
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //
00002 // ********************************************************************
00003 // * License and Disclaimer                                           *
00004 // *                                                                  *
00005 // * The  Geant4 software  is  copyright of the Copyright Holders  of *
00006 // * the Geant4 Collaboration.  It is provided  under  the terms  and *
00007 // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License,  included in the file *
00008 // * LICENSE and available at  http://cern.ch/geant4/license .  These *
00009 // * include a list of copyright holders.                             *
00010 // *                                                                  *
00011 // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing *
00012 // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this *
00013 // * work  make  any representation or  warranty, express or implied, *
00014 // * regarding  this  software system or assume any liability for its *
00015 // * use.  Please see the license in the file  LICENSE  and URL above *
00016 // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability.         *
00017 // *                                                                  *
00018 // * This  code  implementation is the result of  the  scientific and *
00019 // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration.                      *
00020 // * By using,  copying,  modifying or  distributing the software (or *
00021 // * any work based  on the software)  you  agree  to acknowledge its *
00022 // * use  in  resulting  scientific  publications,  and indicate your *
00023 // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license.          *
00024 // ********************************************************************
00025 //
00026 //
00027 // $Id$
00029 // /vis/scene commands - John Allison  9th August 1998
00031 #include "G4VisCommandsScene.hh"
00033 #include "G4VisManager.hh"
00034 #include "G4TransportationManager.hh"
00035 #include "G4RunManager.hh"
00036 #include "G4Run.hh"
00037 #include "G4PhysicalVolumeModel.hh"
00038 #include "G4ApplicationState.hh"
00039 #include "G4UImanager.hh"
00040 #include "G4UIcommand.hh"
00041 #include "G4UIcmdWithAString.hh"
00042 #include "G4ios.hh"
00043 #include <sstream>
00045 G4VVisCommandScene::G4VVisCommandScene () {}
00047 G4VVisCommandScene::~G4VVisCommandScene () {}
00049 G4String G4VVisCommandScene::CurrentSceneName () {
00050   const G4Scene* pScene = fpVisManager -> GetCurrentScene ();
00051   G4String currentSceneName = "none";
00052   if (pScene) currentSceneName = pScene -> GetName ();
00053   return currentSceneName;
00054 }
00058 G4VisCommandSceneActivateModel::G4VisCommandSceneActivateModel () {
00059   G4bool omitable;
00060   fpCommand = new G4UIcommand ("/vis/scene/activateModel", this);
00061   fpCommand -> SetGuidance
00062     ("Activate or de-activate model.");
00063   fpCommand -> SetGuidance
00064     ("Attempts to match search string to name of model - use unique sub-string.");
00065   fpCommand -> SetGuidance
00066     ("Use \"/vis/scene/list\" to see model names.");
00067   fpCommand -> SetGuidance
00068     ("If name == \"all\" (default), all models are activated.");
00069   G4UIparameter* parameter;
00070   parameter = new G4UIparameter ("search-string", 's', omitable = true);
00071   parameter -> SetDefaultValue ("all");
00072   fpCommand -> SetParameter (parameter);
00073   parameter = new G4UIparameter ("activate", 'b', omitable = true);
00074   parameter -> SetDefaultValue (true);
00075   fpCommand -> SetParameter (parameter);
00076 }
00078 G4VisCommandSceneActivateModel::~G4VisCommandSceneActivateModel () {
00079   delete fpCommand;
00080 }
00082 G4String G4VisCommandSceneActivateModel::GetCurrentValue(G4UIcommand*) {
00083   return "";
00084 }
00086 void G4VisCommandSceneActivateModel::SetNewValue (G4UIcommand*,
00087                                                      G4String newValue) {
00089   G4VisManager::Verbosity verbosity = fpVisManager->GetVerbosity();
00091   G4String searchString, activateString;
00092   std::istringstream is (newValue);
00093   is >> searchString >> activateString;
00094   G4bool activate = G4UIcommand::ConvertToBool(activateString);
00096   G4Scene* pScene = fpVisManager->GetCurrentScene();
00097   if (!pScene) {
00098     if (verbosity >= G4VisManager::errors) {
00099       G4cout << "ERROR: No current scene.  Please create one." << G4endl;
00100     }
00101     return;
00102   }
00104   G4VSceneHandler* pSceneHandler = fpVisManager->GetCurrentSceneHandler();
00105   if (!pSceneHandler) {
00106     if (verbosity >= G4VisManager::errors) {
00107       G4cout << "ERROR: No current sceneHandler.  Please create one." << G4endl;
00108     }
00109     return;
00110   }
00112   if (searchString == "all" && !activate) {
00113     if (verbosity >= G4VisManager::warnings) {
00114       G4cout <<
00115         "WARNING: You are not allowed to de-activate all models."
00116         "\n  Command ignored."
00117              << G4endl;
00118     }
00119     return;
00120   }
00122   G4bool any = false;
00124   std::vector<G4Scene::Model>& runDurationModelList =
00125     pScene->SetRunDurationModelList();
00126   for (size_t i = 0; i < runDurationModelList.size(); i++) {
00127     const G4String& modelName =
00128       runDurationModelList[i].fpModel->GetGlobalDescription();
00129     if (searchString == "all" || modelName.find(searchString)
00130         != std::string::npos) {
00131       any = true;
00132       runDurationModelList[i].fActive = activate;
00133       if (verbosity >= G4VisManager::warnings) {
00134         G4cout << "Model \"" << modelName;
00135         if (activate) G4cout << "\" activated.";
00136         else  G4cout << "\" de-activated.";
00137         G4cout << G4endl;
00138       }
00139     }
00140   }
00142   std::vector<G4Scene::Model>& endOfEventModelList =
00143     pScene->SetEndOfEventModelList();
00144   for (size_t i = 0; i < endOfEventModelList.size(); i++) {
00145     const G4String& modelName =
00146       endOfEventModelList[i].fpModel->GetGlobalDescription();
00147     if (searchString == "all" || modelName.find(searchString)
00148         != std::string::npos) {
00149       any = true;
00150       endOfEventModelList[i].fActive = activate;
00151       if (verbosity >= G4VisManager::warnings) {
00152         G4cout << "Model \"" << modelName;
00153         if (activate) G4cout << "\" activated.";
00154         else  G4cout << "\" de-activated.";
00155         G4cout << G4endl;
00156       }
00157     }
00158   }
00160   std::vector<G4Scene::Model>& endOfRunModelList =
00161     pScene->SetEndOfRunModelList();
00162   for (size_t i = 0; i < endOfRunModelList.size(); i++) {
00163     const G4String& modelName =
00164       endOfRunModelList[i].fpModel->GetGlobalDescription();
00165     if (searchString == "all" || modelName.find(searchString)
00166         != std::string::npos) {
00167       any = true;
00168       endOfRunModelList[i].fActive = activate;
00169       if (verbosity >= G4VisManager::warnings) {
00170         G4cout << "Model \"" << modelName;
00171         if (activate) G4cout << "\" activated.";
00172         else  G4cout << "\" de-activated.";
00173         G4cout << G4endl;
00174       }
00175     }
00176   }
00178   if (!any) {
00179     if (verbosity >= G4VisManager::warnings) {
00180       G4cout << "WARNING: No match found." << G4endl;
00181     }
00182     return;
00183   }
00185   const G4String& currentSceneName = pScene -> GetName ();
00186   UpdateVisManagerScene (currentSceneName);
00187 }
00191 G4VisCommandSceneCreate::G4VisCommandSceneCreate (): fId (0) {
00192   G4bool omitable;
00193   fpCommand = new G4UIcmdWithAString ("/vis/scene/create", this);
00194   fpCommand -> SetGuidance
00195     ("Creates an empty scene.");
00196   fpCommand -> SetGuidance
00197     ("Invents a name if not supplied.  This scene becomes current.");
00198   fpCommand -> SetParameterName ("scene-name", omitable = true);
00199 }
00201 G4VisCommandSceneCreate::~G4VisCommandSceneCreate () {
00202   delete fpCommand;
00203 }
00205 G4String G4VisCommandSceneCreate::NextName () {
00206   std::ostringstream oss;
00207   oss << "scene-" << fId;
00208   return oss.str();
00209 }
00211 G4String G4VisCommandSceneCreate::GetCurrentValue (G4UIcommand*) {
00212   return "";
00213 }
00215 void G4VisCommandSceneCreate::SetNewValue (G4UIcommand*, G4String newValue) {
00217   G4VisManager::Verbosity verbosity = fpVisManager->GetVerbosity();
00219   G4String& newName = newValue;
00220   G4String nextName = NextName ();
00222   if (newName == "") {
00223     newName = nextName;
00224   }
00225   if (newName == nextName) fId++;
00227   G4SceneList& sceneList = fpVisManager -> SetSceneList ();
00228   G4int iScene, nScenes = sceneList.size ();
00229   for (iScene = 0; iScene < nScenes; iScene++) {
00230     if (sceneList [iScene] -> GetName () == newName) break;
00231   }
00232   if (iScene < nScenes) {
00233     if (verbosity >= G4VisManager::warnings) {
00234       G4cout << "WARNING: Scene \"" << newName << "\" already exists."
00235              << "\n  New scene not created."
00236              << G4endl;
00237     }
00238   } else {
00240     // Add empty scene data object to list...
00241     G4Scene* pScene = new G4Scene (newName);
00242     sceneList.push_back (pScene);
00243     fpVisManager -> SetCurrentScene (pScene);
00245     if (verbosity >= G4VisManager::confirmations) {
00246       G4cout << "New empty scene \"" << newName << "\" created." << G4endl;
00247     }
00248   }
00249 }
00253 G4VisCommandSceneEndOfEventAction::G4VisCommandSceneEndOfEventAction () {
00254   G4bool omitable;
00255   fpCommand = new G4UIcommand ("/vis/scene/endOfEventAction", this);
00256   fpCommand -> SetGuidance
00257     ("Accumulate or refresh the viewer for each new event.");
00258   fpCommand -> SetGuidance
00259     ("\"accumulate\": viewer accumulates hits, etc., event by event, or");
00260   fpCommand -> SetGuidance
00261     ("\"refresh\": viewer shows them at end of event or, for direct-screen"
00262      "\n  viewers, refreshes the screen just before drawing the next event.");
00263   G4UIparameter* parameter;
00264   parameter = new G4UIparameter ("action", 's', omitable = true);
00265   parameter -> SetParameterCandidates ("accumulate refresh");
00266   parameter -> SetDefaultValue ("refresh");
00267   fpCommand -> SetParameter (parameter);
00268   parameter = new G4UIparameter ("maxNumber", 'i', omitable = true);
00269   parameter -> SetDefaultValue (100);
00270   parameter -> SetGuidance
00271   ("Maximum number of events kept.  Unlimited if negative.");
00272   fpCommand -> SetParameter (parameter);
00273 }
00275 G4VisCommandSceneEndOfEventAction::~G4VisCommandSceneEndOfEventAction () {
00276   delete fpCommand;
00277 }
00279 G4String G4VisCommandSceneEndOfEventAction::GetCurrentValue(G4UIcommand*) {
00280   return "";
00281 }
00283 void G4VisCommandSceneEndOfEventAction::SetNewValue (G4UIcommand*,
00284                                                      G4String newValue) {
00286   G4VisManager::Verbosity verbosity = fpVisManager->GetVerbosity();
00288   G4String action;
00289   G4int maxNumberOfKeptEvents;
00290   std::istringstream is (newValue);
00291   is >> action >> maxNumberOfKeptEvents;
00293   G4Scene* pScene = fpVisManager->GetCurrentScene();
00294   if (!pScene) {
00295     if (verbosity >= G4VisManager::errors) {
00296       G4cout << "ERROR: No current scene.  Please create one." << G4endl;
00297     }
00298     return;
00299   }
00301   G4VSceneHandler* pSceneHandler = fpVisManager->GetCurrentSceneHandler();
00302   if (!pSceneHandler) {
00303     if (verbosity >= G4VisManager::errors) {
00304       G4cout << "ERROR: No current sceneHandler.  Please create one." << G4endl;
00305     }
00306     return;
00307   }
00309   if (action == "accumulate") {
00310     pScene->SetRefreshAtEndOfEvent(false);
00311     pScene->SetMaxNumberOfKeptEvents(maxNumberOfKeptEvents);
00312   }
00313   else if (action == "refresh") {
00314     if (!pScene->GetRefreshAtEndOfRun()) {
00315       if (verbosity >= G4VisManager::errors) {
00316         G4cout <<
00317           "ERROR: Cannot refresh events unless runs refresh too."
00318           "\n  Use \"/vis/scene/endOfRun refresh\"."
00319                << G4endl;
00320       }
00321     } else {
00322       pScene->SetRefreshAtEndOfEvent(true);
00323       pSceneHandler->SetMarkForClearingTransientStore(true);
00324     }
00325   }
00326   else {
00327     if (verbosity >= G4VisManager::errors) {
00328       G4cout <<
00329         "ERROR: unrecognised parameter \"" << action << "\"."
00330              << G4endl;
00331     }
00332     return;
00333   }
00335   // Change of transients behaviour, so...
00336   fpVisManager->ResetTransientsDrawnFlags();
00338   // Are there any events currently kept...
00339   size_t nCurrentlyKept = 0;
00340   G4RunManager* runManager = G4RunManager::GetRunManager();
00341   if (runManager) {
00342     const G4Run* currentRun = runManager->GetCurrentRun();
00343     if (currentRun) {
00344       const std::vector<const G4Event*>* events =
00345         currentRun->GetEventVector();
00346       if (events) nCurrentlyKept = events->size();
00347     }
00348   }
00350   if (verbosity >= G4VisManager::confirmations) {
00351     G4cout << "End of event action set to ";
00352     if (pScene->GetRefreshAtEndOfEvent()) G4cout << "\"refresh\".";
00353     else {
00354       G4cout << "\"accumulate\"."
00355         "\n  Maximum number of events to be kept: "
00356              << maxNumberOfKeptEvents
00357              << " (unlimited if negative)."
00358         "\n  This may be changed with, e.g., "
00359         "\"/vis/scene/endOfEventAction accumulate 1000\".";
00360     }
00361     G4cout << G4endl;
00362   }
00364   if (!pScene->GetRefreshAtEndOfEvent() &&
00365       maxNumberOfKeptEvents != 0 &&
00366       verbosity >= G4VisManager::warnings) {
00367     G4cout << "WARNING: ";
00368     if (nCurrentlyKept) {
00369       G4cout <<
00370         "\n  There are currently " << nCurrentlyKept
00371              << " events kept for refreshing and/or reviewing.";
00372     } else {
00373       G4cout << "The vis manager will keep ";
00374       if (maxNumberOfKeptEvents < 0) G4cout << "an unlimited number of";
00375       else G4cout << "up to " << maxNumberOfKeptEvents;
00376       G4cout << " events.";
00377       if (maxNumberOfKeptEvents > 1 || maxNumberOfKeptEvents < 0)
00378         G4cout <<
00379           "\n  This may use a lot of memory."
00380           "\n  It may be changed with, e.g., "
00381           "\"/vis/scene/endOfEventAction accumulate 10\".";
00382     }
00383     G4cout << G4endl;
00384   }
00385 }
00389 G4VisCommandSceneEndOfRunAction::G4VisCommandSceneEndOfRunAction () {
00390   G4bool omitable;
00391   fpCommand = new G4UIcmdWithAString ("/vis/scene/endOfRunAction", this);
00392   fpCommand -> SetGuidance
00393     ("Accumulate or refresh the viewer for each new run.");
00394   fpCommand -> SetGuidance
00395     ("\"accumulate\": viewer accumulates hits, etc., run by run, or");
00396   fpCommand -> SetGuidance
00397     ("\"refresh\": viewer shows them at end of run or, for direct-screen"
00398      "\n  viewers, refreshes the screen just before drawing the first"
00399      "\n  event of the next run.");
00400   fpCommand -> SetGuidance ("The detector remains or is redrawn.");
00401   fpCommand -> SetParameterName ("action", omitable = true);
00402   fpCommand -> SetCandidates ("accumulate refresh");
00403   fpCommand -> SetDefaultValue ("refresh");
00404 }
00406 G4VisCommandSceneEndOfRunAction::~G4VisCommandSceneEndOfRunAction () {
00407   delete fpCommand;
00408 }
00410 G4String G4VisCommandSceneEndOfRunAction::GetCurrentValue(G4UIcommand*) {
00411   return "";
00412 }
00414 void G4VisCommandSceneEndOfRunAction::SetNewValue (G4UIcommand*,
00415                                                      G4String newValue) {
00417   G4VisManager::Verbosity verbosity = fpVisManager->GetVerbosity();
00419   G4String action;
00420   std::istringstream is (newValue);
00421   is >> action;
00423   G4Scene* pScene = fpVisManager->GetCurrentScene();
00424   if (!pScene) {
00425     if (verbosity >= G4VisManager::errors) {
00426       G4cout << "ERROR: No current scene.  Please create one." << G4endl;
00427     }
00428     return;
00429   }
00431   G4VSceneHandler* pSceneHandler = fpVisManager->GetCurrentSceneHandler();
00432   if (!pSceneHandler) {
00433     if (verbosity >= G4VisManager::errors) {
00434       G4cout << "ERROR: No current sceneHandler.  Please create one." << G4endl;
00435     }
00436     return;
00437   }
00439   if (action == "accumulate") {
00440     if (pScene->GetRefreshAtEndOfEvent()) {
00441       if (verbosity >= G4VisManager::errors) {
00442         G4cout <<
00443           "ERROR: Cannot accumulate runs unless events accumulate too."
00444           "\n  Use \"/vis/scene/endOfEventAction accumulate\"."
00445                << G4endl;
00446       }
00447     }
00448     else {
00449       pScene->SetRefreshAtEndOfRun(false);
00450     }
00451   }
00452   else if (action == "refresh") {
00453     pScene->SetRefreshAtEndOfRun(true);
00454     pSceneHandler->SetMarkForClearingTransientStore(true);
00455   }
00456   else {
00457     if (verbosity >= G4VisManager::errors) {
00458       G4cout <<
00459         "ERROR: unrecognised parameter \"" << action << "\"."
00460              << G4endl;
00461     }
00462     return;
00463   }
00465   // Change of transients behaviour, so...
00466   fpVisManager->ResetTransientsDrawnFlags();
00468   if (verbosity >= G4VisManager::confirmations) {
00469     G4cout << "End of run action set to \"";
00470     if (pScene->GetRefreshAtEndOfRun()) G4cout << "refresh";
00471     else G4cout << "accumulate";
00472     G4cout << "\"" << G4endl;
00473   }
00474 }
00478 G4VisCommandSceneList::G4VisCommandSceneList () {
00479   G4bool omitable;
00480   fpCommand = new G4UIcommand ("/vis/scene/list", this);
00481   fpCommand -> SetGuidance ("Lists scene(s).");
00482   fpCommand -> SetGuidance
00483     ("\"help /vis/verbose\" for definition of verbosity.");
00484   G4UIparameter* parameter;
00485   parameter = new G4UIparameter ("scene-name", 's', omitable = true);
00486   parameter -> SetDefaultValue ("all");
00487   fpCommand -> SetParameter (parameter);
00488   parameter = new G4UIparameter ("verbosity", 's', omitable = true);
00489   parameter -> SetDefaultValue ("warnings");
00490   fpCommand -> SetParameter (parameter);
00491 }
00493 G4VisCommandSceneList::~G4VisCommandSceneList () {
00494   delete fpCommand;
00495 }
00497 G4String G4VisCommandSceneList::GetCurrentValue (G4UIcommand*) {
00498   return "";
00499 }
00501 void G4VisCommandSceneList::SetNewValue (G4UIcommand*, G4String newValue) {
00502   G4String name, verbosityString;
00503   std::istringstream is (newValue);
00504   is >> name >> verbosityString;
00505   G4VisManager::Verbosity verbosity =
00506     fpVisManager->GetVerbosityValue(verbosityString);
00507   const G4Scene* currentScene = fpVisManager -> GetCurrentScene ();
00508   G4String currentName;
00509   if (currentScene) currentName = currentScene->GetName();
00511   G4SceneList& sceneList = fpVisManager -> SetSceneList ();
00512   G4int iScene, nScenes = sceneList.size ();
00513   G4bool found = false;
00514   for (iScene = 0; iScene < nScenes; iScene++) {
00515     G4Scene* pScene = sceneList [iScene];
00516     const G4String& iName = pScene -> GetName ();
00517     if (name != "all") {
00518       if (name != iName) continue;
00519     }
00520     found = true;
00521     if (iName == currentName) {
00522       G4cout << "  (current)";
00523     }
00524     else {
00525       G4cout << "           ";
00526     }
00527     G4cout << " scene \"" << iName << "\"";
00528     if (verbosity >= G4VisManager::warnings) {
00529       G4int i;
00530       G4cout << "\n  Run-duration models:";
00531       G4int nRunModels = pScene -> GetRunDurationModelList ().size ();
00532       if (nRunModels == 0) {
00533         G4cout << " none.";
00534       }
00535       for (i = 0; i < nRunModels; i++) {
00536         if (pScene -> GetRunDurationModelList()[i].fActive)
00537           G4cout << "\n   Active:   ";
00538         else G4cout << "\n   Inactive: ";
00539         G4VModel* pModel = pScene -> GetRunDurationModelList()[i].fpModel;
00540         G4cout << pModel -> GetGlobalDescription ();
00541       }
00542       G4cout << "\n  End-of-event models:";
00543       G4int nEOEModels = pScene -> GetEndOfEventModelList ().size ();
00544       if (nEOEModels == 0) {
00545         G4cout << " none.";
00546       }
00547       for (i = 0; i < nEOEModels; i++) {
00548         if (pScene -> GetEndOfEventModelList()[i].fActive)
00549           G4cout << "\n   Active:   ";
00550         else G4cout << "\n   Inactive: ";
00551         G4VModel* pModel = pScene -> GetEndOfEventModelList()[i].fpModel;
00552         G4cout << pModel -> GetGlobalDescription ();
00553       }
00554       G4cout << "\n  End-of-run models:";
00555       G4int nEORModels = pScene -> GetEndOfRunModelList ().size ();
00556       if (nEORModels == 0) {
00557         G4cout << " none.";
00558       }
00559       for (i = 0; i < nEORModels; i++) {
00560         if (pScene -> GetEndOfRunModelList()[i].fActive)
00561           G4cout << "\n   Active:   ";
00562         else G4cout << "\n   Inactive: ";
00563         G4VModel* pModel = pScene -> GetEndOfRunModelList()[i].fpModel;
00564         G4cout << pModel -> GetGlobalDescription ();
00565       }
00566     }
00567     if (verbosity >= G4VisManager::parameters) {
00568       G4cout << "\n  " << *sceneList [iScene];
00569     }
00570     G4cout << G4endl;
00571   }
00572   if (!found) {
00573     G4cout << "No scenes found";
00574     if (name != "all") {
00575       G4cout << " of name \"" << name << "\"";
00576     }
00577     G4cout << "." << G4endl;
00578   }
00579 }
00583 G4VisCommandSceneNotifyHandlers::G4VisCommandSceneNotifyHandlers () {
00584   G4bool omitable;
00585   fpCommand = new G4UIcommand ("/vis/scene/notifyHandlers", this);
00586   fpCommand -> SetGuidance
00587     ("Notifies scene handlers and forces re-rendering.");
00588   fpCommand -> SetGuidance
00589     ("Notifies the handler(s) of the specified scene and forces a"
00590      "\nreconstruction of any graphical databases."
00591      "\nClears and refreshes all viewers of current scene."
00592      "\n  The default action \"refresh\" does not issue \"update\" (see"
00593      "\n    /vis/viewer/update)."
00594      "\nIf \"flush\" is specified, it issues an \"update\" as well as"
00595      "\n  \"refresh\" - \"update\" and initiates post-processing"
00596      "\n  for graphics systems which need it.");
00597   fpCommand -> SetGuidance 
00598     ("The default for <scene-name> is the current scene name.");
00599   fpCommand -> SetGuidance
00600     ("This command does not change current scene, scene handler or viewer.");
00601   G4UIparameter* parameter;
00602   parameter = new G4UIparameter ("scene-name", 's',
00603                                  omitable = true);
00604   parameter -> SetCurrentAsDefault(true);
00605   fpCommand -> SetParameter (parameter);
00606   parameter = new G4UIparameter ("refresh-flush", 's',
00607                                  omitable = true);
00608   parameter -> SetDefaultValue("refresh");
00609   parameter -> SetParameterCandidates("r refresh f flush");
00610   fpCommand -> SetParameter (parameter);
00611 }
00613 G4VisCommandSceneNotifyHandlers::~G4VisCommandSceneNotifyHandlers () {
00614   delete fpCommand;
00615 }
00617 G4String G4VisCommandSceneNotifyHandlers::GetCurrentValue(G4UIcommand*) {
00618   return CurrentSceneName ();
00619 }
00621 void G4VisCommandSceneNotifyHandlers::SetNewValue (G4UIcommand*,
00622                                                    G4String newValue) {
00624   G4VisManager::Verbosity verbosity = fpVisManager->GetVerbosity();
00626   G4String sceneName, refresh_flush;
00627   std::istringstream is (newValue);
00628   is >> sceneName >> refresh_flush;
00629   G4bool flush = false;
00630   if (refresh_flush(0) == 'f') flush = true;
00632   const G4SceneList& sceneList = fpVisManager -> GetSceneList ();
00633   G4SceneHandlerList& sceneHandlerList =
00634     fpVisManager -> SetAvailableSceneHandlers ();
00636   // Check scene name.
00637   const G4int nScenes = sceneList.size ();
00638   G4int iScene;
00639   for (iScene = 0; iScene < nScenes; iScene++) {
00640     G4Scene* scene = sceneList [iScene];
00641     if (sceneName == scene -> GetName ()) break;
00642   }
00643   if (iScene >= nScenes ) {
00644     if (verbosity >= G4VisManager::warnings) {
00645       G4cout << "WARNING: Scene \"" << sceneName << "\" not found."
00646         "\n  /vis/scene/list to see scenes."
00647              << G4endl;
00648     }
00649     return;
00650   }
00652   // Store current context...
00653   G4VSceneHandler* pCurrentSceneHandler =
00654     fpVisManager -> GetCurrentSceneHandler();
00655   if (!pCurrentSceneHandler) {
00656     if (verbosity >= G4VisManager::warnings) {
00657       G4cout << "WARNING: No current scene handler."
00658              << G4endl;
00659     }
00660     return;
00661   }
00662   G4VViewer* pCurrentViewer = fpVisManager -> GetCurrentViewer();
00663   if (!pCurrentViewer) {
00664     if (verbosity >= G4VisManager::warnings) {
00665       G4cout << "WARNING: No current viewer."
00666              << G4endl;
00667     }
00668     return;
00669   }
00670   G4Scene* pCurrentScene = fpVisManager -> GetCurrentScene();
00671   if (!pCurrentScene) {
00672     if (verbosity >= G4VisManager::warnings) {
00673       G4cout << "WARNING: No current scene."
00674              << G4endl;
00675     }
00676     return;
00677   }
00679   G4VisManager::Verbosity currentVerbosity = fpVisManager -> GetVerbosity();
00681   // Suppress messages during this process (only print errors)...
00682   //fpVisManager -> SetVerboseLevel(G4VisManager::errors);
00684   // For each scene handler, if it contains the scene, clear and
00685   // rebuild the graphical database, then for each viewer set (make
00686   // current), clear, (re)draw, and show.
00687   const G4int nSceneHandlers = sceneHandlerList.size ();
00688   for (G4int iSH = 0; iSH < nSceneHandlers; iSH++) {
00689     G4VSceneHandler* aSceneHandler = sceneHandlerList [iSH];
00690     G4Scene* aScene = aSceneHandler -> GetScene ();
00691     if (aScene) {
00692       const G4String& aSceneName = aScene -> GetName ();
00693       if (sceneName == aSceneName) {
00694         aScene->CalculateExtent();  // Check and recalculate extent
00695         G4ViewerList& viewerList = aSceneHandler -> SetViewerList ();
00696         const G4int nViewers = viewerList.size ();
00697         for (G4int iV = 0; iV < nViewers; iV++) {
00698           G4VViewer* aViewer = viewerList [iV];
00699           // Force rebuild of graphical database, if any.
00700           aViewer -> NeedKernelVisit();
00701           if (aViewer->GetViewParameters().IsAutoRefresh()) {
00702             aSceneHandler -> SetCurrentViewer (aViewer);
00703             // Ensure consistency of vis manager...
00704             fpVisManager -> SetCurrentViewer(aViewer);
00705             fpVisManager -> SetCurrentSceneHandler(aSceneHandler);
00706             fpVisManager -> SetCurrentScene(aScene);
00707             aViewer -> SetView ();
00708             aViewer -> ClearView ();
00709             aViewer -> DrawView ();
00710             if (flush) aViewer -> ShowView ();
00711             if (verbosity >= G4VisManager::confirmations) {
00712               G4cout << "Viewer \"" << aViewer -> GetName ()
00713                      << "\" of scene handler \"" << aSceneHandler -> GetName ()
00714                      << "\"\n  ";
00715               if (flush) G4cout << "flushed";
00716               else G4cout << "refreshed";
00717               G4cout << " at request of scene \"" << sceneName
00718                      << "\"." << G4endl;
00719             }
00720           } else {
00721             if (verbosity >= G4VisManager::confirmations) {
00722               G4cout << "NOTE: The scene, \""
00723                      << sceneName
00724                      << "\", of viewer \""
00725                      << aViewer -> GetName ()
00726                      << "\"\n  of scene handler \""
00727                      << aSceneHandler -> GetName ()
00728                      << "\"  has changed.  To see effect,"
00729                      << "\n  \"/vis/viewer/select "
00730                      << aViewer -> GetShortName ()
00731                      << "\" and \"/vis/viewer/rebuild\"."
00732                      << G4endl;
00733             }
00734           }
00735         }
00736       }
00737     }
00738     else {
00739       if (verbosity >= G4VisManager::warnings) {
00740         G4cout << "WARNING: G4VisCommandSceneNotifyHandlers: scene handler \""
00741                << aSceneHandler->GetName()
00742                << "\" has a null scene."
00743                << G4endl;
00744       }
00745     }
00746   }
00748   // Reclaim original context - but set viewer first, then scene
00749   // handler, because the latter might have been created very recently
00750   // and, not yet having a viewer, the current viewer will,
00751   // temporarily, refer to another scene handler.  SetCurrentViewer
00752   // actually resets the scene handler, which is what we don't want,
00753   // so we set it again on the next line...
00754   fpVisManager -> SetCurrentViewer(pCurrentViewer);
00755   fpVisManager -> SetCurrentSceneHandler(pCurrentSceneHandler);
00756   fpVisManager -> SetCurrentScene(pCurrentScene);
00757   fpVisManager -> SetVerboseLevel(currentVerbosity);
00758   // Take care of special case of scene handler with no viewer yet.  
00759   if (pCurrentSceneHandler) {
00760     G4ViewerList& viewerList = pCurrentSceneHandler -> SetViewerList ();
00761     const G4int nViewers = viewerList.size ();
00762     if (nViewers) {
00763       pCurrentSceneHandler -> SetCurrentViewer (pCurrentViewer);
00764       if (pCurrentViewer && pCurrentSceneHandler->GetScene()) {
00765         pCurrentViewer -> SetView ();
00766       }
00767     }
00768   }
00769 }
00773 G4VisCommandSceneSelect::G4VisCommandSceneSelect () {
00774   G4bool omitable;
00775   fpCommand = new G4UIcmdWithAString ("/vis/scene/select", this);
00776   fpCommand -> SetGuidance ("Selects a scene");
00777   fpCommand -> SetGuidance 
00778     ("Makes the scene current.  \"/vis/scene/list\" to see"
00779      "\n possible scene names.");
00780   fpCommand -> SetParameterName ("scene-name", omitable = false);
00781 }
00783 G4VisCommandSceneSelect::~G4VisCommandSceneSelect () {
00784   delete fpCommand;
00785 }
00787 G4String G4VisCommandSceneSelect::GetCurrentValue (G4UIcommand*) {
00788   return "";
00789 }
00791 void G4VisCommandSceneSelect::SetNewValue (G4UIcommand*, G4String newValue) {
00793   G4VisManager::Verbosity verbosity = fpVisManager->GetVerbosity();
00795   G4String& selectName = newValue;
00796   G4SceneList& sceneList = fpVisManager -> SetSceneList ();
00797   G4int iScene, nScenes = sceneList.size ();
00798   for (iScene = 0; iScene < nScenes; iScene++) {
00799     if (sceneList [iScene] -> GetName () == selectName) break;
00800   }
00801   if (iScene >= nScenes) {
00802     if (verbosity >= G4VisManager::warnings) {
00803       G4cout << "WARNING: Scene \"" << selectName
00804              << "\" not found - \"/vis/scene/list\" to see possibilities."
00805              << G4endl;
00806     }
00807     return;
00808   }
00810   if (verbosity >= G4VisManager::confirmations) {
00811     G4cout << "Scene \"" << selectName
00812            << "\" selected." << G4endl;
00813   }
00814   UpdateVisManagerScene (selectName);
00815 }

Generated on Mon May 27 17:50:15 2013 for Geant4 by  doxygen 1.4.7