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00001 //
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00011 // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing *
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00025 //
00026 //
00027 // $Id$
00028 //
00029 // Hadronic Process: Nuclear De-excitations
00030 // by V. Lara
00032 #include "G4CameronTruranHilfShellCorrections.hh"
00035 // Data comes from:
00036 // J.W. Truran, A.G.W. Cameron, and E. Hilf, 
00037 // Proc. Int. Conf. on the Properties of Nuclei Far From the Beta-Stability,
00038 // Leysin, Switzerland, August 31 - September 4, 1970, Vol.1, p. 275
00039 // S(Z)
00040 const G4double G4CameronTruranHilfShellCorrections::ShellZTable
00041 [G4CameronTruranHilfShellCorrections::ZTableSize] = { // 93 from Z = 10 to Z = 102
00042  2.349, 1.936, 1.596, 1.061, 0.341,-0.040, 0.565, 1.065, 1.536,
00043  1.972, 1.855, 2.043, 1.931, 1.652, 1.347, 0.973, 0.579, 0.159,
00044 -0.487,-0.192, 0.443, 0.932, 1.387, 1.810, 1.969, 2.067, 2.064,
00045  1.825, 1.539, 1.251, 0.957, 1.128, 1.007, 0.603, 0.013,-0.635,
00046 -1.258,-1.905,-2.562,-3.266,-4.099,-3.615,-3.171,-2.814,-2.337,
00047 -1.778,-1.220,-0.694,-0.181, 0.323, 0.624, 0.841, 0.904, 0.906,
00048  0.930, 0.919, 0.934, 0.941, 0.978, 0.982, 1.083, 1.201, 1.281,
00049  1.189, 0.963, 0.781, 0.738, 0.696, 0.119,-0.619,-1.265,-1.898,
00050 -2.431,-1.326,-0.268, 0.737, 1.451, 2.138, 2.307, 2.221, 2.041,
00051  1.827, 1.239, 0.747, 0.214,-0.263,-0.778,-1.272,-1.800,-2.302,
00052 -2.846,-3.499,-3.042  
00053 };
00054 // S(N)
00055 const G4double G4CameronTruranHilfShellCorrections::ShellNTable
00056 [G4CameronTruranHilfShellCorrections::NTableSize] = { // 146 from N = 10 to N = 155
00057  2.439, 1.829, 1.419, 0.746,-0.082,-0.832,-0.960,-1.006,-1.045,
00058 -1.114,-0.900,-0.081, 0.334, 0.064,-0.639,-1.363,-2.138,-2.987,
00059 -4.042,-4.001,-3.582,-3.120,-2.677,-2.259,-1.778,-1.315,-0.944,
00060 -0.599,-0.285,-0.020, 0.121, 0.140, 0.149,-0.001,-0.230,-0.604,
00061 -1.010,-1.570,-2.466,-3.489,-4.552,-4.214,-3.375,-2.526,-1.725,
00062 -0.923,-0.164, 0.601, 1.316, 1.947, 2.482, 2.971, 3.398, 3.737,
00063  3.979, 4.183, 4.374, 4.517, 4.605, 4.539, 4.375, 4.043, 3.672,
00064  3.250, 2.776, 2.254, 1.715, 1.151, 0.463,-0.237,-1.031,-1.850,
00065 -2.722,-1.663,-0.724, 0.035, 0.786, 1.587, 2.145, 2.669, 2.680,
00066  2.488, 2.243, 1.969, 1.778, 1.663, 1.487, 1.325, 1.148, 0.962,
00067  0.843, 0.727, 0.574, 0.436, 0.320, 0.264, 0.397, 0.507, 0.405,
00068  0.346, 0.369, 0.397, 0.403, 0.379, 0.184,-0.226,-0.737,-1.305,
00069 -1.950,-2.565,-3.126,-3.721,-4.393,-5.082,-5.921,-6.712,-6.853,
00070 -5.592,-4.413,-3.333,-2.413,-1.582,-0.966,-0.421,-0.123, 0.228,
00071  0.543, 0.874, 1.059, 1.181, 1.186, 1.029, 1.029, 1.153, 1.227,
00072  1.330, 1.449, 1.596, 1.712, 1.851, 1.949, 2.044, 2.155, 2.307,
00073  2.621, 3.096
00074 };
00076 G4CameronTruranHilfShellCorrections* G4CameronTruranHilfShellCorrections::theInstance = 0;
00079 G4CameronTruranHilfShellCorrections::G4CameronTruranHilfShellCorrections()
00080 {;}
00082 G4CameronTruranHilfShellCorrections::~G4CameronTruranHilfShellCorrections()
00083 {;}
00085 G4CameronTruranHilfShellCorrections* G4CameronTruranHilfShellCorrections::GetInstance()
00086 {
00087   if (!theInstance)  { 
00088     static G4CameronTruranHilfShellCorrections theCorrections;
00089     theInstance = &theCorrections; 
00090   }
00091   return theInstance;
00092 }

Generated on Mon May 27 17:47:49 2013 for Geant4 by  doxygen 1.4.7