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00001 //
00002 // ********************************************************************
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00025 //
00026 // $Id$
00027 //
00028 // Hadronic Process: Nuclear De-excitations
00029 // by V. Lara (Dec 1999)
00030 //
00031 // 14-11-2007 modified barrier by JMQ (test30) 
00032 // 15-11-2010 V.Ivanchenko use G4Pow and cleanup 
00034 #include <sstream>
00036 #include "G4CoulombBarrier.hh"
00037 #include "G4PhysicalConstants.hh"
00038 #include "G4SystemOfUnits.hh"
00039 #include "G4HadronicException.hh"
00040 #include "G4Pow.hh"
00042 G4CoulombBarrier::G4CoulombBarrier(): G4VCoulombBarrier(1,0) 
00043 {}
00045 G4CoulombBarrier::G4CoulombBarrier(G4int anA, G4int aZ)
00046   : G4VCoulombBarrier(anA,aZ) 
00047 {}
00049 G4CoulombBarrier::~G4CoulombBarrier() 
00050 {}
00052 G4double G4CoulombBarrier::BarrierPenetrationFactor(G4double ) const 
00053 {
00054   return 1.0;
00055 }
00057 G4double G4CoulombBarrier::GetCoulombBarrier(const G4int ARes, const G4int ZRes, const G4double) const 
00058   // Calculation of Coulomb potential energy (barrier) for outgoing fragment
00059 {
00060   G4double Barrier = 0.0;
00061   if (ZRes > ARes || ARes < 1) {
00062     std::ostringstream errOs;
00063     errOs << "G4CoulombBarrier::GetCoulombBarrier: ";
00064     errOs << "Wrong values for ";
00065     errOs << "residual nucleus A = " << ARes << " ";
00066     errOs << "and residual nucleus Z = " << ZRes << G4endl;
00068     throw G4HadronicException(__FILE__, __LINE__, errOs.str());
00069   }
00070   if (GetA() == 1 && GetZ() == 0) {
00071     Barrier = 0.0;   // Neutron Coulomb Barrier is 0
00072   } else {
00074     // JMQ: old coulomb barrier commented since it does not agree with Dostrovski's prescription
00075     // and too low  barriers are obtained (for protons at least)
00076     // calculation of K penetration factor is correct
00077     //    G4double CompoundRadius = CalcCompoundRadius(static_cast<G4double>(ZRes));
00078     //    Barrier = elm_coupling/CompoundRadius * static_cast<G4double>(GetZ())*static_cast<G4double>(ZRes)/
00079     //      (std::pow(static_cast<G4double>(GetA()),1./3.) + std::pow(static_cast<G4double>(ARes),1./3.));
00082     G4double rho=1.2*fermi; 
00083     if(GetA()==1 && GetZ()==1){  rho=0.0;}  
00085     G4double RN=1.5*fermi;  
00086     // VI cleanup 
00087     Barrier=elm_coupling*(GetZ()*ZRes)/(RN * G4Pow::GetInstance()->Z13(ARes) + rho);
00089     // Barrier penetration coeficient
00090     G4double K = BarrierPenetrationFactor(ZRes);
00092     Barrier *= K;
00094     // JMQ : the following statement has unknown origin and dimensionally is meaningless( energy divided by mass number in argument of sqrt function). Energy dependence of Coulomb barrier penetrability should be included in proper way (if needed..)
00095     //   Barrier /= (1.0 + std::sqrt(U/(2.0*static_cast<G4double>(ARes))));
00096     //
00097   }
00098   return Barrier;
00099 }

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