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00001 //
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00006 // * the Geant4 Collaboration.  It is provided  under  the terms  and *
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00008 // * LICENSE and available at  http://cern.ch/geant4/license .  These *
00009 // * include a list of copyright holders.                             *
00010 // *                                                                  *
00011 // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing *
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00018 // * This  code  implementation is the result of  the  scientific and *
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00024 // ********************************************************************
00025 //
00026 //
00027 // $Id$
00028 //
00029 // Hadronic Process: Nuclear De-excitations
00030 // by V. Lara
00032 #include "G4CameronTruranHilfPairingCorrections.hh"
00036 // Data comes from:
00037 // J.W. Truran, A.G.W. Cameron, and E. Hilf, 
00038 // Proc. Int. Conf. on the Properties of Nuclei Far From the Beta-Stability,
00039 // Leysin, Switzerland, August 31 - September 4, 1970, Vol.1, p. 275
00040 // S(Z)
00041 const G4double G4CameronTruranHilfPairingCorrections::PairingZTable
00042 [G4CameronTruranHilfPairingCorrections::ZTableSize] = { // 93 from Z = 10 to Z = 42
00043 -2.200, 0.   ,-2.120, 0.   ,-1.981, 0.   ,-1.491, 0.   ,-1.450, 0.,
00044 -1.701, 0.   ,-1.344, 0.   ,-1.349, 0.   ,-1.397, 0.   ,-1.311, 0.,
00045 -1.161, 0.   ,-1.201, 0.   ,-1.449, 0.   ,-1.331, 0.   ,-1.272, 0.,
00046 -1.198, 0.   ,-1.340, 0.   ,-1.407, 0.   ,-1.287, 0.   ,-1.334, 0.,
00047 -1.307, 0.   ,-1.128, 0.   ,-1.152, 0.   ,-1.139, 0.   ,-1.138, 0.,
00048 -1.115, 0.   ,-1.070, 0.   ,-1.096, 0.   ,-1.123, 0.   ,-0.901, 0.,
00049 -0.933, 0.   ,-0.714, 0.   ,-0.799, 0.   ,-0.840, 0.   ,-0.726, 0.,
00050 -0.815, 0.   ,-0.715, 0.   ,-0.788, 0.   ,-0.793, 0.   ,-0.663, 0.,
00051 -0.705, 0.   ,-0.711, 0.   ,-0.561, 0.   ,-0.694, 0.   ,-0.683, 0.,
00052 -0.501, 0.   ,-0.491
00053 };
00054 // S(N)
00055 const G4double G4CameronTruranHilfPairingCorrections::PairingNTable
00056 [G4CameronTruranHilfPairingCorrections::NTableSize] = { // 145 from N = 10 to N = 154
00057 -2.400, 0.   ,-2.358, 0.   ,-2.057, 0.   ,-1.462, 0.   ,-1.592, 0.,
00058 -1.528, 0.   ,-1.470, 0.   ,-1.310, 0.   ,-1.316, 0.   ,-1.265, 0.,
00059 -1.279, 0.   ,-1.256, 0.   ,-1.285, 0.   ,-1.440, 0.   ,-1.517, 0.,
00060 -1.486, 0.   ,-1.456, 0.   ,-1.471, 0.   ,-1.336, 0.   ,-1.341, 0.,
00061 -1.278, 0.   ,-0.821, 0.   ,-0.814, 0.   ,-1.095, 0.   ,-1.147, 0.,
00062 -1.295, 0.   ,-1.281, 0.   ,-1.245, 0.   ,-1.197, 0.   ,-1.227, 0.,
00063 -1.291, 0.   ,-1.254, 0.   ,-1.310, 0.   ,-1.171, 0.   ,-1.092, 0.,
00064 -1.062, 0.   ,-0.713, 0.   ,-0.822, 0.   ,-0.843, 0.   ,-0.968, 0.,
00065 -1.117, 0.   ,-0.999, 0.   ,-0.877, 0.   ,-0.844, 0.   ,-0.889, 0.,
00066 -0.729, 0.   ,-0.706, 0.   ,-0.623, 0.   ,-0.511, 0.   ,-0.773, 0.,
00067 -0.662, 0.   ,-0.808, 0.   ,-0.889, 0.   ,-0.930, 0.   ,-0.771, 0.,
00068 -0.751, 0.   ,-0.835, 0.   ,-0.658, 0.   ,-0.607, 0.   ,-0.657, 0.,
00069 -0.695, 0.   ,-0.457, 0.   ,-0.345, 0.   ,-0.452, 0.   ,-0.648, 0.,
00070 -0.681, 0.   ,-0.416, 0.   ,-0.545, 0.   ,-0.482, 0.   ,-0.481, 0.,
00071 -0.611, 0.   ,-0.654, 0.   ,-0.557
00072 };
00075 G4CameronTruranHilfPairingCorrections* G4CameronTruranHilfPairingCorrections::theInstance = 0;
00077 G4CameronTruranHilfPairingCorrections::G4CameronTruranHilfPairingCorrections()
00078 {;}
00080 G4CameronTruranHilfPairingCorrections::~G4CameronTruranHilfPairingCorrections()
00081 {;}
00083 G4CameronTruranHilfPairingCorrections* G4CameronTruranHilfPairingCorrections::GetInstance()
00084 {
00085   if (!theInstance)  { 
00086     static G4CameronTruranHilfPairingCorrections theCorrections;
00087     theInstance = &theCorrections; 
00088   }
00089   return theInstance;
00090 }

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