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00001 //
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00025 //
00026 // INCL++ intra-nuclear cascade model
00027 // Pekka Kaitaniemi, CEA and Helsinki Institute of Physics
00028 // Davide Mancusi, CEA
00029 // Alain Boudard, CEA
00030 // Sylvie Leray, CEA
00031 // Joseph Cugnon, University of Liege
00032 //
00033 #define INCLXX_IN_GEANT4_MODE 1
00035 #include "globals.hh"
00041 #include "G4INCLCascade.hh"
00042 #include "G4INCLRandom.hh"
00043 #include "G4INCLRanecu.hh"
00044 #include "G4INCLGeant4Random.hh"
00045 #include "G4INCLStandardPropagationModel.hh"
00046 #include "G4INCLParticleTable.hh"
00047 #include "G4INCLGlobalInfo.hh"
00049 #include "G4INCLPauliBlocking.hh"
00050 #include "G4INCLIPauli.hh"
00051 #include "G4INCLPauliStrict.hh"
00052 #include "G4INCLPauliStandard.hh"
00053 #include "G4INCLPauliStrictStandard.hh"
00054 #include "G4INCLPauliGlobal.hh"
00055 #include "G4INCLCDPP.hh"
00057 #include "G4INCLLogger.hh"
00058 #include "G4INCLGlobals.hh"
00059 #include "G4INCLNuclearDensityFactory.hh"
00061 #include "G4INCLCoulombDistortion.hh"
00062 #include "G4INCLICoulomb.hh"
00063 #include "G4INCLCoulombNone.hh"
00064 #include "G4INCLCoulombNonRelativistic.hh"
00066 #include "G4INCLClustering.hh"
00067 #include "G4INCLClusteringModelIntercomparison.hh"
00068 #include "G4INCLClusteringModelNone.hh"
00070 #include "G4INCLIntersection.hh"
00072 #include "G4INCLCrossSections.hh"
00074 #include <cstring>
00075 #include <cstdlib>
00076 #include <numeric>
00078 namespace G4INCL {
00080   INCL::INCL(G4INCL::Config const * const config)
00081     :propagationModel(0), theA(208), theZ(82),
00082     targetInitSuccess(false),
00083     maxImpactParameter(0.),
00084     maxUniverseRadius(0.),
00085     maxInteractionDistance(0.),
00086     fixedImpactParameter(0.),
00087     theConfig(config),
00088     nucleus(NULL),
00089     minRemnantSize(4)
00090   {
00091     // Set the logger object.
00092     G4INCL::Logger::setLoggerSlave(new G4INCL::LoggerSlave(theConfig->getLogFileName()));
00093     G4INCL::Logger::setVerbosityLevel(theConfig->getVerbosity());
00095     // Set the random number generator algorithm. The system can support
00096     // multiple different generator algorithms in a completely
00097     // transparent way.
00098 #ifdef INCLXX_IN_GEANT4_MODE
00099     G4INCL::Random::setGenerator(new G4INCL::Geant4RandomGenerator());
00100 #else
00101     G4INCL::Random::setGenerator(new G4INCL::Ranecu(theConfig->getRandomSeeds()));
00102 #endif // INCLXX_IN_GEANT4_MODE
00104     // Select the Pauli blocking algorithm:
00105     G4INCL::PauliType pauli = theConfig->getPauliType();
00106     if(pauli == G4INCL::StrictStatisticalPauli)
00107       G4INCL::Pauli::setBlocker(new G4INCL::PauliStrictStandard);
00108     else if(pauli == G4INCL::StatisticalPauli)
00109       G4INCL::Pauli::setBlocker(new G4INCL::PauliStandard);
00110     else if(pauli == G4INCL::StrictPauli)
00111       G4INCL::Pauli::setBlocker(new G4INCL::PauliStrict);
00112     else if(pauli == G4INCL::GlobalPauli)
00113       G4INCL::Pauli::setBlocker(new G4INCL::PauliGlobal);
00114     else if(pauli == G4INCL::NoPauli)
00115       G4INCL::Pauli::setBlocker(NULL);
00117     if(theConfig->getCDPP())
00118       G4INCL::Pauli::setCDPP(new G4INCL::CDPP);
00119     else
00120       G4INCL::Pauli::setCDPP(NULL);
00122     // Select the Coulomb-distortion algorithm:
00123     G4INCL::CoulombType coulombType = theConfig->getCoulombType();
00124     if(coulombType == G4INCL::NonRelativisticCoulomb)
00125       G4INCL::CoulombDistortion::setCoulomb(new G4INCL::CoulombNonRelativistic);
00126     else // if(coulombType == G4INCL::NoCoulomb)
00127       G4INCL::CoulombDistortion::setCoulomb(new G4INCL::CoulombNone);
00129     // Select the clustering algorithm:
00130     G4INCL::ClusterAlgorithmType clusterAlgorithm = theConfig->getClusterAlgorithm();
00131     if(clusterAlgorithm == G4INCL::IntercomparisonClusterAlgorithm)
00132       G4INCL::Clustering::setClusteringModel(new G4INCL::ClusteringModelIntercomparison(theConfig));
00133     else // if(clusterAlgorithm == G4INCL::NoClusterAlgorithm)
00134       G4INCL::Clustering::setClusteringModel(new G4INCL::ClusteringModelNone);
00136     // Initialize the INCL particle table:
00137     G4INCL::ParticleTable::initialize(theConfig);
00139     // Propagation model is responsible for finding avatars and
00140     // transporting the particles. In principle this step is "hidden"
00141     // behind an abstract interface and the rest of the system does not
00142     // care how the transportation and avatar finding is done. This
00143     // should allow us to "easily" experiment with different avatar
00144     // finding schemes and even to support things like curved
00145     // trajectories in the future.
00146     propagationModel = new G4INCL::StandardPropagationModel(theConfig->getLocalEnergyBBType(),theConfig->getLocalEnergyPiType());
00147     eventAction = new EventAction();
00148     propagationAction = new PropagationAction();
00149     avatarAction = new AvatarAction();
00151     theGlobalInfo.cascadeModel = theConfig->getVersionID().c_str();
00152     theGlobalInfo.deexcitationModel = "none";
00154 #ifndef INCLXX_IN_GEANT4_MODE
00155     // Fill in the global information
00156     theGlobalInfo.At = theConfig->getTargetA();
00157     theGlobalInfo.Zt = theConfig->getTargetZ();
00158     const ParticleSpecies theSpecies = theConfig->getProjectileSpecies();
00159     theGlobalInfo.Ap = theSpecies.theA;
00160     theGlobalInfo.Zp = theSpecies.theZ;
00161     theGlobalInfo.Ep = theConfig->getProjectileKineticEnergy();
00162     // Echo the input parameters to the log file
00163     INFO(theConfig->echo() << std::endl);
00164 #endif
00166     fixedImpactParameter = theConfig->getImpactParameter();
00167   }
00169   INCL::~INCL() {
00170     G4INCL::Pauli::deleteBlockers();
00171     G4INCL::CoulombDistortion::deleteCoulomb();
00172     G4INCL::Random::deleteGenerator();
00173     G4INCL::Clustering::deleteClusteringModel();
00174     G4INCL::Logger::deleteLoggerSlave();
00175     G4INCL::NuclearDensityFactory::clearCache();
00176     delete avatarAction;
00177     delete propagationAction;
00178     delete eventAction;
00179     delete propagationModel;
00180     delete theConfig;
00181   }
00183   G4bool INCL::prepareReaction(const ParticleSpecies &projectileSpecies, const G4double kineticEnergy, const G4int A, const G4int Z) {
00184     if(A < 0 || A > 300 || Z < 1 || Z > 200) {
00185       ERROR("Unsupported target: A = " << A << " Z = " << Z << std::endl);
00186       ERROR("Target configuration rejected." << std::endl);
00187       return false;
00188     }
00190     // Initialise the maximum universe radius
00191     initUniverseRadius(projectileSpecies, kineticEnergy, A, Z);
00193     // Initialise the nucleus
00194     theZ = Z;
00195     if(theConfig->isNaturalTarget())
00196       theA = ParticleTable::drawRandomNaturalIsotope(Z);
00197     else
00198       theA = A;
00199     initializeTarget(theA, theZ);
00201     // Set the maximum impact parameter
00202     maxImpactParameter = CoulombDistortion::maxImpactParameter(projectileSpecies, kineticEnergy, nucleus);
00203     initMaxInteractionDistance(projectileSpecies, kineticEnergy); // for forced CN events
00205     // Set the geometric cross section
00206     theGlobalInfo.geometricCrossSection =
00207       Math::tenPi*std::pow(maxImpactParameter,2);
00209     // Set the minimum remnant size
00210     if(projectileSpecies.theA > 0)
00211       minRemnantSize = std::min(theA, 4);
00212     else
00213       minRemnantSize = std::min(theA-1, 4);
00215     return true;
00216   }
00218   G4bool INCL::initializeTarget(const G4int A, const G4int Z) {
00219     delete nucleus;
00221     nucleus = new Nucleus(A, Z, theConfig, maxUniverseRadius);
00222     nucleus->getStore()->getBook()->reset();
00223     nucleus->initializeParticles();
00225     propagationModel->setNucleus(nucleus);
00226     return true;
00227   }
00229   const EventInfo &INCL::processEvent(
00230       ParticleSpecies const &projectileSpecies,
00231       const G4double kineticEnergy,
00232       const G4int targetA,
00233       const G4int targetZ
00234       ) {
00235     // Set the target and the projectile
00236     targetInitSuccess = prepareReaction(projectileSpecies, kineticEnergy, targetA, targetZ);
00238     if(!targetInitSuccess) {
00239       WARN("Target initialisation failed for A=" << targetA << ", Z=" << targetZ << std::endl);
00240       theEventInfo.transparent=true;
00241       return theEventInfo;
00242     }
00244     const G4bool canRunCascade = preCascade(projectileSpecies, kineticEnergy);
00245     if(canRunCascade) {
00246       cascade();
00247       postCascade();
00248     }
00249     return theEventInfo;
00250   }
00252   G4bool INCL::preCascade(ParticleSpecies const projectileSpecies, const G4double kineticEnergy) {
00253     // Reset theEventInfo
00254     theEventInfo.reset();
00256     EventInfo::eventNumber++;
00258     // Increment the global counter for the number of shots
00259     theGlobalInfo.nShots++;
00261     // Fill in the event information
00262     theEventInfo.projectileType = projectileSpecies.theType;
00263     theEventInfo.Ap = projectileSpecies.theA;
00264     theEventInfo.Zp = projectileSpecies.theZ;
00265     theEventInfo.Ep = kineticEnergy;
00266     theEventInfo.At = nucleus->getA();
00267     theEventInfo.Zt = nucleus->getZ();
00269     // Do nothing below the Coulomb barrier
00270     if(maxImpactParameter<=0.) {
00271       // Increment the global counter for the number of transparents
00272       theGlobalInfo.nTransparents++;
00274       // Fill in the event information
00275       theEventInfo.transparent = true;
00277       return false;
00278     }
00280     // Randomly draw an impact parameter or use a fixed value, depending on the
00281     // Config option
00282     G4double impactParameter, phi;
00283     if(fixedImpactParameter<0.) {
00284       impactParameter = maxImpactParameter * std::sqrt(Random::shoot0());
00285       phi = Random::shoot() * Math::twoPi;
00286     } else {
00287       impactParameter = fixedImpactParameter;
00288       phi = 0.;
00289     }
00291     // Fill in the event information
00292     theEventInfo.impactParameter = impactParameter;
00294     const G4double effectiveImpactParameter = propagationModel->shoot(projectileSpecies, kineticEnergy, impactParameter, phi);
00295     if(effectiveImpactParameter < 0.) {
00296       // Increment the global counter for the number of transparents
00297       theGlobalInfo.nTransparents++;
00299       // Fill in the event information
00300       theEventInfo.transparent = true;
00302       return false;
00303     }
00305     // Fill in the event information
00306     theEventInfo.transparent = false;
00307     theEventInfo.effectiveImpactParameter = effectiveImpactParameter;
00309     return true;
00310   }
00312   void INCL::cascade() {
00313     do {
00314       // Run book keeping actions that should take place before propagation:
00315       propagationAction->beforePropagationAction(propagationModel);
00317       // Get the avatar with the smallest time and propagate particles
00318       // to that point in time.
00319       G4INCL::IAvatar *avatar = propagationModel->propagate();
00321       // Run book keeping actions that should take place after propagation:
00322       propagationAction->afterPropagationAction(propagationModel, avatar);
00324       if(avatar == 0) break; // No more avatars in the avatar list.
00326       // Run book keeping actions that should take place before avatar:
00327       avatarAction->beforeAvatarAction(avatar, nucleus);
00329       // Channel is responsible for calculating the outcome of the
00330       // selected avatar. There are different kinds of channels. The
00331       // class IChannel is, again, an abstract interface that defines
00332       // the externally observable behavior of all interaction
00333       // channels.
00334       // The handling of the channel is transparent to the API.
00335       // Final state tells what changed...
00336       G4INCL::FinalState *finalState = avatar->getFinalState();
00338       // Run book keeping actions that should take place after avatar:
00339       avatarAction->afterAvatarAction(avatar, nucleus, finalState);
00341       // So now we must give this information to the nucleus
00342       nucleus->applyFinalState(finalState);
00343       // and now we are ready to process the next avatar!
00345       delete avatar;
00346       delete finalState;
00347     } while(continueCascade());
00349   }
00351   void INCL::postCascade() {
00352     // Fill in the event information
00353     theEventInfo.stoppingTime = propagationModel->getCurrentTime();
00355     // Forced CN?
00356     if(nucleus->getTryCompoundNucleus()) {
00357       DEBUG("Trying compound nucleus" << std::endl);
00358       makeCompoundNucleus();
00359       // Global checks of conservation laws
00360 #ifndef INCLXX_IN_GEANT4_MODE
00361       if(!theEventInfo.transparent) globalConservationChecks(true);
00362 #endif
00363       return;
00364     }
00366     theEventInfo.transparent = nucleus->isEventTransparent();
00368     if(theEventInfo.transparent) {
00369       // Increment the global counter for the number of transparents
00370       theGlobalInfo.nTransparents++;
00371       if(nucleus->isForcedTransparent())
00372         theGlobalInfo.nForcedTransparents++;
00373       ProjectileRemnant * const projectileRemnant = nucleus->getProjectileRemnant();
00374       if(projectileRemnant) {
00375         // Delete the projectile remnant and the particles it contains
00376         projectileRemnant->deleteParticles();
00377         nucleus->deleteProjectileRemnant();
00378         nucleus->getStore()->clearIncoming();
00379       } else {
00380         // Clean up the incoming list and force a transparent gracefully
00381         nucleus->getStore()->deleteIncoming();
00382       }
00383     } else {
00384       // Check if the nucleus contains deltas
00385       theEventInfo.deltasInside = nucleus->containsDeltas();
00387       // Take care of any remaining deltas
00388       theEventInfo.forcedDeltasOutside = nucleus->decayOutgoingDeltas();
00389       theEventInfo.forcedDeltasInside = nucleus->decayInsideDeltas();
00391       // Apply Coulomb distortion, if appropriate
00392       // Note that this will apply Coulomb distortion also on pions emitted by
00393       // unphysical remnants (see decayInsideDeltas). This is at variance with
00394       // what INCL4.6 does, but these events are (should be!) so rare that
00395       // whatever we do doesn't (shouldn't!) make any noticeable difference.
00396       G4INCL::CoulombDistortion::distortOut(nucleus->getStore()->getOutgoingParticles(), nucleus);
00398       // If the normal cascade predicted complete fusion, use the tabulated
00399       // masses to compute the excitation energy, the recoil, etc.
00400       if(nucleus->getStore()->getOutgoingParticles().size()==0
00401           && nucleus->getProjectileRemnant()
00402           && nucleus->getProjectileRemnant()->getParticles().size()==0) {
00404         DEBUG("Cascade resulted in complete fusion, using realistic fusion kinematics" << std::endl);
00406         nucleus->useFusionKinematics();
00407         nucleus->deleteProjectileRemnant();
00409         if(nucleus->getExcitationEnergy()<0.) {
00410           // Complete fusion is energetically impossible, return a transparent
00411           WARN("Complete-fusion kinematics yields negative excitation energy, returning a transparent!" << std::endl);
00412           theEventInfo.transparent = true;
00413           return;
00414         }
00416       } else { // Normal cascade here
00418         // Set the excitation energy
00419         nucleus->setExcitationEnergy(nucleus->computeExcitationEnergy());
00421         // Make a projectile pre-fragment out of the geometrical and dynamical
00422         // spectators
00423         theEventInfo.nUnmergedSpectators = makeProjectileRemnant();
00425         // Compute recoil momentum, energy and spin of the nucleus
00426         nucleus->computeRecoilKinematics();
00428 #ifndef INCLXX_IN_GEANT4_MODE
00429         // Global checks of conservation laws
00430         globalConservationChecks(false);
00431 #endif
00433         // Make room for the remnant recoil by rescaling the energies of the
00434         // outgoing particles.
00435         if(nucleus->hasRemnant()) rescaleOutgoingForRecoil();
00437       }
00439       // Cluster decay
00440       theEventInfo.clusterDecay = nucleus->decayOutgoingClusters() | nucleus->decayMe();
00442 #ifndef INCLXX_IN_GEANT4_MODE
00443       // Global checks of conservation laws
00444       globalConservationChecks(true);
00445 #endif
00447       // Fill the EventInfo structure
00448       nucleus->fillEventInfo(&theEventInfo);
00450       // Check if we have an absorption:
00451       if(theEventInfo.nucleonAbsorption) theGlobalInfo.nNucleonAbsorptions++;
00452       if(theEventInfo.pionAbsorption) theGlobalInfo.nPionAbsorptions++;
00453     }
00454   }
00456   void INCL::makeCompoundNucleus() {
00457     // Reset the internal Nucleus variables
00458     nucleus->getStore()->clearIncoming();
00459     nucleus->getStore()->clearOutgoing();
00460     nucleus->getProjectileRemnant()->reset();
00461     nucleus->setA(theEventInfo.At);
00462     nucleus->setZ(theEventInfo.Zt);
00464     // CN kinematical variables
00465     // Note: the CN orbital angular momentum is neglected in what follows. We
00466     // should actually take it into account!
00467     ThreeVector theCNMomentum = nucleus->getIncomingMomentum();
00468     ThreeVector theCNSpin = nucleus->getIncomingAngularMomentum();
00469     const G4double theTargetMass = ParticleTable::getTableMass(theEventInfo.At, theEventInfo.Zt);
00470     G4int theCNA=theEventInfo.At, theCNZ=theEventInfo.Zt;
00471     Cluster * const theProjectileRemnant = nucleus->getProjectileRemnant();
00472     G4double theCNEnergy = theTargetMass + theProjectileRemnant->getEnergy();
00474     // Loop over the potential participants
00475     ParticleList initialProjectileComponents = theProjectileRemnant->getParticles();
00476     std::vector<Particle *> shuffledComponents(initialProjectileComponents.begin(), initialProjectileComponents.end());
00477     // Shuffle the list of potential participants
00478     std::random_shuffle(shuffledComponents.begin(), shuffledComponents.end(), shuffleComponentsHelper);
00480     G4bool success = true;
00481     G4bool atLeastOneNucleonEntering = false;
00482     for(std::vector<Particle*>::const_iterator p=shuffledComponents.begin(); p!=shuffledComponents.end(); ++p) {
00483       // Skip geometrical spectators
00484       Intersection intersectionUniverse(IntersectionFactory::getEarlierTrajectoryIntersection(
00485             (*p)->getPosition(),
00486             (*p)->getPropagationVelocity(),
00487             maxUniverseRadius));
00488       if(!intersectionUniverse.exists)
00489         continue;
00491       // At least one nucleon must enter the interaction distance
00492       Intersection intersectionInteraction(IntersectionFactory::getEarlierTrajectoryIntersection(
00493             (*p)->getPosition(),
00494             (*p)->getPropagationVelocity(),
00495             maxInteractionDistance));
00496       if(intersectionInteraction.exists)
00497         atLeastOneNucleonEntering = true;
00499       // Build an entry avatar for this nucleon
00500       ParticleEntryAvatar theAvatar(0.0, nucleus, *p);
00501       FinalState *fs = theAvatar.getFinalState();
00502       nucleus->applyFinalState(fs);
00503       FinalStateValidity validity = fs->getValidity();
00504       delete fs;
00505       switch(validity) {
00506         case ValidFS:
00507         case ParticleBelowFermiFS:
00508           // Add the particle to the CN
00509           theCNA++;
00510           theCNZ += (*p)->getZ();
00511           break;
00512         case ParticleBelowZeroFS:
00513         case PauliBlockedFS:
00514         case NoEnergyConservationFS:
00515         default:
00516           success = false;
00517           break;
00518       }
00519     }
00521     if(!success || !atLeastOneNucleonEntering) {
00522       DEBUG("No nucleon entering in forced CN, or some nucleons entering below zero, forcing a transparent" << std::endl);
00523       theEventInfo.transparent = true;
00524       theGlobalInfo.nTransparents++;
00525       theGlobalInfo.nForcedTransparents++;
00526       nucleus->getProjectileRemnant()->deleteParticles();
00527       nucleus->deleteProjectileRemnant();
00528       return;
00529     }
00531 // assert(theCNA==nucleus->getA());
00532 // assert(theCNA>theEventInfo.At);
00534     // Update the kinematics of the CN
00535     theCNEnergy -= theProjectileRemnant->getEnergy();
00536     theCNMomentum -= theProjectileRemnant->getMomentum();
00538     // Deal with the projectile remnant
00539     nucleus->finalizeProjectileRemnant(propagationModel->getCurrentTime());
00541     // Subtract the angular momentum of the projectile remnant
00542     ParticleList const &outgoing = nucleus->getStore()->getOutgoingParticles();
00543 // assert(outgoing.size()==0 || outgoing.size()==1);
00544     for(ParticleIter i=outgoing.begin(); i!=outgoing.end(); ++i) {
00545       theCNSpin -= (*i)->getAngularMomentum();
00546     }
00548     // Compute the excitation energy of the CN
00549     const G4double theCNMass = ParticleTable::getTableMass(theCNA,theCNZ);
00550     const G4double theCNInvariantMassSquared = theCNEnergy*theCNEnergy-theCNMomentum.mag2();
00551     if(theCNInvariantMassSquared<0.) {
00552       // Negative invariant mass squared, return a transparent
00553       theGlobalInfo.nTransparents++;
00554       theGlobalInfo.nForcedTransparents++;
00555       theEventInfo.transparent = true;
00556       return;
00557     }
00558     const G4double theCNExcitationEnergy = std::sqrt(theCNInvariantMassSquared) - theCNMass;
00559     if(theCNExcitationEnergy<0.) {
00560       // Negative excitation energy, return a transparent
00561       theGlobalInfo.nTransparents++;
00562       theGlobalInfo.nForcedTransparents++;
00563       theEventInfo.transparent = true;
00564       return;
00565     } else {
00566       // Positive excitation energy, can make a CN
00567       nucleus->setA(theCNA);
00568       nucleus->setZ(theCNZ);
00569       nucleus->setMomentum(theCNMomentum);
00570       nucleus->setEnergy(theCNEnergy);
00571       nucleus->setExcitationEnergy(theCNExcitationEnergy);
00572       nucleus->setMass(theCNMass+theCNExcitationEnergy);
00573       nucleus->setSpin(theCNSpin); // neglects any orbital angular momentum of the CN
00575       // Take care of any remaining deltas
00576       theEventInfo.forcedDeltasOutside = nucleus->decayOutgoingDeltas();
00578       // Cluster decay
00579       theEventInfo.clusterDecay = nucleus->decayOutgoingClusters() | nucleus->decayMe();
00581       // Fill the EventInfo structure
00582       nucleus->fillEventInfo(&theEventInfo);
00583       theGlobalInfo.nForcedCompoundNucleus++;
00584     }
00585   }
00587   void INCL::rescaleOutgoingForRecoil() {
00588     RecoilCMFunctor theRecoilFunctor(nucleus, theEventInfo);
00590     // Apply the root-finding algorithm
00591     const G4bool success = RootFinder::solve(&theRecoilFunctor, 1.0);
00592     if(success) {
00593       std::pair<G4double,G4double> theSolution = RootFinder::getSolution();
00594       theRecoilFunctor(theSolution.first); // Apply the solution
00595     } else {
00596       WARN("Couldn't accommodate remnant recoil while satisfying energy conservation, root-finding algorithm failed." << std::endl);
00597     }
00599   }
00601 #ifndef INCLXX_IN_GEANT4_MODE
00602   void INCL::globalConservationChecks(G4bool afterRecoil) {
00603     Nucleus::ConservationBalance theBalance = nucleus->getConservationBalance(theEventInfo,afterRecoil);
00605     // Global conservation checks
00606     const G4double pLongBalance = theBalance.momentum.getZ();
00607     const G4double pTransBalance = theBalance.momentum.perp();
00608     if(theBalance.Z != 0) {
00609       ERROR("Violation of charge conservation! ZBalance = " << theBalance.Z << std::endl);
00610     }
00611     if(theBalance.A != 0) {
00612       ERROR("Violation of baryon-number conservation! ABalance = " << theBalance.A << std::endl);
00613     }
00614     G4double EThreshold, pLongThreshold, pTransThreshold;
00615     if(afterRecoil) {
00616       // Less stringent checks after accommodating recoil
00617       EThreshold = 10.; // MeV
00618       pLongThreshold = 1.; // MeV/c
00619       pTransThreshold = 1.; // MeV/c
00620     } else {
00621       // More stringent checks before accommodating recoil
00622       EThreshold = 0.1; // MeV
00623       pLongThreshold = 0.1; // MeV/c
00624       pTransThreshold = 0.1; // MeV/c
00625     }
00626     if(std::abs(theBalance.energy)>EThreshold) {
00627       WARN("Violation of energy conservation > " << EThreshold << " MeV. EBalance = " << theBalance.energy << " afterRecoil = " << afterRecoil << " eventNumber=" << theEventInfo.eventNumber << std::endl);
00628     }
00629     if(std::abs(pLongBalance)>pLongThreshold) {
00630       WARN("Violation of longitudinal momentum conservation > " << pLongThreshold << " MeV/c. pLongBalance = " << pLongBalance << " afterRecoil = " << afterRecoil << " eventNumber=" << theEventInfo.eventNumber << std::endl);
00631     }
00632     if(std::abs(pTransBalance)>pTransThreshold) {
00633       WARN("Violation of transverse momentum conservation > " << pTransThreshold << " MeV/c. pTransBalance = " << pTransBalance << " afterRecoil = " << afterRecoil << " eventNumber=" << theEventInfo.eventNumber << std::endl);
00634     }
00636     // Feed the EventInfo variables
00637     theEventInfo.EBalance = theBalance.energy;
00638     theEventInfo.pLongBalance = pLongBalance;
00639     theEventInfo.pTransBalance = pTransBalance;
00640   }
00641 #endif
00643   G4bool INCL::continueCascade() {
00644     // Stop if we have passed the stopping time
00645     if(propagationModel->getCurrentTime() > propagationModel->getStoppingTime()) {
00646       DEBUG("Cascade time (" << propagationModel->getCurrentTime()
00647           << ") exceeded stopping time (" << propagationModel->getStoppingTime()
00648           << "), stopping cascade" << std::endl);
00649       return false;
00650     }
00651     // Stop if there are no participants and no pions inside the nucleus
00652     if(nucleus->getStore()->getBook()->getCascading()==0 &&
00653         nucleus->getStore()->getIncomingParticles().empty()) {
00654       DEBUG("No participants in the nucleus and no incoming particles left, stopping cascade" << std::endl);
00655       return false;
00656     }
00657     // Stop if the remnant is smaller than minRemnantSize
00658     if(nucleus->getA() <= minRemnantSize) {
00659       DEBUG("Remnant size (" << nucleus->getA()
00660           << ") smaller than or equal to minimum (" << minRemnantSize
00661           << "), stopping cascade" << std::endl);
00662       return false;
00663     }
00664     // Stop if we have to try and make a compound nucleus or if we have to
00665     // force a transparent
00666     if(nucleus->getTryCompoundNucleus()) {
00667       DEBUG("Trying to make a compound nucleus, stopping cascade" << std::endl);
00668       return false;
00669     }
00670     if(nucleus->isForcedTransparent()) {
00671       DEBUG("Forcing a transparent, stopping cascade" << std::endl);
00672       return false;
00673     }
00675     return true;
00676   }
00678   void INCL::finalizeGlobalInfo() {
00679     theGlobalInfo.nucleonAbsorptionCrossSection = theGlobalInfo.geometricCrossSection *
00680       ((G4double) theGlobalInfo.nNucleonAbsorptions) / ((G4double) theGlobalInfo.nShots);
00681     theGlobalInfo.pionAbsorptionCrossSection = theGlobalInfo.geometricCrossSection *
00682       ((G4double) theGlobalInfo.nPionAbsorptions) / ((G4double) theGlobalInfo.nShots);
00683     theGlobalInfo.reactionCrossSection = theGlobalInfo.geometricCrossSection *
00684       ((G4double) (theGlobalInfo.nShots - theGlobalInfo.nTransparents)) /
00685       ((G4double) theGlobalInfo.nShots);
00686     theGlobalInfo.errorReactionCrossSection = theGlobalInfo.geometricCrossSection *
00687       std::sqrt((G4double) (theGlobalInfo.nShots - theGlobalInfo.nTransparents)) /
00688       ((G4double) theGlobalInfo.nShots);
00689   }
00691   G4int INCL::makeProjectileRemnant() {
00692     G4int nUnmergedSpectators = 0;
00694     // Do nothing if this is not a nucleus-nucleus reaction
00695     if(!nucleus->getProjectileRemnant())
00696       return 0;
00698     // Get the spectators (geometrical+dynamical) from the Store
00699     ParticleList geomSpectators(nucleus->getProjectileRemnant()->getParticles());
00700     ParticleList dynSpectators(nucleus->getStore()->extractDynamicalSpectators());
00702     // If there are no spectators, do nothing
00703     if(dynSpectators.empty() && geomSpectators.empty()) {
00704       nucleus->deleteProjectileRemnant();
00705       return 0;
00706     } else if(geomSpectators.size()+dynSpectators.size()==1) {
00707       if(dynSpectators.empty()) {
00708         // No dynamical spectators, one geometrical spectator
00709         // It should already be on shell.
00710 #if !defined(NDEBUG) && !defined(INCLXX_IN_GEANT4_MODE)
00711         Particle *theSpectator = geomSpectators.front();
00712 #endif
00713 // assert(std::abs(theSpectator->getTableMass()-theSpectator->getInvariantMass())<1.e-3);
00714         nucleus->moveProjectileRemnantComponentsToOutgoing();
00715       } else {
00716         // No geometrical spectators, one dynamical spectator
00717         // Just put it back in the outgoing list
00718         nucleus->getStore()->addToOutgoing(dynSpectators.front());
00719       }
00720       nucleus->deleteProjectileRemnant();
00721     } else {
00722       // Make a cluster out of the geometrical spectators
00723       ProjectileRemnant *theProjectileRemnant = nucleus->getProjectileRemnant();
00725       // Add the dynamical spectators to the bunch
00726       ParticleList rejected = theProjectileRemnant->addMostDynamicalSpectators(dynSpectators);
00727       // Put back the rejected spectators into the outgoing list
00728       nUnmergedSpectators = rejected.size();
00729       nucleus->getStore()->addToOutgoing(rejected);
00731       // Deal with the projectile remnant
00732       nucleus->finalizeProjectileRemnant(propagationModel->getCurrentTime());
00734     }
00736     return nUnmergedSpectators;
00737   }
00739   void INCL::initMaxInteractionDistance(ParticleSpecies const &projectileSpecies, const G4double kineticEnergy) {
00740     if(projectileSpecies.theType != Composite) {
00741       maxInteractionDistance = 0.;
00742       return;
00743     }
00745     const G4double projectileKineticEnergyPerNucleon = kineticEnergy/projectileSpecies.theA;
00746     const G4double r0 = NuclearDensityFactory::createDensity(theA, theZ)->getNuclearRadius();
00748     maxInteractionDistance = r0 + CrossSections::interactionDistanceNN(projectileKineticEnergyPerNucleon);
00749   }
00751   void INCL::initUniverseRadius(ParticleSpecies const &p, const G4double kineticEnergy, const G4int A, const G4int Z) {
00752     G4double rMax = 0.0;
00753     if(A==0) {
00754       IsotopicDistribution const &anIsotopicDistribution =
00755         ParticleTable::getNaturalIsotopicDistribution(Z);
00756       IsotopeVector theIsotopes = anIsotopicDistribution.getIsotopes();
00757       for(IsotopeIter i=theIsotopes.begin(); i!=theIsotopes.end(); ++i) {
00758         NuclearDensity *theDensity = NuclearDensityFactory::createDensity(i->theA,Z);
00759         if(!theDensity) {
00760           FATAL("NULL density in initUniverseRadius. "
00761                 << "Projectile type=" << p.theType
00762                 << ", A=" << p.theA
00763                 << ", Z=" << p.theZ
00764                 << ", kinE=" << kineticEnergy
00765                 << ", target A=" << A
00766                 << ", Z=" << Z
00767                 << std::endl);
00768         }
00769         rMax = std::max(theDensity->getMaximumRadius(), rMax);
00770       }
00771     } else {
00772       NuclearDensity *theDensity = NuclearDensityFactory::createDensity(A,Z);
00773       if(!theDensity) {
00774         FATAL("NULL density in initUniverseRadius. "
00775               << "Projectile type=" << p.theType
00776               << ", A=" << p.theA
00777               << ", Z=" << p.theZ
00778               << ", kinE=" << kineticEnergy
00779               << ", target A=" << A
00780               << ", Z=" << Z
00781               << std::endl);
00782       }
00783       rMax = theDensity->getMaximumRadius();
00784     }
00785     if(p.theType==Composite) {
00786       maxUniverseRadius = rMax;
00787     } else if(p.theType==Proton || p.theType==Neutron) {
00788       const G4double interactionDistanceNN = CrossSections::interactionDistanceNN(kineticEnergy);
00789       if(interactionDistanceNN>CrossSections::interactionDistanceNN1GeV()) {
00790         maxUniverseRadius = rMax
00791           - CrossSections::interactionDistanceNN1GeV()
00792           + interactionDistanceNN;
00793       } else
00794         maxUniverseRadius = rMax;
00795     } else if(p.theType==PiPlus
00796         || p.theType==PiZero
00797         || p.theType==PiMinus) {
00798       const G4double interactionDistancePiN = CrossSections::interactionDistancePiN(kineticEnergy);
00799       if(interactionDistancePiN>CrossSections::interactionDistancePiN1GeV()) {
00800         maxUniverseRadius = rMax
00801           - CrossSections::interactionDistancePiN1GeV()
00802           + interactionDistancePiN;
00803       } else
00804         maxUniverseRadius = rMax;
00805     }
00806   }
00808 }

Generated on Mon May 27 17:48:34 2013 for Geant4 by  doxygen 1.4.7