Postdoctoral position in component separation techniques and their application to analysis of Cosmic Microwave Background data sets.

The successful candidate will have a PhD in physics, cosmology or astronomy and a background in modeling of cosmic microwave background anisotropies and/or foreground emissions in the microwave band and analysis of the cosmic microwave background data sets with special emphasis on techniques for separating microwave emissions of different physical origin. The candidate will work in the context of the ANR-BxB project, a sister project to B3DCMB, which is more oriented towards applications and actual hands-on data analysis, and will collaborate closely with members of the multidisciplinary team of the ANR-B3DCMB project.

The envisaged work will involve modelling of the foreground signals and a development of novel component separation technique and applying them to simulated data sets, as produced by the ANR-BxB project, and later to actual data sets, as for instance, expected from POLARBEAR2 and later Simons Array experiments. The candidate will have also an opportunity to be involved in other projects currently under development, such as a satellite mission, LiteBIRD, and a ground based, Simons Observatory, effort.

The candidate will be attached to and work at the APC Laboratory.

The position is for up to two years and will ideally start in the fall of 2018. Only candidates who have either just received or are about to receive their PhD are eligible.  The approximate salary after the burden will be on order of 1.8 k€. The position comes with full benefits. Appropriate travel funds are also allocated.

This position is funded by the ANR-BxB grant.

For more details and information, please contact:

radek(at)apc(dot)univ(dash)paris(dash)diderot(dot)fr   or   josquin(at)apc(dot)in2p3(dot)fr

To apply directly please send to the email addresses above: your CV, statement of research interests, and arrange for two recommendation letters.


R. Stompor



Lundi, 30 avril, 2018

