MIDAPACK - MIcrowave Data Analysis PACKage  1.1b
Parallel software tools for high performance CMB DA analysis
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8 #ifdef W_MPI
10 #include <mpi.h>
11 #include <stdlib.h>
12 #include <string.h>
32 int ring_init(int *indices, int count, int **R, int *nR, int **S, int *nS, int steps, MPI_Comm comm){
33  int err, p, tag;
34  int size, rank, sp, rp;
35  int *buf, nbuf;
36  MPI_Request s_request, r_request;
38  MPI_Comm_size(comm, &size);
39  MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &rank);
40  MPI_Allreduce( &count, &nbuf, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_MAX, comm); //compute the buffer size : max(count)_{comm}
41  buf = (int* ) malloc(nbuf*sizeof(int)); //allocate buffer
42  tag=0;
43  for (p=1; p < steps; p++){ //communication phase to get nb shared indices between peer of preocesses
44  sp=(rank+p)%size;
45  rp=(rank+size-p)%size;
46  MPI_Isend( &count, 1, MPI_INT, sp , 0, comm, &s_request); //send my number of indices
47  MPI_Irecv( &nbuf, 1, MPI_INT, rp, 0, comm, &r_request); //receive a number of indices
48  tag++;
49  MPI_Wait(&r_request, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
50  MPI_Irecv( buf, nbuf, MPI_INT, rp, tag, comm, &r_request); //receive indices tab
51  MPI_Wait(&s_request, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
52  MPI_Isend( indices, count, MPI_INT, sp, tag, comm, &s_request); //send indices tab
53  tag++;
55  MPI_Wait(&r_request, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
56  nR[p] = card_and(indices, count, buf, nbuf); //compute number of shared indices
57  nS[steps-p]=nR[p];
58  R[p] = (int* ) malloc(nR[p]*sizeof(int)); //allocate receiving tab
59  S[steps-p] = (int* ) malloc(nS[steps-p]*sizeof(int)); //allocate sanding tab
60  map_and(indices, count, buf, nbuf, R[p]); //fill receiving tab
61  S[steps-p]=R[p]; //
62  }
63  free(buf);
64  nS[0]=0; //
65  nR[0]=0; //
66  return 0;
67 }
82 int ring_reduce(int **R, int *nR, int nRmax, int **S, int *nS, int nSmax, double *val, double *res_val, int steps, MPI_Comm comm){
83  int tag, rank, size, p;
84  MPI_Request s_request, r_request;
85  int sp, rp;
86  double *sbuf, *rbuf;
88  MPI_Comm_size(comm, &size);
89  MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &rank);
90  tag=0;
92  rbuf = (double *) malloc(nRmax * sizeof(double));
93  sbuf = (double *) malloc(nSmax * sizeof(double));
95  for (p=1; p < steps; p++){
96  rp=(rank+size-p)%size;
97  MPI_Irecv(rbuf, nR[p], MPI_DOUBLE, rp, tag, comm, &r_request);
98  sp=(rank+p)%size;
99  m2s(val, sbuf, S[p], nS[p]); //fill the sending buffer
100  MPI_Isend(sbuf, nS[p], MPI_DOUBLE, sp, tag, comm, &s_request);
102  tag++;
104  MPI_Wait(&r_request, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
105  s2m_sum(res_val, rbuf, R[p], nR[p]); //sum receive buffer into values
107  MPI_Wait(&s_request, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
108  }
109  free(sbuf);
110  free(rbuf);
111  return 0;
112 }
126 int ring_nonblocking_reduce(int **R, int *nR, int **S, int *nS, double *val, double *res_val, int steps, MPI_Comm comm){
127  int tag, rank, size, p;
128  MPI_Request *s_request, *r_request;
129  int sp, rp;
130  double **sbuf, **rbuf;
132  MPI_Comm_size(comm, &size);
133  MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &rank);
134  //printf("\n non_blocking rank %d", rank);
136  s_request = (MPI_Request *) malloc((steps-1) * sizeof(MPI_Request));
137  r_request = (MPI_Request *) malloc((steps-1) * sizeof(MPI_Request));
139  rbuf = (double **) malloc((steps-1) * sizeof(double *));
140  sbuf = (double **) malloc((steps-1) * sizeof(double *));
142  for (p=1; p < steps; p++){
143  //printf("\n buf alloc %d", p);
144  rbuf[p-1] = (double *) malloc(nR[p] * sizeof(double));
145  sbuf[p-1] = (double *) malloc(nS[p] * sizeof(double));
146  m2s(val, sbuf[p-1], S[p], nS[p]); //fill the sending buffer
147  }
149  tag=0;
150  for (p=1; p < steps; p++){
151  //printf("\n isend %d", p);
152  sp=(rank+p)%size;
153  rp=(rank+size-p)%size;
155  MPI_Irecv(rbuf[p-1], nR[p], MPI_DOUBLE, rp, tag, comm, &r_request[p-1]);
156  MPI_Isend(sbuf[p-1], nS[p], MPI_DOUBLE, sp, tag, comm, &s_request[p-1]);
157  tag++;
158  }
159  MPI_Waitall(size-1, r_request, MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE);
161  for (p=1; p < steps; p++){
162  s2m_sum(res_val, rbuf[p-1], R[p], nR[p]); //sum receive buffer into values
163  }
164  MPI_Waitall(size-1, s_request, MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE);
165  free(r_request);
166  free(s_request);
167  free(sbuf);
168  free(rbuf);
169  return 0;
170 }
185 int ring_noempty_reduce(int **R, int *nR, int nneR, int **S, int *nS, int nneS, double *val, double *res_val, int steps, MPI_Comm comm){
186  int tag, rank, size, p;
187  MPI_Request *s_request, *r_request;
188  int sp, rp, nesi, neri;
189  double **sbuf, **rbuf;
191  MPI_Comm_size(comm, &size);
192  MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &rank);
193  //printf("\n non_blocking rank %d", rank);
195  s_request = (MPI_Request *) malloc(nneS * sizeof(MPI_Request));
196  r_request = (MPI_Request *) malloc(nneR * sizeof(MPI_Request));
198  rbuf = (double **) malloc(nneR * sizeof(double *));
199  sbuf = (double **) malloc(nneS * sizeof(double *));
201  nesi=0;
202  for (p=1; p < steps; p++){
203  if(nS[p] != 0){
204  sbuf[nesi] = (double *) malloc(nS[p] * sizeof(double));
205  m2s(val, sbuf[nesi], S[p], nS[p]); //fill the sending buffer
206  nesi++;
207  }
208  }
210  tag=0;
211  nesi=0;
212  neri=0;
213  for (p=1; p < steps; p++){
214  sp=(rank+p)%size;
215  rp=(rank+size-p)%size;
216  if(nR[p] != 0){
217  rbuf[neri] = (double *) malloc(nR[p] * sizeof(double));
218  MPI_Irecv(rbuf[neri], nR[p], MPI_DOUBLE, rp, tag, comm, &r_request[neri]);
219  neri++;
220  }
221  if(nS[p] != 0){
222  MPI_Isend(sbuf[nesi], nS[p], MPI_DOUBLE, sp, tag, comm, &s_request[nesi]);
223  nesi++;
224  }
225  tag++;
226  }
227  MPI_Waitall(nneR, r_request, MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE);
229  neri=0;
230  for (p=1; p < steps; p++){
231  if(nR[p] != 0){
232  s2m_sum(res_val, rbuf[neri], R[p], nR[p]); //sum receive buffer into values
233  neri++;
234  }
235  }
236  MPI_Waitall(nneS, s_request, MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE);
237  free(r_request);
238  free(s_request);
239  free(sbuf);
240  free(rbuf);
241  return 0;
242 }
243 #endif