
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //
00002 // ********************************************************************
00003 // * License and Disclaimer                                           *
00004 // *                                                                  *
00005 // * The  Geant4 software  is  copyright of the Copyright Holders  of *
00006 // * the Geant4 Collaboration.  It is provided  under  the terms  and *
00007 // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License,  included in the file *
00008 // * LICENSE and available at  http://cern.ch/geant4/license .  These *
00009 // * include a list of copyright holders.                             *
00010 // *                                                                  *
00011 // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing *
00012 // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this *
00013 // * work  make  any representation or  warranty, express or implied, *
00014 // * regarding  this  software system or assume any liability for its *
00015 // * use.  Please see the license in the file  LICENSE  and URL above *
00016 // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability.         *
00017 // *                                                                  *
00018 // * This  code  implementation is the result of  the  scientific and *
00019 // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration.                      *
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00024 // ********************************************************************
00025 //
00026 //
00027 // $Id$
00028 //
00029 //      ---------------- G4QContent ----------------
00030 //             by Mikhail Kossov, Sept 1999.
00031 //      class for Quasmon initiated Contents used by CHIPS Model
00032 // --------------------------------------------------------------------
00033 // Short description: This is the basic class of the CHIPS model. It
00034 // describes the quark content of the Quasmon, which is a generalized
00035 // hadronic state. All Quasmons are bags, characterized by the quark
00036 // Content (QContent), but the spin is not fixed and only light (u,d,s)
00037 // quarks are considered (SU(3)). The hadrons are the ground states for
00038 // the corresponding quasmons. The Chipolino (G4QChipolino) or nuclear
00039 // cluster are examples for another Quark Content.
00040 // --------------------------------------------------------------------
00041 // @@ In future total spin & c,b,t of the Hadron can be added @@ M.K.@@
00042 // --------------------------------------------------------------------
00044 //#define debug
00045 //#define pdebug
00046 //#define ppdebug
00047 //#define erdebug
00049 #include "G4QContent.hh"
00050 #include <cmath>
00051 using namespace std;
00053 // Constructors
00055 // Initialize by  the full quark content
00056 G4QContent::G4QContent(G4int d, G4int u, G4int s_value, G4int ad, G4int au, G4int as):
00057   nD(d),nU(u),nS(s_value),nAD(ad),nAU(au),nAS(as)
00058 {
00059   // Bug report 1131 identifies conditional to have no effect.
00060   // Remove it. 
00061   // D.H. Wright 11 November 2010 
00062   /*
00063   if(d<0||u<0||s_value<0||ad<0||au<0||as<0)
00064   {
00065 #ifdef erdebug
00066     G4cerr<<"***G4QContent:"<<d<<","<<u<<","<<s_value<<","<<ad<<","<<au<<","<<as<<G4endl;
00067 #endif
00068     if(d<0) ad-=d;
00069     if(u<0) au-=u;
00070     if(s_value<0) as-=s_value;
00071     if(ad<0) d-=ad;
00072     if(au<0) u-=au;
00073     if(as<0) s_value-=as;
00074   }
00075   */
00076 }
00078 // Initialize by a pair of partons
00079 G4QContent::G4QContent(std::pair<G4int,G4int> PP): nD(0),nU(0),nS(0),nAD(0),nAU(0),nAS(0)
00080 {
00081   G4int P1=PP.first;
00082   G4int P2=PP.second;
00083   if(!P1 || !P2)
00084   {
00085     // G4cerr<<"***G4QContent::Constr(pair): Zero parton P1="<<P1<<", P2="<<P2<<G4endl;
00086     // G4Exception("G4QContent::Constructor(pair):","72",FatalException,"WrongPartonPair");
00087     G4ExceptionDescription ed;
00088     ed << "Wrong parton pair: zero parton P1=" << P1 << ", P2=" << P2 << G4endl;
00089     G4Exception("G4QContent::G4QContent()", "HAD_CHPS_0072", FatalException, ed);
00090   }
00091 #ifdef debug
00092   G4cout<<"G4QContent::PairConstr: P1="<<P1<<", P2="<<P2<<G4endl;
00093 #endif
00094   G4bool suc=true;
00095   G4int A1=P1;
00096   if     (P1 > 7) A1=  P1/100;
00097   else if(P1 <-7) A1=(-P1)/100;
00098   else if(P1 < 0) A1= -P1;
00099   G4int P11=0;
00100   G4int P12=0;
00101   if(A1>7)
00102   {
00103     P11=A1/10;
00104     P12=A1%10;
00105   }
00106   if(P1>0)
00107   {
00108     if(!P11)
00109     {
00110       if     (A1==1) ++nD; 
00111       else if(A1==2) ++nU; 
00112       else if(A1==3) ++nS;
00113       else           suc=false;
00114     }
00115     else
00116     {
00117       if     (P11==1) ++nD; 
00118       else if(P11==2) ++nU; 
00119       else if(P11==3) ++nS;
00120       else            suc=false;
00121       if     (P12==1) ++nD; 
00122       else if(P12==2) ++nU; 
00123       else if(P12==3) ++nS;
00124       else            suc=false;
00125     }
00126   }
00127   else // negative parton
00128   {
00129     if(!P11)
00130     {
00131       if     (A1==1) ++nAD; 
00132       else if(A1==2) ++nAU; 
00133       else if(A1==3) ++nAS;
00134       else           suc=false;
00135     }
00136     else
00137     {
00138       if     (P11==1) ++nAD; 
00139       else if(P11==2) ++nAU; 
00140       else if(P11==3) ++nAS;
00141       else            suc=false;
00142       if     (P12==1) ++nAD; 
00143       else if(P12==2) ++nAU; 
00144       else if(P12==3) ++nAS;
00145       else            suc=false;
00146     }
00147   }
00148 #ifdef debug
00149   G4cout<<"G4QContent::PCo:1:"<<nD<<","<<nU<<","<<nS<<","<<nAD<<","<<nAU<<","<<nAS<<G4endl;
00150 #endif
00151   G4int A2=P2;
00152   if     (P2 > 7) A2=  P2/100;
00153   else if(P2 <-7) A2=(-P2)/100;
00154   else if(P2 < 0) A2= -P2;
00155   G4int P21=0;
00156   G4int P22=0;
00157   if(A2>7)
00158   {
00159     P21=A2/10;
00160     P22=A2%10;
00161   }
00162   if(P2>0)
00163   {
00164     if(!P21)
00165     {
00166       if     (A2==1) ++nD; 
00167       else if(A2==2) ++nU; 
00168       else if(A2==3) ++nS;
00169       else           suc=false;
00170     }
00171     else
00172     {
00173       if     (P21==1) ++nD; 
00174       else if(P21==2) ++nU; 
00175       else if(P21==3) ++nS;
00176       else            suc=false;
00177       if     (P22==1) ++nD; 
00178       else if(P22==2) ++nU; 
00179       else if(P22==3) ++nS;
00180       else            suc=false;
00181     }
00182   }
00183   else // negative parton
00184   {
00185     if(!P21)
00186     {
00187       if     (A2==1) ++nAD; 
00188       else if(A2==2) ++nAU; 
00189       else if(A2==3) ++nAS;
00190       else           suc=false;
00191     }
00192     else
00193     {
00194       if     (P21==1) ++nAD; 
00195       else if(P21==2) ++nAU; 
00196       else if(P21==3) ++nAS;
00197       else            suc=false;
00198       if     (P22==1) ++nAD; 
00199       else if(P22==2) ++nAU; 
00200       else if(P22==3) ++nAS;
00201       else            suc=false;
00202     }
00203   }
00204   if(!suc)
00205   {
00206     // G4cerr<<"***G4QContent::Constr(pair): Impossible partons, P1="<<P1<<",P2="<<P2<<G4endl;
00207     // G4Exception("G4QContent::Constructor(pair):","72",FatalException,"ImpossibPartonPair");
00208     G4ExceptionDescription ed;
00209     ed << "Impossible parton pair, P1=" << P1 << ",P2=" << P2 << G4endl;
00210     G4Exception("G4QContent::G4QContent()", "HAD_CHPS_0073", FatalException, ed);
00211   }
00212 #ifdef debug
00213   G4cout<<"G4QContent::PCo:2:"<<nD<<","<<nU<<","<<nS<<","<<nAD<<","<<nAU<<","<<nAS<<G4endl;
00214 #endif
00215 }
00217 G4QContent::G4QContent(const G4QContent& right)
00218 {
00219   nU  = right.nU;
00220   nD  = right.nD;
00221   nS  = right.nS;
00222   nAU = right.nAU;
00223   nAD = right.nAD;
00224   nAS = right.nAS;
00225 }
00227 G4QContent::G4QContent(G4QContent* right)
00228 {
00229   nU  = right->nU;
00230   nD  = right->nD;
00231   nS  = right->nS;
00232   nAU = right->nAU;
00233   nAD = right->nAD;
00234   nAS = right->nAS;
00235 }
00237 // Assignment operator (copy stile for possible Vector extention)
00238 const G4QContent& G4QContent::operator=(const G4QContent &right)
00239 {
00240   if(this != &right)                          // Beware of self assignment
00241   {
00242     nU  = right.nU;
00243     nD  = right.nD;
00244     nS  = right.nS;
00245     nAU = right.nAU;
00246     nAD = right.nAD;
00247     nAS = right.nAS;
00248   }
00249   return *this;
00250 }
00252 // Standard output for QC {d,u,s,ad,au,as}
00253 ostream& operator<<(ostream& lhs, G4QContent& rhs)
00254 {
00255   lhs << "{" << rhs.GetD() << "," << rhs.GetU() << "," << rhs.GetS() << ","
00256       << rhs.GetAD() << "," << rhs.GetAU() << "," << rhs.GetAS() << "}";
00257   return lhs;
00258 }
00260 // Standard output for const QC {d,u,s,ad,au,as}
00261 ostream& operator<<(ostream& lhs, const G4QContent& rhs)
00262 {
00263   lhs << "{" << rhs.GetD() << "," << rhs.GetU() << "," << rhs.GetS() << ","
00264       << rhs.GetAD() << "," << rhs.GetAU() << "," << rhs.GetAS() << "}";
00265   return lhs;
00266 }
00268 // Subtract Quark Content
00269 G4QContent G4QContent::operator-=(const G4QContent& rhs)
00270 {
00271 #ifdef debug
00272   G4cout<<"G4QC::-=(const): is called:"<<G4endl;
00273 #endif
00274   G4int rD=rhs.nD;
00275   G4int rU=rhs.nU;
00276   G4int rS=rhs.nS;
00277   G4int rAD=rhs.nAD;
00278   G4int rAU=rhs.nAU;
00279   G4int rAS=rhs.nAS;
00284   if(nU<rU||nAU<rAU||nD<rD||nAD<rAD)
00285   {
00286     G4int dU=rU-nU;
00287     G4int dAU=rAU-nAU;
00288     if(dU>0||dAU>0)
00289     {
00290       G4int kU=dU;
00291       if(kU<dAU) kU=dAU;                  // Get biggest difference
00292       G4int mU=rU;
00293       if(rAU<mU) mU=rAU;                  // Get a#of possible SS pairs
00294       if(kU<=mU)                          // Total compensation
00295       {
00296         rU-=kU;
00297         rAU-=kU;
00298         rD+=kU;
00299         rAD+=kU;
00300       }
00301       else                                // Partial compensation
00302       {
00303         rU-=mU;
00304         rAU-=mU;
00305         rD+=mU;
00306         rAD+=mU;
00307       }
00308     }
00309     G4int dD=rD-nD;
00310     G4int dAD=rAD-nAD;
00311     if(dD>0||dAD>0)
00312     {
00313       G4int kD=dD;
00314       if(kD<dAD) kD=dAD;                  // Get biggest difference
00315       G4int mD=rD;
00316       if(rAD<mD) mD=rAD;                  // Get a#of possible SS pairs
00317       if(kD<=mD)                          // Total compensation
00318       {
00319         rD-=kD;
00320         rAD-=kD;
00321         rU+=kD;
00322         rAU+=kD;
00323       }
00324       else                                // Partial compensation
00325       {
00326         rD-=mD;
00327         rAD-=mD;
00328         rU+=mD;
00329         rAU+=mD;
00330       }
00331     }
00332   }
00333 #ifdef debug
00334   G4cout<<"G4QC::-=:comp: "<<rD<<","<<rU<<","<<rS<<","<<rAD<<","<<rAU<<","<<rAS<<G4endl;
00335 #endif
00336   if(rS==1 && rAS==1 && (nS<1 || nAS<1))  // Eta case, switch quark pairs (?)
00337   {
00338     rS =0;
00339     rAS=0;
00340     if(nU>rU&&nAU>rAU)
00341     {
00342       rU +=1;
00343       rAU+=1;
00344     }
00345     else
00346     {
00347       rD +=1;
00348       rAD+=1;
00349     }
00350   }
00351   nD -= rD;
00352   if (nD<0)
00353   {
00354     nAD -= nD;
00355     nD   = 0;
00356   }
00357   nU -= rU;
00358   if (nU<0)
00359   {
00360     nAU -= nU;
00361     nU   = 0;
00362   }
00363   nS -= rS;
00364   if (nS<0)
00365   {
00366     nAS -= nS;
00367     nS   = 0;
00368   }
00369   nAD -= rAD;
00370   if (nAD<0)
00371   {
00372     nD -= nAD;
00373     nAD = 0;
00374   }
00375   nAU -= rAU;
00376   if (nAU<0)
00377   {
00378     nU -= nAU;
00379     nAU = 0;
00380   }
00381   nAS -= rAS;
00382   if (nAS<0)
00383   {
00384     nS -= nAS;
00385     nAS = 0;
00386   }
00387   return *this;
00388 } 
00390 // Subtract Quark Content
00391 G4QContent G4QContent::operator-=(G4QContent& rhs)
00392 {
00393 #ifdef debug
00394   G4cout<<"G4QC::-=: is called:"<<G4endl;
00395 #endif
00396   G4int rD=rhs.nD;
00397   G4int rU=rhs.nU;
00398   G4int rS=rhs.nS;
00399   G4int rAD=rhs.nAD;
00400   G4int rAU=rhs.nAU;
00401   G4int rAS=rhs.nAS;
00402   G4int rQ =rD+rU+rS;
00403   G4int rAQ=rAD+rAU+rAS;
00404   G4int nQ =nD+nU+nS;
00405   G4int nAQ=nAD+nAU+nAS;
00406   if(nQ<rQ||nAQ<rAQ)
00407   {
00408     G4int dU=rU-nU;
00409     G4int dAU=rAU-nAU;
00410     if(dU>0||dAU>0)
00411     {
00412       G4int kU=dU;
00413       if(kU<dAU) kU=dAU;                  // Get biggest difference
00414       G4int mU=rU;
00415       if(rAU<mU) mU=rAU;                  // Get a#of possible SS pairs
00416       if(kU<=mU)                          // Total compensation
00417       {
00418         rU-=kU;
00419         rAU-=kU;
00420         rD+=kU;
00421         rAD+=kU;
00422       }
00423       else                                // Partial compensation
00424       {
00425         rU-=mU;
00426         rAU-=mU;
00427         rD+=mU;
00428         rAD+=mU;
00429       }
00430     }
00431     G4int dD=rD-nD;
00432     G4int dAD=rAD-nAD;
00433     if(dD>0||dAD>0)
00434     {
00435       G4int kD=dD;
00436       if(kD<dAD) kD=dAD;                  // Get biggest difference
00437       G4int mD=rD;
00438       if(rAD<mD) mD=rAD;                  // Get a#of possible SS pairs
00439       if(kD<=mD)                          // Total compensation
00440       {
00441         rD-=kD;
00442         rAD-=kD;
00443         rU+=kD;
00444         rAU+=kD;
00445       }
00446       else                                // Partial compensation
00447       {
00448         rD-=mD;
00449         rAD-=mD;
00450         rU+=mD;
00451         rAU+=mD;
00452       }
00453     }
00454   }
00455   if(rS==1 && rAS==1 && (nS<1 || nAS<1))  // Eta case, switch quark pairs (?)
00456   {
00457     rS =0;
00458     rAS=0;
00459     if(nU>rU&&nAU>rAU)
00460     {
00461       rU +=1;
00462       rAU+=1;
00463     }
00464     else
00465     {
00466       rD +=1;
00467       rAD+=1;
00468     }
00469   }
00470   nD -= rD;
00471   if (nD<0)
00472   {
00473     nAD -= nD;
00474     nD   = 0;
00475   }
00476   nU -= rU;
00477   if (nU<0)
00478   {
00479     nAU -= nU;
00480     nU   = 0;
00481   }
00482   nS -= rS;
00483   if (nS<0)
00484   {
00485     nAS -= nS;
00486     nS   = 0;
00487   }
00488   nAD -= rAD;
00489   if (nAD<0)
00490   {
00491     nD -= nAD;
00492     nAD = 0;
00493   }
00494   nAU -= rAU;
00495   if (nAU<0)
00496   {
00497     nU -= nAU;
00498     nAU = 0;
00499   }
00500   nAS -= rAS;
00501   if (nAS<0)
00502   {
00503     nS -= nAS;
00504     nAS = 0;
00505   }
00506   return *this;
00507 } 
00509 // Overloading of QC addition
00510 G4QContent operator+(const G4QContent& lhs, const G4QContent& rhs)
00511 {
00512   G4QContent s_value  = lhs;
00513   return     s_value += rhs;
00514 }
00516 // Overloading of QC subtraction
00517 G4QContent operator-(const G4QContent& lhs, const G4QContent& rhs)
00518 {
00519   G4QContent s_value  = lhs;
00520   return     s_value -= rhs;
00521 }
00523 // Overloading of QC multiplication by Int
00524 G4QContent operator*(const G4QContent& lhs, const G4int&      rhs)
00525 {
00526   G4QContent s_value  = lhs;
00527   return     s_value *= rhs;
00528 }
00530 // Overloading of Int times QC multiplication
00531 G4QContent operator*(const G4int&      lhs, const G4QContent& rhs)
00532 {
00533   G4QContent s_value  = rhs;
00534   return     s_value *= lhs;
00535 }
00537 // Destructor - - - - - - - 
00538 G4QContent::~G4QContent() {}
00540 // Subtract neutral pion from Quark Content (with possible hidden strangeness)
00541 G4bool G4QContent::SubtractPi0()
00542 {
00543 #ifdef debug
00544   G4cout<<"G4QC::SubtractPi0: U="<<nU<<", AU="<<nAU<<", D="<<nD<<", AD="<<nAD<<G4endl;
00545 #endif
00546   G4int tot=GetTot();
00547   G4int ab =GetBaryonNumber();
00548   if(ab){if(tot<3*ab+2) return false;}
00549   else if(tot<4) return false;
00551   if(nU>0 && nAU>0)
00552   {
00553     nU--;
00554     nAU--;
00555     return true;
00556   }
00557   else if(nD>0 && nAD>0)
00558   {
00559     nD--;
00560     nAD--;
00561     return true;
00562   }
00563   return false;
00564 }
00566 // Subtract charged pion from Quark Content
00567 G4bool G4QContent::SubtractPion()
00568 {
00569 #ifdef debug
00570   G4cout<<"G4QC::SubtractPion: U="<<nU<<", AU="<<nAU<<", D="<<nD<<", AD="<<nAD<<G4endl;
00571 #endif
00572   G4int tot=GetTot();
00573   G4int ab =GetBaryonNumber();
00574   if(ab){if(tot<3*ab+2) return false;}
00575   else if(tot<4) return false;
00577   if((nU>nAU || (ab && nU>0))&& nAD>0)
00578   {
00579     nU--;
00580     nAD--;
00581     return true;
00582   }
00583   else if((nAU>nU || (ab && nAU>0)) && nD>0)
00584   {
00585     nAU--;
00586     nD--;
00587     return true;
00588   }
00589   return false;
00590 }
00592 // Subtract Hadron from Quark Content
00593 G4bool G4QContent::SubtractHadron(G4QContent h)
00594 {
00595 #ifdef debug
00596   G4cout<<"G4QC::SubtractHadron "<<h<<" is called for QC="<<GetThis()<<G4endl;
00597 #endif
00598   if(h.GetU()<=nU  && h.GetD()<=nD  && h.GetS()<=nS&&
00599      h.GetAU()<=nAU&& h.GetAD()<=nAD&& h.GetAS()<=nAS) return true;
00600   return false;
00601 }
00603 // Subtract Kaon from Quark Content
00604 G4bool G4QContent::SubtractKaon(G4double mQ)
00605 {
00606 #ifdef debug
00607   G4cout<<"G4QC::SubtractKaon is called: QC="<<GetThis()<<G4endl;
00608 #endif
00609   if(mQ<640.) return false;
00610   G4int tot=GetTot();
00611   G4int ab =GetBaryonNumber();
00612   if(ab){if(tot<3*ab+2) return false;}
00613   else if(tot<4) return false;
00615   if((nS>nAS || (ab && nS>0)) && (nAD>0 || nAU>0))
00616   {
00617     nS--;
00618     if (nAU>0) nAU--;
00619     else       nAD--;
00620     return true;
00621   }
00622   else if((nAS>nS || (ab && nAS>0)) && (nD>0 || nU>0))
00623   {
00624     nAS--;
00625     if (nU>0) nU--;
00626     else      nD--;
00627     return true;
00628   }
00629 #ifdef debug
00630   G4cout<<"G4QCont::SubtractKaon Can't SubtractKaon: QC="<<GetThis()<<G4endl;
00631 #endif
00632   return false;
00633 }
00635 // Split any hadronic system in two hadrons
00636 G4QContent G4QContent::SplitChipo (G4double mQ)
00637 {
00638   G4QContent Pi(0,1,0,1,0,0);
00639   if      (nU>0&&nAU>0) Pi=G4QContent(0,1,0,0,1,0);
00640   else if (nD>0&&nAD>0) Pi=G4QContent(1,0,0,1,0,0);
00641   else if (nD>=nU&&nAU>=nAD) Pi=G4QContent(1,0,0,0,1,0);
00642   G4int bn=GetBaryonNumber();
00643   G4int b =abs(bn);
00644   if(!b && mQ<545.&&nS>0&&nAS>0) // Cancel strange sea
00645   {
00646     G4int      ss= nS;
00647     if(nAS<nS) ss=nAS;
00648     nS -=ss;
00649     nAS-=ss;
00650   }
00651   if       (!b)DecQAQ(-4);
00652   else if(b==1)DecQAQ(-5);
00653   else         DecQAQ(0);
00654   G4int tot=GetTot();
00655   G4int q=GetQ();
00656   G4int aq=GetAQ();
00657   G4QContent r=Pi;     // Pion prototype of returned value
00658   if((tot!=4||q!=2) && (tot!=5||(q!=1&&aq!=1)) && (tot!=6||abs(b)!=2))
00659   {
00660     //#ifdef erdebug
00661     G4cerr<<"***G4QCont::SplitChipo: QC="<<GetThis()<<G4endl;
00662     //#endif
00663   }
00664   else if(tot==4)      // Mesonic (eight possibilities)
00665   {
00666     r=GetThis();
00667     if     (r.SubtractPi0())    ; // Try any trivial algorithm of splitting
00668     else if(r.SubtractPion())   ;
00669     else if(r.SubtractKaon(mQ)) ;
00670     else
00671     {
00672       //#ifdef debug
00673       G4cerr<<"***G4QCont::SplitChipo:MesTot="<<tot<<",b="<<b<<",q="<<q<<",a="<<aq<<G4endl;
00674       //#endif
00675     }
00676   }
00677   else if(b==1&&tot==5)      // Baryonic (four possibilities)
00678   {
00679     if(nU==3)
00680     {
00681       r.SetU(1);
00682       r+=IndAQ();
00683     }
00684     else if(nD==3)
00685     {
00686       r.SetD(1);
00687       r+=IndAQ();
00688     }
00689     else if(nS==3)
00690     {
00691       r.SetS(1);
00692       r+=IndAQ();
00693     }
00694     else if(nAU==3)
00695     {
00696       r.SetAU(1);
00697       r+=IndQ();
00698     }
00699     else if(nAD==3)
00700     {
00701       r.SetAD(1);
00702       r+=IndQ();
00703     }
00704     else if(nAS==3)
00705     {
00706       r.SetAS(1);
00707       r+=IndQ();
00708     }
00709     else if(q==1&&nU)
00710     {
00711       r.SetU(1);
00712       if(nAU) r.SetAU(1);
00713       else    r.SetAD(1);
00714     }
00715     else if(q==1&&nD)
00716     {
00717       r.SetD(1);
00718       if(nAD) r.SetAD(1);
00719       else    r.SetAU(1);
00720     }
00721     else if(q==1&&nS)
00722     {
00723       r.SetS(1);
00724       if(nAS) r.SetAS(1);
00725       else    r.SetAU(1);
00726     }
00727     else if(aq==1&&nAU)
00728     {
00729       r.SetAU(1);
00730       if(nU) r.SetU(1);
00731       else   r.SetD(1);
00732     }
00733     else if(aq==1&&nAD)
00734     {
00735       r.SetAD(1);
00736       if(nD) r.SetD(1);
00737       else   r.SetU(1);
00738     }
00739     else if(aq==1&&nAS)
00740     {
00741       r.SetAS(1);
00742       if(nS) r.SetS(1);
00743       else   r.SetU(1);
00744     }
00745     else
00746     {
00747       //#ifdef erdebug
00748       G4cerr<<"***G4QCont::SplitChipo: Baryonic tot=5,b=1,qCont="<<GetThis()<<G4endl;
00749       //#endif
00750     }
00751   }
00752   else if(tot==b*3)          // MultyBaryon cace
00753   {
00754     r=GetThis();
00755     if (bn>0)                // baryonium
00756     {
00757       G4QContent la(1,1,1,0,0,0);
00758       G4QContent nt(2,1,0,0,0,0);
00759       G4QContent pr(1,2,0,0,0,0);
00760       G4QContent ks(0,1,2,0,0,0);
00761       if (nD>nU) ks=G4QContent(1,0,2,0,0,0);
00762       G4QContent dm(3,0,0,0,0,0);
00763       G4QContent dp(0,3,0,0,0,0);
00764       G4QContent om(0,0,3,0,0,0);
00765       if     (nU>=nD&&nU>=nS)
00766       {
00767         if     (r.SubtractHadron(pr)) r-=pr; // These functions only check
00768         else if(r.SubtractHadron(dp)) r-=dp;
00769         else if(r.SubtractHadron(nt)) r-=nt;
00770         else if(r.SubtractHadron(la)) r-=la;
00771         else if(r.SubtractHadron(dm)) r-=dm;
00772         else
00773         {
00774           //#ifdef erdebug
00775           G4cerr<<"***G4QCont::SplitChipo:Dibar (1) tot=6, b=2, qCont="<<GetThis()<<G4endl;
00776           //#endif
00777         }
00778       }
00779       else if(nD>=nU&&nD>=nS)
00780       {
00781         if     (r.SubtractHadron(nt)) r-=nt; // These functions only check
00782         else if(r.SubtractHadron(dm)) r-=dm;
00783         else if(r.SubtractHadron(pr)) r-=pr;
00784         else if(r.SubtractHadron(dp)) r-=dp;
00785         else if(r.SubtractHadron(la)) r-=la;
00786         else
00787         {
00788           //#ifdef erdebug
00789           G4cerr<<"***G4QContent::SplitChipo:Dib(2) tot=6, b=2, qCont="<<GetThis()<<G4endl;
00790           //#endif
00791         }
00792       }
00793       else
00794       {
00795         if     (r.SubtractHadron(la)) r-=la; // These functions only check
00796         else if(r.SubtractHadron(ks)) r-=ks;
00797         else if(r.SubtractHadron(om)) r-=om;
00798         else if(r.SubtractHadron(pr)) r-=pr;
00799         else if(r.SubtractHadron(nt)) r-=nt;
00800         else
00801         {
00802           //#ifdef erdebug
00803           G4cerr<<"***G4QContent::SplitChipo:Dib(3) tot=6, b=2, qCont="<<GetThis()<<G4endl;
00804           //#endif
00805         }
00806       }
00807     }
00808     else                     // Anti-baryonium
00809     {
00810       G4QContent la(0,0,0,1,1,1);
00811       G4QContent pr(0,0,0,1,2,0);
00812       G4QContent nt(0,0,0,2,1,0);
00813       G4QContent ks(0,1,2,0,0,0);
00814       if(nAD>nAU)ks=G4QContent(0,0,0,1,0,2);
00815       G4QContent dm(0,0,0,3,0,0);
00816       G4QContent dp(0,0,0,0,3,0);
00817       G4QContent om(0,0,0,0,0,3);
00818       if     (nAU>=nAD&&nAU>=nAS)
00819       {
00820         if     (r.SubtractHadron(pr)) r-=pr; // These functions only check
00821         else if(r.SubtractHadron(dp)) r-=dp;
00822         else if(r.SubtractHadron(nt)) r-=nt;
00823         else if(r.SubtractHadron(la)) r-=la;
00824         else if(r.SubtractHadron(dm)) r-=dm;
00825         else
00826         {
00827           //#ifdef erdebug
00828           G4cerr<<"***G4QContent::SplitChipo:ADib(1) tot=6,b=2, qCont="<<GetThis()<<G4endl;
00829           //#endif
00830         }
00831       }
00832       else if(nAD>=nAU&&nAD>=nAS)
00833       {
00834         if     (r.SubtractHadron(nt)) r-=nt; // These functions only check
00835         else if(r.SubtractHadron(dm)) r-=dm;
00836         else if(r.SubtractHadron(pr)) r-=pr;
00837         else if(r.SubtractHadron(dp)) r-=dp;
00838         else if(r.SubtractHadron(la)) r-=la;
00839         else
00840         {
00841           //#ifdef erdebug
00842           G4cerr<<"***G4QContent::SplitChipo:ADib(2) tot=6,b=2, qCont="<<GetThis()<<G4endl;
00843           //#endif
00844         }
00845       }
00846       else
00847       {
00848         if     (r.SubtractHadron(la)) r-=la; // These functions only check
00849         else if(r.SubtractHadron(ks)) r-=ks;
00850         else if(r.SubtractHadron(om)) r-=om;
00851         else if(r.SubtractHadron(pr)) r-=pr;
00852         else if(r.SubtractHadron(nt)) r-=nt;
00853         else
00854         {
00855           //#ifdef erdebug
00856           G4cerr<<"***G4QContent::SplitChipo:ADib(3) tot=6,b=2, qCont="<<GetThis()<<G4endl;
00857           //#endif
00858         }
00859       }
00860     }
00861   }
00862   else // More than Dibaryon (@@ can use the same algorithm as for dibaryon)
00863   {
00864     //#ifdef erdebug
00865     G4cerr<<"*G4QContent::SplitChipolino:UnknownHadron with QuarkCont="<<GetThis()<<G4endl;
00866     //#endif
00867   }
00868   return r;
00869 }// End of G4QContent::SplitChipolino
00871 // Return one-quark QC using index (a kind of iterator)
00872 G4QContent G4QContent::IndQ (G4int index)
00873 {
00874 #ifdef debug
00875   G4cout << "G4QC::IndQ is called"<<G4endl;
00876 #endif
00877   if(index<nD) return G4QContent(1,0,0,0,0,0);
00878   else if(index<nD+nU) return G4QContent(0,1,0,0,0,0);
00879   else if(index<nD+nU+nS) return G4QContent(0,0,1,0,0,0);
00880   //#ifdef erdebug
00881   else G4cerr<<"***G4QC::IndQ:index="<<index<<" for the QuarkContent="<<GetThis()<<G4endl;
00882   //throw G4QException("***G4QC::IndQ: Index exceeds the total number of quarks");
00883   //#endif
00884   return G4QContent(0,0,0,0,0,0);
00885 }
00887 // Return one-antiquark QC using index (a kind of iterator)
00888 G4QContent G4QContent::IndAQ (G4int index)
00889 {
00890 #ifdef debug
00891   G4cout << "G4QC::IndAQ is called"<<G4endl;
00892 #endif
00893   if(index<nAD) return G4QContent(0,0,0,1,0,0);
00894   else if(index<nAD+nAU) return G4QContent(0,0,0,0,1,0);
00895   else if(index<nAD+nAU+nAS) return G4QContent(0,0,0,0,0,1);
00896   //#ifdef erdebug
00897   else G4cerr<<"***G4QC::IndAQ:index="<<index<<" for the QuarkContent="<<GetThis()<<G4endl;
00898   //throw G4QException("***G4QC::IndAQ: Index exceeds the total number of antiquarks");
00899   //#endif
00900   return G4QContent(0,0,0,0,0,0);
00901 }
00903 // Reduces number (if nQAQ<0:all) of valence Q-Qbar pairs, returns #of pairs to reduce more
00904 G4int G4QContent::DecQAQ(const G4int& nQAQ)
00905 {
00906 #ifdef debug
00907   G4cout<<"G4QCont::DecQC: n="<<nQAQ<<","<<GetThis()<<G4endl;
00908 #endif
00909   G4int ban = GetBaryonNumber();
00910   G4int tot = GetTot();    // Total number of quarks in QC
00911   if (tot==ban*3) return 0;// Nothing to reduce & nothing to reduce more
00912   G4int nUP=0;             // U/AU min factor (a#of u which can be subtracted)
00913   if (nU>=nAU) nUP=nAU;
00914   else         nUP= nU;
00916   G4int nDP=0;             // D/AD min factor (a#of d which can be subtracted)
00917   if (nD>=nAD) nDP=nAD;
00918   else         nDP= nD;
00920   G4int nSP=0;             // S/AS min factor (a#of s which can be subtracted)
00921   if (nS>=nAS) nSP=nAS;
00922   else         nSP= nS;
00924   G4int nLP  =nUP+nDP;     // a#of light quark pairs which can be subtracted
00925   G4int nTotP=nLP+nSP;     // total#of existing pairs which can be subtracted
00926   G4int nReal=nQAQ;        // demanded #of pairs for reduction (by demand)
00927   G4int nRet =nTotP-nQAQ;  // a#of additional pairs for further reduction
00928   if (nQAQ<0)              // === Limited reduction case @@ not tuned for baryons !!
00929   {
00930     G4int res=tot+nQAQ;
00931 #ifdef debug
00932  G4cout<<"G4QC::DecQC: tot="<<tot<<", nTP="<<nTotP<<", res="<<res<<G4endl;
00933 #endif
00934     if(res<0)
00935     {
00936       IncQAQ(1,0.);        // Increment by one not strange pair to get the minimum
00937       return 1;
00938     }
00939     res -=nTotP+nTotP;
00940     if(res<0) nReal=nTotP+res/2;
00941     else nReal=nTotP;
00942     nRet = tot/2-nReal;
00943   }
00944   else if(!nQAQ)
00945   {
00946     nReal=nTotP;
00947     nRet =0;
00948   }
00949   else if(nRet<0) nReal=nTotP;
00951   if (!nReal) return nRet; // Now nothing to be done
00952   // ---------- Decrimenting by nReal pairs
00953 #ifdef debug
00954   G4cout<<"G4QC::DecQC: demanded "<<nQAQ<<" pairs, executed "<<nReal<<" pairs"<<G4endl;
00955 #endif
00957   for (G4int i=0; i<nReal; i++)
00958   {
00959     G4double base = nTotP;
00960     //if (nRet && nSP==1 && !nQAQ) base = nLP;              // Keep S-Sbar pair if possible
00961     G4int j = static_cast<int>(base*G4UniformRand());       // Random integer "SortOfQuark"
00962     if (nUP && j<nUP && (nRet>2 || nUP>1 || (nD<2 && nS<2)))// --- U-Ubar pair
00963     {
00964 #ifdef debug
00965       G4cout<<"G4QC::DecQC: decrementing UAU pair UP="<<nUP<<", QC="<<GetThis()<<G4endl;
00966 #endif
00967       nU--;
00968       nAU--;
00969       nUP--;
00970       nLP--;
00971       nTotP--;
00972     } 
00973     else if (nDP && j<nLP && (nRet>2 || nDP>1 || (nU<2 && nS<2)))// --- D-Ubar pair
00974     {
00975 #ifdef debug
00976       G4cout<<"G4QC::DecQC: decrementing DAD pair DP="<<nDP<<", QC="<<GetThis()<<G4endl;
00977 #endif
00978       nD--;
00979       nAD--;
00980       nDP--;
00981       nLP--;
00982       nTotP--;
00983     } 
00984     else if (nSP&& (nRet>2 || nSP>1 || (nU<2 && nD<2)))          // --- S-Sbar pair
00985     {
00986 #ifdef debug
00987       G4cout<<"G4QC::DecQC: decrementing SAS pair SP="<<nSP<<", QC="<<GetThis()<<G4endl;
00988 #endif
00989       nS--;
00990       nAS--;
00991       nSP--;
00992       nTotP--;
00993     }
00994     else if (nUP)                                  // --- U-Ubar pair cancelation (final)
00995     {
00996 #ifdef debug
00997       G4cout<<"G4QC::DecQC:Decrement UAU pair (final) UP="<<nUP<<",QC="<<GetThis()<<G4endl;
00998 #endif
00999       nU--;
01000       nAU--;
01001       nUP--;
01002       nLP--;
01003       nTotP--;
01004     } 
01005     else if (nDP)                                 // --- D-Ubar pair cancelation (final)
01006     {
01007 #ifdef debug
01008       G4cout<<"G4QC::DecQC:Decrement DAD pair (final) DP="<<nDP<<",QC="<<GetThis()<<G4endl;
01009 #endif
01010       nD--;
01011       nAD--;
01012       nDP--;
01013       nLP--;
01014       nTotP--;
01015     } 
01016     else if (nSP)                                 // --- S-Sbar pair cancelation (final)
01017     {
01018 #ifdef debug
01019       G4cout<<"G4QC::DecQC: decrementing SAS pair SP="<<nSP<<", QC="<<GetThis()<<G4endl;
01020 #endif
01021       nS--;
01022       nAS--;
01023       nSP--;
01024       nTotP--;
01025     }
01026     else G4cout<<"***G4QC::DecQC:i="<<i<<",j="<<j<<",D="<<nDP<<",U="<<nUP<<",S="<<nSP
01027                <<",T="<<nTotP<<",nRet="<<nRet<<", QC="<<GetThis()<<G4endl;
01028   }
01029 #ifdef debug
01030   G4cout<<"G4QC::DecQC: >->-> OUT <-<-< nRet="<<nRet<<", QC="<<GetThis()<<G4endl;
01031 #endif
01032   return nRet;
01033 }
01035 // Increment quark pairs
01036 void G4QContent::IncQAQ(const G4int& nQAQ, const G4double& sProb)
01037 {
01038   G4int tot = GetTot();
01039   G4QContent mQC = GetThis();
01040   for (int i=0; i<nQAQ; i++)
01041   {
01042     G4int j = static_cast<int>((2.+sProb)*G4UniformRand()); // 0-U, 1-D, 2-S
01043 #ifdef debug
01044     G4cout<<"IncQC:out QC="<<GetThis()<<",j="<<j<<" for i="<<i<<G4endl;
01045 #endif
01046     //if      (!j)
01047     if      ( !j && (nU<=nD || nU<=nS))
01048     {
01049       nU++;
01050       nAU++;
01051       tot+=2;
01052     }
01053     //else if (j==1)
01054     else if (j==1 && (nD<=nU || nD<=nS))
01055     {
01056       nD++;
01057       nAD++;
01058       tot+=2;
01059     }
01060     //else
01061     else if (j>1&& (nS<=nU || nS<=nD))
01062     {
01063       nS++;
01064       nAS++;
01065       tot+=2;
01066     }
01067     else if (!j)
01068     {
01069       nD++;
01070       nAD++;
01071       tot+=2;
01072     }
01073     else if (j==1)
01074     {
01075       nU++;
01076       nAU++;
01077       tot+=2;
01078     }      
01079     else
01080     {
01081       nS++;
01082       nAS++;
01083       tot+=2;
01084     }
01085     //else if (nD<=nU)
01086     //{
01087     //  nD++;
01088     //  nAD++;
01089     //  tot+=2;
01090     //}
01091     //else
01092     //{
01093     //  nU++;
01094     //  nAU++;
01095     //  tot+=2;
01096     //}      
01097   }
01098 }
01100 // Calculate a#of protons in the QC (for nuclei)
01101 G4int G4QContent::GetP() const
01102 {
01103   G4int rD=nD-nAD;                                   // Constituent d-quarks
01104   G4int rU=nU-nAU;                                   // Constituent u-quarks
01105   G4int rS=nS-nAS;                                   // Constituent s-quarks
01106   G4int dQ=rD-rU;                                    // Isotopic assimetry
01107   G4int b3=rD+rU+rS;                                 // (Baryon number) * 3
01108   return (b3-3*(rS+dQ))/6;
01109 }
01111 // Calculate a#of neutrons in the QC (for nuclei)
01112 G4int G4QContent::GetN() const
01113 {
01114   G4int rD=nD-nAD;                                   // Constituent d-quarks
01115   G4int rU=nU-nAU;                                   // Constituent u-quarks
01116   G4int rS=nS-nAS;                                   // Constituent s-quarks
01117   G4int dQ=rD-rU;                                    // Isotopic assimetry
01118   G4int b3=rD+rU+rS;                                 // (Baryon number) * 3
01119   return (b3-3*(rS-dQ))/6;
01120 }
01122 // Calculate a#of lambdas in the QC (for nuclei)
01123 G4int G4QContent::GetL() const
01124 {
01125   G4int rS=nS-nAS;                                   // Constituent s-quarks
01126   return rS;
01127 }
01129 // Calculate a#of anti-protons in the QC (for anti-nuclei)
01130 G4int G4QContent::GetAP() const
01131 {
01132   G4int rD=nAD-nD;                                   // Constituent anti-d-quarks
01133   G4int rU=nAU-nU;                                   // Constituent anti-u-quarks
01134   G4int rS=nAS-nS;                                   // Constituent anti-s-quarks
01135   G4int dQ=rD-rU;                                    // Isotopic assimetry
01136   G4int b3=rD+rU+rS;                                 // - (Baryon number) * 3
01137   return (b3-3*(rS+dQ))/6;
01138 }
01140 // Calculate a#of anti-neutrons in the QC (for anti-nuclei)
01141 G4int G4QContent::GetAN() const
01142 {
01143   G4int rD=nAD-nD;                                   // Constituent anti-d-quarks
01144   G4int rU=nAU-nU;                                   // Constituent anti-u-quarks
01145   G4int rS=nAS-nS;                                   // Constituent anti-s-quarks
01146   G4int dQ=rD-rU;                                    // Isotopic assimetry
01147   G4int b3=rD+rU+rS;                                 // - (Baryon number) * 3
01148   return (b3-3*(rS-dQ))/6;
01149 }
01151 // Calculate a#of anti-lambdas in the QC (for anti-nuclei)
01152 G4int G4QContent::GetAL() const
01153 {
01154   G4int rS=nAS-nS;                                   // Constituent anti-s-quarks
01155   return rS;
01156 }
01158 // Calculate charge for the QC
01159 G4int G4QContent::GetCharge() const
01160 {
01161   static const G4int cU  = 2;
01162   static const G4int cD  =-1;
01163   static const G4int cS  =-1;
01164   static const G4int cAU =-2;
01165   static const G4int cAD = 1;
01166   static const G4int cAS = 1;
01168   G4int c=0;
01169   if(nU) c+=nU*cU;
01170   if(nD) c+=nD*cD;
01171   if(nS) c+=nS*cS;
01172   if(nAU)c+=nAU*cAU;
01173   if(nAD)c+=nAD*cAD;
01174   if(nAS)c+=nAS*cAS;
01175   //#ifdef erdebug
01176   if(c%3) G4cerr<<"***G4QCont:GetCharge:c="<<c<<"/3 isn't integer, QC="<<GetThis()<<G4endl;
01177   //#endif
01178   return c/3;
01179 }
01181 // Calculate a Baryon Number for the QC
01182 G4int G4QContent::GetBaryonNumber() const
01183 {
01184 #ifdef pdebug
01185   G4cout<<"G4QContent::GetBarNum: U="<<nU<<", D="<<nD<<", S="<<nS<<", AU="<<nAU<<", AD="
01186         <<nAD<<", AS="<<nAS<<G4endl;
01187 #endif
01188   G4int b=nU+nD+nS-nAU-nAD-nAS;
01189   //#ifdef erdebug
01190   if(b%3)
01191   {
01192      // G4cerr<<"-Warning-G4QContent::GetBaryonNumber="<<b<<"/3 isn't anIntegerValue"<<G4endl;
01193      // G4Exception("G4QContent::GetBaryonNumber:","72",FatalException,"Wrong Baryon Number");
01194      G4ExceptionDescription ed;
01195      ed << "Wrong Baryon Number: warning " << b << "/3 isn't an integer"
01196         << G4endl;
01197      G4Exception("G4QContent::GetBaryonNumber()", "HAD_CHPS_0072", FatalException, ed);
01198   }
01199   //#endif
01200   return b/3;
01201 }
01203 // Gives the PDG of the lowest (in mass) S-wave hadron or Chipolino (=10) for double hadron
01204 G4int G4QContent::GetSPDGCode() const
01205 {
01206   G4int p = 0;           // Prototype of output SPDG
01207   G4int n = GetTot();    // Total number of quarks
01208   if(!n) return 22;      // Photon does not have any Quark Content
01209   G4int mD=nD;           // A # of D quarks or anti U quarks
01210   if (nD<=0) mD=nAD;
01211   G4int mU=nU;           // A # of U quarks or anti U quarks
01212   if (nU<=0) mU=nAU;
01213   G4int mS=nS;           // A # of S quarks or anti U quarks
01214   if (nS<=0) mS= nAS;
01215   // ---------------------- Cancelation of q-qbar pairs in case of an excess
01216   if ( nU>nAU && nAU>0)
01217   {
01218     mU=nU-nAU;
01219     n-=nAU+nAU;
01220   }
01221   if (nAU>nU  &&  nU>0)
01222   {
01223     mU=nAU-nU;
01224     n-=nU+nU;
01225   }
01226   if ( nD>nAD && nAD>0)
01227   {
01228     mD=nD-nAD;
01229     n-=nAD+nAD;
01230   }
01231   if (nAD>nD  &&  nD>0)
01232   {
01233     mD=nAD-nD;
01234     n-=nD+nD;
01235   }
01236   if ( nS>nAS && nAS>0)
01237   {
01238     mS=nS-nAS;
01239     n-=nAS+nAS;
01240   }
01241   if (nAS>nS  &&  nS>0)
01242   {
01243     mS= nAS-nS;
01244     n-=nS+nS;
01245   }
01246   // ---------------------- Cancelation of q-qbar pairs in case of an equality
01247   if (nAD==nD  &&  nD>0)
01248   {
01249     G4int dD=nD+nD;
01250     if(n>dD)
01251     {
01252       mD=0;
01253       n-=dD;
01254     }
01255     else if (n==dD)
01256     {
01257       mD=2;
01258       n=2;
01259     }
01260     else
01261     {
01262 #ifdef debug
01263       G4cout<<"***G4QC::SPDG:CanD U="<<mU<<",D="<<mD<<",S="<<mS<<",QC="<<GetThis()<<G4endl;
01264 #endif
01265       return 0;
01266     }
01267   }
01268   if (nAU==nU  &&  nU>0)
01269   {
01270     G4int dU=nU+nU;
01271     if(n>dU)
01272     {
01273       mU=0;
01274       n-=dU;
01275     }
01276     else if (n==dU)
01277     {
01278       mU=2;
01279       n=2;
01280     }
01281     else
01282     {
01283 #ifdef debug
01284       G4cout<<"***G4QC::SPDG:CanU U="<<mU<<",D="<<mD<<",S="<<mS<<",QC="<<GetThis()<<G4endl;
01285 #endif
01286       return 0;
01287     }
01288   }
01289   if (nAS==nS  &&  nS>0) //@@ Starts with S-quarks - should be randomized and mass limited
01290   {
01291     G4int dS=nS+nS;
01292     if(n>dS)
01293     {
01294       mS=0;
01295       n-=dS;
01296     }
01297     else if (n==dS)
01298     {
01299       mS=2;
01300       n=2;
01301     }
01302     else
01303     {
01304 #ifdef debug
01305       G4cout<<"***G4QC::SPDG:CanS U="<<mU<<",D="<<mD<<",S="<<mS<<",QC="<<GetThis()<<G4endl;
01306 #endif
01307       return 0;
01308     }
01309   }
01311   G4int b=GetBaryonNumber();
01312   G4int c=GetCharge();
01313   G4int s_value=GetStrangeness();
01314 #ifdef debug
01315   G4cout<<"G4QC::SPDGC:bef. b="<<b<<",n="<<n<<",c="<<c<<",s="<<s_value<<",Q="<<GetThis()<<G4endl;
01316 #endif
01317   if (b)                                         // =---------------------= Baryon case
01318   {
01320     G4int ab=abs(b);
01321     if(ab>=2 && n>=6)                            // Multi-Baryonium (NuclearFragment)
01322     {
01323       G4int mI=nU-nAU-nD+nAD;
01324       //if     (abs(mI)>3||mS>3||(b>0&&s_value<-1)||(b<0&&s_value>1)) return  0;
01325       //else if(abs(mI)>2||mS>2||(b>0&&s_value< 0)||(b<0&&s_value>0)) return 10;
01326       if ( (b > 0 && s_value < -1) || (b < 0 && s_value > 1) ) return 10;
01327       else if (abs(mI) > 2 || mS > 2 
01328                            || (b > 0 && s_value < 0) 
01329                            || (b < 0 && s_value > 0)) return GetZNSPDGCode();
01330       else if(mU>=mS&&mD>=mS&&mU+mD+mS==3*b)     // Possible Unary Nuclear Cluster
01331       {
01332         G4int mZ=(mU+mD-mS-mS+3*mI)/6;
01333         p = 90000000+1000*(1000*mS+mZ)+mZ-mI;
01334         if(b>0) return  p;
01335         else    return -p;
01336       }
01337       else return 10;
01338     }
01339     // Normal One Baryon States: Heavy quark should come first
01340     if(n>5) return GetZNSPDGCode();            //B+M+M Tripolino etc
01341     if(n==5) return 10;                        //B+M Chipolino
01342     if(mS>0)                                   // Strange Baryons
01343     {
01344       p=3002;
01345       if      (mS==3)            p+=332;       // Decuplet
01346       else if (mS==2)
01347       {
01348         if      (mU==1 && mD==0) p+=320;
01349         else if (mU==0 && mD==1) p+=310;
01350         else
01351         {
01352 #ifdef debug
01353           G4cout<<"**G4QC::SPDG:ExoticBSS,U="<<mU<<",D="<<mD<<",S="<<mS<<GetThis()<<G4endl;
01354 #endif
01355           return GetZNSPDGCode();
01356         }
01357       }
01358       else if (mS==1)
01359       {
01360         if      (mU==2 && mD==0) p+=220;
01361         else if (mU==1 && mD==1) p+=120;       // Lambda (M_Lambda<M_Sigma0) PDG_Sigma=3212
01362         else if (mU==0 && mD==2) p+=110;
01363         else
01364         {
01365 #ifdef debug
01366           G4cout<<"***G4QC::SPDG:ExoticBS,U="<<mU<<",D="<<mD<<",S="<<mS<<GetThis()<<G4endl;
01367 #endif
01368           return GetZNSPDGCode();
01369         }
01370       }
01371       else                                     // Superstrange case
01372       {
01373 #ifdef debug
01374         G4cout<<"***G4QC::GetSPDG:ExoBarS,U="<<mU<<",D="<<mD<<",S="<<mS<<GetThis()<<G4endl;
01375 #endif
01376         return GetZNSPDGCode();
01377       }
01378     }
01379     else if (mU>0)                               // Not Strange Baryons
01380     {
01381       p=2002;
01382       if      (mU==3 && mD==0) p+=222;           // Decuplet
01383       else if (mU==2 && mD==1) p+=210;
01384       else if (mU==1 && mD==2) p+=110;           // There is a higher Delta S31 (PDG=1212)
01385       else
01386       {
01387 #ifdef debug
01388         G4cout<<"***G4QC::SPDG:ExoBaryonU,U="<<mU<<",D="<<mD<<",S="<<mS<<GetThis()<<G4endl;
01389 #endif
01390         return GetZNSPDGCode();
01391       }
01392     }
01393     else if (mD==3) p=1114;                      // Decuplet
01394     else
01395     {
01396 #ifdef debug
01397       G4cout<<"**G4QC::SPDG:ExoticBaryonD,U="<<mU<<",D="<<mD<<",S="<<mS<<GetThis()<<G4endl;
01398 #endif
01399       return GetZNSPDGCode();
01400     }
01401     if (b<0) p=-p;
01402   }
01403   else             // ------------------------->>------------------------>> Meson case
01404   {
01405 #ifdef debug
01406     G4cout<<"G4QC::SPDG:mDUS="<<mD<<","<<mU<<","<<mS<<",b,c,s="<<b<<","<<c<<","<<s_value<<G4endl;
01407 #endif
01408     if(n>4)                                      // Super Exotics
01409     {
01410 #ifdef debug
01411       G4cout<<"G4QC::SPDG:n>4 SEx:U="<<mU<<",D="<<mD<<",S="<<mS<<",QC="<<GetThis()<<G4endl;
01412 #endif
01413       return 0;
01414     }
01415     if(n==4) return 10;                          // M+M Chipolino
01416     if(abs(s_value)>1)
01417     {
01418 #ifdef debug
01419       G4cout<<"**G4QC::SPDG:Stran="<<s_value<<",QC="<<GetThis()<<" - Superstrange Meson"<<G4endl;
01420 #endif
01421       return 0;
01422     }
01423     // Heavy quark should come first
01424     if(mS>0)                                     // Strange Mesons
01425     {
01426       p=301;
01427       if      (mS==2)
01428       {
01429         //if (G4UniformRand()<0.333) p=221;        // eta
01430         //else                       p+=30;        // eta'
01431         p=221;
01432       }
01433       else if (mU==1 && mD==0) p+=20;
01434       else if (mU==0 && mD==1) p+=10;
01435       else
01436       {
01437 #ifdef debug
01438         G4cout<<"*G4QC::SPDG:ExMS U="<<mU<<",D="<<mD<<",S="<<mS<<",QC="<<GetThis()<<G4endl;
01439 #endif
01440         return 0;
01441       }
01442     }
01443     else if (mU>0)                               // Isotopic Mesons
01444     {
01445       p=201;
01446       //if      (mU==2 && mD==0) p=221; // Performance problems
01447       if      (mU==2 && mD==0) p=111;
01448       else if (mU==1 && mD==1) p+=10;
01449       else
01450       {
01451 #ifdef debug
01452         G4cout<<"*G4QC::SPDG:ExMU U="<<mU<<",D="<<mD<<",S="<<mS<<",QC="<<GetThis()<<G4endl;
01453 #endif
01454         return 0;
01455       }
01456     }
01457     else if (mD==2) p=111;
01458     else
01459     {
01460 #ifdef debug
01461       G4cout<<"***G4QC::SPDG:ExMD U="<<mU<<",D="<<mD<<",S="<<mS<<",QC="<<GetThis()<<G4endl;
01462 #endif
01463       return 0;
01464     }
01465     if (c<0 || (c==0 && mS>0 && s_value>0)) p=-p;
01466   }
01467 #ifdef debug
01468   G4cout<<"G4QC::GetSPDG:output SPDGcode="<<p<<" for the QuarkContent="<<GetThis()<<G4endl;
01469 #endif
01470   return p;
01471 }
01473 // === Calculate a number of combinations of rhc out of lhc ==
01474 G4int G4QContent::NOfCombinations(const G4QContent& rhs) const
01475 {
01476   G4int c=1; // Default number of combinations?
01477 #ifdef ppdebug
01478   G4cout<<"G4QContent::NOfComb: This="<<GetThis()<<", selectQC="<<rhs<<G4endl;
01479 #endif
01480   G4int mD=rhs.GetD();
01481   G4int mU=rhs.GetU();
01482   G4int mS=rhs.GetS();
01483   G4int mAD=rhs.GetAD();
01484   G4int mAU=rhs.GetAU();
01485   G4int mAS=rhs.GetAS();
01486   G4int mN=mD+mU+mS-mAD-mAU-mAS;
01488   if (( ((nD < mD || nAD < mAD) && !(mD-mAD)) || 
01489         ((nU < mU || nAU < mAU) && !(mU-mAU)) ||
01490         ((nS < mS || nAS < mAS) && !(mS-mAS)) ) && !mN) return 1;
01491   if(mD>0)
01492   {
01493     int j=nD;
01494     if (j<=0) return 0;
01495     if(mD>1||j>1) for (int i=1; i<=mD; i++)
01496     {
01497       if(!j) return 0;
01498       c*=j/i;
01499       j--;
01500     }
01501   }
01502   if(mU>0)
01503   {
01504     int j=nU;
01505     if (j<=0) return 0;
01506     if(mU>1||j>1) for (int i=1; i<=mU; i++)
01507     {
01508       if(!j) return 0;
01509       c*=j/i;
01510       j--;
01511     }
01512   }
01513   if(mS>0)
01514   {
01515     int j=nS;
01516     if (j<=0) return 0;
01517     if(mS>1||j>1) for (int i=1; i<=mS; i++)
01518     {
01519       if(!j) return 0;
01520       c*=j/i;
01521       j--;
01522     }
01523   }
01524   if(mAD>0)
01525   {
01526     int j=nAD;
01527     if (j<=0) return 0;
01528     if(mAD>1||j>1) for (int i=1; i<=mAD; i++)
01529     {
01530       if(!j) return 0;
01531       c*=j/i;
01532       j--;
01533     }
01534   }
01535   if(mAU>0)
01536   {
01537     int j=nAU;
01538     if (j<=0) return 0;
01539     if(mAU>1||j>1) for (int i=1; i<=mAU; i++)
01540     {
01541       if(!j) return 0;
01542       c*=j/i;
01543       j--;
01544     }
01545   }
01546   if(mAS>0)
01547   {
01548     int j=nAS;
01549     if (j<=0) return 0;
01550     if(mAS>1||j>1) for (int i=1; i<=mAS; i++)
01551     {
01552       if(!j) return 0;
01553       c*=j/i;
01554       j--;
01555     }
01556   } 
01557   return c;
01558 } 
01560 // Make PDG's of PartonPairs for Mesons & Baryons (only)
01561 std::pair<G4int,G4int> G4QContent::MakePartonPair() const
01562 {
01563   G4double S=0.;
01564   S+=nD;
01565   G4double dP=S;
01566   S+=nU;
01567   G4double uP=S;
01568   S+=nS;
01569   G4double sP=S;
01570   S+=nAD;
01571   G4double dA=S;
01572   S+=nAU;
01573   G4double uA=S;
01574   S+=nAS;
01575   if(!S)
01576   {
01577     G4int f= static_cast<int>(1.+2.3*G4UniformRand()); // Random flavor @@ a Parameter
01578     return std::make_pair(f,-f);
01579   }
01580   G4int f=0;
01581   G4double R=S*G4UniformRand();
01582   if     (R<dP) f=1;
01583   else if(R<uP) f=2;
01584   else if(R<sP) f=3;
01585   else if(R<dA) f=-1;
01586   else if(R<uA) f=-2;
01587   else          f=-3;
01589   if (f < 0) {      // anti-quark
01590     if(nD || nU || nS) // a Meson
01591     {
01592       if     (nD) return std::make_pair(1,f);
01593       else if(nU) return std::make_pair(2,f);
01594       else        return std::make_pair(3,f);
01595     }
01596     else               // Anti-Baryon
01597     {
01598       // @@ Can be improved, taking into acount weights (i,i): w=3, (i,j#i): w=4(s=0 + s=1)
01599       G4int AD=nAD;
01600       if(f==-1) AD--;
01601       G4int AU=nAU;
01602       if(f==-1) AU--;
01603       G4int AS=nAS;
01604       if(f==-1) AS--;
01605       if       (AS)
01606       {
01607         if     (AS==2) return std::make_pair(-3303,f); // 3301 does not exist
01608         else if(AU)    return std::make_pair(-3201,f); // @@ only lightest
01609         else           return std::make_pair(-3101,f); // @@ only lightest
01610       }
01611       else if(AU)
01612       {
01613         if     (AU==2) return std::make_pair(-2203,f); // 2201 does not exist
01614         else           return std::make_pair(-2101,f); // @@ only lightest
01615       }
01616       else return std::make_pair(-1103,f); // 1101 does not exist
01617     }
01619   } else {        // quark (f is a PDG code of the quark)
01621     if(nAD || nAU || nAS) // a Meson
01622     {
01623       if     (nAD) return std::make_pair(f,-1);
01624       else if(nAU) return std::make_pair(f,-2);
01625       else         return std::make_pair(f,-3);
01626     }
01627     else               // Anti-Baryon
01628     {
01629       // @@ Can be improved, taking into acount weights (i,i): w=3, (i,j#i): w=4(s=0 + s=1)
01630       //  G4int AD=nD;      AD is unused
01631       //  if(f==-1) AD--;   dead code: f >= 0 in this branch  (DHW 11 Nov 2010)
01632       G4int AU=nU;
01633       //  if(f==-1) AU--;   dead code: f >= 0 in this branch  (DHW 11 Nov 2010)
01634       G4int AS=nS;
01635       //  if(f==-1) AS--;   dead code: f >= 0 in this branch  (DHW 11 Nov 2010)
01637       if (AS) {
01638         if     (AS==2) return std::make_pair(f,3303); // 3301 does not exist
01639         else if(AU)    return std::make_pair(f,3201); // @@ only lightest
01640         else           return std::make_pair(f,3101); // @@ only lightest
01642       } else if(AU) {
01643         if     (AU==2) return std::make_pair(f,2203); // 2201 does not exist
01644         else           return std::make_pair(f,2101); // @@ only lightest
01645       }
01646       else return std::make_pair(f,1103); // 1101 does not exist
01647     }
01648   }  // test on f
01649 }
01652 // Add parton (pPDG) to the hadron (this QC) & get parton PDG
01653 // (Baryons,Mesons,Anti-Baryons)
01655 G4int G4QContent::AddParton(G4int pPDG) const
01656 {
01657 #ifdef debug
01658   G4cout<<"G4QContent::AddParton: This="<<GetThis()<<", pPDG="<<pPDG<<G4endl;
01659 #endif
01660   if(!pPDG || pPDG==9 || pPDG==21)
01661   {
01662 #ifdef debug
01663     G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QContent::AddParton: ImpossibleToAdd PartonWithPDG="<<pPDG<<G4endl;
01664 #endif
01665     return 0;
01666   }
01667   G4int aPDG = std::abs(pPDG);
01668   if( (aPDG>3 && aPDG<1101) || pPDG>3303) // @@ 1101 does not exist
01669   {
01670 #ifdef debug
01671     G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QContent::AddParton: Impossible Parton with PDG="<<pPDG<<G4endl;
01672 #endif
01673     return 0;
01674   }
01675   G4int HBN = GetBaryonNumber();
01676   if( HBN > 1 || HBN <-1)
01677   {
01678 #ifdef debug
01679     G4cout<<"-Warning-G4QContent::AddParton: Impossible Hadron with BaryonN="<<HBN<<G4endl;
01680 #endif
01681     return 0;
01682   }
01683   G4int AD=nAD;
01684   G4int AU=nAU;
01685   G4int AS=nAS;
01686   G4int QD=nD;
01687   G4int QU=nU;
01688   G4int QS=nS;
01689   if(aPDG>99)                             // Parton is DiQuark/antiDiQuark
01690   {
01691     G4int rPDG=aPDG/100;
01692     G4int P1=rPDG/10;                     // First quark
01693     G4int P2=rPDG%10;                     // Second quark
01694 #ifdef debug
01695     G4cout<<"G4QContent::AddParton: DiQuark/AntiDiQuark, P1="<<P1<<", P2="<<P2<<G4endl;
01696 #endif
01697     if(pPDG>0)                            // -- DiQuark
01698     {
01699 #ifdef debug
01700       G4cout<<"G4QContent::AddParton: DiQuark, P1="<<P1<<", P2="<<P2<<",HBN="<<HBN<<G4endl;
01701 #endif
01702       if     (P1==3 && P2==3)             // ----> ss DiQuark
01703       {
01704         if(HBN<0 && AS>1) AS-=2;          // >> Annihilation of ss-DiQuark with anti-Baryon
01705         else if(!HBN && AS==1)
01706         {
01707           AS=0;
01708           ++QS;
01709         }
01710         else if(HBN || (!HBN && !AS)) return 0;
01711       }
01712       else if(P1==3 && P2==2)             // ----> su DiQuark
01713       {
01714         if(HBN<0 && AS && AU)             // >> Annihilation of su-DiQuark with anti-Baryon
01715         {
01716           --AS;
01717           --AU;
01718         }
01719         else if(!HBN && (AS || AU))
01720         {
01721           if(AS)
01722           {
01723             --AS;
01724             ++QU;
01725           }
01726           else
01727           {
01728             --AU;
01729             ++QS;
01730           }
01731         }
01732         else if(HBN || (!HBN && !AS && !AU)) return 0;
01733       }
01734       else if(P1==3 && P2==1)             // ----> sd DiQuark
01735       {
01736         if(HBN<0 && AS && AD)             // >> Annihilation of sd-DiQuark with anti-Baryon
01737         {
01738           --AS;
01739           --AD;
01740         }
01741         else if(!HBN && (AS || AD))
01742         {
01743           if(AS)
01744           {
01745             --AS;
01746             ++QD;
01747           }
01748           else
01749           {
01750             --AD;
01751             ++QS;
01752           }
01753         }
01754         else if(HBN || (!HBN && !AS && !AD)) return 0;
01755       }
01756       else if(P1==2 && P2==2)             // ----> uu DiQuark
01757       {
01758         if(HBN<0 && AU>1) AU-=2;          // >> Annihilation of uu-DiQuark with anti-Baryon
01759         else if(!HBN && AU==1)
01760         {
01761           AU=0;
01762           ++QU;
01763         }
01764         else if(HBN || (!HBN && !AU)) return 0;
01765       }
01766       else if(P1==2 && P2==1)             // ----> ud DiQuark
01767       {
01768         if(HBN<0 && AD && AU)             // >> Annihilation of ud-DiQuark with anti-Baryon
01769         {
01770           --AD;
01771           --AU;
01772         }
01773         else if(!HBN && (AD || AU))
01774         {
01775           if(AD)
01776           {
01777             --AD;
01778             ++QU;
01779           }
01780           else
01781           {
01782             --AU;
01783             ++QD;
01784           }
01785         }
01786         else if(HBN || (!HBN && !AU && !AD)) return 0;
01787       }
01788       else                                // ----> dd DiQuark
01789       {
01790         if(HBN<0 && AD>1) AD-=2;          // >> Annihilation of dd-DiQuark with anti-Baryon
01791         else if(!HBN && AD==1)
01792         {
01793           AD=0;
01794           ++QD;
01795         }
01796         else if(HBN || (!HBN && !AD)) return 0;
01797       }
01798 #ifdef debug
01799       G4cout<<"G4QContent::AddParton: DQ, QC="<<QD<<","<<QU<<","<<QS<<","<<AD<<","<<AU<<","
01800             <<AS<<G4endl;
01801 #endif
01802       if     (HBN<0)                      // ....... Hadron is an Anti-Baryon
01803       {
01804         if     (AD) return -1;            // ----->> Answer is anti-d
01805         else if(AU) return -2;            // ----->> Answer is anti-u
01806         else        return -3;            // ----->> Answer is anti-s
01807       }
01808       else                                // ... Hadron is aMeson with annihilatedAntiQuark
01809       {                                       
01810         if    (QS)                       // --------- There is an s-quark
01811         {                                             
01812           if  (QS==2) return 3303;       // ----->> Answer is ss (3301 does not exist)
01813           else if(QU) return 3201;       // ----->> Answer is su (@@ only lightest)
01814           else        return 3101;       // ----->> Answer is sd (@@ only lightest)
01815         }
01816         else if(QU)                      // --------- There is an u quark
01817         {                                             
01818           if  (QU==2) return 2203;       // ----->> Answer is uu (2201 does not exist)
01819           else        return 2101;       // ----->> Answer is ud (@@ only lightest)
01820         }
01821         else          return 1103;       // ----->> Answer is dd (1101 does not exist)
01822       }
01823     }
01824     else                                  // -- antiDiQuark
01825     {
01826 #ifdef debug
01827       G4cout<<"G4QContent::AddParton: AntiDiQuark,P1="<<P1<<",P2="<<P2<<",B="<<HBN<<G4endl;
01828 #endif
01829       if     (P1==3 && P2==3)             // ----> anti-s-anti-s DiQuark
01830       {
01831         if(HBN>0 && QS>1) QS-=2;          // >> Annihilation of anti-ss-DiQuark with Baryon
01832         else if(!HBN && QS==1)
01833         {
01834           QS=0;
01835           ++AS;
01836         }
01837         else if(HBN || (!HBN && !QS)) return 0;
01838       }
01839       else if(P1==3 && P2==2)             // ----> anti-s-anti-u DiQuark
01840       {
01841         if(HBN>0 && QS && QU)             // >> Annihilation of anti-su-DiQuark with Baryon
01842         {
01843           --QS;
01844           --QU;
01845         }
01846         else if(!HBN && (QS || QU))
01847         {
01848           if(QS)
01849           {
01850             --QS;
01851             ++AU;
01852           }
01853           else
01854           {
01855             --QU;
01856             ++AS;
01857           }
01858         }
01859         else if(HBN || (!HBN && !QS && !QU)) return 0;
01860       }
01861       else if(P1==3 && P2==1)             // ----> anti-s-anti-d DiQuark
01862       {
01863         if(HBN>0 && QS && QD)             // >> Annihilation of anti-sd-DiQuark with Baryon
01864         {
01865           --QS;
01866           --QD;
01867         }
01868         else if(!HBN && (QS || QD))
01869         {
01870           if(QS)
01871           {
01872             --QS;
01873             ++AD;
01874           }
01875           else
01876           {
01877             --QD;
01878             ++AS;
01879           }
01880         }
01881         else if(HBN || (!HBN && !QS && !QD)) return 0;
01882       }
01883       else if(P1==2 && P2==2)             // ----> anti-u-anti-u DiQuark
01884       {
01885         if(HBN>0 && QU>1) QU-=2;          // >> Annihilation of anti-uu-DiQuark with Baryon
01886         else if(!HBN && QU==1)
01887         {
01888           QU=0;
01889           ++AU;
01890         }
01891         else if(HBN || (!HBN && !QU)) return 0;
01892       }
01893       else if(P1==2 && P2==1)             // ----> anti-u-anti-d DiQuark
01894       {
01895         if(HBN>0 && QU && QD)             // >> Annihilation of anti-ud-DiQuark with Baryon
01896         {
01897           --QU;
01898           --QD;
01899         }
01900         else if(!HBN && (QU || QD))
01901         {
01902           if(QU)
01903           {
01904             --QU;
01905             ++AD;
01906           }
01907           else
01908           {
01909             --QD;
01910             ++AU;
01911           }
01912         }
01913         else if(HBN || (!HBN && !QU && !QD)) return 0;
01914       }
01915       else                                // ----> anti-d=anti-d DiQuark
01916       {
01917         if(HBN>0 && QD>1) QD-=2;          // >> Annihilation of anti-dd-DiQuark with Baryon
01918         else if(!HBN && QD==1)
01919         {
01920           QD=0;
01921           ++AD;
01922         }
01923         else if(HBN || (!HBN && !QD)) return 0;
01924       }
01925 #ifdef debug
01926       G4cout<<"G4QContent::AddParton:ADQ, QC="<<QD<<","<<QU<<","<<QS<<","<<AD<<","<<AU<<","
01927             <<AS<<G4endl;
01928 #endif
01929       if     (HBN>0)                      // ....... Hadron is an Baryon
01930       {
01931         if     (QD) return 1;             // ----->> Answer is d
01932         else if(QU) return 2;             // ----->> Answer is u
01933         else        return 3;             // ----->> Answer is s
01934       }
01935       else                                // ....... Meson with annihilated Anti-Quark
01936       {                                       
01937         if    (AS)                       // --------- There is an anti-s quark
01938         {                                             
01939           if  (AS==2) return -3303;      // ----->> Answer is anti-ss (3301 does not exist)
01940           else if(AU) return -3201;      // ----->> Answer is anti-su (@@ only lightest)
01941           else        return -3101;      // ----->> Answer is anti-sd (@@ only lightest)
01942         }
01943         else if(AU)                      // --------- There is an anti-u quark
01944         {                                             
01945           if  (AU==2) return -2203;      // ----->> Answer is anti-uu (2201 does not exist)
01946           else        return -2101;      // ----->> Answer is anti-ud (@@ only lightest)
01947         }
01948         else          return -1103;      // ----->> Answer is anti-dd (1101 does not exist)
01949       }
01950     }
01951   }
01952   else                                    // Parton is Quark/antiQuark
01953   {
01954     if(pPDG>0)                            // -- Quark
01955     {
01956 #ifdef debug
01957       G4cout<<"G4QContent::AddParton: Quark, A="<<AD<<","<<AU<<","<<AS<<",B="<<HBN<<G4endl;
01958 #endif
01959       if     (aPDG==1)                    // ----> d quark
01960       {
01961         if(HBN<0 && AD) AD--;             // ****> Annihilation of d-quark with anti-Baryon
01962         else if(HBN || (!HBN && !AD)) return 0;
01963       }
01964       else if(aPDG==2)                    // ----> u quark
01965       {
01966         if(HBN<0 && AU) AU--;             // ****> Annihilation of u-quark with anti-Baryon
01967         else if(HBN || (!HBN && !AU)) return 0;
01968       }
01969       else                                // ----> s quark
01970       {
01971         if(HBN<0 && AS) AS--;             // ****> Annihilation of s-quark with anti-Baryon
01972         else if(HBN || (!HBN && !AS)) return 0;
01973       }
01974 #ifdef debug
01975       G4cout<<"G4QContent::AddParton: Q, QC="<<QD<<","<<QU<<","<<QS<<","<<AD<<","<<AU<<","
01976             <<AS<<G4endl;
01977 #endif
01978       if     (!HBN)                       // ....... Hadron is a Meson (passingThrougAbove)
01979       {                                       
01980         if     (QD) return 1;             // ----->> Answer is d
01981         else if(QU) return 2;             // ----->> Answer is u
01982         else        return 3;             // ----->> Answer is s
01983       }                                       
01984       else                                // ....... AntiBaryon with annihilated AntiQuark
01985       {                                       
01986         if    (AS)                        // --------- There is an anti-s quark
01987         {                                             
01988           if  (AS==2) return -3303;       // ----->> Answer is ss (3301 does not exist)
01989           else if(AU) return -3201;       // ----->> Answer is su (@@ only lightest)
01990           else        return -3101;       // ----->> Answer is sd (@@ only lightest)
01991         }                                             
01992         else if(AU)                           
01993         {                                             
01994           if  (AU==2) return -2203;       // ----->> Answer is uu (2201 does not exist)
01995           else        return -2101;       // ----->> Answer is ud (@@ only lightest)
01996         }
01997         else          return -1103;       // ----->> Answer is dd (1101 does not exist)
01998       }                                       
01999     }
02000     else                                  // -- antiQuark
02001     {
02002 #ifdef debug
02003       G4cout<<"G4QContent::AddParton: antiQ, Q="<<QD<<","<<QU<<","<<QS<<",B="<<HBN<<G4endl;
02004 #endif
02005       if     (aPDG==1)                    // ---->> anti-d quark
02006       {
02007         if(HBN>0 && QD) QD--;             // ****> Annihilation of anti-d-quark with Baryon
02008         else if(HBN || (!HBN && !QD)) return 0;
02009       }
02010       else if(aPDG==2)                    // ----> anti-u quark
02011       {
02012         if(HBN>0 && QU) QU--;             // ****> Annihilation of anti-u-quark with Baryon
02013         else if(HBN || (!HBN && !QU)) return 0;
02014       }
02015       else                                // ----> anti-s quark
02016       {
02017         if(HBN>0 && QS) QS--;             // ****> Annihilation of anti-s-quark with Baryon
02018         else if(HBN || (!HBN && !QS)) return 0;
02019       }
02020 #ifdef debug
02021       G4cout<<"G4QContent::AddParton: AQ, QC="<<QD<<","<<QU<<","<<QS<<","<<AD<<","<<AU<<","
02022             <<AS<<G4endl;
02023 #endif
02024       if     (!HBN)                       // ....... Hadron is a Meson (passingThrougAbove)
02025       {                                       
02026         if     (AD) return -1;            // ----->> Answer is anti-d
02027         else if(AU) return -2;            // ----->> Answer is anti-u
02028         else        return -3;            // ----->> Answer is anti-s
02029       }                                       
02030       else                                // ....... Baryon with annihilated Quark
02031       {                                       
02032         if    (QS)                        // --------- There is an anti-s quark
02033         {                                             
02034           if  (QS==2) return 3303;        // ----->> Answer is ss (3301 does not exist)
02035           else if(QU) return 3201;        // ----->> Answer is su (@@ only lightest)
02036           else        return 3101;        // ----->> Answer is sd (@@ only lightest)
02037         }                                             
02038         else if(QU)                           
02039         {                                             
02040           if  (QU==2) return 2203;        // ----->> Answer is uu (2201 does not exist)
02041           else        return 2101;        // ----->> Answer is ud (@@ only lightest)
02042         }                                             
02043         else          return 1103;        // ----->> Answer is dd (1101 does not exist)
02044       }                                       
02045     }
02046   }
02047 }

Generated on Mon May 27 17:49:31 2013 for Geant4 by  doxygen 1.4.7