
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //
00002 // ********************************************************************
00003 // * License and Disclaimer                                           *
00004 // *                                                                  *
00005 // * The  Geant4 software  is  copyright of the Copyright Holders  of *
00006 // * the Geant4 Collaboration.  It is provided  under  the terms  and *
00007 // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License,  included in the file *
00008 // * LICENSE and available at  http://cern.ch/geant4/license .  These *
00009 // * include a list of copyright holders.                             *
00010 // *                                                                  *
00011 // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing *
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00013 // * work  make  any representation or  warranty, express or implied, *
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00016 // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability.         *
00017 // *                                                                  *
00018 // * This  code  implementation is the result of  the  scientific and *
00019 // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration.                      *
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00024 // ********************************************************************
00025 //
00027 // G4 Low energy model: n-p scattering
00028 // F.W. Jones, L.G. Greeniaus, H.P. Wellisch
00030 // 11-OCT-2007 F.W. Jones: removed erroneous code for identity
00031 //             exchange of particles.
00032 // FWJ 27-AUG-2010: extended to 5 GeV by Tony Kwan TRIUMF
00034 #include "G4LEnp.hh"
00035 #include "G4PhysicalConstants.hh"
00036 #include "G4SystemOfUnits.hh"
00037 #include "Randomize.hh"
00038 #include "G4ios.hh"
00040 // Initialization of static data arrays:
00041 #include "G4LEnpData.hh"
00042 #include "Randomize.hh"
00045 G4LEnp::G4LEnp():G4HadronicInteraction("G4LEnp")
00046 {
00047   //    theParticleChange.SetNumberOfSecondaries(1);
00049   //    SetMinEnergy(10.*MeV);
00050   //    SetMaxEnergy(1200.*MeV);
00051   SetMinEnergy(0.);
00052   SetMaxEnergy(5.*GeV);
00053 }
00055 G4LEnp::~G4LEnp()
00056 {
00057       theParticleChange.Clear();
00058 }
00060 G4HadFinalState*
00061 G4LEnp::ApplyYourself(const G4HadProjectile& aTrack, G4Nucleus& targetNucleus)
00062 {
00063     theParticleChange.Clear();
00064     const G4HadProjectile* aParticle = &aTrack;
00066     G4double P = aParticle->GetTotalMomentum();
00067     G4double Px = aParticle->Get4Momentum().x();
00068     G4double Py = aParticle->Get4Momentum().y();
00069     G4double Pz = aParticle->Get4Momentum().z();
00070     G4double ek = aParticle->GetKineticEnergy();
00071     G4ThreeVector theInitial = aParticle->Get4Momentum().vect();
00073     if (verboseLevel > 1) {
00074       G4double E = aParticle->GetTotalEnergy();
00075       G4double E0 = aParticle->GetDefinition()->GetPDGMass();
00076       G4double Q = aParticle->GetDefinition()->GetPDGCharge();
00077       G4int A = targetNucleus.GetA_asInt();
00078       G4int Z = targetNucleus.GetZ_asInt();
00079       G4cout << "G4LEnp:ApplyYourself: incident particle: "
00080              << aParticle->GetDefinition()->GetParticleName() << G4endl;
00081       G4cout << "P = " << P/GeV << " GeV/c"
00082              << ", Px = " << Px/GeV << " GeV/c"
00083              << ", Py = " << Py/GeV << " GeV/c"
00084              << ", Pz = " << Pz/GeV << " GeV/c" << G4endl;
00085       G4cout << "E = " << E/GeV << " GeV"
00086              << ", kinetic energy = " << ek/GeV << " GeV"
00087              << ", mass = " << E0/GeV << " GeV"
00088              << ", charge = " << Q << G4endl;
00089       G4cout << "G4LEnp:ApplyYourself: material:" << G4endl;
00090       G4cout << "A = " << A
00091              << ", Z = " << Z
00092              << ", atomic mass " 
00093              <<  G4Proton::Proton()->GetPDGMass()/GeV << "GeV" 
00094              << G4endl;
00095       //
00096       // GHEISHA ADD operation to get total energy, mass, charge
00097       //
00098       E += proton_mass_c2;
00099       G4double E02 = E*E - P*P;
00100       E0 = std::sqrt(std::abs(E02));
00101       if (E02 < 0)E0 *= -1;
00102       Q += Z;
00103       G4cout << "G4LEnp:ApplyYourself: total:" << G4endl;
00104       G4cout << "E = " << E/GeV << " GeV"
00105              << ", mass = " << E0/GeV << " GeV"
00106              << ", charge = " << Q << G4endl;
00107     }
00109     // Find energy bin
00111     G4int je1 = 0;
00112     G4int je2 = NENERGY - 1;
00113     ek = ek/GeV;
00114     do {
00115       G4int midBin = (je1 + je2)/2;
00116       if (ek < elab[midBin])
00117         je2 = midBin;
00118       else
00119         je1 = midBin;
00120     } while (je2 - je1 > 1); 
00121     G4double delab = elab[je2] - elab[je1];
00123     // Sample the angle
00125     G4float sample = G4UniformRand();
00126     G4int ke1 = 0;
00127     G4int ke2 = NANGLE - 1;
00128     G4double dsig = sig[je2][0] - sig[je1][0];
00129     G4double rc = dsig/delab;
00130     G4double b = sig[je1][0] - rc*elab[je1];
00131     G4double sigint1 = rc*ek + b;
00132     G4double sigint2 = 0.;
00134     if (verboseLevel > 1) {
00135       G4cout << "sample=" << sample << G4endl
00136              << ke1 << " " << ke2 << " " 
00137              << sigint1 << " " << sigint2 << G4endl;
00138     }
00139     do {
00140       G4int midBin = (ke1 + ke2)/2;
00141       dsig = sig[je2][midBin] - sig[je1][midBin];
00142       rc = dsig/delab;
00143       b = sig[je1][midBin] - rc*elab[je1];
00144       G4double sigint = rc*ek + b;
00145       if (sample < sigint) {
00146         ke2 = midBin;
00147         sigint2 = sigint;
00148       }
00149       else {
00150         ke1 = midBin;
00151         sigint1 = sigint;
00152       }
00153       if (verboseLevel > 1) {
00154         G4cout << ke1 << " " << ke2 << " " 
00155                << sigint1 << " " << sigint2 << G4endl;
00156       }
00157     } while (ke2 - ke1 > 1); 
00159     dsig = sigint2 - sigint1;
00160     rc = 1./dsig;
00161     b = ke1 - rc*sigint1;
00162     G4double kint = rc*sample + b;
00163     G4double theta = (0.5 + kint)*pi/180.;
00165     if (verboseLevel > 1) {
00166       G4cout << "   energy bin " << je1 << " energy=" << elab[je1] << G4endl;
00167       G4cout << "   angle bin " << kint << " angle=" << theta/degree << G4endl;
00168     }
00170     // Get the target particle
00172     G4DynamicParticle* targetParticle = targetNucleus.ReturnTargetParticle();
00174     G4double E1 = aParticle->GetTotalEnergy();
00175     G4double M1 = aParticle->GetDefinition()->GetPDGMass();
00176     G4double E2 = targetParticle->GetTotalEnergy();
00177     G4double M2 = targetParticle->GetDefinition()->GetPDGMass();
00178     G4double totalEnergy = E1 + E2;
00179     G4double pseudoMass = std::sqrt(totalEnergy*totalEnergy - P*P);
00181     // Transform into centre of mass system
00183     G4double px = (M2/pseudoMass)*Px;
00184     G4double py = (M2/pseudoMass)*Py;
00185     G4double pz = (M2/pseudoMass)*Pz;
00186     G4double p = std::sqrt(px*px + py*py + pz*pz);
00188     if (verboseLevel > 1) {
00189       G4cout << "  E1, M1 (GeV) " << E1/GeV << " " << M1/GeV << G4endl;
00190       G4cout << "  E2, M2 (GeV) " << E2/GeV << " " << M2/GeV << G4endl;
00191       G4cout << "  particle  1 momentum in CM " << px/GeV << " " << py/GeV << " "
00192            << pz/GeV << " " << p/GeV << G4endl;
00193     }
00195     // First scatter w.r.t. Z axis
00196     G4double phi = G4UniformRand()*twopi;
00197     G4double pxnew = p*std::sin(theta)*std::cos(phi);
00198     G4double pynew = p*std::sin(theta)*std::sin(phi);
00199     G4double pznew = p*std::cos(theta);
00201     // Rotate according to the direction of the incident particle
00202     if (px*px + py*py > 0) {
00203       G4double cost, sint, ph, cosp, sinp;
00204       cost = pz/p;
00205       sint = (std::sqrt(std::fabs((1-cost)*(1+cost))) + std::sqrt(px*px+py*py)/p)/2;
00206       py < 0 ? ph = 3*halfpi : ph = halfpi;
00207       if (std::abs(px) > 0.000001*GeV) ph = std::atan2(py,px);
00208       cosp = std::cos(ph);
00209       sinp = std::sin(ph);
00210       px = (cost*cosp*pxnew - sinp*pynew + sint*cosp*pznew);
00211       py = (cost*sinp*pxnew + cosp*pynew + sint*sinp*pznew);
00212       pz = (-sint*pxnew                  + cost*pznew);
00213     }
00214     else {
00215       px = pxnew;
00216       py = pynew;
00217       pz = pznew;
00218     }
00220     if (verboseLevel > 1) {
00221       G4cout << "  AFTER SCATTER..." << G4endl;
00222       G4cout << "  particle 1 momentum in CM " << px/GeV << " " << py/GeV << " "
00223            << pz/GeV << " " << p/GeV << G4endl;
00224     }
00226     // Transform to lab system
00228     G4double E1pM2 = E1 + M2;
00229     G4double betaCM  = P/E1pM2;
00230     G4double betaCMx = Px/E1pM2;
00231     G4double betaCMy = Py/E1pM2;
00232     G4double betaCMz = Pz/E1pM2;
00233     G4double gammaCM = E1pM2/std::sqrt(E1pM2*E1pM2 - P*P);
00235     if (verboseLevel > 1) {
00236       G4cout << "  betaCM " << betaCMx << " " << betaCMy << " "
00237              << betaCMz << " " << betaCM << G4endl;
00238       G4cout << "  gammaCM " << gammaCM << G4endl;
00239     }
00241     // Now following GLOREN...
00243     G4double BETA[5], PA[5], PB[5];
00244     BETA[1] = -betaCMx;
00245     BETA[2] = -betaCMy;
00246     BETA[3] = -betaCMz;
00247     BETA[4] = gammaCM;
00249     //The incident particle...
00251     PA[1] = px;
00252     PA[2] = py;
00253     PA[3] = pz;
00254     PA[4] = std::sqrt(M1*M1 + p*p);
00256     G4double BETPA  = BETA[1]*PA[1] + BETA[2]*PA[2] + BETA[3]*PA[3];
00257     G4double BPGAM  = (BETPA * BETA[4]/(BETA[4] + 1.) - PA[4]) * BETA[4];
00259     PB[1] = PA[1] + BPGAM  * BETA[1];
00260     PB[2] = PA[2] + BPGAM  * BETA[2];
00261     PB[3] = PA[3] + BPGAM  * BETA[3];
00262     PB[4] = (PA[4] - BETPA) * BETA[4];
00264     G4DynamicParticle* newP = new G4DynamicParticle;
00265     newP->SetDefinition(const_cast<G4ParticleDefinition *>(aParticle->GetDefinition()));
00266     newP->SetMomentum(G4ThreeVector(PB[1], PB[2], PB[3]));
00268     //The target particle...
00270     PA[1] = -px;
00271     PA[2] = -py;
00272     PA[3] = -pz;
00273     PA[4] = std::sqrt(M2*M2 + p*p);
00275     BETPA  = BETA[1]*PA[1] + BETA[2]*PA[2] + BETA[3]*PA[3];
00276     BPGAM  = (BETPA * BETA[4]/(BETA[4] + 1.) - PA[4]) * BETA[4];
00278     PB[1] = PA[1] + BPGAM  * BETA[1];
00279     PB[2] = PA[2] + BPGAM  * BETA[2];
00280     PB[3] = PA[3] + BPGAM  * BETA[3];
00281     PB[4] = (PA[4] - BETPA) * BETA[4];
00283     targetParticle->SetMomentum(G4ThreeVector(PB[1], PB[2], PB[3]));
00285     if (verboseLevel > 1) {
00286       G4cout << "  particle 1 momentum in LAB " 
00287            << newP->GetMomentum()*(1./GeV) 
00288            << " " << newP->GetTotalMomentum()/GeV << G4endl;
00289       G4cout << "  particle 2 momentum in LAB " 
00290            << targetParticle->GetMomentum()*(1./GeV) 
00291            << " " << targetParticle->GetTotalMomentum()/GeV << G4endl;
00292       G4cout << "  TOTAL momentum in LAB " 
00293            << (newP->GetMomentum()+targetParticle->GetMomentum())*(1./GeV) 
00294            << " " 
00295            << (newP->GetMomentum()+targetParticle->GetMomentum()).mag()/GeV
00296            << G4endl;
00297     }
00299     theParticleChange.SetMomentumChange(newP->GetMomentumDirection());
00300     theParticleChange.SetEnergyChange(newP->GetKineticEnergy());
00301     delete newP;
00302     theParticleChange.AddSecondary(targetParticle);    
00304     return &theParticleChange;
00305 }
00307  // end of file

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