
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //
00002 // ********************************************************************
00003 // * License and Disclaimer                                           *
00004 // *                                                                  *
00005 // * The  Geant4 software  is  copyright of the Copyright Holders  of *
00006 // * the Geant4 Collaboration.  It is provided  under  the terms  and *
00007 // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License,  included in the file *
00008 // * LICENSE and available at  http://cern.ch/geant4/license .  These *
00009 // * include a list of copyright holders.                             *
00010 // *                                                                  *
00011 // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing *
00012 // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this *
00013 // * work  make  any representation or  warranty, express or implied, *
00014 // * regarding  this  software system or assume any liability for its *
00015 // * use.  Please see the license in the file  LICENSE  and URL above *
00016 // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability.         *
00017 // *                                                                  *
00018 // * This  code  implementation is the result of  the  scientific and *
00019 // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration.                      *
00020 // * By using,  copying,  modifying or  distributing the software (or *
00021 // * any work based  on the software)  you  agree  to acknowledge its *
00022 // * use  in  resulting  scientific  publications,  and indicate your *
00023 // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license.          *
00024 // ********************************************************************
00025 //
00026 //
00027 // $Id: G4MagIntegratorDriver.cc 69786 2013-05-15 09:38:51Z gcosmo $
00028 //
00029 // 
00030 //
00031 // Implementation for class G4MagInt_Driver
00032 // Tracking in space dependent magnetic field
00033 //
00034 // History of major changes:
00035 //  8 Nov 01  J. Apostolakis:   Respect minimum step in AccurateAdvance
00036 // 27 Jul 99  J. Apostolakis:   Ensured that AccurateAdvance does not loop 
00037 //                              due to very small eps & step size (precision)
00038 // 28 Jan 98  W. Wander:        Added ability for low order integrators
00039 //  7 Oct 96  V. Grichine       First version
00040 // --------------------------------------------------------------------
00042 #include <iomanip>
00044 #include "globals.hh"
00045 #include "G4SystemOfUnits.hh"
00046 #include "G4GeometryTolerance.hh"
00047 #include "G4MagIntegratorDriver.hh"
00048 #include "G4FieldTrack.hh"
00050 //  Stepsize can increase by no more than 5.0
00051 //           and decrease by no more than 1/10. = 0.1
00052 //
00053 const G4double G4MagInt_Driver::max_stepping_increase = 5.0;
00054 const G4double G4MagInt_Driver::max_stepping_decrease = 0.1;
00056 //  The (default) maximum number of steps is Base
00057 //  divided by the order of Stepper
00058 //
00059 const G4int  G4MagInt_Driver::fMaxStepBase = 250;  // Was 5000
00062 #define G4FLD_STATS  1
00063 #endif
00065 // ---------------------------------------------------------
00067 //  Constructor
00068 //
00069 G4MagInt_Driver::G4MagInt_Driver( G4double                hminimum, 
00070                                   G4MagIntegratorStepper *pStepper,
00071                                   G4int                   numComponents,
00072                                   G4int                   statisticsVerbose)
00073   : fSmallestFraction( 1.0e-12 ), 
00074     fNoIntegrationVariables(numComponents), 
00075     fMinNoVars(12), 
00076     fNoVars( std::max( fNoIntegrationVariables, fMinNoVars )),
00077     fStatisticsVerboseLevel(statisticsVerbose),
00078     fNoTotalSteps(0),  fNoBadSteps(0), fNoSmallSteps(0),
00079     fNoInitialSmallSteps(0), 
00080     fDyerr_max(0.0), fDyerr_mx2(0.0), 
00081     fDyerrPos_smTot(0.0), fDyerrPos_lgTot(0.0), fDyerrVel_lgTot(0.0), 
00082     fSumH_sm(0.0), fSumH_lg(0.0),
00083     fVerboseLevel(0)
00084 {  
00085   // In order to accomodate "Laboratory Time", which is [7], fMinNoVars=8
00086   // is required. For proper time of flight and spin,  fMinNoVars must be 12
00088   RenewStepperAndAdjust( pStepper );
00089   fMinimumStep= hminimum;
00090   fMaxNoSteps = fMaxStepBase / pIntStepper->IntegratorOrder();
00091 #ifdef G4DEBUG_FIELD
00092   fVerboseLevel=2;
00093 #endif
00095   if( (fVerboseLevel > 0) || (fStatisticsVerboseLevel > 1) )
00096   {
00097     G4cout << "MagIntDriver version: Accur-Adv: "
00098            << "invE_nS, QuickAdv-2sqrt with Statistics "
00099 #ifdef G4FLD_STATS
00100            << " enabled "
00101 #else
00102            << " disabled "
00103 #endif
00104            << G4endl;
00105   }
00106 }
00108 // ---------------------------------------------------------
00110 //  Destructor
00111 //
00112 G4MagInt_Driver::~G4MagInt_Driver()
00113 { 
00114   if( fStatisticsVerboseLevel > 1 )
00115   {
00116     PrintStatisticsReport();
00117   }
00118 }
00120 // To add much printing for debugging purposes, uncomment the following
00121 // and set verbose level to 1 or higher value !
00122 // #define  G4DEBUG_FIELD 1    
00124 // ---------------------------------------------------------
00126 G4bool
00127 G4MagInt_Driver::AccurateAdvance(G4FieldTrack& y_current,
00128                                  G4double     hstep,
00129                                  G4double     eps,
00130                                  G4double hinitial )
00131 {
00132   // Runge-Kutta driver with adaptive stepsize control. Integrate starting
00133   // values at y_current over hstep x2 with accuracy eps. 
00134   // On output ystart is replaced by values at the end of the integration 
00135   // interval. RightHandSide is the right-hand side of ODE system. 
00136   // The source is similar to odeint routine from NRC p.721-722 .
00138   G4int nstp, i, no_warnings=0;
00139   G4double x, hnext, hdid, h;
00141 #ifdef G4DEBUG_FIELD
00142   static G4int dbg=1;
00143   static G4int nStpPr=50;   // For debug printing of long integrations
00144   G4double ySubStepStart[G4FieldTrack::ncompSVEC];
00145   G4FieldTrack  yFldTrkStart(y_current);
00146 #endif
00148   G4double y[G4FieldTrack::ncompSVEC], dydx[G4FieldTrack::ncompSVEC];
00149   G4double ystart[G4FieldTrack::ncompSVEC], yEnd[G4FieldTrack::ncompSVEC]; 
00150   G4double  x1, x2;
00151   G4bool succeeded = true, lastStepSucceeded;
00153   G4double startCurveLength;
00155   G4int  noFullIntegr=0, noSmallIntegr = 0 ;
00156   static G4int  noGoodSteps =0 ;  // Bad = chord > curve-len 
00157   const  G4int  nvar= fNoVars;
00159   G4FieldTrack yStartFT(y_current);
00161   //  Ensure that hstep > 0
00162   //
00163   if( hstep <= 0.0 )
00164   { 
00165     if(hstep==0.0)
00166     {
00167       std::ostringstream message;
00168       message << "Proposed step is zero; hstep = " << hstep << " !";
00169       G4Exception("G4MagInt_Driver::AccurateAdvance()", 
00170                   "GeomField1001", JustWarning, message);
00171       return succeeded; 
00172     }
00173     else
00174     { 
00175       std::ostringstream message;
00176       message << "Invalid run condition." << G4endl
00177               << "Proposed step is negative; hstep = " << hstep << "." << G4endl
00178               << "Requested step cannot be negative! Aborting event.";
00179       G4Exception("G4MagInt_Driver::AccurateAdvance()", 
00180                   "GeomField0003", EventMustBeAborted, message);
00181       return false;
00182     }
00183   }
00185   y_current.DumpToArray( ystart );
00187   startCurveLength= y_current.GetCurveLength();
00188   x1= startCurveLength; 
00189   x2= x1 + hstep;
00191   if ( (hinitial > 0.0) && (hinitial < hstep)
00192     && (hinitial > perMillion * hstep) )
00193   {
00194      h = hinitial;
00195   }
00196   else  //  Initial Step size "h" defaults to the full interval
00197   {
00198      h = hstep;
00199   }
00201   x = x1;
00203   for (i=0;i<nvar;i++)  { y[i] = ystart[i]; }
00205   G4bool lastStep= false;
00206   nstp=1;
00208   do
00209   {
00210     G4ThreeVector StartPos( y[0], y[1], y[2] );
00212 #ifdef G4DEBUG_FIELD
00213     G4double xSubStepStart= x; 
00214     for (i=0;i<nvar;i++)  { ySubStepStart[i] = y[i]; }
00215     yFldTrkStart.LoadFromArray(y, fNoIntegrationVariables);
00216     yFldTrkStart.SetCurveLength(x);
00217 #endif
00219     // Old method - inline call to Equation of Motion
00220     //   pIntStepper->RightHandSide( y, dydx );
00221     // New method allows to cache field, or state (eg momentum magnitude)
00222     pIntStepper->ComputeRightHandSide( y, dydx );
00223     fNoTotalSteps++;
00225     // Perform the Integration
00226     //      
00227     if( h > fMinimumStep )
00228     { 
00229       OneGoodStep(y,dydx,x,h,eps,hdid,hnext) ;
00230       //--------------------------------------
00231       lastStepSucceeded= (hdid == h);   
00232 #ifdef G4DEBUG_FIELD
00233       if (dbg>2) {
00234         PrintStatus( ySubStepStart, xSubStepStart, y, x, h,  nstp); // Only
00235       }
00236 #endif
00237     }
00238     else
00239     {
00240       G4FieldTrack yFldTrk( G4ThreeVector(0,0,0), 
00241                             G4ThreeVector(0,0,0), 0., 0., 0., 0. );
00242       G4double dchord_step, dyerr, dyerr_len;   // What to do with these ?
00243       yFldTrk.LoadFromArray(y, fNoIntegrationVariables); 
00244       yFldTrk.SetCurveLength( x );
00246       QuickAdvance( yFldTrk, dydx, h, dchord_step, dyerr_len ); 
00247       //-----------------------------------------------------
00249       yFldTrk.DumpToArray(y);    
00251 #ifdef G4FLD_STATS
00252       fNoSmallSteps++; 
00253       if ( dyerr_len > fDyerr_max)  { fDyerr_max= dyerr_len; }
00254       fDyerrPos_smTot += dyerr_len;
00255       fSumH_sm += h;  // Length total for 'small' steps
00256       if (nstp<=1)  { fNoInitialSmallSteps++; }
00257 #endif
00258 #ifdef G4DEBUG_FIELD
00259       if (dbg>1)
00260       {
00261         if(fNoSmallSteps<2) { PrintStatus(ySubStepStart, x1, y, x, h, -nstp); }
00262         G4cout << "Another sub-min step, no " << fNoSmallSteps 
00263                << " of " << fNoTotalSteps << " this time " << nstp << G4endl; 
00264         PrintStatus( ySubStepStart, x1, y, x, h,  nstp);   // Only this
00265         G4cout << " dyerr= " << dyerr_len << " relative = " << dyerr_len / h 
00266                << " epsilon= " << eps << " hstep= " << hstep 
00267                << " h= " << h << " hmin= " << fMinimumStep << G4endl;
00268       }
00269 #endif        
00270       if( h == 0.0 )
00271       { 
00272         G4Exception("G4MagInt_Driver::AccurateAdvance()",
00273                     "GeomField0003", FatalException,
00274                     "Integration Step became Zero!"); 
00275       }
00276       dyerr = dyerr_len / h;
00277       hdid= h;
00278       x += hdid;
00280       // Compute suggested new step
00281       hnext= ComputeNewStepSize( dyerr/eps, h);
00283       // .. hnext= ComputeNewStepSize_WithinLimits( dyerr/eps, h);
00284       lastStepSucceeded= (dyerr<= eps);
00285     }
00287     if (lastStepSucceeded)  { noFullIntegr++; }
00288     else                    { noSmallIntegr++; }
00290     G4ThreeVector EndPos( y[0], y[1], y[2] );
00292 #ifdef  G4DEBUG_FIELD
00293     if( (dbg>0) && (dbg<=2) && (nstp>nStpPr))
00294     {
00295       if( nstp==nStpPr )  { G4cout << "***** Many steps ****" << G4endl; }
00296       G4cout << "MagIntDrv: " ; 
00297       G4cout << "hdid="  << std::setw(12) << hdid  << " "
00298              << "hnext=" << std::setw(12) << hnext << " " 
00299              << "hstep=" << std::setw(12) << hstep << " (requested) " 
00300              << G4endl;
00301       PrintStatus( ystart, x1, y, x, h, (nstp==nStpPr) ? -nstp: nstp); 
00302     }
00303 #endif
00305     // Check the endpoint
00306     G4double endPointDist= (EndPos-StartPos).mag(); 
00307     if ( endPointDist >= hdid*(1.+perMillion) )
00308     {
00309       fNoBadSteps++;
00311       // Issue a warning only for gross differences -
00312       // we understand how small difference occur.
00313       if ( endPointDist >= hdid*(1.+perThousand) )
00314       { 
00315 #ifdef G4DEBUG_FIELD
00316         if (dbg)
00317         {
00318           WarnEndPointTooFar ( endPointDist, hdid, eps, dbg ); 
00319           G4cerr << "  Total steps:  bad " << fNoBadSteps
00320                  << " good " << noGoodSteps << " current h= " << hdid
00321                  << G4endl;
00322           PrintStatus( ystart, x1, y, x, hstep, no_warnings?nstp:-nstp);  
00323         }
00324 #endif
00325         no_warnings++;
00326       }
00327     }
00328     else
00329     {
00330       noGoodSteps ++;
00331     } 
00332 // #endif
00334     //  Avoid numerous small last steps
00335     if( (h < eps * hstep) || (h < fSmallestFraction * startCurveLength) )
00336     {
00337       // No more integration -- the next step will not happen
00338       lastStep = true;  
00339     }
00340     else
00341     {
00342       // Check the proposed next stepsize
00343       if(std::fabs(hnext) <= Hmin())
00344       {
00345 #ifdef  G4DEBUG_FIELD
00346         // If simply a very small interval is being integrated, do not warn
00347         if( (x < x2 * (1-eps) ) &&        // The last step can be small: OK
00348             (std::fabs(hstep) > Hmin()) ) // and if we are asked, it's OK
00349         {
00350           if(dbg>0)
00351           {
00352             WarnSmallStepSize( hnext, hstep, h, x-x1, nstp );  
00353             PrintStatus( ystart, x1, y, x, hstep, no_warnings?nstp:-nstp);
00354           }
00355           no_warnings++;
00356         }
00357 #endif
00358         // Make sure that the next step is at least Hmin.
00359         h = Hmin();
00360       }
00361       else
00362       {
00363         h = hnext;
00364       }
00366       //  Ensure that the next step does not overshoot
00367       if ( x+h > x2 )
00368       {                // When stepsize overshoots, decrease it!
00369         h = x2 - x ;   // Must cope with difficult rounding-error
00370       }                // issues if hstep << x2
00372       if ( h == 0.0 )
00373       {
00374         // Cannot progress - accept this as last step - by default
00375         lastStep = true;
00376 #ifdef G4DEBUG_FIELD
00377         if (dbg>2)
00378         {
00379           int prec= G4cout.precision(12); 
00380           G4cout << "Warning: G4MagIntegratorDriver::AccurateAdvance"
00381                  << G4endl
00382                  << "  Integration step 'h' became "
00383                  << h << " due to roundoff. " << G4endl
00384                  << " Calculated as difference of x2= "<< x2 << " and x=" << x
00385                  << "  Forcing termination of advance." << G4endl;
00386           G4cout.precision(prec);
00387         }          
00388 #endif
00389       }
00390     }
00391   } while ( ((nstp++)<=fMaxNoSteps) && (x < x2) && (!lastStep) );
00392      // Have we reached the end ?
00393      // --> a better test might be x-x2 > an_epsilon
00395   succeeded=  (x>=x2);  // If it was a "forced" last step
00397   for (i=0;i<nvar;i++)  { yEnd[i] = y[i]; }
00399   // Put back the values.
00400   y_current.LoadFromArray( yEnd, fNoIntegrationVariables );
00401   y_current.SetCurveLength( x );
00403   if(nstp > fMaxNoSteps)
00404   {
00405     no_warnings++;
00406     succeeded = false;
00407 #ifdef G4DEBUG_FIELD
00408     if (dbg)
00409     {
00410       WarnTooManyStep( x1, x2, x );  //  Issue WARNING
00411       PrintStatus( yEnd, x1, y, x, hstep, -nstp);
00412     }
00413 #endif
00414   }
00416 #ifdef G4DEBUG_FIELD
00417   if( dbg && no_warnings )
00418   {
00419     G4cerr << "G4MagIntegratorDriver exit status: no-steps " << nstp <<G4endl;
00420     PrintStatus( yEnd, x1, y, x, hstep, nstp);
00421   }
00422 #endif
00424   return succeeded;
00425 }  // end of AccurateAdvance ...........................
00427 // ---------------------------------------------------------
00429 void
00430 G4MagInt_Driver::WarnSmallStepSize( G4double hnext, G4double hstep, 
00431                                     G4double h, G4double xDone,
00432                                     G4int nstp)
00433 {
00434   static G4int noWarningsIssued =0;
00435   const  G4int maxNoWarnings =  10;   // Number of verbose warnings
00436   std::ostringstream message;
00437   if( (noWarningsIssued < maxNoWarnings) || fVerboseLevel > 10 )
00438   {
00439     message << "The stepsize for the next iteration, " << hnext
00440             << ", is too small - in Step number " << nstp << "." << G4endl
00441             << "The minimum for the driver is " << Hmin()  << G4endl
00442             << "Requested integr. length was " << hstep << " ." << G4endl
00443             << "The size of this sub-step was " << h     << " ." << G4endl
00444             << "The integrations has already gone " << xDone;
00445   }
00446   else
00447   {
00448     message << "Too small 'next' step " << hnext
00449             << ", step-no: " << nstp << G4endl
00450             << ", this sub-step: " << h     
00451             << ",  req_tot_len: " << hstep 
00452             << ", done: " << xDone << ", min: " << Hmin();
00453   }
00454   G4Exception("G4MagInt_Driver::WarnSmallStepSize()", "GeomField1001",
00455               JustWarning, message);
00456   noWarningsIssued++;
00457 }
00459 // ---------------------------------------------------------
00461 void
00462 G4MagInt_Driver::WarnTooManyStep( G4double x1start, 
00463                                   G4double x2end, 
00464                                   G4double xCurrent)
00465 {
00466     std::ostringstream message;
00467     message << "The number of steps used in the Integration driver"
00468             << " (Runge-Kutta) is too many." << G4endl
00469             << "Integration of the interval was not completed !" << G4endl
00470             << "Only a " << (xCurrent-x1start)*100/(x2end-x1start)
00471             << " % fraction of it was done.";
00472     G4Exception("G4MagInt_Driver::WarnTooManyStep()", "GeomField1001",
00473                 JustWarning, message);
00474 }
00476 // ---------------------------------------------------------
00478 void
00479 G4MagInt_Driver::WarnEndPointTooFar (G4double endPointDist, 
00480                                      G4double   h , 
00481                                      G4double  eps,
00482                                      G4int     dbg)
00483 {
00484   static G4double maxRelError=0.0;
00485   G4bool isNewMax, prNewMax;
00487   isNewMax = endPointDist > (1.0 + maxRelError) * h;
00488   prNewMax = endPointDist > (1.0 + 1.05 * maxRelError) * h;
00489   if( isNewMax ) { maxRelError= endPointDist / h - 1.0; }
00491   if( dbg && (h > G4GeometryTolerance::GetInstance()->GetSurfaceTolerance()) 
00492           && ( (dbg>1) || prNewMax || (endPointDist >= h*(1.+eps) ) ) )
00493   { 
00494     static G4int noWarnings = 0;
00495     std::ostringstream message;
00496     if( (noWarnings ++ < 10) || (dbg>2) )
00497     {
00498       message << "The integration produced an end-point which " << G4endl
00499               << "is further from the start-point than the curve length."
00500               << G4endl;
00501     }
00502     message << "  Distance of endpoints = " << endPointDist
00503             << ", curve length = " << h << G4endl
00504             << "  Difference (curveLen-endpDist)= " << (h - endPointDist)
00505             << ", relative = " << (h-endPointDist) / h 
00506             << ", epsilon =  " << eps;
00507     G4Exception("G4MagInt_Driver::WarnEndPointTooFar()", "GeomField1001",
00508                 JustWarning, message);
00509   }
00510 }
00512 // ---------------------------------------------------------
00514 void
00515 G4MagInt_Driver::OneGoodStep(      G4double y[],        // InOut
00516                              const G4double dydx[],
00517                                    G4double& x,         // InOut
00518                                    G4double htry,
00519                                    G4double eps_rel_max,
00520                                    G4double& hdid,      // Out
00521                                    G4double& hnext )    // Out
00523 // Driver for one Runge-Kutta Step with monitoring of local truncation error
00524 // to ensure accuracy and adjust stepsize. Input are dependent variable
00525 // array y[0,...,5] and its derivative dydx[0,...,5] at the
00526 // starting value of the independent variable x . Also input are stepsize
00527 // to be attempted htry, and the required accuracy eps. On output y and x
00528 // are replaced by their new values, hdid is the stepsize that was actually
00529 // accomplished, and hnext is the estimated next stepsize. 
00530 // This is similar to the function rkqs from the book:
00531 // Numerical Recipes in C: The Art of Scientific Computing (NRC), Second
00532 // Edition, by William H. Press, Saul A. Teukolsky, William T.
00533 // Vetterling, and Brian P. Flannery (Cambridge University Press 1992),
00534 // 16.2 Adaptive StepSize Control for Runge-Kutta, p. 719
00536 {
00537   G4double errmax_sq;
00538   G4double h, htemp, xnew ;
00540   G4double yerr[G4FieldTrack::ncompSVEC], ytemp[G4FieldTrack::ncompSVEC];
00542   h = htry ; // Set stepsize to the initial trial value
00544   G4double inv_eps_vel_sq = 1.0 / (eps_rel_max*eps_rel_max);
00546   G4double errpos_sq=0.0;    // square of displacement error
00547   G4double errvel_sq=0.0;    // square of momentum vector difference
00548   G4double errspin_sq=0.0;   // square of spin vector difference
00550   G4int iter;
00552   static G4int tot_no_trials=0; 
00553   const G4int max_trials=100; 
00555   G4ThreeVector Spin(y[9],y[10],y[11]);
00556   G4bool     hasSpin= (Spin.mag2() > 0.0); 
00558   for (iter=0; iter<max_trials ;iter++)
00559   {
00560     tot_no_trials++;
00561     pIntStepper-> Stepper(y,dydx,h,ytemp,yerr); 
00562     //            *******
00563     G4double eps_pos = eps_rel_max * std::max(h, fMinimumStep); 
00564     G4double inv_eps_pos_sq = 1.0 / (eps_pos*eps_pos); 
00566     // Evaluate accuracy
00567     //
00568     errpos_sq =  sqr(yerr[0]) + sqr(yerr[1]) + sqr(yerr[2]) ;
00569     errpos_sq *= inv_eps_pos_sq; // Scale relative to required tolerance
00571     // Accuracy for momentum
00572     errvel_sq =  (sqr(yerr[3]) + sqr(yerr[4]) + sqr(yerr[5]) )
00573                / (sqr(y[3]) + sqr(y[4]) + sqr(y[5]) );
00574     errvel_sq *= inv_eps_vel_sq;
00575     errmax_sq = std::max( errpos_sq, errvel_sq ); // Square of maximum error
00577     if( hasSpin )
00578     { 
00579       // Accuracy for spin
00580       errspin_sq =  ( sqr(yerr[9]) + sqr(yerr[10]) + sqr(yerr[11]) )
00581                  /  ( sqr(y[9]) + sqr(y[10]) + sqr(y[11]) );
00582       errspin_sq *= inv_eps_vel_sq;
00583       errmax_sq = std::max( errmax_sq, errspin_sq ); 
00584    }
00586     if ( errmax_sq <= 1.0 )  { break; } // Step succeeded. 
00588     // Step failed; compute the size of retrial Step.
00589     htemp = GetSafety()*h* std::pow( errmax_sq, 0.5*GetPshrnk() );
00591     if (htemp >= 0.1*h)  { h = htemp; }  // Truncation error too large,
00592     else  { h = 0.1*h; }                 // reduce stepsize, but no more
00593                                          // than a factor of 10
00594     xnew = x + h;
00595     if(xnew == x)
00596     {
00597       G4cerr << "G4MagIntegratorDriver::OneGoodStep:" << G4endl
00598              << "  Stepsize underflow in Stepper " << G4endl ;
00599       G4cerr << "  Step's start x=" << x << " and end x= " << xnew 
00600              << " are equal !! " << G4endl
00601              <<"  Due to step-size= " << h 
00602              << " . Note that input step was " << htry << G4endl;
00603       break;
00604     }
00605   }
00607 #ifdef G4FLD_STATS
00608   // Sum of squares of position error // and momentum dir (underestimated)
00609   fSumH_lg += h; 
00610   fDyerrPos_lgTot += errpos_sq;
00611   fDyerrVel_lgTot += errvel_sq * h * h; 
00612 #endif
00614   // Compute size of next Step
00615   if (errmax_sq > errcon*errcon)
00616   { 
00617     hnext = GetSafety()*h*std::pow(errmax_sq, 0.5*GetPgrow());
00618   }
00619   else
00620   {
00621     hnext = max_stepping_increase*h ; // No more than a factor of 5 increase
00622   }
00623   x += (hdid = h);
00625   for(G4int k=0;k<fNoIntegrationVariables;k++) { y[k] = ytemp[k]; }
00627   return;
00628 }   // end of  OneGoodStep .............................
00630 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
00632 // QuickAdvance just tries one Step - it does not ensure accuracy
00633 //
00634 G4bool  G4MagInt_Driver::QuickAdvance(       
00635                             G4FieldTrack& y_posvel,         // INOUT
00636                             const G4double     dydx[],  
00637                                   G4double     hstep,       // In
00638                                   G4double&    dchord_step,
00639                                   G4double&    dyerr_pos_sq,
00640                                   G4double&    dyerr_mom_rel_sq )  
00641 {
00642   G4Exception("G4MagInt_Driver::QuickAdvance()", "GeomField0001",
00643               FatalException, "Not yet implemented."); 
00645   // Use the parameters of this method, to please compiler
00646   dchord_step = dyerr_pos_sq = hstep * hstep * dydx[0]; 
00647   dyerr_mom_rel_sq = y_posvel.GetPosition().mag2();
00648   return true;
00649 }
00651 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
00653 G4bool  G4MagInt_Driver::QuickAdvance(       
00654                             G4FieldTrack& y_posvel,         // INOUT
00655                             const G4double     dydx[],  
00656                                   G4double     hstep,       // In
00657                                   G4double&    dchord_step,
00658                                   G4double&    dyerr )
00659 {
00660   G4double dyerr_pos_sq, dyerr_mom_rel_sq;  
00661   G4double yerr_vec[G4FieldTrack::ncompSVEC],
00662            yarrin[G4FieldTrack::ncompSVEC], yarrout[G4FieldTrack::ncompSVEC]; 
00663   G4double s_start;
00664   G4double dyerr_mom_sq, vel_mag_sq, inv_vel_mag_sq;
00666   static G4int no_call=0; 
00667   no_call ++; 
00669   // Move data into array
00670   y_posvel.DumpToArray( yarrin );      //  yarrin  <== y_posvel 
00671   s_start = y_posvel.GetCurveLength();
00673   // Do an Integration Step
00674   pIntStepper-> Stepper(yarrin, dydx, hstep, yarrout, yerr_vec) ; 
00675   //            *******
00677   // Estimate curve-chord distance
00678   dchord_step= pIntStepper-> DistChord();
00679   //                         *********
00681   // Put back the values.  yarrout ==> y_posvel
00682   y_posvel.LoadFromArray( yarrout, fNoIntegrationVariables );
00683   y_posvel.SetCurveLength( s_start + hstep );
00685 #ifdef  G4DEBUG_FIELD
00686   if(fVerboseLevel>2)
00687   {
00688     G4cout << "G4MagIntDrv: Quick Advance" << G4endl;
00689     PrintStatus( yarrin, s_start, yarrout, s_start+hstep, hstep,  1); 
00690   }
00691 #endif
00693   // A single measure of the error   
00694   //      TO-DO :  account for  energy,  spin, ... ? 
00695   vel_mag_sq   = ( sqr(yarrout[3])+sqr(yarrout[4])+sqr(yarrout[5]) );
00696   inv_vel_mag_sq = 1.0 / vel_mag_sq; 
00697   dyerr_pos_sq = ( sqr(yerr_vec[0])+sqr(yerr_vec[1])+sqr(yerr_vec[2]));
00698   dyerr_mom_sq = ( sqr(yerr_vec[3])+sqr(yerr_vec[4])+sqr(yerr_vec[5]));
00699   dyerr_mom_rel_sq = dyerr_mom_sq * inv_vel_mag_sq;
00701   // Calculate also the change in the momentum squared also ???
00702   // G4double veloc_square = y_posvel.GetVelocity().mag2();
00703   // ...
00706   // The following step cannot be done here because "eps" is not known.
00707   dyerr_len = std::sqrt( dyerr_len_sq ); 
00708   dyerr_len_sq /= eps ;
00710   // Look at the velocity deviation ?
00711   //  sqr(yerr_vec[3])+sqr(yerr_vec[4])+sqr(yerr_vec[5]));
00713   // Set suggested new step
00714   hstep= ComputeNewStepSize( dyerr_len, hstep);
00715 #endif
00717   if( dyerr_pos_sq > ( dyerr_mom_rel_sq * sqr(hstep) ) )
00718   {
00719     dyerr = std::sqrt(dyerr_pos_sq);
00720   }
00721   else
00722   {
00723     // Scale it to the current step size - for now
00724     dyerr = std::sqrt(dyerr_mom_rel_sq) * hstep;
00725   }
00727   return true;
00728 }
00730 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
00733 G4bool  G4MagInt_Driver::QuickAdvance(       
00734                                   G4double     yarrin[],    // In
00735                             const G4double     dydx[],  
00736                                   G4double     hstep,       // In
00737                                   G4double     yarrout[],
00738                                   G4double&    dchord_step,
00739                                   G4double&    dyerr )      // In length
00740 {
00741   G4Exception("G4MagInt_Driver::QuickAdvance()", "GeomField0001",
00742               FatalException, "Not yet implemented.");
00743   dyerr = dchord_step = hstep * yarrin[0] * dydx[0];
00744   yarrout[0]= yarrin[0];
00745 }
00746 #endif 
00748 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
00750 //  This method computes new step sizes - but does not limit changes to
00751 //   within  certain factors
00752 // 
00753 G4double 
00754 G4MagInt_Driver::ComputeNewStepSize( 
00755                           G4double  errMaxNorm,    // max error  (normalised)
00756                           G4double  hstepCurrent)  // current step size
00757 {
00758   G4double hnew;
00760   // Compute size of next Step for a failed step
00761   if(errMaxNorm > 1.0 )
00762   {
00763     // Step failed; compute the size of retrial Step.
00764     hnew = GetSafety()*hstepCurrent*std::pow(errMaxNorm,GetPshrnk()) ;
00765   } else if(errMaxNorm > 0.0 ) {
00766     // Compute size of next Step for a successful step
00767     hnew = GetSafety()*hstepCurrent*std::pow(errMaxNorm,GetPgrow()) ;
00768   } else {
00769     // if error estimate is zero (possible) or negative (dubious)
00770     hnew = max_stepping_increase * hstepCurrent; 
00771   }
00773   return hnew;
00774 }
00776 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
00778 // This method computes new step sizes limiting changes within certain factors
00779 // 
00780 // It shares its logic with AccurateAdvance.
00781 // They are kept separate currently for optimisation.
00782 //
00783 G4double 
00784 G4MagInt_Driver::ComputeNewStepSize_WithinLimits( 
00785                           G4double  errMaxNorm,    // max error  (normalised)
00786                           G4double  hstepCurrent)  // current step size
00787 {
00788   G4double hnew;
00790   // Compute size of next Step for a failed step
00791   if (errMaxNorm > 1.0 )
00792   {
00793     // Step failed; compute the size of retrial Step.
00794     hnew = GetSafety()*hstepCurrent*std::pow(errMaxNorm,GetPshrnk()) ;
00796     if (hnew < max_stepping_decrease*hstepCurrent)
00797     {
00798       hnew = max_stepping_decrease*hstepCurrent ;
00799                          // reduce stepsize, but no more
00800                          // than this factor (value= 1/10)
00801     }
00802   }
00803   else
00804   {
00805     // Compute size of next Step for a successful step
00806     if (errMaxNorm > errcon)
00807      { hnew = GetSafety()*hstepCurrent*std::pow(errMaxNorm,GetPgrow()); }
00808     else  // No more than a factor of 5 increase
00809      { hnew = max_stepping_increase * hstepCurrent; }
00810   }
00811   return hnew;
00812 }
00814 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
00816 void G4MagInt_Driver::PrintStatus( const G4double*   StartArr,  
00817                                    G4double          xstart,
00818                                    const G4double*   CurrentArr, 
00819                                    G4double          xcurrent,
00820                                    G4double          requestStep, 
00821                                    G4int             subStepNo)
00822   // Potentially add as arguments:  
00823   //                                 <dydx>           - as Initial Force
00824   //                                 stepTaken(hdid)  - last step taken
00825   //                                 nextStep (hnext) - proposal for size
00826 {
00827    G4FieldTrack  StartFT(G4ThreeVector(0,0,0),
00828                  G4ThreeVector(0,0,0), 0., 0., 0., 0. );
00829    G4FieldTrack  CurrentFT (StartFT);
00831    StartFT.LoadFromArray( StartArr, fNoIntegrationVariables); 
00832    StartFT.SetCurveLength( xstart);
00833    CurrentFT.LoadFromArray( CurrentArr, fNoIntegrationVariables); 
00834    CurrentFT.SetCurveLength( xcurrent );
00836    PrintStatus(StartFT, CurrentFT, requestStep, subStepNo ); 
00837 }
00839 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
00841 void G4MagInt_Driver::PrintStatus(
00842                   const G4FieldTrack&  StartFT,
00843                   const G4FieldTrack&  CurrentFT, 
00844                   G4double             requestStep, 
00845                   G4int                subStepNo)
00846 {
00847     G4int verboseLevel= fVerboseLevel;
00848     static G4int noPrecision= 5;
00849     G4int oldPrec= G4cout.precision(noPrecision);
00850     // G4cout.setf(ios_base::fixed,ios_base::floatfield);
00852     const G4ThreeVector StartPosition=       StartFT.GetPosition();
00853     const G4ThreeVector StartUnitVelocity=   StartFT.GetMomentumDir();
00854     const G4ThreeVector CurrentPosition=     CurrentFT.GetPosition();
00855     const G4ThreeVector CurrentUnitVelocity= CurrentFT.GetMomentumDir();
00857     G4double  DotStartCurrentVeloc= StartUnitVelocity.dot(CurrentUnitVelocity);
00859     G4double step_len= CurrentFT.GetCurveLength() - StartFT.GetCurveLength();
00860     G4double subStepSize = step_len;
00862     if( (subStepNo <= 1) || (verboseLevel > 3) )
00863     {
00864        subStepNo = - subStepNo;        // To allow printing banner
00866        G4cout << std::setw( 6)  << " " << std::setw( 25)
00867               << " G4MagInt_Driver: Current Position  and  Direction" << " "
00868               << G4endl; 
00869        G4cout << std::setw( 5) << "Step#" << " "
00870               << std::setw( 7) << "s-curve" << " "
00871               << std::setw( 9) << "X(mm)" << " "
00872               << std::setw( 9) << "Y(mm)" << " "  
00873               << std::setw( 9) << "Z(mm)" << " "
00874               << std::setw( 8) << " N_x " << " "
00875               << std::setw( 8) << " N_y " << " "
00876               << std::setw( 8) << " N_z " << " "
00877               << std::setw( 8) << " N^2-1 " << " "
00878               << std::setw(10) << " N(0).N " << " "
00879               << std::setw( 7) << "KinEner " << " "
00880               << std::setw(12) << "Track-l" << " "   // Add the Sub-step ??
00881               << std::setw(12) << "Step-len" << " " 
00882               << std::setw(12) << "Step-len" << " " 
00883               << std::setw( 9) << "ReqStep" << " "  
00884               << G4endl;
00885     }
00887     if( (subStepNo <= 0) )
00888     {
00889       PrintStat_Aux( StartFT,  requestStep, 0., 
00890                        0,        0.0,         1.0);
00891       //*************
00892     }
00894     if( verboseLevel <= 3 )
00895     {
00896       G4cout.precision(noPrecision);
00897       PrintStat_Aux( CurrentFT, requestStep, step_len, 
00898                      subStepNo, subStepSize, DotStartCurrentVeloc );
00899       //*************
00900     }
00902     else // if( verboseLevel > 3 )
00903     {
00904        //  Multi-line output
00906        // G4cout << "Current  Position is " << CurrentPosition << G4endl 
00907        //    << " and UnitVelocity is " << CurrentUnitVelocity << G4endl;
00908        // G4cout << "Step taken was " << step_len  
00909        //    << " out of PhysicalStep= " <<  requestStep << G4endl;
00910        // G4cout << "Final safety is: " << safety << G4endl;
00911        // G4cout << "Chord length = " << (CurrentPosition-StartPosition).mag()
00912        //        << G4endl << G4endl; 
00913     }
00914     G4cout.precision(oldPrec);
00915 }
00917 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
00919 void G4MagInt_Driver::PrintStat_Aux(
00920                   const G4FieldTrack&  aFieldTrack,
00921                   G4double             requestStep, 
00922                   G4double             step_len,
00923                   G4int                subStepNo,
00924                   G4double             subStepSize,
00925                   G4double             dotVeloc_StartCurr)
00926 {
00927     const G4ThreeVector Position=      aFieldTrack.GetPosition();
00928     const G4ThreeVector UnitVelocity=  aFieldTrack.GetMomentumDir();
00930     if( subStepNo >= 0)
00931     {
00932        G4cout << std::setw( 5) << subStepNo << " ";
00933     }
00934     else
00935     {
00936        G4cout << std::setw( 5) << "Start" << " ";
00937     }
00938     G4double curveLen= aFieldTrack.GetCurveLength();
00939     G4cout << std::setw( 7) << curveLen;
00940     G4cout << std::setw( 9) << Position.x() << " "
00941            << std::setw( 9) << Position.y() << " "
00942            << std::setw( 9) << Position.z() << " "
00943            << std::setw( 8) << UnitVelocity.x() << " "
00944            << std::setw( 8) << UnitVelocity.y() << " "
00945            << std::setw( 8) << UnitVelocity.z() << " ";
00946     G4int oldprec= G4cout.precision(3);
00947     G4cout << std::setw( 8) << UnitVelocity.mag2()-1.0 << " ";
00948     G4cout.precision(6);
00949     G4cout << std::setw(10) << dotVeloc_StartCurr << " ";
00950     G4cout.precision(oldprec);
00951     G4cout << std::setw( 7) << aFieldTrack.GetKineticEnergy();
00952     G4cout << std::setw(12) << step_len << " ";
00954     static G4double oldCurveLength= 0.0;
00955     static G4double oldSubStepLength= 0.0;
00956     static G4int oldSubStepNo= -1;
00958     G4double subStep_len=0.0;
00959     if( curveLen > oldCurveLength )
00960     {
00961       subStep_len= curveLen - oldCurveLength;
00962     }
00963     else if (subStepNo == oldSubStepNo)
00964     {
00965       subStep_len= oldSubStepLength;
00966     }
00967     oldCurveLength= curveLen;
00968     oldSubStepLength= subStep_len;
00970     G4cout << std::setw(12) << subStep_len << " "; 
00971     G4cout << std::setw(12) << subStepSize << " "; 
00972     if( requestStep != -1.0 )
00973     {
00974       G4cout << std::setw( 9) << requestStep << " ";
00975     }
00976     else
00977     {
00978        G4cout << std::setw( 9) << " InitialStep " << " ";
00979     }
00980     G4cout << G4endl;
00981 }
00983 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
00985 void G4MagInt_Driver::PrintStatisticsReport()
00986 {
00987   G4int noPrecBig= 6;
00988   G4int oldPrec= G4cout.precision(noPrecBig);
00990   G4cout << "G4MagInt_Driver Statistics of steps undertaken. " << G4endl;
00991   G4cout << "G4MagInt_Driver: Number of Steps: "
00992          << " Total= " <<  fNoTotalSteps
00993          << " Bad= "   <<  fNoBadSteps 
00994          << " Small= " <<  fNoSmallSteps 
00995          << " Non-initial small= " << (fNoSmallSteps-fNoInitialSmallSteps)
00996          << G4endl;
00998 #ifdef G4FLD_STATS
00999   G4cout << "MID dyerr: " 
01000          << " maximum= " << fDyerr_max 
01001          << " Sum small= " << fDyerrPos_smTot 
01002          << " std::sqrt(Sum large^2): pos= " << std::sqrt(fDyerrPos_lgTot)
01003          << " vel= " << std::sqrt( fDyerrVel_lgTot )
01004          << " Total h-distance: small= " << fSumH_sm 
01005          << " large= " << fSumH_lg
01006          << G4endl;
01008 #if 0
01009   G4int noPrecSmall=4; 
01010   // Single line precis of statistics ... optional
01011   G4cout.precision(noPrecSmall);
01012   G4cout << "MIDnums: " << fMinimumStep
01013          << "   " << fNoTotalSteps 
01014          << "  "  <<  fNoSmallSteps
01015          << "  "  << fNoSmallSteps-fNoInitialSmallSteps
01016          << "  "  << fNoBadSteps         
01017          << "   " << fDyerr_max
01018          << "   " << fDyerr_mx2 
01019          << "   " << fDyerrPos_smTot 
01020          << "   " << fSumH_sm
01021          << "   " << fDyerrPos_lgTot
01022          << "   " << fDyerrVel_lgTot
01023          << "   " << fSumH_lg
01024          << G4endl;
01025 #endif 
01026 #endif 
01028  G4cout.precision(oldPrec);
01029 }
01031 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
01033 void G4MagInt_Driver::SetSmallestFraction(G4double newFraction)
01034 {
01035   if( (newFraction > 1.e-16) && (newFraction < 1e-8) )
01036   {
01037     fSmallestFraction= newFraction;
01038   }
01039   else
01040   { 
01041     G4cerr << "Warning: SmallestFraction not changed. " << G4endl
01042            << "  Proposed value was " << newFraction << G4endl
01043            << "  Value must be between 1.e-8 and 1.e-16" << G4endl;
01044   }
01045 }

Generated on Mon May 27 17:48:50 2013 for Geant4 by  doxygen 1.4.7