
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //
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00024 // ********************************************************************
00025 //
00026 #ifndef G4NeutronHPThermalScattering_h
00027 #define G4NeutronHPThermalScattering_h 1
00029 // Thermal Neutron Scattering
00030 // Koi, Tatsumi (SLAC/SCCS)
00031 //
00032 // Class Description
00033 // Final State Generators for a high precision (based on evaluated data
00034 // libraries) description of themal neutron scattering below 4 eV;
00035 // Based on Thermal neutron scattering files
00036 // from the evaluated nuclear data files ENDF/B-VI, Release2
00037 // To be used in your physics list in case you need this physics.
00038 // In this case you want to register an object of this class with
00039 // the corresponding process.
00040 // Class Description - End
00042 #include "globals.hh"
00043 #include "G4NeutronHPThermalScatteringNames.hh"
00044 #include "G4NeutronHPThermalScatteringData.hh"
00045 #include "G4NeutronHPElastic.hh"
00046 #include "G4HadronicInteraction.hh"
00048 struct E_isoAng 
00049 {
00050    G4double energy;
00051    G4int n;
00052    std::vector < G4double > isoAngle; 
00053 };
00055 struct E_P_E_isoAng 
00056 {
00057    G4double energy;
00058    G4int n;
00059    std::vector < G4double > prob; 
00060    std::vector < E_isoAng* > vE_isoAngle; 
00061    G4double sum_of_probXdEs;  // should be close to 1
00062 };
00064 class G4NeutronHPThermalScattering : public G4HadronicInteraction
00065 {
00066    public: 
00068       G4NeutronHPThermalScattering();
00070       ~G4NeutronHPThermalScattering();
00072       G4HadFinalState * ApplyYourself(const G4HadProjectile& aTrack, G4Nucleus& aTargetNucleus);
00074       virtual const std::pair<G4double, G4double> GetFatalEnergyCheckLevels() const;
00075       //G4int GetNiso() {return theElastic[0].GetNiso();}
00077    private:
00079       G4NeutronHPThermalScatteringNames names;
00081       // Coherent Elastic 
00082       //         ElementID             temp                                BraggE    cumulativeP
00083       std::map < G4int , std::map < G4double , std::vector < std::pair< G4double , G4double >* >* >* > coherentFSs;
00084       std::map < G4double , std::vector < std::pair< G4double , G4double >* >* >* readACoherentFSDATA( G4String );
00086       // Incoherent Elastic 
00087       //         ElementID          temp        aFS for this temp (and this element)
00088       std::map < G4int , std::map < G4double , std::vector < E_isoAng* >* >* > incoherentFSs;
00089       std::map < G4double , std::vector < E_isoAng* >* >* readAnIncoherentFSDATA( G4String );
00090       E_isoAng* readAnE_isoAng ( std::ifstream* );
00092       // Inelastic 
00093       //         ElementID          temp         aFS for this temp (and this element) 
00094       std::map < G4int ,  std::map < G4double , std::vector < E_P_E_isoAng* >* >* > inelasticFSs;
00095       std::map < G4double , std::vector < E_P_E_isoAng* >* >* readAnInelasticFSDATA( G4String );
00096       E_P_E_isoAng* readAnE_P_E_isoAng ( std::ifstream* );
00099       G4NeutronHPThermalScatteringData* theXSection;
00100 //      G4double * xSec;
00101       //G4String dirName;
00102 //      G4int numEle;
00106       G4NeutronHPElastic* theHPElastic;
00108       G4double getMu ( E_isoAng* );
00110       std::pair< G4double , G4double > find_LH ( G4double , std::vector<G4double>* );
00111       G4double get_linear_interpolated ( G4double , std::pair < G4double , G4double > , std::pair < G4double , G4double > );
00113       E_isoAng create_E_isoAng_from_energy( G4double , std::vector< E_isoAng* >* );
00115       G4double get_secondary_energy_from_E_P_E_isoAng ( G4double , E_P_E_isoAng* );
00117       std::pair< G4double , E_isoAng > create_sE_and_EPM_from_pE_and_vE_P_E_isoAng ( G4double , G4double , std::vector < E_P_E_isoAng* >* );
00119       std::map < std::pair < const G4Material* , const G4Element* > , G4int > dic;   
00120       void buildPhysicsTable();
00121       G4int getTS_ID( const G4Material* , const G4Element* );
00123 };
00125 #endif

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