
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //
00002 // ********************************************************************
00003 // * License and Disclaimer                                           *
00004 // *                                                                  *
00005 // * The  Geant4 software  is  copyright of the Copyright Holders  of *
00006 // * the Geant4 Collaboration.  It is provided  under  the terms  and *
00007 // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License,  included in the file *
00008 // * LICENSE and available at  http://cern.ch/geant4/license .  These *
00009 // * include a list of copyright holders.                             *
00010 // *                                                                  *
00011 // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing *
00012 // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this *
00013 // * work  make  any representation or  warranty, express or implied, *
00014 // * regarding  this  software system or assume any liability for its *
00015 // * use.  Please see the license in the file  LICENSE  and URL above *
00016 // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability.         *
00017 // *                                                                  *
00018 // * This  code  implementation is the result of  the  scientific and *
00019 // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration.                      *
00020 // * By using,  copying,  modifying or  distributing the software (or *
00021 // * any work based  on the software)  you  agree  to acknowledge its *
00022 // * use  in  resulting  scientific  publications,  and indicate your *
00023 // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license.          *
00024 // ********************************************************************
00025 //
00026 //
00027 //
00028 // ------------------------------------------------------------
00029 //      GEANT 4 class header file --- Copyright CERN 1998
00030 //      CERN Geneva Switzerland
00031 //
00032 //      History: first implementation, based on object model of
00033 //      2nd December 1995, G.Cosmo
00034 //      ------------ G4GHEKinematicsVector utility class ------
00035 //                   by Larry Felawka (TRIUMF), March 1997
00036 //                     E-mail: felawka@alph04.triumf.ca
00037 // ************************************************************
00038 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00040 // Store, Retrieve and manipulate particle data.
00041 // Based on "G4GHEVector" class of H. Fesefeldt.
00043 #ifndef G4GHEKinematicsVector_h
00044 #define G4GHEKinematicsVector_h 1
00046 #include "G4ios.hh"
00048 #include <CLHEP/Units/PhysicalConstants.h>
00050 class G4GHEKinematicsVector
00051  {
00052  public:
00053   inline
00054    G4GHEKinematicsVector()
00055    {
00056      momentum.setX(  0.0 );
00057      momentum.setY(  0.0 );
00058      momentum.setZ(  0.0 );
00059      energy        = 0.0;
00060      kineticEnergy = 0.0;
00061      mass          = 0.0;
00062      charge        = 0.0;
00063      timeOfFlight  = 0.0;
00064      side          = 0;
00065      flag          = false;
00066      code          = 0;
00067      particleDef   = NULL;
00068    }
00070   ~G4GHEKinematicsVector() {}
00072   inline
00073    G4GHEKinematicsVector( const G4GHEKinematicsVector & p )
00074    {
00075      momentum.setX( p.momentum.x() );
00076      momentum.setY( p.momentum.y() );
00077      momentum.setZ( p.momentum.z() );
00078      energy        = p.energy;
00079      kineticEnergy = p.kineticEnergy;
00080      mass          = p.mass;
00081      charge        = p.charge;
00082      timeOfFlight  = p.timeOfFlight;
00083      side          = p.side;
00084      flag          = p.flag;
00085      code          = p.code;
00086      particleDef   = p.particleDef;
00087    }
00089   inline
00090    G4GHEKinematicsVector & operator = ( const G4GHEKinematicsVector & p )
00091    {
00092      if (this != &p)
00093      {
00094         momentum.setX( p.momentum.x() );
00095         momentum.setY( p.momentum.y() );
00096         momentum.setZ( p.momentum.z() );
00097         energy        = p.energy;
00098         kineticEnergy = p.kineticEnergy;
00099         mass          = p.mass;
00100         charge        = p.charge;
00101         timeOfFlight  = p.timeOfFlight;
00102         side          = p.side;
00103         flag          = p.flag;
00104         code          = p.code;
00105         particleDef   = p.particleDef;
00106      }
00107     return *this;
00108    }
00110   inline
00111    void SetMomentum( G4ParticleMomentum mom ) { momentum = mom; return; };
00113   inline
00114    void SetMomentumAndUpdate( G4ParticleMomentum mom )
00115    {
00116      momentum      = mom;
00117      energy        = std::sqrt(mass*mass + momentum.mag2());
00118      kineticEnergy = std::max(0.,energy - mass);
00119      return;
00120    }
00122   inline const
00123   G4ParticleMomentum GetMomentum() const { return momentum; }
00125   inline
00126    void SetMomentum( G4double x, G4double y, G4double z)
00127    { 
00128      momentum.setX( x );
00129      momentum.setY( y );
00130      momentum.setZ( z );
00131      return;
00132    } 
00134   inline
00135    void SetMomentumAndUpdate( G4double x, G4double y, G4double z )
00136    {
00137      momentum.setX( x );
00138      momentum.setY( y );
00139      momentum.setZ( z );
00140      energy        = std::sqrt(mass*mass + momentum.mag2());
00141      kineticEnergy = std::max(0.,energy-mass);
00142      return;
00143    }
00145   inline
00146    void SetMomentum( G4double x, G4double y )
00147    {
00148      momentum.setX( x );
00149      momentum.setY( y );
00150      return;
00151    }
00153   inline
00154    void SetMomentumAndUpdate( G4double x, G4double y )
00155    {
00156      momentum.setX( x );
00157      momentum.setY( y );
00158      energy = std::sqrt(mass*mass + momentum.mag2());
00159      kineticEnergy = std::max(0.,energy-mass);
00160      return;
00161    }
00163   inline
00164    void SetMomentum( G4double z )
00165    {
00166      momentum.setZ( z );
00167      return;
00168    }
00170   inline
00171    void SetMomentumAndUpdate( G4double z )
00172    {
00173      momentum.setZ( z );
00174      energy = std::sqrt(mass*mass + momentum.mag2());
00175      kineticEnergy = std::max(0.,energy-mass);
00176      return;
00177    }
00179   inline 
00180    void SetEnergy( G4double e ) { energy = e; return; }
00182   inline
00183    void SetEnergyAndUpdate( G4double e )
00184    {
00185      if (e <= mass)
00186        { 
00187          energy        = mass;
00188          kineticEnergy = 0.;
00189          momentum.setX(  0.);
00190          momentum.setY(  0.);
00191          momentum.setZ(  0.);
00192        }
00193      else
00194        {
00195          energy = e;
00196          kineticEnergy   = energy - mass;
00197          G4double momold = momentum.mag();
00198          G4double momnew = std::sqrt(energy*energy - mass*mass);
00199          if (momold == 0.)
00200            {
00201              G4double cost = 1.0- 2.0*G4UniformRand();
00202              G4double sint = std::sqrt(1. - cost*cost);
00203              G4double phi  = CLHEP::twopi* G4UniformRand();
00204              momentum.setX( momnew * sint * std::cos(phi));
00205              momentum.setY( momnew * sint * std::sin(phi));
00206              momentum.setZ( momnew * cost);
00207            }
00208          else
00209            {
00210              momnew /= momold;
00211              momentum.setX(momentum.x()*momnew);
00212              momentum.setY(momentum.y()*momnew);
00213              momentum.setZ(momentum.z()*momnew);
00214            }
00215        }    
00216      return;
00217    }
00219   inline 
00220    void SetKineticEnergy( G4double ekin ) { kineticEnergy = ekin; return; }
00222   inline 
00223    void SetKineticEnergyAndUpdate(G4double ekin) 
00224    {
00225      if (ekin <= 0.)
00226        { 
00227          energy        = mass;
00228          kineticEnergy = 0.;
00229          momentum.setX(  0.);
00230          momentum.setY(  0.);
00231          momentum.setZ(  0.);
00232        }
00233      else
00234        {
00235          energy = ekin + mass;
00236          kineticEnergy   = ekin;
00237          G4double momold = momentum.mag();
00238          G4double momnew = std::sqrt(energy*energy - mass*mass);
00239          if (momold == 0.)
00240            {
00241              G4double cost = 1.0-2.0*G4UniformRand();
00242              G4double sint = std::sqrt(1. - cost*cost);
00243              G4double phi  = CLHEP::twopi* G4UniformRand();
00244              momentum.setX( momnew * sint * std::cos(phi));
00245              momentum.setY( momnew * sint * std::sin(phi));
00246              momentum.setZ( momnew * cost);
00247            }
00248          else
00249            {
00250              momnew /= momold;
00251              momentum.setX(momentum.x()*momnew);
00252              momentum.setY(momentum.y()*momnew);
00253              momentum.setZ(momentum.z()*momnew);
00254            }
00255        }    
00256      return;
00257    }
00259   inline
00260   G4double GetEnergy() {return energy;}
00262   inline
00263   G4double GetKineticEnergy() {return kineticEnergy;}
00265   inline
00266   void SetMass( G4double mas ) { mass = mas; return; }
00268   inline
00269   void SetMassAndUpdate( G4double mas )
00270   {
00271     kineticEnergy = std::max(0., energy - mas);
00272     mass = mas;
00273     energy = kineticEnergy + mass;
00274     G4double momnew = std::sqrt(std::max(0., energy*energy - mass*mass));
00275     if ( momnew == 0.0) 
00276        {
00277          momentum.setX( 0.0 );
00278          momentum.setY( 0.0 );
00279          momentum.setZ( 0.0 );
00280        }
00281     else
00282        {
00283          G4double momold = momentum.mag();
00284          if (momold == 0.)
00285             { 
00286               G4double cost = 1.-2.*G4UniformRand();
00287               G4double sint = std::sqrt(1.-cost*cost);
00288               G4double phi  = CLHEP::twopi*G4UniformRand();
00289               momentum.setX( momnew*sint*std::cos(phi));
00290               momentum.setY( momnew*sint*std::sin(phi));
00291               momentum.setZ( momnew*cost);
00292             }
00293          else
00294             {
00295               momnew /= momold;
00296               momentum.setX( momentum.x()*momnew );
00297               momentum.setY( momentum.y()*momnew );
00298               momentum.setZ( momentum.z()*momnew );
00299             }
00300        }     
00301     return;
00302   }    
00304   inline
00305   G4double GetMass() { return mass; }
00307   inline
00308   void SetCharge( G4double c ) { charge = c; return; }
00310   inline
00311   G4double GetCharge() {return charge; }
00313   inline
00314   void SetTOF( G4double t ) { timeOfFlight = t; return; }
00316   inline
00317   G4double GetTOF() { return timeOfFlight; }
00319   inline
00320   void SetSide( G4int sid ) { side = sid; return; }
00322   inline
00323   G4int GetSide() { return side; }
00325   inline
00326   void setFlag( G4bool f ) { flag = f; return; }
00328   inline
00329   G4bool getFlag() { return flag; }
00331   inline
00332   void SetCode( G4int c ) { code = c; return; }
00334   inline
00335   void SetParticleDef( G4ParticleDefinition * c ) { particleDef = c; return; }
00337   inline
00338   G4int GetCode() { return code; } 
00340   inline
00341   G4ParticleDefinition * GetParticleDef() { return particleDef; } 
00343   inline
00344   void SetZero()
00345    {
00346      momentum.setX(  0.0 );
00347      momentum.setY(  0.0 );
00348      momentum.setZ(  0.0 );
00349      energy        = 0.0;
00350      kineticEnergy = 0.0;
00351      mass          = 0.0;
00352      charge        = 0.0;
00353      timeOfFlight  = 0.0;
00354      side          = 0;
00355      flag          = false;
00356      code          = 0;
00357      particleDef   = NULL;
00358    }
00360   inline
00361    void Add( const G4GHEKinematicsVector & p1, const G4GHEKinematicsVector & p2 )
00362    {
00363      momentum = p1.momentum + p2.momentum;
00364      energy = p1.energy + p2.energy;
00365      G4double b = energy*energy - momentum.mag2();
00366      if( b < 0 )
00367        mass = -1. * std::sqrt( -b );
00368      else
00369        mass = std::sqrt( b );
00370      kineticEnergy = std::max(0.,energy - mass);
00371      charge        = p1.charge + p2.charge;
00372      code          = p1.code   + p2.code;
00373      particleDef   = p1.particleDef;
00374    }
00376   inline
00377    void Sub( const G4GHEKinematicsVector & p1, const G4GHEKinematicsVector & p2 )
00378    {
00379      momentum = p1.momentum - p2.momentum;
00380      energy = p1.energy - p2.energy;
00381      G4double b = energy*energy - momentum.mag2();
00382      if( b < 0 )
00383        mass = -1. * std::sqrt( -b );
00384      else
00385        mass = std::sqrt( b );
00386      kineticEnergy = std::max(0.,energy - mass);
00387      charge        = p1.charge - p2.charge;
00388      code          = p1.code   - p2.code;
00389      particleDef   = p1.particleDef;
00390    }
00392   inline
00393    void Lor( const G4GHEKinematicsVector & p1, const G4GHEKinematicsVector & p2 )
00394    {
00395      G4double a;
00396      a = ( p1.momentum.dot(p2.momentum)/(p2.energy+p2.mass) - p1.energy ) / p2.mass;
00397      momentum.setX( p1.momentum.x()+a*p2.momentum.x() );
00398      momentum.setY( p1.momentum.y()+a*p2.momentum.y() );
00399      momentum.setZ( p1.momentum.z()+a*p2.momentum.z() );
00400      energy = std::sqrt( sqr(p1.mass) + momentum.mag2() );
00401      mass = p1.mass;
00402      kineticEnergy = std::max(0.,energy - mass);
00403      timeOfFlight  = p1.timeOfFlight;
00404      side          = p1.side;
00405      flag          = p1.flag;
00406      code          = p1.code;
00407      particleDef   = p1.particleDef;
00408    }
00410   inline
00411    G4double CosAng( const G4GHEKinematicsVector & p )
00412    {
00413      G4double a = std::sqrt( momentum.mag2() * p.momentum.mag2() );
00414      if( a != 0.0 ) 
00415        {
00416          a = (momentum.x()*p.momentum.x() +
00417               momentum.y()*p.momentum.y() +
00418               momentum.z()*p.momentum.z()) / a;
00419          if( std::fabs(a) > 1.0 ) a<0.0 ? a=-1.0 : a=1.0;
00420        }
00421      return a;
00422    }
00423   inline
00424    G4double Ang(const G4GHEKinematicsVector & p )
00425    {
00426      G4double a = std::sqrt( momentum.mag2() * p.momentum.mag2() );
00427      if( a != 0.0 ) 
00428        {
00429          a = (momentum.x()*p.momentum.x() +
00430               momentum.y()*p.momentum.y() +
00431               momentum.z()*p.momentum.z()) / a;
00432          if( std::fabs(a) > 1.0 ) a<0.0 ? a=-1.0 : a=1.0;
00433        }
00434      return std::acos(a);
00435    }      
00437   inline
00438    G4double Dot4( const G4GHEKinematicsVector & p1, const G4GHEKinematicsVector & p2)
00439    {
00440      return (   p1.energy       * p2.energy
00441               - p1.momentum.x() * p2.momentum.x()
00442               - p1.momentum.y() * p2.momentum.y()
00443               - p1.momentum.z() * p2.momentum.z() );
00444    } 
00446   inline 
00447    G4double Impu( const G4GHEKinematicsVector & p1, const G4GHEKinematicsVector & p2)
00448    {
00449      return ( - sqr( p1.energy      - p2.energy)  
00450               + sqr(p1.momentum.x() - p2.momentum.x())
00451               + sqr(p1.momentum.y() - p2.momentum.y()) 
00452               + sqr(p1.momentum.z() - p2.momentum.z()) );
00453    }
00455   inline 
00456    void Add3( const G4GHEKinematicsVector & p1, const G4GHEKinematicsVector & p2)
00457    {
00458      momentum.setX( p1.momentum.x() + p2.momentum.x());
00459      momentum.setY( p1.momentum.y() + p2.momentum.y());
00460      momentum.setZ( p1.momentum.z() + p2.momentum.z());    
00461      return;
00462    }
00464   inline
00465    void Sub3( const G4GHEKinematicsVector & p1, const G4GHEKinematicsVector & p2)
00466    {
00467      momentum.setX( p1.momentum.x() - p2.momentum.x());
00468      momentum.setY( p1.momentum.y() - p2.momentum.y());
00469      momentum.setZ( p1.momentum.z() - p2.momentum.z());
00470      return;
00471    }
00473   inline
00474    void Cross( const G4GHEKinematicsVector & p1, const G4GHEKinematicsVector & p2)
00475    {
00476      G4double px, py, pz;
00477      px = p1.momentum.y() * p2.momentum.z() - p1.momentum.z() * p2.momentum.y();
00478      py = p1.momentum.z() * p2.momentum.x() - p1.momentum.x() * p2.momentum.z();
00479      pz = p1.momentum.x() * p2.momentum.y() - p1.momentum.y() * p2.momentum.x();
00480      momentum.setX( px );
00481      momentum.setY( py );
00482      momentum.setZ( pz ); 
00483      return;
00484    }  
00486   inline 
00487    G4double Dot( const G4GHEKinematicsVector & p1, const G4GHEKinematicsVector & p2)
00488    {
00489      return (   p1.momentum.x() * p2.momentum.x()
00490               + p1.momentum.y() * p2.momentum.y()
00491               + p1.momentum.z() * p2.momentum.z() );
00492    }
00494   inline
00495    void Smul( const G4GHEKinematicsVector & p, G4double h)
00496    {
00497      momentum.setX( h * p.momentum.x());
00498      momentum.setY( h * p.momentum.y());
00499      momentum.setZ( h * p.momentum.z());
00500      return;
00501    }   
00503   inline
00504    void SmulAndUpdate( const G4GHEKinematicsVector & p, G4double h)
00505    {
00506      momentum.setX( h * p.momentum.x());
00507      momentum.setY( h * p.momentum.y());
00508      momentum.setZ( h * p.momentum.z());
00509      mass          = p.mass;
00510      energy        = std::sqrt(momentum.mag2() + mass*mass);
00511      kineticEnergy = energy - mass;
00512      charge        = p.charge;
00513      timeOfFlight  = p.timeOfFlight;
00514      side          = p.side;
00515      flag          = p.flag;
00516      code          = p.code;
00517      particleDef   = p.particleDef;
00518      return;
00519    }
00521   inline
00522    void Norz( const G4GHEKinematicsVector & p )
00523    {
00524      G4double a =   p.momentum.mag2();
00525      if (a > 0.0) a = 1./std::sqrt(a);
00526      momentum.setX( a * p.momentum.x() );
00527      momentum.setY( a * p.momentum.y() );
00528      momentum.setZ( a * p.momentum.z() );
00529      mass          = p.mass;
00530      energy        = std::sqrt(momentum.mag2() + mass*mass);
00531      kineticEnergy = energy - mass;
00532      charge        = p.charge;
00533      timeOfFlight  = p.timeOfFlight;
00534      side          = p.side;
00535      flag          = p.flag;
00536      code          = p.code; 
00537      particleDef   = p.particleDef; 
00538      return;
00539    }
00541   inline 
00542    G4double Length()
00543    {
00544      return  momentum.mag() ;
00545    }
00547   inline
00548    void Exch( G4GHEKinematicsVector & p1)
00549    {
00550      G4GHEKinematicsVector mx = *this;
00551 //     mx.momentum.SetX( momentum.x());
00552 //     mx.momentum.SetY( momentum.y());
00553 //     mx.momentum.SetZ( momentum.z());
00554 //     mx.energy        = energy;
00555 //     mx.kineticEnergy = kineticEnergy;
00556 //     mx.mass          = mass;
00557 //     mx.charge        = charge;
00558 //     mx.timeOfFlight  = timeOfFlight;
00559 //     mx.side          = side;
00560 //     mx.flag          = flag;
00561 //     mx.code          = code; 
00562 //     momentum.setX( p1.momentum.x());
00563 //     momentum.setY( p1.momentum.y());
00564 //     momentum.setZ( p1.momentum.z());
00565 //     energy        = p1.energy;
00566 //     kineticEnergy = p1.kineticEnergy;
00567 //     mass          = p1.mass;
00568 //     charge        = p1.charge;
00569 //     timeOfFlight  = p1.timeOfFlight;
00570 //     side          = p1.side
00571 //     flag          = p1.flag;
00572 //     code          = p1.code;
00573      *this = p1;
00574      p1 = mx;
00575      return; 
00576    }      
00578   inline
00579    void Defs1( const G4GHEKinematicsVector & p1, const G4GHEKinematicsVector & p2)
00580    {
00581      G4double pt2 = sqr(p1.momentum.x()) + sqr(p1.momentum.y());
00582      if (pt2 > 0.0)
00583         {
00584           G4double ph, px, py, pz;
00585           G4double cost  = p2.momentum.z()/p2.momentum.mag(); 
00586           G4double sint  = 0.5 * (  std::sqrt(std::fabs((1.-cost)*(1.+cost))) 
00587                                   + std::sqrt(pt2)/p2.momentum.mag());
00588           (p2.momentum.y() < 0.) ? ph = 1.5*CLHEP::pi : ph = CLHEP::halfpi;
00589           if( p2.momentum.x() != 0.0) 
00590              ph = std::atan2(p2.momentum.y(),p2.momentum.x());             
00591           px =   cost*std::cos(ph)*p1.momentum.x() - std::sin(ph)*p1.momentum.y()
00592                + sint*std::cos(ph)*p1.momentum.z();
00593           py =   cost*std::sin(ph)*p1.momentum.x() + std::cos(ph)*p1.momentum.y()
00594                + sint*std::sin(ph)*p1.momentum.z();
00595           pz = - sint        *p1.momentum.x() 
00596                + cost        *p1.momentum.z();
00597           momentum.setX( px ); 
00598           momentum.setY( py );
00599           momentum.setZ( pz );     
00600         }
00601      else
00602         {
00603           momentum = p1.momentum;             
00604         } 
00605    }
00607   inline 
00608    void Defs( const G4GHEKinematicsVector & p1, const G4GHEKinematicsVector & p2,
00609                     G4GHEKinematicsVector & my,       G4GHEKinematicsVector & mz )
00610    {
00611      my = p1;
00612      mz = p2;
00613      momentum.setX(   my.momentum.y()*mz.momentum.z()
00614                     - my.momentum.z()*mz.momentum.y());
00615      momentum.setY(   my.momentum.z()*mz.momentum.x()
00616                     - my.momentum.x()*mz.momentum.z());
00617      momentum.setZ(   my.momentum.x()*mz.momentum.y()
00618                     - my.momentum.y()*mz.momentum.x());
00619      my.momentum.setX(   mz.momentum.y()*momentum.z()
00620                        - mz.momentum.z()*momentum.y());
00621      my.momentum.setY(   mz.momentum.z()*momentum.x()
00622                        - mz.momentum.x()*momentum.z());
00623      my.momentum.setZ(   mz.momentum.x()*momentum.y()
00624                        - mz.momentum.y()*momentum.x());
00625      G4double pp;
00626      pp = momentum.mag();
00627      if (pp > 0.)
00628         {
00629           pp = 1./pp; 
00630           momentum.setX( momentum.x()*pp );
00631           momentum.setY( momentum.y()*pp );
00632           momentum.setZ( momentum.z()*pp );
00633         }
00634      pp = my.momentum.mag();
00635      if (pp > 0.)
00636         {
00637           pp = 1./pp;
00638           my.momentum.setX( my.momentum.x()*pp );
00639           my.momentum.setY( my.momentum.y()*pp );
00640           my.momentum.setZ( my.momentum.z()*pp );
00641         }
00642      pp = mz.momentum.mag();
00643      if (pp > 0.)
00644         {
00645           pp = 1./pp;
00646           mz.momentum.setX( mz.momentum.x()*pp );
00647           mz.momentum.setY( mz.momentum.y()*pp );
00648           mz.momentum.setZ( mz.momentum.z()*pp );
00649         }
00650      return; 
00651    }  
00653   inline
00654    void Trac( const G4GHEKinematicsVector & p1, const G4GHEKinematicsVector & mx,
00655               const G4GHEKinematicsVector & my, const G4GHEKinematicsVector & mz)
00656    {
00657      double px, py, pz;
00658      px =   mx.momentum.x()*p1.momentum.x()
00659           + mx.momentum.y()*p1.momentum.y()
00660           + mx.momentum.z()*p1.momentum.z();
00661      py =   my.momentum.x()*p1.momentum.x()
00662           + my.momentum.y()*p1.momentum.y()
00663           + my.momentum.z()*p1.momentum.z();
00664      pz =   mz.momentum.x()*p1.momentum.x()
00665           + mz.momentum.y()*p1.momentum.y()
00666           + mz.momentum.z()*p1.momentum.z();
00667      momentum.setX( px );
00668      momentum.setY( py );
00669      momentum.setZ( pz );
00670      return;
00671    }                 
00673   inline
00674    void Print( G4int L)
00675    {
00676      G4cout << "G4GHEKinematicsVector: " 
00677           << L << " " << momentum.x() << " " <<  momentum.y() << " " <<  momentum.z() << " "
00678           << energy << " " << kineticEnergy << " " << mass << " " << charge << " " 
00679           << timeOfFlight << " " << side << " " << flag << " " << code << particleDef << G4endl;
00680      return;                         
00681    }
00683   G4ParticleMomentum momentum;
00684   G4double energy;
00685   G4double kineticEnergy;
00686   G4double mass;
00687   G4double charge;
00688   G4double timeOfFlight;
00689   G4int side;
00690   G4bool flag;
00691   G4int code;
00692   G4ParticleDefinition * particleDef;
00693 };
00695 #endif                     

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