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00025 //
00026 // INCL++ intra-nuclear cascade model
00027 // Pekka Kaitaniemi, CEA and Helsinki Institute of Physics
00028 // Davide Mancusi, CEA
00029 // Alain Boudard, CEA
00030 // Sylvie Leray, CEA
00031 // Joseph Cugnon, University of Liege
00032 //
00033 #define INCLXX_IN_GEANT4_MODE 1
00035 #include "globals.hh"
00037 #include "G4INCLNuclearDensityFactory.hh"
00038 #include "G4INCLNDFWoodsSaxon.hh"
00039 #include "G4INCLNDFModifiedHarmonicOscillator.hh"
00040 #include "G4INCLNDFGaussian.hh"
00041 #include "G4INCLNDFParis.hh"
00042 #include "G4INCLNDFHardSphere.hh"
00044 namespace G4INCL {
00046   std::map<G4int,NuclearDensity*> NuclearDensityFactory::nuclearDensityCache;
00048   std::map<G4int,InverseInterpolationTable*> NuclearDensityFactory::rpCorrelationTableCache;
00050   std::map<G4int,InverseInterpolationTable*> NuclearDensityFactory::rCDFTableCache;
00052   std::map<G4int,InverseInterpolationTable*> NuclearDensityFactory::pCDFTableCache;
00054   NuclearDensity* NuclearDensityFactory::createDensity(const G4int A, const G4int Z) {
00055     const G4int nuclideID = 1000*Z + A; // MCNP-style nuclide IDs
00056     const std::map<G4int,NuclearDensity*>::const_iterator mapEntry = nuclearDensityCache.find(nuclideID);
00057     if(mapEntry == nuclearDensityCache.end()) {
00058       InverseInterpolationTable *rpCorrelationTable = NuclearDensityFactory::createRPCorrelationTable(A, Z);
00059       if(!rpCorrelationTable)
00060         return NULL;
00061       NuclearDensity *density = new NuclearDensity(A, Z, rpCorrelationTable);
00062       nuclearDensityCache[nuclideID] = density;
00063       return density;
00064     } else {
00065       return mapEntry->second;
00066     }
00067   }
00069   InverseInterpolationTable *NuclearDensityFactory::createRPCorrelationTable(const G4int A, const G4int Z) {
00070     const G4int nuclideID = 1000*Z + A; // MCNP-style nuclide IDs
00071     const std::map<G4int,InverseInterpolationTable*>::const_iterator mapEntry = rpCorrelationTableCache.find(nuclideID);
00072     if(mapEntry == rpCorrelationTableCache.end()) {
00074       IFunction1D *rpCorrelationFunction;
00075       if(A > 19) {
00076         const G4double radius = ParticleTable::getRadiusParameter(A, Z);
00077         const G4double diffuseness = ParticleTable::getSurfaceDiffuseness(A, Z);
00078         const G4double maximumRadius = ParticleTable::getMaximumNuclearRadius(A, Z);
00079         rpCorrelationFunction = new NuclearDensityFunctions::WoodsSaxonRP(radius, maximumRadius, diffuseness);
00080       } else if(A <= 19 && A > 6) {
00081         const G4double radius = ParticleTable::getRadiusParameter(A, Z);
00082         const G4double diffuseness = ParticleTable::getSurfaceDiffuseness(A, Z);
00083         const G4double maximumRadius = ParticleTable::getMaximumNuclearRadius(A, Z);
00084         rpCorrelationFunction = new NuclearDensityFunctions::ModifiedHarmonicOscillatorRP(radius, maximumRadius, diffuseness);
00085       } else if(A <= 6 && A > 1) { // Gaussian distribution for light nuclei
00086         const G4double radius = ParticleTable::getRadiusParameter(A, Z);
00087         const G4double maximumRadius = ParticleTable::getMaximumNuclearRadius(A, Z);
00088         rpCorrelationFunction = new NuclearDensityFunctions::GaussianRP(maximumRadius, Math::oneOverSqrtThree * radius);
00089       } else {
00090         ERROR("No r-p correlation function for target A = "
00091             << A << " Z = " << Z << std::endl);
00092         return NULL;
00093       }
00095       class InverseCDFOneThird : public IFunction1D {
00096         public:
00097           InverseCDFOneThird(IFunction1D const * const f) :
00098             IFunction1D(f->getXMinimum(), f->getXMaximum()),
00099             theFunction(f),
00100             normalisation(1./theFunction->integrate(xMin,xMax))
00101         {}
00103           G4double operator()(const G4double x) const {
00104             return Math::pow13(normalisation * theFunction->integrate(xMin,x));
00105           }
00106         private:
00107           IFunction1D const * const theFunction;
00108           const G4double normalisation;
00109       } *theInverseCDFOneThird = new InverseCDFOneThird(rpCorrelationFunction);
00111       InverseInterpolationTable *theTable = new InverseInterpolationTable(*theInverseCDFOneThird);
00112       delete theInverseCDFOneThird;
00113       delete rpCorrelationFunction;
00114       DEBUG("Creating r-p correlation function for A=" << A << ", Z=" << Z << ":"
00115           << std::endl << theTable->print() << std::endl);
00117       rpCorrelationTableCache[nuclideID] = theTable;
00118       return theTable;
00119     } else {
00120       return mapEntry->second;
00121     }
00122   }
00124   InverseInterpolationTable *NuclearDensityFactory::createRCDFTable(const G4int A, const G4int Z) {
00125     const G4int nuclideID = 1000*Z + A; // MCNP-style nuclide IDs
00126     const std::map<G4int,InverseInterpolationTable*>::const_iterator mapEntry = rCDFTableCache.find(nuclideID);
00127     if(mapEntry == rCDFTableCache.end()) {
00129       IFunction1D *rDensityFunction;
00130       if(A > 19) {
00131         G4double radius = ParticleTable::getRadiusParameter(A, Z);
00132         G4double diffuseness = ParticleTable::getSurfaceDiffuseness(A, Z);
00133         G4double maximumRadius = ParticleTable::getMaximumNuclearRadius(A, Z);
00134         rDensityFunction = new NuclearDensityFunctions::WoodsSaxon(radius, maximumRadius, diffuseness);
00135       } else if(A <= 19 && A > 6) {
00136         G4double radius = ParticleTable::getRadiusParameter(A, Z);
00137         G4double diffuseness = ParticleTable::getSurfaceDiffuseness(A, Z);
00138         G4double maximumRadius = ParticleTable::getMaximumNuclearRadius(A, Z);
00139         rDensityFunction = new NuclearDensityFunctions::ModifiedHarmonicOscillator(radius, maximumRadius, diffuseness);
00140       } else if(A <= 6 && A > 2) { // Gaussian distribution for light nuclei
00141         G4double radius = ParticleTable::getRadiusParameter(A, Z);
00142         G4double maximumRadius = ParticleTable::getMaximumNuclearRadius(A, Z);
00143         rDensityFunction = new NuclearDensityFunctions::Gaussian(maximumRadius, Math::oneOverSqrtThree * radius);
00144       } else if(A == 2 && Z == 1) { // density from the Paris potential for deuterons
00145         rDensityFunction = new NuclearDensityFunctions::ParisR();
00146       } else {
00147         ERROR("No nuclear density function for target A = "
00148             << A << " Z = " << Z << std::endl);
00149         return NULL;
00150       }
00152       InverseInterpolationTable *theTable = rDensityFunction->inverseCDFTable();
00153       delete rDensityFunction;
00154       DEBUG("Creating inverse position CDF for A=" << A << ", Z=" << Z << ":" <<
00155           std::endl << theTable->print() << std::endl);
00157       rCDFTableCache[nuclideID] = theTable;
00158       return theTable;
00159     } else {
00160       return mapEntry->second;
00161     }
00162   }
00164   InverseInterpolationTable *NuclearDensityFactory::createPCDFTable(const G4int A, const G4int Z) {
00165     const G4int nuclideID = 1000*Z + A; // MCNP-style nuclide IDs
00166     const std::map<G4int,InverseInterpolationTable*>::const_iterator mapEntry = pCDFTableCache.find(nuclideID);
00167     if(mapEntry == pCDFTableCache.end()) {
00168       IFunction1D *pDensityFunction;
00169       if(A > 19) {
00170         pDensityFunction = new NuclearDensityFunctions::HardSphere(PhysicalConstants::Pf);
00171       } else if(A <= 19 && A > 2) { // Gaussian distribution for light nuclei
00172         G4double momentumRMS = Math::oneOverSqrtThree * ParticleTable::getMomentumRMS(A, Z);
00173         pDensityFunction = new NuclearDensityFunctions::Gaussian(5.*momentumRMS, momentumRMS);
00174       } else if(A == 2 && Z == 1) { // density from the Paris potential for deuterons
00175         pDensityFunction = new NuclearDensityFunctions::ParisP();
00176       } else {
00177         ERROR("No nuclear density function for target A = "
00178             << A << " Z = " << Z << std::endl);
00179         return NULL;
00180       }
00182       InverseInterpolationTable *theTable = pDensityFunction->inverseCDFTable();
00183       delete pDensityFunction;
00184       DEBUG("Creating inverse momentum CDF for A=" << A << ", Z=" << Z << ":" <<
00185           std::endl << theTable->print() << std::endl);
00187       pCDFTableCache[nuclideID] = theTable;
00188       return theTable;
00189     } else {
00190       return mapEntry->second;
00191     }
00192   }
00194   ParticleSampler *NuclearDensityFactory::createParticleSampler(const G4int A, const G4int Z) {
00195     InverseInterpolationTable *rCDFTable = NuclearDensityFactory::createRCDFTable(A, Z);
00196     InverseInterpolationTable *pCDFTable = NuclearDensityFactory::createPCDFTable(A, Z);
00197     return new ParticleSampler(A, Z, rCDFTable, pCDFTable);
00198   }
00200 }

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