
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //
00002 // ********************************************************************
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00011 // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing *
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00024 // ********************************************************************
00025 //
00026 // $Id: G4StokesVector.cc 69847 2013-05-16 09:36:18Z gcosmo $
00027 //
00028 // GEANT4 Class file
00029 //
00030 //
00031 // File name:     G4StokesVector
00032 //
00033 // Author:        Andreas Schaelicke
00034 //
00035 // Creation date: 01.05.2005
00036 //
00037 // Modifications:
00038 //
00039 // Class Description:
00040 //
00041 // Provides Stokesvector representation employed in polarized 
00042 // processes.
00043 //
00044 #include "G4StokesVector.hh"
00045 #include "G4PolarizationHelper.hh"
00046 #include "G4PhysicalConstants.hh"
00047 #include "Randomize.hh"
00049 const G4StokesVector G4StokesVector::ZERO=G4ThreeVector(0.,0.,0.);
00050 const G4StokesVector G4StokesVector::P1=G4ThreeVector(1.,0.,0.);
00051 const G4StokesVector G4StokesVector::P2=G4ThreeVector(0.,1.,0.);
00052 const G4StokesVector G4StokesVector::P3=G4ThreeVector(0.,0.,1.);
00053 const G4StokesVector G4StokesVector::M1=G4ThreeVector(-1.,0.,0.);
00054 const G4StokesVector G4StokesVector::M2=G4ThreeVector(0.,-1.,0.);
00055 const G4StokesVector G4StokesVector::M3=G4ThreeVector(0.,0.,-1.);
00057 G4StokesVector::G4StokesVector()
00058   : G4ThreeVector(),isPhoton(false)
00059 {
00060 }
00062 G4StokesVector::G4StokesVector(const G4ThreeVector & v)
00063   : G4ThreeVector(v),isPhoton(false)
00064 {
00065 }
00067 G4StokesVector::~G4StokesVector()
00068 {
00069 }
00071 void G4StokesVector::RotateAz(G4ThreeVector nInteractionFrame, 
00072                               G4ThreeVector particleDirection) 
00073 {
00074   G4ThreeVector  yParticleFrame = 
00075     G4PolarizationHelper::GetParticleFrameY(particleDirection);
00078   G4double cosphi=yParticleFrame*nInteractionFrame;
00079   if (cosphi>(1.+1.e-8) || cosphi<(-1.-1.e-8)) {
00080     G4cout<<" warning G4StokesVector::RotateAz  cosphi>1 or cosphi<-1\n"
00081           <<" cosphi="<<cosphi<<"\n"
00082           <<" zAxis="<<particleDirection<<" ("<<particleDirection.mag()<<")\n"
00083           <<" yAxis="<<yParticleFrame<<" ("<<yParticleFrame.mag()<<")\n"
00084           <<" nAxis="<<nInteractionFrame<<" ("
00085           <<nInteractionFrame.mag()<<")"<<G4endl;
00086   }
00087   if (cosphi>1.) cosphi=1.;
00088   else if (cosphi<-1.) cosphi=-1.;
00090 //     G4cout<<" cosphi="<<cosphi<<"\n"
00091 //        <<" zAxis="<<particleDirection<<" ("<<particleDirection.mag()<<")\n"
00092 //        <<" yAxis="<<yParticleFrame<<" ("<<yParticleFrame.mag()<<","<<(yParticleFrame*particleDirection)<<")\n"
00093 //        <<" nAxis="<<nInteractionFrame<<" ("
00094 //        <<nInteractionFrame.mag()<<")"<<G4endl;
00096   //  G4double hel=sgn(cross(yParticleFrame*nInteractionFrame)*zInteractionFrame);
00097   // Why not particleDirection instead of zInteractionFrame ???!!!
00098   // -> is the same, since SYSIN is called with p1, and p2 as first parameter!
00099   G4double hel=(yParticleFrame.cross(nInteractionFrame)*particleDirection)>0?1.:-1.;
00101   G4double sinphi=hel*std::sqrt(1.-cosphi*cosphi);
00102   //  G4cout<<" sin2 + cos2 -1 = "<<(sinphi*sinphi+cosphi*cosphi-1)<<"\n";
00104   RotateAz(cosphi,sinphi);
00105 }
00108 void G4StokesVector::InvRotateAz(G4ThreeVector nInteractionFrame, 
00109                                  G4ThreeVector particleDirection)
00110 {
00111   // note if incomming particle is on z-axis, 
00112   // we might encounter some nummerical problems, since
00113   // nInteratonFrame and yParticleFrame are actually (almost) the same momentum
00114   // and the normalization is only good to 10^-12 !
00116   G4ThreeVector  yParticleFrame = 
00117     G4PolarizationHelper::GetParticleFrameY(particleDirection);
00118   G4double cosphi=yParticleFrame*nInteractionFrame;
00120   if (cosphi>1.+1.e-8 || cosphi<-1.-1.e-8) {
00121         G4cout<<" warning G4StokesVector::RotateAz  cosphi>1 or cosphi<-1\n";
00122   }
00123   if (cosphi>1) cosphi=1.;
00124   else if (cosphi<-1)cosphi=-1.;
00126   // check sign once more!
00127   G4double hel=(yParticleFrame.cross(nInteractionFrame)*particleDirection)>0?1.:-1.;
00128   G4double sinphi=hel*std::sqrt(std::fabs(1.-cosphi*cosphi));
00129   RotateAz(cosphi,-sinphi);
00130 }
00132 void G4StokesVector::RotateAz(G4double cosphi, G4double sinphi) 
00133 {
00134   if (!isPhoton) {
00135     G4double xsi1=  cosphi*p1() + sinphi*p2();
00136     G4double xsi2= -sinphi*p1() + cosphi*p2();
00137     setX(xsi1);
00138     setY(xsi2);
00139     return;
00140   }
00142   G4double sin2phi=2.*cosphi*sinphi;
00143   G4double cos2phi=cosphi*cosphi-sinphi*sinphi;
00145   G4double xsi1=  cos2phi*p1() + sin2phi*p2();
00146   G4double xsi2= -sin2phi*p1() + cos2phi*p2();
00147   setX(xsi1);
00148   setY(xsi2);
00149 }
00151 G4double G4StokesVector::GetBeta() 
00152 {
00153   G4double bet=getPhi();
00154   if (isPhoton) { bet *= 0.5; }
00155   return bet;
00156 }
00158 void G4StokesVector::DiceUniform() 
00159 {
00160   G4double costheta=2.*G4UniformRand()-1.;
00161   G4double sintheta=std::sqrt(1.-costheta*costheta);
00162   G4double aphi     =2.*pi*G4UniformRand();
00163   setX(std::sin(aphi)*sintheta);
00164   setY(std::cos(aphi)*sintheta);
00165   setZ(costheta);
00166 }
00168 void G4StokesVector::DiceP1() 
00169 {
00170   if (G4UniformRand()>0.5) setX(1.);
00171   else setX(-1.);
00172   setY(0.);
00173   setZ(0.);
00174 }
00176 void G4StokesVector::DiceP2() 
00177 {
00178   setX(0.);
00179   if (G4UniformRand()>0.5) setY(1.);
00180   else setY(-1.);
00181   setZ(0.);
00182 }
00184 void G4StokesVector::DiceP3() 
00185 {
00186   setX(0.);
00187   setY(0.);
00188   if (G4UniformRand()>0.5) setZ(1.);
00189   else setZ(-1.);
00190 }
00192 void G4StokesVector::FlipP3() 
00193 {
00194   setZ(-z());
00195 }
00197 G4ThreeVector G4StokesVector::PolError(const G4StokesVector & sum2, long n)
00198 {
00199   // delta x = sqrt[ ( <x^2> - <x>^2 )/(n-1) ]
00200   G4StokesVector mean=(1./n)*(*this);
00201   return G4StokesVector((1./(n-1.)*((1./n)*sum2 - mean.PolSqr()))).PolSqrt();
00202 }
00204 G4ThreeVector G4StokesVector::PolDiv(const G4StokesVector & b)
00205   {return G4ThreeVector(b.x()!=0. ? x()/b.x() : 11111.,
00206                         b.y()!=0. ? y()/b.y() : 11111., 
00207                         b.z()!=0. ? z()/b.z() : 11111.);}

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