G4HadronElasticProcess Class Reference

#include <G4HadronElasticProcess.hh>

Inheritance diagram for G4HadronElasticProcess:

G4HadronicProcess G4VDiscreteProcess G4VProcess

Public Member Functions

 G4HadronElasticProcess (const G4String &procName="hadElastic")
virtual ~G4HadronElasticProcess ()
virtual G4VParticleChangePostStepDoIt (const G4Track &aTrack, const G4Step &aStep)
virtual void PreparePhysicsTable (const G4ParticleDefinition &)
virtual void SetLowestEnergy (G4double)
virtual void SetLowestEnergyNeutron (G4double)
virtual void Description () const

Detailed Description

Definition at line 49 of file G4HadronElasticProcess.hh.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

G4HadronElasticProcess::G4HadronElasticProcess ( const G4String procName = "hadElastic"  ) 

Definition at line 48 of file G4HadronElasticProcess.cc.

References G4HadronicProcess::AddDataSet().

00049   : G4HadronicProcess(pName, fHadronElastic), isInitialised(false)
00050 {
00051   AddDataSet(new G4HadronElasticDataSet);
00052   lowestEnergy = 1.*keV;
00053 }

G4HadronElasticProcess::~G4HadronElasticProcess (  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 55 of file G4HadronElasticProcess.cc.

00056 {}

Member Function Documentation

void G4HadronElasticProcess::Description (  )  const [virtual]

Definition at line 58 of file G4HadronElasticProcess.cc.

References G4VProcess::GetProcessName().

00059 {
00060   char* dirName = getenv("G4PhysListDocDir");
00061   if (dirName) {
00062     std::ofstream outFile;
00063     G4String outFileName = GetProcessName() + ".html";
00064     G4String pathName = G4String(dirName) + "/" + outFileName;
00065     outFile.open(pathName);
00066     outFile << "<html>\n";
00067     outFile << "<head>\n";
00069     outFile << "<title>Description of G4HadronElasticProcess</title>\n";
00070     outFile << "</head>\n";
00071     outFile << "<body>\n";
00073     outFile << "G4HadronElasticProcess handles the elastic scattering of\n"
00074             << "hadrons by invoking one or more hadronic models and one or\n"
00075             << "more hadronic cross sections.\n";
00077     outFile << "</body>\n";
00078     outFile << "</html>\n";
00079     outFile.close();
00080   }
00081 }

G4VParticleChange * G4HadronElasticProcess::PostStepDoIt ( const G4Track aTrack,
const G4Step aStep 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from G4HadronicProcess.

Definition at line 84 of file G4HadronElasticProcess.cc.

References G4ParticleChange::AddSecondary(), G4HadronicInteraction::ApplyYourself(), G4HadronicProcess::ChooseHadronicInteraction(), G4HadFinalState::Clear(), G4VParticleChange::Clear(), G4VProcess::ClearNumberOfInteractionLengthLeft(), G4HadronicProcess::DumpState(), FatalException, fStopAndKill, fStopButAlive, G4cout, G4endl, G4Exception(), G4UniformRand, G4Nucleus::GetA_asInt(), G4ProcessManager::GetAtRestProcessVector(), G4HadronicProcess::GetCrossSectionDataStore(), G4DynamicParticle::GetDefinition(), G4Track::GetDynamicParticle(), G4HadFinalState::GetEnergyChange(), G4ProductionCutsTable::GetEnergyCutsVector(), G4Track::GetGlobalTime(), G4MaterialCutsCouple::GetIndex(), G4Track::GetKineticEnergy(), G4HadFinalState::GetLocalEnergyDeposit(), G4Track::GetMaterial(), G4Track::GetMaterialCutsCouple(), G4HadronicInteraction::GetModelName(), G4HadFinalState::GetMomentumChange(), G4Track::GetMomentumDirection(), G4Material::GetName(), G4Element::GetName(), G4HadFinalState::GetNumberOfSecondaries(), G4HadSecondary::GetParticle(), G4ParticleDefinition::GetParticleName(), G4Track::GetPosition(), G4ParticleDefinition::GetProcessManager(), G4ProductionCutsTable::GetProductionCutsTable(), G4HadFinalState::GetSecondary(), G4HadronicProcess::GetTargetNucleusPointer(), G4Track::GetTouchableHandle(), G4Track::GetTrackStatus(), G4Track::GetWeight(), G4Nucleus::GetZ_asInt(), G4ParticleChange::Initialize(), G4ParticleChange::ProposeEnergy(), G4VParticleChange::ProposeLocalEnergyDeposit(), G4ParticleChange::ProposeMomentumDirection(), G4VParticleChange::ProposeNonIonizingEnergyDeposit(), G4VParticleChange::ProposeTrackStatus(), G4VParticleChange::ProposeWeight(), G4CrossSectionDataStore::SampleZandA(), G4VParticleChange::SetNumberOfSecondaries(), G4HadronicInteraction::SetRecoilEnergyThreshold(), G4Track::SetTouchableHandle(), G4Track::SetWeight(), G4ProcessVector::size(), G4HadronicProcess::theTotalResult, and G4VProcess::verboseLevel.

00086 {
00087   theTotalResult->Clear();
00088   theTotalResult->Initialize(track);
00089   G4double weight = track.GetWeight();
00090   theTotalResult->ProposeWeight(weight);
00092   // For elastic scattering, _any_ result is considered an interaction
00093   ClearNumberOfInteractionLengthLeft();
00095   G4double kineticEnergy = track.GetKineticEnergy();
00096   const G4DynamicParticle* dynParticle = track.GetDynamicParticle();
00097   const G4ParticleDefinition* part = dynParticle->GetDefinition();
00099   // NOTE:  Very low energy scatters were causing numerical (FPE) errors
00100   //        in earlier releases; these limits have not been changed since.
00101   if (kineticEnergy <= lowestEnergy)   return theTotalResult;
00103   G4Material* material = track.GetMaterial();
00104   G4Nucleus* targNucleus = GetTargetNucleusPointer();
00106   // Select element
00107   G4Element* elm = 0;
00108   try
00109     {
00110       elm = GetCrossSectionDataStore()->SampleZandA(dynParticle, material, 
00111                                                     *targNucleus);
00112     }
00113   catch(G4HadronicException & aR)
00114     {
00115       G4ExceptionDescription ed;
00116       DumpState(track,"SampleZandA",ed); 
00117       ed << " PostStepDoIt failed on element selection" << G4endl;
00118       G4Exception("G4HadronElasticProcess::PostStepDoIt", "had003", 
00119                   FatalException, ed);
00120     }
00121   G4HadronicInteraction* hadi = 0;
00122   try
00123     {
00124       hadi = ChooseHadronicInteraction( kineticEnergy, material, elm );
00125     }
00126   catch(G4HadronicException & aE)
00127     {
00128       G4ExceptionDescription ed;
00129       ed << "Target element "<< elm->GetName()<<"  Z= " 
00130          << targNucleus->GetZ_asInt() << "  A= " 
00131          << targNucleus->GetA_asInt() << G4endl;
00132       DumpState(track,"ChooseHadronicInteraction",ed);
00133       ed << " No HadronicInteraction found out" << G4endl;
00134       G4Exception("G4HadronElasticProcess::PostStepDoIt", "had005", 
00135                   FatalException, ed);
00136     }
00138   size_t idx = track.GetMaterialCutsCouple()->GetIndex();
00139   G4double tcut = (*(G4ProductionCutsTable::GetProductionCutsTable()
00140                      ->GetEnergyCutsVector(3)))[idx];
00141   hadi->SetRecoilEnergyThreshold(tcut);
00143   // Initialize the hadronic projectile from the track
00144   //  G4cout << "track " << track.GetDynamicParticle()->Get4Momentum()<<G4endl;
00145   G4HadProjectile theProj(track);
00146   if(verboseLevel>1) {
00147     G4cout << "G4HadronElasticProcess::PostStepDoIt for " 
00148            << part->GetParticleName()
00149            << " in " << material->GetName() 
00150            << " Target Z= " << targNucleus->GetZ_asInt() 
00151            << " A= " << targNucleus->GetA_asInt() << G4endl; 
00152   }
00154   G4HadFinalState* result = 0;
00155   try
00156     {
00157       result = hadi->ApplyYourself( theProj, *targNucleus);
00158     }
00159   catch(G4HadronicException aR)
00160     {
00161       G4ExceptionDescription ed;
00162       ed << "Call for " << hadi->GetModelName() << G4endl;
00163       ed << "Target element "<< elm->GetName()<<"  Z= " 
00164          << targNucleus->GetZ_asInt() 
00165          << "  A= " << targNucleus->GetA_asInt() << G4endl;
00166       DumpState(track,"ApplyYourself",ed);
00167       ed << " ApplyYourself failed" << G4endl;
00168       G4Exception("G4HadronElasticProcess::PostStepDoIt", "had006", 
00169                   FatalException, ed);
00170     }
00172   // Check the result for catastrophic energy non-conservation
00173   // cannot be applied because is not guranteed that recoil 
00174   // nucleus is created
00175   // result = CheckResult(theProj, targNucleus, result);
00177   // directions
00178   G4ThreeVector indir = track.GetMomentumDirection();
00179   G4double phi = CLHEP::twopi*G4UniformRand();
00180   G4ThreeVector it(0., 0., 1.);
00181   G4ThreeVector outdir = result->GetMomentumChange();
00183   if(verboseLevel>1) {
00184     G4cout << "Efin= " << result->GetEnergyChange()
00185            << " de= " << result->GetLocalEnergyDeposit()
00186            << " nsec= " << result->GetNumberOfSecondaries()
00187            << " dir= " << outdir
00188            << G4endl;
00189   }
00191   // energies  
00192   G4double edep = result->GetLocalEnergyDeposit();
00193   G4double efinal = result->GetEnergyChange();
00194   if(efinal < 0.0) { efinal = 0.0; }
00195   if(edep < 0.0)   { edep = 0.0; }
00197   // NOTE:  Very low energy scatters were causing numerical (FPE) errors
00198   //        in earlier releases; these limits have not been changed since.
00199   if(efinal <= lowestEnergy) {
00200     edep += efinal;
00201     efinal = 0.0;
00202   }
00204   // primary change
00205   theTotalResult->ProposeEnergy(efinal);
00207   G4TrackStatus status = track.GetTrackStatus();
00208   if(efinal > 0.0) {
00209     outdir.rotate(phi, it);
00210     outdir.rotateUz(indir);
00211     theTotalResult->ProposeMomentumDirection(outdir);
00212   } else {
00213     if(part->GetProcessManager()->GetAtRestProcessVector()->size() > 0)
00214          { status = fStopButAlive; }
00215     else { status = fStopAndKill; }
00216     theTotalResult->ProposeTrackStatus(status);
00217   }
00219   //G4cout << "Efinal= " << efinal << "  TrackStatus= " << status << G4endl;
00221   theTotalResult->SetNumberOfSecondaries(0);
00223   // recoil
00224   if(result->GetNumberOfSecondaries() > 0) {
00225     G4DynamicParticle* p = result->GetSecondary(0)->GetParticle();
00227     if(p->GetKineticEnergy() > tcut) {
00228       theTotalResult->SetNumberOfSecondaries(1);
00229       G4ThreeVector pdir = p->GetMomentumDirection();
00230       // G4cout << "recoil " << pdir << G4endl;
00232       pdir.rotate(phi, it);
00233       pdir.rotateUz(indir);
00234       // G4cout << "recoil rotated " << pdir << G4endl;
00235       p->SetMomentumDirection(pdir);
00237       // in elastic scattering time and weight are not changed
00238       G4Track* t = new G4Track(p, track.GetGlobalTime(), 
00239                                track.GetPosition());
00240       t->SetWeight(weight);
00241       t->SetTouchableHandle(track.GetTouchableHandle());
00242       theTotalResult->AddSecondary(t);
00244     } else {
00245       edep += p->GetKineticEnergy();
00246       delete p;
00247     }
00248   }
00249   theTotalResult->ProposeLocalEnergyDeposit(edep);
00250   theTotalResult->ProposeNonIonizingEnergyDeposit(edep);
00251   result->Clear();
00253   return theTotalResult;
00254 }

void G4HadronElasticProcess::PreparePhysicsTable ( const G4ParticleDefinition  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from G4HadronicProcess.

Definition at line 257 of file G4HadronElasticProcess.cc.

References G4Neutron::Neutron(), and G4HadronicProcess::PreparePhysicsTable().

00258 {
00259   if(!isInitialised) {
00260     isInitialised = true;
00261     if(G4Neutron::Neutron() == &part) { lowestEnergy = 1.e-6*eV; }
00262   }
00263   G4HadronicProcess::PreparePhysicsTable(part);
00264 }

void G4HadronElasticProcess::SetLowestEnergy ( G4double   )  [virtual]

Definition at line 266 of file G4HadronElasticProcess.cc.

00267 {
00268   lowestEnergy = val;
00269 }

void G4HadronElasticProcess::SetLowestEnergyNeutron ( G4double   )  [virtual]

Definition at line 272 of file G4HadronElasticProcess.cc.

References G4HadronicDeprecate.

00273 {
00274   lowestEnergy = val;
00275   G4HadronicDeprecate("G4HadronElasticProcess::SetLowestEnergyNeutron()");
00276 }

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