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00025 //
00026 // INCL++ intra-nuclear cascade model
00027 // Pekka Kaitaniemi, CEA and Helsinki Institute of Physics
00028 // Davide Mancusi, CEA
00029 // Alain Boudard, CEA
00030 // Sylvie Leray, CEA
00031 // Joseph Cugnon, University of Liege
00032 //
00033 #define INCLXX_IN_GEANT4_MODE 1
00035 #include "globals.hh"
00051 #include "G4INCLParticle.hh"
00052 #include "G4INCLRandom.hh"
00053 #include "G4INCLDeuteronDensity.hh"
00054 #include <map>
00055 // #include <cassert>
00057 namespace G4INCL {
00059   namespace NuclearPotential {
00061     class INuclearPotential {
00062       public:
00063         INuclearPotential(const G4int A, const G4int Z, const G4bool pionPot) :
00064           theA(A),
00065           theZ(Z),
00066           pionPotential(pionPot)
00067         {
00068           if(pionPotential) {
00069             const G4double ZOverA = ((G4double) theZ) / ((G4double) theA);
00070             // As in INCL4.6, use the r0*A^(1/3) formula to estimate vc
00071             const G4double r = 1.12*Math::pow13((G4double)theA);
00073             const G4double xsi = 1. - 2.*ZOverA;
00074             const G4double vc = 1.25*PhysicalConstants::eSquared*theZ/r;
00075             vPiPlus = vPionDefault + 71.*xsi - vc;
00076             vPiZero = vPionDefault;
00077             vPiMinus = vPionDefault - 71.*xsi + vc;
00078           } else {
00079             vPiPlus = 0.0;
00080             vPiZero = 0.0;
00081             vPiMinus = 0.0;
00082           }
00083         }
00085         virtual ~INuclearPotential() {}
00088         G4bool hasPionPotential() { return pionPotential; }
00090         virtual G4double computePotentialEnergy(const Particle * const p) const = 0;
00097         inline G4double getFermiEnergy(const Particle * const p) const {
00098           std::map<ParticleType, G4double>::const_iterator i = fermiEnergy.find(p->getType());
00099 // assert(i!=fermiEnergy.end());
00100           return i->second;
00101         }
00108         inline G4double getFermiEnergy(const ParticleType t) const {
00109           std::map<ParticleType, G4double>::const_iterator i = fermiEnergy.find(t);
00110 // assert(i!=fermiEnergy.end());
00111           return i->second;
00112         }
00119         inline G4double getSeparationEnergy(const Particle * const p) const {
00120           std::map<ParticleType, G4double>::const_iterator i = separationEnergy.find(p->getType());
00121 // assert(i!=separationEnergy.end());
00122           return i->second;
00123         }
00130         inline G4double getSeparationEnergy(const ParticleType t) const {
00131           std::map<ParticleType, G4double>::const_iterator i = separationEnergy.find(t);
00132 // assert(i!=separationEnergy.end());
00133           return i->second;
00134         }
00141         inline G4double getFermiMomentum(const Particle * const p) const {
00142           if(p->isDelta()) {
00143             const G4double Tf = getFermiEnergy(p), m = p->getMass();
00144             return std::sqrt(Tf*(Tf+2.*m));
00145           } else {
00146             std::map<ParticleType, G4double>::const_iterator i = fermiMomentum.find(p->getType());
00147 // assert(i!=fermiMomentum.end());
00148             return i->second;
00149           }
00150         }
00157         inline G4double getFermiMomentum(const ParticleType t) const {
00158 // assert(t!=DeltaPlusPlus && t!=DeltaPlus && t!=DeltaZero && t!=DeltaMinus);
00159           std::map<ParticleType, G4double>::const_iterator i = fermiMomentum.find(t);
00160           return i->second;
00161         }
00163       protected:
00165         G4double computePionPotentialEnergy(const Particle * const p) const {
00166 // assert(p->getType()==PiPlus || p->getType()==PiZero || p->getType()==PiMinus);
00167           if(pionPotential && !p->isOutOfWell()) {
00168             switch( p->getType() ) {
00169               case PiPlus:
00170                 return vPiPlus;
00171                 break;
00172               case PiZero:
00173                 return vPiZero;
00174                 break;
00175               case PiMinus:
00176                 return vPiMinus;
00177                 break;
00178               default: // Pion potential is defined and non-zero only for pions
00179                 return 0.0;
00180                 break;
00181             }
00182           }
00183           else
00184             return 0.0;
00185         }
00187       protected:
00189         const G4int theA;
00191         const G4int theZ;
00192       private:
00193         const G4bool pionPotential;
00194         G4double vPiPlus, vPiZero, vPiMinus;
00195         static const G4double vPionDefault;
00196       protected:
00197         /* \brief map of Fermi energies per particle type */
00198         std::map<ParticleType,G4double> fermiEnergy;
00199         /* \brief map of Fermi momenta per particle type */
00200         std::map<ParticleType,G4double> fermiMomentum;
00201         /* \brief map of separation energies per particle type */
00202         std::map<ParticleType,G4double> separationEnergy;
00204     };
00206   }
00208 }

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