PRO COSMO_PIPE COMMON psm, param COMMON sky, model cosmodir = GETPSMDIR('cosmo') dir_exists = FILE_TEST(cosmodir) IF ((dir_exists EQ 0)) THEN FILE_MKDIR, cosmodir cmbdir = GETPSMDIR('cmb') dir_exists = FILE_TEST(cmbdir) IF ((dir_exists EQ 0)) THEN FILE_MKDIR, cmbdir ;; Clear the directories if necessary ;;------------------------------------ docosmo = ((STRLOWCASE(CMB_MODEL()) NE 'no_cmb') OR (STRLOWCASE(SZ_MODEL()) NE 'no_sz')) AND SKY_TASK() EQ 'new' IF docosmo THEN CLEAR_PSM_DIRECTORY, 'cosmo' docmb = (STRLOWCASE(CMB_MODEL()) NE 'no_cmb') AND (SKY_TASK() EQ 'new') IF docmb THEN CLEAR_PSM_DIRECTORY, 'cmb' ;; Filenames to write the theory CMB cl ;;-------------------------------------- cmb_lensedcl_file = cmbdir + 'cmb' + '_lensed_cl.fits' cmb_unlensedcl_file = cmbdir + 'cmb' + '_unlensed_cl.fits' ;; Set sky resolution skyres = SKY_RESOLUTION() ;; Set sky nside skynside = SKY_NSIDE() ;; Set sky lmax skylmax = SKY_LMAX() ;; Set polar IF STRUPCASE( EQ 'TP' THEN polar = 1 ELSE polar = 0 ;; Set sky pixelisation skypix = SKY_PIX() ;;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;; ;; Get input cl ;;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;; CASE model.cmb.model OF 'gaussian': BEGIN CASE model.cmb.cmb_cl_source OF ;; Input cl read from file 'standard-LCDM': BEGIN unlensedcl = CMB_BESTFIT_CL(/UNLENSED) lensedcl = CMB_BESTFIT_CL() END ;; Input cl obtained by running CAMB 'CAMB': BEGIN ;; We have to change the current working directory to the ;; camb directory to run post July 2011 versions of ;; camb. This is done below. ;; Find camb path, and cd to that directory cambfullpath = FILE_DIRNAME(FILE_WHICH(GETENV('PATH'), 'camb')) CD, cambfullpath, current=currentdir ;; Get an absolute filename for the cosmodir directory isrelative = FIRSTCHAR(cosmodir,2) EQ './' IF isrelative THEN cdir = FIX_SEPARATOR(currentdir)+STRMID(cosmodir,2,STRLEN(cosmodir)-2) ELSE cdir=cosmodir ;; write the CAMB parameter file, run CAMB, store CAMB ouputs in cmb directory WRITE_CAMB_PARAM_FILE, model.cosmo, cdir+'camb.ini', lmax=skylmax, polar=polar, output_root=FIX_SEPARATOR(cdir)+'camb' IF PSM_VERBOSITY() GE 1 THEN PSM_INFO_SUBTITLE, 'RUNNING CAMB' SPAWN, 'camb ' +cdir+'camb.ini' ;; Get back to original working directory CD, currentdir ;; unlensed cl ;;------------- READ_CAMB_CL, cosmodir+'camb_scalCls.txt', cl, polar=polar IF model.cosmo.r GT 0 THEN BEGIN READ_CAMB_CL, cosmodir+'camb_tensCls.txt', cl_tens, polar=polar cl.C_1_1[cl.L] = cl.C_1_1[cl.L] + cl_tens.C_1_1[cl.L] IF polar EQ 1 THEN BEGIN cl.C_2_2[cl.L] = cl.C_2_2[cl.L] + cl_tens.C_2_2[cl.L] cl.C_3_3[cl.L] = cl.C_3_3[cl.L] + cl_tens.C_3_3[cl.L] cl.C_1_2[cl.L] = cl.C_1_2[cl.L] + cl_tens.C_1_2[cl.L] ENDIF ENDIF unlensedcl = cl ;; lensed cl ;;----------- IF model.cosmo.r GT 0 THEN BEGIN READ_CAMB_CL, cosmodir+'camb_lensedtotCls.txt', lensedcl, polar=polar ENDIF ELSE BEGIN READ_CAMB_CL, cosmodir+'camb_lensedCls.txt', lensedcl, polar=polar ENDELSE END ENDCASE PSM_ID_KEYGEN, cmb_id hbase = PSM_BASE_HDR(datatype='comp',dataform='cl', /setval) hcomp = PSM_COMP_HDR(compname='cmb',compid=cmb_id) MK_PSMHDR, xhdr, hbase, hcomp WRITE_CL, lensedcl, cmb_lensedcl_file, pxwin=0, beam=0, xhdr=xhdr WRITE_CL, unlensedcl, cmb_unlensedcl_file, pxwin=0, beam=0, xhdr=xhdr ;;stop END 'nongaussian_fnl': BEGIN ;;stop WRITE_CAMB_PARAM_FILE, model.cosmo, cosmodir+'camb.ini', lmax=skylmax, polar=polar IF PSM_VERBOSITY() GE 1 THEN PSM_INFO_SUBTITLE, 'RUNNING CAMB' SPAWN, 'camb ' +cosmodir+'camb.ini' ;; unlensed cl ;;------------- READ_CAMB_CL, cosmodir+'camb_scalCls.txt', cl, polar=polar IF model.cosmo.r GT 0 THEN BEGIN READ_CAMB_CL, cosmodir+'camb_tensCls.txt', cl_tens, polar=polar cl.C_1_1[cl.L] = cl.C_1_1[cl.L] + cl_tens.C_1_1[cl.L] IF polar EQ 1 THEN BEGIN cl.C_2_2[cl.L] = cl.C_2_2[cl.L] + cl_tens.C_2_2[cl.L] cl.C_3_3[cl.L] = cl.C_3_3[cl.L] + cl_tens.C_3_3[cl.L] cl.C_1_2[cl.L] = cl.C_1_2[cl.L] + cl_tens.C_1_2[cl.L] ENDIF ENDIF unlensedcl = cl ;; lensed cl ;;----------- IF model.cosmo.r GT 0 THEN BEGIN READ_CAMB_CL, cosmodir+'camb_lensedtotCls.txt', lensedcl, polar=polar ENDIF ELSE BEGIN READ_CAMB_CL, cosmodir+'camb_lensedCls.txt', lensedcl, polar=polar ENDELSE ;; write cl ;;---------- PSM_ID_KEYGEN, cmb_id hbase = PSM_BASE_HDR(datatype='comp',dataform='cl', /setval) hcomp = PSM_COMP_HDR(compname='cmb',compid=cmb_id) MK_PSMHDR, xhdr, hbase, hcomp WRITE_CL, lensedcl, cmb_lensedcl_file, pxwin=0, beam=0, xhdr=xhdr WRITE_CL, unlensedcl, cmb_unlensedcl_file, pxwin=0, beam=0, xhdr=xhdr END ELSE: BEGIN END ENDCASE END