projectile remnant.
00197        *
00198        * Note that this is at variance with the Fortran version, which stores
00199        * the initial kinematics of the particles *after* putting the spectators
00200        * on mass shell, but *before* removing the same energy from the
00201        * participants. Due to the different code flow, doing so in the C++
00202        * version leads to wrong excitation energies for the forced compound
00203        * nucleus.
00204        */
00205       pr->storeComponents();
00207       // Fill in the relevant kinematic variables
00208       theNucleus->setIncomingAngularMomentum(pr->getAngularMomentum());
00209       theNucleus->setIncomingMomentum(pr->getMomentum());
00210       theNucleus->setInitialEnergy(pr->getEnergy()
00211           + ParticleTable::getTableMass(theNucleus->getA(),theNucleus->getZ()));
00213       generateAllAvatars();
00214       firstAvatar = false;
00216       // Get the entry avatars from Coulomb
00217       IAvatarList theAvatarList
00218         = CoulombDistortion::bringToSurface(pr, theNucleus);
00220       if(theAvatarList.empty()) {
00221         DEBUG("No ParticleEntryAvatar found, transparent event" << std::endl);
00222         pr->deleteParticles();
00223         delete pr;
00224         return -1.;
00225       }
00227       // Tell the Nucleus about the ProjectileRemnant
00228       theNucleus->setProjectileRemnant(pr);
00230       // Set the number of projectile particles
00231       theNucleus->setProjectileChargeNumber(pr->getZ());
00232       theNucleus->setProjectileMassNumber(pr->getA());
00234       // Register the ParticleEntryAvatars
00235       theNucleus->getStore()->addParticleEntryAvatars(theAvatarList);
00237       return pr->getTransversePosition().mag();
00238     }
00240     G4double StandardPropagationModel::getStoppingTime() {
00241       return maximumTime;
00242     }
00244     void StandardPropagationModel::setStoppingTime(G4double time) {
00245 // assert(time>0.0);
00246       maximumTime = time;
00247     }
00249     G4double StandardPropagationModel::getCurrentTime() {
00250       return currentTime;
00251     }
00253     void StandardPropagationModel::setNucleus(G4INCL::Nucleus *nucleus)
00254     {
00255       theNucleus = nucleus;
00256     }
00258     void StandardPropagationModel::registerAvatar(G4INCL::IAvatar *anAvatar)
00259     {
00260       if(anAvatar) theNucleus->getStore()->add(anAvatar);
00261     }
00263     IAvatar *StandardPropagationModel::generateBinaryCollisionAvatar(Particle * const p1, Particle * const p2) const {
00264       // Is either particle a participant?
00265       if(!p1->isParticipant() && !p2->isParticipant() && p1->getParticipantType()==p2->getParticipantType()) return NULL;
00267       // Is it a pi-resonance collision (we don't treat them)?
00268       if((p1->isResonance() && p2->isPion()) || (p1->isPion() && p2->isResonance()))
00269         return NULL;
00271       // Will the avatar take place between now and the end of the cascade?
00272       G4double minDistOfApproachSquared = 0.0;
00273       G4double t = getTime(p1, p2, &minDistOfApproachSquared);
00274       if(t>maximumTime || t<currentTime) return NULL;
00276       // Local energy. Jump through some hoops to calculate the cross section
00277       // at the collision point, and clean up after yourself afterwards.
00278       G4bool hasLocalEnergy;
00279       if(p1->isPion() || p2->isPion())
00280         hasLocalEnergy = ((theLocalEnergyDeltaType == FirstCollisionLocalEnergy &&
00281               theNucleus->getStore()->getBook()->getAcceptedCollisions()==0) ||
00282             theLocalEnergyDeltaType == AlwaysLocalEnergy);
00283       else
00284         hasLocalEnergy = ((theLocalEnergyType == FirstCollisionLocalEnergy &&
00285               theNucleus->getStore()->getBook()->getAcceptedCollisions()==0) ||
00286             theLocalEnergyType == AlwaysLocalEnergy);
00287       const G4bool p1HasLocalEnergy = (hasLocalEnergy && !p1->isPion());
00288       const G4bool p2HasLocalEnergy = (hasLocalEnergy && !p2->isPion());
00290       Particle backupParticle1 = *p1;
00291       if(p1HasLocalEnergy) {
00292         p1->propagate(t - currentTime);
00293         if(p1->getPosition().mag() > theNucleus->getSurfaceRadius(p1)) {
00294           *p1 = backupParticle1;
00295           return NULL;
00296         }
00297         KinematicsUtils::transformToLocalEnergyFrame(theNucleus, p1);
00298       }
00299       Particle backupParticle2 = *p2;
00300       if(p2HasLocalEnergy) {
00301         p2->propagate(t - currentTime);
00302         if(p2->getPosition().mag() > theNucleus->getSurfaceRadius(p2)) {
00303           *p2 = backupParticle2;
00304           if(p1HasLocalEnergy) {
00305             *p1 = backupParticle1;
00306           }
00307           return NULL;
00308         }
00309         KinematicsUtils::transformToLocalEnergyFrame(theNucleus, p2);
00310       }
00312       // Compute the total cross section
00313       const G4double totalCrossSection = CrossSections::total(p1, p2);
00314       const G4double squareTotalEnergyInCM = KinematicsUtils::squareTotalEnergyInCM(p1,p2);
00316       // Restore particles to their state before the local-energy tweak
00317       if(p1HasLocalEnergy) {
00318         *p1 = backupParticle1;
00319       }
00320       if(p2HasLocalEnergy) {
00321         *p2 = backupParticle2;
00322       }
00324       // Is the CM energy > cutNN? (no cutNN on the first collision)
00325       if(theNucleus->getStore()->getBook()->getAcceptedCollisions()>0
00326           && p1->isNucleon() && p2->isNucleon()
00327           && squareTotalEnergyInCM < BinaryCollisionAvatar::cutNNSquared) return NULL;
00329       // Do the particles come close enough to each other?
00330       if(Math::tenPi*minDistOfApproachSquared > totalCrossSection) return NULL;
00332       // Bomb out if the two collision partners are the same particle
00333 // assert(p1->getID() != p2->getID());
00335       // Return a new avatar, then!
00336       return new G4INCL::BinaryCollisionAvatar(t, totalCrossSection, theNucleus, p1, p2);
00337     }
00339     G4double StandardPropagationModel::getReflectionTime(G4INCL::Particle const * const aParticle) {
00340       Intersection theIntersection(
00341           IntersectionFactory::getLaterTrajectoryIntersection(
00342             aParticle->getPosition(),
00343             aParticle->getPropagationVelocity(),
00344             theNucleus->getSurfaceRadius(aParticle)));
00345       G4double time;
00346       if(theIntersection.exists) {
00347         time = currentTime + theIntersection.time;
00348       } else {
00349         ERROR("Imaginary reflection time for particle: " << std::endl
00350           << aParticle->print());
00351         time = 10000.0;
00352       }
00353       return time;
00354     }
00356     G4double StandardPropagationModel::getTime(G4INCL::Particle const * const particleA,
00357                                              G4INCL::Particle const * const particleB, G4double *minDistOfApproach) const
00358     {
00359       G4double time;
00360       G4INCL::ThreeVector t13 = particleA->getPropagationVelocity();
00361       t13 -= particleB->getPropagationVelocity();
00362       G4INCL::ThreeVector distance = particleA->getPosition();
00363       distance -= particleB->getPosition();
00364       const G4double t7 = t13.dot(distance);
00365       const G4double dt = t13.mag2();
00366       if(dt <= 1.0e-10) {
00367         (*minDistOfApproach) = 100000.0;
00368         return currentTime + 100000.0;
00369       } else {
00370         time = -t7/dt;
00371       }
00372       (*minDistOfApproach) = distance.mag2() + time * t7;
00373       return currentTime + time;
00374     }
00376     void StandardPropagationModel::generateUpdatedCollisions(const ParticleList &updatedParticles, const ParticleList &particles) {
00378       // Loop over all the updated particles
00379       for(ParticleIter updated = updatedParticles.begin(); updated != updatedParticles.end(); ++updated)
00380       {
00381         // Loop over all the particles
00382         for(ParticleIter particle = particles.begin(); particle != particles.end(); ++particle)
00383         {
00384           /* Consider the generation of a collision avatar only if (*particle)
00385            * is not one of the updated particles.
00386            * The criterion makes sure that you don't generate avatars between
00387            * updated particles. */
00388           if((*particle)->isInList(updatedParticles)) continue;
00390           registerAvatar(generateBinaryCollisionAvatar(*particle,*updated));
00391         }
00392       }
00393     }
00395     void StandardPropagationModel::generateCollisions(const ParticleList &particles, const ParticleList &except) {
00397       G4bool haveExcept;
00398       haveExcept=(except.size()!=0);
00400       // Loop over all the particles
00401       for(ParticleIter p1 = particles.begin(); p1 != particles.end(); ++p1)
00402       {
00403         // Loop over the rest of the particles
00404         ParticleIter p2 = p1;
00405         for(++p2; p2 != particles.end(); ++p2)
00406         {
00407           // Skip the collision if both particles must be excluded
00408           if(haveExcept && (*p1)->isInList(except) && (*p2)->isInList(except)) continue;
00410           registerAvatar(generateBinaryCollisionAvatar(*p1,*p2));
00411         }
00412       }
00414     }
00416     void StandardPropagationModel::updateAvatars(const ParticleList &particles) {
00418       for(ParticleIter iter = particles.begin(); iter != particles.end(); ++iter) {
00419         G4double time = this->getReflectionTime(*iter);
00420         if(time <= maximumTime) registerAvatar(new SurfaceAvatar(*iter, time, theNucleus));
00421       }
00422       ParticleList const &p = theNucleus->getStore()->getParticles();
00423       generateUpdatedCollisions(particles, p);             // Predict collisions with spectators and participants
00424     }
00426     void StandardPropagationModel::generateAllAvatars(G4bool excludeUpdated) {
00427       ParticleList particles = theNucleus->getStore()->getParticles();
00428       if(particles.empty()) { ERROR("No particles inside the nucleus!" << std::endl); }
00429       for(ParticleIter i = particles.begin(); i != particles.end(); ++i) {
00430         G4double time = this->getReflectionTime(*i);
00431         if(time <= maximumTime) registerAvatar(new SurfaceAvatar(*i, time, theNucleus));
00432       }
00433       ParticleList except;
00434       if(excludeUpdated)
00435         except = theNucleus->getUpdatedParticles();
00436       generateCollisions(particles,except);
00437       generateDecays(particles);
00438     }
00440     void StandardPropagationModel::generateDecays(const ParticleList &particles) {
00441       for(ParticleIter i = particles.begin(); i != particles.end(); ++i) {
00442         if((*i)->isDelta()) {
00443     G4double decayTime = DeltaDecayChannel::computeDecayTime((*i));
00444           G4double time = currentTime + decayTime;
00445           if(time <= maximumTime) {
00446             registerAvatar(new DecayAvatar((*i), time, theNucleus));
00447           }
00448         }
00449       }
00450     }
00452     G4INCL::IAvatar* StandardPropagationModel::propagate()
00453     {
00454       // We update only the information related to particles that were updated
00455       // by the previous avatar.
00457 #warning "The INCL_REGENERATE_AVATARS code has not been tested in a while. Use it at your peril."
00458       if(theNucleus->getUpdatedParticles().size()!=0 || theNucleus->getCreatedParticles().size()!=0) {
00459         // Regenerates the entire avatar list, skipping collisions between
00460         // updated particles
00461         theNucleus->getStore()->clearAvatars();
00462         theNucleus->getStore()->initialiseParticleAvatarConnections();
00463         generateAllAvatars(true);
00464       }
00465 #else
00466       // Deltas are created by transforming nucleon into a delta for
00467       // efficiency reasons
00468       Particle * const blockedDelta = theNucleus->getBlockedDelta();
00469       ParticleList updatedParticles = theNucleus->getUpdatedParticles();
00470       if(blockedDelta)
00471         updatedParticles.push_back(blockedDelta);
00472       generateDecays(updatedParticles);
00474       ParticleList needNewAvatars = theNucleus->getUpdatedParticles();
00475       ParticleList created = theNucleus->getCreatedParticles();
00476       needNewAvatars.splice(needNewAvatars.end(), created);
00477       updateAvatars(needNewAvatars);
00478 #endif
00480       G4INCL::IAvatar *theAvatar = theNucleus->getStore()->findSmallestTime();
00481       if(theAvatar == 0) return 0; // Avatar list is empty
00482       //      theAvatar->dispose();
00484       if(theAvatar->getTime() < currentTime) {
00485         ERROR("Avatar time = " << theAvatar->getTime() << ", currentTime = " << currentTime << std::endl);
00486         return 0;
00487       } else if(theAvatar->getTime() > currentTime) {
00488         theNucleus->getStore()->timeStep(theAvatar->getTime() - currentTime);
00490         currentTime = theAvatar->getTime();
00491         theNucleus->getStore()->getBook()->setCurrentTime(currentTime);
00492       }
00494       return theAvatar;
00495     }
00497     void StandardPropagationModel::putSpectatorsOnShell(IAvatarList const &entryAvatars, ParticleList const &spectators) {
00498       G4double deltaE = 0.0;
00499       for(ParticleIter p=spectators.begin(); p!=spectators.end(); ++p) {
00500         // put the spectators on shell (conserving their momentum)
00501         const G4double oldEnergy = (*p)->getEnergy();
00502         (*p)->setTableMass();
00503         (*p)->adjustEnergyFromMomentum();
00504         deltaE += (*p)->getEnergy() - oldEnergy;
00505       }
00507       deltaE /= entryAvatars.size(); // energy to remove from each participant
00509       for(IAvatarIter a=entryAvatars.begin(); a!=entryAvatars.end(); ++a) {
00510         // remove the energy from the participant
00511         Particle *p = (*a)->getParticles().front();
00512         ParticleType const t = p->getType();
00513         // we also need to slightly correct the participant mass
00514         const G4double energy = p->getEnergy() - deltaE
00515           - ParticleTable::getTableParticleMass(t) + ParticleTable::getINCLMass(t);
00516         p->setEnergy(energy);
00517         const G4double newMass = std::sqrt(energy*energy - p->getMomentum().mag2());
00518         p->setMass(newMass);
00519       }
00520     }
00521 }

Generated on Mon May 27 17:48:37 2013 for Geant4 by  doxygen 1.4.7