
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //
00002 // ********************************************************************
00003 // * License and Disclaimer                                           *
00004 // *                                                                  *
00005 // * The  Geant4 software  is  copyright of the Copyright Holders  of *
00006 // * the Geant4 Collaboration.  It is provided  under  the terms  and *
00007 // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License,  included in the file *
00008 // * LICENSE and available at  http://cern.ch/geant4/license .  These *
00009 // * include a list of copyright holders.                             *
00010 // *                                                                  *
00011 // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing *
00012 // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this *
00013 // * work  make  any representation or  warranty, express or implied, *
00014 // * regarding  this  software system or assume any liability for its *
00015 // * use.  Please see the license in the file  LICENSE  and URL above *
00016 // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability.         *
00017 // *                                                                  *
00018 // * This  code  implementation is the result of  the  scientific and *
00019 // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration.                      *
00020 // * By using,  copying,  modifying or  distributing the software (or *
00021 // * any work based  on the software)  you  agree  to acknowledge its *
00022 // * use  in  resulting  scientific  publications,  and indicate your *
00023 // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license.          *
00024 // ********************************************************************
00025 //
00026 //
00027 // $Id$
00028 //
00029 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
00030 // GEANT 4 class source file
00031 //
00032 // G4BREPSolid.cc
00033 //
00034 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
00036 #include "G4BREPSolid.hh"
00037 #include "G4VoxelLimits.hh"
00038 #include "G4AffineTransform.hh"
00039 #include "G4VGraphicsScene.hh"
00040 #include "G4Polyhedron.hh"
00041 #include "G4NURBSbox.hh"
00042 #include "G4BoundingBox3D.hh"
00043 #include "G4FPlane.hh"
00044 #include "G4BSplineSurface.hh"
00045 #include "G4ToroidalSurface.hh"
00046 #include "G4SphericalSurface.hh"
00048 G4Ray G4BREPSolid::Track;
00049 G4double G4BREPSolid::ShortestDistance= kInfinity;
00050 G4int G4BREPSolid::NumberOfSolids=0;
00052 G4BREPSolid::G4BREPSolid(const G4String& name)
00053  : G4VSolid(name),
00054    Box(0), Convex(0), AxisBox(0), PlaneSolid(0), place(0), bbox(0),
00055    intersectionDistance(kInfinity), active(1), startInside(0),
00056    nb_of_surfaces(0), SurfaceVec(0), RealDist(0.), solidname(name), Id(0),
00057    fStatistics(1000000), fCubVolEpsilon(0.001), fAreaAccuracy(-1.),
00058    fCubicVolume(0.), fSurfaceArea(0.), fpPolyhedron(0)
00059 {
00060   static G4bool warn=true;
00061   if (warn)
00062   {
00063     G4cout
00064          << "--------------------------------------------------------" << G4endl
00065          << "WARNING: BREPS classes are being dismissed.  They will |" << G4endl
00066          << "         be removed starting  from next  Geant4  major |" << G4endl
00067          << "         release.  Please, consider switching to adopt |" << G4endl
00068          << "         correspondent CSG or specific primitives.     |" << G4endl
00069          << "--------------------------------------------------------"
00070          << G4endl;
00071     warn = false;
00072   }
00073 }
00075 G4BREPSolid::G4BREPSolid( const G4String&   name        , 
00076                                 G4Surface** srfVec      , 
00077                                 G4int       numberOfSrfs  )
00078  : G4VSolid(name),
00079    Box(0), Convex(0), AxisBox(0), PlaneSolid(0), place(0), bbox(0),
00080    intersectionDistance(kInfinity), active(1), startInside(0),
00081    nb_of_surfaces(numberOfSrfs), SurfaceVec(srfVec), RealDist(0.),
00082    solidname(name), Id(0),
00083    fStatistics(1000000), fCubVolEpsilon(0.001), fAreaAccuracy(-1.),
00084    fCubicVolume(0.), fSurfaceArea(0.), fpPolyhedron(0)
00085 {
00086   static G4bool warn=true;
00087   if (warn)
00088   {
00089     G4cout
00090          << "--------------------------------------------------------" << G4endl
00091          << "WARNING: BREPS classes are being dismissed.  They will |" << G4endl
00092          << "         be removed starting  from next  Geant4  major |" << G4endl
00093          << "         release.  Please, consider switching to adopt |" << G4endl
00094          << "         correspondent CSG or specific primitives.     |" << G4endl
00095          << "--------------------------------------------------------"
00096          << G4endl;
00097     warn = false;
00098   }
00099   Initialize();
00100 }
00102 G4BREPSolid::G4BREPSolid( __void__& a )
00103   : G4VSolid(a),
00104    Box(0), Convex(0), AxisBox(0), PlaneSolid(0), place(0), bbox(0),
00105    intersectionDistance(kInfinity), active(1), startInside(0),
00106    nb_of_surfaces(0), SurfaceVec(0), RealDist(0.), solidname(""), Id(0),
00107    fStatistics(1000000), fCubVolEpsilon(0.001), fAreaAccuracy(-1.),
00108    fCubicVolume(0.), fSurfaceArea(0.), fpPolyhedron(0)
00109 {
00110 }
00112 G4BREPSolid::~G4BREPSolid()
00113 {
00114   delete place;
00115   delete bbox;
00117   for(G4int a=0;a<nb_of_surfaces;++a)
00118     { delete SurfaceVec[a]; }
00120   delete [] SurfaceVec;
00121   delete fpPolyhedron;
00122 }
00124 G4BREPSolid::G4BREPSolid(const G4BREPSolid& rhs)
00125   : G4VSolid(rhs), Box(rhs.Box), Convex(rhs.Convex), AxisBox(rhs.AxisBox),
00126     PlaneSolid(rhs.PlaneSolid), place(0), bbox(0),
00127     intersectionDistance(rhs.intersectionDistance), active(rhs.active),
00128     startInside(rhs.startInside), nb_of_surfaces(rhs.nb_of_surfaces),
00129     intersection_point(rhs.intersection_point), SurfaceVec(0),
00130     RealDist(rhs.RealDist), solidname(rhs.solidname), Id(rhs.Id),
00131     fStatistics(rhs.fStatistics), fCubVolEpsilon(rhs.fCubVolEpsilon),
00132     fAreaAccuracy(rhs.fAreaAccuracy), fCubicVolume(rhs.fCubicVolume),
00133     fSurfaceArea(rhs.fSurfaceArea), fpPolyhedron(0)
00134 {
00135   Initialize();
00136 }
00138 G4BREPSolid& G4BREPSolid::operator = (const G4BREPSolid& rhs) 
00139 {
00140    // Check assignment to self
00141    //
00142    if (this == &rhs)  { return *this; }
00144    // Copy base class data
00145    //
00146    G4VSolid::operator=(rhs);
00148    // Copy data
00149    //
00150    Box= rhs.Box; Convex= rhs.Convex; AxisBox= rhs.AxisBox;
00151    PlaneSolid= rhs.PlaneSolid;
00152    intersectionDistance= rhs.intersectionDistance; active= rhs.active;
00153    startInside= rhs.startInside; nb_of_surfaces= rhs.nb_of_surfaces;
00154    intersection_point= rhs.intersection_point;
00155    RealDist= rhs.RealDist; solidname= rhs.solidname; Id= rhs.Id;
00156    fStatistics= rhs.fStatistics; fCubVolEpsilon= rhs.fCubVolEpsilon;
00157    fAreaAccuracy= rhs.fAreaAccuracy; fCubicVolume= rhs.fCubicVolume;
00158    fSurfaceArea= rhs.fSurfaceArea;
00160    delete place; delete bbox; place= 0; bbox= 0;
00161    for(G4int a=0;a<nb_of_surfaces;++a)
00162      { delete SurfaceVec[a]; }
00163    delete [] SurfaceVec; SurfaceVec= 0;
00164    delete fpPolyhedron; fpPolyhedron= 0;
00166    Initialize();
00168    return *this;
00169 }  
00171 void G4BREPSolid::Initialize()
00172 {
00173   if(active)
00174   {
00175     // Compute bounding box for solids and surfaces
00176     // Convert concave planes to convex
00177     //
00178     ShortestDistance= kInfinity;
00179     if (!SurfaceVec) { return; }
00181     IsBox();
00182     CheckSurfaceNormals();
00184     if(!Box || !AxisBox)
00185       IsConvex();
00187     CalcBBoxes();
00188   }
00189 }
00191 G4String G4BREPSolid::GetEntityType() const
00192 {
00193   return "Closed_Shell";
00194 }
00196 G4VSolid* G4BREPSolid::Clone() const
00197 {
00198   return new G4BREPSolid(*this);
00199 }
00201 void G4BREPSolid::Reset() const
00202 {
00203   ((G4BREPSolid*)this)->active=1;
00204   ((G4BREPSolid*)this)->intersectionDistance=kInfinity;
00205   ((G4BREPSolid*)this)->startInside=0; 
00207   for(register G4int a=0;a<nb_of_surfaces;a++)
00208     SurfaceVec[a]->Reset();
00210   ShortestDistance = kInfinity;
00211 }
00213 void G4BREPSolid::CheckSurfaceNormals()
00214 {
00215   if(!PlaneSolid)
00216     return; // All faces must be planar
00218   Convex=1;
00220   // Checks that the normals of the surfaces point outwards.
00221   // If not, turns the Normal to point out.
00223   // Loop through each face and check the G4Vector3D of the Normal
00224   //
00225   G4Surface* srf;
00226   G4Point3D V;
00228   G4int SrfNum = 0;
00229   G4double YValue=0;
00230   G4Point3D Pt;
00232   G4int a, b;
00233   for(a=0; a<nb_of_surfaces; a++)
00234   {
00235     // Find vertex point containing extreme y value
00236     //
00237     srf = SurfaceVec[a];
00238     G4int Points = srf->GetNumberOfPoints();
00240     for(b =0; b<Points; b++)
00241     {
00242       Pt = (G4Point3D)srf->GetPoint(b);    
00243       if(YValue < Pt.y())
00244       {
00245         YValue = Pt.y();
00246         SrfNum = a;   // Save srf number
00247       }
00248     }
00249   }
00251   // Move the selected face to the first in the List
00252   //
00253   srf = SurfaceVec[SrfNum];            
00255   // Start handling the surfaces in order and compare
00256   // the neighbouring ones and turn their normals if they
00257   // point inwards
00258   //
00259   G4Point3D Pt1;
00260   G4Point3D Pt2;
00261   G4Point3D Pt3;
00262   G4Point3D Pt4;
00264   G4Vector3D N1;
00265   G4Vector3D N2;    
00266   G4Vector3D N3;    
00267   G4Vector3D N4;    
00269   G4int* ConnectedList = new G4int[nb_of_surfaces];    
00271   for(a=0; a<nb_of_surfaces; a++)
00272     ConnectedList[a]=0;
00274   G4Surface* ConnectedSrf;
00276   for(a=0; a<nb_of_surfaces-1; a++)
00277   {
00278     if(ConnectedList[a] == 0) 
00279       break;
00280     else
00281       ConnectedList[a]=1;
00283     srf = SurfaceVec[a];
00284     G4int SrfPoints = srf->GetNumberOfPoints();
00285     N1 = (srf->Norm())->GetDir();
00287     for(b=a+1; b<nb_of_surfaces; b++)
00288     {
00289       if(ConnectedList[b] == 1) 
00290         break;
00291       else
00292         ConnectedList[b]=1;
00294       // Get next in List
00295       // 
00296       ConnectedSrf = SurfaceVec[b];    
00298       // Check if it is connected to srf by looping through the points.
00299       //
00300       G4int ConnSrfPoints = ConnectedSrf->GetNumberOfPoints();
00302       for(G4int c=0;c<SrfPoints;c++)
00303       {
00304         Pt1 = srf->GetPoint(c);
00306         for(G4int d=0;d<ConnSrfPoints;d++)
00307         {
00308           // Find common points
00309           //
00310           Pt2 = (ConnectedSrf)->GetPoint(d);
00312           if( Pt1 == Pt2 ) 
00313           {
00314             // Common point found. Compare normals.
00315             //
00316             N2 = ((ConnectedSrf)->Norm())->GetDir();
00318             // Check cross product.
00319             //
00320             G4Vector3D CP1 = G4Vector3D( N1.cross(N2) );
00321             G4double CrossProd1 = CP1.x()+CP1.y()+CP1.z();
00323             // Create the other normals
00324             //
00325             if(c==0) 
00326               Pt3 = srf->GetPoint(c+1);
00327             else
00328               Pt3 = srf->GetPoint(0);
00330             N3 = (Pt1-Pt3);
00332             if(d==0) 
00333               Pt4 = (ConnectedSrf)->GetPoint(d+1);
00334             else
00335               Pt4 = (ConnectedSrf)->GetPoint(0);
00337             N4 = (Pt1-Pt4);
00339             G4Vector3D CP2 = G4Vector3D( N3.cross(N4) );
00340             G4double CrossProd2 = CP2.x()+CP2.y()+CP2.z();
00342             G4cout << "\nCroosProd2: " << CrossProd2;
00344             if( (CrossProd1 < 0 && CrossProd2 < 0) ||
00345                 (CrossProd1 > 0 && CrossProd2 > 0)    )
00346             {
00347               // Turn Normal
00348               //
00349               (ConnectedSrf)->Norm()
00350                 ->SetDir(-1 * (ConnectedSrf)->Norm()->GetDir());
00352               // Take the CrossProd1 again as the other Normal was turned.
00353               //
00354               CP1 = N1.cross(N2);
00355               CrossProd1 = CP1.x()+CP1.y()+CP1.z();
00356             }
00357             if(CrossProd1 > 0) 
00358               Convex=0;
00359           }
00360         }
00361       }
00362     }
00363   }
00365   delete []ConnectedList;
00366 }
00368 G4int G4BREPSolid::IsBox()
00369 {
00370   // This is done by checking that the solid consists of 6 planes.
00371   // Then the type is checked to be planar face by face.
00372   // For each G4Plane the Normal is computed. The dot product
00373   // of one face Normal and each other face Normal is computed.
00374   // One result should be 1 and the rest 0 in order to the solid
00375   // to be a box.
00377   Box=0;
00378   G4Surface* srf1, *srf2;
00379   register G4int a;
00381   // Compute the Normal for the planes
00382   //
00383   for(a=0; a < nb_of_surfaces;a++)    
00384   {
00385     srf1 = SurfaceVec[a];
00387     if(srf1->MyType()==1)
00388       (srf1)->Project();     // Compute the projection
00389     else
00390     {
00391       PlaneSolid=0;
00392       return 0;
00393     }
00394   }
00396   // Check that all faces are planar
00397   //
00398   for(a=0; a < nb_of_surfaces;a++)    
00399   {
00400     srf1 = SurfaceVec[a];
00402     if (srf1->MyType()!=1)
00403       return 0;
00404   }
00406   PlaneSolid = 1;
00408   // Check that the amount of faces is correct
00409   //
00410   if(nb_of_surfaces!=6) return 0;
00412   G4Point3D Pt;
00413   G4int Points;
00414   G4int Sides=0;
00415   G4int Opposite=0;
00417   srf1 = SurfaceVec[0];
00418   Points = (srf1)->GetNumberOfPoints();
00420   if(Points!=4)
00421     return 0;
00423   G4Vector3D Normal1 = (srf1->Norm())->GetDir();
00424   G4double Result;
00426   for(G4int b=1; b < nb_of_surfaces;b++)
00427   {
00428     srf2 = SurfaceVec[b];
00429     G4Vector3D Normal2 = ((srf2)->Norm())->GetDir();
00430     Result = std::fabs(Normal1 * Normal2);
00432     if((Result != 0) && (Result != 1))
00433       return 0;
00434     else
00435     {
00436       if(!(G4int)Result) 
00437         Sides++;
00438       else
00439         if(((G4int)Result) == 1)
00440           Opposite++;
00441     }
00442   }
00444   if((Opposite != 1) && (Sides != nb_of_surfaces-2))
00445     return 0;
00447   G4Vector3D x_axis(1,0,0);
00448   G4Vector3D y_axis(0,1,0);
00450   if(((std::fabs(x_axis * Normal1) == 1) && (std::fabs(y_axis * Normal1) == 0)) ||
00451      ((std::fabs(x_axis * Normal1) == 0) && (std::fabs(y_axis * Normal1) == 1)) ||
00452      ((std::fabs(x_axis * Normal1) == 0) && (std::fabs(y_axis * Normal1) == 0)))
00453     AxisBox=1;
00454   else 
00455     Box=1;
00457   return 1;
00458 }
00460 G4bool G4BREPSolid::IsConvex()
00461 {
00462   if (!PlaneSolid) { return 0; }    // All faces must be planar
00464   // This is not robust. There can be concave solids
00465   // where the concavity comes for example from three triangles.
00467   // Additional checking 20.8. For each face the connecting faces are
00468   // found and the cross product computed between the face and each
00469   // connecting face. If the result changes value at any point the
00470   // solid is concave.
00472   G4Surface* Srf=0;
00473   G4Surface* ConnectedSrf=0;
00474   G4int Result;
00475   Convex = 1;
00477   G4int a, b, c, d;
00478   for(a=0;a<nb_of_surfaces;a++)
00479   {
00480     Srf = SurfaceVec[a];
00482     // Primary test. Test wether any one of the faces
00483     // is concave -> solid is concave. This is not enough to
00484     // distinguish all the cases of concavity.
00485     //
00486     Result = Srf->IsConvex();
00488     if (Result != -1)
00489     {
00490       Convex = 0;
00491       return 0;
00492     }
00493   }
00495   Srf = SurfaceVec[0];        
00497   G4int ConnectingPoints=0;  
00498   G4Point3D  Pt1, Pt2;
00499   G4Vector3D N1, N2;    
00501   // L. Broglia
00502   // The number of connecting points can be 
00503   // (nb_of_surfaces-1) * nb_of_surfaces  (loop a & loop b)
00505   // G4int* ConnectedList = new G4int[nb_of_surfaces];
00506   const G4int maxCNum =  (nb_of_surfaces-1)*nb_of_surfaces; 
00507   G4int* ConnectedList = new G4int[maxCNum];  
00509   for(a=0; a<maxCNum; a++)
00510   {
00511     ConnectedList[a]=0;
00512   }
00514   G4int Connections=0;
00516   for(a=0; a<nb_of_surfaces-1; a++)
00517   {
00518     Srf = SurfaceVec[a];
00519     G4int SrfPoints = Srf->GetNumberOfPoints();
00520     Result=0;
00522     for(b=0; b<nb_of_surfaces; b++)
00523     {
00524       if (b==a) { continue; }
00526       // Get next in List
00527       //
00528       ConnectedSrf = SurfaceVec[b];
00530       // Check if it is connected to Srf by looping through the points.
00531       //
00532       G4int ConnSrfPoints = ConnectedSrf->GetNumberOfPoints();
00534       for(c=0; c<SrfPoints; c++)
00535       {
00536         const G4Point3D& Pts1 =Srf->GetPoint(c);
00538         for(d=0; d<ConnSrfPoints; d++)
00539         {
00540           // Find common points
00541           //
00542           const G4Point3D& Pts2 = ConnectedSrf->GetPoint(d);
00543           if (Pts1 == Pts2)  { ConnectingPoints++; }
00544         }
00545         if (ConnectingPoints > 0)  { break; }
00546       }
00548       if (ConnectingPoints > 0)
00549       {
00550         Connections++;
00551         ConnectedList[Connections]=b;
00552       }
00553       ConnectingPoints=0;
00554     }
00555   }
00557   // If connected, check for concavity.
00558   // Get surfaces from ConnectedList and compare their normals
00559   //
00560   for(c=0; c<Connections; c++)
00561   {
00562     G4int Left=0; 
00563     G4int Right =0;
00564     G4int tmp = ConnectedList[c];
00566     Srf = SurfaceVec[tmp];
00567     ConnectedSrf = SurfaceVec[tmp+1];
00569     // Get normals
00570     //
00571     N1 = Srf->Norm()->GetDir();
00572     N2 = ConnectedSrf->Norm()->GetDir();
00574     // Check cross product
00575     //
00576     G4Vector3D CP = G4Vector3D( N1.cross(N2) ); 
00577     G4double CrossProd = CP.x()+CP.y()+CP.z();
00578     if (CrossProd > 0)  { Left++;  }
00579     if (CrossProd < 0)  { Right++; }
00580     if (Left&&Right)
00581     {
00582       Convex = 0;
00583       delete [] ConnectedList;
00584       return 0;
00585     }
00586     Connections=0;
00587   } 
00589   Convex=1;
00591   delete [] ConnectedList;
00593   return 1;
00594 }
00596 G4bool G4BREPSolid::CalculateExtent(const EAxis pAxis,
00597                                     const G4VoxelLimits& pVoxelLimit,
00598                                     const G4AffineTransform& pTransform,
00599                                           G4double& pMin, G4double& pMax) const
00600 {
00601   G4Point3D Min = bbox->GetBoxMin();
00602   G4Point3D Max = bbox->GetBoxMax();
00604   if (!pTransform.IsRotated())
00605     {
00606       // Special case handling for unrotated boxes
00607       // Compute x/y/z mins and maxs respecting limits, with early returns
00608       // if outside limits. Then switch() on pAxis
00609       //
00610       G4double xoffset,xMin,xMax;
00611       G4double yoffset,yMin,yMax;
00612       G4double zoffset,zMin,zMax;
00614       xoffset=pTransform.NetTranslation().x();
00615       xMin=xoffset+Min.x();
00616       xMax=xoffset+Max.x();
00617       if (pVoxelLimit.IsXLimited())
00618       {
00619         if (xMin>pVoxelLimit.GetMaxXExtent()
00620             ||xMax<pVoxelLimit.GetMinXExtent())
00621         {
00622           return false;
00623         }
00624         else
00625         {
00626           if (xMin<pVoxelLimit.GetMinXExtent())
00627           {
00628             xMin=pVoxelLimit.GetMinXExtent();
00629           }
00630           if (xMax>pVoxelLimit.GetMaxXExtent())
00631           {
00632             xMax=pVoxelLimit.GetMaxXExtent();
00633           }
00634         }
00635       }
00637       yoffset=pTransform.NetTranslation().y();
00638       yMin=yoffset+Min.y();
00639       yMax=yoffset+Max.y();
00640       if (pVoxelLimit.IsYLimited())
00641       {
00642         if (yMin>pVoxelLimit.GetMaxYExtent()
00643             ||yMax<pVoxelLimit.GetMinYExtent())
00644         {
00645           return false;
00646         }
00647         else
00648         {
00649           if (yMin<pVoxelLimit.GetMinYExtent())
00650           {
00651             yMin=pVoxelLimit.GetMinYExtent();
00652           }
00653           if (yMax>pVoxelLimit.GetMaxYExtent())
00654           {
00655             yMax=pVoxelLimit.GetMaxYExtent();
00656           }
00657         }
00658       }
00660       zoffset=pTransform.NetTranslation().z();
00661       zMin=zoffset+Min.z();
00662       zMax=zoffset+Max.z();
00663       if (pVoxelLimit.IsZLimited())
00664       {
00665         if (zMin>pVoxelLimit.GetMaxZExtent()
00666             ||zMax<pVoxelLimit.GetMinZExtent())
00667         {
00668           return false;
00669         }
00670         else
00671         {
00672           if (zMin<pVoxelLimit.GetMinZExtent())
00673           {
00674             zMin=pVoxelLimit.GetMinZExtent();
00675           }
00676           if (zMax>pVoxelLimit.GetMaxZExtent())
00677           {
00678             zMax=pVoxelLimit.GetMaxZExtent();
00679           }
00680         }
00681       }
00683       switch (pAxis)
00684       {
00685         case kXAxis:
00686           pMin=xMin;
00687           pMax=xMax;
00688           break;
00689         case kYAxis:
00690           pMin=yMin;
00691           pMax=yMax;
00692           break;
00693         case kZAxis:
00694           pMin=zMin;
00695           pMax=zMax;
00696           break;
00697         default:
00698           break;
00699       }
00700       pMin-=kCarTolerance;
00701       pMax+=kCarTolerance;
00703       return true;
00704     }
00705   else
00706     {
00707       // General rotated case - create and clip mesh to boundaries
00709       G4bool existsAfterClip=false;
00710       G4ThreeVectorList *vertices;
00712       pMin=+kInfinity;
00713       pMax=-kInfinity;
00715       // Calculate rotated vertex coordinates
00716       //
00717       vertices=CreateRotatedVertices(pTransform);
00718       ClipCrossSection(vertices,0,pVoxelLimit,pAxis,pMin,pMax);
00719       ClipCrossSection(vertices,4,pVoxelLimit,pAxis,pMin,pMax);
00720       ClipBetweenSections(vertices,0,pVoxelLimit,pAxis,pMin,pMax);
00722       if ( (pMin!=kInfinity) || (pMax!=-kInfinity) )
00723       {
00724         existsAfterClip=true;
00726         // Add 2*tolerance to avoid precision troubles
00727         //
00728         pMin-=kCarTolerance;
00729         pMax+=kCarTolerance;
00730       }
00731       else
00732       {
00733         // Check for case where completely enveloping clipping volume.
00734         // If point inside then we are confident that the solid completely
00735         // envelopes the clipping volume. Hence set min/max extents according
00736         // to clipping volume extents along the specified axis.
00737         //
00738         G4ThreeVector clipCentre(
00739                 (pVoxelLimit.GetMinXExtent()+pVoxelLimit.GetMaxXExtent())*0.5,
00740                 (pVoxelLimit.GetMinYExtent()+pVoxelLimit.GetMaxYExtent())*0.5,
00741                 (pVoxelLimit.GetMinZExtent()+pVoxelLimit.GetMaxZExtent())*0.5);
00743         if (Inside(pTransform.Inverse().TransformPoint(clipCentre))!=kOutside)
00744         {
00745           existsAfterClip=true;
00746           pMin=pVoxelLimit.GetMinExtent(pAxis);
00747           pMax=pVoxelLimit.GetMaxExtent(pAxis);
00748         }
00749       }
00750       delete vertices;
00751       return existsAfterClip;
00752     }
00753 }
00755 G4ThreeVectorList*
00756 G4BREPSolid::CreateRotatedVertices(const G4AffineTransform& pTransform) const
00757 {
00758   G4Point3D Min = bbox->GetBoxMin();
00759   G4Point3D Max = bbox->GetBoxMax();
00761   G4ThreeVectorList *vertices;
00762   vertices=new G4ThreeVectorList();
00764   if (vertices)
00765   {
00766     vertices->reserve(8);
00767     G4ThreeVector vertex0(Min.x(),Min.y(),Min.z());
00768     G4ThreeVector vertex1(Max.x(),Min.y(),Min.z());
00769     G4ThreeVector vertex2(Max.x(),Max.y(),Min.z());
00770     G4ThreeVector vertex3(Min.x(),Max.y(),Min.z());
00771     G4ThreeVector vertex4(Min.x(),Min.y(),Max.z());
00772     G4ThreeVector vertex5(Max.x(),Min.y(),Max.z());
00773     G4ThreeVector vertex6(Max.x(),Max.y(),Max.z());
00774     G4ThreeVector vertex7(Min.x(),Max.y(),Max.z());
00776     vertices->push_back(pTransform.TransformPoint(vertex0));
00777     vertices->push_back(pTransform.TransformPoint(vertex1));
00778     vertices->push_back(pTransform.TransformPoint(vertex2));
00779     vertices->push_back(pTransform.TransformPoint(vertex3));
00780     vertices->push_back(pTransform.TransformPoint(vertex4));
00781     vertices->push_back(pTransform.TransformPoint(vertex5));
00782     vertices->push_back(pTransform.TransformPoint(vertex6));
00783     vertices->push_back(pTransform.TransformPoint(vertex7));
00784   }
00785   else
00786   {
00787     G4Exception("G4BREPSolid::CreateRotatedVertices()", "GeomSolids0003",
00788                 FatalException, "Out of memory - Cannot allocate vertices!");
00789   }
00790   return vertices;
00791 }
00793 EInside G4BREPSolid::Inside(register const G4ThreeVector& Pt) const
00794 {
00795   // This function finds if the point Pt is inside, 
00796   // outside or on the surface of the solid
00798   const G4double sqrHalfTolerance = kCarTolerance*kCarTolerance*0.25;
00800   G4Vector3D v(1, 0, 0.01);
00801   G4Vector3D Pttmp(Pt);
00802   G4Vector3D Vtmp(v);
00803   G4Ray r(Pttmp, Vtmp);
00805   // Check if point is inside the PCone bounding box
00806   //
00807   if( !GetBBox()->Inside(Pttmp) )
00808     return kOutside;
00810   // Set the surfaces to active again
00811   //
00812   Reset();
00814   // Test if the bounding box of each surface is intersected
00815   // by the ray. If not, the surface become deactive.
00816   //
00817   TestSurfaceBBoxes(r);
00819   G4int hits=0, samehit=0;
00821   for(G4int a=0; a < nb_of_surfaces; a++)
00822   {
00823     if(SurfaceVec[a]->IsActive())
00824     {
00825       // Count the number of intersections. If this number is odd,
00826       // the start of the ray is inside the volume bounded by the surfaces,
00827       // so increment the number of intersection by 1 if the point is not
00828       // on the surface and if this intersection was not found before.
00829       //
00830       if( (SurfaceVec[a]->Intersect(r)) & 1 )
00831       {
00832         // Test if the point is on the surface
00833         //
00834         if(SurfaceVec[a]->GetDistance() < sqrHalfTolerance)
00835           return kSurface;
00837         // Test if this intersection was found before
00838         //
00839         for(G4int i=0; i<a; i++)
00840           if(SurfaceVec[a]->GetDistance() == SurfaceVec[i]->GetDistance())
00841           {
00842             samehit++;
00843             break;
00844           }
00846         // Count the number of surfaces intersected by the ray
00847         //
00848         if(!samehit)
00849           hits++;
00850       }
00851     }
00852   }
00854   // If the number of surfaces intersected is odd,
00855   // the point is inside the solid
00856   //
00857   if(hits&1)
00858     return kInside;
00859   else
00860     return kOutside;
00861 }
00863 G4ThreeVector G4BREPSolid::SurfaceNormal(const G4ThreeVector& Pt) const
00864 {  
00865   // This function calculates the normal of the surface at a point on the
00866   // surface. If the point is not on the surface the result is undefined.
00867   // Note : the sense of the normal depends on the sense of the surface.
00869   const G4double sqrHalfTolerance = kCarTolerance*kCarTolerance*0.25;
00870   G4int          iplane;
00872   // Find on which surface the point is
00873   //
00874   for(iplane = 0; iplane < nb_of_surfaces; iplane++)
00875   {
00876     if(SurfaceVec[iplane]->HowNear(Pt) < sqrHalfTolerance)
00877       // the point is on this surface
00878       break;
00879   }
00881   // Calculate the normal at this point
00882   //
00883   G4ThreeVector norm = SurfaceVec[iplane]->SurfaceNormal(Pt);
00885   return norm.unit();
00886 }
00888 G4double G4BREPSolid::DistanceToIn(const G4ThreeVector& Pt) const
00889 {
00890   // Calculates the shortest distance ("safety") from a point
00891   // outside the solid to any boundary of this solid.
00892   // Return 0 if the point is already inside.
00894   G4double *dists = new G4double[nb_of_surfaces];
00895   G4int a;
00897   // Set the surfaces to active again
00898   //
00899   Reset();
00901   // Compute the shortest distance of the point to each surface.
00902   // Be careful : it's a signed value
00903   //
00904   for(a=0; a< nb_of_surfaces; a++)  
00905     dists[a] = SurfaceVec[a]->HowNear(Pt);
00907   G4double Dist = kInfinity;
00909   // If dists[] is positive, the point is outside, so take the shortest of
00910   // the shortest positive distances dists[] can be equal to 0 : point on
00911   // a surface.
00912   // ( Problem with the G4FPlane : there is no inside and no outside...
00913   //   So, to test if the point is inside to return 0, utilize the Inside()
00914   //   function. But I don't know if it is really needed because dToIn is 
00915   //   called only if the point is outside )
00916   //
00917   for(a = 0; a < nb_of_surfaces; a++)
00918     if( std::fabs(Dist) > std::fabs(dists[a]) ) 
00919       //if( dists[a] >= 0)
00920         Dist = dists[a];
00922   delete[] dists;
00924   if(Dist == kInfinity)
00925     return 0;  // the point is inside the solid or on a surface
00926   else
00927     return std::fabs(Dist);
00928 }
00930 G4double G4BREPSolid::DistanceToIn(register const G4ThreeVector& Pt, 
00931                                    register const G4ThreeVector& V  ) const
00932 {
00933   // Calculates the distance from a point outside the solid
00934   // to the solid's boundary along a specified direction vector.
00935   //
00936   // Note : Intersections with boundaries less than the tolerance must be
00937   //        ignored if the direction is away from the boundary.
00939   G4int a;
00941   // Set the surfaces to active again
00942   //
00943   Reset();
00945   const G4double sqrHalfTolerance = kCarTolerance*kCarTolerance*0.25;
00946   G4Vector3D Pttmp(Pt);
00947   G4Vector3D Vtmp(V);   
00948   G4Ray r(Pttmp, Vtmp);
00950   // Test if the bounding box of each surface is intersected
00951   // by the ray. If not, the surface become deactive.
00952   //
00953   TestSurfaceBBoxes(r);
00955   ShortestDistance = kInfinity;
00957   for(a=0; a< nb_of_surfaces; a++)
00958   {
00959     if( SurfaceVec[a]->IsActive() )
00960     {
00961       // Test if the ray intersects the surface
00962       //
00963       if( SurfaceVec[a]->Intersect(r) )
00964       {
00965         G4double surfDistance = SurfaceVec[a]->GetDistance();
00967         // If more than 1 surface is intersected, take the nearest one
00968         //
00969         if( surfDistance < ShortestDistance )
00970         {
00971           if( surfDistance > sqrHalfTolerance )
00972           {
00973             ShortestDistance = surfDistance;
00974           }
00975           else
00976           {
00977             // The point is within the boundary. It is ignored it if
00978             // the direction is away from the boundary
00979             //
00980             G4Vector3D Norm = SurfaceVec[a]->SurfaceNormal(Pttmp);
00982             if( (Norm * Vtmp) < 0 )
00983             {
00984               ShortestDistance = surfDistance;
00985             }
00986           }
00987         }
00988       }
00989     }
00990   }
00992   // Be careful !
00993   // SurfaceVec->Distance is in fact the squared distance
00994   //
00995   if(ShortestDistance != kInfinity)
00996     return std::sqrt(ShortestDistance);
00997   else
00998     return kInfinity;  // No intersection
00999 }
01001 G4double G4BREPSolid::DistanceToOut(register const G4ThreeVector& P, 
01002                                     register const G4ThreeVector& D, 
01003                                              const G4bool, 
01004                                                    G4bool *validNorm, 
01005                                                    G4ThreeVector*    ) const
01006 {
01007   // Calculates the distance from a point inside the solid to the solid's
01008   // boundary along a specified direction vector.
01009   // Returns 0 if the point is already outside.
01010   //
01011   // Note : If the shortest distance to a boundary is less than the tolerance,
01012   //        it is ignored. This allows for a point within a tolerant boundary
01013   //        to leave immediately.
01015   // Set the surfaces to active again
01016   //
01017   Reset();
01019   const G4double sqrHalfTolerance = kCarTolerance*kCarTolerance*0.25;
01020   G4Vector3D Ptv = P;
01021   G4int a;
01023   if(validNorm)
01024     *validNorm=false;
01026   G4Vector3D Pttmp(Ptv);
01027   G4Vector3D Vtmp(D);   
01029   G4Ray r(Pttmp, Vtmp);
01031   // Test if the bounding box of each surface is intersected
01032   // by the ray. If not, the surface become deactive.
01033   //
01034   TestSurfaceBBoxes(r);
01036   ShortestDistance = kInfinity;
01038   for(a=0; a< nb_of_surfaces; a++)
01039   {
01040     if(SurfaceVec[a]->IsActive())
01041     {
01042       // Test if the ray intersect the surface
01043       //
01044       if( (SurfaceVec[a]->Intersect(r)) )
01045       {
01046         // If more than 1 surface is intersected, take the nearest one
01047         //
01048         G4double surfDistance = SurfaceVec[a]->GetDistance();
01049         if( surfDistance < ShortestDistance )
01050         {
01051           if( surfDistance > sqrHalfTolerance )
01052           {
01053             ShortestDistance = surfDistance;
01054           }
01055           else
01056           {
01057             // The point is within the boundary: ignore it
01058           }
01059         }
01060       }
01061     }
01062   }
01064   // Be careful !
01065   // SurfaceVec->Distance is in fact the squared distance
01066   //
01067   if(ShortestDistance != kInfinity)
01068     return std::sqrt(ShortestDistance);
01069   else
01070     return 0.0;  // No intersection is found, the point is outside
01071 }
01073 G4double G4BREPSolid::DistanceToOut(const G4ThreeVector& Pt)const
01074 {
01075   // Calculates the shortest distance ("safety") from a point
01076   // inside the solid to any boundary of this solid.
01077   // Returns 0 if the point is already outside.
01079   G4double *dists = new G4double[nb_of_surfaces];
01080   G4int a;
01082   // Set the surfaces to active again
01083   //
01084   Reset();
01086   // Compute the shortest distance of the point to each surfaces
01087   // Be careful : it's a signed value
01088   //
01089   for(a=0; a< nb_of_surfaces; a++)
01090     dists[a] = SurfaceVec[a]->HowNear(Pt);  
01092   G4double Dist = kInfinity;
01094   // If dists[] is negative, the point is inside so take the shortest of the
01095   // shortest negative distances dists[] can be equal to 0 : point on a
01096   // surface
01097   // ( Problem with the G4FPlane : there is no inside and no outside...
01098   //   So, to test if the point is outside to return 0, utilize the Inside()
01099   //   function. But I don`t know if it is really needed because dToOut is 
01100   //   called only if the point is inside )
01101   //
01102   for(a = 0; a < nb_of_surfaces; a++)
01103     if( std::fabs(Dist) > std::fabs(dists[a]) ) 
01104       //if( dists[a] <= 0)
01105         Dist = dists[a];
01107   delete[] dists;
01109   if(Dist == kInfinity)
01110     return 0;  // The point is ouside the solid or on a surface
01111   else
01112     return std::fabs(Dist);
01113 }
01115 void G4BREPSolid::DescribeYourselfTo (G4VGraphicsScene& scene) const 
01116 {
01117   scene.AddSolid (*this);
01118 }
01120 G4Polyhedron* G4BREPSolid::CreatePolyhedron () const
01121 {
01122   // Approximate implementation, just a box ...
01124   G4Point3D Min = bbox->GetBoxMin();
01125   G4Point3D Max = bbox->GetBoxMax();  
01127   return new G4PolyhedronBox (Max.x(), Max.y(), Max.z());
01128 }
01130 G4NURBS* G4BREPSolid::CreateNURBS () const 
01131 {
01132   // Approximate implementation, just a box ...
01134   G4Point3D Min = bbox->GetBoxMin();
01135   G4Point3D Max = bbox->GetBoxMax();  
01137   return new G4NURBSbox (Max.x(), Max.y(), Max.z());
01138 }
01140 void G4BREPSolid::CalcBBoxes()
01141 {
01142   // First initialization. Calculates the bounding boxes
01143   // for the surfaces and for the solid.
01145   G4Surface* srf;
01146   G4Point3D min, max;
01148   if(active)
01149   {
01150     min =  PINFINITY;
01151     max = -PINFINITY;
01153     for(G4int a = 0;a < nb_of_surfaces;a++)
01154     {
01155       // Get first in List
01156       //
01157       srf = SurfaceVec[a];
01158 /*
01159       G4int convex=1; 
01160       G4int concavepoint=-1;
01162       if (srf->MyType() == 1) 
01163       {
01164         concavepoint = srf->IsConvex();
01165         convex = srf->GetConvex();
01166       }
01168       // Make bbox for face
01169       //
01170       if(convex && Concavepoint==-1)
01171 */
01172       {
01173         srf->CalcBBox();
01174         G4Point3D box_min = srf->GetBBox()->GetBoxMin();
01175         G4Point3D box_max = srf->GetBBox()->GetBoxMax();
01177         // Find max and min of face bboxes to make solids bbox.
01179         // replace by Extend
01180         // max < box_max
01181         //
01182         if(max.x() < box_max.x()) max.setX(box_max.x()); 
01183         if(max.y() < box_max.y()) max.setY(box_max.y()); 
01184         if(max.z() < box_max.z()) max.setZ(box_max.z()); 
01186         // min > box_min
01187         //
01188         if(min.x() > box_min.x()) min.setX(box_min.x()); 
01189         if(min.y() > box_min.y()) min.setY(box_min.y()); 
01190         if(min.z() > box_min.z()) min.setZ(box_min.z());
01191       }
01192     }
01193     bbox =  new G4BoundingBox3D(min, max);
01194     return;
01195   }
01196   G4Exception("G4BREPSolid::CalcBBoxes()", "GeomSolids1002",
01197               JustWarning, "No bbox calculated for solid.");
01198 }
01200 void G4BREPSolid::RemoveHiddenFaces(register const G4Ray& rayref,
01201                                                    G4int In      ) const
01202 {
01203   // Deactivates the planar faces that are on the "back" side of a solid.
01204   // B-splines are not handled by this function. Also cases where the ray
01205   // starting point is Inside the bbox of the solid are ignored as we don't
01206   // know if the starting point is Inside the actual solid except for
01207   // axis-oriented box-like solids.
01209   register G4Surface* srf;
01210   register const G4Vector3D& RayDir = rayref.GetDir();
01211   register G4double Result;
01212   G4int a;
01214   // In all other cases the ray starting point is outside the solid
01215   //
01216   if(!In)
01217     for(a=0; a<nb_of_surfaces; a++)
01218     {
01219       // Deactivates the solids faces that are hidden
01220       //
01221       srf = SurfaceVec[a];
01222       if(srf->MyType()==1)
01223       {
01224         const G4Vector3D& Normal = (srf->Norm())->GetDir();
01225         Result = (RayDir * Normal);
01227         if( Result >= 0 )
01228           srf->Deactivate();
01229       }
01230     }
01231   else
01232     for(a=0; a<nb_of_surfaces; a++)
01233     {
01234       // Deactivates the AxisBox type solids faces whose normals 
01235       // point in the G4Vector3D opposite to the rays G4Vector3D
01236       // i.e. are behind the ray starting point as in this case the
01237       // ray starts from Inside the solid.
01238       //
01239       srf = SurfaceVec[a];
01240       if(srf->MyType()==1)
01241       {
01242         const G4Vector3D& Normal = (srf->Norm())->GetDir();
01243         Result = (RayDir * Normal);
01245         if( Result < 0 )
01246           srf->Deactivate();
01247       }
01248     }
01249 }
01251 void G4BREPSolid::TestSurfaceBBoxes(register const G4Ray& rayref) const 
01252 {
01253   register G4Surface* srf;
01254   G4int active_srfs = nb_of_surfaces;
01256   // Do the bbox tests to all surfaces in List
01257   // for planar faces the intersection is instead evaluated.
01258   //
01259   G4int intersection=0;
01261   for(G4int a=0;a<nb_of_surfaces;a++)
01262   {
01263     // Get first in List
01264     //
01265     srf = SurfaceVec[a];
01267     if(srf->IsActive())
01268     {
01269       // Get type
01270       //
01271       if(srf->MyType() != 1) // 1 == planar face
01272       {
01273         if(srf->GetBBox()->Test(rayref))
01274           srf->SetDistance(bbox->GetDistance());
01275         else
01276         {
01277           // Test failed. Flag as inactive.
01278           //
01279           srf->Deactivate();
01280           active_srfs--;
01281         }
01282       }
01283       else
01284       {
01285         // Type was convex planar face
01286         intersection = srf->Intersect(rayref);
01288         if(!intersection) 
01289           active_srfs--;
01290       }
01291     }
01292     else
01293       active_srfs--;
01294   }
01296   if(!active_srfs) Active(0);
01297 }
01300 G4int G4BREPSolid::Intersect(register const G4Ray& rayref) const
01301 {
01302   // Gets the roughly calculated closest intersection point for
01303   // a b_spline & accurate point for others.
01305   const G4double sqrHalfTolerance = kCarTolerance*kCarTolerance*0.25;
01307   register G4Surface* srf;
01308   G4double HitDistance = -1;
01309   const G4Point3D& RayStart = rayref.GetStart();
01310   const G4Point3D& RayDir   = rayref.GetDir();
01312   G4int result=1;
01314   // Sort List of active surfaces according to
01315   // bbox distances to ray starting point
01316   //
01317   QuickSort(SurfaceVec, 0, nb_of_surfaces-1);
01318   G4int Number=0;
01320   // Start handling active surfaces in order
01321   //
01322   for(register G4int a=0;a<nb_of_surfaces;a++)
01323   {
01324     srf = SurfaceVec[a];
01326     if(srf->IsActive())
01327     {
01328       result = srf->Intersect(rayref);
01329       if(result)
01330       {
01331         // Get the evaluated point on the surface
01332         //
01333         const G4Point3D& closest_point = srf->GetClosestHit();
01335         // Test for DistanceToIn(pt, vec)
01336         // if d = 0 and vec.norm > 0, do not see the surface
01337         //
01338         if( !( (srf->GetDistance() < sqrHalfTolerance)  || 
01339              (RayDir.dot(srf->SurfaceNormal(closest_point)) > 0) ) )
01340         {
01342           if(srf->MyType()==1)
01343             HitDistance = srf->GetDistance();
01344           else
01345           {
01346             // Check if the evaluated point is in front of the 
01347             // bbox of the next surface.
01348             // 
01349             HitDistance = RayStart.distance2(closest_point);
01350           }
01351         }
01352       }   
01353       else  // No hit
01354       {
01355         srf->Deactivate();
01356       }
01357     }
01358     Number++;
01359   }
01361   if(HitDistance < 0)
01362     return 0;
01364   QuickSort(SurfaceVec, 0, nb_of_surfaces-1);
01366   if(!(SurfaceVec[0]->IsActive()))
01367     return 0;     
01369   ((G4BREPSolid*)this)->intersection_point = SurfaceVec[0]->GetClosestHit();
01370   bbox->SetDistance(HitDistance);
01372   return 1;
01373 }
01375 G4int G4BREPSolid::FinalEvaluation(register const G4Ray& rayref, 
01376                                                   G4int ToIn    ) const
01377 {
01378   const G4double sqrHalfTolerance = kCarTolerance*kCarTolerance*0.25;
01379   register G4Surface* srf;
01380   G4double Dist=0;
01382   ((G4BREPSolid*)this)->intersectionDistance = kInfinity;
01384   for(register G4int a=0;a<nb_of_surfaces;a++)
01385   {
01386     srf = SurfaceVec[a];
01388     if(srf->IsActive())
01389     {
01390       const G4Point3D& srf_intersection = srf->Evaluation(rayref);
01392       // Compute hit point distance from ray starting point
01393       //
01394       if(srf->MyType() != 1)
01395       {
01396         G4Point3D start = rayref.GetStart();
01397         Dist = srf_intersection.distance2(start);  
01398       }
01399       else 
01400         Dist = srf->GetDistance(); 
01402       // Skip point wich are on the surface i.e. within tolerance of the
01403       // surface. Special handling for DistanceToIn & reflections
01404       //
01405       if(Dist < sqrHalfTolerance)
01406       {
01407         if(ToIn) 
01408         {
01409           const G4Vector3D& Dir = rayref.GetDir();
01410           const G4Point3D& Hit = srf->GetClosestHit();
01411           const G4Vector3D& Norm = srf->SurfaceNormal(Hit);
01413           if(( Dir * Norm ) >= 0)
01414           {
01415             Dist = kInfinity;
01416             srf->Deactivate();
01417           }
01419           // else continue with the distance, even though < tolerance
01420         }
01421         else
01422         {
01423           Dist = kInfinity;
01424           srf->Deactivate();
01425         }
01426       }
01428       // If more than one surfaces are evaluated till the
01429       // final stage, only the closest point is taken
01430       //
01431       if(Dist < intersectionDistance)
01432       {
01433         // Check that Hit is in the direction of the ray 
01434         // from the starting point
01435         //
01436         const G4Point3D& Pt = rayref.GetStart();
01437         const G4Vector3D& Dir = rayref.GetDir();
01439         G4Point3D TestPoint = (0.00001*Dir) + Pt;
01440         G4double TestDistance = srf_intersection.distance2(TestPoint);
01442         if(TestDistance > Dist)
01443         {
01444           // Hit behind ray starting point, no intersection
01445           //
01446           Dist = kInfinity;
01447           srf->Deactivate();
01448         }
01449         else
01450         {
01451           ((G4BREPSolid*)this)->intersectionDistance = Dist;
01452           ((G4BREPSolid*)this)->intersection_point = srf_intersection;
01453         }
01455         // Check that the intersection is closer than the
01456         // next surfaces approximated point
01457         //
01458         if(srf->IsActive())
01459         {
01460           if(a+1<nb_of_surfaces)
01461           {
01462             const G4Point3D& Hit = srf->GetClosestHit();
01463             const G4Vector3D& Norm = srf->SurfaceNormal(Hit);
01465             // L. Broglia
01466             //if(( Dir * Norm ) >= 0)
01467             if(( Dir * Norm ) < 0)
01468             {
01469               Dist = kInfinity;
01470               srf->Deactivate();
01471             }
01473             // else continue with the distance, even though < tolerance
01475             ShortestDistance = Dist;
01476           }
01477           else
01478           {
01479             ShortestDistance = Dist;
01480             return 1;
01481           }
01482         }
01483       }
01484     }
01485     else  // if srf NOT active
01486     {
01487      /* if(intersectionDistance < kInfinity)
01488         return 1;
01489       return 0;*/
01490     }
01491   }
01492   if(intersectionDistance < kInfinity)    
01493     return 1;
01495   return 0;
01496 }
01498 G4Point3D G4BREPSolid::Scope() const
01499 {
01500   G4Point3D scope;
01501   G4Point3D Max = bbox->GetBoxMax();
01502   G4Point3D Min = bbox->GetBoxMin();  
01504   scope.setX(std::fabs(Max.x()) - std::fabs(Min.x()));
01505   scope.setY(std::fabs(Max.y()) - std::fabs(Min.y()));
01506   scope.setZ(std::fabs(Max.z()) - std::fabs(Min.z()));
01508   return scope;
01509 }
01511 std::ostream& G4BREPSolid::StreamInfo(std::ostream& os) const
01512 {
01513   os << "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"
01514      << "    *** Dump for solid - " << GetName() << " ***\n"
01515      << "    ===================================================\n"
01516      << " Solid type: " << GetEntityType() << "\n"
01517      << " Parameters: \n"
01518      << "   Number of solids: " << NumberOfSolids << "\n"
01519      << "-----------------------------------------------------------\n";
01521   return os;
01522 }
01524 G4Polyhedron* G4BREPSolid::GetPolyhedron () const
01525 {
01526   if (!fpPolyhedron ||
01527       fpPolyhedron->GetNumberOfRotationStepsAtTimeOfCreation() !=
01528       fpPolyhedron->GetNumberOfRotationSteps())
01529     {
01530       delete fpPolyhedron;
01531       fpPolyhedron = CreatePolyhedron();
01532     }
01533   return fpPolyhedron;
01534 }

Generated on Mon May 27 17:47:47 2013 for Geant4 by  doxygen 1.4.7