MIDAPACK - MIcrowave Data Analysis PACKage  1.1b
Parallel software tools for high performance CMB DA analysis
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Once you have downloaded Midapack_1.1.tgz, create a directory where you want to install it, for example midapackdir. Then extract it and move to midapackdir.

  • mkdir midapackdir
  • tar -xvzf Midapack_1.1.tgz -C midapackdir
  • cd midapackdir

Here are several files and directories. Please refer to files README, LICENSE and INSTALL, to see under which conditions your distribution of Midapack is licensed and how to install it.

Midapack requires few libraries : mpi, openmp, fftw3. Ensure these libraries are available on your system. To build the library, run the following commands :

  • ./configure
  • make

The first command generate Makefiles. The second one compiles sources and build the library, libmidapack.a, in midapackdir/lib