
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //
00002 // ********************************************************************
00003 // * License and Disclaimer                                           *
00004 // *                                                                  *
00005 // * The  Geant4 software  is  copyright of the Copyright Holders  of *
00006 // * the Geant4 Collaboration.  It is provided  under  the terms  and *
00007 // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License,  included in the file *
00008 // * LICENSE and available at  http://cern.ch/geant4/license .  These *
00009 // * include a list of copyright holders.                             *
00010 // *                                                                  *
00011 // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing *
00012 // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this *
00013 // * work  make  any representation or  warranty, express or implied, *
00014 // * regarding  this  software system or assume any liability for its *
00015 // * use.  Please see the license in the file  LICENSE  and URL above *
00016 // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability.         *
00017 // *                                                                  *
00018 // * This  code  implementation is the result of  the  scientific and *
00019 // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration.                      *
00020 // * By using,  copying,  modifying or  distributing the software (or *
00021 // * any work based  on the software)  you  agree  to acknowledge its *
00022 // * use  in  resulting  scientific  publications,  and indicate your *
00023 // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license.          *
00024 // ********************************************************************
00025 //
00026 //
00027 // $Id$
00028 //
00029 // by I.Hrivnacova, 13.10.99
00031 #include "G3G4Interface.hh"
00032 #include "G3toG4.hh"
00033 #include "G3VolTable.hh"
00034 #include "G3toG4MakeSolid.hh"
00035 #include "G3Division.hh"
00036 #include "G4SystemOfUnits.hh"
00037 #include "G4VSolid.hh"
00039 G4bool G3NegVolPars(G4double pars[], G4int *nparpt, 
00040           G3VolTableEntry* vte, G3VolTableEntry* mvte, const char routine[]);                  
00042 void PG4gsposp(G4String *tokens){
00043   // fill the parameter containers
00044   G3fillParams(tokens,PTgsposp);
00046   // interpret the parameters
00047   G4String name = Spar[0];
00048   G4String moth = Spar[1];
00049   G4String only = Spar[2];
00050   G4int num = Ipar[0];
00051   G4int irot = Ipar[1];
00052   G4int npar = Ipar[2];
00053   // all parameters are passed to G4gsxxx methods
00054   // in G3 default units         
00055   //G4double x = Rpar[0]*cm;
00056   //G4double y = Rpar[1]*cm;
00057   //G4double z = Rpar[2]*cm;
00058   G4double x = Rpar[0];
00059   G4double y = Rpar[1];
00060   G4double z = Rpar[2];
00061   G4double *pars = &Rpar[3];
00063   G4gsposp(name, num, moth, x, y, z, irot, only, pars, npar);
00064 }
00066 void G4ProcessDaughters(G3VolTableEntry* vte)
00067 // restore negative volume parameters and create solid for all
00068 // vte daughters
00069 {
00070   if (vte->HasNegPars()) {
00071     G4cerr << " Warning:" << G4endl;
00072     G4cerr << " G4ProcessDaughters: Ignored (vte has negative parameters)." 
00073            << G4endl;
00074   }  
00075   else {  
00076     for (G4int i=0; i<vte->GetNoDaughters(); i++) {
00078       G3VolTableEntry* dvte = vte->GetDaughter(i);
00080       if (dvte->HasNegPars()) {
00081         if (dvte->GetDivision()) {
00082            // call division method for creating solid and updating
00083            // dvte parameters
00084            dvte->GetDivision()->UpdateVTE();
00085         }
00086         else {
00087           // update negative parameters
00088           G4double* pars = dvte->GetRpar();
00089           G4int     npar = dvte->GetNpar();
00090           G4bool negpars 
00091             = G3NegVolPars(pars,&npar, dvte, vte, "GSPOS");
00093           if (negpars) {
00094             G4String text = "G3NegVolPars still returns negative parameters!";
00095             G4Exception("G4ProcessDaughters()", "G3toG40019",
00096                         FatalException, text);
00097             return;
00098           }  
00100           // create solid
00101           G4bool hasNegPars;
00102           G4bool deferred;   
00103           G4bool okAxis[3];
00104           G4VSolid* solid
00105             = G3toG4MakeSolid(dvte->GetName(), dvte->GetShape(), pars, npar, 
00106                               hasNegPars, deferred, okAxis);  
00107           if (hasNegPars) {
00108             G4String text = "G3toG4MakeSolid still returns negative parameters!";
00109             G4Exception("G4ProcessDaughters()", "G3toG40020",
00110                         FatalException, text);
00111             return;
00112           }  
00114           // update dvte                          
00115           dvte->SetNRpar(npar, pars);
00116           dvte->SetSolid(solid);
00117           dvte->SetHasNegPars(hasNegPars);
00118         }
00120         // process daughters
00121         G4ProcessDaughters(dvte);  
00122       }         
00123     }
00124   }     
00125 }
00127 void G4CloneDaughters(G3VolTableEntry* vte, G3VolTableEntry* vteClone)
00128 // copy vte daughters to vteClone
00129 // (in case of daughters with negative parameters
00130 // or with divisions new clone copies have to be created)
00131 {
00132   G4int nofDaughters = vte->GetNoDaughters();
00133   if (nofDaughters>0)
00134     for (G4int id=0; id<nofDaughters; id++) {     
00135       G3VolTableEntry* dvte = vte->GetDaughter(id);
00137       if (dvte->HasNegPars() || dvte->GetDivision()){
00138         // create new dvteClone with Position/Division
00139         // and set it to vteClone       
00141         // get master of dvte
00142         G3VolTableEntry* dvteMaster = dvte->GetMasterClone();
00144         // generate vteClone name
00145         G4int cloneNo = dvteMaster->GetNoClones();
00146         char index[5]; sprintf(index,"%d",cloneNo);
00147         G4String newName = dvteMaster->GetName();
00148         newName.append(gSeparator); newName = newName + index;
00150         // create dvteClone
00151         G4String  dvteShape = dvte->GetShape();
00152         G4double* dvteRpar  = dvte->GetRpar();
00153         G4int     dvteNpar  = dvte->GetNpar();
00154         G4int     dvteNmed  = dvte->GetNmed();
00155         G4bool   hasNegPars = dvte->HasNegPars();
00156         G3VolTableEntry* dvteClone
00157           = new G3VolTableEntry(newName, dvteShape, dvteRpar, dvteNpar,
00158                                  dvteNmed, 0, hasNegPars);
00160         // let dvte master and vol table know about it
00161         G3Vol.PutVTE(dvteClone);
00162         dvteMaster->AddClone(dvteClone);
00164         // set mother daughter
00165         vteClone->AddDaughter(dvteClone);
00166         dvteClone->AddMother(vteClone);
00168         // copy positions
00169         G4int nofPositions = dvte->NPCopies();
00170         for (G4int ip=0; ip<nofPositions; ip++)
00171           dvteClone->AddG3Pos(dvte->GetG3PosCopy(ip));
00173         // copy division
00174         G3Division* dvteDivision = dvte->GetDivision();
00175         if (dvteDivision) {          
00176           G3Division* dvteCloneDivision
00177             = new G3Division(dvteClone, vteClone, *dvteDivision);
00178           dvteClone->SetDivision(dvteCloneDivision);
00179           dvteCloneDivision->UpdateVTE();
00180         }  
00182         // clone daughters recursively
00183         G4CloneDaughters(dvte, dvteClone);
00184       } 
00185       else {     
00186         // set dvte to vteClone
00187         vteClone->AddDaughter(dvte);
00188         dvte->AddMother(vteClone);
00189       } 
00190     }
00191 }
00193 void G4CreateCloneVTE(G3VolTableEntry* vte, G3VolTableEntry* mvte,
00194               G4double pars[], G4int npar, G4int num,
00195               G4double x, G4double y, G4double z, G4int irot, G4String vonly)
00196 //
00197 // create a new vte clone copy for each mother
00198 // and derive its parameters from the mother if possible
00199 {
00200    // create a G3Pos
00201    G4ThreeVector* offset = new G4ThreeVector(x*cm, y*cm, z*cm);
00202    G3Pos* aG3Pos = new G3Pos(mvte->GetName(), num, offset, irot, vonly);
00204    // loop over all mothers
00205    for (G4int i=0; i<mvte->GetNoClones(); i++) {
00206                     // mvte was retrieved from its "master" name
00207                     // -> there is no need to call GetMasterClone()
00208       G3VolTableEntry* mvteClone = mvte->GetClone(i);
00210       G4String tmpName = "TRY";
00211       G4String vteShape = vte->GetShape();
00212       G3VolTableEntry* vteClone
00213         = new G3VolTableEntry(tmpName, vteShape, pars, npar, vte->GetNmed(),
00214                                0, true);
00216       // negative parameters will be updated only 
00217       // for vteClone, pars are unchanged
00218       G4double* clonePars = vteClone->GetRpar();
00219       G4int     cloneNpar = vteClone->GetNpar();
00220       G4bool negpars
00221         = G3NegVolPars(clonePars, &cloneNpar, vteClone, mvteClone, "GSPOS");
00222       vteClone->SetHasNegPars(negpars);
00224       G3VolTableEntry* vteSameClone = 0;
00225       G4VSolid* solid = 0;
00226       if (!negpars) {
00227         // check if vteClone with the same parameters exist
00228         for (G4int ic=0; ic<vte->GetNoClones(); ic++) {
00229           G3VolTableEntry* checkClone = vte->GetClone(ic);
00230           G4int checkNpar = checkClone->GetNpar();
00231           G4double* checkPars = checkClone->GetRpar();
00233           G4bool isSame;
00234           if (checkNpar != cloneNpar) 
00235             isSame = false;
00236           else {  
00237             isSame = true;
00238             for (G4int ip=0; ip<cloneNpar; ip++) 
00239               if (checkPars[ip] != clonePars[ip]) {
00240                 isSame = false;
00241                 break;  
00242               }
00243           } 
00244           if (isSame) { vteSameClone = checkClone; break; }
00245         }
00247         if (vteSameClone) {
00248           delete vteClone;
00250           // add aG3Pos to the vteClone  
00251           vteSameClone->AddG3Pos(aG3Pos);
00252           mvteClone->AddDaughter(vteSameClone);  
00253           vteSameClone->AddMother(mvteClone);
00254         }
00255         else {
00256           // create the solid
00257           G4bool hasNegPars;
00258           G4bool deferred;
00259           G4bool okAxis[3];
00260           G4String vteName = vte->GetName();
00261           G4String cloneShape = vteClone->GetShape();
00262           solid = G3toG4MakeSolid(vteName, cloneShape, clonePars, cloneNpar,
00263                                   hasNegPars, deferred, okAxis);
00264         }                                 
00265       }
00267       if ( negpars || !(vteSameClone)) {
00268         // generate vteClone name         
00269         G4int cloneNo = vte->GetNoClones();
00270         char index[5]; sprintf(index,"%d",cloneNo);
00271         G4String newName = vte->GetName();
00272         newName.append(gSeparator); newName = newName + index;
00274         // update vteClone
00275         vteClone->SetName(newName);
00276         vteClone->SetSolid(solid);
00277         vteClone->SetHasNegPars(negpars);
00279         // let vte and vol table know about it
00280         G3Vol.PutVTE(vteClone);
00281         vte->AddClone(vteClone);
00283         // add aG3Pos to the vteClone  
00284         vteClone->AddG3Pos(aG3Pos);
00285         mvteClone->AddDaughter(vteClone);
00286         vteClone->AddMother(mvteClone);
00288         // copy all daughters
00289         G4CloneDaughters(vte, vteClone);
00291         // retrieve daughters parameters
00292         if (!negpars) G4ProcessDaughters(vteClone);
00293       }
00294   }
00295 }
00297 void G4gsposp(G4String vname, G4int num, G4String vmoth, G4double x,
00298               G4double y, G4double z, G4int irot, G4String vonly,
00299               G4double pars[], G4int npar)
00300 {
00301   // find VTEs
00302   G3VolTableEntry* vte = G3Vol.GetVTE(vname);
00303   G3VolTableEntry* mvte = G3Vol.GetVTE(vmoth);
00305   if (vte == 0) {
00306     G4String err_message1 = "G4gsposp: '" + vname + "' has no VolTableEntry";
00307     G4Exception("G4psposp()", "G3toG40021", FatalException, err_message1);
00308     return;
00309   } 
00310   if (mvte == 0) {
00311     G4String err_message2 = "G4gsposp: '" + vmoth + "' has no VolTableEntry";
00312     G4Exception("G4psposp()", "G3toG40022", FatalException, err_message2);
00313     return;
00314   } 
00315   else { 
00316     // a new vte clone copy is created for each mother (clone copy)  
00317     // and its parameters are derived from it if possible
00319     G4CreateCloneVTE(vte, mvte, pars, npar, num, x, y, z, irot, vonly);
00320   }
00321 }

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