Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //
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00018 // * This  code  implementation is the result of  the  scientific and *
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00025 //
00026 // $Id: 69796 2013-05-15 13:26:12Z gcosmo $
00027 //
00028 //
00029 // ------------------------------------------------------------
00030 // GEANT 4 class implementation
00031 //
00032 //      ------- GFlashSamplingShowerParameterisation -------
00033 //
00034 // Authors: E.Barberio & Joanna Weng - 11.2005
00035 // ------------------------------------------------------------
00037 #include <cmath>
00039 #include "GFlashSamplingShowerParameterisation.hh"
00040 #include "GVFlashShowerParameterisation.hh"
00041 #include "G4SystemOfUnits.hh"
00042 #include "Randomize.hh"
00043 #include "G4ios.hh"
00044 #include "G4Material.hh"
00045 #include "G4MaterialTable.hh"
00047 GFlashSamplingShowerParameterisation::
00048 GFlashSamplingShowerParameterisation(G4Material* aMat1, G4Material* aMat2,
00049                                      G4double dd1, G4double dd2,
00050                                      GFlashSamplingShowerTuning* aPar)
00051   : GVFlashShowerParameterisation(),
00052     ParAveT2(0.), ParSigLogT1(0.), ParSigLogT2(0.),
00053     ParSigLogA1(0.), ParSigLogA2(0.), ParRho1(0.), ParRho2(0.), ParsAveA2(0.),
00054     AveLogAlphah(0.), AveLogTmaxh(0.), SigmaLogAlphah(0.), SigmaLogTmaxh(0.),
00055     Rhoh(0.), Alphah(0.), Tmaxh(0.), Betah(0.), AveLogAlpha(0.), AveLogTmax(0.),
00056     SigmaLogAlpha(0.), SigmaLogTmax(0.), Rho(0.), Alpha(0.), Tmax(0.), Beta(0.)
00057 {  
00058   if(!aPar) { thePar = new GFlashSamplingShowerTuning; owning = true; }
00059   else      { thePar = aPar; owning = false; }
00061   SetMaterial(aMat1,aMat2 );
00062   d1=dd1;
00063   d2=dd2;
00065   // Longitudinal Coefficients for a homogenious calo
00067   // shower max
00068   ParAveT1    = thePar->ParAveT1();   // ln (ln y -0.812)  
00069   ParAveA1    = thePar->ParAveA1();   // ln a (0.81 + (0.458 + 2.26/Z)ln y)
00070   ParAveA2    = thePar->ParAveA2();
00071   ParAveA3    = thePar->ParAveA3();
00072   // Sampling
00073   ParsAveT1   = thePar->ParsAveT1();  // T_sam = log(exp( log T_hom) + t1*Fs-1 + t2*(1-ehat));
00074   ParsAveT2   = thePar->ParsAveT2();
00075   ParsAveA1   = thePar->ParsAveA1();  
00076   // Variance of shower max sampling 
00077   ParsSigLogT1 = thePar->ParSigLogT1();    // Sigma T1 (-2.5 + 1.25 ln y)**-1 
00078   ParsSigLogT2 = thePar->ParSigLogT2();
00079   // variance of 'alpha'
00080   ParsSigLogA1 = thePar->ParSigLogA1();    // Sigma a (-0.82 + 0.79 ln y)**-1 
00081   ParsSigLogA2 = thePar->ParSigLogA2();  
00082   // correlation alpha%T
00083   ParsRho1     = thePar->ParRho1();   // Rho = 0.784 -0.023 ln y 
00084   ParsRho2     = thePar->ParRho2();
00086   // Radial Coefficients
00087   // r_C (tau)= z_1 +z_2 tau
00088   // r_t (tau)= k1 (std::exp (k3(tau -k2 ))+std::exp (k_4 (tau- k_2))))
00089   ParRC1 =   thePar->ParRC1();  // z_1 = 0.0251 + 0.00319 ln E
00090   ParRC2 =   thePar->ParRC2();
00091   ParRC3 =   thePar->ParRC3();  // z_2 = 0.1162 + - 0.000381 Z
00092   ParRC4 =   thePar->ParRC4();
00094   ParWC1 = thePar->ParWC1();
00095   ParWC2 = thePar->ParWC2();
00096   ParWC3 = thePar->ParWC3();
00097   ParWC4 = thePar->ParWC4();
00098   ParWC5 = thePar->ParWC5(); 
00099   ParWC6 = thePar->ParWC6();
00100   ParRT1 = thePar->ParRT1();
00101   ParRT2 = thePar->ParRT2();
00102   ParRT3 = thePar->ParRT3();
00103   ParRT4 = thePar->ParRT4(); 
00104   ParRT5 = thePar->ParRT5();
00105   ParRT6 = thePar->ParRT6();
00107   //additional sampling parameter
00108   ParsRC1= thePar->ParsRC1();
00109   ParsRC2= thePar->ParsRC2();
00110   ParsWC1= thePar->ParsWC1();
00111   ParsWC2=  thePar->ParsWC2(); 
00112   ParsRT1= thePar->ParsRT1();
00113   ParsRT2= thePar->ParsRT2();
00115   // Coeff for fluctuedted radial  profiles for a sampling media
00116   ParsSpotT1   = thePar->ParSpotT1();     // T_spot = T_hom =(0.698 + 0.00212)
00117   ParsSpotT2   = thePar->ParSpotT2();
00118   ParsSpotA1   = thePar->ParSpotA1();     // a_spot= a_hom (0.639 + 0.00334)
00119   ParsSpotA2   = thePar->ParSpotA2();    
00120   ParsSpotN1   = thePar->ParSpotN1();     // N_Spot 93 * ln(Z) E ** 0.876   
00121   ParsSpotN2   = thePar->ParSpotN2(); 
00122   SamplingResolution  = thePar->SamplingResolution();
00123   ConstantResolution  = thePar->ConstantResolution(); 
00124   NoiseResolution     = thePar->NoiseResolution();
00126   // Inits
00127   NSpot         = 0.00;
00128   AlphaNSpot    = 0.00;
00129   TNSpot        = 0.00;
00130   BetaNSpot     = 0.00;
00131   RadiusCore    = 0.00;
00132   WeightCore    = 0.00;
00133   RadiusTail    = 0.00;   
00134   ComputeZAX0EFFetc();
00136   G4cout << "/********************************************/ " << G4endl;
00137   G4cout << "  - GFlashSamplingShowerParameterisation::Constructor -  " << G4endl;
00138   G4cout << "/********************************************/ " << G4endl;  
00139 }
00141 // ------------------------------------------------------------
00143 GFlashSamplingShowerParameterisation::~GFlashSamplingShowerParameterisation()
00144 {
00145   if(owning) { delete thePar; }
00146 }
00148 // ------------------------------------------------------------
00150 void GFlashSamplingShowerParameterisation::
00151 SetMaterial(G4Material *mat1, G4Material *mat2)
00152 {
00153   G4double Es = 21*MeV;
00154   material1= mat1;
00155   Z1 = GetEffZ(material1);
00156   A1 = GetEffA(material1);
00157   density1 = material1->GetDensity();
00158   X01  = material1->GetRadlen();   
00159   Ec1      = 2.66 * std::pow((X01 * Z1 / A1),1.1); 
00160   Rm1 = X01*Es/Ec1;
00162   material2= mat2;
00163   Z2 = GetEffZ(material2);
00164   A2 = GetEffA(material2);
00165   density2 = material2->GetDensity();
00166   X02  = material2->GetRadlen();   
00167   Ec2      = 2.66 * std::pow((X02 * Z2 / A2),1.1); 
00168   Rm2 = X02*Es/Ec2; 
00169   // PrintMaterial(); 
00170 }
00172 // ------------------------------------------------------------
00174 void GFlashSamplingShowerParameterisation::ComputeZAX0EFFetc()
00175 {
00176   G4cout << "/************ ComputeZAX0EFFetc ************/" << G4endl;
00177   G4cout << "  - GFlashSamplingShowerParameterisation::Material -  " << G4endl;
00179   G4double Es = 21*MeV; //constant
00181   // material and geometry parameters for a sampling calorimeter
00182   G4double denominator = (d1*density1 + d2*density2);
00183   G4double W1 = (d1*density1) / denominator;
00184   G4double W2  = (d2*density2)/denominator;
00185   Zeff   = ( W1*Z2 ) + (W2*Z1);    //X0*Es/Ec;
00186   Aeff   = ( W1*A1 ) + (W2*A2);
00187   X0eff  =(1/ (( W1 / X01) +( W2 / X02))); 
00188   Rhoeff = ( (d1 *density1 ) + (d2 * density2 ))/G4double (d2  + d1  );
00189   Rmeff =  1/  ((((W1*Ec1)/ X01)   +   ((W2* Ec2)/  X02) ) / Es ) ;
00190   Eceff =  X0eff *((W1*Ec1)/ X01 + (W2* Ec2)/  X02 );      
00191   Fs =  X0eff/G4double ((d1/mm )+(d2/mm) );
00192   ehat = (1. / (1+ 0.007*(Z1- Z2)));
00194   G4cout << "W1= "  << W1 << G4endl;
00195   G4cout << "W2= " << W2 << G4endl;
00196   G4cout << "effective quantities Zeff = "<<Zeff<< G4endl;
00197   G4cout << "effective quantities Aeff = "<<Aeff<< G4endl;
00198   G4cout << "effective quantities Rhoeff = "<<Rhoeff/g *cm3<<" g/cm3"  << G4endl;
00199   G4cout << "effective quantities X0eff = "<<X0eff/cm <<" cm" << G4endl;
00201   X0eff = X0eff * Rhoeff;
00203   G4cout << "effective quantities X0eff = "<<X0eff/g*cm2 <<" g/cm2" << G4endl;  
00204   X0eff = X0eff /Rhoeff;
00205   G4cout << "effective quantities RMeff = "<<Rmeff/cm<<"  cm" << G4endl; 
00206   Rmeff = Rmeff* Rhoeff;
00207   G4cout << "effective quantities RMeff = "<<Rmeff/g *cm2<<" g/cm2" << G4endl;  
00208   Rmeff = Rmeff/ Rhoeff;
00209   G4cout << "effective quantities Eceff = "<<Eceff/MeV<< " MeV"<< G4endl;  
00210   G4cout << "effective quantities Fs = "<<Fs<<G4endl;
00211   G4cout << "effective quantities ehat = "<<ehat<<G4endl;
00212   G4cout << "/********************************************/ " <<G4endl; 
00213 }
00215 // ------------------------------------------------------------
00217 void GFlashSamplingShowerParameterisation::
00218 GenerateLongitudinalProfile(G4double Energy)
00219 {
00220   if ((material1==0) || (material2 ==0))
00221   {
00222     G4Exception("GFlashSamplingShowerParameterisation::GenerateLongitudinalProfile()",
00223                 "InvalidSetup", FatalException, "No material initialized!");
00224   }  
00225   G4double y = Energy/Eceff;
00226   ComputeLongitudinalParameters(y);  
00227   GenerateEnergyProfile(y);
00228   GenerateNSpotProfile(y);
00229 }
00231 // ------------------------------------------------------------
00233 void
00234 GFlashSamplingShowerParameterisation::ComputeLongitudinalParameters(G4double y)
00235 {
00236   AveLogTmaxh  = std::log(std::max(ParAveT1 +std::log(y),0.1));  //ok 
00237   AveLogAlphah = std::log(std::max(ParAveA1 + (ParAveA2+ParAveA3/Zeff)*std::log(y),.1)); //ok
00238   //hom  
00239   SigmaLogTmaxh  = std::min(0.5,1.00/( ParSigLogT1 + ParSigLogT2*std::log(y)) );  //ok
00240   SigmaLogAlphah = std::min(0.5,1.00/( ParSigLogA1 + ParSigLogA2*std::log(y)));  //ok
00241   Rhoh           = ParRho1+ParRho2*std::log(y);//ok
00242   // if sampling 
00243   AveLogTmax  = std::max(0.1,std::log(std::exp(AveLogTmaxh)
00244               + ParsAveT1/Fs + ParsAveT2*(1-ehat)));  //ok
00245   AveLogAlpha = std::max(0.1,std::log(std::exp(AveLogAlphah)
00246               + (ParsAveA1/Fs)));  //ok
00247   //
00248   SigmaLogTmax  = std::min(0.5,1.00/( ParsSigLogT1
00249                 + ParsSigLogT2*std::log(y)) );  //ok
00250   SigmaLogAlpha = std::min(0.5,1.00/( ParsSigLogA1
00251                 + ParsSigLogA2*std::log(y))); //ok
00252   Rho           = ParsRho1+ParsRho2*std::log(y); //ok
00253 }
00255 // ------------------------------------------------------------
00257 void GFlashSamplingShowerParameterisation::GenerateEnergyProfile(G4double /* y */)
00258 { 
00259   G4double Correlation1 = std::sqrt((1+Rho)/2);
00260   G4double Correlation2 = std::sqrt((1-Rho)/2);
00261   G4double Correlation1h = std::sqrt((1+Rhoh)/2);
00262   G4double Correlation2h = std::sqrt((1-Rhoh)/2);
00263   G4double Random1 = G4RandGauss::shoot();
00264   G4double Random2 = G4RandGauss::shoot();
00266   Tmax  = std::max(1.,std::exp( AveLogTmax  + SigmaLogTmax  *
00267   (Correlation1*Random1 + Correlation2*Random2) ));
00268   Alpha = std::max(1.1,std::exp( AveLogAlpha + SigmaLogAlpha *
00269   (Correlation1*Random1 - Correlation2*Random2) ));
00270   Beta  = (Alpha-1.00)/Tmax;
00271   //Parameters for Enenrgy Profile including correaltion and sigmas  
00272   Tmaxh  = std::exp( AveLogTmaxh  + SigmaLogTmaxh  *
00273   (Correlation1h*Random1 + Correlation2h*Random2) );  
00274   Alphah = std::exp( AveLogAlphah + SigmaLogAlphah *
00275   (Correlation1h*Random1 - Correlation2h*Random2) );
00276   Betah  = (Alphah-1.00)/Tmaxh;
00277 }
00279 // ------------------------------------------------------------
00281 void GFlashSamplingShowerParameterisation::GenerateNSpotProfile(const G4double y)
00282 {
00283   TNSpot     = Tmaxh *  (ParsSpotT1+ParsSpotT2*Zeff); //ok.
00284   TNSpot     = std::max(0.5,Tmaxh * (ParsSpotT1+ParsSpotT2*Zeff));
00285   AlphaNSpot = Alphah * (ParsSpotA1+ParsSpotA2*Zeff);     
00286   BetaNSpot  = (AlphaNSpot-1.00)/TNSpot;           // ok 
00287   NSpot      = ParsSpotN1 /SamplingResolution * std::pow(y*Eceff/GeV,ParsSpotN2 );
00288 }
00290 // ------------------------------------------------------------
00292 G4double
00293 GFlashSamplingShowerParameterisation::
00294 ApplySampling(const G4double DEne, const G4double )
00295 {
00296   G4double DEneFluctuated = DEne;
00297   G4double Resolution     = std::pow(SamplingResolution,2);
00299   //       +pow(NoiseResolution,2)/  //@@@@@@@@ FIXME 
00300   //                         Energy*(1.*MeV)+
00301   //                         pow(ConstantResolution,2)*
00302   //                          Energy/(1.*MeV);
00304   if(Resolution >0.0 && DEne > 0.00)
00305   {
00306     G4float x1=DEne/Resolution;
00307     G4float x2 = CLHEP::RandGamma::shoot(x1, 1.0)*Resolution;     
00308     DEneFluctuated=x2;
00309   }
00310   return DEneFluctuated;
00311 }
00313 // ------------------------------------------------------------
00315 G4double GFlashSamplingShowerParameterisation::
00316 IntegrateEneLongitudinal(G4double LongitudinalStep)
00317 {
00318   G4double LongitudinalStepInX0 = LongitudinalStep / X0eff;
00319   G4float x1= Betah*LongitudinalStepInX0;
00320   G4float x2= Alphah;
00321   float x3 =  gam(x1,x2);
00322   G4double DEne=x3;
00323   return DEne;
00324 }
00326 // ------------------------------------------------------------
00328 G4double GFlashSamplingShowerParameterisation::
00329 IntegrateNspLongitudinal(G4double LongitudinalStep)
00330 {
00331   G4double LongitudinalStepInX0 = LongitudinalStep / X0eff; 
00332   G4float x1 = BetaNSpot*LongitudinalStepInX0;
00333   G4float x2 = AlphaNSpot;
00334   G4float x3 =  gam(x1,x2);
00335   G4double DNsp = x3;
00336   return DNsp;
00337 }
00339 // ------------------------------------------------------------
00341 G4double GFlashSamplingShowerParameterisation::
00342 GenerateRadius(G4int ispot, G4double Energy, G4double LongitudinalPosition)
00343 {
00344   if(ispot < 1) 
00345   {
00346     // Determine lateral parameters in the middle of the step.
00347     // They depend on energy & position along step
00348     //
00349     G4double Tau = ComputeTau(LongitudinalPosition);
00350     ComputeRadialParameters(Energy,Tau);  
00351   }
00353   G4double Radius;
00354   G4double Random1 = G4UniformRand();
00355   G4double Random2 = G4UniformRand(); 
00356   if(Random1  <WeightCore) //WeightCore = p < w_i  
00357   {
00358     Radius = Rmeff * RadiusCore * std::sqrt( Random2/(1. - Random2) );
00359   }
00360   else
00361   {
00362     Radius = Rmeff * RadiusTail * std::sqrt( Random2/(1. - Random2) );
00363   }   
00364   Radius =  std::min(Radius,DBL_MAX);
00365   return Radius;
00366 }
00368 // ------------------------------------------------------------
00370 G4double
00371 GFlashSamplingShowerParameterisation::
00372 ComputeTau(G4double LongitudinalPosition)
00373 {
00374   G4double tau = LongitudinalPosition / Tmax/ X0eff     //<t> = T* a /(a - 1) 
00375                  * (Alpha-1.00) /Alpha
00376                  * std::exp(AveLogAlpha)/(std::exp(AveLogAlpha)-1.);  //ok 
00377   return tau;
00378 }
00380 // ------------------------------------------------------------
00382 void GFlashSamplingShowerParameterisation::
00383 ComputeRadialParameters(G4double Energy, G4double Tau)
00384 {
00385   G4double z1 = ParRC1 + ParRC2* std::log(Energy/GeV);         //ok
00386   G4double z2 = ParRC3+ParRC4*Zeff;                            //ok
00387   RadiusCore  =  z1 + z2 * Tau;                                //ok 
00388   G4double p1 = ParWC1+ParWC2*Zeff;                            //ok
00389   G4double p2 = ParWC3+ParWC4*Zeff;                            //ok
00390   G4double p3 = ParWC5+ParWC6*std::log(Energy/GeV);            //ok
00391   WeightCore   =  p1 * std::exp( (p2-Tau)/p3-  std::exp( (p2-Tau) /p3) ); //ok
00393   G4double k1 = ParRT1+ParRT2*Zeff;                // ok
00394   G4double k2 = ParRT3;                            // ok
00395   G4double k3 = ParRT4;                            // ok
00396   G4double k4 = ParRT5+ParRT6* std::log(Energy/GeV);    // ok
00398   RadiusTail   = k1*(std::exp(k3*(Tau-k2))
00399                + std::exp(k4*(Tau-k2)) );            //ok
00401   // sampling calorimeter  
00403   RadiusCore   = RadiusCore + ParsRC1*(1-ehat) + ParsRC2/Fs*std::exp(-Tau); //ok
00404   WeightCore   = WeightCore + (1-ehat)
00405                             * (ParsWC1+ParsWC2/Fs * std::exp(-std::pow((Tau-1.),2))); //ok
00406   RadiusTail   = RadiusTail + (1-ehat)* ParsRT1+ ParsRT2/Fs *std::exp(-Tau);     //ok  
00407 }
00409 // ------------------------------------------------------------
00411 G4double GFlashSamplingShowerParameterisation::
00412 GenerateExponential(const G4double /* Energy */ )
00413 {
00414   G4double ParExp1 =  9./7.*X0eff;
00415   G4double random  = -ParExp1*CLHEP::RandExponential::shoot() ;
00416   return random;
00417 }

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