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00001 //
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00025 //
00026 // $Id$
00027 //
00028 // --------------------------------------------------------------
00029 //
00030 // File name:     G4VLowEnergyDiscretePhotonProcess.hh
00031 //
00032 // Author:        Capra Riccardo
00033 //
00034 // Creation date: May 2005
00035 //
00036 // History:
00037 // -----------
00038 // 02 May 2005  R. Capra         1st implementation
00039 // 20 May 2005  MGP              Modified protected member functions to return a const pointer
00040 //
00041 //----------------------------------------------------------------
00045 #ifndef   G4VLowEnergyDiscretePhotonProcess_hh
00046 #define  G4VLowEnergyDiscretePhotonProcess_hh
00048 // Base class
00049 #include "G4VLowEnergyTestableDiscreteProcess.hh"
00051 // Forward declaration
00052 class G4String;
00053 class G4ParticleDefinition;
00054 class G4DynamicParticle;
00055 class G4Track;
00056 class G4VCrossSectionHandler;
00057 class G4VEMDataSet;
00058 class G4VDataSetAlgorithm;
00060 // G4VLowEnergyDiscretePhotonProcess
00061 // A common class for Rayleigh and Compton processes
00062 class G4VLowEnergyDiscretePhotonProcess : public G4VLowEnergyTestableDiscreteProcess
00063 {
00064 public:
00065   //   Class constructor
00066   //
00067   //   Creates crossSectionHandler and scatterFunctionData
00068   //   scatterFunctionData are loaded from the scatterFile file, and are interpolated with scatterInterpolation algorithm
00069   //   processName The name of the process
00070   //   aCrossSectionFileName The name of the cross-section data file
00071   //   aScatterFileName The name of the scatter function data
00072   //   aScatterInterpolation The interpolation algorithm
00073   //   aLowEnergyLimit The lower energy limit of validity against data
00074   //   aHighEnergyLimit The higher energy limit of validity against data
00075   G4VLowEnergyDiscretePhotonProcess(const G4String& processName, 
00076                                     const G4String& aCrossSectionFileName, 
00077                                     const G4String& aScatterFileName, 
00078                                     G4VDataSetAlgorithm* aScatterInterpolation, 
00079                                     G4double aLowEnergyLimit, 
00080                                     G4double aHighEnergyLimit);
00082   //   Class destructor
00083   //
00084   //        Deletes crossSectionHandler, meanFreePathTable and scatterFunctionData
00085   virtual ~G4VLowEnergyDiscretePhotonProcess(void);
00089   //   Checks if the process is applicable to the particle
00090   //
00091   //   For processes inheriting from this class the only applicable particle is the photon
00092   //   particleDefinition Is the particle to be checked for the applicability of the process
00093   //   true only if the particle is a photon
00094   virtual G4bool IsApplicable(const G4ParticleDefinition& particleDefinition);
00096   //   Updates the crossSectionHandler and builds the meanFreePathTable from it
00097   //
00098   //        crossSectionHandler data is loaded from crossSectionFile file
00099   //   photon particle is always a photon
00100   virtual void BuildPhysicsTable(const G4ParticleDefinition& photon);
00104   //   Returns the low energy limit of the process
00105   //   The low energy limit of the process
00106   inline G4double GetLowEnergyLimit(void) const {return lowEnergyLimit;}
00108   //   Returns the high energy limit of the process
00109   //   The high energy limit of the process
00110   inline G4double GetHighEnergyLimit(void) const {return highEnergyLimit;}
00114 protected:
00115   //   Evaluates the process mean free path
00116   //
00117   //    Mean free path evaluation is based on meanFreePathTable generated by the crossSectionHandler with data taken from the crossSectionFile.
00118   //   The method uses lowEnergyLimit and highEnergyLimit
00119   //   aTrack the particle momentum for which the mean free path must be evaluates (a photon)
00120   //   previousStepSize the size of the prevous step (not used by this implementation)
00121   //   condition the consition to be updated (not used by this implementation)
00122   //   The mean free path for the process
00123   virtual G4double GetMeanFreePath(const G4Track &aTrack, 
00124                                    G4double previousStepSize, 
00125                                    G4ForceCondition* condition);
00127   //   Returns the cross-section handler
00128   //   The cross-section handler
00129   inline const G4VCrossSectionHandler* GetCrossSectionHandler(void) const {return crossSectionHandler;}
00131   //   Returns the mean free path table
00132   //   The mean free path table
00133   inline const G4VEMDataSet* GetMeanFreePathTable(void) const {return meanFreePathTable;}
00135   //   Returns the scatter function data
00136   //   The scatter function data
00137   inline const G4VEMDataSet* GetScatterFunctionData(void) const {return scatterFunctionData;}
00141   //   Verifies if the polarization vector is orthonormal to the photon direction
00142   //
00143   //        This method is used by polarized processes. It returns always a vector orthonormal to the photon direction.
00144   //        When G4DynamicParticle::GetPolarization() is well defined the returned vector matches this vector.
00145   //        When G4DynamicParticle::GetPolarization() is sensibly different from a null-vector, the returned vector is
00146   //        orthonormal to the photon direction and on the plane made with G4DynamicParticle::GetPolarization()
00147   //        When G4DynamicParticle::GetPolarization() is almost a null-vector, the returned vector is a random
00148   //        vector orthonormal to the photon direction
00149   //   photon The incoming photon
00150   //  s Always a vector ortogonal to the photon direction.
00151   G4ThreeVector GetPhotonPolarization(const G4DynamicParticle& photon);
00155 private:
00157   //   Hides copy constructor
00158   G4VLowEnergyDiscretePhotonProcess(const G4VLowEnergyDiscretePhotonProcess& );
00160   //   Hides assignment operator
00161   G4VLowEnergyDiscretePhotonProcess& operator=(const G4VLowEnergyDiscretePhotonProcess& );
00163   //   Low energy limit
00164   G4double lowEnergyLimit;
00166   //   High energy limit
00167   G4double highEnergyLimit;
00169   //   Cross-section file name
00170   G4String crossSectionFileName;
00172   //   Cross-section handler
00173   G4VCrossSectionHandler* crossSectionHandler;
00175   //   The mean free path table based on cross-section data
00176   G4VEMDataSet* meanFreePathTable;
00178   //   Scatter function table
00179   G4VEMDataSet* scatterFunctionData;
00180 };
00182 #endif /* G4VLowEnergyDiscretePhotonProcess_hh */

Generated on Mon May 27 17:50:17 2013 for Geant4 by  doxygen 1.4.7