
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //
00002 // ********************************************************************
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00006 // * the Geant4 Collaboration.  It is provided  under  the terms  and *
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00009 // * include a list of copyright holders.                             *
00010 // *                                                                  *
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00016 // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability.         *
00017 // *                                                                  *
00018 // * This  code  implementation is the result of  the  scientific and *
00019 // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration.                      *
00020 // *                                                                  *
00021 // * Parts of this code which have been  developed by QinetiQ Ltd     *
00022 // * under contract to the European Space Agency (ESA) are the        *
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00025 // * in compliance with any licensing, distribution and development   *
00026 // * policy adopted by the Geant4 Collaboration. This code has been   *
00027 // * written by QinetiQ Ltd for the European Space Agency, under ESA  *
00028 // * contract 17191/03/NL/LvH (Aurora Programme).                     *
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00034 // ********************************************************************
00035 //
00036 // %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
00037 //
00038 // MODULE:              G4EMDissociationCrossSection.cc
00039 //
00040 // Version:             B.1
00041 // Date:                15/04/04
00042 // Author:              P R Truscott
00043 // Organisation:        QinetiQ Ltd, UK
00044 // Customer:            ESA/ESTEC, NOORDWIJK
00045 // Contract:            17191/03/NL/LvH
00046 //
00047 // %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
00048 //
00050 // --------------
00051 //
00052 // 17 October 2003, P R Truscott, QinetiQ Ltd, UK
00053 // Created.
00054 //
00055 // 15 March 2004, P R Truscott, QinetiQ Ltd, UK
00056 // Beta release
00057 //
00058 // 30 May 2005, J.P. Wellisch removed a compilation warning on gcc 3.4 for 
00059 //               geant4 7.1.
00060 // 09 November 2010, V.Ivanchenko make class applicable for Hydrogen but 
00061 //                   set cross section for Hydrogen to zero  
00062 //
00063 // 17 August 2011, V.Ivanchenko, provide migration to new design of cross 
00064 //                 sections considering this cross section as element-wise
00065 //
00066 // %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
00068 //
00069 #include "G4EMDissociationCrossSection.hh"
00070 #include "G4PhysicalConstants.hh"
00071 #include "G4SystemOfUnits.hh"
00072 #include "G4ParticleTable.hh"
00073 #include "G4IonTable.hh"
00074 #include "G4HadTmpUtil.hh"
00075 #include "globals.hh"
00076 #include "G4NistManager.hh"
00079 G4EMDissociationCrossSection::G4EMDissociationCrossSection ()
00080  : G4VCrossSectionDataSet("Electromagnetic dissociation")
00081 {
00082   // This function makes use of the class which can sample the virtual photon
00083   // spectrum, G4EMDissociationSpectrum.
00085   thePhotonSpectrum = new G4EMDissociationSpectrum();
00087   // Define other constants.
00089   r0      = 1.18 * fermi;
00090   J       = 36.8 * MeV;
00091   Qprime  = 17.0 * MeV;
00092   epsilon = 0.0768;
00093   xd      = 0.25;
00094 }
00098 G4EMDissociationCrossSection::~G4EMDissociationCrossSection()
00099 {
00100   delete thePhotonSpectrum;
00101 }
00103 //
00104 G4bool
00105 G4EMDissociationCrossSection::IsElementApplicable(const G4DynamicParticle* part,
00106                                                   G4int /*ZZ*/, const G4Material*)
00107 {
00108 //
00109 // The condition for the applicability of this class is that the projectile
00110 // must be an ion and the target must have more than one nucleon.  In reality
00111 // the value of A for either the projectile or target could be much higher,
00112 // since for cases where both he projectile and target are medium to small
00113 // Z, the probability of the EMD process is, I think, VERY small.
00114 //
00115   if (G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->GetIonTable()->IsIon(part->GetDefinition())) {
00116     return true;
00117   } else {
00118     return false;
00119   }
00120 }
00123 //
00124 G4double G4EMDissociationCrossSection::GetElementCrossSection
00125   (const G4DynamicParticle* theDynamicParticle, G4int Z,
00126    const G4Material*)
00127 {
00128   // VI protection for Hydrogen
00129   if(1 >= Z) { return 0.0; }
00131   //
00132   // Get relevant information about the projectile and target (A, Z) and
00133   // velocity of the projectile.
00134   //
00135   G4ParticleDefinition *definitionP = theDynamicParticle->GetDefinition();
00136   G4double AP   = definitionP->GetBaryonNumber();
00137   G4double ZP   = definitionP->GetPDGCharge();
00138   G4double b    = theDynamicParticle->Get4Momentum().beta();
00140   G4double AT   = G4NistManager::Instance()->GetAtomicMassAmu(Z);
00141   G4double ZT   = (G4double)Z;
00142   G4double bmin = thePhotonSpectrum->GetClosestApproach(AP, ZP, AT, ZT, b);
00143   //
00144   //
00145   // Calculate the cross-section for the projectile and then the target.  The
00146   // information is returned in a G4PhysicsFreeVector, which separates out the
00147   // cross-sections for the E1 and E2 moments of the virtual photon field, and
00148   // the energies (GDR and GQR).
00149   //
00150   G4PhysicsFreeVector *theProjectileCrossSections =
00151     GetCrossSectionForProjectile (AP, ZP, AT, ZT, b, bmin);
00152   G4double crossSection =
00153     (*theProjectileCrossSections)[0]+(*theProjectileCrossSections)[1];
00154   delete theProjectileCrossSections;
00155   G4PhysicsFreeVector *theTargetCrossSections =
00156     GetCrossSectionForTarget (AP, ZP, AT, ZT, b, bmin);
00157   crossSection +=
00158     (*theTargetCrossSections)[0]+(*theTargetCrossSections)[1];
00159   delete theTargetCrossSections;
00160   return crossSection;
00161 }
00163 //
00164 G4PhysicsFreeVector *
00165 G4EMDissociationCrossSection::GetCrossSectionForProjectile (G4double AP,
00166   G4double ZP, G4double /* AT */, G4double ZT, G4double b, G4double bmin)
00167 {
00168 //
00169 //
00170 // Use Wilson et al's approach to calculate the cross-sections due to the E1
00171 // and E2 moments of the field at the giant dipole and quadrupole resonances
00172 // respectively,  Note that the algorithm is traditionally applied to the
00173 // EMD break-up of the projectile in the field of the target, as is implemented
00174 // here.
00175 //
00176 // Initialise variables and calculate the energies for the GDR and GQR.
00177 //
00178   G4double AProot3 = std::pow(AP,1.0/3.0);
00179   G4double u       = 3.0 * J / Qprime / AProot3;
00180   G4double R0      = r0 * AProot3;
00181   G4double E_GDR  = hbarc / std::sqrt(0.7*amu_c2*R0*R0/8.0/J*
00182     (1.0 + u - (1.0 + epsilon + 3.0*u)/(1.0 + epsilon + u)*epsilon));
00183   G4double E_GQR  = 63.0 * MeV / AProot3;
00184 //
00185 //
00186 // Determine the virtual photon spectra at these energies.
00187 //
00188   G4double ZTsq = ZT * ZT;
00189   G4double nE1 = ZTsq *
00190     thePhotonSpectrum->GetGeneralE1Spectrum(E_GDR, b, bmin);
00191   G4double nE2 = ZTsq *
00192     thePhotonSpectrum->GetGeneralE2Spectrum(E_GQR, b, bmin);
00193 //
00194 //
00195 // Now calculate the cross-section of the projectile for interaction with the
00196 // E1 and E2 fields.
00197 //
00198   G4double sE1 = 60.0 * millibarn * MeV * (AP-ZP)*ZP/AP;
00199   G4double sE2 = 0.22 * microbarn / MeV * ZP * AProot3 * AProot3;
00200   if (AP > 100.0)     sE2 *= 0.9;
00201   else if (AP > 40.0) sE2 *= 0.6;
00202   else                sE2 *= 0.3;
00203 //
00204 //
00205 // ... and multiply with the intensity of the virtual photon spectra to get
00206 // the probability of interaction.
00207 //
00208   G4PhysicsFreeVector *theCrossSectionVector = new G4PhysicsFreeVector(2);
00209   theCrossSectionVector->PutValue(0, E_GDR, sE1*nE1);
00210   theCrossSectionVector->PutValue(1, E_GQR, sE2*nE2*E_GQR*E_GQR);
00212   return theCrossSectionVector;
00213 }
00216 //
00217 G4PhysicsFreeVector *
00218 G4EMDissociationCrossSection::GetCrossSectionForTarget (G4double AP,
00219   G4double ZP, G4double AT, G4double ZT, G4double b, G4double bmin)
00220 {
00221 //
00222 // This is a cheaky little member function to calculate the probability of
00223 // EMD for the target in the field of the projectile ... just by reversing the
00224 // A and Z's for the participants.
00225 //
00226   return GetCrossSectionForProjectile (AT, ZT, AP, ZP, b, bmin);
00227 }
00230 //
00231 G4double
00232 G4EMDissociationCrossSection::GetWilsonProbabilityForProtonDissociation(G4double A,
00233                                                                         G4double Z)
00234 {
00235 //
00236 // This is a simple algorithm to choose whether a proton or neutron is ejected
00237 // from the nucleus in the EMD interaction.
00238 //
00239   G4double p = 0.0;
00240   if (Z < 6.0)
00241     p = 0.5;
00242   else if (Z < 8.0)
00243     p = 0.6;
00244   else if (Z < 14.0)
00245     p = 0.7;
00246   else
00247   {
00248     G4double p1 = (G4double) Z / (G4double) A;
00249     G4double p2 = 1.95*std::exp(-0.075*Z);
00250     if (p1 < p2) p = p1;
00251     else         p = p2;
00252   }
00254   return p;
00255 }

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