
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // $Id:$
00002 // -*- C++ -*-
00003 //
00004 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
00005 //                             HEP Random
00006 //                       --- Ranlux64Engine ---
00007 //                      class implementation file
00008 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
00009 // A double-precision implementation of the RanluxEngine generator as 
00010 // decsribed by the notes of the original ranlux author (Martin Luscher)
00011 //
00012 // See the note by Martin Luscher, December 1997, entitiled
00013 // Double-precision implementation of the random number generator ranlux
00014 //
00015 // =======================================================================
00016 // Ken Smith      - Initial draft: 14th Jul 1998
00017 //                - Removed pow() from flat method 14th Jul 1998
00018 //                - Added conversion operators:  6th Aug 1998
00019 //
00020 // Mark Fischler  The following were modified mostly to make the routine
00021 //                exactly match the Luscher algorithm in generating 48-bit
00022 //                randoms:
00023 // 9/9/98         - Substantial changes in what used to be flat() to match
00024 //                  algorithm in Luscher's ranlxd.c
00025 //                - Added update() method for 12 numbers, making flat() trivial
00026 //                - Added advance() method to hold the unrolled loop for update
00027 //                - Distinction between three forms of seeding such that it
00028 //                  is impossible to get same sequence from different forms -
00029 //                  done by discarding some fraction of one macro cycle which
00030 //                  is different for the three cases
00031 //                - Change the misnomer "seed_table" to the more accurate 
00032 //                  "randoms"
00033 //                - Removed the no longer needed count12, i_lag, j_lag, etc.
00034 //                - Corrected seed procedure which had been filling bits past
00035 //                  2^-48.  This actually was very bad, invalidating the
00036 //                  number theory behind the proof that ranlxd is good.
00037 //                - Addition of 2**(-49) to generated number to prevent zero 
00038 //                  from being returned; this does not affect the sequence 
00039 //                  itself.
00040 //                - Corrected ecu seeding, which had been supplying only 
00041 //                  numbers less than 1/2.  This is probably moot.
00042 // 9/15/98        - Modified use of the various exponents of 2
00043 //                  to avoid per-instance space overhead.  Note that these
00044 //                  are initialized in setSeed, which EVERY constructor
00045 //                  must invoke.
00046 // J. Marraffino  - Remove dependence on hepString class  13 May 1999
00047 // M. Fischler    - In restore, checkFile for file not found    03 Dec 2004
00048 // M. Fischler    - put get Methods for distrib instance save/restore 12/8/04    
00049 // M. Fischler    - split get() into tag validation and 
00050 //                  getState() for anonymous restores           12/27/04    
00051 // M. Fischler    - put/get for vectors of ulongs               3/14/05
00052 // M. Fischler    - State-saving using only ints, for portability 4/12/05
00053 //
00054 // =======================================================================
00056 #include "CLHEP/Random/Random.h"
00057 #include "CLHEP/Random/Ranlux64Engine.h"
00058 #include "CLHEP/Random/engineIDulong.h"
00059 #include "CLHEP/Random/DoubConv.h"
00060 #include <string.h>     // for strcmp
00061 #include <cstdlib>      // for std::abs(int)
00062 #include <limits>       // for numeric_limits
00064 namespace CLHEP {
00066 static const int MarkerLen = 64; // Enough room to hold a begin or end marker. 
00069 // Number of instances with automatic seed selection
00070 int Ranlux64Engine::numEngines = 0;
00072 // Maximum index into the seed table
00073 int Ranlux64Engine::maxIndex = 215;
00075 #ifndef WIN32
00076 namespace detail {
00078 template< std::size_t n,
00079           bool = n < std::size_t(std::numeric_limits<unsigned long>::digits) >
00080   struct do_right_shift;
00081 template< std::size_t n >
00082   struct do_right_shift<n,true>
00083 {
00084   unsigned long operator()(unsigned long value) { return value >> n; }
00085 };
00086 template< std::size_t n >
00087   struct do_right_shift<n,false>
00088 {
00089   unsigned long operator()(unsigned long) { return 0ul; }
00090 };
00092 template< std::size_t nbits >
00093   unsigned long rshift( unsigned long value )
00094 { return do_right_shift<nbits>()(value); }
00096 } // namespace detail
00097 #endif
00099 std::string Ranlux64Engine::name() const {return "Ranlux64Engine";}
00101 Ranlux64Engine::Ranlux64Engine()
00102 : HepRandomEngine()
00103 {
00104    luxury = 1;
00105    int cycle    = std::abs(int(numEngines/maxIndex));
00106    int curIndex = std::abs(int(numEngines%maxIndex));
00107    numEngines +=1;
00108    long mask = ((cycle & 0x007fffff) << 8);
00109    long seedlist[2];
00110    HepRandom::getTheTableSeeds( seedlist, curIndex );
00111    seedlist[0] ^= mask;
00112    seedlist[1] = 0;
00114    setSeeds(seedlist, luxury);
00115    advance ( 8 );               // Discard some iterations and ensure that
00116                                 // this sequence won't match one where seeds 
00117                                 // were provided.
00118 }
00120 Ranlux64Engine::Ranlux64Engine(long seed, int lux)
00121 : HepRandomEngine()
00122 {
00123    luxury = lux;
00124    long seedlist[2]={seed,0};
00125    setSeeds(seedlist, lux);
00126    advance ( 2*lux + 1 );       // Discard some iterations to use a different 
00127                                 // point in the sequence.  
00128 }
00130 Ranlux64Engine::Ranlux64Engine(int rowIndex, int, int lux)
00131 : HepRandomEngine()
00132 {
00133    luxury = lux;
00134    int cycle = std::abs(int(rowIndex/maxIndex));
00135    int   row = std::abs(int(rowIndex%maxIndex));
00136    long mask = (( cycle & 0x000007ff ) << 20 );
00137    long seedlist[2]; 
00138    HepRandom::getTheTableSeeds( seedlist, row );
00139    seedlist[0] ^= mask;
00140    seedlist[1]= 0;
00141    setSeeds(seedlist, lux);
00142 }
00144 Ranlux64Engine::Ranlux64Engine( std::istream& is )
00145 : HepRandomEngine()
00146 {
00147   is >> *this;
00148 }
00150 Ranlux64Engine::~Ranlux64Engine() {}
00152 double Ranlux64Engine::flat() {
00153   // Luscher improves the speed by computing several numbers in a shot,
00154   // in a manner similar to that of the Tausworth in DualRand or the Hurd
00155   // engines.  Thus, the real work is done in update().  Here we merely ensure
00156   // that zero, which the algorithm can produce, is never returned by flat().
00158   if (index <= 0) update();
00159   return randoms[--index] + twoToMinus_49();
00160 }
00162 void Ranlux64Engine::update() {
00163   // Update the stash of twelve random numbers.  
00164   // When this routione is entered, index is always 0.  The randoms 
00165   // contains the last 12 numbers in the sequents:  s[0] is x[a+11], 
00166   // s[1] is x[a+10] ... and s[11] is x[a] for some a.  Carry contains
00167   // the last carry value (c[a+11]).
00168   //
00169   // The recursion relation (3) in Luscher's note says 
00170   //   delta[n] = x[n-s] = x[n-r] -c[n-1] or for n=a+12,
00171   //   delta[a+12] = x[a+7] - x[a] -c[a+11] where we use r=12, s=5 per eqn. (7)
00172   // This reduces to 
00173   // s[11] = s[4] - s[11] - carry.
00174   // The next number similarly will be given by s[10] = s[3] - s[10] - carry,
00175   // and so forth until s[0] is filled.
00176   // 
00177   // However, we need to skip 397, 202 or 109 numbers - these are not divisible 
00178   // by 12 - to "fare well in the spectral test".  
00180   advance(pDozens);
00182   // Since we wish at the end to have the 12 last numbers in the order of 
00183   // s[11] first, till s[0] last, we will have to do 1, 10, or 1 iterations 
00184   // and then re-arrange to place to get the oldest one in s[11].
00185   // Generically, this will imply re-arranging the s array at the end,
00186   // but we can treat the special case of endIters = 1 separately for superior
00187   // efficiency in the cases of levels 0 and 2.
00189   register double  y1;
00191   if ( endIters == 1 ) {        // Luxury levels 0 and 2 will go here
00192     y1 = randoms[ 4] - randoms[11] - carry;
00193     if ( y1 < 0.0 ) {
00194       y1 += 1.0;                        
00195       carry = twoToMinus_48();
00196     } else {
00197       carry = 0.0;
00198     }
00199     randoms[11] = randoms[10];  
00200     randoms[10] = randoms[ 9];  
00201     randoms[ 9] = randoms[ 8];  
00202     randoms[ 8] = randoms[ 7];  
00203     randoms[ 7] = randoms[ 6];  
00204     randoms[ 6] = randoms[ 5];  
00205     randoms[ 5] = randoms[ 4];  
00206     randoms[ 4] = randoms[ 3];  
00207     randoms[ 3] = randoms[ 2];  
00208     randoms[ 2] = randoms[ 1];  
00209     randoms[ 1] = randoms[ 0];  
00210     randoms[ 0] = y1;
00212   } else {
00214     int m, nr, ns;
00215     for ( m = 0, nr = 11, ns = 4; m < endIters; ++m, --nr ) {
00216       y1 = randoms [ns] - randoms[nr] - carry;
00217       if ( y1 < 0.0 ) {
00218         y1 += 1.0;
00219         carry = twoToMinus_48();
00220       } else {
00221         carry = 0.0;
00222       }
00223       randoms[nr] = y1;
00224       --ns;
00225       if ( ns < 0 ) {
00226         ns = 11;
00227       }
00228     } // loop on m
00230     double temp[12];
00231     for (m=0; m<12; m++) {
00232       temp[m]=randoms[m];
00233     }
00235     ns = 11 - endIters;
00236     for (m=11; m>=0; --m) {
00237       randoms[m] = temp[ns];
00238       --ns;
00239       if ( ns < 0 ) {
00240         ns = 11;
00241       }
00242     } 
00244   }
00246   // Now when we return, there are 12 fresh usable numbers in s[11] ... s[0]
00248   index = 11;
00250 } // update()
00252 void Ranlux64Engine::advance(int dozens) {
00254   register double  y1, y2, y3;
00255   register double  cValue = twoToMinus_48();
00256   register double  zero = 0.0;
00257   register double  one  = 1.0;
00259                 // Technical note:  We use Luscher's trick to only do the
00260                 // carry subtraction when we really have to.  Like him, we use 
00261                 // three registers instead of two so that we avoid sequences
00262                 // like storing y1 then immediately replacing its value:
00263                 // some architectures lose time when this is done.
00265                 // Luscher's ranlxd.c fills the stash going
00266                 // upward.  We fill it downward to save a bit of time in the
00267                 // flat() routine at no cost later.  This means that while
00268                 // Luscher's ir is jr+5, our n-r is (n-s)-5.  (Note that
00269                 // though ranlxd.c initializes ir and jr to 11 and 7, ir as
00270                 // used is 5 more than jr because update is entered after 
00271                 // incrementing ir.)  
00272                 //
00274                 // I have CAREFULLY checked that the algorithms do match
00275                 // in all details.
00277   int k;
00278   for ( k = dozens; k > 0; --k ) {
00280     y1 = randoms[ 4] - randoms[11] - carry;
00282     y2 = randoms[ 3] - randoms[10];
00283     if ( y1 < zero ) {
00284       y1 += one;                        
00285       y2 -= cValue;
00286     }
00287     randoms[11] = y1;
00289     y3 = randoms[ 2] - randoms[ 9];
00290     if ( y2 < zero ) {
00291       y2 += one;                        
00292       y3 -= cValue;
00293     }
00294     randoms[10] = y2;
00296     y1 = randoms[ 1] - randoms[ 8];
00297     if ( y3 < zero ) {
00298       y3 += one;                        
00299       y1 -= cValue;
00300     }
00301     randoms[ 9] = y3;
00303     y2 = randoms[ 0] - randoms[ 7];
00304     if ( y1 < zero ) {
00305       y1 += one;                        
00306       y2 -= cValue;
00307     }
00308     randoms[ 8] = y1;
00310     y3 = randoms[11] - randoms[ 6];
00311     if ( y2 < zero ) {
00312       y2 += one;                        
00313       y3 -= cValue;
00314     }
00315     randoms[ 7] = y2;
00317     y1 = randoms[10] - randoms[ 5];
00318     if ( y3 < zero ) {
00319       y3 += one;                        
00320       y1 -= cValue;
00321     }
00322     randoms[ 6] = y3;
00324     y2 = randoms[ 9] - randoms[ 4];
00325     if ( y1 < zero ) {
00326       y1 += one;                        
00327       y2 -= cValue;
00328     }
00329     randoms[ 5] = y1;
00331     y3 = randoms[ 8] - randoms[ 3];
00332     if ( y2 < zero ) {
00333       y2 += one;                        
00334       y3 -= cValue;
00335     }
00336     randoms[ 4] = y2;
00338     y1 = randoms[ 7] - randoms[ 2];
00339     if ( y3 < zero ) {
00340       y3 += one;                        
00341       y1 -= cValue;
00342     }
00343     randoms[ 3] = y3;
00345     y2 = randoms[ 6] - randoms[ 1];
00346     if ( y1 < zero ) {
00347       y1 += one;                        
00348       y2 -= cValue;
00349     }
00350     randoms[ 2] = y1;
00352     y3 = randoms[ 5] - randoms[ 0];
00353     if ( y2 < zero ) {
00354       y2 += one;                        
00355       y3 -= cValue;
00356     }
00357     randoms[ 1] = y2;
00359     if ( y3 < zero ) {
00360       y3 += one;                        
00361       carry = cValue;
00362     }
00363     randoms[ 0] = y3; 
00365   } // End of major k loop doing 12 numbers at each cycle
00367 } // advance(dozens)
00369 void Ranlux64Engine::flatArray(const int size, double* vect) {
00370   for( int i=0; i < size; ++i ) {
00371     vect[i] = flat(); 
00372   }
00373 }
00375 void Ranlux64Engine::setSeed(long seed, int lux) {
00377 // The initialization is carried out using a Multiplicative
00378 // Congruential generator using formula constants of L'Ecuyer
00379 // as described in "A review of pseudorandom number generators"
00380 // (Fred James) published in Computer Physics Communications 60 (1990)
00381 // pages 329-344
00383   const int ecuyer_a(53668);
00384   const int ecuyer_b(40014);
00385   const int ecuyer_c(12211);
00386   const int ecuyer_d(2147483563);
00388   const int lux_levels[3] = {109, 202, 397};
00389   theSeed = seed;
00391   if( (lux > 2)||(lux < 0) ){
00392      pDiscard = (lux >= 12) ? (lux-12) : lux_levels[1];
00393   }else{
00394      pDiscard = lux_levels[luxury];
00395   }
00396   pDozens  = pDiscard / 12;
00397   endIters = pDiscard % 12;
00399   long init_table[24];
00400   long next_seed = seed;
00401   long k_multiple;
00402   int i;
00403   next_seed &= 0xffffffff;
00404   while( next_seed >= ecuyer_d ) {
00405      next_seed -= ecuyer_d;
00406   }
00408   for(i = 0;i != 24;i++){
00409      k_multiple = next_seed / ecuyer_a;
00410      next_seed = ecuyer_b * (next_seed - k_multiple * ecuyer_a)
00411                                        - k_multiple * ecuyer_c;
00412      if(next_seed < 0) {
00413         next_seed += ecuyer_d;
00414      }
00415      next_seed &= 0xffffffff;
00416      init_table[i] = next_seed;
00417   } 
00418   // are we on a 64bit machine?
00419   if( sizeof(long) >= 8 ) {
00420      long topbits1, topbits2;
00421 #ifdef WIN32
00422      topbits1 = ( seed >> 32) & 0xffff ;
00423      topbits2 = ( seed >> 48) & 0xffff ;
00424 #else
00425      topbits1 = detail::rshift<32>(seed) & 0xffff ;
00426      topbits2 = detail::rshift<48>(seed) & 0xffff ;
00427 #endif
00428      init_table[0] ^= topbits1;
00429      init_table[2] ^= topbits2;
00430      //std::cout << " init_table[0] " << init_table[0] << " from " << topbits1 << std::endl;
00431      //std::cout << " init_table[2] " << init_table[2] << " from " << topbits2 << std::endl;
00432   }   
00434   for(i = 0;i < 12; i++){
00435      randoms[i] = (init_table[2*i  ]      ) * 2.0 * twoToMinus_32() +
00436                   (init_table[2*i+1] >> 15) * twoToMinus_48();
00437      //if( randoms[i] < 0. || randoms[i]  > 1. ) {
00438      //std::cout << "setSeed:  init_table " << init_table[2*i  ] << std::endl;
00439      //std::cout << "setSeed:  init_table " << init_table[2*i+1] << std::endl;
00440      //std::cout << "setSeed:  random " << i << " is " << randoms[i] << std::endl;
00441      //}
00442   }
00444   carry = 0.0;
00445   if ( randoms[11] == 0. ) carry = twoToMinus_48();
00446   index = 11;
00448 } // setSeed()
00450 void Ranlux64Engine::setSeeds(const long * seeds, int lux) {
00451 // old code only uses the first long in seeds
00452 //  setSeed( *seeds ? *seeds : 32767, lux );
00453 //  theSeeds = seeds;
00455 // using code from Ranlux - even those are 32bit seeds, 
00456 // that is good enough to completely differentiate the sequences
00458    const int ecuyer_a = 53668;
00459    const int ecuyer_b = 40014;
00460    const int ecuyer_c = 12211;
00461    const int ecuyer_d = 2147483563;
00463    const int lux_levels[3] = {109, 202, 397};
00464    const long *seedptr; 
00466    theSeeds = seeds;
00467    seedptr  = seeds;
00469    if(seeds == 0){
00470       setSeed(theSeed,lux);
00471       theSeeds = &theSeed;
00472       return;
00473    }
00475    theSeed = *seeds;
00477 // number of additional random numbers that need to be 'thrown away'
00478 // every 24 numbers is set using luxury level variable.
00480   if( (lux > 2)||(lux < 0) ){
00481      pDiscard = (lux >= 12) ? (lux-12) : lux_levels[1];
00482   }else{
00483      pDiscard = lux_levels[luxury];
00484   }
00485   pDozens  = pDiscard / 12;
00486   endIters = pDiscard % 12;
00488   long init_table[24];
00489   long next_seed = *seeds;
00490   long k_multiple;
00491   int i;
00493   for( i = 0;(i != 24)&&(*seedptr != 0);i++){
00494       init_table[i] =  *seedptr & 0xffffffff;
00495       seedptr++;
00496   }                    
00498   if(i != 24){
00499      next_seed = init_table[i-1];
00500      for(;i != 24;i++){
00501         k_multiple = next_seed / ecuyer_a;
00502         next_seed = ecuyer_b * (next_seed - k_multiple * ecuyer_a)
00503                                           - k_multiple * ecuyer_c;
00504         if(next_seed < 0) {
00505            next_seed += ecuyer_d;
00506         }
00507         next_seed &= 0xffffffff;
00508         init_table[i] = next_seed;
00509      }    
00510   }
00512   for(i = 0;i < 12; i++){
00513      randoms[i] = (init_table[2*i  ]      ) * 2.0 * twoToMinus_32() +
00514                   (init_table[2*i+1] >> 15) * twoToMinus_48();
00515   }
00517   carry = 0.0;
00518   if ( randoms[11] == 0. ) carry = twoToMinus_48();
00519   index = 11;
00521 }
00523 void Ranlux64Engine::saveStatus( const char filename[] ) const
00524 {
00525    std::ofstream outFile( filename, std::ios::out ) ;
00526   if (!outFile.bad()) {
00527     outFile << "Uvec\n";
00528     std::vector<unsigned long> v = put();
00529     for (unsigned int i=0; i<v.size(); ++i) {
00530       outFile << v[i] << "\n";
00531     }
00532   }
00533 }
00535 void Ranlux64Engine::restoreStatus( const char filename[] )
00536 {
00537    std::ifstream inFile( filename, std::ios::in);
00538    if (!checkFile ( inFile, filename, engineName(), "restoreStatus" )) {
00539      std::cerr << "  -- Engine state remains unchanged\n";
00540      return;
00541    }
00542   if ( possibleKeywordInput ( inFile, "Uvec", theSeed ) ) {
00543     std::vector<unsigned long> v;
00544     unsigned long xin;
00545     for (unsigned int ivec=0; ivec < VECTOR_STATE_SIZE; ++ivec) {
00546       inFile >> xin;
00547       if (!inFile) {
00548         inFile.clear(std::ios::badbit | inFile.rdstate());
00549         std::cerr << "\nJamesRandom state (vector) description improper."
00550                << "\nrestoreStatus has failed."
00551                << "\nInput stream is probably mispositioned now." << std::endl;
00552         return;
00553       }
00554       v.push_back(xin);
00555     }
00556     getState(v);
00557     return;
00558   }
00560    if (!inFile.bad() && !inFile.eof()) {
00561 //     inFile >> theSeed;  removed -- encompased by possibleKeywordInput
00562      for (int i=0; i<12; ++i) {
00563        inFile >> randoms[i];
00564      }
00565      inFile >> carry; inFile >> index;
00566      inFile >> luxury; inFile >> pDiscard;
00567      pDozens  = pDiscard / 12;
00568      endIters = pDiscard % 12;
00569    }
00570 }
00572 void Ranlux64Engine::showStatus() const
00573 {
00574    std::cout << std::endl;
00575    std::cout << "--------- Ranlux engine status ---------" << std::endl;
00576    std::cout << " Initial seed = " << theSeed << std::endl;
00577    std::cout << " randoms[] = ";
00578    for (int i=0; i<12; ++i) {
00579      std::cout << randoms[i] << std::endl;
00580    }
00581    std::cout << std::endl;
00582    std::cout << " carry = " << carry << ", index = " << index << std::endl;
00583    std::cout << " luxury = " << luxury << " pDiscard = " 
00584                                                 << pDiscard << std::endl;
00585    std::cout << "----------------------------------------" << std::endl;
00586 }
00588 std::ostream & Ranlux64Engine::put( std::ostream& os ) const
00589 {
00590    char beginMarker[] = "Ranlux64Engine-begin";
00591   os << beginMarker << "\nUvec\n";
00592   std::vector<unsigned long> v = put();
00593   for (unsigned int i=0; i<v.size(); ++i) {
00594      os <<  v[i] <<  "\n";
00595   }
00596   return os;  
00597 }
00599 std::vector<unsigned long> Ranlux64Engine::put () const {
00600   std::vector<unsigned long> v;
00601   v.push_back (engineIDulong<Ranlux64Engine>());
00602   std::vector<unsigned long> t;
00603   for (int i=0; i<12; ++i) {
00604     t = DoubConv::dto2longs(randoms[i]);
00605     v.push_back(t[0]); v.push_back(t[1]);
00606   }
00607   t = DoubConv::dto2longs(carry);
00608   v.push_back(t[0]); v.push_back(t[1]);
00609   v.push_back(static_cast<unsigned long>(index));
00610   v.push_back(static_cast<unsigned long>(luxury));
00611   v.push_back(static_cast<unsigned long>(pDiscard));
00612   return v;
00613 }
00615 std::istream & Ranlux64Engine::get ( std::istream& is )
00616 {
00617   char beginMarker [MarkerLen];
00618   is >> std::ws;
00619   is.width(MarkerLen);  // causes the next read to the char* to be <=
00620                         // that many bytes, INCLUDING A TERMINATION \0 
00621                         // (Stroustrup, section 21.3.2)
00622   is >> beginMarker;
00623   if (strcmp(beginMarker,"Ranlux64Engine-begin")) {
00624      is.clear(std::ios::badbit | is.rdstate());
00625      std::cerr << "\nInput stream mispositioned or"
00626                << "\nRanlux64Engine state description missing or"
00627                << "\nwrong engine type found." << std::endl;
00628      return is;
00629   }
00630   return getState(is);
00631 }
00633 std::string Ranlux64Engine::beginTag ( )  { 
00634   return "Ranlux64Engine-begin"; 
00635 }
00637 std::istream & Ranlux64Engine::getState ( std::istream& is )
00638 {
00639   if ( possibleKeywordInput ( is, "Uvec", theSeed ) ) {
00640     std::vector<unsigned long> v;
00641     unsigned long uu;
00642     for (unsigned int ivec=0; ivec < VECTOR_STATE_SIZE; ++ivec) {
00643       is >> uu;
00644       if (!is) {
00645         is.clear(std::ios::badbit | is.rdstate());
00646         std::cerr << "\nRanlux64Engine state (vector) description improper."
00647                 << "\ngetState() has failed."
00648                << "\nInput stream is probably mispositioned now." << std::endl;
00649         return is;
00650       }
00651       v.push_back(uu);
00652     }
00653     getState(v);
00654     return (is);
00655   }
00657 //  is >> theSeed;  Removed, encompassed by possibleKeywordInput()
00659   char endMarker   [MarkerLen];
00660   for (int i=0; i<12; ++i) {
00661      is >> randoms[i];
00662   }
00663   is >> carry; is >> index;
00664   is >> luxury; is >> pDiscard;
00665   pDozens  = pDiscard / 12;
00666   endIters = pDiscard % 12;
00667   is >> std::ws;
00668   is.width(MarkerLen);  
00669   is >> endMarker;
00670   if (strcmp(endMarker,"Ranlux64Engine-end")) {
00671      is.clear(std::ios::badbit | is.rdstate());
00672      std::cerr << "\nRanlux64Engine state description incomplete."
00673                << "\nInput stream is probably mispositioned now." << std::endl;
00674      return is;
00675   }
00676   return is;
00677 }
00679 bool Ranlux64Engine::get (const std::vector<unsigned long> & v) {
00680   if ((v[0] & 0xffffffffUL) != engineIDulong<Ranlux64Engine>()) {
00681     std::cerr << 
00682         "\nRanlux64Engine get:state vector has wrong ID word - state unchanged\n";
00683     return false;
00684   }
00685   return getState(v);
00686 }
00688 bool Ranlux64Engine::getState (const std::vector<unsigned long> & v) {
00689   if (v.size() != VECTOR_STATE_SIZE ) {
00690     std::cerr << 
00691         "\nRanlux64Engine get:state vector has wrong length - state unchanged\n";
00692     return false;
00693   }
00694   std::vector<unsigned long> t(2);
00695   for (int i=0; i<12; ++i) {
00696     t[0] = v[2*i+1]; t[1] = v[2*i+2];
00697     randoms[i] = DoubConv::longs2double(t);
00698   }
00699   t[0] = v[25]; t[1] = v[26];
00700   carry    = DoubConv::longs2double(t);
00701   index    = v[27];
00702   luxury   = v[28];
00703   pDiscard = v[29]; 
00704   return true;
00705 }
00707 }  // namespace CLHEP

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