
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //
00002 // ********************************************************************
00003 // * License and Disclaimer                                           *
00004 // *                                                                  *
00005 // * The  Geant4 software  is  copyright of the Copyright Holders  of *
00006 // * the Geant4 Collaboration.  It is provided  under  the terms  and *
00007 // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License,  included in the file *
00008 // * LICENSE and available at  http://cern.ch/geant4/license .  These *
00009 // * include a list of copyright holders.                             *
00010 // *                                                                  *
00011 // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing *
00012 // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this *
00013 // * work  make  any representation or  warranty, express or implied, *
00014 // * regarding  this  software system or assume any liability for its *
00015 // * use.  Please see the license in the file  LICENSE  and URL above *
00016 // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability.         *
00017 // *                                                                  *
00018 // * This  code  implementation is the result of  the  scientific and *
00019 // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration.                      *
00020 // * By using,  copying,  modifying or  distributing the software (or *
00021 // * any work based  on the software)  you  agree  to acknowledge its *
00022 // * use  in  resulting  scientific  publications,  and indicate your *
00023 // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license.          *
00024 // ********************************************************************
00025 //
00026 //
00027 //
00028 // class G4tgrUtils
00030 // History:
00031 // - Created.                                 P.Arce, CIEMAT (November 2007)
00032 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
00034 #include <iomanip>
00035 #include <set>
00037 #include "G4tgrUtils.hh"
00039 #include "geomdefs.hh"
00040 #include "G4PhysicalConstants.hh"
00041 #include "G4tgrParameterMgr.hh"
00042 #include "G4tgrMessenger.hh"
00043 #include "G4UnitsTable.hh"
00044 #include "G4GeometryTolerance.hh"
00045 #include "G4UIcommand.hh"
00048 G4tgrEvaluator* G4tgrUtils::theEvaluator = new G4tgrEvaluator;
00051 //-------------------------------------------------------------
00052 G4tgrUtils::G4tgrUtils()
00053 {
00054 }
00057 //-------------------------------------------------------------
00058 G4tgrUtils::~G4tgrUtils()
00059 {
00060 }
00063 //-------------------------------------------------------------
00064 G4bool G4tgrUtils::IsSeparator( const char ch)
00065 {
00066   char nonCharacters[7] = {"()+-*/"};
00067   for( size_t ii = 0; ii < 6; ii++ )
00068   {
00069     if( ch == nonCharacters[ii] )
00070     {
00071       return true;
00072     }
00073   }
00074   return false;
00075 }
00078 //-------------------------------------------------------------
00079 G4bool G4tgrUtils::IsNumber( const G4String& str)
00080 {
00081   G4int isnum = 1;
00082   G4int numE = 0;
00083   for(size_t ii=0; ii<str.length(); ii++)
00084   {
00085     if(!isdigit(str[ii]) && (str[ii]!='.') && (str[ii]!='-') && (str[ii]!='+'))
00086     {
00087       //--- check for E(xponential)
00088       if(str[ii] == 'E' || str[ii] == 'e' )
00089       {
00090         if( ii == 0 )  { return 0; }
00091         if(numE != 0 || ii == str.length()-1)
00092         {
00093           isnum = 0;
00094           break;
00095         }
00096         numE++;
00097       }
00098       else
00099       {
00100         isnum = 0; 
00101         break;
00102       }
00103     }
00104   }
00105   return isnum;
00106 }
00109 //-------------------------------------------------------------
00110 G4bool G4tgrUtils::IsInteger( const G4double val, const G4double precision )
00111 {
00112   if( G4int(val) / val - 1 > precision )
00113   { 
00114     return 0;
00115   }
00116   else
00117   { 
00118     return 1;
00119   }
00120 }
00123 //-------------------------------------------------------------
00124 void G4tgrUtils::Dump3v( const G4ThreeVector& vec, const char* msg) 
00125 {
00126   G4cout << msg << std::setprecision(8)
00127          << vec << std::setprecision(6) << G4endl;
00128 }
00131 //-------------------------------------------------------------
00132 void G4tgrUtils::Dumprm( const G4RotationMatrix& rm, const char* msg)
00133 {
00134   G4cout << msg << G4endl
00135        << " xx=" << rm.xx() << " yx=" << rm.yx() << " zx=" << rm.zx() << G4endl
00136        << " xy=" << rm.xy() << " yy=" << rm.yy() << " zy=" << rm.zy() << G4endl
00137        << " xz=" << rm.xz() << " yz=" << rm.yz() << " zz=" << rm.zz() << G4endl;
00138 }
00141 //-------------------------------------------------------------
00142 void G4tgrUtils::DumpVS( const std::vector<G4String>& wl,
00143                          const char* msg, std::ostream& outs ) 
00144 {
00145   outs << msg << G4endl;
00146   std::vector<G4String>::const_iterator ite;
00147   for( ite = wl.begin(); ite != wl.end(); ite++ )
00148   {
00149     outs << *ite << " ";
00150   }
00151   outs << G4endl;
00152 }
00155 //-------------------------------------------------------------
00156 void G4tgrUtils::DumpVS( const std::vector<G4String>& wl , const char* msg) 
00157 {
00158   DumpVS( wl, msg, G4cout);
00159 }
00162 //-------------------------------------------------------------
00163 G4String G4tgrUtils::SubColon( const G4String& str ) 
00164 {
00165   if( str.find(':') != 0 )
00166   {
00167     G4String ErrMessage = "Trying to subtract leading colon from a word\n"
00168                         + G4String("that has no leading colon: ") + str;
00169     G4Exception("G4tgrUtils::SubColon()", "ParseError",
00170                 FatalException, ErrMessage);
00171   }
00172   G4String strt = str.substr(1,str.size()-1);
00173   return strt;
00174 }
00177 //-------------------------------------------------------------
00178 G4String G4tgrUtils::GetString( const G4String& str ) 
00179 {
00180   //----------- first check if it is parameter
00181   const char* cstr = str.c_str();
00182   if( cstr[0] == '$' )
00183   {
00184 #ifdef G4VERBOSE
00185     if( G4tgrMessenger::GetVerboseLevel() >= 3 )
00186     {
00187       G4cout << " G4tgrUtils::GetString() - Substitute parameter: "
00188              << G4tgrParameterMgr::GetInstance()
00189                 ->FindParameter( str.substr(1,str.size())) << G4endl;
00190     }
00191 #endif
00192     return G4tgrParameterMgr::GetInstance()
00193            ->FindParameter( str.substr(1,str.size()) );
00194   }
00195   else
00196   {
00197     return str;
00198   }
00199 }
00202 //-------------------------------------------------------------
00203 G4double G4tgrUtils::GetDouble( const G4String& str, G4double unitval ) 
00204 {
00205 #ifdef G4VERBOSE
00206   if( G4tgrMessenger::GetVerboseLevel() >= 3 )
00207   {
00208     G4cout << "G4tgrUtils::GetDouble() - Processing: "
00209            << str << " default unit " << unitval << G4endl;
00210   }
00211 #endif
00212   if( str == "DBL_MAX" ) {
00213     return DBL_MAX;
00214   }else if( str == "DBL_MIN" ) {
00215     return DBL_MIN;
00216   }else if( str == "FLT_MAX" ) {
00217     return FLT_MAX;
00218   }else if( str == "FLT_MIN" ) {
00219     return FLT_MIN;
00220   }else if( str == "INT_MAX" ) {
00221     return INT_MAX;
00222   }else if( str == "INT_MIN" ) {
00223     return INT_MIN;
00224   }
00225   //----- Look for arithmetic symbols, (, )
00226   const char* cstr = str.c_str();
00227   std::set<G4int> separators;
00228   separators.insert(-1);
00229   G4int strlen = G4int(str.length());
00230   for(G4int ii=0; ii<strlen; ii++)
00231   {
00232     char cs = cstr[ii];
00233     if( cs == '*' || cs == '/' || cs == '(' || cs == ')' )
00234     {      
00235       separators.insert(ii);
00236     }
00237     else if( cs == '+' || cs == '-' )
00238     {
00239       // Check if it is not an exponential
00240       //
00241       if( (ii < 2)
00242        || ( (cstr[ii-1] != 'E') && (cstr[ii-1] != 'e') )
00243        || !IsNumber(cstr[ii-2]) )
00244       { 
00245         separators.insert(ii);
00246       } 
00247     } 
00248   }
00249   separators.insert(strlen);
00250   std::string strnew; // build a new word with Parameters
00251                       // and units substituted by values
00252   //----- Process words, defined as characters between two separators
00253   G4int nUnits = 0;
00254   std::set<G4int>::const_iterator site, site2;
00255   site = separators.begin();
00256   site2 = site; site2++;
00257   for( ; site2 != separators.end(); site++,site2++)
00258   {
00259 #ifdef G4VERBOSE
00260     if( G4tgrMessenger::GetVerboseLevel() >= 3 )
00261     {
00262       G4cout << "   Loop to find word between " << *site
00263              << " " << *site2 << G4endl;
00264     }
00265 #endif
00267     if( *site != -1 )  { strnew += str.substr(*site,1); }
00269     G4int wlen = (*site2)-(*site)-1;   //do not count contiguous separators
00270     std::string word;
00271     if(wlen != 0)
00272     {
00273       word = str.substr((*site)+1,(*site2)-(*site)-1);
00274     }
00275     else
00276     {
00277       //--- Check combination of separators
00278       //--- Check number of parentheses
00279       continue;
00280     }
00282 #ifdef G4VERBOSE
00283     if( G4tgrMessenger::GetVerboseLevel() >= 3 )
00284     {
00285       G4cout << "   Processing word: " << word << G4endl;
00286     }
00287 #endif
00288     //----------- first check if it is parameter
00289     const char* cword = word.c_str();
00290     if( cword[0] == '$' )
00291     {
00292       G4String parstr = G4tgrParameterMgr::GetInstance()
00293                       ->FindParameter( word.substr(1,word.size()));
00294       if( parstr.substr(0,1) == "-" )
00295       {
00296         strnew += "(";
00297       }
00298       strnew += parstr;
00299       if( parstr.substr(0,1) == "-" )
00300       {
00301         strnew += ")";
00302       }
00303 #ifdef G4VERBOSE
00304       if( G4tgrMessenger::GetVerboseLevel() >= 3 )
00305       {
00306         G4cout << " G4tgrutils::GetDouble() - Param found: "
00307                << word << " in string " << str
00308                << " , substituted by " << parstr << G4endl;
00309       }
00310 #endif
00311     }
00312     else
00313     {
00314       //----- Get if it is a number
00315       if( IsNumber(word) )
00316       {
00317         //--- left separator cannot be ')'
00318         if( (*site != -1) && (cstr[*site] == ')') )
00319         {
00320           G4String ErrMessage = "There cannot be a ')' before a number: "
00321                               + word + " in string: " + str;
00322           G4Exception("G4tgrUtils::GetDouble()", "ParseError",
00323                       FatalException, ErrMessage);
00324         }
00325         //--- right separator cannot be '('
00326         if( (*site2 != strlen) && (cstr[*site2] == '(') )
00327         {
00328           G4String ErrMessage = "There cannot be a '(' after a number: "
00329                               + word + " in string: " + str;
00330           G4Exception("G4tgrUtils::GetDouble()", "ParseError",
00331                       FatalException, ErrMessage);
00332         }
00333         strnew += word;
00335         //------ If it is an string, check if it is a unit
00336       }
00337       else
00338       {
00339         //--- First character cannot be a digit
00340         if( isdigit(word[0]) )
00341         {
00342           G4String ErrMessage = "String words cannot start with a digit: "
00343                               + word + " in string: " + str;
00344           G4Exception("G4tgrUtils::GetDouble()", "ParseError",
00345                       FatalException, ErrMessage );
00346         }
00348         //----- Check if it is a function
00349         G4bool bWordOK = false;      
00350         if( G4tgrUtils::IsFunction( word ) )
00351         {
00352           //--- It must be followed by '('
00353           if( (*site2 == strlen) || (cstr[*site2] != '(') )
00354           {
00355             G4String ErrMessage = "There must be a '(' after a function: "
00356                                 + word + " in string: " + str;
00357             G4Exception("G4tgrUtils::GetDouble()", "ParseError",
00358                         FatalException, ErrMessage );
00359           }
00360           strnew += word;
00361           bWordOK = true;      
00362         //----- Check if it is a unit      
00363         }
00364         else if( G4tgrUtils::WordIsUnit( word ) )
00365         {
00366           //--- It must be preceded by a *
00367           if( (*site == -1)
00368            || ( (cstr[*site] != '*') && (cstr[*site] != '/') ) )
00369           {
00370             G4String ErrMess = "There must be a '*' before a unit definition: "
00371                                + word + " in string " + str;
00372             G4Exception("G4tgrUtils::GetDouble()", "ParseError",
00373                         FatalException, ErrMess );
00374           }
00375           //--- check that it is indeed a CLHEP unit
00376           if( G4UnitDefinition::GetValueOf(word) != 0. )
00377           {
00378             bWordOK = true;      
00379             nUnits++;
00380             if( nUnits > 1 )
00381             {
00382               // G4String ErrMess = "There cannot be two unit definitions: "
00383               //                  + word + " in string " + str;
00384               // G4Exception("G4tgrUtils::GetDouble()", "ParseError",
00385               //             FatalException, ErrMess );
00386             }
00387             strnew += G4UIcommand::ConvertToString( G4UnitDefinition::GetValueOf(word) );
00388           }
00389         }
00390         if( !bWordOK )
00391         {
00392           G4String ErrMess = "String word is not a parameter, nor a unit\n";
00393                            + G4String("definition nor a function: ") + word
00394                            + G4String(" in string: ") + str;
00395           G4Exception("G4tgrUtils::GetDouble()", "ParseError",
00396                       FatalException, ErrMess );
00397         }
00398       }
00399     }
00400   }
00402   G4double val = theEvaluator->evaluate( strnew.c_str() );
00403   if (theEvaluator->status() != HepTool::Evaluator::OK)
00404   {
00405     theEvaluator->print_error(theEvaluator->status());
00406     G4String ErrMessage = "Evaluator error: " + strnew;
00407     G4Exception("G4tgrUtils::GetDouble()", "ParseError",
00408                 FatalException, ErrMessage );
00409   }
00411   if( nUnits == 0 )  { val *= unitval; }
00413 #ifdef G4VERBOSE
00414   if( G4tgrMessenger::GetVerboseLevel() >= 3 )
00415   {
00416     G4cout << " G4tgrUtils::GetDouble() - RESULT= " << val << G4endl
00417            << "   from string: " << str << " converted to: " << strnew.c_str()
00418            << " with unit val: " << unitval << G4endl;
00419   }
00420 #endif
00422   return val;
00423 }
00426 //-------------------------------------------------------------
00427 G4int G4tgrUtils::GetInt( const G4String& str ) 
00428 {
00429   //----- Convert it to a number (it can be a parameter)
00430   G4double val = GetDouble(str);
00432   //----- Check it is an integer
00433   if( !IsInteger(val) )
00434   {
00435     G4String ErrMessage = G4String("Trying to get the integer from a number")
00436                         + G4String(" which is not an integer ") + str;
00437     G4Exception("G4tgrUtils::GetInt()", "ParseError",
00438                 FatalException, ErrMessage );
00439   }
00440   return G4int( val );
00441 }
00444 //-------------------------------------------------------------
00445 G4bool G4tgrUtils::GetBool( const G4String& str ) 
00446 {
00447   G4bool val = false;
00449   //----------- first check that it is a not number
00450   if( (str == "ON") || (str == "TRUE")  )
00451   {
00452     val = true;
00453   }
00454   else if( (str == "OFF") || (str == "FALSE") )
00455   {
00456     val = false;
00457   }
00458   else
00459   {
00460     G4String ErrMessage = G4String("Trying to get a float from a string")
00461                         + G4String(" which is not 'ON'/'OFF'/'TRUE'/'FALSE' ")
00462                         + str;
00463     G4Exception("G4tgrUtils::GetBool()", "ParseError",
00464                 FatalException, ErrMessage );
00465   }
00467   return val;
00468 }
00471 //-------------------------------------------------------------
00472 void G4tgrUtils::CheckWLsize( const std::vector<G4String>& wl,
00473                               unsigned int nWcheck, WLSIZEtype st,
00474                               const G4String& methodName )
00475 {
00477   G4String outStr = methodName + G4String(".  Line read with number of words ");
00478   unsigned int wlsize = wl.size();
00480   G4bool isOK = CheckListSize( wlsize, nWcheck, st, outStr );
00482   if( !isOK )
00483   { 
00484     G4String chartmp = G4UIcommand::ConvertToString( G4int(nWcheck) );
00485     outStr += chartmp + G4String(" words");
00486     DumpVS( wl, outStr.c_str() );
00487     G4String ErrMessage = " NUMBER OF WORDS: "
00488                         + G4UIcommand::ConvertToString(G4int(wlsize));
00489     G4Exception("G4tgrUtils::CheckWLsize()", "ParseError",
00490                 FatalException, ErrMessage);
00491   }
00492 }
00494 //-------------------------------------------------------------
00495 G4bool G4tgrUtils::CheckListSize( unsigned int nWreal, unsigned int nWcheck,
00496                                   WLSIZEtype st, G4String& outStr )
00497 {
00498   G4bool isOK = true;
00499   switch (st)
00500   {
00501   case WLSIZE_EQ:
00502     if( nWreal != nWcheck )
00503     {
00504       isOK = false;
00505       outStr += G4String("not equal than ");
00506     }
00507     break;
00508   case WLSIZE_NE:
00509     if( nWreal == nWcheck )
00510     {
00511       isOK = false;
00512       outStr += G4String("equal than ");
00513     }
00514     break;
00515   case WLSIZE_LE:
00516     if( nWreal > nWcheck )
00517     {
00518       isOK = false;
00519       outStr += G4String("greater than ");
00520     }
00521     break;
00522   case WLSIZE_LT:
00523     if( nWreal >= nWcheck )
00524     {
00525       isOK = false;
00526       outStr += G4String("greater or equal than ");
00527     }
00528     break;
00529   case WLSIZE_GE:
00530     if( nWreal < nWcheck )
00531     {
00532       isOK = false;
00533       outStr += G4String("less than ");
00534     }
00535     break;
00536   case WLSIZE_GT:
00537     if( nWreal <= nWcheck )
00538     {
00539       isOK = false;
00540       outStr += G4String("less or equal than ");
00541     }
00542     break;
00543   default:
00544     G4cerr << " ERROR!! - G4tgrUtils::CheckListSize()" << G4endl
00545            << "           Type of WLSIZE type not found " << st << G4endl;
00546     break;
00547   }
00549   return isOK;
00550 }
00553 //-------------------------------------------------------------
00554 G4bool G4tgrUtils::WordIsUnit( const G4String& word ) 
00555 {
00556   return !IsNumber(word);
00557   if(    word == "mm"
00558       || word == "cm"
00559       || word == "m" 
00560       || word == "km"
00561       || word == "millimeter"
00562       || word == "centimeter"
00563       || word == "meter"
00564       || word == "kilometer"
00565       || word == "parsec"
00566       || word == "micrometer"
00567       || word == "nanometer"
00568       || word == "angstrom"
00569       || word == "fermi"
00570       || word == "nm"
00571       || word == "um"
00572       || word == "pc"
00573       || word == "radian"
00574       || word == "milliradian"
00575       || word == "degree"
00576       || word == "rad"
00577       || word == "mrad"
00578       || word == "deg"
00579       || word == "ns"
00580       || word == "curie"
00581       || word == "curie"   )
00582   { 
00583     return true;
00584   }
00585   else
00586   { 
00587     return false;
00588   }
00589 }
00592 //-------------------------------------------------------------
00593 G4bool G4tgrUtils::IsFunction( const G4String& word ) 
00594 {
00595   if(    word == "sin"
00596       || word == "cos"
00597       || word == "tan"
00598       || word == "asin"
00599       || word == "acos"
00600       || word == "atan"
00601       || word == "atan2"
00602       || word == "sinh"
00603       || word == "cosh"
00604       || word == "tanh"
00605       || word == "asinh"
00606       || word == "acosh"
00607       || word == "atanh"
00608       || word == "sqrt"
00609       || word == "exp"
00610       || word == "log"
00611       || word == "log10" 
00612       || word == "pow"  )
00613   { 
00614     return true;
00615   }
00616   else
00617   { 
00618     return false;
00619   }
00620 }
00623 //-------------------------------------------------------------
00624 G4RotationMatrix G4tgrUtils::GetRotationFromDirection( G4ThreeVector dir )
00625 {
00626   G4RotationMatrix rotation;
00628   if( std::fabs(dir.mag()-1.) > G4GeometryTolerance::GetInstance()
00629                               ->GetSurfaceTolerance() )
00630   {
00631     G4String WarMessage = "Direction cosines have been normalized to one.\n"
00632                         + G4String("They were normalized to ")
00633                         + G4UIcommand::ConvertToString(dir.mag());
00634     G4Exception("G4tgrUtils::GetRotationFromDirection()", "WrongArgument",
00635                 JustWarning, WarMessage);
00636     dir /= dir.mag();
00637   } 
00638   G4double angx = -std::asin(dir.y());
00640   // There are always two solutions angx, angy and PI-angx,
00641   // PI+angy, choose first
00642   //
00643   G4double angy;
00644   if( dir.y() == 1. )
00645   {
00646     angy = 0.;
00647   }
00648   else if( dir.y() == 0. )
00649   {
00650     angy = 0.;
00651   }
00652   else
00653   {
00654     angy = std::asin( dir.x()/std::sqrt(1-dir.y()*dir.y()) );
00655   }
00657   // choose between  angy and PI-angy
00658   if( dir.z() * std::cos(angx)*std::cos(angy) < 0 )
00659   {
00660     angy = pi - angy;
00661   }
00662   rotation.rotateX( angx );
00663   rotation.rotateY( angy );
00665   return rotation;
00666 }  
00669 //-------------------------------------------------------------
00670 G4bool G4tgrUtils::AreWordsEquivalent( const G4String& word1,
00671                                        const G4String& word2 )
00672 {
00673   G4bool bEqual = true;
00674   std::vector< std::pair<size_t,size_t> > stringPairs;
00675     // start of substring, number of characters
00677   //--- Get string limits between asterisks in word1
00679   size_t cStart = 0;
00680   for( ;; )
00681   {
00682     size_t cAster = word1.find("*",cStart);
00683     if( cAster != std::string::npos )
00684     {
00685       if( cAster == cStart )
00686       {
00687         if( cAster != 0 )
00688         {
00689           G4Exception("G4tgrUtils::AreWordsEquivalent()",
00690                       "A word has two asterisks together, please correct it",
00691                       FatalException,("Offending word is: " + word1).c_str() );
00692         }
00693         else
00694         {
00695           // word1 == *
00696           if(word1.size() == 1 )  { return true; }
00697         }
00698       }     
00699       if( cAster!= cStart )
00700       {
00701         stringPairs.push_back( std::pair<size_t,size_t>(cStart, cAster-cStart) );
00702       }
00703       cStart = cAster+1;
00704     }
00705     else
00706     {
00707       if( cStart == 0 )
00708       {
00709         //--- If there is no asterisk check if they are the same
00710         return word1 == word2;
00711       }
00712       break;
00713     }
00714   }
00716   //---- Add characters after last asterisk as string pair 
00717   if( cStart <= word1.length() )
00718   {
00719     if( word1.length() != cStart )
00720     {
00721       stringPairs.push_back( std::pair<size_t,size_t>(cStart,
00722                                                     word1.length()-cStart) );
00723     }
00724   }
00726   //--- If there are not asterisk, simple comparison
00727   if( stringPairs.size() == 0 )
00728   {
00729     if( word1 == word2 )
00730     {
00731       return true;
00732     }
00733     else
00734     {
00735       return false;
00736     }
00737   }
00739   //--- Find substrings in word2, in same order as in word1
00740   cStart = 0;
00741   for( size_t ii = 0; ii < stringPairs.size(); ii++ )
00742   {
00743     std::pair<size_t,size_t> spair = stringPairs[ii];
00744     size_t sFound = word2.find(word1.substr(spair.first, spair.second),cStart);
00745     if( sFound  == std::string::npos )
00746     {
00747       bEqual = false;
00748       break;
00749     }
00750     else
00751     {
00752       //---- If there is no asterisk before first character,
00753       //     the fisrt string pair found has to start at the first character
00754       if( spair.first == 0 && sFound != 0 )
00755       {
00756         bEqual = false;
00757         break;
00758         //---- If there is no asterisk after last character,
00759         //     the last string pair found has to end at the last character
00760       }
00761       else if( (spair.first+spair.second-1 == word1.length())
00762             && (sFound+spair.second-1 != word2.length()) )
00763       {
00764         bEqual = false;
00765         break;
00766       }
00767       cStart += spair.second;
00768     } 
00769   }
00771   return bEqual;
00772 }

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