
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //
00002 // ********************************************************************
00003 // * License and Disclaimer                                           *
00004 // *                                                                  *
00005 // * The  Geant4 software  is  copyright of the Copyright Holders  of *
00006 // * the Geant4 Collaboration.  It is provided  under  the terms  and *
00007 // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License,  included in the file *
00008 // * LICENSE and available at  http://cern.ch/geant4/license .  These *
00009 // * include a list of copyright holders.                             *
00010 // *                                                                  *
00011 // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing *
00012 // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this *
00013 // * work  make  any representation or  warranty, express or implied, *
00014 // * regarding  this  software system or assume any liability for its *
00015 // * use.  Please see the license in the file  LICENSE  and URL above *
00016 // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability.         *
00017 // *                                                                  *
00018 // * This  code  implementation is the result of  the  scientific and *
00019 // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration.                      *
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00024 // ********************************************************************
00025 //
00026 //
00027 // $Id$
00028 //
00029 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
00030 // GEANT 4 class source file
00031 //
00032 // G4FConicalSurface.cc
00033 //
00034 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
00036 #include "G4FConicalSurface.hh"
00037 #include "G4PhysicalConstants.hh"
00038 #include "G4Sort.hh"
00039 #include "G4CircularCurve.hh"
00042 G4FConicalSurface::G4FConicalSurface()
00043 {
00044   length       = 1.0;
00045   small_radius = 0.0;
00046   large_radius = 1.0;
00047   tan_angle = (large_radius-small_radius)/length;
00048 }
00050 G4FConicalSurface::~G4FConicalSurface()
00051 {
00052 }
00054 G4FConicalSurface::G4FConicalSurface(const G4Point3D&  o, 
00055                                      const G4Vector3D& a,
00056                                      G4double          l, 
00057                                      G4double          srad, 
00058                                      G4double          lr 
00059                                     ) 
00060 {
00061   // Make a G4FConicalSurface with origin o, axis a, length l, small radius 
00062   // srad, and large radius lr. The angle is calculated below and the SetAngle
00063   // function of G4ConicalSurface is used to set it properly from the default
00064   // value used above in the initialization.
00066   // Create the position with origin o, axis a, and a direction
00068   G4Vector3D dir(1,1,1);
00069   Position.Init(dir, a, o);
00070   origin = o;
00072   //  Require length to be nonnegative
00073   if (l >=0)
00074     length = l;
00075   else 
00076   {
00077     std::ostringstream message;
00078     message << "Negative length." << G4endl
00079             << "Default length of 0.0 is used.";    
00080     G4Exception("G4FConicalSurface::G4FConicalSurface()",
00081                 "GeomSolids1001", JustWarning, message);
00083     length = 0.0;
00084   }
00086   //  Require small radius to be non-negative (i.e., allow zero)
00087   if ( srad >= 0.0 )
00088     small_radius = srad;
00089   else 
00090   {
00091     std::ostringstream message;
00092     message << "Negative small radius." << G4endl
00093             << "Default value of 0.0 is used.";    
00094     G4Exception("G4FConicalSurface::G4FConicalSurface()",
00095                 "GeomSolids1001", JustWarning, message);
00097     small_radius = 0.0;
00098   }
00100   //  Require large radius to exceed small radius
00101   if ( lr > small_radius )
00102     large_radius = lr;
00103   else 
00104   {
00105     std::ostringstream message;
00106     message << "Large radius must exceed small radius" << G4endl
00107             << "Default value of small radius +1 is used.";    
00108     G4Exception("G4FConicalSurface::G4FConicalSurface()",
00109                 "GeomSolids1001", JustWarning, message);
00111     large_radius = small_radius + 1.0;
00112   }
00114   //  Calculate the angle of the G4ConicalSurface from the length and radii
00115   tan_angle =  ( large_radius - small_radius ) / length ;
00116 }
00119 const char* G4FConicalSurface::Name() const
00120 {
00121   return "G4FConicalSurface";
00122 }
00124 // Modified by L. Broglia (01/12/98)
00125 void G4FConicalSurface::CalcBBox()
00126 {
00127   G4Point3D Max   = G4Point3D(-PINFINITY);
00128   G4Point3D Min   = G4Point3D( PINFINITY);
00129   G4Point3D Tmp;
00131   G4Point3D Origin    = Position.GetLocation();
00132   G4Point3D EndOrigin = G4Point3D( Origin + (length * Position.GetAxis()) );
00134   G4double radius = large_radius;
00135   G4Point3D Radius(radius, radius, 0);
00137   // Default BBox
00138   G4Point3D Tolerance(kCarTolerance, kCarTolerance, kCarTolerance);
00139   G4Point3D BoxMin(Origin-Tolerance);
00140   G4Point3D BoxMax(Origin+Tolerance);
00142   bbox = new G4BoundingBox3D();
00143   bbox->Init(BoxMin, BoxMax);
00145   Tmp = (Origin - Radius);
00146   bbox->Extend(Tmp);
00148   Tmp = Origin + Radius;
00149   bbox->Extend(Tmp);
00151   Tmp = EndOrigin - Radius;
00152   bbox->Extend(Tmp);
00154   Tmp = EndOrigin + Radius;
00155   bbox->Extend(Tmp);
00156 }
00159 void G4FConicalSurface::PrintOn( std::ostream& os ) const
00160 { 
00161   //  printing function using C++ std::ostream class
00162   os << "G4FConicalSurface with origin: " << origin << "\t"
00163      << "and axis: " << Position.GetAxis() << "\n"
00164      << "\t small radius: " << small_radius 
00165      << "\t large radius: " << large_radius
00166      << "\t and length: " << length << "\n";
00167 }
00170 G4int G4FConicalSurface::operator==( const G4FConicalSurface& c ) const
00171 {
00172   return ( origin             == c.origin                &&
00173            Position.GetAxis() == c.Position.GetAxis()    &&
00174            small_radius       == c.small_radius          && 
00175            large_radius       == c.large_radius          && 
00176            length             == c.length                &&
00177            tan_angle          == c.tan_angle                );
00178 }
00181 G4int G4FConicalSurface::WithinBoundary( const G4Vector3D& x ) const
00182 { 
00183   //  return 1 if point x is within the boundaries of the G4FConicalSurface
00184   //  return 0 otherwise (assume it is on the G4ConicalSurface)
00185   G4Vector3D q = G4Vector3D( x - origin );
00187   G4double qmag = q.mag();
00188   G4double ss   = std::sin( std::atan2(large_radius-small_radius, length) );
00189   G4double ls   = small_radius / ss;
00190   G4double ll   = large_radius / ss;
00192   if ( ( qmag >= ls )  &&  ( qmag <= ll ) )
00193     return 1;
00194   else
00195     return 0;
00196 }
00199 G4double G4FConicalSurface::Scale() const
00200 {  
00201   //  Returns the small radius of a G4FConicalSurface unless it is zero, in 
00202   //  which case returns the large radius.
00203   //  Used for Scale-invariant tests of surface thickness.
00204   if ( small_radius == 0.0 )
00205     return large_radius;
00206   else
00207     return small_radius;
00208 }
00211 G4double G4FConicalSurface::Area() const
00212 { 
00213  //  Returns the Area of a G4FConicalSurface
00214   G4double rdif = large_radius - small_radius; 
00216   return ( pi * ( small_radius + large_radius ) * 
00217            std::sqrt( length * length  +  rdif * rdif ) );
00218 }
00221 void G4FConicalSurface::resize( G4double l, G4double srad, G4double lr )
00222 {
00223   //  Resize a G4FConicalSurface to a new length l, and new radii srad and lr.
00224   //  Must Reset angle of the G4ConicalSurface as well based on these new 
00225   //  values.
00226   //  Require length to be non-negative
00228   //    if ( l > 0.0 )
00229   if ( l >= 0.0 )
00230     length = l;
00231   else 
00232   {
00233     std::ostringstream message;
00234     message << "Negative length." << G4endl
00235             << "Original value of " << length << " is retained.";    
00236     G4Exception("G4FConicalSurface::resize()",
00237                 "GeomSolids1001", JustWarning, message);
00238   }
00240   //  Require small radius to be non-negative (i.e., allow zero)
00241   if ( srad >= 0.0 )
00242     small_radius = srad;
00243   else 
00244   {
00245     std::ostringstream message;
00246     message << "Negative small radius." << G4endl
00247             << "Original value of " << small_radius << " is retained.";    
00248     G4Exception("G4FConicalSurface::resize()",
00249                 "GeomSolids1001", JustWarning, message);
00250   }
00252   //  Require large radius to exceed small radius
00253   if ( lr > small_radius )
00254     large_radius = lr;
00255   else 
00256   {
00257     G4double r = small_radius + 1.0;
00258     lr = ( large_radius <= small_radius ) ? r : large_radius;
00259     large_radius = lr;
00261     std::ostringstream message;
00262     message << "Large radius must exceed small radius." << G4endl
00263             << "Default value of " << large_radius << " is used.";    
00264     G4Exception("G4FConicalSurface::resize()",
00265                 "GeomSolids1001", JustWarning, message);
00266   }
00268   //  Calculate the angle of the G4ConicalSurface from the length and radii
00269   tan_angle =  ( large_radius - small_radius ) / length ;
00271 }
00274 G4int G4FConicalSurface::Intersect(const G4Ray& ry )
00275 { 
00276   // This function count the number of intersections of a 
00277   // bounded conical surface by a ray.
00278   // At first, calculates the intersections with the semi-infinite 
00279   // conical surfsace. After, count the intersections within the
00280   // finite conical surface boundaries, and set "distance" to the 
00281   // closest distance from the start point to the nearest intersection
00282   // If the point is on the surface it returns or the intersection with
00283   // the opposite surface or kInfinity
00284   // If no intersection is founded, set distance = kInfinity and
00285   // return 0
00287   distance    = kInfinity;
00288   closest_hit = PINFINITY;
00290   // origin and direction of the ray
00291   G4Point3D  x    = ry.GetStart();
00292   G4Vector3D dhat = ry.GetDir();
00294   // cone angle and axis
00295   G4double   ta   = tan_angle;
00296   G4Vector3D ahat = Position.GetAxis();
00298   //  array of solutions in distance along the ray
00299   G4double sol[2];
00300   sol[0]=-1.0;
00301   sol[1]=-1.0;
00303   // calculate the two intersections (quadratic equation)   
00304   G4Vector3D gamma =  G4Vector3D( x - Position.GetLocation() );
00306   G4double t  = 1  +  ta * ta;
00307   G4double ga = gamma * ahat;
00308   G4double da = dhat * ahat;
00310   G4double A = t * da * da - dhat * dhat;
00311   G4double B = 2 * ( -gamma * dhat + t * ga * da - large_radius * ta * da);
00312   G4double C = ( -gamma * gamma + t * ga * ga 
00313                  - 2 * large_radius * ta * ga
00314                  + large_radius * large_radius );
00316   G4double radical = B * B  -  4.0 * A * C; 
00318   if ( radical < 0.0 ) 
00319     // no intersection
00320     return 0;
00321   else 
00322   {
00323     G4double root = std::sqrt( radical );
00324     sol[0] = ( - B + root ) / ( 2. * A );
00325     sol[1] = ( - B - root ) / ( 2. * A );
00326   }
00328   // validity of the solutions
00329   // the hit point must be into the bounding box of the conical surface
00330   G4Point3D p0 = G4Point3D( x + sol[0]*dhat );
00331   G4Point3D p1 = G4Point3D( x + sol[1]*dhat );
00333   if( !GetBBox()->Inside(p0) )
00334     sol[0] = kInfinity;
00336   if( !GetBBox()->Inside(p1) )
00337     sol[1] = kInfinity;
00339   // now loop over each positive solution, keeping the first one (smallest
00340   // distance along the ray) which is within the boundary of the sub-shape
00341   G4int nbinter = 0;
00342   distance = kInfinity;
00344   for ( G4int i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) 
00345   {  
00346     if(sol[i] < kInfinity) {
00347       if ( (sol[i] > kCarTolerance*0.5)  ) {
00348         nbinter++;
00349         if ( distance > (sol[i]*sol[i]) ) {
00350           distance = sol[i]*sol[i];
00351         }
00352       }
00353     }
00354   }
00356   return nbinter;
00357 }
00360 G4double G4FConicalSurface::HowNear( const G4Vector3D& x ) const
00361 { 
00362 //  Shortest distance from the point x to the G4FConicalSurface.
00363 //  The distance will be always positive
00364 //  This function works only with Cone axis equal (0,0,1) or (0,0,-1), it project
00365 //  the surface and the point on the x,z plane and compute the distance in analytical
00366 //  way
00368   G4double   hownear ;
00370   G4Vector3D upcorner = G4Vector3D ( small_radius, 0 , origin.z()+Position.GetAxis().z()*length);
00371   G4Vector3D downcorner = G4Vector3D ( large_radius, 0 , origin.z());
00372   G4Vector3D xd;  
00374   xd = G4Vector3D ( std::sqrt ( x.x()*x.x() + x.y()*x.y() ) , 0 , x.z() );
00376   G4double r = (upcorner.z() - downcorner.z()) / (upcorner.x() - downcorner.x());
00377   G4double q = (downcorner.z()*upcorner.x() - upcorner.z()*downcorner.x()) /
00378                (upcorner.x() - downcorner.x());
00380   G4double Zinter = (xd.z()*r*r + xd.x()*r +q)/(1+r*r) ;
00382   if ( ((Zinter >= downcorner.z()) && (Zinter <=upcorner.z())) ||
00383        ((Zinter >= upcorner.z()) && (Zinter <=downcorner.z())) ) {
00384     hownear = std::fabs(r*xd.x()-xd.z()+q)/std::sqrt(1+r*r);
00385     return hownear;
00386   } else {
00387     hownear = std::min ( (xd-upcorner).mag() , (xd-downcorner).mag() );
00388     return hownear;
00389   }
00390 }
00393 G4Vector3D G4FConicalSurface::SurfaceNormal( const G4Point3D& p ) const
00394 {  
00395   //  return the Normal unit vector to the G4ConicalSurface at a point p 
00396   //  on (or nearly on) the G4ConicalSurface
00397   G4Vector3D ss = G4Vector3D( p - origin );
00398   G4double   da = ss * Position.GetAxis();
00399   G4double   r  = std::sqrt( ss*ss - da*da);
00400   G4double   z  = tan_angle * r; 
00402   if (Position.GetAxis().z() < 0)
00403     z = -z; 
00405   G4Vector3D n(p.x(), p.y(), z);
00406   n = n.unit();
00408   if( !sameSense )
00409     n = -n;
00411   return n; 
00412 }
00414 G4int G4FConicalSurface::Inside ( const G4Vector3D& x ) const
00415 { 
00416   // Return 0 if point x is outside G4ConicalSurface, 1 if Inside.
00417   if ( HowNear( x ) >= -0.5*kCarTolerance )
00418     return 1;
00419   else
00420     return 0; 
00421 }

Generated on Mon May 27 17:48:15 2013 for Geant4 by  doxygen 1.4.7