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00011 // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing *
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00018 // * This  code  implementation is the result of  the  scientific and *
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00025 //
00026 //
00027 // Implementation of the HETC88 code into Geant4.
00028 // Evaporation and De-excitation parts
00029 // T. Lampen, Helsinki Institute of Physics, May-2000
00031 #include "globals.hh"
00032 #include "G4BertiniEvaporation.hh"
00033 #include "G4PhysicalConstants.hh"
00034 #include "G4SystemOfUnits.hh"
00035 #include "G4BENeutronChannel.hh"
00036 #include "G4BEProtonChannel.hh"
00037 #include "G4BEDeuteronChannel.hh"
00038 #include "G4BETritonChannel.hh"
00039 #include "G4BEHe3Channel.hh"
00040 #include "G4BEHe4Channel.hh"
00041 #include "G4BEGammaDeexcitation.hh"
00043 // verboseLevels : 4 inform about basic probabilities and branchings
00044 //                 6 some details about calculations
00045 //                 8 inform about final values
00046 //                10 inform everything
00048 G4BertiniEvaporation::G4BertiniEvaporation()
00049 {
00050     G4cout << "Info G4BertiniEvaporation: This is still very fresh code."<< G4endl;
00051     G4cout << "     G4BertiniEvaporation: feed-back for improvement is very wellcome."<< G4endl;
00052     verboseLevel = 0;
00054     channelVector.push_back( new G4BENeutronChannel );
00055     channelVector.push_back( new G4BEProtonChannel  );
00056     channelVector.push_back( new G4BEDeuteronChannel);
00057     channelVector.push_back( new G4BETritonChannel  );
00058     channelVector.push_back( new G4BEHe3Channel     );
00059     channelVector.push_back( new G4BEHe4Channel     );
00060 }
00063 G4BertiniEvaporation::~G4BertiniEvaporation()
00064 {
00065   while ( !channelVector.empty() )
00066     {
00067       delete channelVector.back();
00068       channelVector.pop_back();
00069     }
00070 }
00073 void G4BertiniEvaporation::setVerboseLevel( const G4int verbose )
00074 {
00075   verboseLevel = verbose;
00077   // Update verbose level to all evaporation channels.
00078   std::vector< G4BertiniEvaporationChannel * >::iterator iChannel = channelVector.begin();  
00079   for ( ; iChannel != channelVector.end() ; *iChannel++ )                  
00080     ( *iChannel )->setVerboseLevel( verboseLevel );
00081 }
00084 G4FragmentVector * G4BertiniEvaporation::BreakItUp( G4LayeredNucleus & nucleus )
00085 {
00086   G4int nucleusA;
00087   G4int nucleusZ;
00088   G4int i;
00089   G4double totalProbability;
00090   G4double excE;
00091   G4double newExcitation;
00092   G4double nucleusTotalMomentum;
00093   G4double nucleusKineticEnergy;
00094   G4double mRes; // Mass of residual nucleus.
00095   G4ThreeVector nucleusMomentumVector;
00096   G4DynamicParticle *pEmittedParticle;
00097   std::vector< G4DynamicParticle * > secondaryParticleVector;
00098   G4FragmentVector * result = new G4FragmentVector;
00100   // Read properties of the nucleus.
00101   nucleusA = nucleus.GetA_asInt();
00102   nucleusZ = nucleus.GetZ_asInt();
00103   excE                  = nucleus.GetEnergyDeposit();
00104   nucleusMomentumVector = nucleus.GetMomentum();
00106   // Move to CMS frame, save initial velocity of the nucleus to boostToLab vector.
00107   G4ThreeVector boostToLab( ( 1/G4NucleiProperties::GetNuclearMass( nucleusA, nucleusZ ) ) 
00108                             * nucleusMomentumVector ); // xx mass ok?
00110   if ( verboseLevel >= 10 )
00111     G4cout << " G4BertiniEvaporation : initial kinematics : boostToLab vector = " << boostToLab << G4endl
00112            << "                     excitation energy  : " << excE<< G4endl;
00114   if ( nucleusA == 8 && nucleusZ == 4 )
00115     {
00116       splitBe8( excE, boostToLab, secondaryParticleVector );
00117       fillResult( secondaryParticleVector, result);
00118       return result;
00119     }
00121   // Initialize evaporation channels and calculate sum of emission
00122   // probabilities.
00123   std::vector< G4BertiniEvaporationChannel * >::iterator iChannel = channelVector.begin();  
00124   totalProbability = 0;
00125   for ( ; iChannel != channelVector.end() ; *iChannel++ )                  
00126      {
00127        ( *iChannel )->setNucleusA( nucleusA );
00128        ( *iChannel )->setNucleusZ( nucleusZ );
00129        ( *iChannel )->setExcitationEnergy( excE );
00130        ( *iChannel )->setPairingCorrection( 1 );
00131        ( *iChannel )->calculateProbability();
00132        totalProbability += ( *iChannel )->getProbability();
00133      }
00135   // If no evaporation process is possible, try without pairing energy.
00136   if ( totalProbability == 0 )
00137     {
00138       if ( verboseLevel >= 4 )
00139         G4cout << "G4BertiniEvaporation : no emission possible with pairing correction, trying without it" << G4endl;
00140       for ( iChannel = channelVector.begin() ; iChannel != channelVector.end() ; *iChannel++ )
00141         {
00142           ( *iChannel )->setPairingCorrection(0);
00143           ( *iChannel )->calculateProbability();
00144           totalProbability += ( *iChannel )->getProbability();
00145         }
00146       if ( verboseLevel >= 4 )
00147         G4cout << "                       probability without correction " << totalProbability << G4endl;
00149     }
00151   // Normal evaporation cycle follows.
00152   // Particles are evaporated till all probabilities are zero.
00153   while ( totalProbability > 0 )
00154     {
00155       G4BertiniEvaporationChannel *pSelectedChannel;
00157       // Sample active emission channel.
00158       G4double sampledProbability = G4UniformRand() * totalProbability;
00159       if ( verboseLevel >= 10 ) G4cout << "          RandomProb : " << sampledProbability << G4endl;
00160       for ( iChannel = channelVector.begin() ; iChannel != channelVector.end() ; *iChannel++ )
00161         {
00162           sampledProbability -= ( *iChannel )->getProbability();
00163           if ( sampledProbability < 0 ) break;
00164         }
00165       pSelectedChannel = ( *iChannel );
00166       if ( iChannel == channelVector.end() )
00167         throw G4HadronicException(__FILE__, __LINE__,  "G4BertiniEvaporation : Error while sampling evaporation particle" );
00169       if ( verboseLevel >= 4 ) 
00170         G4cout << "G4BertiniEvaporation : particle " << pSelectedChannel->getName() << " selected " << G4endl;
00172       // Max 10 tries to get a physically acceptable particle energy
00173       // in this emission channel.
00174       i = 0;
00176       do
00177         {
00178           pEmittedParticle = pSelectedChannel->emit();
00179           // This loop checks that particle with too large energy is not emitted.
00180           // CMS frame is considered in this loop. Nonrelativistic treatment. xxx
00183           const G4int zRes = nucleusZ - pSelectedChannel->getParticleZ(); 
00184           const G4int aRes  = nucleusA - pSelectedChannel->getParticleA(); 
00185           // const G4double eBind = G4NucleiProperties::GetBindingEnergy( aRes, zRes );  // Binding energy of the nucleus.
00186           mRes  = G4NucleiProperties::GetNuclearMass( aRes, zRes ); // Mass of the target nucleus
00187           //      In HETC88:
00188           //      eBind = Z * (-0.78244) + A * 8.36755 - cameron ( A , Z );
00189           //      mRes =  zRes * 938.79304 + ( aRes - zRes ) * 939.57548 - eBind; 
00190           //      where cameron ( A, Z ) is the mass excess by Cameron, see Canadian Journal of Physics,
00191           //      vol. 35, 1957, p.1022
00193           nucleusTotalMomentum = pEmittedParticle->GetTotalMomentum(); // CMS frame
00194           nucleusKineticEnergy = std::pow( nucleusTotalMomentum, 2 ) / ( 2 * mRes );
00195           newExcitation = excE - pEmittedParticle->GetKineticEnergy() - nucleusKineticEnergy - pSelectedChannel->getQ();
00197           if ( verboseLevel >= 10)
00198             G4cout << "G4BertiniEvaporation : Kinematics " << G4endl
00199                    << "                    part kinetic E in CMS = " 
00200                    << pEmittedParticle->GetKineticEnergy() << G4endl
00201                    << "                    new excitation E      =  " 
00202                    << newExcitation << G4endl;
00204           i++;
00205           if ( !( newExcitation > 0 ) && i < 10) delete pEmittedParticle;
00206         } while ( !( newExcitation > 0 )  &&  i < 10 );
00208       if ( i >= 10 ) 
00209         {
00210           // No appropriate particle energy found.
00211           // Set probability of this channel to zero 
00212           // and try to sample another particle on the 
00213           // next round.
00214           delete pEmittedParticle;
00216           if ( verboseLevel >= 4 )
00217             G4cout << "G4BertiniEvaporation : No appropriate energy for particle " 
00218                    << pSelectedChannel->getName() << " found." << G4endl;
00220           pSelectedChannel->setProbability( 0 );
00222           totalProbability = 0;
00223           for ( ; iChannel != channelVector.end() ; *iChannel++ )                  
00224             totalProbability += ( *iChannel )->getProbability();
00225         } // Treatment of physically unacceptable particle ends.
00226       else
00227         {
00228           // Good particle found. 
00230           // Transform particle properties to lab frame and save it.
00231           G4LorentzVector particleFourVector = pEmittedParticle->Get4Momentum();
00232           G4LorentzVector nucleusFourVector(  - pEmittedParticle->GetMomentum(), // CMS Frame.
00233                                               nucleusKineticEnergy + mRes ); // Total energy.
00234           particleFourVector.boost( boostToLab );
00235           nucleusFourVector.boost(  boostToLab );
00236           G4DynamicParticle *pPartLab  = new G4DynamicParticle( pEmittedParticle->GetDefinition(),
00237                                                                 particleFourVector.e(), // Total energy
00238                                                                 particleFourVector.vect() ); // momentum vector
00239           secondaryParticleVector.push_back( pPartLab );
00241           // Update residual nucleus and boostToLab vector.
00242           nucleusA = nucleusA - pSelectedChannel->getParticleA();
00243           nucleusZ = nucleusZ - pSelectedChannel->getParticleZ();
00244           excE = newExcitation;
00245           boostToLab = G4ThreeVector ( ( 1/mRes ) * nucleusFourVector.vect() );
00247           if ( verboseLevel >= 10 )
00248             G4cout << "  particle mom in cms " << pEmittedParticle->GetMomentum() << G4endl 
00249                    << "  particle mom in cms " << pEmittedParticle->GetTotalMomentum() << G4endl 
00250                    << "          Etot in cms " << pEmittedParticle->GetTotalEnergy() << G4endl
00251                    << "          Ekin in cms " << pEmittedParticle->GetKineticEnergy() << G4endl
00252                    << "        particle mass " << pEmittedParticle->GetMass() << G4endl
00253                    << "          boost  vect " << boostToLab << G4endl
00254                    << "          boosted 4v  " << particleFourVector << G4endl
00255                    << "          nucleus 4v  " << nucleusFourVector << G4endl
00256                    << "          nucl cm mom " << nucleusTotalMomentum << G4endl
00257                    << " particle k.e. in lab " << pPartLab->GetKineticEnergy() << G4endl
00258                    << "     new boost vector " << boostToLab << G4endl;
00260           delete pEmittedParticle;
00262           // If the residual nucleus is Be8, split it.
00263           if ( nucleusA == 8 && nucleusZ == 4 )
00264             {
00265               splitBe8( excE, boostToLab, secondaryParticleVector );
00266               fillResult( secondaryParticleVector, result);
00267               return result;
00268             }
00270           // Update evaporation channels and 
00271           // total emission probability.
00272           totalProbability = 0;
00273           for ( iChannel = channelVector.begin() ; iChannel != channelVector.end() ; *iChannel++ )  
00274             {
00275               ( *iChannel )->setNucleusA( nucleusA ); 
00276               ( *iChannel )->setNucleusZ( nucleusZ );
00277               ( *iChannel )->setExcitationEnergy( excE ); 
00278               ( *iChannel )->calculateProbability();
00279               totalProbability += ( *iChannel )->getProbability();
00280             }
00281         } // Treatment of physically acceptable particle ends.
00282     } // End of evaporation cycle.
00284   // Gamma de-excitation.
00285   G4BEGammaDeexcitation *pGammaChannel = new G4BEGammaDeexcitation;
00286   pGammaChannel->setNucleusA( nucleusA );
00287   pGammaChannel->setNucleusZ( nucleusZ );
00288   pGammaChannel->setVerboseLevel( verboseLevel );
00289   pGammaChannel->setExcitationEnergy( excE );
00291   // Emit equally sampled photons until all the excitation energy is
00292   // used; the last photon gets the remaining de-excitation energy.
00293   // Change of momentum of the nucleus is neglected.
00294   G4double gammaEnergy;
00295   G4double totalDeExcEnergy = 0;
00297   while ( excE > 0 )
00298     {
00299       pEmittedParticle = pGammaChannel->emit();
00300       gammaEnergy = pEmittedParticle->GetKineticEnergy();
00302       if ( ( totalDeExcEnergy + gammaEnergy ) > excE ) 
00303         {
00304           // All the remaining energy is used here.
00305           gammaEnergy = excE - totalDeExcEnergy;
00306           excE = 0;
00307         }
00309       totalDeExcEnergy += gammaEnergy; 
00311       if ( verboseLevel >= 10 )
00312         G4cout << " G4BertiniEvaporation : gamma de-excitation, g of " << gammaEnergy << " MeV " << G4endl;
00314       G4LorentzVector gammaFourVector( pEmittedParticle->GetMomentum(),
00315                                        pEmittedParticle->GetKineticEnergy() );
00316       gammaFourVector.boost( boostToLab );
00317       pEmittedParticle->SetKineticEnergy( gammaFourVector.e() );
00318       pEmittedParticle->SetMomentumDirection( gammaFourVector.vect().unit() );
00320       secondaryParticleVector.push_back( pEmittedParticle );
00322       } 
00324   delete pGammaChannel;
00326   // Residual nucleus is not returned.
00328   fillResult( secondaryParticleVector, result);
00330   return result;
00331 }
00334 void G4BertiniEvaporation::splitBe8( const G4double E,
00335                                      const G4ThreeVector boostToLab,
00336                                      std::vector< G4DynamicParticle * > & secondaryParticleVector )
00337 {
00338   G4double kineticEnergy; 
00339   G4double u;
00340   G4double v;
00341   G4double w;
00342   const G4double Be8DecayEnergy = 0.093 * MeV; 
00344   if ( E <= 0 ) throw G4HadronicException(__FILE__, __LINE__,  "G4BertiniEvaporation : excitation energy < 0 " );
00345   if ( verboseLevel >= 4 ) G4cout << "     Be8 split to 2 x He4" << G4endl;
00347   kineticEnergy = 0.5 * ( E + Be8DecayEnergy ); 
00349   // Create two alpha particles in CMS frame.
00350   isotropicCosines( u , v , w );
00351   G4ThreeVector momentumDirectionCMS( u, v, w ); 
00353   G4DynamicParticle *pP1Cms = new G4DynamicParticle( G4Alpha::Alpha(),
00354                                                      momentumDirectionCMS,
00355                                                      kineticEnergy );
00356   G4DynamicParticle *pP2Cms = new G4DynamicParticle( G4Alpha::Alpha(),
00357                                                      -momentumDirectionCMS,
00358                                                      kineticEnergy );
00359   G4LorentzVector fourVector1( pP1Cms->GetMomentum(), 
00360                                pP1Cms->GetTotalEnergy() );
00361   G4LorentzVector fourVector2( pP2Cms->GetMomentum(), 
00362                                pP2Cms->GetTotalEnergy() );
00364   // Transform into lab frame by transforming the four vectors. Then
00365   // add to the vector of secondary particles.
00366   fourVector1.boost( boostToLab );
00367   fourVector2.boost( boostToLab );
00368   G4DynamicParticle * pP1Lab  = new G4DynamicParticle( G4Alpha::Alpha(),
00369                                                       fourVector1.vect(),
00370                                                       fourVector1.e() );
00371   G4DynamicParticle * pP2Lab  = new G4DynamicParticle( G4Alpha::Alpha(),
00372                                                       fourVector2.vect(),
00373                                                       fourVector2.e() );
00374   secondaryParticleVector.push_back( pP1Lab );
00375   secondaryParticleVector.push_back( pP2Lab );
00377   delete pP1Cms;
00378   delete pP2Cms;
00380   return;
00381 }
00384 void G4BertiniEvaporation::fillResult( std::vector<G4DynamicParticle *> secondaryParticleVector,
00385                                       G4FragmentVector * aResult )
00386 {
00387   // Fill the vector pParticleChange with secondary particles stored in vector.
00388   for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < secondaryParticleVector.size() ; i++ )
00389   {
00390     G4int aZ = static_cast<G4int> (secondaryParticleVector[i]->GetDefinition()->GetPDGCharge() );
00391     G4int aA = static_cast<G4int> (secondaryParticleVector[i]->GetDefinition()->GetBaryonNumber());
00392     G4LorentzVector aMomentum = secondaryParticleVector[i]->Get4Momentum();
00393     if(aA>0) 
00394     {
00395       aResult->push_back( new G4Fragment(aA, aZ, aMomentum) ); 
00396     }
00397     else 
00398     {
00399       aResult->push_back( new G4Fragment(aMomentum, secondaryParticleVector[i]->GetDefinition()) ); 
00400     }
00401   }
00402   return;
00403 }
00406 void G4BertiniEvaporation::isotropicCosines( G4double & u, G4double & v, G4double & w )
00407 {
00408   // Samples isotropic random direction cosines.
00409   G4double CosTheta = 1.0 - 2.0 * G4UniformRand();
00410   G4double SinTheta = std::sqrt( 1.0 - CosTheta * CosTheta );
00411   G4double Phi = twopi * G4UniformRand();
00413   u = std::cos( Phi ) * SinTheta;
00414   v = std::cos( Phi ) * CosTheta,
00415   w = std::sin( Phi );
00417   return;
00418 }

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