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00001 //
00002 // ********************************************************************
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00009 // * include a list of copyright holders.                             *
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00011 // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing *
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00018 // * This  code  implementation is the result of  the  scientific and *
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00025 //
00026 //
00027 // Implementation of the HETC88 code into Geant4.
00028 // Evaporation and De-excitation parts
00029 // T. Lampen, Helsinki Institute of Physics, May-2000
00030 //
00031 // 20120608  M. Kelsey -- Change vars 's','m','m2' to avoid name collisions
00033 #include "globals.hh"
00034 #include "G4ios.hh"
00035 #include "Randomize.hh"
00036 #include "G4SystemOfUnits.hh"
00037 #include "G4Neutron.hh"
00038 #include "G4Proton.hh"
00039 #include "G4Deuteron.hh"
00040 #include "G4Triton.hh"
00041 #include "G4Alpha.hh"
00042 #include "G4ParticleTable.hh"    
00043 #include "G4Nucleus.hh"  
00044 #include "G4BENeutronChannel.hh"
00047 G4BENeutronChannel::G4BENeutronChannel()
00048 {
00049   name         = "neutron";
00050   particleA    = 1;
00051   particleZ    = 0;
00052   verboseLevel = 0;
00053   rho          = 0;
00054 }
00057 G4BENeutronChannel::~G4BENeutronChannel()
00058 {
00059 }
00062 void G4BENeutronChannel::calculateProbability()
00063 {
00064   const G4int residualZ = nucleusZ - particleZ;
00065   const G4int residualA = nucleusA - particleA;
00067   if ( nucleusA  <  2.0 * particleA ||  
00068        nucleusZ  <  2.0 * particleZ ||  
00069        residualA <= residualZ       ||  
00070        excitationEnergy - getThresh() - correction < 0 )
00071     {
00072       if ( verboseLevel >= 6 )
00073         G4cout << "G4BENeutronChannel : calculateProbability = 0 " << G4endl;
00074       emissionProbability = 0;
00075       return;
00076     }
00078   // In HETC88 s-s0 was used in std::exp( s ), in which s0 was either 50 or
00079   // max(s_i), where i goes over all channels.
00081   const G4double levelParam = getLevelDensityParameter();
00083   const G4double slevel = 2 * std::sqrt( levelParam  * ( excitationEnergy - getThresh() - correction ) );
00084   const G4double eye0 = std::exp( slevel ) * ( slevel - 1 ) /  ( 2 * levelParam );
00085   const G4double eye1 = ( slevel*slevel - 3*slevel +3 ) * std::exp( slevel ) / ( 4 * levelParam*levelParam ) ;
00087   emissionProbability = std::pow( G4double(residualA), 0.666666 ) * alpha() * ( eye1 + beta() * eye0 );
00089   if ( verboseLevel >= 6 )
00090     G4cout << "G4BENeutronChannel : calculateProbability " << G4endl
00091            << "                    res A = " << residualA << G4endl 
00092            << "                    res Z = " << residualZ << G4endl 
00093            << "                    alpha = " << alpha() << G4endl 
00094            << "                     beta = " << beta() << G4endl
00095            << "                        E = " << excitationEnergy << G4endl
00096            << "               correction = " << correction << G4endl
00097            << "                     eye1 = " << eye1 << G4endl
00098            << "                     eye0 = " <<  eye0 << G4endl
00099            << "               levelParam = " << levelParam << G4endl
00100            << "                   thresh = " << getThresh() << G4endl
00101            << "                        s = " << s << G4endl
00102            << "              probability = " << emissionProbability << G4endl;
00104   return;
00105 }
00108 G4double  G4BENeutronChannel::sampleKineticEnergy()
00109 {
00111   // A random number is sampled from the density function
00112   // P(x) = x * std::exp ( 2 std::sqrt ( a ( xMax - x ) ) )  [not normalized],
00113   // x belongs to [ 0, xMax ]
00114   // with the 'Hit or Miss' -method
00115   // Kinetic energy is this energy scaled properly
00117   G4double levelParam;
00118   levelParam = getLevelDensityParameter();
00120   const G4double xMax  = excitationEnergy - getThresh() - correction + beta(); // maximum number
00121   const G4double xProb = ( - 1 + std::sqrt ( 1 + 4 * levelParam * xMax ) ) / ( 2 * levelParam ); // most probable value
00122   const G4double maxProb = xProb * std::exp ( 2 * std::sqrt ( levelParam * ( xMax - xProb ) ) ); // maximum value of P(x)
00124   // Sample x according to density function P(x) with rejection method
00125   G4double r1;
00126   G4double r2;
00127   G4int koe=0;
00128   do
00129     {
00130       r1 = beta() + G4UniformRand() * ( xMax - beta() );
00131       r2 = G4UniformRand() * maxProb;
00132       koe++;
00133     }
00134   while (  r1 * std::exp ( 2 * std::sqrt ( levelParam * ( xMax - r1 ) ) )  < r2 );
00136 //  G4cout <<  koe << G4endl;
00137   G4double kineticEnergy = r1 - beta();
00139   if ( verboseLevel >= 10 )
00140     G4cout << " G4BENeutronChannel : sampleKineticEnergy() " << G4endl
00141            << "       kinetic n e = " << kineticEnergy << G4endl
00142            << "        levelParam = " << levelParam << G4endl
00143            << "             thresh= " << getThresh() << G4endl
00144            << "               beta= " << beta() << G4endl;
00146   return kineticEnergy;
00147 }
00150 G4DynamicParticle *  G4BENeutronChannel::emit()
00151 {
00152   G4double u;
00153   G4double v;
00154   G4double w;
00155   G4DynamicParticle * pParticle = new G4DynamicParticle;
00157   pParticle -> SetDefinition( G4Neutron::Neutron() );
00158   pParticle -> SetKineticEnergy( sampleKineticEnergy() ); 
00159   isotropicCosines( u, v, w );
00160   pParticle -> SetMomentumDirection( u , v , w );  
00162   return pParticle;
00163 }
00166 G4double G4BENeutronChannel::alpha()
00167 {
00168   const G4double residualA = nucleusA - particleA;
00169   return 0.76 + 1.93 * std::pow( residualA, -0.33333 );
00170 }
00173 G4double G4BENeutronChannel::beta()
00174 {
00175   G4double residualA = nucleusA - particleA;
00176   return ( 1.66 * std::pow ( residualA, -0.66666 ) - 0.05 )/alpha()*MeV;
00177 }

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