
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //
00002 // ********************************************************************
00003 // * License and Disclaimer                                           *
00004 // *                                                                  *
00005 // * The  Geant4 software  is  copyright of the Copyright Holders  of *
00006 // * the Geant4 Collaboration.  It is provided  under  the terms  and *
00007 // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License,  included in the file *
00008 // * LICENSE and available at  http://cern.ch/geant4/license .  These *
00009 // * include a list of copyright holders.                             *
00010 // *                                                                  *
00011 // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing *
00012 // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this *
00013 // * work  make  any representation or  warranty, express or implied, *
00014 // * regarding  this  software system or assume any liability for its *
00015 // * use.  Please see the license in the file  LICENSE  and URL above *
00016 // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability.         *
00017 // *                                                                  *
00018 // * This  code  implementation is the result of  the  scientific and *
00019 // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration.                      *
00020 // * By using,  copying,  modifying or  distributing the software (or *
00021 // * any work based  on the software)  you  agree  to acknowledge its *
00022 // * use  in  resulting  scientific  publications,  and indicate your *
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00024 // ********************************************************************
00025 //
00026 //
00027 // $Id$
00028 //
00029 // 
00030 // ------------------------------------------------------------
00031 //      GEANT 4 class header file 
00032 //
00033 //
00034 // ------------------------------------------------------------
00035 //   Implemented for the new scheme                23 Mar. 1998  H.Kurahige
00036 //
00037 // Class Description 
00038 //  This class is the abstract class for ParticleChange.
00039 //-
00040 //  The ParticleChange class ontains the results after invocation 
00041 //  of a physics process. This includes final states of parent
00042 //  particle (momentum, energy, etc) and secondary particles generated 
00043 //  by the interaction.
00044 //  The tracking assumes that all the values of energy and
00045 //  momentum are in global reference system, therefore all the
00046 //  needed Lorentz transformations must have been already Done
00047 //  when filling the data-members of this class.
00048 //-
00049 //-
00050 //   This abstract class has following four virtual methods
00051 //     virtual G4Step* UpdateStepForAtRest(G4Step* Step);
00052 //     virtual G4Step* UpdateStepForAlongStep(G4Step* Step);
00053 //     virtual G4Step* UpdateStepForPostStep(G4Step* Step);
00054 //     virtual void Initialize(const G4Track&);
00055 //   The UpdateStep methods return the pointer to the G4Step 
00056 //   after updating the given Step information by using final state 
00057 //   information of the track given by a physics process.    
00058 //   User must add methods to keep the final state information 
00059 //   in his derived class as well as implement UpdateStep methods 
00060 //   which he want to use.
00061 //-
00062 //   The Initialize methods is provided to refresh the final 
00063 //   state information and should be called by each process 
00064 //   at the beginning of DoIt.
00065 //   
00066 // ------------------------------------------------------------
00067 //   Implement Event Biasing Scheme   9 Nov.,98 H.Kurashige
00068 //   add CheckIt                    13  Apr.,99 H.Kurashige
00069 //   add accuracy leveles            5  May, 99 H.Kurashige
00070 //   add check secondaries          11  June, 03 H.Kurashige
00071 //   add new methods of ProposeXXX  08  May, 04 H.Kurashige  
00072 //   remove obsolete methods of SetXXX  19  Sep, 04 H.Kurashige  
00073 //   add flag for first/last step in volume 30 Oct. 2006 H.Kurashige
00074 //   add nonIonizingEnergyLoss          26 Mar 2007 H.Kurashige 
00075 //   modify/fix bugs related to weight  17 Sep. 2011   H.Kurashige 
00076 //   fix bugs related to weight         29 Apr. 2012   H.Kurashige
00077 //
00079 #ifndef G4VParticleChange_h
00080 #define G4VParticleChange_h 1
00082 #include "globals.hh"
00083 #include "G4ios.hh"
00084 #include <cmath>
00086 class G4Track;
00087 class G4Step;
00089 #include "G4TrackFastVector.hh"
00090 #include "G4TrackStatus.hh"
00091 #include "G4SteppingControl.hh"
00094 class G4VParticleChange 
00095 {
00096   public:
00097     // default constructor
00098     G4VParticleChange();
00100     // destructor
00101     virtual ~G4VParticleChange();
00103     // equal/unequal operator
00104     G4bool operator==(const G4VParticleChange &right) const;
00105     G4bool operator!=(const G4VParticleChange &right) const;
00106     // "equal" means that teo objects have the same pointer.
00108   protected:
00109     // hide copy constructor and assignment operaor as protected
00110     G4VParticleChange(const G4VParticleChange &right);
00111     G4VParticleChange & operator=(const G4VParticleChange &right);
00113   public: // with description
00114     // --- the following methods are for updating G4Step -----   
00115     virtual G4Step* UpdateStepForAtRest(G4Step* Step);
00116     virtual G4Step* UpdateStepForAlongStep(G4Step* Step);
00117     virtual G4Step* UpdateStepForPostStep(G4Step* Step);
00118     // Return the pointer to the G4Step after updating the Step information
00119     // by using final state information of the track given by a physics
00120     // process    
00122   protected: // with description
00123     G4Step* UpdateStepInfo(G4Step* Step);
00124     //  Update the G4Step specific attributes 
00125     //  (i.e. SteppingControl, LocalEnergyDeposit, and TrueStepLength)
00128   public: // with description
00129     virtual void Initialize(const G4Track&);
00130     // This methods will be called by each process at the beginning of DoIt
00131     // if necessary.
00133   protected:
00134     void InitializeTrueStepLength(const G4Track&);
00135     void InitializeLocalEnergyDeposit(const G4Track&);
00136     void InitializeSteppingControl(const G4Track&);
00137     void InitializeParentWeight(const G4Track&);
00138     void InitializeParentGlobalTime(const G4Track&);
00140     void InitializeStatusChange(const G4Track&);
00141     void InitializeSecondaries(const G4Track&);
00142     void InitializeStepInVolumeFlags(const G4Track&);
00143    // ------------------------------------------------------   
00145   public: // with description
00146     //---- the following methods are for TruePathLength ----
00147     G4double GetTrueStepLength() const;
00148     void  ProposeTrueStepLength(G4double truePathLength);
00149     //  Get/Propose theTrueStepLength
00151     //---- the following methods are for LocalEnergyDeposit ----   
00152     G4double GetLocalEnergyDeposit() const;
00153     void ProposeLocalEnergyDeposit(G4double anEnergyPart);
00154     //  Get/Propose the locally deposited energy 
00156     //---- the following methods are for nonIonizingEnergyDeposit  ----   
00157     G4double GetNonIonizingEnergyDeposit() const;
00158     void ProposeNonIonizingEnergyDeposit(G4double anEnergyPart);
00159     //  Get/Propose the non-ionizing deposited energy 
00161     //---- the following methods are for TrackStatus -----   
00162     G4TrackStatus GetTrackStatus() const;
00163     void ProposeTrackStatus(G4TrackStatus status); 
00164     //  Get/Propose the final TrackStatus of the current particle.
00165     // ------------------------------------------------------   
00167     //---- the following methods are for managements of SteppingControl --
00168     G4SteppingControl GetSteppingControl() const;
00169     void ProposeSteppingControl(G4SteppingControl StepControlFlag);
00170     //  Set/Propose a flag to control stepping manager behavier 
00171     // ------------------------------------------------------   
00173     //---- the following methods are for managements of initial/last step
00174     G4bool GetFirstStepInVolume() const;
00175     G4bool GetLastStepInVolume() const;
00176     void   ProposeFirstStepInVolume(G4bool flag);
00177     void   ProposeLastStepInVolume(G4bool flag);
00179     //---- the following methods are for managements of secondaries --
00180     void Clear();
00181     //  Clear the contents of this objects 
00182     //  This method should be called after the Tracking(Stepping) 
00183     //  manager removes all secondaries in theListOfSecondaries 
00185     void SetNumberOfSecondaries(G4int totSecondaries);
00186     //  SetNumberOfSecondaries must be called just before AddSecondary()
00187     //  in order to secure memory space for theListOfSecondaries 
00188     //  This method resets theNumberOfSecondaries to 0
00189     //  (that will be incremented at every AddSecondary() call).
00191     G4int GetNumberOfSecondaries() const;
00192     //  Returns the number of secondaries current stored in
00193     //  G4TrackFastVector.
00195     G4Track* GetSecondary(G4int anIndex) const;
00196     //  Returns the pointer to the generated secondary particle
00197     //  which is specified by an Index.
00199     void AddSecondary(G4Track* aSecondary);
00200     //  Add a secondary particle to theListOfSecondaries.
00201     // ------------------------------------------------------   
00203     G4double GetWeight() const;
00204     G4double GetParentWeight() const ;
00205     //  Get weight of the parent (i.e. current) track
00206     void ProposeWeight(G4double finalWeight);
00207     void ProposeParentWeight(G4double finalWeight);
00208     //  Propse new weight of the parent (i.e. current) track
00209     //  As for AlongStepDoIt, the parent weight will be set 
00210     //  in accumulated manner
00211     //  i.e.) If two processes propose weight of W1 and W2 respectively
00212     //  for the track with initial weight of W0 
00213     //  the final weight is set to
00214     //  (W1/W0) * (W2/W0) * W0  
00216     void     SetSecondaryWeightByProcess(G4bool);
00217     G4bool   IsSecondaryWeightSetByProcess() const;  
00218     // In default (fSecondaryWeightByProcess flag is false), 
00219     // the weight of secondary tracks will be set to 
00220     // the parent weight
00221     // If fSecondaryWeightByProcess flag is true, 
00222     // the weight of secondary tracks will not be changed 
00223     // by the ParticleChange
00224     // (i.e. the process determine the secodary weight)
00225     // NOTE: 
00226     // Make sure that only one processe in AlongStepDoIt 
00227     // proposes the parent weight, 
00228     // If several processes in AlongStepDoIt proposes 
00229     // the parent weight and add secondaties with 
00230     // fSecondaryWeightByProcess is set to false, 
00231     // secondary weights may be wrong
00233     void   SetParentWeightByProcess(G4bool);
00234     G4bool   IsParentWeightSetByProcess() const;  
00235     // Obsolete
00237     virtual void DumpInfo() const;
00238     //  Print out information
00240     void SetVerboseLevel(G4int vLevel);
00241     G4int GetVerboseLevel() const;
00243   protected:
00245     G4TrackFastVector* theListOfSecondaries;
00246     //  The vector of secondaries.
00248     G4int theNumberOfSecondaries;
00249     //  The total number of secondaries produced by each process.
00251     G4int theSizeOftheListOfSecondaries;
00252     //  TheSizeOftheListOfSecondaries;
00254     G4TrackStatus theStatusChange;
00255     //  The changed (final) track status of a given particle.
00257     G4SteppingControl theSteppingControlFlag;     
00258     //  a flag to control stepping manager behavior 
00260     G4double theLocalEnergyDeposit;
00261     //  It represents the part of the energy lost for discrete
00262     //  or semi-continuous processes which is due to secondaries
00263     //  not generated because they would have been below their cut
00264     //  threshold.
00265     //  The sum of the locally deposited energy + the delta-energy
00266     //  coming from the continuous processes gives the
00267     //  total energy loss localized in the current Step.
00269     G4double theNonIonizingEnergyDeposit;
00270     //   non-ionizing energu deposit is defined as 
00271     //   a part of local energy deposit, which does not cause
00272     //   ionization of atoms
00274     G4double theTrueStepLength;
00275     //  The value of "True" Step Length
00278     G4bool theFirstStepInVolume;
00279     G4bool theLastStepInVolume;
00280     // flag for initial/last step
00282     G4double theParentWeight;
00283     // Weight ofparent track
00284     G4bool isParentWeightProposed;
00285     // flags for Weight ofparent track
00286     G4bool   fSetSecondaryWeightByProcess;  
00287     //  flag for setting weight of secondaries  
00289     G4double theParentGlobalTime;
00290     // global time of the parent. 
00291     // This is used only for checking
00293     G4int verboseLevel;
00294     //  The Verbose level
00296   public: // with description
00297     // CheckIt method is provided for debug
00298     virtual G4bool CheckIt(const G4Track&);
00300     // CheckIt method is activated 
00301     // if debug flag is set and 'G4VERBOSE' is defined 
00302     void   ClearDebugFlag();
00303     void   SetDebugFlag();
00304     G4bool GetDebugFlag() const; 
00306   protected:
00307     // CheckSecondary method is provided for debug
00308     G4bool CheckSecondary(G4Track&);
00310     G4double GetAccuracyForWarning() const;
00311     G4double GetAccuracyForException() const;
00313   protected: 
00314     G4bool   debugFlag;
00316     // accuracy levels
00317     static const G4double accuracyForWarning;
00318     static const G4double accuracyForException; 
00321 };
00323 #include "G4Step.hh"
00324 #include "G4Track.hh"
00325 #include "G4VParticleChange.icc"
00327 #endif

Generated on Mon May 27 17:50:18 2013 for Geant4 by  doxygen 1.4.7