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00025 //
00026 // INCL++ intra-nuclear cascade model
00027 // Pekka Kaitaniemi, CEA and Helsinki Institute of Physics
00028 // Davide Mancusi, CEA
00029 // Alain Boudard, CEA
00030 // Sylvie Leray, CEA
00031 // Joseph Cugnon, University of Liege
00032 //
00033 #define INCLXX_IN_GEANT4_MODE 1
00035 #include "globals.hh"
00037 #include "G4INCLClusteringModelIntercomparison.hh"
00038 #include "G4INCLCluster.hh"
00039 #include "G4INCLRandom.hh"
00040 #include "G4INCLHashing.hh"
00041 #include <algorithm>
00043 namespace G4INCL {
00044   const G4double ClusteringModelIntercomparison::limitCosEscapeAngle = 0.7;
00046   static G4bool cascadingFirstPredicate(Particle *aParticle) {
00047     return !aParticle->isTargetSpectator();
00048   }
00050   Cluster* ClusteringModelIntercomparison::getCluster(Nucleus *nucleus, Particle *particle) {
00051     // Set the maximum clustering mass dynamically, based on the current nucleus
00052     const G4int maxClusterAlgorithmMass = nucleus->getStore()->getConfig()->getClusterMaxMass();
00053     runningMaxClusterAlgorithmMass = std::min(maxClusterAlgorithmMass, nucleus->getA()/2);
00055     // Nucleus too small?
00056     if(runningMaxClusterAlgorithmMass<=1)
00057       return NULL;
00059     theNucleus = nucleus;
00060     Particle *theLeadingParticle = particle;
00062     // Initialise sqtot to a large number
00063     sqtot = 50000.0;
00064     selectedA = 0;
00065     selectedZ = 0;
00067     // The distance parameter, known as h in publications.
00068     // Default value is 1 fm.
00069     const G4double transp = 1.0;
00071     const G4double rmaxws = theNucleus->getUniverseRadius();
00073     // Radius of the sphere where the leading particle is positioned.
00074     const G4double Rprime = theNucleus->getDensity()->getNuclearRadius() + transp;
00076     // Bring the leading particle back to the coalescence sphere
00077     const G4double pk = theLeadingParticle->getMomentum().mag();
00078     const G4double cospr = theLeadingParticle->getPosition().dot(theLeadingParticle->getMomentum())/(theNucleus->getUniverseRadius() * pk);
00079     const G4double arg = rmaxws*rmaxws - Rprime*Rprime;
00080     G4double translat;
00082     if(arg > 0.0) {
00083       // coalescence sphere smaller than Rmax
00084       const G4double cosmin = std::sqrt(arg)/rmaxws;
00085       if(cospr <= cosmin) {
00086         // there is an intersection with the coalescence sphere
00087         translat = rmaxws * cospr;
00088       } else {
00089         // no intersection with the coalescence sphere
00090         translat = rmaxws * (cospr - std::sqrt(cospr*cospr - cosmin*cosmin));
00091       }
00092     } else {
00093       // coalescence sphere larger than Rmax
00094       translat = rmaxws * cospr - std::sqrt(Rprime*Rprime - rmaxws*rmaxws*(1.0 - cospr*cospr));
00095     }
00097     const ThreeVector oldLeadingParticlePosition = theLeadingParticle->getPosition();
00098     const ThreeVector leadingParticlePosition = oldLeadingParticlePosition - theLeadingParticle->getMomentum() * (translat/pk);
00099     const ThreeVector &leadingParticleMomentum = theLeadingParticle->getMomentum();
00100     theLeadingParticle->setPosition(leadingParticlePosition);
00102     // Initialise the array of considered nucleons
00103     const G4int theNucleusA = theNucleus->getA();
00104     if(nConsideredMax < theNucleusA) {
00105       delete [] consideredPartners;
00106       delete [] isInRunningConfiguration;
00107       nConsideredMax = 2*theNucleusA;
00108       consideredPartners = new Particle *[nConsideredMax];
00109       isInRunningConfiguration = new G4bool [nConsideredMax];
00110       std::fill(isInRunningConfiguration,
00111                 isInRunningConfiguration + nConsideredMax,
00112                 false);
00113     }
00115     // Select the subset of nucleons that will be considered in the
00116     // cluster production:
00117     cascadingEnergyPool = 0.;
00118     nConsidered = 0;
00119     const ParticleList particles = theNucleus->getStore()->getParticles();
00120     for(ParticleIter i = particles.begin(); i != particles.end(); ++i) {
00121       if (!(*i)->isNucleon()) continue; // Only nucleons are allowed in clusters
00122       if ((*i)->getID() == theLeadingParticle->getID()) continue; // Don't count the leading particle
00124       G4double space = ((*i)->getPosition() - leadingParticlePosition).mag2();
00125       G4double momentum = ((*i)->getMomentum() - leadingParticleMomentum).mag2();
00126       G4double size = space*momentum*ParticleTable::clusterPosFact2[runningMaxClusterAlgorithmMass];
00127       // Nucleons are accepted only if they are "close enough" in phase space
00128       // to the leading nucleon. The selected phase-space parameter corresponds
00129       // to the running maximum cluster mass.
00130       if(size < ParticleTable::clusterPhaseSpaceCut[runningMaxClusterAlgorithmMass]) {
00131         consideredPartners[nConsidered] = *i;
00132         // Keep trace of how much energy is carried by cascading nucleons. This
00133         // is used to stop the clustering algorithm as soon as possible.
00134         if(!(*i)->isTargetSpectator())
00135           cascadingEnergyPool += (*i)->getEnergy() - (*i)->getPotentialEnergy() - 931.3;
00136         nConsidered++;
00137         // Make sure we don't exceed the array size
00138 // assert(nConsidered<=nConsideredMax);
00139       }
00140     }
00141     // Sort the list of considered partners so that we give priority
00142     // to participants. As soon as we encounter the first spectator in
00143     // the list we know that all the remaining nucleons will be
00144     // spectators too.
00145     std::partition(consideredPartners, consideredPartners+nConsidered, cascadingFirstPredicate);
00147     // Clear the sets of checked configurations
00148     // We stop caching two masses short of the max mass -- there seems to be a
00149     // performance hit above
00150     maxMassConfigurationSkipping = runningMaxClusterAlgorithmMass-2;
00151     for(G4int i=0; i<runningMaxClusterAlgorithmMass-2; ++i) // no caching for A=1,2
00152       checkedConfigurations[i].clear();
00154     // Initialise position, momentum and energy of the running cluster
00155     // configuration
00156     runningPositions[1] = leadingParticlePosition;
00157     runningMomenta[1] = leadingParticleMomentum;
00158     runningEnergies[1] = theLeadingParticle->getEnergy();
00159     runningPotentials[1] = theLeadingParticle->getPotentialEnergy();
00161     // Make sure that all the elements of isInRunningConfiguration are false.
00162 // assert(std::count(isInRunningConfiguration, isInRunningConfiguration+nConsidered, true)==0);
00164     // Start the cluster search!
00165     findClusterStartingFrom(1, theLeadingParticle->getZ());
00167     // Again, make sure that all the elements of isInRunningConfiguration have
00168     // been reset to false. This is a sanity check.
00169 // assert(std::count(isInRunningConfiguration, isInRunningConfiguration+nConsidered, true)==0);
00171     Cluster *chosenCluster = 0;
00172     if(selectedA!=0) { // A cluster was found!
00173       candidateConfiguration[selectedA-1] = theLeadingParticle;
00174       chosenCluster =  new Cluster(candidateConfiguration,
00175           candidateConfiguration + selectedA);
00176     }
00178     // Restore the original position of the leading particle
00179     theLeadingParticle->setPosition(oldLeadingParticlePosition);
00181     return chosenCluster;
00182   }
00184   inline G4double ClusteringModelIntercomparison::getPhaseSpace(const G4int oldA, Particle const * const p) {
00185     const G4double psSpace = (p->getPosition() - runningPositions[oldA]).mag2();
00186     const G4double psMomentum = (p->getMomentum()*oldA - runningMomenta[oldA]).mag2();
00187     return psSpace * psMomentum * ParticleTable::clusterPosFact2[oldA + 1];
00188   }
00190   void ClusteringModelIntercomparison::findClusterStartingFrom(const G4int oldA, const G4int oldZ) {
00191     const G4int newA = oldA + 1;
00192     const G4int oldAMinusOne = oldA - 1;
00193     G4int newZ;
00194     G4int newN;
00196     // Look up the phase-space cut
00197     const G4double phaseSpaceCut = ParticleTable::clusterPhaseSpaceCut[newA];
00199     // Configuration caching enabled only for a certain mass interval
00200     const G4bool cachingEnabled = (newA<=maxMassConfigurationSkipping && newA>=3);
00202     // Set the pointer to the container of cached configurations
00204     HashContainer *theHashContainer;
00205     if(cachingEnabled)
00206       theHashContainer = &(checkedConfigurations[oldA-2]);
00207     else
00208       theHashContainer = NULL;
00210     SortedNucleonConfigurationContainer *theConfigContainer;
00211     if(cachingEnabled)
00212       theConfigContainer = &(checkedConfigurations[oldA-2]);
00213     else
00214       theConfigContainer = NULL;
00215 #else
00216 #error Unrecognized INCL_CACHING_CLUSTERING_MODEL_INTERCOMPARISON. Allowed values are: Set, HashMask.
00217 #endif
00219     // Minimum and maximum Z values for this mass
00220     const G4int ZMinForNewA = ParticleTable::clusterZMin[newA];
00221     const G4int ZMaxForNewA = ParticleTable::clusterZMax[newA];
00223     for(G4int i=0; i<nConsidered; ++i) {
00224       // Only accept particles that are not already part of the cluster
00225       if(isInRunningConfiguration[i]) continue;
00227       Particle * const candidateNucleon = consideredPartners[i];
00229       // Z and A of the new cluster
00230       newZ = oldZ + candidateNucleon->getZ();
00231       newN = newA - newZ;
00233       // Skip this nucleon if we already have too many protons or neutrons
00234       if(newZ > clusterZMaxAll || newN > clusterNMaxAll)
00235         continue;
00237       // Compute the phase space factor for a new cluster which
00238       // consists of the previous running cluster and the new
00239       // candidate nucleon:
00240       const G4double phaseSpace = getPhaseSpace(oldA, candidateNucleon);
00241       if(phaseSpace > phaseSpaceCut) continue;
00243       // Store the candidate nucleon in the running configuration
00244       runningConfiguration[oldAMinusOne] = i;
00246       Hashing::HashType configHash;
00247       HashIterator aHashIter;
00249       SortedNucleonConfiguration thisConfig;
00250       SortedNucleonConfigurationIterator thisConfigIter;
00251 #endif
00252       if(cachingEnabled) {
00254         configHash = Hashing::hashConfig(runningConfiguration, oldA);
00255         aHashIter = theHashContainer->lower_bound(configHash);
00256         // If we have already checked this configuration, skip it
00257         if(aHashIter!=theHashContainer->end()
00258            && !(configHash < *aHashIter))
00259           continue;
00261         thisConfig.fill(runningConfiguration,oldA);
00262         thisConfigIter = theConfigContainer->lower_bound(thisConfig);
00263         // If we have already checked this configuration, skip it
00264         if(thisConfigIter!=theConfigContainer->end()
00265            && !(thisConfig < *thisConfigIter))
00266           continue;
00267 #endif
00268       }
00270       // Sum of the total energies of the cluster components
00271       runningEnergies[newA] = runningEnergies[oldA] + candidateNucleon->getEnergy();
00272       // Sum of the potential energies of the cluster components
00273       runningPotentials[newA] = runningPotentials[oldA] + candidateNucleon->getPotentialEnergy();
00275       // Update the available cascading kinetic energy
00276       G4double oldCascadingEnergyPool = cascadingEnergyPool;
00277       if(!candidateNucleon->isTargetSpectator())
00278         cascadingEnergyPool -= candidateNucleon->getEnergy() - candidateNucleon->getPotentialEnergy() - 931.3;
00280       // Check an approximate Coulomb barrier. If the cluster is below
00281       // 0.5*barrier and the remaining available energy from cascading nucleons
00282       // will not bring it above, reject the cluster.
00283       const G4double halfB = 0.72 * newZ *
00284         theNucleus->getZ()/(theNucleus->getDensity()->getNuclearRadius()+1.7);
00285       const G4double tout = runningEnergies[newA] - runningPotentials[newA] -
00286         931.3*newA;
00287       if(tout<=halfB && tout+cascadingEnergyPool<=halfB) {
00288         cascadingEnergyPool = oldCascadingEnergyPool;
00289         continue;
00290       }
00292       // Here the nucleon has passed all the tests. Accept it in the cluster.
00293       runningPositions[newA] = (runningPositions[oldA] * oldA + candidateNucleon->getPosition())*ParticleTable::clusterPosFact[newA];
00294       runningMomenta[newA] = runningMomenta[oldA] + candidateNucleon->getMomentum();
00296       // Add the config to the container
00297       if(cachingEnabled)
00299         theHashContainer->insert(aHashIter, configHash);
00301         theConfigContainer->insert(thisConfigIter, thisConfig);
00302 #endif
00304       // Set the flag that reminds us that this nucleon has already been taken
00305       // in the running configuration
00306       isInRunningConfiguration[i] = true;
00308       // Keep track of the best physical cluster
00309       if(newZ >= ZMinForNewA && newZ <= ZMaxForNewA) {
00310         // Note: sqc is real kinetic energy, not the square of the kinetic energy!
00311         const G4double sqc = KinematicsUtils::invariantMass(runningEnergies[newA],
00312             runningMomenta[newA]);
00313         const G4double sqct = (sqc - 2.*newZ*protonMass - 2.*(newA-newZ)*neutronMass
00314              + ParticleTable::getRealMass(newA, newZ))
00315           *ParticleTable::clusterPosFact[newA];
00317         if(sqct < sqtot) {
00318           // This is the best cluster we have found so far. Store its
00319           // kinematics.
00320           sqtot = sqct;
00321           selectedA = newA;
00322           selectedZ = newZ;
00324           // Store the running configuration in a ParticleList
00325           for(G4int j=0; j<oldA; ++j)
00326             candidateConfiguration[j] = consideredPartners[runningConfiguration[j]];
00328           // Sanity check on number of nucleons in running configuration
00329 // assert(std::count(isInRunningConfiguration, isInRunningConfiguration+nConsidered, true)==selectedA-1);
00330         }
00331       }
00333       // The method recursively calls itself for the next mass
00334       if(newA < runningMaxClusterAlgorithmMass && newA+1 < theNucleus->getA()) {
00335         findClusterStartingFrom(newA, newZ);
00336       }
00338       // Reset the running configuration flag and the cascading energy pool
00339       isInRunningConfiguration[i] = false;
00340       cascadingEnergyPool = oldCascadingEnergyPool;
00341     }
00342   }
00344   G4bool ClusteringModelIntercomparison::clusterCanEscape(Nucleus const * const n, Cluster const * const c) {
00345     // Forbid emission of the whole nucleus
00346     if(c->getA()>=n->getA())
00347       return false;
00349     // Check the escape angle of the cluster
00350     const ThreeVector &pos = c->getPosition();
00351     const ThreeVector &mom = c->getMomentum();
00352     const G4double cosEscapeAngle = pos.dot(mom) / std::sqrt(pos.mag2()*mom.mag2());
00353     if(cosEscapeAngle < limitCosEscapeAngle)
00354       return false;
00356     return true;
00357   }
00359 }

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